An interesting test to determine temperament. Diagnosis of temperament

The term “temperament” is of Latin origin and translated means “ratio”. The first scientist to define four types of temperament was Hippocrates, who lived in the fifth century BC. He believed that a person contains four fluids: sangius (blood), flegma (phlegm), chole and melas chole (yellow and black bile, respectively). The type of reactions of a particular person, according to Hippocrates, depends on which liquid predominates. In subsequent eras, temperament types were divided into strong and weak. The strong are phlegmatic, and the weak are melancholic.

Sanguine is sociable and active

It is not difficult to distinguish from owners of other types of temperament. This is usually a sociable person who easily adapts to the situation. He is active and has expressive facial expressions. In a sanguine person mental processes change easily and quickly, so he is almost never in danger of overwork. Sanguine people easily get along with people and calmly part with them. He copes well with any negotiations, but is much less successful in matters that require perseverance and DC voltage strength The processes of excitation and inhibition in sanguine people are balanced.

A phlegmatic person is not a lazy person at all

In a phlegmatic person, mental processes arise and change slowly. The owner of this type of temperament is generally characterized by low activity. He does not adapt too quickly and does not adapt well to the changed situation. For this he needs quite long time. Outwardly, his temperament is manifested in the fact that the phlegmatic is inactive, speaks slowly, and his facial expressions are inexpressive. It is not easy to get him out of patience, but the one who succeeds usually regrets it very much later, because stopping a phlegmatic person is just as difficult as rousing him. Characteristic all owners of this temperament - perseverance, perseverance, the desire to bring what they started to completion. A phlegmatic person is a reliable life partner and business partner who usually strictly complies with the terms of the agreement.

Choleric - a person who is addicted

In a choleric person, mental processes arise and change rapidly. This is a quick-tempered, but easy-going person. He gets carried away easily, but just as quickly loses interest if he fails to achieve immediate success. However, a choleric person, thanks to his assertiveness and desire to invest all his strength in what interests him, often achieves excellent result. He is sharp in communication, proactive, energetic, but a rapid burst of activity very quickly gives way to indifference. Excitement in a choleric person prevails over inhibition.

Melancholic is focused on experiences

Melancholic is weak psychological types. He is prone to excessively deep experiences even when there seems to be no reason for this. His feelings are stable, but they hardly appear outwardly. In the owner of this type of temperament, inhibition prevails over excitation. The slightest opposition unsettles you. He is characterized by timidity and indecisiveness, he is very vulnerable. Owners of this type of temperament prefer individual work to collective work.

The phlegmatic type of temperament is characterized by calmness, resistance to stress, peace of mind, as well as hard work, endurance, ability to make friends, natural modesty. These and other qualities help phlegmatic people easily get along with people of different temperaments.


A phlegmatic person is able to maintain equanimity in almost any situation. stressful situation. You need to try very hard to piss him off, however, if you succeed, then he will completely pour out all the accumulated anger. Therefore, it is better not to shake its inert external stimuli state, and instead just enjoy communicating with very calm person, which are rare.

He is characterized by passivity various kinds affairs. A phlegmatic person will prefer routine work that can be done without unnecessary fuss. This has its advantages: phlegmatic people almost always achieve career growth, while representatives of others experience ups and downs. It can be assumed that in love they rarely show initiative due to their passivity. No, their self-esteem is fine, but at the same time they are childishly modest.

Representatives of this type of temperament have one of the rare qualities - the ability to listen to other people. They are excellent conversationalists because they rarely interrupt and are attentive to detail. Thanks to their calm nature and ability to weigh a situation before taking or advising something, they find mutual language and with hot-tempered choleric people, and with fickle sanguine people, and with sensitive melancholic people. At the same time, phlegmatic people do not strive to be the first to make contact, but they are able to easily maintain acquaintances that once took place.

Phlegmatic people have high intelligence, diligent and efficient. They can easily spend one or more evenings carefully studying treatise, or for complex embroidery. Speaking in general terms, phlegmatic people are similar to track and field athletes who choose endurance running rather than short sprint distances. In communication, encourage any of their attempts to offer initiative, pay due attention to their positive traits, from time to time offer participation in joint meetings, trips, as well as creative and business projects.

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Hippocrates divided humanity into 4 types of temperament: sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic. Choleric is a very energetic person. You can work and live peacefully with such a person, provided you obey him unquestioningly. To create a friendly atmosphere, it is better to fulfill all his requests and desires.


To determine the type of temperament, set some task for the subject. If he immediately began to carry it out, without thinking into the details and without making plans, you have a choleric person in front of you.

When achieving a goal, a choleric person will definitely find many allies, because... he has an innate ability to persuade and lead people.

Most likely, your manager at work is choleric, because... They are characterized by the desire to dominate, the ability to correctly assess the situation, and the ability to manipulate others.

Argue with a choleric person. When participating in debates, people of this temperament always defend their point of view to the end, even knowing that they are wrong. Cholerics will never compromise. Possessing great self-confidence, they are not able to hear others and accept other people's opinions. Sometimes they lack a sense of tact.

If you are already for a long time communicate with a person of this type character, you have never seen him dull or indifferent. Invite him to participate in a charity event, for example, in saving people during disasters, or in holding a political rally; a choleric person will never refuse such an idea.

In any situation, choleric people take the reins of power into their own hands. They are often surprised that other people cannot find the right way to solve a problem. The main thing for this type of people is achieving their goals.

The character is complex in such a way that he does not need friends. He always remains independent of other people's opinions. When a group is needed to achieve goals, he will be happy to work in a team, but only on such conditions as to be the first and the first to achieve the goals.


Among the famous choleric people are such people as Alexander Suvorov, Peter I, Alexander Pushkin.

One of the four types of human temperament - sanguine, at first glance, is very positive. In fact, cheerfulness, sociability, goodwill, non-conflict - all these character traits are very attractive. But is everything really so good for a sanguine person?


A sanguine person is an incorrigible lover of life. And from this love of life come all the derived traits of his character.

He is energetic because he is constantly in search of new sensations and vivid impressions. And this energy manifests itself in everything. Even if he does some hard, unpleasant work, he does it energetically. If only in order to finish it quickly and start getting new, more pleasant impressions.

This test will help you determine what type of temperament you are.

No temperament can be said to be “good” or “bad.” Therefore, your task is not to try to change your temperament (this is impossible), but to use it wisely positive sides and try to neutralize negative manifestations.

In addition, no person has any type of temperament in its pure form. Usually it's a mixture various types, but one still prevails. Try to determine which type of temperament prevails in you.

We invite you to take a short test.

Mark next to each statement: + (corresponds to you) or - (does not correspond to you).

Questionnaire text

1. You are restless.

2. You are quick-tempered and impulsive.

3. You are usually impatient.

4. You are proactive and decisive.

5. You are persistent and even stubborn.

6. You are resourceful and quickly navigate an argument.

7. The rhythm of your activity is uneven and spasmodic.

8. You like to take risks.

9. You easily forgive insults.

10. Your speech is fast and emotional.

11. You often suffer from your imbalance.

12. You don't tolerate anyone's shortcomings.

13. You are attracted to everything new.

14. Your mood often changes.

15. You are a cheerful and cheerful person.

16. You are always collected, and your energy is in full swing.

17. You often quit something you started halfway through.

18. You don’t always correctly assess your strengths.

19. Your interests and hobbies change often.

20. You easily get used to new circumstances.

21. It is not difficult for you to be distracted from your own affairs, and you quickly deal with someone else’s problem.

22. Painstaking work that requires patience is not for you.

23. You are sociable and responsive.

24. Your speech is clear and loud.

25. You have excellent self-control and do not panic even in difficult situations.

26. You fall asleep easily and wake up quickly.

27. You find it difficult to concentrate and make thoughtful decisions.

28. You are absent-minded and inattentive.

29. You are reserved and cold-blooded.

30. You are consistent in your words.

31. You are careful and reasonable.

32. You are characterized by restraint, you know how to wait.

33. You are not too talkative and do not like empty chatter.

34. Your speech is measured and calm.

35. You distribute your strength correctly and never give your all.

36. You plan your affairs and adhere to a clear daily routine.

37. You take criticism calmly.

38. It is difficult for you to immediately switch to another activity.

39. You are even, a good relationship with people.

40. You are careful even in small things.

41. It is difficult for you to adapt to a new environment.

42. You are very slow.

43. You are shy.

44. The new environment leaves you confused.

45. You are not confident in yourself, in your abilities.

46. ​​Loneliness does not bother you.

47. Failures and troubles unsettle you for a long time.

48. During difficult periods in life, you withdraw into yourself.

49. You are not very resilient, you get tired quickly.

50. Your speech is quiet and sometimes slurred.

51. You automatically adopt the character traits of your interlocutor and his manner of speaking.

52. You are very impressionable and sensitive.

53. You have high demands on yourself and the world around you.

54. You are characterized by some suspiciousness and suspicion.

55. You are easily offended.

56. You are pleased when others empathize with you.

Well, did you answer the questions? Let's look at the test results then.

The test has 4 groups of questions, each group contains 14 statements. In the first group (from 1 to 14 statements) a description of a choleric person is given. In the second group (from 15 to 28 statements) - the characteristics of a sanguine person. In the third group (from 29 to 42 statements) there is a portrait of a phlegmatic person. In the fourth group (from 43 to 56 statements) there is a description of a melancholic person.

If in any of the groups you received more than 10 pluses, then this type of temperament prevails in you. If the number of pluses is 5-9, then these traits are expressed to a significant extent in you. And if there are less than 4 positive answers, then the traits of this type of temperament are weakly expressed.

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It is very good that the world is inhabited by people of different temperaments - that is the only reason we have not yet quarreled, like choleric people, have not let everything take its course, like sanguine people, have not become isolated in our own experiences, like phlegmatic people, and have not drowned in tears, like melancholic people.

True, people with pronounced signs of one or another temperament are rare. Most of them have a mixed temperament with a predominance of traits of one type, which makes it possible to define a person as sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic or melancholic.


Cholerics have many wonderful character traits. They are proactive, energetic, decisive and efficient. Choleric people are excellent inspirers and organizers who have a sharp mind, know what they want, and persistently move towards their goal. To achieve it, they are ready to do anything - even go over their heads.

They are confident that they know everything and will answer any question. Others also get this impression, which is why choleric people often turn to people for advice and help.

It is not surprising that choleric people are natural born. They strive to take this position even when they find themselves in an unfamiliar company or in a new team. They are not afraid to be in opposition - they like to enter into discussions and defend their point of view, even if deep down they understand that they are wrong. They will try to suppress their opponent or opponent at any cost.

Cholerics are optimists who do not despair of difficult situation, and enthusiastically begin to resolve it. They have great things.

This strengths individuals with a choleric temperament. But choleric people also have disadvantages, which makes communicating with them not so easy. They are also authoritarian. For them, their own opinion is above all, and they are always ready to ridicule someone else’s. They strive to make all decisions alone.

Cholerics can be rude, arrogant, sarcastic and even cruel. Compassion and empathy are not characteristic of them; other people's tears only irritate them. They are independent and easily break off relations with those who do not recognize their leadership.

Many choleric people are characterized by selfishness, cunning and resourcefulness.

Famous dictators and tyrants possessed precisely this type of temperament.


Sanguine people are energetic and friendly, welcoming and with any person they will always have a topic to talk about. They say about such people: “They don’t mince words.”

Any event that attracts the attention of a sanguine person evokes a lively response from him: he either laughs at the slightest reason or just as sincerely gets angry for some insignificant reason. sanguine people are bright and expressive - you can easily identify him by them. But if he wants, he can completely control his feelings and not show them.

Sanguine people are optimists, they are carefree and joyful, they live in the present, do not remember past failures and do not think about the future. They are active and efficient, they are alien to routine and monotony, they crave new bright impressions.

But sanguine people are often fickle, disorganized and have a tendency to use other people, make promises and not keep them. They easily admit their guilt and just as easily find excuses for themselves and ask for forgiveness, but they continue to behave as before. They can be on their own and impose their point of view; they like to dominate.

Phlegmatic people

Perhaps this is the most attractive type of all temperament types. Phlegmatic people are friendly and smiling, they are... faithful friends, husbands and wives, good parents. They are difficult to unbalance, they are diplomatic, they are called peacemakers because they avoid conflicts themselves and help other people find a common language.

Phlegmatic people are good people, they easily open their souls strangers, talking about their experiences, and they will find for everyone kind word. At the same time, phlegmatic people themselves are secretive and are in no hurry to open their souls.

They express their own opinion only when asked, and do not impose it on others, like choleric people.

Among the disadvantages are isolation, anxiety, pessimism. Phlegmatic people are often conservative, do not like innovation and change, are stubborn, stingy and somewhat selfish.

Melancholic people

Many philosophers, musicians, writers, art critics, designers, and people of other creative professions have a melancholic temperament. These are integral individuals with formed moral values. They are faithful, devoted, sacrificial, respond to other people's requests and are ready to help even at the expense of themselves.

Melancholic people are vulnerable and emotional, prone to philosophizing, analysis and introspection, they are thinkers. Often they are too zealous in introspection and soul-searching, as a result of which they fall, because they are rarely satisfied with themselves.

Among melancholic people there are many hypochondriacs who are overly concerned about their health and are constantly looking for some new “serious” disease. The majority of melancholic people are introverts.

Some character traits of melancholic people prevent them from building harmonious relationships with other people. They like to talk about someone in order to criticize, but they themselves are very much: for them it is extremely important what other people say about them. And in order to gain their approval, they may act contrary to their wishes. But they remember the insults inflicted for a long time.

Like phlegmatic people, melancholic people are pessimistic.

The German philosopher wrote about them: “A melancholic person will take for tragedy what a sanguine person will see only as an interesting incident, and a phlegmatic person will see as something not worthy of attention.”

“Every person is a victim of his temperament, unless temperament is sacrificed by a person, which is observed no less often,” - Alexander Rafailovich Kugel.

If we take into account the type of temperament of our colleagues, friends and acquaintances, it will be easier for us to predict their behavior and find our own approach to each. We will understand the motives of the choleric person when he tries to impose his opinion on us, we will be able to trust the phlegmatic person, knowing that he will not betray us, we will not sneer at the melancholic person so as not to hurt him, and we will not get bored with the sanguine person.

True, when determining someone else’s temperament, it’s easy to make a mistake, because it’s not for nothing that Hans Eysenck developed an entire technique with many questions, which is used by many psychologists and psychotherapists. It has two options, so that with the help of repeated research, the psychologist gets a more accurate result. The text of the questionnaire, the keys to two options A and B and instructions on how to use it can be found on the Internet by typing in the search “Eysenck EPI Method”.

Based on the immediate answers that must be given to the 57 questions proposed in the test, a person’s habitual way of behavior is revealed. his temperament, emotional stability, deceitfulness or sincerity are determined.

It is interesting that the German physiologist Wilhelm Wundt identified best signs each temperament and advised people to take a little from each: perceive everyday joys and sorrows like a sanguine person; during important events behave like a melancholic when making decisions - like a phlegmatic; and in his aspirations, which deeply affect personal interests, to be like a choleric person.

Temperament is an innate cumulative system psychological characteristics person. Psychologists distinguish 4 types of temperament: Melancholic, Sanguine, Choleric and Phlegmatic. In its “pure form,” none of the temperaments is found; as a rule, in addition to the predominant, so-called basic temperament, a person combines the traits of two or even three more types of temperament. Throughout life, under the influence of external factors, some traits of temperament may be smoothed out or, on the contrary, become more pronounced, but in general, the predominant type of temperament is laid down at birth.

Hat test)). Determining temperament from a picture.

Try to imagine yourself in the place of the person whose hat was “damaged” and choose the appropriate option without looking at the answers. You are asked to choose a picture from the cartoons, so the situation is a little exaggerated. At the same time, in life we ​​do not always show our temperament and most often we suppress our reactions so as not to “scare” others. Therefore in this moment When testing, be honest with yourself.


1. Choleric.

2. Melancholic.

3. Sanguine.

4. Phlegmatic.

Figured temperament test.

Choose the figure that is closest to you.


1. Square - phlegmatic.

2. Triangle - choleric.

3. Rectangle - Mixed type of temperament.

4. The circle is melancholic.

4. Zigzag - sanguine.

Description of temperament types.

Phlegmatic person

Unhurried, unperturbed, has stable aspirations and mood, outwardly stingy in the manifestation of emotions and feelings. Has logical judgments. He has a strong, balanced, efficient nervous system, a persistent, persistent worker, he gets things done to the end. Most often he is calm, restrained and constant in his feelings, his mood is even, he rarely loses his temper.
Capable of deep, stable and permanent feelings. Phlegmatic is peaceful, attentive, caring. Moderately talkative, does not like to chat about trifles. Saves energy and does not waste it. Facial expressions, speech, gestures and actions are slow and calm, restrained, emotionally inexpressive. He is thorough, reliable, and distinguished by the depth and constancy of his thoughts.
But a phlegmatic person has difficulty switching from one job to another, “swings” for a long time, does not adapt well to a new environment, and is passive ( low level activity), it is difficult to develop new habits and behavior patterns, but they become persistent. He is characterized by lethargy, laziness, indifference to others, and lack of will. Tends to do familiar work in familiar, familiar surroundings.


Fast, passionate, impetuous, open, with quick mood changes. Choleric is active, mobile, optimistic, impulsive, but at the same time easily excitable and restless. Choleric is also strong nervous system, but he is unbalanced, quick-tempered, irritable, impatient, touchy, vulnerable.
He may have emotional breakdowns. Due to conflict, he does not get along well with other people. A choleric person easily switches from one task/topic of conversation to another task/topic; he is characterized by sudden mood swings. He is highly excitable, has pronounced emotional experiences, and is unable to control his emotions.
The movements and speech of a choleric person are fast, intermittent, abrupt, impetuous, and impulsive. Prone to exhaustion, because when he is passionate about a task, he acts with all his might. In the interests of society, he is proactive, principled, active, and energetic.
In the absence of spiritual and personal growth affective, irritable, hot-tempered, aggressive, unrestrained, conflictual.


A lively, hot-tempered, active person, with frequent changes of mood and impressions, with a quick reaction to all the events happening around him, quite easily coming to terms with his failures and troubles. Sanguine is cheerful, friendly, talkative, flexible, and responsive.
He has a strong, balanced nervous system, high performance, while he is active and mobile, easily experiencing failures. He communicates easily with people, quickly gets along with people, switches easily, easily and quickly reacts to what is happening around him. At the same time, he strives for novelty, a change of impressions, is restless, and does not sufficiently regulate his impulses. He has rich, agile facial expressions, fast, expressive speech.
A sanguine person cannot do things that require concentration, attention, perseverance, or patience. He has a rapid change of feelings, but the feelings are shallow, he is prone to inconstancy and superficiality.


A person who is easily vulnerable, prone to constantly experiencing various events, he reacts sharply to external factors. A melancholic person is highly impressionable, easily emotionally vulnerable, touchy, but at the same time sensitive and empathetic, easily gets along with different people, non-conflict.
He has a weak nervous system, increased fatigue, low mental activity, and slowness. He is highly emotional, but tends to experience problems within himself, which leads to self-destruction. His feelings are deep, constant, stable, but at the same time poorly expressed. He has difficulty concentrating on anything for long periods of time.
A melancholic person experiences failures hard and acutely (they often give up), he is timid, shy, anxious, indecisive, unstable to stress, his speech is quiet, slow. He is withdrawn, uncommunicative, quiet, pessimistic, his mood changes easily, but at the same time he is melancholic and reasonable.
In a healthy environment, he is productive and can perform monotonous work that requires attention, perseverance, patience, and concentration. A deep, meaningful person. But under unfavorable circumstances, he becomes anxious, withdrawn, fearful, and vulnerable.

Scientists have noticed that the strongest and most outstanding individuals, as a rule, have a strong character, and a pure type of temperament. Thus, O.V. Suvorov, A.S. Pushkin, I.P. Pavlov approached “pure” choleric people. Famous melancholic people: Mozart, Poganini. Sanguine - Yu. A. Gagarin. Many others no less famous people, also had pure, or close to pure types.

Character and temperament are usually quite strongly connected with each other; it depends on them how a person will behave in a particular situation. life situation. On our website you can also take a free patented character and temperament test, we hope that this will help you better understand yourself and the people around you. Good luck!