How to get rid of internal fat in the body. What is the difference between visceral fat and subcutaneous fat?

Speaking of visceral fat, we mean excessive accumulation of adipose tissue on internal organs abdominal cavity. Its presence serves as an alarming signal of deterioration in the functioning of all vital systems. Internal fat accumulates gradually due to consumption of unhealthy foods and constant stress. A normal amount of abdominal fat is necessary for the body, because it performs the following functions:

  • saves temperature regime bodies;
  • provides the body with energy for normal functioning;
  • protects internal organs from mechanical damage.

The presence of excess visceral fat negatively affects a person’s condition. It's threatening the following consequences for the body:

  • Increased blood pressure. Abdominal fat synthesizes harmful acids, which are further processed by the liver into bad cholesterol. The latter poses a threat to the condition of blood vessels and provokes the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Disorders of the heart, liver, and intestines.
  • Hormonal disbalance.
  • Negative reaction to insulin. The body's sensitivity to this hormone decreases, which triggers a number of biochemical processes. As a result, type 2 diabetes may develop, ischemic disease, kidney failure, cancer.

Ways to remove visceral fat from the abdomen

To remove visceral fat in men and women, necessary A complex approach. Collateral effective disposal from internal fat is a complex of the following activities:

  • cleansing the intestines and liver;
  • balanced diet;
  • physical exercise;
  • massage;
  • taking medications;
  • traditional methods.

Colon and liver cleansing

An important step, which will help remove internal fat is cleansing the intestines and liver. The fact is that harmful substances accumulate there. The body protects internal organs from them by forming a layer of fat. Cleansing will not only help get rid of decay products, but will also have a positive effect on the condition of the skin. Today the following cleaning methods are available: pharmaceutical preparations, herbal teas, enemas. At the same time, you should not abuse cleansing procedures, since along with harmful substances Beneficial, for example, intestinal microflora are washed out of the body.


The main mistake people make when trying to remove visceral fat is extreme fasting. Many people believe that this is the fastest way to get rid of it, and this is completely wrong. Due to an excessive deficit of calories and carbohydrates, the metabolic rate decreases, which only slows down weight loss. The body perceives fasting as stress and begins to store fat with greater force, becoming overgrown with a visceral layer. To remove internal fat, it is recommended to adhere to the following nutritional principles:

  1. Calculate and adhere to your individual calorie norm and balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates (KBZHU). This can be done using the Harris-Benedict formula or using special mobile applications. The indicator depends on age, height, current weight and level of physical activity. It displays the amount of calories (energy) that a person needs to ensure normal functioning.
  2. Eat small meals. Divide the entire volume of food (which fits into your daily caloric intake) into 5-6 meals, 3 main meals and 2-3 snacks. This method helps maintain a feeling of fullness throughout the day, which protects against breakdowns. This method also reduces the volume of the stomach, which reduces the total amount of food consumed and, as a result, the body loses weight.
  3. The last meal should be 3-4 hours before bedtime. If you fall asleep with a slight feeling of hunger, fat breakdown at night will increase.
  4. Eat carbohydrates before 4 p.m. In the first half of the day, the body needs a boost of energy, which is provided by carbohydrates. It is better to give preference to slow carbohydrates, for example, cereals, starchy vegetables, and non-sugar fruits. In the afternoon, the activity of the body decreases and everything eaten in late time most likely deposited in the form of an abdominal layer. It is recommended not to eat for dinner a large number of protein (lean meats, fish, dairy products, eggs) in combination with fiber (fresh or minimally cooked vegetables).
  5. Give up cigarettes and alcoholic drinks. Tobacco interferes with the normal functioning of the lungs, making it difficult to physical activity, playing sports. Alcohol slows down metabolic processes, in addition, it is high in calories.
  6. Eliminate fast food and baked goods from your diet. Junk food contains a large amount of calories and fast (empty) carbohydrates.
  7. Always have breakfast. It has been proven that a hearty breakfast prevents a person from overeating throughout the day.
  8. Try to eat at the same time every day. This technique will improve the digestive processes, in this case it will be easier for the body to cope with the incoming food.
  9. Keep hydrated. Water speeds up metabolism and ensures the normal functioning of all organs and vital systems. Develop the habit of drinking 1.5-2 liters of pure still water per day.
  10. Don't neglect sleep. A night's rest of less than 5 hours has a negative impact on health. Try to go to bed before 12 am, at which time the concentration of the sleep hormone melatonin is maximum. Quality 6-8 hour rest.


Many people still mistakenly believe that there are exercises for local fat burning, but this myth has long been debunked. The body loses weight in those places where it is “unprofitable” for it to store fat reserves. It has been proven that the body loses weight from top to bottom. How to effectively remove visceral fat through exercise? There are a number of techniques that involve the muscles of the abdominal region, which help burn the visceral layer, but do not forget that the body must be worked evenly. Popular and effective exercises from visceral fat:

  1. Twisting (straight and oblique). Lie on the floor, having previously laid out an exercise mat, bend your knees. Place your hands behind your head or cross them over your chest. Begin to slowly lift your shoulder blades off the floor without engaging your neck or lower back. Lifting should be done only using the abdominal muscles. To work your obliques, perform lifts to the right and left. For one approach, 20 repetitions are enough, increase the number of approaches over time.
  2. Plank. Take an emphasis lying on straight arms or bent at the elbows. Place your toes together firmly on the floor. Distribute the load evenly throughout your body. It should be like a straight line, without deflections in the cervical and lumbar spine. Stay in this position for at least 15 seconds. Gradually increase the time you spend in the plank to 40 seconds or 1 minute. This exercise perfectly works the abdominal area, buttocks, and biceps.
  3. Bike. Lie on your back, slightly lift your shoulder blades off the floor. To maintain balance, keep your hands behind your head. Rotate your legs as if you were pedaling a bicycle. The exercise engages the lower abs and helps remove fat from the internal organs in this area.


Massage is effective only together with physical exercise. During training, the muscles warm up, blood circulation increases problem areas, due to which fat is burned on the stomach, sides, and thighs. Massage helps smooth the skin and reduce the volume of subcutaneous fat. It is recommended to take sessions in massage rooms so as not to harm your health.

To achieve the desired effect, a minimum of 15 procedures are required. You can also do a massage at home; for this you will need body lotion (oil) or rich cream. Apply the product with light circular movements throughout the abdominal area, you should feel a slight burning sensation. Do not put too much pressure on your stomach, as this may negatively affect the functioning of your abdominal organs. Before the procedure, it is recommended to visit a sauna, bathhouse or swimming pool.


Often proper nutrition and playing sports does not give quick results. In this case, medications and nutritional supplements come to the rescue. There are a number of medications that help effectively remove internal fat in humans:

  • Clenbuterol. The drug increases the overall body temperature, due to which fat is burned. It gives additional energy, which allows you to give all your best to the task. strength training and during aerobic exercise. The medicine is contraindicated for people with tachycardia and hypertension.
  • Synephrine. This drug is based on orange tree extract. Synephrine activates metabolic processes in the body and suppresses the feeling of hunger. The product is relatively safe for human health, since it does not affect blood pressure and the cardiovascular system as a whole.
  • Xenical. The active substance of the drug is lipase, which blocks and removes fats. Xenical is a dietary supplement; capsules are recommended to be taken with meals.

Folk remedies

If the previous methods did not help achieve the desired result and the question: how to remove visceral fat is still relevant, then you can resort to folk remedies. The following methods are famous for their effectiveness:

  1. Baths with salt, soda, mustard, aromatic oils. Such procedures were once used by Queen Cleopatra, who was considered the most slender and beautiful woman of his generation. Baths remove excess water from the body and activate the process of fat breakdown.
  2. Wraps with cling film. Opinions on this method of losing weight are divided. Some claim that thanks to wraps with honey, mustard, soda and vinegar under cling film, internal fat disappears instantly, others consider this method barbaric, capable of disrupting the thermoregulation of the entire body.
  3. Eating natural foods to speed up metabolism. This green tea, garlic, flax change, ginseng, marshmallow. They also effectively cleanse the intestines and help to gain slim figure dill, cumin, buckthorn, anise. The products are effective both in pure form and in the form of decoctions.


Visceral fat is the fat accumulation of our body, but it accumulates not in the subcutaneous layers of the waist and hips, but around the abdominal organs. It is more dangerous than the usual subcutaneous one and it is also much more difficult to fight. If subcutaneous accumulations can, as a last resort, be removed surgically, then visceral accumulations - doctors have not yet learned how to cut them out.

Visceral deposits are also important for the body; they protect internal organs from the effects of the internal environment. But their total volume should not exceed more than 10-15% of total number all fat cells in the body.

What is the danger of visceral fat?

Accumulations in excess of the prescribed norm are already becoming hazardous to health.

Excess visceral layer can provoke a number of the following diseases:

  • varicose veins due to excessive stress on the legs
  • myocardial infarction, since the heart is covered with fat, begins to malfunction, which often leads to disastrous consequences
  • oncological diseases
  • hormonal imbalance
  • disturbance of metabolic processes in the body

What is the difference between visceral fat and subcutaneous fat?

Our body needs subcutaneous fat.. This is a kind of reserve. By replenishing the body's energy reserves, it gives us vital energy and warms us in the cold season.

By constantly eating, we replenish our fat reserves. But when they are significantly exaggerated, the body begins to deposit reserves not in the subcutaneous layers, but directly near the internal organs. Such internal fat layers are called visceral fat.

There is a growth of the fat layer around the stomach, liver, gallbladder, intestines, kidneys, and genitals. Excess visceral fat blocks the flow of blood and lymph to the internal organs. Ventilation of the lungs deteriorates, an imbalance of oxygen in the body is formed, which leads to difficulty breathing and sleep apnea.

Visceral deposits - where do they come from?

Genetics say that the tendency to accumulate visceral fat is then primarily genetic predisposition. But we ourselves are also guilty of its accumulation.

The luckiest women are those with a pear-shaped figure. As a rule, those with curvy hips and thin waist the tendency to accumulate this type of fat is much less.

Regardless of body structure and genetic predisposition, in women after 40 years of age, production decreases. female hormones and the likelihood of an increase in visceral adipose tissue increases significantly.

The strong half of humanity not prone to the formation of cellulite, but prone to the accumulation of internal fat.

IN Lately We often see men with huge bellies. It is popularly called “beer belly.” And not for nothing. Beer adversely affects testosterone, a hormone that fights excess fat in the male body.

By nature, the male population is less prone to obesity. But this only applies to those men whose testosterone levels are normal.

Determination of visceral fat level

To determine the amount of “dangerous” fat layer, it is better, of course, to go to the clinic and undergo a medical examination. But I’m not a big fan of going to doctors and check internal obesity on my own.

First, you need to measure your waist. If your waist size is within generally accepted norms, then you don’t need to worry about excess internal fat.

Visceral fat: the norm for women is up to 88 centimeters, for men up to 94 cm.

Second, we calculate the coefficient. We measure the hips, waist and divide the waist circumference by the hip circumference. The coefficient that we receive will indicate a deviation from the positive norm. For women it is more than 0.88, for men it is more than 0.95.

For example, my hips are 100, my waist is 74, my division is 74: 100 = 0.74

As you can see, in the necessary norm I fit in and I have nothing to worry about yet.

How to get rid of visceral fat

First of all you need to go to healthy eating. Increase your consumption of plant foods, that is, your daily diet should consist of 70% vegetables and fruits.

Reduce your intake of animal fats(butter, fatty beef or pork) and fats with similar structure plant origin(palm and coconut oils).

You need to completely avoid trans fats. which are used to create various substitutes for natural oils (so-called spread products, a cheap imitation of butter). Also, these oils are often used to prepare various baked goods, cakes, cookies, and for the preparation of confectionery products.

Review your diet and eliminate high GI foods. Such foods sharply increase blood sugar, which increases insulin synthesis. And this is a direct path to the formation of excess fat around the waist.

Try to reduce your consumption of alcoholic beverages to a minimum. It’s not even about the calorie content of alcohol, but about the snacks that we consume without measure, “taking it to the chest.”

Replace regular White bread for bakery products made from wholemeal flour. Introduce foods high in fiber into your diet to cleanse your intestines.

Forget about unhealthy snacks like sandwiches with fatty sausage. Nuts, dried fruits, citrus fruits, raw vegetables and fruits are an irreplaceable alternative to unhealthy sandwiches.

And most importantly, find time for regular physical activity. The most unpleasant thing is that squats, bending the torso or doing abdominal crunches are not very effective for burning internal fat tissue.

Only active physical activity can burn visceral fat, namely- running, swimming, cycling, playing football, tennis.

The main enemy of internal fat is activity. Move more, follow the rules of a healthy diet, and the fat will melt day by day like ice cream on a summer day. published .

Tatiana Palomi

If you have any questions, please ask

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

This article discusses a current problem - visceral fat. What is dangerous and how to get rid of hidden fat deposits in the body - we briefly consider the main facts on this topic. What's happened […]

This article discusses a current problem - visceral fat. What is dangerous and how to get rid of hidden fat deposits in the body - we briefly consider the main facts on this topic.

What is visceral fat?

Visceral fat refers to adipose tissue that is localized around internal organs. A person still needs small reserves of this fat, but if it accumulates in excess, it is significantly harmful to health. The main harm lies in the distortion of hormonal levels and compression of internal organs.

Typically, people accumulate visceral fat on an unhealthy diet with a significant excess of calories. They also move little, which is harmful to health. Usually, unwanted deposits accumulate in the most visible place. This problem area for women and men is the stomach.

Signs of visceral fat

Of course, it is best to consult a doctor about visceral fat. At home, you can try to determine whether you are at risk. Here are the main signs that may indicate that the body contains large reserves of dangerous internal fat.

  • You need to determine your body type. Studies have shown that people with an apple body type have a higher risk of accumulating visceral fat. People with a pear shape are less likely to develop visceral fat.
  • One of the right ways To assess the predisposition to the accumulation of internal fat is to grab the skin located around the perimeter of the navel with your fingers. You should try to make a thin fold. People with a large amount of visceral fat will not get a thin fold.
  • A simple method is to find out your waist size. You need to stand up straight, straighten your posture, take a measuring tape and place it loosely on the thinnest place - at the waist, approximately in the navel area. The female norm is a waist of about 80 cm, the male norm is 94 cm, this is the latest data. Previously, it was believed differently, women - 88 cm, men - 104 cm. It turns out that with a waist volume over 80 cm in women and from 94 cm in men, there is a greater risk of having visceral fat.

Causes of visceral fat

The main factors associated with the gain of internal fat:

  • natural aging of the body (physiologically, muscle mass decreases and the percentage of fat increases; in old age, calories are burned differently and fat is deposited more easily);
  • period of menopause in women (fat may begin to be actively deposited in unwanted places due to hormonal changes);
  • predominance of sweets and fatty foods in the diet;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • psychological pressure (studies have shown that people who suffer from discrimination and are constantly depressed are more prone to gaining excess fat).

It is interesting that a person’s body weight may be normal, but despite this, the internal organs become overgrown with fat.

The dangers of visceral fat

Doctors believe that some stores of visceral fat are important for proper operation body. Thanks to these deposits, the internal organs are reliably protected from surrounding tissues. The thing is that large amounts of visceral fat are dangerous. The safe limit for the amount of visceral fat in the total body fat reserves is from 10 to 15%. If a person gains more, this factor has a bad effect on overall health. These points are the harm of visceral fat for human body:

  • comprehensive metabolic failure;
  • due to overload of the legs - varicose veins;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • obesity of the heart causes myocardial infarction;
  • oncological processes in the body.

Is it possible to remove visceral fat?

Of course, if you wish, you can get rid of visceral fat reserves. It represents excess fat that is essentially useless. They are not completely realized by the body in energy metabolism. The surest way to reduce hard-to-reach internal fat deposits is through enhanced proper training. They must be carried out regularly and competently.

Moderate-intensity cardio and aerobic exercise do not immediately burn visceral fat. The natural mechanism goes like this: training increases blood circulation in the area of ​​fat deposits, as a result, the body uses visceral fat as an energy source. These reserves are gradually being destroyed. At first, this transformation may proceed slowly, but with effort on the part of the person himself, internal fat burning occurs faster.

To reduce internal fat deposits, you need to adhere to proper nutrition and exercise.

Is it easy to get rid of visceral fat?

We hasten to please all people with the problem of visceral fat - it can be easily burned. Considering that these fat reserves are created against the backdrop of an excess calorie diet and a sedentary lifestyle, it becomes clear what the recovery strategy is. All you need to do is improve your diet and start training properly. Losing 500 g in a week is a good result that anyone can achieve.

Foods that burn visceral fat

In fact, burning internal fat only by adding the following foods to your diet is a myth. The whole secret is that you need to understand what conditions the body needs in order for it to start using fat reserves as fuel. A healthy diet that does not interfere with fat burning, but rather promotes this process, this is an excellent additional tool in the fight for health and slimness. Whatever your menu, you can start losing weight when there is a calorie deficit in your diet, that is, you need to spend a little more calories than you consume in food.

It is important to say about insulin - this hormone regulates the supply of excess glucose to fat reserves under the skin. For this reason, it is necessary to focus on foods that do not provoke significant spikes in insulin in the blood. This is why it is recommended to limit sweets. By themselves, fat burning products do not work. They will only be beneficial if the diet is completely correct and thoughtful. If there are problems with excess fat and overweight, then definitely, temporary diets are not needed, only proper nutrition will help forever.

There are many nutritional systems for losing weight - a no-carbohydrate diet, a low-carbohydrate diet, a protein diet. All of these nutrition systems are based on eating foods that help burn excess fat. Common menu components of these diets:

  • whole grains as a source of complex carbohydrates;
  • protein products of animal origin;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • milk products.

All diets for weight loss are based on the same restrictions, these are:

  • reducing consumption of fast food or fast food;
  • refusal of fatty foods;
  • food without processed foods;
  • minimal consumption of sweets;
  • avoidance of fried and fatty foods.

Another important point in weight loss diets, this is the time to eat food to create an optimal balance of dietary fat. Typically, meals with complex carbohydrates are consumed in the morning. Other meals are quality proteins. Fats - only healthy ones and to a minimum. This approach to nutrition will help properly fill the body with energy. It is recommended to limit carbohydrates so that the body begins the processes of replenishing glycogen and energy reserves due to the depletion of fat deposits.

Diets for general fat burning encourage the use of citrus fruits as snacks between meals. Citrus fruits are preferable for dietary nutrition, as they contain less fructose, which causes changes in insulin levels.

As a rule, the entire daily amount of food is divided into 5-6 servings. It’s convenient to cook in containers; in the morning you should already have the entire arsenal of food for the day in the refrigerator. There should be 2-3 hours between meals. Proper fractional nutrition in small portions helps speed up metabolism, maximize the absorption of foods, they are immediately converted into energy, without having time to be deposited as fat. You can’t suddenly change your diet, severely restrict yourself in nutrition, starve for a long time, all this is harmful and will not help you lose weight.

Here is a list of foods that are appropriate in a fat-burning diet:

  • cereals;
  • grapefruit;
  • green tea;
  • avocado;
  • chia seeds;
  • coffee;
  • foods rich in omega-3;
  • ginger;
  • pure water;
  • celery;
  • natural seasonings.

How to burn visceral belly fat?

Running is good for weight loss, but not for everyone. If your body weight is 80-85 kg, then it is a very controversial question whether you should run. Excess body weight in itself is harmful to the spine and knees. Running with a lot of extra pounds and with errors in technique causes overload of the cardiovascular system.

To remove visceral fat, you have to train primarily with a fat-burning pulse. Here we are talking about a pulse that is 60-70% of the maximum value. Just 30 minutes of active training at this heart rate will burn 146 kcal, of which half - 73 kcal - is the depletion of fat reserves. If you train with a faster or slower heart rate, the body functions differently, receiving only 35-40% of its energy from burning fat.

The maximum heart rate for 30 years is 115-130 beats/min, and at rest it is 60-80 beats/min, in healthy person.

The heart rate for a safe cardio workout is 115-150 beats per minute, you should not go beyond this range. If the pulse reaches 90-95% of the maximum frequency, you should pause and restore the heartbeat.

What helps burn internal fat:

  • training on an elliptical trainer;
  • Nordic or brisk walking;
  • Swimming and running are also effective, but potentially dangerous for very obese people, as they sharply increase the heart rate.

A good scheme for getting rid of internal fat in a short time:

  • one cardio workout - from 45 to 60 minutes;
  • only 2-4 cardio workouts per week (you definitely need to give yourself rest to recover);
  • after 2 months of preparatory cardio training, the first joyful results will appear, after which strength training with an emphasis on working out the abdominal area is encouraged.

The obvious benefits of gentle weight loss are immediately felt in the body. A week later healthy image life with sports and proper nutrition - well-being improves, vitality increases, swelling of the limbs gradually subsides, shortness of breath ceases to bother you, the person outwardly transforms and becomes more attractive. At effective weight loss there is no weakness or depression, on the contrary, one feels lightness and inspiration for new victories.

It is worth getting rid of belly fat not only for aesthetic reasons. Visceral fat may well be lurking behind it, which is no longer so harmless. It can cause a variety of health problems, from diabetes to cancer. Therefore, it is extremely important to get rid of visceral fat as soon as possible.

What kind of fat is visceral?

Fat located around the waist is called abdominal fat. It is divided into two types:

  1. Subcutaneous. This is the fat that we see and can touch with our hands, since it is located directly in front of the abdominal muscles. It only harms appearance, but completely safe for the body.
  2. Visceral. It is no longer possible to see and touch it. It is located behind the abdominal muscles and grows around the internal organs. This feature poses a health hazard.

Why is visceral fat dangerous?

Visceral fat promotes the intensive release of hormones and other elements, increasing the risk of developing such dangerous diseases as:

  • . In people whose belly is filled with fat, asthma occurs much more often than in those who do not neglect themselves.
  • Metabolic syndrome. Visceral fat produces retinol binding protein 4 (RBP4), which interferes with glucose uptake. Subcutaneous fat also produces this protein, but in a much smaller volume. In addition, RBP4 reduces insulin sensitivity and increases the likelihood of developing metabolic syndrome, as well as diabetes mellitus second type.
  • Cardiac ischemia. A belly filled with fat increases the likelihood of developing coronary heart disease.
  • Cancerous tumors. Fat that builds up around internal organs activates fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2). Because of them, cells of the human body can multiply and mutate into malignant tumors. There were even Scientific research, according to which visceral fat increases the risk of breast cancer in women before menopause.
  • Dementia. People who have a high percentage of visceral fat in old age are more likely to develop dementia.

Knowing your body mass index (BMI) will not help you in any way, because people with a BMI within the normal range can have a large amount of visceral fat.

There are three ways to help you determine the degree of obesity in the abdominal area, which in turn will give you an idea of ​​the amount of visceral fat:

  1. Waist measurement. Take a “centimeter” and measure your stomach along the most protruding areas. For women it is considered normal when the waist does not exceed 79-81 cm, for men - 93-96 cm.
  2. Measuring the proportional ratio of the waist and hips. Take measurements. Divide the waist results by “hips”. For women, a figure in the range of 0.78-0.82 is considered normal, for men - 0.93-0.96.
  3. For such calculations, you will need a ruler over 30 cm long, as well as something flat and long, say, a book, a board or another ruler. The point is to measure the size of your belly under your own weight. To do this, you need to lie on your back, bending your knees so that your feet are on the floor. Place one ruler next to your side and the second ruler at the highest point of your abdomen. The contact of the rulers should occur at an angle of 90°. We can talk about obesity if the ruler shows more than 25 cm.

How to get rid of visceral fat

  • Forget high-carb foods. These include white bread, sweet pastries and other delicacies. Regular consumption of high-carbohydrate foods contributes to the growth of visceral fat, increases the amount of triglycerides in the blood, and even increases the production of the hormone serotonin. In this sense it helps a lot. With it, you will get rid of visceral fat, increase sensitivity to insulin and reduce cholesterol levels.
  • Reducing caloric intake. According to a study, a five-month diet with a reduction in caloric intake of 380-240 kcal can help reduce the concentration of visceral fat by about a quarter.
  • Sleep is the best medicine. While you are sleeping, you are not eating :) The quality and extent of sleep is really related to. Less sleep increases the risk of acquiring visceral fat. In addition, sensitivity to insulin decreases and the production of the hormones ghrelin and cortisol increases. The recommended norm is 7–8 hours.
  • Practice. To get rid of visceral fat, walking, running, roller skating and cycling, as well as swimming are suitable. The more you exercise, the faster you will lose fat from your internal organs.
  • Eat more fiber. There is a lot of it in cereals, vegetables and fruits. Fiber allows you to feel full faster, so you will eat less and ultimately lose fat.
  • Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages. Calories from ethanol will not be converted into fat, but while they are being digested, other calories from alcohol and snacks will not be burned, which will contribute to fat storage. By the way, drinking alcohol by women increases their testosterone, which affects the aesthetics of the abdomen.
  • Eat more protein. People who eat a lot of protein have less fat around their waist. Like fiber, protein leaves you feeling fuller for longer. It is recommended to eat at least 1.5 g of protein per 1 kg of your weight.

To get rid of visceral fat, it is not at all necessary to “die in a rocking chair”, mercilessly lose weight, exhaust yourself with various diets and achieve ideal abs. All this is optional. Visceral fat is burned faster than subcutaneous fat, so sometimes the scale numbers decrease, but visually nothing changes, but you have already done well for your health.

How to get rid of internal fat in the body? This is a very relevant topic today. Many people are interested in how to remove excess fat deposits on their own and at home. Before you start fighting, you need to consult a nutritionist.

Internal fat in normal quantities in the human body supports the functioning of internal organs, protects organs from mechanical damage, and in extreme conditions can act as a source of nutrition.

Excess in the body affects the functioning of the entire human body. Organs such as the intestines, kidneys or liver become enveloped in fat and stop working normally. As a result, serious diseases develop against the background of obesity, which can lead to complications.

There is no quick fix to the problem of obesity. It is necessary to reduce the calorie content of foods, not to overeat, and sometimes the problem of obesity will have to be solved using medical methods. Surgery is also possible.

The difference between visceral fat and subcutaneous fat

When eating food, a person replenishes fat reserves. With an incorrect diet, the body begins to accumulate reserves not in the subcutaneous layer, but around the internal organs. This layer is called visceral fat. Subcutaneous fat in normal amounts is necessary for a person, as it replenishes energy reserves and prevents the body from freezing in winter. It does not participate in the internal processes of the body. In addition, subcutaneous fat can be removed surgically, but visceral fat cannot.

Why is visceral fat dangerous?

Visceral fat should not exceed 15% of the total number of fat cells in the body. Such deposits build up around the liver, kidneys, stomach, intestines and genitals, resulting in decreased blood flow to the internal organs. This leads to poor oxygen supply to the lungs, heavy breathing, shortness of breath, and fatigue.

Since visceral fat accumulates around the internal organs, its presence is difficult to determine. Even thin people have such deposits. In the same time this type fat is very dangerous, as it can make a previously healthy person disabled. In this case, doctors are powerless and cannot help the patient even through surgery.

If the fight against visceral fat is not started in time, it can lead to the following diseases and pathologies:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • infertility;
  • liver cirrhosis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • attacks of suffocation during sleep;
  • osteoporosis;
  • varicose veins;
  • myocardial infarction.

Causes of internal fat formation

The reasons for the appearance of internal fat in the body may be as follows:

  • excessive consumption of fatty and sweet foods;
  • insufficiently active lifestyle;
  • lack of sleep, frequent stress.

With a sedentary lifestyle, fats accumulate in the body even faster. In old age a person loses muscle mass, the body burns calories slows down and the percentage of fat increases. Hormonal changes, which contribute to accelerated fat formation, occur in women during menopause. In addition, some people are genetically inclined to be overweight, but this does not mean that they obviously have a greater amount of subcutaneous fat. Proper nutrition, special exercises or other regular exercise can stop the process of fat deposition.

Measuring body fat levels

A real picture of the presence of a fatty layer can be obtained after testing and medical examination. The most accurate way to measure the volume of fat on internal organs is an MRI of the abdominal cavity. The presence of internal fat is also assessed using ultrasound. You can measure the percentage of body fat at home. There are several ways to measure:

Method number 1. Using a ruler.

Index and thumb it is necessary to pinch the skin in several places (on the stomach, on the back, on the thighs). Then, releasing the fold, but without spreading your fingers, you need to measure the distance between your fingers with a ruler. If there is excess fat in the body, then the distance will be more than 2.5 cm.

Method number 2. The ratio of the hips and waist using a measuring tape.

You need to measure slightly above your navel. Then your feet should be shoulder-width apart and your stomach should be relaxed. You need to measure the circumference of your hips at the widest point. The waist circumference is divided by the hip circumference. If the result is more than 0.8, then it is urgent to begin the fight against excess fat.

Method No. 3. Measuring body mass index.

It is necessary to divide body weight by height, multiplied twice. Normal body weight lies in the range of 18.5-24.9. Example: BMI = 60 kg: (1.7 cm * 1.7 cm) = 20.76.

Normal visceral fat

Approximately 80-90% of the total adipose tissue is subcutaneous fat. Visceral fat (normal) in the body for men should be 10-20%, for women - about 5-8%. With age, the amount of visceral fat increases. By measuring your waist with a measuring tape, you can find out the degree of internal obesity. The waist for women should not exceed 88 cm, for men - 94 cm. If the measurement results are larger, then this is the first sign of exceeding the norm.

Exercises to burn excess fat

It is necessary to take measures if visceral fat in the body exceeds the norm. How to get rid of it at home? Proper nutrition, exercise and stress management will help.

An effective fight against excess fat is not complete without physical activity. The most in effective ways In the fight against burning fat deposits, dancing, step, running, and aerobic exercise are considered. Four times a week for 30 minutes on the treadmill - and you can achieve good results in the fight against such a problem as visceral fat.

How to get rid of it at home with exercises? The following loads will help:

Exercise No. 1. Run in place, raising your knees high.

You need to perform the exercise for 2-3 minutes, while you need to breathe correctly, control the pace and correctness of the exercise.

Exercise No. 2. Plank.

This exercise is aimed at all muscle groups. Although this load is quite difficult to carry out, it is great way fast fat burning. For beginners, you need to stand in the stance for about a minute. Over time, the execution time should be increased this exercise. Be sure to keep your back straight while performing this exercise.

Exercise No. 3. Running in place in a plank position.

Standing in a plank position, you need to imitate running, while pressing your knees to your chest. Beginners can perform the exercise for about a minute. Over time, you should increase the time you perform this exercise.

How to get rid of visceral belly fat? The answer is very simple. To reduce abdominal volume, you must perform the following exercises:

Exercise No. 1. Press. Lying on your back, bend your knees and lift top part torso.

Exercise No. 2. Lifting with twisting. Lying on your back, you need to bend your knees and lift your upper body. The exercise is performed so that your elbow can reach the opposite knee.

Exercise No. 3. Lying on your back, you need to raise your legs at an angle of 90 degrees. Next, you should bend both legs to the right and left side, lowering them to the floor as low as possible, but without touching.

Diet to help remove internal fat

Diet is another way to get rid of visceral fat. It is necessary to follow a low-calorie diet. You should consume about 1200 kcal/day. But under no circumstances should you go hungry.

Simple rules on how to get rid of internal body fat through diet include the following points:

  1. It is important to completely switch to a healthy diet. 80% of the diet should be vegetables and fruits.
  2. The consumption of animal fats should be reduced to a minimum: butter, margarine, pork, fatty beef.
  3. It is necessary to give up light carbohydrates.
  4. It is advisable to completely abandon bakery products. Bread can only be consumed from wholemeal flour and in small quantities.
  5. You should give up alcohol.
  6. It is important to give up carbonated drinks.
  7. You need to eat five times a day, but in small portions.
  8. You need to drink one and a half to two liters clean water in a day.
  9. It is necessary to introduce into the diet foods that quickly burn fat: apples, celery, citrus fruits, ginger.
  10. During diets, it is advisable to consume vitamins and antioxidants to strengthen the immune system.

Great stress for the body - strict diet. Therefore, if necessary, you should seek help from a nutritionist. The doctor will help normalize metabolism, control hormonal background, will tell you how to get rid of internal fat in the body. The main thing is to follow all recommendations.

Lifestyle to get rid of internal fat

How to get rid of internal fat? You should try to lead a stress-free lifestyle. Many people, due to stress, begin to seize problems. It is necessary to learn to control stress and the amount of consumption of sweet and junk food during it.

Sleep is also an important factor in the fight against excess fat. Exactly night sleep, amounting to 6-7 hours, contributes to the restoration of the body and the normal functioning of all organs and systems.

It is important to refuse bad habits, i.e. drinking alcohol, smoking.

All of the above will teach you how to get rid of internal fat in the body and reduce the risk of obesity.