Interesting facts about minecraft. Interesting facts about Minecraft - how to attract beginners

Everything you knew and didn't know about your beloved Minecraft game! Interesting bugs, facts, ridiculous flaws, all this and much more, you can find here. And download new version your favorite game you can here

We begin!!
A burning mob, arrow (passed through lava or under the influence of a spell), or player is not a source of light, unlike a burning block.
A burning mob or player cannot cause other mobs or blocks to catch fire.
In the Nether and the Land, the compass does not work.
The portal to the End may not be generated.
You can use silk touch scissors to collect cobwebs.
If you fish and look at your inventory at the same time, Steve will be holding a stick, not a fishing rod!
Dogs do not have the effect of poisoning, so they can be fed rotten flesh instead of meat.
The blocks are not visible through the clouds.
In the 1.4.6 pre-build files you could find a ski texture...
The creator of our favorite game, Notch, did not know the hardness of some materials, for example, lava, it is liquid and you can swim in it, in fact, even a knife cannot stick into lava, then: obsidian, it can only be broken with a diamond pickaxe, but in fact it is obsidian This is lava glass, it can be broken with your hands, well, the well-known bedrock is bedrock, this is an ordinary stone.
If the creeper is in the web, it will not explode, at any distance. 1.4.7.
You can use a fishing rod to activate a wooden pressure plate.
The workbench can be used to determine the cardinal directions: on the north and west sides of the workbench there will always be a texture with a saw and a hammer, and on the other two sides there will be a texture with wire cutters.
Pigs can carry a load of 27,578,880 kilograms if mounted by a player wearing gold armor and with a fully filled inventory of gold blocks.
Notch claimed that if you look closely at the sand of souls, you can see the faces of the griefers.
If you place cakes (preferably larger ones), the mobs standing on them will dance. They will spin and jump and will not try to cause damage. (But this does not always happen.
Originally, when Enderman were added (Adventure Update 1.8), they dropped a diamond!
If soul sand is placed on top of ice, it will slow down even more.
If you right-click on a mushroom cow with a bowl in your hand, you will get stewed mushrooms.
If there is a torch underneath a falling gravel or sand block, the gravel or sand blocks will be destroyed when they fall.
If a cat is sitting on a chest, the chest cannot be opened.
The egg has a 1/256 chance of spawning four chickens at the same time.
It takes 4 minutes and 10 seconds to break obsidian with your hand.
Most of the sounds that endermen make are the voices of people saying "Hi", "Hello" and "What's up", only run backwards, slowed down and distorted.
All cows in Minecraft are female (because they all give milk)
Despite the lack of arms, creepers climb stairs.

The computer game Minecraft has gained such popularity in just a few days that others cannot achieve for years. The creator of the game, Markus Persson, did not complicate the game with multi-faceted graphics and complex modifications. On the contrary, everything that is in the game - textures, the player, added mods and maps - is made as simple as possible. The game world is made of elementary blocks, and textures are used at a fairly low resolution. The principle of the game is to build your own world. Unfortunately (or fortunately, otherwise the game might seem boring), you won’t be able to simply build and enjoy it. The client is designed so that the player does not forget that there are monsters and evil zombies in the world who simply dream of destroying everyone who is trying to build something and acquire a household.

Over the years of Minecraft's existence, interesting facts about the game have accumulated. It’s unlikely that even the most advanced players know absolutely everything about the client, and probably few people know that on the ADDON-MCPE website you can download the full version absolutely free Minecraft version Pocket Edition with mods, maps, textures, skins, programs and other improvements. That is why going through the facts together can be very educational for admirers.

Fact No. 1 The first versions of the game were replete with skeletons that shot purple arrows. Apart from the bright color, no other differences from ordinary arrows were noticed. The game developers claim that they did not create anything like this, so it turns out that this is just a bug.

Fact No. 2 At the initial stages of testing, skeletons lost their quiver, from which they could shoot without wasting arrows. Users were unhappy when the quiver disappeared in the final version of the game. The creators met the dissatisfied halfway and returned a similar opportunity, however, only when using the “Infinity” spell.

Fact #3 The test version allowed you to generate a world by choosing its type. The indicators were resources in some quantity, as well as the surrounding landscape and conditions under which it was possible to survive. The current Lower World was then called Hell. Zombie giant

Fact No. 4 The 2009 version of the game was decorated with the presence of a Zombie Giant, who had iron health and incredible attack abilities. The Giant could only be defeated by blows to the legs. He himself could only attack if he was close to the player.

Fact #5 Rubies used to serve other functions. IN latest versions they replace money or ore, and in the initial ones they fulfilled the role that is now assigned to emeralds - they were used for exchange with villagers.

Fact No. 6 At the initial stages of game development, the creators wanted to introduce the “Heavenly World” dimension. For reasons that are kept secret, the idea was never realized. To date, memories of this dimension are preserved only in some screenshots of that time.

Fact No. 7 Few people know that the creator of the game, Markus Persson, began programming at the age of seven, and a year later he developed his first game based on adventures. Until 2009, he worked under the banner of and created the games Carnival Shootout, Luxor, and Farm for them. Then he started developing jAlbum and became one of the founders of Wurm Online, although he has not been working on the project for a long time. Created Left 4K Dead and Mega 4K Man.

Fact #8 Creator's birthday popular game Even Minecraft itself notes. The main menu displays the “Happy Birthday, Notch!” splash throughout the day.

Fact No. 9 Metals such as gold, iron, diamonds exist in any biome. But emeralds can only be mined in the mountain biome.

Fact No. 10 If attacked by dangerous slugs, you need to hide in the water, because such creatures are not endowed with the ability to swim. You need to do the same when meeting with an enderman who also cannot swim. To get rid of a slug, you can simply drown it.

Fact #11 Hellish lava flows at hellish speed, so you need to be extremely careful when encountering it. And trying to burn hellish mobs in lava is like wasting time. They don't burn or die in lava.

Fact No. 12 Ender pearls are valuable because they can teleport to any point; the direction must be selected with the right mouse button. But the price for teleportation will be loss of health. And you don’t have to look for enchantment books, you can simply craft them. In order for the idea to work out, the book is placed in an enchanter and the appropriate property is selected.

Fact #13 In hardcore mode, you should not use wooden doors. Zombies cope with them with amazing ease.

Fact No. 14 If you need to quickly increase the number of heads in the herd (no matter who - cows, pigs or other animals), then simply press an identical egg on an adult individual. In other words, if you click on the chicken chicken egg, then little Ukrainians will appear.

Fact No. 15 If the “spawning egg” is processed by spawning, several slugs will appear different sizes. Killing a big one will lead to the appearance of several smaller ones (the matryoshka principle works). They are not at all dangerous and can only push. Slugs live in swamps and in the world of super-flat dimensions, where they spawn well. The slug's mouth should be looked for closer to the right eye.

Today we bring you interesting facts about Minecraft. Not everyone knows what's special about this game. So let's see what we can do to entice players.

Feel like an architect

The first thing that may interest the public is the possibilities of creating objects and interiors. After all, the interesting mods developed for the Minecraft project are aimed specifically at construction. Thus, you can create a home or farm for yourself that will replicate the real interior as accurately as possible.

There are mods that allow you to change furniture and make appliances for your decor. As a rule, if you use the same materials with certain additions as in the “usual” creation of decorative and interior elements, then their appearance will be slightly changed in better side. So the game has the ability to create different stools, beds, chairs, tables and tables. It's funny, isn't it? But this is just the beginning of the interesting facts about Minecraft. Let's see what else you can do to keep yourself busy.

Cheerful farmer

In addition to building a house and creating furniture, there is something to do in the game. Of course, you can just run around the world and explore it. But this soon gets boring. Then you can build a spacious paddock near your home and feel like a real farmer. Let's try to figure out what we're talking about.

It's all about what you have in the game great opportunity grow seeds and tame animals. For example, you can have sheep, chickens, cows or piglets. From them, in turn, it is very easy to obtain many resources that simply do not exist in nature. The game also features the ability to tame a horse. It will help you move faster.

Of course, the fact that you can get yourself a puppy or kitten is also interesting. True, for this you will need to look for wolves (if you want a dog) or ocelots (option with a cat). After that, “make friends” with them. Then taming will become available. Cats, by the way, have their own character, which they will begin to show. For example, lying on a bed or tables. This is their favorite pastime. So be prepared for such surprises. But the interesting facts about Minecraft don’t end there. What else is there?

Defense and traps

So let's talk about another feature of the game. Naturally, you can create different weapons yourself and even make traps. If you're wondering what's interesting in Minecraft, try wandering around the world, collecting resources and creating complex mechanism- a trap. For example, a miracle box or a bottomless pit.

As a rule, the player has to think carefully about various little things, because the world of Minecraft is filled with creatures that have their own habits and character. So study possible options and elements for “construction”, and then get to work. But that's not all. Interesting Facts about Minecraft are also related to the course of the gameplay. We are talking about the various “surprises” that the game has prepared. Which ones exactly? Let's try to find out.


  • You're probably already familiar with explosives and water in the game. So, if you try to detonate TNT in a liquid, not a single block will be destroyed. This is all because in Minecraft, water extinguishes fire. What a surprise.
  • Spiders are the only creatures that “get wild” at night, and become “kind” during the day.
  • When falling, all animals take damage. Except for cats. So if a kitten or ocelot “falls” from somewhere, he won’t even notice it.
  • The bow is a pretty interesting weapon. Depending on the tension, you deal different damage to them. The interesting thing is that at the “maximum” one arrow can break an entire trolley!
  • Finding the most ordinary pumpkin in the game is much more difficult than digging up diamonds for yourself. By the way, you can use jewelry to pay village residents.

1. Blow up everything with dynamite

It doesn't matter if you play in free mode or in the story, blowing things up with dynamite is always fun!

2. Build a boat and set sail

Whether you want to play pirate or just need to get to the next island, doing it with a boat you built yourself is always fun. You never know what you can find at the bottom of the sea!

3. Build a cobblestone and stone generator

If you need great amount stones, this is the most The best way get them.

4. Build a city

Building a city is not that fast, especially if you want to make it well-equipped, but no one has yet invented a better way to kill time!

5. Build buildings from real life

It's always great to recreate something that actually exists: monuments, buildings and other nonsense. It's really great way show everyone what you are worth, because building a building from real world requires remarkable skills and abilities.

6. Collect a complete collection of crystals (64 pieces)

Crystals are always useful in the household, and it is better to have a surplus than a shortage.

7. Kill every creature at least once

It may not be very useful, but the challenge is still the same - find every creature and kill it!

8. Unlock all achievements!

Wherever you play - XBox, PC, Playstation, on a tablet or even on a Smartphone, it doesn't matter, there are always many goals to achieve!

9. Build a sky-high tower.

There are not many reasons why you would want to build a skyscraper, but there should be enough: you can look at your world from a bird's eye view, estimate how much more space you have at your disposal, or even build a city in the sky!

10. Build an animal farm

Animal farms are very useful - you can breed animals and collect animal products, which will give you a lot of wool and other cool things.

11. Kill the Ender Dragon

If you want to feel like you've achieved at least something in Minecraft, then try killing the Ender Dragon. Once you kill him, you can confidently say that you have done one of the hardest things in Minecraft!

12. Create all possible wooden devices

Creating everything you can out of wood is a great way to save resources, because in this way you will have a constant supply of wood - after all, you will grow trees almost non-stop, but you will never use them.

13. Create all possible stone devices

Same thing - and don't forget that if you have a cobblestone and stone generator, then mining the stone will become even easier.

14. Create all possible iron devices

Creating everything you can out of iron is very useful, because iron tools are famous for their service life, and you can dig mines with them!

15. Create all possible devices from gold

Gold devices are useful if you want to extract resources faster, but you need to save them for the time being, because they wear out very quickly.

16. Create every possible gadget out of diamonds

Diamond weapons are the best thing you can create in Minecraft. They last a long time and extract resources very quickly!

17. Build a Creature Crusher

Having a creature crusher is always great because it brings great benefit when it comes to resources. For example, if you build a Skeleton Crusher, you can get an unlimited supply of bones, which can be ground into bone meal, which in turn can be used as fertilizer for trees.

Also you can use bones to train wolves :)

18. Build a roller coaster

Building a roller coaster is always fun because you have no idea what you might find while you're building it. Well, when the slide is ready, you can show off in front of your friends who don’t have one!

19. Build a tree house

Tree houses are cool because with their help you can easily keep track of your enemies!

20. Find the NPC village

Searching for non-game villages always brings pleasure and benefit, because once you find one, you can easily steal all their resources or make the village the foundation for a huge city!

21. Go fishing

Fishing is always useful, because you need food for resources and for basic health replenishment! And in general it’s fun, so you combine business with pleasure.

22. Build a house differently using the same blocks

This idea may not be all that useful, but it will definitely be fun if you're already bored catching flies!

23. Build your dream home

If you have a rough idea of ​​what your dream home should look like, build it in Minecraft first! In this case, you can change the details and various building elements until the moment when your ideal home appears in front of you.

24. Build your own subway

The underground train system is a great way to get around quickly. For example, if you have several cities and you need to get from one to another, the metro will help you!

25. Plant a tree in the Nether

One tree now, 100 later. Sooner or later the Lower World will look much brighter :)

26. Play an adventure/puzzle map

This can give you pleasure, because the tasks require a certain skill, and besides, coping with them is not always easy!

27. Recreate a scene from your favorite movie and upload it to YouTube!

It may not be that easy, but when you do, you can upload the video to YouTube and show off for the world to see!

28. Hunt at night. WITHOUT weapons

It's a lot of fun... and dangerous. Yes, this requires skills: think for yourself what it’s like to defend yourself from creepers and skeletons without weapons - they have a bow and arrows, and you have bare hands!

29. Take a ride on a pig - who knows where it will take you?

Pigs stick their curious noses into every corner, so if you need to get somewhere or find something interesting, or just go to an unknown place, sit on a pig and ride for at least half an hour - take a look at where it takes you will abandon it! Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

30. Dig right under yourself

Digging directly under yourself is the first action that you cannot do, because everything can end with you falling into the abyss or into lava - depending on your luck. However, sometimes this is a good thing because you might be lucky enough to find a cave or dig up something even more special!

31. Open the mine!

Mines are a great way to extract resources - iron, gold and diamonds.

32. Start a food farm

Opening a food farm will bring many benefits: you will have an unlimited supply of melons, carrots and other products.

33. Tame a wolf

Wolves are great to keep as pets because they help you scare away creatures like zombies and skeletons!

34. Gather an entire army of wolves!

What could be better than one wolf? A hundred wolves! When you have so many predators, whoever comes near your city will face the worst day of their life!

35. Build an underground headquarters

This cool idea, because if you are on a multiplayer server, it will be much more difficult for other players to find you unless they see a tag with your name, so hide very, VERY deep underground!

36. Build a boat dock

Where else to keep boats if not at the docks? Whenever you want to sail overseas, you can easily board a ready-made transport. This is much better than building a new one every time.

37. Start a forest fire

A forest fire is a great way to quickly clear an area or just have fun!

38. Build an underground tree farm

Doesn't it piss you off when you need a bed and you go outside to get some wood and end up getting hurt or even killed? Well, if you decide to grow trees underground, you won't be risking your own life... As long as you have good lighting, of course!

39. Have a staring game with a character

Yes, it's fun, but it's also challenging at the same time, so be careful!

40. Build a water slide

Just like an American one, building a water slide is fun because you never know what you'll stumble upon while building it. When it's finished, you'll have something to show off to your friends!

41. Build a pixel art piece

This is another way to show everyone what you can do and just create something fun and funny!

42. Build a secret room

The good thing about secret rooms is that you can hide things that are valuable to you there.

43. Record music

Recording music is always fun, whether you're creating a full song or just a doorbell ringtone. Yes, it may be difficult, but it is very useful!

44. Make a snow golem

Snow golems make great bodyguards because they throw snowballs at your enemies!

45. Make an ARMY of snow golems!

Having gathered an entire army of these giants, you will be invulnerable and will be able to turn any animal into a snow animal!

46. ​​Paint the sheep

Painting sheep can be very useful, for example, if you need pixel art and need some unusual color.

47. Enchant something

Enchanted weapons are much more effective than regular ones, especially if they are made of diamonds!

48. Download and install some mod

Mods are really fun because they add a lot of different activities and things that can be useful to Minecraft.

49. Play hunger games

The Hunger Games is one of the coolest mods, because the thinnest one wins!

50. Build a volcano

Volcanoes look great in the background of any of your villages. You can even create an entire volcano island!

51. Build an underwater headquarters

The underwater headquarters is also perfect for those who play multiplayer and want to hide from other players.

52. Build a spaceship

If you have nothing else to build, think about building spaceship! You can even compete with your friends and see who can build the fastest ship!

53. Use a texture pack

Texture packs are another way to decorate your game.

54. Build a headquarters in the sky

If the Multiplayer players you encounter don't look up, they'll never find your sky headquarters!

55. Carry out a massacre

Massacre is a great way to earn experience!

This is quite easy, because all you have to do is find the creature, bring them to your headquarters and trap them.

57. Capture at least 10 zombies, jump towards them and try to survive!

Yes, this is a difficult task, but nothing is impossible, right? If you tried this and it worked, please post the video on YouTube and leave the link in the comments!

58. Arrange the launch of a cannon... man

Using a person as a cannonball is a great way to get around, as you can reach any height and distance if you have enough dynamite!

59. Collect an entire set of armor from leather, gold, chains, iron and diamonds

Each set of armor different period fitness and defensive properties, so it will be better for you to use weaker armor on weaker creatures - and vice versa.

60. Build a stadium for gladiator fights

Building a gladiator stadium is a very cool idea, because you can organize games on it where your friends will fight with whole clouds of mobs!

61. Go down to the stadium yourself and participate

By the way, there are special mods to make this task easier.

62. Record a video

Recording a video and posting it on YouTube is the best way to show everyone what you have achieved in Minecraft.

63. Build a domino effect in the sand

The domino effect looks really cool! Making a perfect row of dominoes is a very difficult task that requires a lot of skill, but it's worth it!

64. Build a working Redstone TV and watch it

It may not look like a normal television, but think about what you can't build!

65. Have a building competition with your friends

This can definitely be fun. One of your friends can be a judge, the other two build the same building, and then the judge decides who did better! The only thing to remember is that the judge should not know whose house is in front of him.

66. Make a whole comic out of pixel art

I've never seen anyone do this, but it's a good idea, right? Make your own comic or recreate something you love.

67. Create everything you can at least once.

This is very useful because you never know what you will need in the future!

68. Get very close to the creeper, and then run away without losing a single unit of health

This is much harder than you think, because the range of destruction of creepers is wow!

69. Create a game map yourself

Yes, creating your own map will take a lot of time, but there you can let your imagination run wild, and then give your friends the opportunity to play on this map and see if they can handle it?

70. Play capture the flag

Capture the Flag is a game mode from Call Of Duty, but why not play it in Minecraft?

71. Host your own fireworks show and invite all your friends!

Depending on how many fireworks you need, this will take a long time, but once you've got everything set up, you can just sit back and enjoy!

72. Breed at least 50 wolves, and then hit one...

Oh, this is a tough test, good luck! Use anything except dynamite.

73. Change your skin

A different skin will help you stand out from other players.

74. Try shooting a bow while spinning in place.

In fact, it is very difficult, because it is impossible to aim, and your target is never in one place.

75. Find a mine shaft

You can find a lot of useful things in the mine shaft, from bread to diamond tools.

76. Find a temple in the jungle

The jungle temples are as rich a deposit as the mines, and there are many diamonds and emeralds here.

77. Find all biomes

When you do this, you will gain a huge advantage, because each biome has something interesting that you have not seen before. Temples can be found in jungle biomes, oak trees can be found in ice, and emeralds can be found in high hills! According to Wikipedia, there are about 61 different types of biomes in the game.

78. Build a Streltsy row

Streltsy ranks help you not only improve your skill, but also find new way battles with skeletons or an enemy player in multiplayer.

79. Build a 50 by 50 castle with three (at least) floors

Building castles is always fun, but what if you play a little game? role-playing game and fight with a friend? Why are three floors needed? Simply so that you can show your imagination!

80. Throw eggs at chickens

Why not? It's funny to watch chickens run away from their own eggs ;)

81. Build an amusement park

Previously, I wrote about how you can build several slides. Why not the whole park at once?

82. Build a lighthouse (without using mods)

Beacons are good at pointing to your home when you're at a long distance, so I'd suggest building one ASAP!

83. Run around

Running is cool! I usually just run forward until I find something interesting or a place to build a house.

84. Build an elevator

What better way to get to tree houses and sky headquarters than by elevator?

85. Join the server

When you're bored, it's always interesting to join a server because it's a new atmosphere and environment that you can explore, and maybe play with others - it all depends on the server you end up on.

86. Try to break as many Minecraft records as possible at

This site has many world records that you are encouraged to break. Good luck!

87. Build a museum and display everything you find in the game

Above I talked about creating everything you can in the game, so why not show it off to everyone else?

88. Build a dive board out of indigenous materials, jump into a 2 by 2 hole that is at least 5 blocks deep, and try to survive!

It will be very difficult, because during the fall you will be constantly moving.

89. Try to recreate an entire episode from your favorite TV series.

This will require a lot of dedication from you, because the episode needs to be recreated second by second. Good luck!

90. Try to recreate an entire movie

It will take you 3-4 times more time to create a film than an episode of a TV series, because they usually last from one and a half to two hours, depending on the film. Good luck!

91. Start your own Minecraft server

When you start your own server, you can play with your friends without any problems. And, by the way, there is nothing complicated about this.

92. Build a monument to yourself

Just to show off.

93. Build a monument to your idol

What better way to show your appreciation to someone than by building their monument in Minecraft? :)

94. Play Walls

Walls is another great game map!

95. Do griefing

Of course, this is not the best thing to do, but if you are really that bored, and you have nothing against hatred, then go ahead - attack the first server you come across and destroy everything you see. Just don't touch your friends and their villages!

96. Set goals for yourself to achieve.

For example, select a few items from this list and try to complete them as soon as possible.

97. Play Minecraft in Hardcore mode

Hardcore mode is even harder than Survival because you only have one life - see how long you can stay alive. GOOD LUCK!

98. Play Minecraft in Survival Mode

Playing Minecraft this way is the easiest way, because the main thing is to survive.

99. Play Survival Island

Survival Island is another cool game map, so enjoy!

100. Play the Sky Block card

Last but not least, the card is Sky Block.

Computer game Minecraft literally in a few days she gained such fame that others cannot achieve for years. Game creator, Markus Persson, did not complicate the game with multi-faceted graphics and complex modifications. On the contrary, everything that is in the game - textures, the player, added mods and maps - is made as simple as possible. The game world is made of elementary blocks, and textures are used at a fairly low resolution. The principle of the game is to build your own world. Unfortunately (or fortunately, otherwise the game might seem boring), you won’t be able to simply build and enjoy it. The client is designed so that the player does not forget that there are monsters and evil zombies in the world who simply dream of destroying everyone who is trying to build something and acquire a household.

Over the years of Minecraft's existence, they have accumulated interesting facts about the game. It’s unlikely that even the most advanced players know absolutely everything about the client, so going over the facts together can be very informative for fans.

Skeletons minecraft

Skeletons minecraft

Fact #1

First versions of the game were replete with skeletons that shot purple arrows. Apart from the bright color, no other differences from ordinary arrows were noticed. The game developers claim that they did not create anything like this, so it turns out that this is just a bug.

Fact #2

In the initial stages of testing, skeletons lost their quiver, from which they could shoot without wasting arrows. Users were unhappy when the quiver disappeared in the final version of the game. The creators met the dissatisfied halfway and returned a similar opportunity, however, only when using the “Infinity” spell.

Fact #3

The test version allowed you to generate a world by choosing its type. The indicators were resources in some quantity, as well as the surrounding landscape and conditions under which it was possible to survive. The current Lower World was then called Hell.

Fact #4

The 2009 version of the game was decorated with the presence of a Zombie Giant, who had iron health and incredible attack abilities. The Giant could only be defeated by blows to the legs. He himself could only attack if he was close to the player.

Fact #5

Rubies used to serve other functions. In the latest versions, or ore, and in the initial ones they fulfilled the role that is now assigned to emeralds - they were used for exchange with villagers.

Fact #6

In the initial stages of the game's development, the creators wanted to introduce the "Heavenly World" dimension. For reasons that are kept secret, the idea was never realized. To date, memories of this dimension are preserved only in some screenshots of that time.

Fact No. 7

In the initial versions of the game there were four additional mobs that were drawn by Scott-Baron. He started drawing the first versions of the game. But after two months he was fired and the mobs were removed.

Marcus Persso

Fact #8

Few people know that the game’s creator, Markus Persson, began programming at the age of seven, and a year later he developed his first adventure game. Until 2009, he worked under the banner of and created the games Carnival Shootout, Luxor, and Farm for them. Then he started developing jAlbum and became one of the founders of Wurm Online, although he has not been working on the project for a long time. Created Left 4K Dead and Mega 4K Man.

Fact #9

Even Minecraft itself celebrates the birthday of the creator of the popular game. The main menu displays the “Happy Birthday, Notch!” splash throughout the day.

Fact #10

Metals such as gold, iron, diamonds exist in any biome. But emeralds can only be mined in the mountain biome.

Fact #11

In the event of an attack by dangerous slugs, you need to hide in the water, because such creatures are not endowed with the ability to swim. You need to do the same when meeting with an enderman who also cannot swim. To get rid of a slug, you can simply drown it.

Fact #12

Hellish lava flows at hellish speed, so you need to be extremely careful when encountering it. And trying to burn hellish mobs in lava is like wasting time. They don't burn or die in lava.

Fact #13

Ender pearls are valuable because they can teleport to any point; the direction must be selected with the right mouse button. But the price for teleportation will be loss of health. And you don’t have to look for enchantment books, you can simply craft them. In order for the idea to work out, the book is placed in an enchanter and the appropriate property is selected.

Fact No. 14

In hardcore mode, you should not use wooden doors. Zombies cope with them with amazing ease.

Fact #15

If you need to quickly increase the number of heads in the herd (no matter who - cows, pigs or other animals), then simply press an identical egg on an adult individual. In other words, if you press a chicken egg on a chicken, small khokhlushki will appear.

Fact No. 16

If the “spawning egg” is processed by spawning, several slugs of different sizes will appear. Killing a big one will lead to the appearance of several smaller ones (the matryoshka principle works). They are not at all dangerous and can only push. Slugs live in swamps and in the world of super-flat dimensions, where they spawn well. The slug's mouth should be looked for closer to the right eye.

Fact No. 17

The animation version of the hand that held the card was changed during the creation of Minecraft 1.4.7. In the same version, the Creeper can be thrown into a web, and then it will not be able to explode.

Fact No. 18

Collapsing blocks on yourself in the game gives you the ability to see through the ground. And with the help of an ordinary wooden fishing rod pressure plate activates perfectly.

Fact No. 19

Using ingenuity, you can improve your life. For example, the ability of animals to attack the player if he has a bunch of wheat in his hands can be used in different ways. At least as an option to press on the plate to ensure the intake of water procedures when the player is in the shower.

Fact #20

The signal light in snapshot 13w02b was formerly called the Beacon.

Fact No. 21

If there are single rabbits sitting on the edges of the rock, then on the last block they can be gathered into one large crowd. This is a feature of the Aether mod.

Fact No. 22

In the creative mod in single and online modes, if a player breaks five blocks arranged in length, he can place four.

Fact #23

Minecraft version 1.3 is decorated with the character Herobrine. This was the name of the brother of the game creator Markus Persson, who died. The character Herobrine is very similar to the player himself, only he has empty eye sockets. Herobrine can be detected by specific features: smooth pyramids, stone tunnels and huge excavations on the site of caves. Herobrine does not attack first, but he is quite capable of destroying buildings. Sometimes he steals items hidden in chests. Persson warned that he wanted to introduce Herobrine in advance. It is much easier to see him if the distant visibility is turned on to “Very Low”.

Fact No. 24

Slugs appeared in the initial versions of the game. They look like a greenish cube that shows through the air a little. The slug sizes come in four sizes: huge, large, medium, small. Slugs can spawn in both dark corners and lighted areas. This opportunity was given to them first. They can climb to a depth even below the 16th level.

Fact No. 25

To spawn, slugs require a huge amount of space, which they find either in caves or in mines. They get out of the caves along the steps at the moment when the mob begins to follow the player. In version 1.7, slime is used to create a sticky piston, and can be obtained by killing slugs. The smallest one gets 2 units of mucus.

Fact No. 26

Air is also a block that is invisible and has no solid outline, but is nevertheless used to fill spaces that are not filled by any block. This is the first block that was added to Minecraft. From a technical point of view, air is not regular block, but map editors view it that way. Air is completely transparent, but it can also be destroyed by simply putting something else in its place. Players and mobs calmly pass through this block; air does not affect movement in any way. As a block, it is still necessary, since it will save you from asphyxia if you have to stay somewhere in the sand for a long time.

Fact No. 27

In crafting, only one block of technical value is used. If a mob, player or arrow is on fire, then it cannot be a light source. But a burning block can. Neither the mob nor the players can become a source of fire. In the version " Pocket Edition“Fire is invisible and can only be detected by noticing smoke particles.

Fact No. 28

When Notch didn't like the texture of the pig, it was decided to give it a replacement in the form of creepers. It was decided to give this name to the monsters, since translated from English it means “goosebumps” that appear when you see them. Sometimes creepers are called thieves because they steal diamonds. Another translation option for the word “creeper” is reptile.

Fact #29

The Jack-O-Lantern cannot be moved like pistons, it will immediately drop out as an item. And through the clouds it is impossible to see any blocks. If the player hides behind the vines, mobs will not be able to see him.

Fact #30

The ladder in Beta 1.6.6 can be broken if you really need to get the very material that was spent on its manufacture.

Fact #31

In Minecraft 1.5, when eggs are renamed, mobs are awarded given name, appropriate to the situation. Also in this version, death messages began to be given out in more rich details.

Fact #32

There was a ski texture in the 1.4.6 pre-build, which was later removed. And the frame fits perfectly behind the chest.

Fact #33

Notch, creating his own best game, seemed to have little understanding of the hardness of some materials. Or maybe he was deliberately trying to confuse the players. For example, lava is so liquid that you can swim in it like ordinary water, although in fact it is extremely dense. Obsidian in Minecraft can only be broken with a diamond pickaxe, although it is just fragile glass that can be broken even by hand. Bedrock bedrock is actually a common stone. So you shouldn’t try to expand your knowledge base through the game and take everything that happens in it as a constant.

That's not all facts you can tell about Minecraft. This is just a small part of them. Each version of the game brings something new that you can talk about, discuss, or just remember with a smile. Not every development of Notch ended in success; sometimes the creators noticed their mistakes only when the version had already gone on sale and players began to test it, who actively discussed on the forums what they liked and what they were unhappy with. As a result, each subsequent version turned out to correct the errors of the previous one. And all these mistakes, which seemed so unpleasant at first, are today remembered with a nostalgic smile and fall into the category of interesting facts.