How to learn to sing beautifully at home. How to learn to sing well and correctly if you have no voice

Today we will try to answer the question of how to learn to sing beautifully. The thing is that the human voice is a unique natural musical instrument, gifted, as biologists say, by a coincidence of circumstances.

Compared to musical instruments created by human hands, it has an impressive number of advantages:

  • he is always near us, regardless of place and time;
  • in addition to music, he is able to reproduce words;
  • can be reconfigured in timbre in a split second;
  • able to express all our emotions.

Nowadays, quite a lot of people want to learn how to sing beautifully, without having any special skills or predisposition to this activity.

For most of the population of our country, “the bear trampled on their ears.” More precisely, this is their purely personal opinion. The thing is that hearing is present in each of us, but in a different state of development. For many, it remains in an embryonic state.

If a child is surrounded by music from the first years of life, his hearing will develop independently. In this case, the same statement applies to singing. Showing interest in it since childhood, having the desire to learn to sing beautifully, he will achieve his goal. In the absence of even the slightest desire to comprehend this science, all attempts will end in absolute failure.

Anyone can learn to sing, even as an adult. The main thing is to sincerely want it and make every effort, and talent in this case is a secondary phenomenon.

What is needed for proper vocals?

Answering the question of how to learn to sing beautifully, we have already said that an irresistible desire is required to achieve the required positive result. However, desire alone will not be enough.

You will also need a room with good acoustics. The student's voice should not sound muffled or constantly strive upward, as often happens in a small and confined space. The acoustics should not be filled with extraneous sounds.

Teachers advise practicing singing in rooms that have large windows, capable of reflecting sounds well, acting as additional resonators.

To master vocal lessons, you must have good health, in particular, developed lungs will be required. Indeed, in deciding the question of how to learn to sing beautifully, they occupy a dominant position. The last and probably most important thing is the presence of self-confidence. Learning vocal technique is thoughtful work. Based on the fact that everything is led by the head (mind), a lot important There is also a psychological aspect at play here.

Nature's help

Nature has endowed man with everything necessary so that he can not only sing, but also do it beautifully. We are talking about resonators - places in our body in which the sound entering them is amplified many times over and becomes not only more powerful, but also more voluminous and fuller. They are the ones who are able to answer the question of how to learn to sing beautifully.

The vocal cords alone cannot create such a strong sound. Therefore, the next step will be to study your resonators. This task is not difficult. The main thing is adherence to technique and the presence of desire.

In search of resonators

Only by mastering the science of resonances can you answer the question of how to learn to sing beautifully. Translated from French, “resonance” means “echo.” It works on the principle of a microphone, significantly amplifying the sound coming out of the cords. Ordinary pressure on them will simply lead to a breakdown of the voice. This situation occurs among inexperienced people who master singing without any knowledge in this matter.

Our body has many such natural resonators. There are especially many of them on the head. For the most part this is:

  • skull bones;
  • jaws;
  • maxillary sinuses;
  • teeth, which also have the property of reverberation.

Therefore, the answer to the question of how to learn to sing beautifully depends on finding and being able to use your resonators.

Do you need talent?

When learning to sing on your own, a logical question arises: what role does talent have in all this?

Without a doubt, talent is enough useful factor, which can significantly make a student’s life easier. However, it does not play a decisive role. It all depends on the desire and diligence applied.

It is equally important to develop a sense of beauty in yourself, which will help you hear exactly the voice you need to strive for. It will be possible to hear it when it can be imagined, and this will require a well-developed imagination.

Beautiful singing lessons

Don't believe those who say it's impossible to learn to sing. The main thing is to know how to learn to sing beautifully. Everyone can achieve what they want, but only if they are prepared for difficulties. You will need to stock up on strength, patience and a huge amount time.

There are several tips that are always useful and will help a beginning vocalist in difficult times.

You need to learn how to control your own voice, and also be able to “present” it. plays a huge role in the singing process correct breathing belly. While singing, you should not try to take a deep breath. You need to imagine that inside you, starting from your stomach and ending with your throat, there is a light rod with the base in your stomach. During the birth of sound, the stomach should grow, but under no circumstances should it retract. Therefore, not knowing how to learn to sing beautifully, you should start with proper breathing - and this will be the right step.

In the case of speech therapy problems, which consist of incorrect pronunciation of sounds, stuttering, vocal lessons will quickly and effectively cope with these problems, even if they are congenital or acquired speech defects. Vocals also perfectly develop diction.

Tongue twisters and reading texts will contribute to correct declaration. Exists Golden Rule art - vowels are sung, and consonants are pronounced.

In addition to this, there is also musical notation, namely: the duration of notes, musical signs, tonality, pauses, bekar, sharp, grace notes and much more, which you will also have to take care of and learn for yourself without fail.

Exercises for beautiful singing and more

If you still don’t know how to learn to sing beautifully, then we will help you find correct solution your problem. For this purpose, it is not necessary to attend any singing schools or leave the comfort of your home. It is enough to rehearse simple exercises every day, which should be carried out in front of the mirror.

Exercise 1. Sing the vowels of the alphabet: e, y, u, o, i, e, a. Special attention pay attention to the “y” sound. You need to imagine that you are painting your lips. The mouth is half open, creating a barely noticeable smile. On the “o” sound, the lips should create a kind of donut. When you sound “i,” your lips should move towards your ears to create a charming smile. On the sounds “e” and “e” it is necessary to remember opera singers, rebuilding their oral apparatus into an open mouth with a barely noticeable smile. When the turn of the sound “a” comes, the mouth should be wide open so that, conditionally, “the lower jaw touches the chest.” Having rehearsed each letter, now separately try to sing all the vowels in the announced order. If this condition will be completed satisfactorily by you, then you can begin serious works.

Exercise 2. If you want to learn how to sing beautifully, it won’t hurt to learn several chants. The most popular since school days is the following: “mi-me-ma-mo-mu”. However, you can use whatever you like, the main thing is that the ligaments are warmed up and ready for prolonged singing.

Exercise 3. When choosing a song to perform with a backing track, you need to take into account the fact that it must be in the same key as you. After all, even if you meet the conditions that guarantee professional singing, the wrong key will ruin your entire preparation time and your first performance.

Exercise 4. Never sing on the street. This remark especially applies to the cool season. Before performing a song, protect yourself from eating cookies, bread, and chocolate. Avoid drinking cold drinks.

Most people mistakenly assume that if they don't naturally have singing talent, then they don't need to try to learn. But, fortunately, there are people who, despite everything, realized that with training and practice you can achieve great results. Not only have they figured it out, but they are sharing their discoveries. So now there are a lot effective methods put on a pretty good voice out of practically nothing. The question of how to learn to sing at home if you don’t have a voice is getting more and more good answers. So what can you do to improve your vocal skills? How to defeat a bear that stepped on your ear?

Voice training with exercises

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The very first and most important thing is voice production. Because if nature has not rewarded you with singing beauty, then it needs to be created and honed, at least at the initial stage. We are talking about special exercises that many vocalists, both little-known and very famous, do. After all, many people understand that even the stars of world show business sometimes made their way into the music world far from talent. A whole crowd of modern singers and singers came to the stage completely without a voice, but through the right approach to the voice and constant efforts, we learned to sing well.

So, exercises are the easiest way to learn to sing at home if you don’t have a voice. Many may remember how in school, during physical education lessons, they stood in a pose where their legs were shoulder-width apart and their arms were held along the body. If you smoothly lean forward from this position, pointing your arms straight down, almost reaching the floor with your fingertips, you can perfectly develop respiratory system. And this is the main criterion in voice production. Just remember that when you bend over, you must take an active breath through your nose, and when you straighten up, silently, passively exhale through your mouth. This exercise not only helps to improve your voice, but also to overcome pain in the liver and heart, as well as asthma attacks. Many vocalists do such exercises even when they have a natural talent for singing. The speed of bending and straightening should be the same as the speed of the marching step. It is necessary to do 12 approaches of 8 inclinations.

There is another cool exercise, the essence of which is to hug your own shoulders. Only the arms should be parallel to each other, they should never be crossed. And with every sharp hug, you should take the same sharp breath through your nose. Exhalation, of course, is done along with throwing your arms to the sides. If you do these exercises correctly, without changing the order of your hands, you will be able to achieve amazing tone in all organs that take part in the formation of sounds. Of course, each activity has its limitations, and if it is difficult for you to do it, or it causes pain, it is better to find an alternative.

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After you have prepared your body for singing, you can begin chanting. Now there are many different advice, but it’s better to study according to the old “grandfather’s” method, which you can try to learn from old music teachers. Well, or you can try to remember from school primary classes. In general, to learn how to sing at home, if you don’t have a voice, hum the sounds O, E, U, I, combining them with different vowels.

The best options that help clear and maximize your voice:

  • ri-ru-re-ro;
  • gi-gu-ge-go;
  • kri-kru-kre-kro;
  • shi-shu-she-sho;
  • li-lu-le-lo.

But you shouldn’t stop at just these options. A couple of lessons and these chants will become a habit. Try to make some changes in the sound and pitch of your voice, change the timbre, and then the exercises will be beneficial.

The right choice of training method is the key to success

After your steps in developing and staging your voice, which you can do on your own, we advise you to contact various techniques. Of course, you don’t have to study with a teacher or attend music courses, because everything you might need is available on the Internet. In most methods developed by eminent experts in the field of vocals and music, there are exercises called “eights”. Its essence is that you need to count out loud to eight 10-15 times, and before that hold your breath. If you find this exercise in a singing training course, then this course is most likely adequate and effective. This means you can learn to sing from it.

Naturally, it is better to work with a professional. He won’t miss anything, he will be able to get at least some semblance of vocal abilities out of a person. And especially if the student really wants to sing. But since most people are shy, they need to study alone. And with due effort, this almost always works out. And if you want to know more information on this topic, you can read the article:. You can also do a lot of other things at home, for example, or

Video lessons

Singing is one of the most beautiful and impressive ways of human creative expression. Singing in the full sense of the word is only available to the human species. The chirping of birds and the howling of wolves do not count. Why does beautiful singing have such a charming effect on the human brain? First of all, we are influenced by the rhythm of the sound, overtones and strength of the voice. And only then do we begin to listen to the words of the song, since they are secondary.

The ability to sing depends on many factors - hearing, voice, musical education, working on your vocal abilities. Sometimes we can have perfect pitch and sense of rhythm, but have weak vocal abilities. It also happens, on the contrary, that despite an excellent, rich and rich voice, a person has absolutely no ear for music. Is it possible to learn to sing on your own? How to sing if you have no voice? Let's try to find out as much information as possible on these issues.

Training the sound of the voice in unison is very useful for developing hearing. Unison is a way of sounding in which sounds of different origins are produced at the same vocal pitch.

To practice singing in unison we will use the following exercises.

  1. “Into the white light, like a pretty penny” (most often this technique is called “Finger to the sky”). This exercise is quite simple in theory, but difficult to implement. This strange name is due to the specifics of the exercise. We choose a source of constant noise for ourselves. You can take a quietly humming refrigerator or system unit, and try to make the sounds “o-o-o-o-o-o”, “y-y-y-y-y”, “a-a-a-a-a”, get into the same key and pitch with him. This may not be achieved the first time, but it must be achieved.

  2. "Master key" ("Carpet bombing"). The principle of this exercise is approximately the same as the previous one. Only, standing next to the source of noise, instead of monophonic sounds, we begin to imitate various household and technological noises (the screech of a saw, the noise of an engine, the whine of turbines, etc.). Our task, as in the first case, is to achieve resonance in the sound.

To develop your ear for music, perform these exercises regularly and you will achieve significant success.

Next, important point, is the ability to listen to your voice. We hear it a little differently than those around us. This is due to the fact that sound resonates from the vaults of the skull, and we perceive it in a distorted form. When our voice sounds from the outside (recorded), it seems unnatural and alien to us. This should not interfere with our work on the voice.

Another significant nuance is the ability to breathe correctly. When singing, proper breathing forms half of all success. We must inhale sharply through the nose and exhale smoothly, slowly through the mouth, making sounds of the required tonality.

The following exercises will be useful to you to practice breathing.

  1. While the candle is burning. The essence of this exercise is to fill your lungs with air to the maximum and gradually exhale it, causing the candle flame, located at a distance of thirty centimeters, to deviate to the side without hesitation. In this case, the light should not fade.

  2. Stronger than steel. Lie on the floor and place a stack of several books on your stomach to create pressure on the diaphragm area. Lie like this for about a third of an hour and breathe calmly. This type training allows you to strengthen your diaphragm and improve your vocal performance.

Also, correct articulation – clear pronunciation of speech sounds – is extremely important for singing. There are also special exercises for the development of the articulatory apparatus.
  1. Open your mouth wider and hold it in this position for about 5 seconds, mentally pronouncing the sound “A”. This exercise has a strengthening effect on the ligaments and joints of the jaw. This action is repeated several times.

  2. To strengthen the cheek muscles, inflate one or the other cheek. Next, pull them in at the same time.

  3. We should also devote a lot of time to developing our tongue. This can be done by pronouncing tongue twisters. Moreover, this should be done at the fastest possible pace.

What to do if you don't have good vocal skills?

The first thing to do is to put a voice. For this, there are also a lot of special exercises that professional vocalists use.
  • We place our feet shoulder-width apart. The body is relaxed. We begin to smoothly lean forward, stretching our arms forward and touching the floor with them. When bending over, we smoothly draw air through our nose, and when straightening up, we also smoothly exhale it. This exercise is indispensable for raising the voice and strengthening the diaphragm.

  • We make movements hugging ourselves by the shoulders without crossing your arms. At the girth we take a sharp breath through our nose. Next, we spread our arms wide with a sharp exhalation. Correct and regular performance of such exercises will help you strengthen all organs involved in sound production.

  • Chants. We pronounce the sounds “I”, “U”, “O”, “E” in a wide variety of tones and timbres. This allows us to stretch and warm up vocal cords before singing, giving them softness and elasticity.

  • Eights. This exercise involves repeating the following action ten to fifteen times: we draw air into our lungs “as hard as we can” and pronounce, trying not to exhale, the numbers from one to eight. This exercise is great for strengthening your voice and strengthening your singing apparatus.

Learn to sing beautifully

  1. Correct breathing technique. When performing songs, it is important to keep the mouth properly open in the so-called “yawn.” The most difficult thing about this is that your jaw must move in order to articulate normally. Therefore, we do the following exercise: open our mouth all the way, as if yawning, move our chin to the sides, close our mouth.

  2. Diaphragmatic breathing. In everyday life, we weakly use the diaphragm when breathing. Usually women actively breathe with its help. Men breathe through the chest. Therefore, to develop skills beautiful singing men should develop diaphragmatic muscles breathing techniques. To do this, when inhaling, we “inflate” the stomach, and during exhalation, we “deflate” it. There is practically no movement of the chest.

  3. Learning to listen to our voice. You will have to get used to perceiving him as he really is. The microphone and audio recording program included in Microsoft Windows will help you with this. Over time, you will learn to hear it correctly and objectively control timbre and tonality.

  4. Sing vowel sounds, using the accompaniment of a synthesizer or piano, varying the timbre and pitch of the sounds produced, trying to get into the key of the sounds of the instrument keys.

  5. When you have warmed up your ligaments well and practiced the key, try to start singing. Choose your favorite song, which you can reproduce without any difficulty. First, try singing along with your idol. If you notice that you are hitting the notes much more often than before, you can try your hand at karaoke. If you score enough points, you can practice singing to the backing track.

  6. An extremely important component of beautiful singing is emotional coloring and getting into character. The singer simply must be a bit of an actor so that his vocals make the most powerful impression on the viewer. Think about audio clips. All famous performers shoot unusual videos for their songs that briefly play out the content of the song. This allows you to make a whole story out of the song, a reality that you can live while listening to the composition. When you yourself deeply feel the emotions that permeate the song you perform, they involuntarily fill your vocals with magical charm and make an amazing impression on the listener. Live your song!

  7. Choreography. Try to simultaneously engage in choreography while developing your vocals. Imagine a singer, whose voice is beautiful, standing like an idol on stage, hunched over and stiff. This will greatly blur the impression of the performance. If you do not plan to make a living solely by selling your own audio recordings, but want to fill stadiums with thousands of people, you should work on your flexibility and behavior on stage. Unlike singing, which can be practiced at any age, it is best to start from early childhood. This is due age characteristics. In your youth, your ligaments and joints are much better suited to perform choreographed movements. But if you decide to start an artistic career in adulthood, it is important to master at least the basics of plastic movements and movements around the stage.

  8. Always try sing in front of the mirror to control articulation and gestures.

  9. Try to learn speak fluently in front of a large audience. A huge crowd watching you intently can shock even the most strong-willed person. Try to perform on different kinds seminars, conferences. This will strengthen your self-control and liberate you.

In order to learn to sing, you must follow the recommendations:
  • Love singing, strive for development and self-improvement, the most wonderful vocal abilities can be developed into even more beautiful ones, rising to unattainable heights.

  • Do not hurry. Your patience is the guarantee of future success. Nothing happens “at once”. Sometimes it takes a lot of effort, time and effort to experience minimal progress. But this will be your success and achievement.

  • Take care of the health of your throat and vocal cords, wrap yourself in warm scarves in winter, and do not abuse ice cream, alcohol and tobacco.

  • Make it a rule to conduct regular “chants”. They will help keep your ligaments in good shape.

  • Get more active in sports. This will help improve your respiratory system and keep the working volume of your lungs at an acceptable level.

  • Always think about singing. This will create the right mood for the whole body and will have a beneficial effect on your vocal training.

  • Constantly study the latest techniques vocal training, read the advice of professional teachers, look for something fresh that suits you.

The most important thing in the process of learning to sing is:
  • Believe in yourself;

  • clear goal setting;

  • drawing up a long-term development plan and strictly following it;

  • daily and persistent training;

  • the ability to overcome difficulties, doubts and criticism from others.

Dare - courage and perseverance are sometimes more important than the most developed talent!

Many people have a natural ability to sing. They quickly learn vocals because... as they already have a beautiful voice. Natural data in this case play an important role. However, even those who do not have them can quickly learn to sing and do it quite beautifully. To do this, you need to master a vocal technique that will allow you to control your voice like a musical instrument. If you want to learn how to sing quickly, you can try a few exercises and practice.

Learning to sing on your own

It is quite possible to learn to sing on your own, but this will require a lot of effort and time. You should be patient. The first thing you should learn is to sing in unison with some sound. You need to try to adjust your voice to certain sounds. To begin with, it may not be a full-fledged song, but just a melody. You should start training with monotonous sounds. It could even be a year old on the phone.

To try to reproduce a sound in unison with a melody, you need to turn it on and try to make this sound in different ways. Your task is to get into the tune of the melody by humming it. Do this every day to train your voice. Gradually move on to more complex melodies and sounds.

Exercises to help you learn to sing

There are several basic exercises that will help you learn to sing. With their help, you can feel how it should be done correctly. The presented exercises can bring into working condition all the organs that are responsible for proper breathing and sound production. They develop the diaphragm, laryngeal muscles, vocal cords and lungs well. It should be noted that during the exercises, it is necessary to train inhaling through the nose. Try to keep it noisy and at the same time short and sharp.

  1. Start with a preparatory exercise called the “pump.” You need to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. In this case, the arms should be extended along the body. Now make a slight bow, rounding your back. Imagine that you are pumping something. Take a short breath through your nose from the second half of the bow. There is no need to straighten all the way. Such bows should be repeated about 12 times. Exhalation must be done through the mouth without making any effort.
  2. The second exercise aimed at training breathing and voice is called “hug your shoulders.” You need to raise your arms so that they are at shoulder level and then bend them. Now you should throw your arms towards each other so that it looks like you are hugging your shoulders. At such a moment of hugging, you need to take a breath. Don't spread your arms too wide. There is no need to swap them either. You need to repeat the exercise 12 times.
  3. Perform light bows as in the first exercise, but with the difference that place the palms of your hands on your abdominals. In this case, it is necessary to tense your stomach when bowing and make some sounds. These include mi-mu-me-mo, ri-ru-re-ro, etc. The palms on the stomach, in this case, will press on it from above and help pronounce sounds in the desired key. This exercise is aimed at making you feel a special support, without which you will not be able to do correct positioning vote.
  4. Chanting exercises are important. They bring the ligaments into a state of readiness for singing. Do them every time you decide to practice vocals. To chant, you need to stand in front of a mirror and then sing the vowels. At this time, you need to actively articulate. When playing the sound “a,” you need to open your mouth wide and try to reach your chest with your lower jaw. When you sing “e” or “e”, try to make a barely noticeable smile, while opening your mouth a little. When pronouncing “and” you need to actively smile and pull the corners of your lips towards your ears. When pronouncing “y”, make your lips look like you are applying lipstick. Repeat similar exercises every day.

Performing songs helps many people express their own emotions and experience certain life situations. Vocals can infect with positive energy and have a good effect on the body as a whole. To really master vocals quickly, there are a few tips you can follow.

  1. Try to learn to sing according to notes. In this case, you need to accurately reproduce the pitch of each note. Do not try to scream so as not to tear the ligaments;
  2. Breathe from your belly as you sing. Try to inflate it rather than retract it. The mistake of many is that they take a deep breath, but this should not be done;
  3. Try to study the musical scale. Here it is important to understand the size of the work, what musical signs, pauses and tonality are present in it. If you do not understand all these terms, then first start by studying and deciphering them. This will greatly help you in the future. It's not easy, but if you want not just to sing, but to do it beautifully and more professionally, then this is necessary. You can easily read musical texts and reproduce them accurately;
  4. Remember one of the basic rules of vocals: consonants must be pronounced and vowels must be sung;
  5. If you have any speech therapy speech defects, you should not give up singing. By studying vocal techniques and training, you can get rid of many congenital speech defects;
  6. The ability to play any kind helps to quickly learn to sing. musical instruments. If you already know how to play any of them, then you will be able to learn to sing quite quickly without the help of a professional. If you wish, you can immediately train and sing and play something;
  7. Do vocal exercises and chants constantly. Try to adjust the sound of your voice. Record it on a voice recorder and then listen to it. This will help you evaluate what you are not doing well;
  8. Choose a song that you like and sing it along with the performer. After that, try singing karaoke. Try to get into the melody and key as best as possible.

Especially for those who think that a bear has stepped on their ear, I will repeat: you can learn to sing well, because your hearing and voice can be developed. Any age!

The question is how to do this?
There are several proven options.

  • Music (choral) school.
  • Individual lessons with a teacher.
  • Participation in an amateur choir.
  • Vocal courses (face-to-face or Internet).
  • Free video lessons.

Advantages and disadvantages of these options.

School of Music. Theoretically, you can study in it at any age. In practice, this is an option for schoolchildren.

Individual lessons with a vocal teacher - the best option, if you have sufficient quantity money and time to study. However, not fast. In order to consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills for a long time (for life), they must be practiced. Without outside support and rare practice, this will be difficult to do. Therefore, classes with a teacher are usually not limited to 2-3 months.

Participation in an amateur choir. The good thing is that it doesn’t require money. However, you need to understand that you should already have certain vocal abilities. It is unlikely that the choirmaster will bring you up from scratch to the level of choir singers for no reason. In addition, choral singing differs from solo singing. Here vocals are different from vocals. If you just want to learn how to sing drinking songs without being embarrassed about your voice, singing in an amateur choir will give you this opportunity. But in order to learn how to sing solo beautifully, you need to look for other options.
Yes, an amateur choir is also good because here you can rest your soul.

Courses: face-to-face or online. A proven methodology, a specified time to achieve the stated result and a fixed cost of the course.

Everyone can choose a convenient option for themselves if they live where they are. What if they don't exist? In this case, all that remains is to search for opportunities on the Internet. And I will dwell on this in more detail.

On the Internet you can find many different video lessons on vocals. Their main and only advantage is that they are free. While preparing this article, and in order not to be unfounded, I looked at several on different vocal topics. Eat short videos, from which you can glean some useful knowledge, but learning to sing, and even more so, to sing beautifully, is very unlikely. Why? There are reasons for this.

  1. They have no system! Any quality training is based on methodologically competent presentation of the material. Theory is combined with practical skills training. The complexity increases gradually and new knowledge is added to previously learned material.
  2. It is unlikely that in our time someone would fully lay out their knowledge, work and spend their time on creating full-fledged training lessons without expecting anything in return. And why on earth? We don’t work for free at work either.
  3. Schools of teaching are also different, and if lessons are posted by teachers from different schools, they may contradict each other somewhere. They have value only within the framework of one specific school, because they are built into a system there. Can you figure this out?
  4. And finally, what you receive for free does not oblige you to anything. There is no guarantee that you will not be distracted by other things and that your daily routine will not dampen your enthusiasm.
    But the money spent will not let you relax and will form an unbending intention to complete the course and finally learn to sing beautifully!

Therefore, no matter how much we want freebies, forget about it if you really want to get something of quality.

I’m going through them myself now and can confidently recommend them to anyone, except, of course, those who are planning to become an opera singer. But they can prepare the basis for singing on the stage. Moreover, they will be useful to those who have not yet developed an ear for music and have not developed a voice. To learn how to sing beautifully from scratch at home, this is the best option! And the only one if it is not possible to take private lessons from a teacher.

Why am I so sure?

  • Quality. The classes are taught by a professional who is fluent in music theory and who also sings beautifully.
    The courses are over 5 years old. During this time, thousands of people were trained. Through feedback from them, the method of presenting the material was constantly improved.
  • Convenience. You can study at home at any time.
  • Price-quality ratio compared to private vocal lessons. average cost one lesson with a teacher - 1000 rubles. Minimum 2 classes per week – that’s 8000 per month. With a good teacher and a conscientious student, you can learn to sing in a couple of months of daily lessons. * (we take into account homework completion). Total: 16,000 rub.
    A video course at school for learning to sing from scratch is worth it.

* However, as you understand, the teacher is interested in stretching out the training as long as possible - this is his income.

The course includes 14 lessons on developing musical ear and coordinating it with the voice.
Each lesson is well structured and provides the maximum amount of knowledge to be mastered in one sitting. The lesson skills are fully reinforced by repetition over the next few days. In total, it takes from 3 to 7 days to fully study the lesson. By watching the same video lesson every day (or returning to previous ones), you work through what you failed yesterday or the day before, train your hearing and voice. You don't forget anything from the lesson, because... repeat it completely. During the learning process, you can ask questions to the teacher and get answers to them.

I can offer you useful trick. If, while completing the course, the next lesson seems very difficult, go back 2-3 lessons and work through them again. For example, like this: 7-5-6-7-7-8… or like this: 7-5-7-6-7-7-8…. This general principle any workout: maintaining a constant effort, without taking breaks in exercise, periodically reduce the load. Relax while continuing to develop!
However, it may be useful for some to take one-day breaks 1-2 times a week. Experiment and listen to your inner voice and body sensations.

After completing the course, you can always, if desired, repeat any of its lessons to remember something or simply maintain the acquired skills. Moreover, now the course developers offer, as one of the options, to study each lesson for 3 days, but take the course 2-3 times. As it turned out, (according to reviews from cadets) for many it is more interesting and effective. Having received all the knowledge (the general picture) of the course, when you take it again, you begin to see those nuances that escaped attention during the first study.
After completing the course, you will receive: the skills to hit the notes, the ability to sing clearly and beautifully, and the musical literacy necessary for singing.

The lessons themselves are interesting, the exercises are not tiring and end with the study of a folk song selected to the topic of the lesson. Moreover, each song is given in its original, complete version, which is not available in modern song collections. Plus a few words about its appearance among the people.

How to learn to sing beautifully in a week? No way! You can learn the theory, start doing exercises, but even in a month, much less in a week, learning to sing well is highly unlikely. Why? Try to start developing flexibility and doing the splits in a week. Or build beautiful muscles from scratch in a month. I hope you understand: an ear for music and a beautiful voice also need to be developed. Need constant training.
For example, mastering intervals on the course. If in the first lessons easy intervals are taught: second, third..., then not everyone can master the fifth in one try, not to mention wider intervals.
Even great singers constantly trained and train their voices.

Although, on the good side, if you are not satisfied with the sound of your voice, it makes sense to take the paid course “Revival of the Natural Voice”. I completed it back in 2012 and am still grateful to myself for not sparing money on this training.