Interesting psychological facts that few people know about. The most incredible and interesting facts that few people know about

Water of the Dead The sea can hardly be called water - it would be more correct to say “strong salt solution”, since the concentration of all kinds of salts in this water reaches 42%. To create such a solution at home, you will have to pour three bags into the bath table salt and manage to stir it until completely dissolved.

* The eternal question of the chicken and the egg in the Bible is solved simply - in chapter 1 of the Book of Genesis, it is clearly stated: “...And God created great fish... and every feathered bird... And God saw that it was good.” So the chicken came before the egg.

* The Roman Empire had more than 80,000 kilometers of stone-paved roads. Many of these roads have survived and are still in use today, requiring no repairs.

* In the old days in Rus', rolls were baked with a handle resembling a bagel. It was customary to eat the kalach while holding the handle, and after eating it, throw away the handle or give it to the poor. This is where the expression “get to the point” arose.

* One of the most honorable occupations in Rus' was that of a spitter - one who sowed turnips. Turnips have very small seeds: there are more than a million of them in one kilogram. It is impossible to sow them by hand. The seeds were spit out, and good spitters were highly valued.

* By decree of the Russian Empress Elizabeth in 1746, the branding of criminals with hot irons was legalized. It was this decree that gave birth to a new epithet, still applied to rogues and swindlers - burnt.

*Until 1885, vodka in Russia was sold to take away only in buckets (12.3 liters).

* A shabby appearance has nothing to do with the meal. “Shabby” in Peter’s times was the name given to the coarse fabric from which the cheapest clothes were made in the factories of industrialist Ivan Zatrapeznikov.

* The police did not get the nickname “garbage” because of household waste. The fact is that before the revolution, the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department was called the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department. The offensive nickname came from the abbreviation ICC.

* In the Old Church Slavonic alphabet, the letter X was read as “her” (short for cherub). From it comes the word “poherit” in the meaning of “crossing out something on paper with a cross.”

* Dead Man's Chest is not a chest at all, but an uninhabited island in the Caribbean Sea, with an area of ​​only 200 m2. At the beginning of the 18th century, the formidable pirate captain Edward Teach landed 15 rebels here and left them only a bottle of rum, dooming them to certain death from thirst and hunger. However, the rebels survived and were returned to the ship a month later. In their honor, the pirates composed a famous song.

* Tarif is an island in the Mediterranean Sea where port parking fees were first charged during Arab rule in the 8th century.

* By order of the Admiralty of England, in order to prevent theft, since 1776, red thread began to be woven into all ropes for the navy during production. The thread was woven in such a way that it could not be removed even from a small piece of rope. This is where the expression “a thought running like a red thread” arose, that is, a thought without which the narrative cannot do.

* In 1791, the British authorities began active struggle with superstitions among sailors. On the twice-cursed day, Friday the 13th, construction of a large ship began at the shipyard. Without fear of sin, they called him “Friday.” The ship was launched, of course, also on Friday, and it sailed into the foggy distance. Since then, no one has seen either the ship or the crew...

* In England in 1812, a law was passed, which is still in force, according to which all morgues are equipped with a bell with a rope so that the “dead person” who awakens from lethargic sleep can call for help.

* Headless flatworm grows a new brain, complete with all the old memories.

* There are still whales alive in the world that were born before Moby Dick was written in 1851.

*The communication system of dolphins is so developed that each dolphin has its own name, to which it responds when its relatives address it.

* Koala fingerprints are indistinguishable from human fingerprints even under a microscope.

*Each zebra has a unique pattern of black and white stripes, similar to human fingerprints. A zebra cub recognizes its mother by the drawing. The first time after the birth of a foal, she shields him from her relatives with her body so that he remembers her coloring.

*Each cat's nose print is unique, no two prints are alike.

* Unlike humans, animals do not produce the enzyme to break down the alkaloid theobromine. If a dog eats a chocolate bar, it will die.

* Wolves form stable family pairs that last throughout their lives.

* Mosquitoes are the most dangerous animals on Earth for humans. Carriers of more than a hundred deadly diseases (including malaria, yellow fever and encephalitis), they kill up to 3 million people every year.

* One of the most interesting secrets of nature is the secret of the engineering art of beavers. During the construction and repair of dams, beavers in some unknown way carefully coordinate their actions. Hundreds of animals took part in the construction of the largest known dam, which is more than a kilometer long. Beavers work in shifts, in small “teams” and at the same time strictly adhere to the general plan.

* Quills protect hedgehogs from the cold no worse than skins protect other animals.

* All polar bears are left-handed.

* If bat is sick and cannot fly out to hunt, her neighbors feed her.

* A chameleon's eyes move independently of each other, so it can look in two different directions at the same time.

* Duck quacks don't echo, and no one knows why.

* The Bounty Islands have nothing in common with the tropics. These are barren subantarctic uninhabited islands in Pacific Ocean, on which only penguins, albatrosses and seals are found.

* The Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean is so deep that if you throw a coin into it from the surface of the water, it will take more than an hour to reach the bottom.

* The moon is shaped like an egg and appears round only because its thick end is turned towards the Earth.

* In addition to the Moon, 6 more asteroids accompany the Earth, moving in its orbit around the Sun. One of them is Kruinha, with a diameter of more than 5 km, located 15 million kilometers from the Earth. So, with some stretch, we can say that the Earth has 6 moons, and not one.

* The Greek Sirtaki dance is not a folk dance - it was invented in 1964 for the Hollywood film “Zorba the Greek”. Even the name of the dance was invented - it was suggested by the leading actor, American actor Anthony Quinn, and the music for the dance was composed by the Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis. After the release of the film, sirtaki became the most popular Greek dance in the world and one of the symbols of Greece.

* Chocolate is not harmful to teeth; moreover, it slows down the development of caries. True, we are not talking about milk chocolate, but about dark chocolate.

* The inscription “does not contain cholesterol” on the packages vegetable oil- nothing more than a publicity stunt. Cholesterol can only be found in animal fat. In addition, the harm of dietary cholesterol is greatly exaggerated - we get only 20% of this vital substance from food, the remaining 80% is produced by our body.

* The human heart is located in the chest not on the left, but in the middle.

* Yawning cools your brain the same way a fan cools the insides of a computer.

* It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.

* There is no yellow race. A typical Chinese is no yellower than a typical Frenchman.

* In winter, first of all, you need to take care of your gloves, not your hat. A man in the cold loses from the surface of his hands more heat than with a bare head.

Interesting Facts:

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Throughout history, many inexplicable miracles and phenomena have occurred in the world. Rumors of healings, visions of religious figures, sacred relics doing incredible things captivate people to this day. Science is unable to explain many of these phenomena; they remain mystical. All this confuses skeptics and amazes believers. If anything, these stories are worth telling.

Saint Clelia Barbieri Clelia Barbieri was born in Italy in 1874. She helped found the women's monastic congregation "Little Sisters of the Sorrowful Virgin Mary" and at 23 years old she was a very influential person. Unfortunately, she soon died of leukemia. However, before her death, Clelia told her followers: “Be brave, I am going to heaven, but I will always be with you, I will never leave you.” A year after her death, while the sisters were singing high voice

filled the church, merging with their voices. Since then, her voice has always echoed them in prayers. They say that Clelia's voice can still be heard within the walls of her church.

Martin de Porres Martin de Porres was a simple person

, who worked like all the other poor and sick people of Peru. During his lifetime, many miracles were attributed to him: levitation, magical healing and the ability to be in two places at the same time. For example, in 1956, a cobblestone fell on a man’s leg and crushed the bone. He developed gangrene and was diagnosed with hepatitis. Doctors were going to amputate the leg, but one woman prayed over it all night. The next day, when the bandages were removed, the leg was unrecognizable. Amputation was no longer necessary.

At 23, Michael Crow suffered from a condition called acute myocarditis. His heart was functioning at only 10 percent, and this was harming his entire body. A transplant was necessary, otherwise he would not survive. However, doctors categorically ruled out the possibility of a transplant, considering it too risky. An hour after the doctors’ decision, his blood pressure rose, and a little later the left chamber of his heart started working on its own. An MRI scan showed that there was not a single scar on the heart. Now the young man has already been discharged from the hospital and is completely healthy.

19 year coma

In 2007, Jan Grzebski woke up from a 19-year coma to find that Poland was no longer under communist rule and that everyone now had mobile phone. But the most amazing thing is that he was able to survive such a long coma, because the doctors said that he would live no more than a few years. Ian credits his wife for caring for him all these years and moving his body for several hours a day, thanks to which he avoided bedsores.

Miracle in Lanciano

In the 7th century AD, a monk in the Italian town of Lanciano doubted the doctrine of transubstantiation (the Catholic teaching that the wine and bread of believers are the blood and body of the Lord). One day, when he was reading the words of transubstantiation, the wine and bread actually turned into blood and meat. He told other monks about this, then this blood and meat were placed in a special container and are still a relic among Catholics.

In 2005, Lynn Jennifer Groesbeck lost control and her car fell into the river, leaving the road. On back seat There was a one and a half year old daughter of a young woman. Lynn died instantly, and the girl hung upside down over the icy water, but was still alive. She spent 12 hours like this. Four police officers who arrived at the scene of the accident claim that they heard a distant voice asking for help. Finding the little girl, they rescued her. No one understands how she could survive such an accident.

Church cures cancer

At 57, Greg Thomas learned that he had terminal cancer. He lost his job and was ready to say goodbye to his family, with no hope of getting out. One day he was walking his dog and came across an abandoned church. Not knowing what to do with himself, he decided to restore this church and asked the city for financial assistance in exchange for him rebuilding the temple himself. After the church was restored, it turned out that the disease had subsided.

Virgin Mary of Guadalupe

Apparitions of the Virgin Mary have occurred throughout world history; in 1531, she appeared to the Mexican peasant Juan Diego. The Mother of God told him to ask the bishop to build a temple. Diego went to the bishop, but he did not believe him and demanded proof. Then the Virgin Mary told Diego to pick roses from a barren hill and put them in his cloak. Having done so, he took these roses to the bishop, and, unfolding his cloak, he saw there an image of the Virgin Mary. This portrait has survived to this day in excellent condition.

Saint Joseph of Copertino

Saint Joseph of Copertino liked to levitate. They say he defied gravity more than seventy times, having to restrain himself to stay on the ground. Today he is considered the patron saint of aviators.

Incorruptible bodies

Catholics and Greek Orthodox believe that the bodies of some saints do not decompose, or that their decomposition is slowed by divine intervention. Embalmed or mummified bodies cannot be considered incorruptible; those that achieve this status are often put on display.

Russia is a country of large scale and with great history. But people know about it abroad only through Dostoevsky-Tolstoy and global politics. Needless to say, even Russians themselves are not always familiar with the history of their country. We at the editorial office of Interesting to Know decided to somewhat fill this gap and remembered 7 truly amazing facts about Russia, which will be very useful for every person to know.


Everyone knows that Russian Federation is famous for its geographical scale, but what are they in numbers? So, the area of ​​Russia is 17 million square kilometers. For clarity, this is per million square kilometers more sizes Pluto.

Not the biggest drinkers

For several decades now, it has been impossible to shake the myth that we are the heaviest drinking nation in the world. Yes, we drink twice as much as Americans, but this not an easy task we are seriously inferior to our comrades from South Korea: According to statistics, these comrades consume no less than 14 shots of strong alcohol per week.


Surprisingly, if you add up capital 20 richest people Russia, the amount will be slightly more than $227,000,000,000. This figure exceeds Pakistan's GDP, which is only $215 billion.


Russia can boast of the Adler-Krasnaya Polyana highway, which was created on the eve of Olympic Games. The peculiarity of it is that it cost the country damn dearly. According to independent sources, this road cost the budget as much as 266.4 billion rubles. Particularly inquisitive netizens calculated that if the same road were built exclusively from foie gras, which is considered a very expensive delicacy in many countries, its cost would be reduced by a full third.

Moscow Metro

It turns out that the capital's metro serves more than 9 million passengers daily. And this is more than the load on the London and New York subways combined.


Russian pipelines through which different corners the world is transported great amount oil and gas, can circle the globe 6 times. The total length of pipelines belonging to Russia is a “modest” 259,913 kilometers, and the circumference of the Earth is 40,075 kilometers.


One fifth of all fresh water The land is concentrated in a single lake, which is located on the territory of our country. So, the citizens of Russia are the least likely to face a global drought.