Interesting unusual facts about the bathhouse. Unexpected and interesting facts about saunas and baths

Funny case. More precisely, not just funny, but one that caused me a wave of Homeric laughter.
I wrote about the presence of several saunas at the Alpbacherhof hotel, where we stayed in Tyrol.
My husband was not interested in all sorts of infrared and Turkish ones. He chose Finnish for himself. Moreover, it was located in a separate house by the pool, entwined with beautiful vegetation.
He is a stern man, in a word, a normal, healthy, Russian man, 2 meters tall and with slanting fathoms in his shoulders.
Normal Russian men are accustomed to the fact that in public baths men and women wash separately. And if these are joint baths/saunas, especially in hotels by the pool, etc., then it is customary to either wear swimming trunks or cover your private parts with a towel.
In Germany, and its ilk, Austria, women and men wash naked together without feeling embarrassed. There is no division into "M" and "F"
Before the first approach, I did not have time to warn him and cautiously told him about this feature only when he came out after the first approach.
Sipping cold wine, I lazily asked him, “Has a naked German aunt visited you yet?”
- Yes, I came!... I'm crazy! Damn, one body walked in there! I sit and think what the fuck? I didn't order!
I laugh, he growls.
I ask, through laughter - Well, at least the pretty, darling one looked in?
The husband explodes. What the hell?!... The dried pear rolled and I almost vomited.
It's even funnier to me.
Then we shopped, went to the bar and my husband said, it looks like people are out for lunch, I’ll go and make a few more visits.
Did. No incidents.
We are sitting near the pool. One lady in a black swimsuit walked past us into the sauna and immediately jumped out, showing with gestures and facial expressions that she was in shock, so to speak. She walked, covering her face with her hands and... either giggled or shook her head like - wow!!!

My husband and I, looking at this, started making obscene jokes. Well, like, I probably saw a naked man and jumped out. She was probably very confused by the size of his device. Or maybe there’s actually a pervert sitting there.
The lady sat down on her sun lounger and they began to whisper with their friend and giggle loudly, periodically covering their face with their hands, as if to say - What a horror!
Then a man in red shorts came out of the sauna.
At first we realized that he was the reason for what was happening.
Walking past his giggling girlfriends, he turned around and said something. A dialogue ensued between them and I immediately stood up, all attentive... - Now, it seems there will be a showdown!

But no! After a couple of minutes of conversation, the three of them were already laughing together. Another burgher joined them and the four of them continued to discuss the event in the sauna and laugh.

Mine, believing that there was no one in the sauna, went for the last run. And I, either to the pool or to get drinks, got distracted. In short, mine is coming back, foaming at the mouth and steam coming out of the nostrils.
I ask, “What happened?”
The story began with an untranslatable Russian dialect. I can’t give his story verbatim - because of censorship😂😂😂
But it was very colorful! I haven't laughed so much in a long time. I almost stuttered.

In general, the gist is this (I’ll write it in digestible phrases, as if on behalf of my husband)

I go into the sauna, there are two old pterodactyls sitting there. The woman at the entrance is bald and old and the man has her morel on the shelf above. I pass by this humanoid, she barks something, but I don’t understand what she barks.
I rinsed off in the shower, washed off the water from the pool, and put the towel on the shelf, and this morel starts screaming. And then it dawns on me that they demand that I take off my panties.
*ooh! they bark at the top of their lungs, wave their arms and say that it’s not customary for us to go to the bathhouse in shorts. Shoot immediately! And the bastard throws my towel from the shelf onto the floor.😱😱😱
Mine, of course, after such a boorish and very unfriendly action, all the bolts break.

During the course of this play, mine answered them in Russian, untranslatable. And this little guy asks him. - Do you speak English?
Mine, of course, immediately answered (in Russian, of course) that he was still blowing, and right now he was blowing like a child, both in his speech and in his English. Pterodactyls begin to go on an active offensive, demanding to take off their panties.
My, recalling in English, a phrase close in meaning (to what he told them in Russian)
Tells them - FUCK YOU! FUCK OFF!
Then another tirade like, “Pray to God, you freak, that you don’t know Russian, otherwise you’d be very upset right now!” Pterodactyls jump up, flap their wings, asking for a good kicker, and shout good obscenities, continuing in unison to demand that they immediately take off their panties. Mine has passed the boiling point and he swings at the old pervert (my fist, I must say, is the size of this sick man’s head), but realizing that even with half an effort this goblin will lie down and not get up, mine simply opens his fingers above him and hisses,
- Get the fuck out of here before he kills you and your bald toad! It’s not me who will take off now, it’s you who will now pull on your trousers and tie them behind your ears very tightly so that they don’t fall off.

The burghers run away shouting like - we will complain! You have no right to go to the bathhouse in shorts.

We never saw these goblin perverts in the hotel again.

I was lying on my shell!!! It was very funny. Mine hissed for probably another hour. Cursed like a big man😂😂😂
How could he not bend these idiots and German traditions 😂😂😂😂😂

Now it became clear to me why other Germans jumped out of the sauna as if scalded, giggling and clutching their heads. This pair of pterodactyls sat there and barked at everyone in swimsuits and panties, forcing them to appear in front of them in the costumes of Adam and Eve..

Old perverts 😂😂😂

I then teased my husband until the end of his stay.
- Go go to the sauna! Check it out! Get things in order! Let them put on their panties!

In general, it’s so colorful! And I don’t know how accurately I managed to convey the essence and emotions, but for me it was a real earworm.
And if anything, I’ll say right away that we have nothing against the German traditions of combined M/F washings, we also know that we don’t go to the bathhouse in pajamas. But to me, the very fact that some pervert, senile idiot tried to take off my husband’s underwear, because he and the toad accompanying him wanted it, is already hilarious, and when it’s also so theatrical, then....😂😂😂 😂😂 I'm just lying around.

During bath procedures in one of the saunas it is customary to talk leisurely (in which one - read our other publications). One of the topics for conversation could be a few interesting facts about the sauna.

1. What is steaming? Most people know that in Rus' they steamed “black and white,” but not many know the fact that there was such a way as “let’s get in.” How was this done? What does this mean? The fact is that in Russian houses the stoves were of impressive size. After cooking, after the oven had cooled down a little, all the ash was raked out of it, the inside was lined with dry straw or grass and they climbed inside to steam - “let’s get in.” They splashed water on the hot walls and created steam.

To this in an unusual way those of our ancestors who lived in arid steppe or simply devoid of forest areas, where it was problematic to build a full-fledged bathhouse, resorted.

2. It is customary to come to a Japanese sauna clean. The Japanese sauna, called furo, is a large container with hot water, about 400 degrees Celsius, and the water in it may not change for several days, but the visitors do. Therefore, in order not to pollute the water, you need to come in initially clean and use this procedure to warm up. At the same time, the sauna room itself Japanese houses designed exactly like a sauna. You can imagine the surprise of foreign guests that taking a bath after someone else is in the order of things.

3. In Mexico, the Mexican Indians have a steam bath, and it is called “temazcal”. The process of soaring in it is a very pleasant procedure. It takes place on a special mat, which is spread on the floor. The bather lies down on it, and, according to the special custom of the Mexican Indians, a person of the opposite sex floats.

4. B ancient Greece Instead of our oak or birch brooms, brooms made from bay leaves were used. And Hippocrates, famous for his oath, was a supporter of cleanliness and steam. He discovered that when high temperatures and humidity, waste and toxins are removed from the body along with sweat. Modern scientists have confirmed his findings.

5. In the Roman Baths, the cost per Roman was no less than modern man. Although in ancient times it was much more difficult to obtain water in such quantities than in modern times. Giant multi-kilometer viaducts served this purpose.

6. In some European countries (Germany and Austria), visiting public saunas is allowed for both men and women. That is, being naked in the same sauna with both strangers and colleagues, for example, at work, is a common thing.

7. Sawdust bath Let's return to Japan again and describe a type of dry bath - “sawdust bath”. It is prepared as follows - various herbs and herbs are added to the sawdust remaining after sawing cedar wood, mixed, and heated to 60 degrees. Next, a person is buried in them so that only the head remains on the surface. Heated sawdust, like sand, perfectly absorbs sweat and other skin secretions. And the person undergoing this procedure also receives a wonderful aromatherapy session.

8. Sauna in a bag

Now let's go back to our ancestors. In Rus' there was also a type of dry bath - a bath in a bag. And it was done as follows. They took a bag, filled it with flower hay or birch leaves, heated it, and then a person climbed into the bag.

9. Sand sauna Well, the last one on our list is a sand sauna, which is done as follows. There is a place with clean, heated sand, into which a person is buried so that only his head is outside. Sand heated in the sun warms up the body, like in a steam room, and perfectly absorbs sweat and other skin secretions. It is best to complement this procedure with a subsequent swim in the sea. This procedure is still used today against many diseases.

In one of the countries, it is customary to take a sauna not only to enjoy the process itself, but also to leisurely exchange thoughts. So what to talk about in the bathhouse? Why not show off your curious knowledge about the bathhouse itself?

1. How did people steam with “valazne” in Rus'?

Unlike the usual Russian bathhouses “in white” and “in black”, this is the first time most people hear about the method of steaming “with a vlaznem”. Here's how it was done. After the food was cooked, the oven was allowed to cool, then the ash was cleaned and the inside was covered with grass or hay. And since the stoves were quite large in size, they climbed into the middle to steam, hence the name - “climbing” to steam. Steam was produced by pouring water onto the still heated walls. Such an unusual bathhouse was good for the inhabitants of the steppe area, where there was little forest, and a real wooden sauna was a luxury.

2. If you go to a Japanese sauna, wash yourself at home.

Furo is a sauna, which is a reservoir in which water heated to 400 degrees is changed every few days, but visitors come daily. This container is not intended for washing, but for heating, and you should immerse yourself in it already washed so that the water stays clean longer. For foreigners this is a curiosity, but for the Japanese it is commonplace.

3. In the Roman baths they did not skimp on water.

To deliver water to Rome, huge viaducts were built. Despite this, the ancient Romans did not spend less water than modern bathers.

4. The Greeks steamed themselves with laurel brooms.

Long before modern scientists, Hippocrates understood medicinal property baths, namely, that humidity and temperature - worst enemies toxins and wastes.

5. In Mexico, a woman hovers a man and vice versa.

Temazcal is a Mexican Indian steam bath. According to tradition, the visitor lies down on the floor on a special mat, and the soaring procedure begins, which is doubly pleasant.

6. In Germany and Austria, bath attendants have no complexes.

In these countries, it is not considered shameful for both men and women to be naked in a sauna at the same time, regardless of whether you know them or not.

7. Therapeutic sand sauna.

As the name suggests, a person is buried in already sufficiently heated sand, which perfectly absorbs sweat and secretions. Naturally, after such a session you will want to swim in the sea.

8. Dry Japanese aromatic sawdust bath.

Cedar wood sawdust is mixed with herbs and heated to 60 degrees. Next, the person is immersed in them entirely, except for the head. In addition to the hygienic effect, the visitor will feel the whole range of aromas.

9. Ancient Russian bathhouse in a bag.

The principle is the same: the bag was filled with birch leaves and hay from under the flowers, heated, and then the person climbed into it.

The first clear mentions of the Russian bath were found already in the 10th century, and then the steam room was called differently: soap room, movnya, vlaznya. Unlike the Asian and European versions, the bathhouse looked tougher and more “intimidating.” The overseas guests looked warily towards the brooms that were whipping the backs of the unfortunate (in their opinion) Russians, comparing this strange act with torture. The rumor about the bathhouse, where they “knock out the fool,” subsequently quickly and widely spread throughout the world.

In Rus', the bathhouse was traditionally heated once a week. Saturday was considered a bath day. Starting somewhere in the 15th century, public steam rooms came into use, where men and women coexisted well next to each other and were not embarrassed by their nudity. This was another blow for impressionable foreigners, who found it difficult to understand and, even more so, accept the free morals of wild Russia.

The joint “washing” stopped by order of Catherine the Great, who saw suspicious implications in this. And with good reason. Representatives of the most ancient profession used the baths for their “secret” purposes, practicing the services of the so-called rubbing ladies. Having heard about such debauchery, the empress decided to put an end to all frivolities and, by decree, divided the baths separately into women's and men's. By the way, it was precisely this circumstance that allowed the country to avoid the syphilis epidemic that covered Europe in the 18th century.

Oh this broom

A bathhouse without a broom is like vodka without a snack. It is interesting that its presence in steam rooms is considered an exclusively Russian invention. Not without all sorts of beliefs and recommendations in terms of use.

For example:

  • Experts in the bathing business say that under no circumstances should brooms be torn from double-trunked birch trees, as well as from trees that have survived a fire. It is believed that trees that have received stress from the incident pass it on to the steaming person, and this, in turn, can lead him to various diseases.
  • The best brooms are obtained from birch trees that grow near bodies of water and necessarily bend their branches directly towards the water.
  • The ideal time for knitting brooms is during the full moon. Then they become saturated with energy and acquire additional healing properties.
  • Birch broom is an excellent “cure” for rheumatism. Oak is recommended for use in various inflammatory processes on the skin and high blood pressure. Linden will help remove headache, and conifers are a recognized fighter against diseases respiratory system. Nettle helps relieve nervous tension and works for general strengthening body, and juniper will be useful for patients with gout and radiculitis.

Baths of the world

The concept of a bath in each country was understood differently, and over time, approaches to the adoption of water procedures also changed significantly.

  • Coming to a Japanese sauna “dirty” is strictly prohibited. And this is not due to any religious or national principles, it’s just that in the Land of the Rising Sun it is not customary to change the water in the bathing container after each visitor. It can remain unchanged for several days, so it is logical that you need to come to water procedures already clean and not create unnecessary problems for subsequent clients.

Even in ordinary Japanese homes, it is considered normal to take a bath after one of the family members. This is a real reason to be amazed for foreign guests who are accustomed to identifying Japan with high technology, total scrupulousness and respect for personal space.

  • The Mexican version of the bath is called temazcal. Its principle is as follows. In the steam room, a special mat is laid on the floor on which the bather lies, and a person of the opposite sex acts as the direct bather. These are like this interesting customs The Mexican Indians had them, and they migrated almost unchanged into modern life.

Unusual variations on the bath theme

Everyone is accustomed to perceiving a bathhouse as a separate building or part of a spa complex - in a word, a room with a steam room and preferably a swimming pool. But there are a number of interesting interpretations of bath procedures that are no less useful and pleasant to the senses.

  • Sawdust bath. It is practiced in Japan and is prepared like this - fragrant aroma is added to cedar sawdust herbal teas, mix thoroughly, and then the resulting mixture is heated to 60 degrees. A person buries himself in sawdust so that only his head is visible from the container. Just like sand, sawdust acts as a moisture absorber, in this case sweat and other skin secretions. An additional bonus is a wonderful aromatherapy session.