The art of negotiation: How to prepare for an important meeting. How to acquire effective negotiation skills

Who should be included in the delegation?

You need to prepare for any serious negotiations. It is advisable to find out in advance the positions and responsibilities of all participants on the partner’s side. It is important to establish who the real leader of this group is, so that then, during the meeting, give him more attention. Often this is not the head of the delegation at all, but, for example, the head of the department that is most interested in the outcome of the negotiations. And only knowing all this, you should form your own team of negotiators. According to Marina Arkhangelskaya, business etiquette consultant at ABC-Training, the success of the future meeting depends 80% on how well it is drawn up.

Business etiquette is based on two fundamental things: saving time and ranking by position. Therefore, the main principle when selecting participants for a business meeting is to achieve complete parity, says Marina Arkhangelskaya. - An equal number of people should be present in the negotiations on each side. Moreover, if, for example, a manager and his assistant are planning to come from one company, then the opposite party must present itself in the same composition. Meeting participants need to be matched with position to position.

It is very useful to collect as much information as possible about your partner before the meeting and prepare a dossier. If you also formulate a draft agreement in advance and even discuss it first by phone or by mail, then perhaps you will be able to agree on most of the points in a working manner. Then at the negotiating table you will be able to focus on the main thing.

So, let's say negotiations are organized on the initiative of your company and it, as they say, calls the tune. How many people should be included in the delegation? It depends on your goal. If it is to provide the partner with information about a new project, then the number of participants does not matter. If the negotiations are intended to discuss any problems and make specific decisions, then the number of participants should be limited.

A large team will have a psychological advantage, but one-on-one meetings will increase the likelihood of reaching an agreement.

The main principle by which the composition of the participants in the negotiations is determined is the real need for each of them to be present at the meeting, says Marina Orlova, trainer-consultant at the Arsenal management school. - You need to invite those whose presence is really necessary, and not those who can or want to come. As practice shows, the effectiveness of negotiations is inversely proportional to the number of participants.

About the benefits of punctuality

By business etiquette, it is customary to notify a partner of the desire to negotiate two weeks before the expected date of the meeting. Moreover, the place is offered by the inviting party, and confirmed by the invited party.

Even before the start of negotiations, it is worth discussing and approving the range of issues that will be discussed and identifying the goals of the meeting.

There is no special “negotiation” time. However, the first half of the day is considered the most fruitful. Meeting after lunch is not considered bad manners. It is indecent to make appointments early in the morning or late in the evening.

Naturally, you cannot be late for negotiations. But you shouldn’t arrive early either. This can unsettle the owners.

An ideal negotiation lasts two hours. If you cannot meet this time, then you must take at least a half-hour break before the next two-hour block.

During a pause, guests can be offered coffee or tea. According to etiquette, drinks are served first to guests, starting with their manager, then - in the same order - to their employees.

Smoking during negotiations is allowed only when agreed upon in advance. However, now more and more often people do not smoke and drink nothing but mineral water at the negotiating table.

Houses and walls help

Where is it better to meet - in your own office or on neutral territory? The answer, again, depends on your goal. If you want to achieve a psychological advantage, then it is better to invite a partner to your company.

It is ideal to hold meetings in specially adapted meeting rooms. The doors of furniture in these rooms must be tightly closed, and there should be no unnecessary documents on the tables. Otherwise, the invited party will feel uncomfortable.

The main element of the meeting room environment is the table.

Business etiquette suggests that the best table for negotiations is round or oval, says Marina Arkhangelskaya. - Any table with corners initially sets up interlocutors for confrontation. It happens that the owners have only traditional rectangular table. In this case, they must remember that during the meeting they cannot seat anyone either at the head or at the end. The arrangement of partners should be like this: opposite each other, depending on their rank or position.

It is impolite to seat guests with their backs to the door or facing the window. A representative of the receiving party should sit facing the door and, say, discreetly signal to the secretary to change the ashtrays or bring water.

If you meet unfamiliar people, it is very useful to place cards on the tables in advance with the names and surnames of all participants in the negotiations. This will make it easier for them to communicate.

It is also worth making sure that there is enough free space between those sitting. Optimal distance- 1.5-3 meters. This is the so-called “social distance”.

Too much distance between partners can create a feeling of detachment, says Marina Orlova. - But a familiar manner of conducting a conversation is also harmful. You cannot invade the personal space of your table neighbors, touch other people’s things and documents without permission, or try to make yourself more comfortable than the owner of the office.

The unconditional rule of negotiations is confidentiality. Therefore, if you decide to record a conversation on videotape or a voice recorder, you should ask your partner’s permission in advance.

Greeted by clothes

The appearance of negotiators must be impeccable. As Cervantes said, “clothes clothe and unveil.” By our appearance, people judge the seriousness of our intentions and professionalism.

So, when going to an important meeting, it is best to dress conservatively. classic style. It invariably testifies to the solidity, respectability and good taste of its owner. The set of “uniforms” of a male negotiator includes a two-piece suit in gray or of blue color, a long-sleeved shirt - light plain or with thin stripes, a silk tie, socks to match the trousers and lace-up low shoes. Women should also wear a classic suit and pumps with flat heels. For negotiations, daytime makeup is optimal; well-groomed hands and neat hair are required. A business woman should not look like a “blue stocking,” but miniskirts and extravagant accessories are unacceptable for her. The set of decorations should be kept to a reasonable minimum.

Business is a genderless community, says Marina Arkhangelskaya. - And many generally accepted rules of behavior - for example, the custom of letting a lady go first - lose their meaning here. Of course, if a lady is given a seat at the negotiating table, that’s good. But a business woman should not demand this.

There are special rules for handling business cards. If a handshake and introduction are formal acts of acquaintance, then the exchange business cards- informal. Be sure to thank them for receiving the business card. Gross violation- instantly put it in your pocket or business card holder. First you need to read the card carefully.

Knowing the subtleties of etiquette is important not only for diplomats. An awkward gesture or word can blur the entire impression that you planned to make on your business partner. How to prepare for important meeting and not allow a single puncture?

The power of words

It is customary in Russia to address partners by first name and patronymic. Except when corporate culture allows you to call each other by name, in the American manner.

Etiquette strictly prescribes how to structure a conversation in order to consistently carry out the intended plan and remain friendly at the same time.

It is not customary to immediately take the bull by the horns, advises Marina Arkhangelskaya. - It is considered good form to say two or three phrases on secular topics at the beginning of negotiations - about the weather, the latest cultural events, the economic situation.

The most valuable qualities of a negotiator are patience, tact, diplomacy, insight and calm. Experts do not recommend sitting with a straight face during a business meeting, but showing your emotions is also undesirable. You can’t speak loudly, but you shouldn’t whisper barely either. Unnecessary noise and sudden movements should be avoided. You need to be friendly, but still keep a psychological distance.

For example, you should not abuse compliments, says Marina Arkhangelskaya. - You can only pronounce those that relate business issues. Sometimes it is permissible to note the business suit of the interlocutor. But it is undesirable to move on to discussing the remarkable qualities of his personality.

In conversation, it is better to stay one step more formal than one more familiar. But you shouldn’t be afraid to be friendly. A positive attitude and interest can be shown with the following phrases: “Glad to see you!”, “Thank you for taking the time to meet with us!”.

Experts consider demonstrating a sense of superiority to be bad form. This can be expressed in threats, remarks, accusations, or a condescending tone. It is indecent to hint to your interlocutor about your connections with influential people. It is impolite to demonstrate unshakable confidence in your rightness, make categorical statements, impose your advice, or interrupt your interlocutor.

On the contrary, if you feel that you are being pressured, you should not take a defensive position. This will lead the negotiations to a dead end. You should answer your partner politely and calmly, and if you feel an attack of irritation, simply remain silent.

The golden rule of diplomacy is to be careful with the words “no”, “never”, “this is impossible”.

You shouldn’t start a sentence with words of denial, says Marina Arkhangelskaya. - Often this becomes the beginning of a conflict, confrontation. Of course, you also need to be able to say “no”. But before you refuse, you should definitely explain the reason why your partner’s offer is not interesting to you.

All agreements that were reached during the negotiations come into force the moment they are recorded on paper and signed by the leaders of the two parties. This can be not only an agreement, but also a protocol of intent, which is not binding.

And the most important rule of negotiations: never promise what you cannot deliver. It always discredits. It is better to exceed your partner's expectations than not to meet his expectations.


Nikolai SKOROKHODOV, manager of the Pizza Center company (Moscow):

Lack of punctuality. If a partner is late for negotiations, it means that he will be careless in business. My practice has confirmed this more than once. I also always pay attention to how a person is dressed. After all, sometimes an entrepreneur operates in words large sums, and from his appearance you cannot say that he has even once seen such money in his eyes.

Vladimir LIM, owner of the network of photo laboratories "Fuji Photo Center" (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky):

I really don’t like it when a meeting is poorly prepared. I prefer to discuss the meeting plan in advance so as not to waste time. It’s worse when your interlocutor keeps wandering into unrelated topics and sends the secretary to look for the missing piece of paper.

Valery GREKOV, CEO"Grill-master" company:

I don’t like it when my interlocutor behaves arrogantly, shows inappropriateness, or disrespects other people’s business.


Many in Russia are confused by the American manner of getting down to business right away and quickly dotting the i’s, as well as the love of discussing business problems at early breakfasts, standing “lunches” and “breaks”. However, this does not mean a lightweight approach to the matter. Members of the American delegation are quite independent when making decisions. All of them, as a rule, good specialists on the issues to which the negotiations are devoted.

In order to conduct a meeting with Americans and Canadians most effectively, you should not make it too formal. And don’t be surprised if, ten minutes after meeting, your overseas interlocutor begins to address you simply by your first name. This is not a manifestation of familiarity, but evidence of a friendly attitude towards you.


The basis of business etiquette adopted in British Isles, traditional English rules good manners.

Communicating with panthers from England should be emphatically polite and formal, using the addresses “Mr,” “Mrs,” and “Miss.” During negotiations with them, any physical contact other than a handshake is excluded. You should come to the meeting in classic clothes. Good start for business conversation- exchange of views on the latest cultural or sporting events.

When planning a meeting with the British, it is worth remembering that their working day usually lasts from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. During the working day, they most often are not distracted by lunch, postponing long gastronomic procedures to the evening.


Business people from Arab countries are characterized by a sense of self-esteem and national pride. Great importance has the level at which negotiations take place.

Partners from Arab countries will definitely ask you during a conversation: “How are you? How’s your health?” But that doesn't mean they really want to hear detailed story about your well-being. This is just a tribute to oriental etiquette.

Until you get to know your interlocutors better, it is not recommended to joke. You should not touch on religious topics or inquire about your spouse’s health. You can't expose the soles of your feet - it's indecent. We must remember that Islam prohibits alcohol. Therefore, it is better to offer tea and coffee to your guests from the East.

And also be prepared that you will have to wait a long time during negotiations with Arab businessmen. Punctuality is not their best trait.


The Japanese are very scrupulous in following the meeting protocol. When meeting with them, you should not dress too brightly. A conservative style is more suitable.

You can win over your interlocutors from the Land of the Rising Sun by showing your powers of observation and knowledge of their national traditions.

According to Japanese business etiquette, the party that makes concessions can count on a reciprocal gesture from its partners. But keep in mind: the word “yes” does not necessarily mean that they agree with you. It just means that the interlocutors heard and understood you. The fact is that in Japan it is not customary to say the word “no”.

The key factor on which tactics depend is self-esteem. If it is stable and sustainable, then the person will try to negotiate constructively and mutually beneficial. If a person feels insecure, then he will “get on the defensive” and be afraid of losing. If she is unreasonably tall, she will try to compete and “pull the blanket” over herself. In these two cases, the person himself behaves destructively. But in both cases, he believes that the problem lies with the negotiating partner. A kind of “blind spot” principle occurs when a person is able to understand and notice everything, except for the reason that creates problems in negotiations.

Adequate self-esteem is developed by surrounding yourself with a large number of people who can and want to tell you the truth about yourself. They are not employees of your company, not managers or colleagues, but your friends and comrades with whom you are on good terms. If you are adequate in your self-esteem, then you are adequate both in negotiations with partners and in personal communication.

What to think about in advance

Negotiation styles can be roughly divided into two types: emotional and rational. When going to a meeting, think about how your partner prefers to behave.

If his communication style can be called rational, one should focus on measurable indicators of negotiations and, at the beginning, rely on what is easier to calculate. And only then move on to what is more difficult to measure.

If he uses an emotional communication style, then you should focus on the emotional background of the negotiations. What arguments are needed to convince someone who is close to you that you are right? Almost none. What if he hates you? Also none - it’s unlikely that anything will help here. It is important to take small steps to make negotiations simple and enjoyable for your partner.

We need to prepare in advance for different options behavior of the negotiating partner. If he uses attack tactics, then it is necessary to think about how to respond to aggressive and not always adequate reproaches, claims and restrictions. If he defends himself, we need to think about what arguments can be used to “pull” the partner out of the state of waiting for action only on our part.

It is always better to negotiate alone. There is no one to rely on, you count on
you're only preparing for yourself
to the maximum

Here it is important to act “by the method of gradual approximation”: to record minimal joint actions as an approach to the common result. This could be an agreement on the duration of negotiations, a list of issues to be discussed, and their order.

The more information you collect about your partner in advance, the better. But it is important not to show your interest before negotiations have begun. Moreover, try to hide your awareness as much as possible.

If you have gathered information (yes, speculative information) about your partner's interests and negotiating style, then you can probably determine which aspects of the deal the partner would like to initially hide from you. Or perhaps he is generally deceiving or being deceived regarding some facts and processes.

Under no circumstances should you catch your partner making inaccuracies or “show off” your knowledge. After all, if he wants to hide something, and you “bring it out into the light of day,” then you will not only complicate this negotiation process for yourself, but will also ruin the relationship for a long time. People are able to forgive many mistakes, but never the fact that someone is smarter, more literate or more informed than them.


At the beginning of negotiations, it is necessary to decide on the rules, topic and time. Most people try to determine the time first. And then it turns out that they didn’t have time to discuss “both this and that” issues. The rush begins. And behind it is inattention to the words, position and proposals of the partner. Therefore, it is important to maintain consistency.

The duration of negotiations can vary depending on how many issues you discuss: from one question for forty minutes to one and a half hours for 3–5 questions. There is no point in spending more time on one round. At the end of the agreed period, you must be ready to record some result.

It is better to schedule the next appointment for another day. People get tired of each other too, even if they are friends. And in negotiations, people work together to overcome differences and conflict areas. The exception is negotiations on business trips. Then you have to conduct several rounds with breaks. Then I advise you to physically change the location of the negotiations.

List of participants

It is always better to negotiate alone: ​​there is no one to rely on, you rely only on yourself and prepare to the maximum. At the same time, there are a large number of people who try to negotiate, as they say, “as a team.”

But teams of negotiators need to work hard to ensure that their work is coordinated and effective. Whereas negotiations are usually conducted by a group of employees whose interests often contradict each other. Only chance helps such pseudo-teams avoid causing major losses through their actions. All their contradictions, mutual interference, and inconsistency are visible to a specialist in the first minute. They lose by simply sitting down at the negotiating table. But at first they don't think so.

laugh with laughter, but when planning negotiations with a woman,

I'm trying to collect information - is she married, how is her family life?

Sometimes negotiations require the participation of a specialized specialist. Then you need to agree with him in advance what questions may arise for him. Only the one conducting the negotiations on our side gives him the floor. He does not have the right to directly answer his partner’s questions.

It's best when you are alone, and there are several people opposite you - you can notice contradictions in their positions. In this case, you yourself can always refer to the fact that it may take time to work through the issue under discussion (after all, there are several of them, and you also need to consult), and not make any decision until the next round of negotiations. This excuse is especially useful when you “have nothing to cover.”

The main thing to remember is: if you are one against everyone, you have time, which means you need to plan several rounds of negotiations at once. To do this, it is better to immediately warn that first you would like to study mutual needs and approaches to the problem being solved, and in the next negotiation round you will be ready to discuss possible options cooperation.

Negotiations with a woman

Women are intuitively more sensitive to where the truth is and where the lies are. But when faced with unreliable information, they are not in a hurry to “attack” or “leave”, as men would do. They are interested in checking their guess. In such a situation, women are more prone to manipulation than men. But if you enter into an open dialogue with them, there will be no manipulation on their part either.

Sometimes there are exceptions to this rule, but rarely. This concerns the fact that women negotiate based on their emotional condition. Something is bothering the woman, she may begin to behave emotionally unstable, “bitchy” and even manipulative.

Therefore, laugh with laughter, but when planning negotiations with a woman, try to collect information: is she married, how is her family life going.

It is imperative to take into account that in negotiations with a man, a woman will definitely note her partner’s status. And if he is at the same level or higher, then his positive assessment will be important to her. These can be signs of attention, and basic tact and politeness. Moreover, this applies to both married and single ladies equally.

If a man’s status is lower, then women conduct open negotiations, trying to finish them faster.

Illustration: Natalya Osipova

To successfully negotiate, regardless of their level and scale, it is necessary to master the culture of negotiations, i.e. a system of concepts, values ​​and norms that would become a means of successful communication between negotiators - statesmen, politicians, diplomats, business people.

First of all, it is useful for anyone entering into negotiations to learn the initial truth: it is extremely unprofitable to rely on conflict interaction, to strive for a one-time win at any cost.

A much more productive option is partnership when a problem is analyzed together with a partner in order to find a solution that would best meet mutual interests.

The negotiation model usually includes:

  • - greeting the participants and introducing the content of the negotiations;
  • - mutual clarification of the positions, interests, concepts of the participants;
  • - dialogue between participants;
  • - coordination of positions and summing up;
  • - making decisions (agreements) and completing negotiations.

It is important to remember that being late for negotiations is unacceptable. This can negatively affect the company's image and damage the very progress of negotiations.

An apology must also be made for the delay in reception.

It is not recommended to receive visitors while sitting at a table. It is much better to leave the table and take a few steps towards the guests or meet them at the entrance to the office or meeting room. When negotiations take place in the office of one of the participants, his employee (referent or assistant) must meet guests at the entrance.

Negotiations begin with greetings and introductions. The head of the receiving delegation is introduced first, then the head of the visiting delegation. After this, the heads of delegations introduce their employees, the right of primacy in this case belongs to the receiving delegation. Members of the delegation are presented in descending order, starting with those who occupy more than high position, and you can exchange business cards. If the delegation is very large, then each participant is given a list of delegations, if possible indicating full names and positions.

The negotiators are seated so that members of each delegation, occupying approximately equal positions, sit opposite each other. The first to sit down at the negotiating table is the head of the receiving party, who takes the initiative to conduct negotiations. He begins the conversation, gives the floor to other members of his delegation, experts, advisers, and makes sure that there are no pauses during the negotiations that could be perceived as a signal for their end. It is not customary to interrupt or interrupt speakers; questions are asked at the end of the speech. If any detail is clarified, you should apologize and make your statement as brief and specific as possible at the time of your speech.

During negotiations, coffee, tea can be served, or a short coffee break can be arranged.

In addition, during negotiations, to study individual issues, delegations can form expert working groups from the specialists included in the delegation, who, if necessary, retire to a separate room, agree Possible Solution or item in the final document and present the results of the work to the heads of delegations.

At the end of the meeting, you must say goodbye to your partner. If the delegations are large, then their heads are forgiven, limiting themselves to a polite slight bow to the remaining members of the delegation.

In the book “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” D. Carnegie7 gives twelve rules, the observance of which, according to him, makes it possible to persuade people to the desired point of view.

  • 1. The only way to win an argument is to avoid it.
  • 2. Show respect for the opinion of your interlocutor. Never tell a person that he is wrong.
  • 3. If you are wrong, admit it quickly and decisively.
  • 4. Maintain a friendly tone from the very beginning.
  • 5. Make your interlocutor immediately answer: “Yes.”
  • 6. Let most time your interlocutor speaks.
  • 7. Sincerely try to see things from your interlocutor's point of view.
  • 8. Be sympathetic to the thoughts and desires of others.
  • 9. Let your interlocutor believe that this thought belongs to him.
  • 10. Appeal to nobler motives.
  • 11. Dramatize your ideals, present them effectively.
  • 12. Challenge, touch a nerve.

These rules are also relevant in the negotiation process.

The ability to negotiate and find a compromise solution even in the most difficult situation is a unique skill. This skill is extremely important when running a business. How to negotiate correctly? How can you ensure that this skill helps you achieve success? This will be discussed in this article.

Types of negotiations

Let's take a closer look at this. All negotiations can be roughly divided into two types:

  1. Competitive: the goal pursued by participants during such conversations is to achieve victory at any cost. The result of such a business meeting is often a conflict situation between the parties.
  2. Partnership: the goal is to achieve mutual agreement that satisfies the interests of all participants in the process.

There is no exact advice on how to negotiate correctly. Everyone chooses their own method. In practice, most often you can find a combination of competitive and partner forms of business conversation.

Competitive negotiations are characterized by a tense atmosphere. The task of each party is to obtain its own benefit, without taking into account the interests of the opposite party. To achieve a positive result in such a situation, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Try not to completely reveal the essence of your proposal at the beginning of the meeting. Otherwise, the opposite side will immediately receive the maximum set of information. It is also necessary to ensure that the topic of the conversation does not change.
  2. If you are forced to make concessions, try to make them as little as possible.
  3. In case of development conflict situation, maintain your dignity. Basic rules must be followed business communication. To defuse the situation, try moving the conversation to another topic.

Preparatory stage

To understand how to properly negotiate cooperation, you need to know about the main features of this process.

On initial stage collection and provision of the maximum complete information. As a result, both parties can achieve profitable solutions. When conducting partnership negotiations, you should initially be prepared to make concessions.

Start by establishing what goals you want to achieve through these conversations. They must be commensurate and achievable. You must clearly understand what you want to get from your opponent. Before the meeting begins, it is worth exploring the needs of the other party. Based on the information received, you will be able to formulate your proposals. They should be as realistic as possible. If both sides are willing to make some concessions, achieving a result will become much easier. But if one of the negotiators begins to conduct a conversation in the form of competitive negotiations, then the development of a conflict situation is more likely. The main task of the negotiator in this case is to improve relations.

After each side has formed its opinion about the opponent, you can begin to put forward specific proposals. If you decide to make concessions, you need to not only offer something, but also get a return. The exchange performed must be equal.

Reaching a compromise

Once the basic information has been exchanged, you can get straight to the point. It should be borne in mind that the more you ask during negotiations, the more you will receive, the less you offer, the less you will lose. When putting forward your proposal, try to be as precise as possible in your wording. Avoid rough estimates. Your opponent may interpret ambiguity against you.

Similarly, it is worth negotiating with the opposite party when an offer comes from them. You should have a clear understanding of what they offer. Feel free to ask questions. They will help you understand whether the proposed option meets your goals.

Sign language

How to lead correctly business meeting? If the meeting is taking place in an informal setting, try to use open poses and maintain eye contact with your interlocutor. You should not sit with your legs crossed and your arms crossed.

Think about your speech before negotiations. You should not use words and expressions that may irritate your opponents. Also try to refrain from sarcastic remarks that disparage the opposing negotiator. If the conversation starts to go in a different direction, try to regain the attention of the people present at the meeting. You can ask them to voice their position. In some cases, this technique helps to achieve a compromise.

Active listening

Many aspiring entrepreneurs are interested in how to negotiate with a client correctly. In this case, tactics help a lot." active listening". It allows you to avoid unpleasant situations or painful reactions from the opposite side. The tactics of "active listening" improve your communication skills. If you have to negotiate often, it will be very useful.

  1. Listen carefully to your interlocutor. You can think about your answer later.
  2. Show your interest with gestures, for example, you can nod your head to let your opponent know that you can hear him.
  3. Demonstrate perception of information. To do this, you can voice the essence of what was said.
  4. Try to put yourself in the position of your interlocutor. Try to put yourself in his place and assess the situation through his eyes.
  5. Ask your interlocutor questions and clarify information.
  6. Pauses in conversation should not scare you. A break of 2-3 minutes will give you the opportunity to collect your thoughts and approach the next question. If you need a longer break, take it. In some cases, 10-15 minutes can save the situation. This is especially true for meetings held in difficult psychological conditions. A break will help you regain your balance and moral energy. In addition, it will provide an opportunity to assess the situation from the outside.

How can you understand during a meeting that you and your opponent are coming to an agreement? Watch for verbal cues given by the other party. These words could be "perhaps" or "perhaps". In most cases, this is a sign that an agreement will be reached soon.

Negotiations by phone

There are situations when a personal meeting is impossible for a number of reasons. Then the problem has to be solved remotely. How to negotiate over the phone correctly to achieve the desired result? Large-scale transactions are usually not concluded over the phone. But it is quite possible to reach a preliminary agreement in this way.

When conducting telephone conversations, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. It is recommended to thoroughly prepare for the dialogue and make a reminder. The lack of visual contact in this case is an advantage, since you do not have to be embarrassed by the cheat sheet.
  2. Immediately state the purpose of your call. If during a personal visit there may be several of them, then in a telephone conversation there is usually one goal.
  3. It is not necessary to immediately ask to invite the director or the employee responsible for a certain issue. You can use a workaround. Just ask who you can realistically discuss this task with, and the secretary will switch you to the right person.
  4. Determiners of the needs of your interlocutor. Feel free to ask clarifying questions about plans and interests. Interest can be increased with just a couple of sentences.
  5. Give a short presentation of your proposal. Try to keep it to a few minutes.
  6. Practice your response to your interlocutor’s objections. If they relate generally to the product or service being offered, explain how your proposal solves a particular problem.
  7. End the call. If the conversation went well, then at this stage you should agree on the next action. For example, about a meeting to discuss details.

Business negotiations

Any entrepreneur needs to know the basics of dialogue. A competent businessman must know how to properly negotiate with suppliers. Without the ability to find mutual language With partners you won’t become a business tycoon. The basis of any contacts is personal communication. None telephone conversations and emails will not replace it. When negotiating, it is better to behave confidently and at ease. You should not flirt or be overly polite with your business partner. Always remember the purpose of the meeting. A business conversation does not tolerate understatement: try to formulate your thoughts specifically and intelligibly. At the same time, listen carefully to counter-offers. Knowing how to conduct a conversation in this way will demonstrate your experience and knowledge.

Dialogue with the customer

This is a special type of business conversation. How to negotiate with a customer correctly so that your cooperation becomes mutually beneficial? Be sure to ask about the client's needs. If you raise topics that are irrelevant to him, the customer will quickly lose interest in the conversation. Ask your interlocutor counter questions. This will emphasize your involvement in the business process. It is also recommended to emphasize your experience in a particular area. Can you give examples of already completed orders?

Conversations with terrorists

For residents major cities terrorism has become one of the main phobias. Often Act of terrorism accompanied by hostage taking. A lot depends on how you behave in such a situation. How to negotiate with terrorists? The main advice that experts give is to try to be in a calm state. Fulfill all the demands of the invaders.

In a crisis situation, such a phenomenon is often observed as stockholm syndrome. This term refers to the emergence of sympathy among victims towards terrorists. The general tension in the current situation forces people to become closer. After all, terrorists also value their own lives. Remember this, but continue to express your willingness to submit. Don't try to bargain. After all, you don’t know in detail all the motives of the criminals. Only intelligence officers know how to conduct operational negotiations. Examples of such situations show that only by following the basic recommendations of psychologists can one count on successful resolution Problems.

The main ones:

  1. Don't say "yes" after the first offer. If you rush to answer, your interlocutor may have a negative reaction.
  2. Ask for more than you hope to receive. Many psychologists, speaking about how to properly negotiate cooperation, suggest using this technique. It increases your chances of reaping benefits and allows you to create space for business conversations.
  3. Show a willingness to change your conditions if necessary. Consider all sides of the issue under discussion, but do not rush to make concessions. Try to take into account the interests of your interlocutor and analyze them.


In this review, we looked at how to negotiate correctly. The tips and recommendations presented will allow you to get the maximum result when conducting a conversation in various situations.


Successful negotiation requires understanding and using different approaches and technical techniques. The secret to successful negotiations also lies in the details and the flexibility with which approaches are applied. In this article we will look at ten such aspects

Successful negotiation requires understanding and using different approaches and techniques. The secret to successful negotiations also lies in the details and the flexibility with which different approaches are applied.

We will look at ten closely interrelated aspects that are not a panacea for all occasions, but reflect the essence of the negotiation process and the tactics used. The first position is not the most important, but, in our opinion, the logical sequence of points should be as follows:

1. Take time to prepare

Given the complexity of the negotiation process, it is not surprising that preparation is essential. First of all, it activates previous experience, and also lays down solid foundation for upcoming negotiations. In a sense, preparation is nothing more than putting into practice the time-tested truth “measure twice, cut once.”

Essentially, preparation can consist of a few minutes of quiet concentration before the meeting begins. Or it may involve several hours of brainstorming about the best tactics. All other cases of preparation probably fall between the two mentioned. Preparation may include rehearsal: the discussion will go as planned if you rehearse your presentation. So:

· do not waste time on preliminary preparation (despite the lack of time, prepare for negotiations in advance);

· correctly select the people needed for preparation (participants in the upcoming negotiations or simply those who can help);

· collect and analyze the necessary information (take the main materials with you to negotiations).

Preparation in advance does not mean that everything will go exactly according to plan. It will help you adjust and flexibly change your tactics when events suddenly turn. Experience can reduce preparation time, but does not replace it. One famous golfer said: “The more I practice, the more luck I get.” Never neglect preparation, do not regret the time and effort spent on it. Then you won’t have to say after a negotiation fails: “If only I...”

2. Provide clear communication

Along with preliminary preparation, a clear structure of negotiations is the basis for success. Your messages in a difficult situation must be very clear. A detailed explanation improves the quality of the agreement reached. Your clear message:

· promotes understanding: you avoid confusion and consider exactly those issues that are on the agenda; And

· produces good impression, clarity of presentation creates a feeling of confidence, certainty, and ultimately increases the power of your influence on the course of negotiations.

In addition, clear organization of the meeting (announcement of the agenda, rules, etc.) directs the negotiations in a certain direction and helps you play a leading role, which, in turn, helps achieve the desired result.

Clear communication comes from preparation as well as experience. It's worth working on. The worst thing is when, after an agreement has been reached, the partners want to terminate it, citing the fact that they “did not quite understand what exactly was discussed.” And if you start objecting at this stage, they will never believe you again.

3. Try to look your best

No matter how trite it sounds, this aspect really influences the outcome of the negotiations. Your appearance must be organic and appropriate to the circumstances. For example, a man should be dressed in a business suit, although in some cases a less formal style is allowed (shirt and tie in a country with a hot climate). Women have more choice, but they too must adhere to general principles.

Equally important is the behavior of the negotiators. You can give the impression of a person:

· well prepared (this will make your position more significant);

Organized (same effect);

· confident (this will significantly increase the credibility of your words, especially the belief in the statement that you did everything you could);

· well prepared professionally (you will deserve a lot of positive characteristics ( experienced expert, knowledgeable, respectable), if you don’t fuss and lose the thread of the conversation).

Sometimes it makes sense to further enhance this impression. In some cases, even exaggeration is acceptable. Of course, words carry a lot of weight; but many conclusions are made on the basis of visual signals, and this must be used.

4. Respect your partner

Negotiations contain an element of confrontation, and each participant in the process is aware of this. And although sometimes it is necessary to take a hard line, be firm and insist, it is still desirable for the discussion process to take place in an atmosphere of politeness.

Show that you understand other people's points of view, that you are interested in their position, write down details that are important to them and refer to them when discussing. Be prepared to apologize, flatter a little, ask for opinions and be respectful (perhaps without feeling deep respect for the interlocutor).

In addition to the usual polite behavior in difficult situations, showing respect to your partner will strengthen your position. If you take a hard line, there is a danger that it will be perceived as a harsh attack, and you will automatically receive pushback. If fairly strong demands come from a person who respects other participants and their positions, then it is likely that they will be taken seriously, considered and (possibly) agreed upon.

5. Set high goals

It is no coincidence that the author included in this list some of the techniques described above (especially in Chapter 5, “The Pinnacle of Mastery”) - they are undoubtedly very important. The technique mentioned below actually determines the choice of approach to negotiations. To achieve a successful result, set high goals. During preliminary preparation define your main goals. Think about the best outcome of the meeting and move towards the intended goal. Remember existence is enough large quantity variables. Let the agreement reached include mutually acceptable values ​​for these variables.

Negotiators express conflicting opinions and agree to compromise options, but you cannot start with low demands. Trading usually starts from the top mark; During the bargaining, you can give in a little, reducing your benefit. But it is very difficult to increase the value of the initial offer. Once negotiations are already underway, you cannot reconsider your initial position. Therefore, starting with what you want to achieve is a prerequisite for success in negotiations.

6. Agree on a package of conditions

Following this rule, you should negotiate the terms as a package, not individually. By agreeing on terms one at a time, you lose a certain advantage in the negotiations, because many of the terms in the package are fixed (non-negotiable). A single condition may seem easy and simple. You gladly agree to it, and then you are offered an item on which you would like to bargain, but you no longer have the variables to bargain.

The principle is simple. Find out full list what the other party wants to agree on. In the future, do not allow part of the conditions (possibly important) to be “knocked out with targeted fire” and agreed upon separately in order to begin the discussion the most important conditions at a stage when room for maneuver is limited.

7. Look for negotiable variables.

Make a list of variables during preliminary preparation, prioritize them. Even with the most careful approach to defining variables, you may miss something. Remember that everything is negotiable, and any condition is potentially variable (including those conditions that are said to be fixed by one party or another). You may declare an item non-negotiable and then decide that it would be better for you to give in a little.

Find out what your partner's words about the impossibility of changing the terms really mean. You will have to ask questions, challenge your partner to be frank. The search for priority-based bargaining variables must continue throughout the negotiation process. When the negotiator is called upon to take a more compromising approach, he may have to accept that conditions he had hoped to remain unchanged are now becoming variable (and some variables may vary over a much wider range than originally thought).

Be careful to look for bargaining variables and treat all terms as potential variables.

8. Be flexible with common approaches

Successful negotiations do not come as a result of clever tricks or shows of force. The path to a mutually acceptable result lies through the coordination of many details. Keep this in mind during negotiations, as the situation becomes more complex as new issues are discussed. You can influence hundreds of decisions in various ways, but your choice should be appropriate to the place and time.

An experienced negotiator has a range of approaches at his disposal and applies them in the best possible way. But that doesn't mean you have to turn the hail to the other side various techniques. Use them with surgical precision. Sometimes it is better to remain silent, and sometimes it is worth demonstrating the determination of your intentions.

Don't let negotiations run on autopilot. Every movement should be filled with meaning; it's about what you do and how you do it. Existing approaches and techniques should work for you; true mastery is acquired only through long training. Only your experience will tell you how best to behave with a given partner at a particular moment in time.

9. Manage and control the process

Managing the negotiation process is a critical task. A situation is possible when, concentrating on specific issues that require immediate resolution, you lose control over the overall course of negotiations.

Do your best to step back and take a "big picture" view. In particular:

· take notes;

· regularly sum up the results and always summarize the agreements reached if you feel that they are trying to get around you (there is no need to explain every time why you are doing this!);

· keep as big a picture as possible in your field of vision;

· Don’t lose sight of your goals and desired results;

· be prepared to respond adequately at a critical moment (for example, take a break and assess the situation), without thinking about how it will look (practice shows that such actions are more likely to increase the level of trust in the negotiator).

If you consciously stick to this approach, take useful notes, and learn useful skills, your level of competence increases.

10. Be alert

Don't relax for a second! Even if everything goes well, events unfold exactly according to your plan, one agreement follows another - beware. Constantly analyze what is contained between the lines of each message; Do not assume that events will invariably develop in your favor. If there is anything you take for granted, it is that there is danger, change or surprise around every corner. Be prepared to meet them.

Remember that both parties are doing their best to achieve their goals. Each negotiator can lead challenging game; everyone can miss their chance. It never hurts to be vigilant. Otherwise, a moment will come when a small surprise will derail an agreement that seemed almost concluded.

Let us recall the statement of Lord Hore-Belish, a recognized master of negotiation: “When someone tells me that he is going to lay all his cards on the table, I keep my eye on his sleeve.” This good advice for anyone who wants to successfully negotiate. Another statement about contracting comes from the famous economist J. Fulton Sheen: “Large print draws attention to the bait, small print disguises the hook.”

As mentioned above, the ten points mentioned do not detract from the importance of the remaining rules. Remember that successful negotiations are the result of many details coming together successfully. The first steps to achieving success are understanding the principles and the ability to apply basic approaches to negotiations in practice. Relying on basic knowledge, you buy own experience, benefiting from each discussion for future negotiations.

At the origins of negotiations

IN garden of paradise Adam felt comfortable but lonely. He turned to God and told him about his sadness. The heavens opened and a Voice sounded: “I will help you. I will give you a woman.” Adam was very happy, but asked again: “Lord, what is a woman?”

God replied: “This will be the greatest of my creations. The woman will be sensitive, affectionate, attentive and caring. With her beauty she will outshine everything beautiful on Earth. She will always understand your mood and show every possible care for you, she will make you happier than you are.” "You can imagine. She will be a wonderful companion for you. But you will have to pay for it."

"That's great. But what's the price?" - asked Adam.

God replied: “Say, arm, leg and right ear.”

The image of the beautiful companion faded in Adam's eyes. After some thought, he said: “I think it’s very expensive. What do I get for, for example, one rib?”