How to clean tiles from old glue. How to remove tile adhesive from a wall

In the process of performing repair cladding work, the need inevitably arises to clean the tiles from excess glue. It is strictly forbidden to leave such contaminants; stains of the solution can spoil the appearance of the surface and affect its other characteristics. Let's look at how we can deal with this problem.

After completing the tiling work, the tiles must be washed off the glue as quickly as possible before the composition has hardened.

Types of adhesive mixtures

Completely different compositions can be used for laying tiles; this affects their hardening time, adhesion to the surface and cleaning conditions. Therefore, the methods for cleaning tiles from one or another composition will differ. Mainly used the following types mixtures:

  • Polymer. This viscous paste or a gel-like substance that has high viscosity and hardens quite quickly. It most often contains acrylic, so the appropriate solvent must be used.
  • Cement. A plastic mass most common for working with tiles. Its quality and hardness depend on the components used. Various plasticizers and additives can change the properties of the adhesive.
  • Epoxy. Provides reliable fixation, but finally hardens slowly. However, it will not be easy to remove it, since it is based on a viscous resinous substance.
  • Homemade solution. Often it is a mixture of cement and sand. If the proportions are not correct, such a solution can be very fragile; as a rule, this is due to excess sand. In this case, it will be much easier to clean it off, but the quality of the masonry will suffer as a result.

Varieties adhesive mixtures for laying tiles

The most popular material for tiling bathrooms and kitchens is ceramic tiles. It performs well in conditions of high humidity and can serve the owner for a long time with proper care. You can lay the tiles yourself. To do this, use a special tile adhesive, which sets quickly and ensures strong adhesion of the tile to the surface. But even if you do the installation very carefully, there will be excess glue left on the tiles. It must be wiped off immediately after work, as hardened glue looks sloppy and spoils appearance laid tiles.

The tiles are laid using different mixtures that differ in hardening speed and durability. There are several types of adhesive base:

  1. Cement. A popular composition that ensures reliable adhesion of tiles to the surface. This mixture hardens quickly, but it is quite easy to remove it from the tiles.
  2. Epoxy resin. This base hardens slowly, but is firmly etched into the tile. To clean the tiles you will need to use special means. Therefore, such glue must be wiped off immediately after contamination.
  3. Polymers. This composition is available in the form of a gel or paste and contains acrylic. Like cement, it sets and hardens quickly.
  4. Homemade composition. Sometimes, in order to save on facing work, they use a solution prepared independently. Usually cement and sand are mixed for this. If there is too much sand, the mixture will turn out brittle. This will make the quality of tile laying very low. However, removing excess homemade glue is quite simple.

The choice of removal method will depend on the substrate used. In some cases, improvised means will be sufficient, and sometimes special formulations will have to be used.

Removal methods

The method of removing glue differs depending on the degree of its hardening. It is much easier to remove a liquid composition than a dried one.

Therefore, it is necessary to lay the tiles carefully and get rid of excess glue as quickly as possible. Some solutions set within several hours, and they can only be removed after hardening with special means.

Fresh glue

Immediately after finishing work, you need to wipe off any glue that accidentally gets on the tile. This requires:

  • take a plastic scraper or spatula with a rubber tip;
  • walk it over the tiles, removing any remaining adhesive;
  • Wipe the tiles thoroughly with a clean damp cloth;
  • Wipe the surface dry so that there are no streaks left on the ceramic.

You should not use metal scrapers, as they will leave scratches and microcracks on the tiles, which can lead to mold growth.

Mechanical cleaning

If the solution still manages to harden, it is necessary to use other methods. To begin with, you can try to remove excess glue mechanically.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. First you need to soften adhesive composition. To do this, it must be wetted with water or a special composition for removing epoxy resins or acrylic mixtures (depending on the adhesive base).
  2. After 5-10 minutes, it is necessary to wipe off excess glue using an abrasive agent. You can take: a hard sponge, medium-grain sandpaper, pumice stone or a construction float. Small drops are scraped off with a manicure file. At the same time, it is important to try not to touch clean areas of the tile, otherwise they may become covered with scratches.
  3. When the softened layer is removed, you should wet the glue again and rub it with the above means. This procedure can be carried out several times until the main part of the composition is removed.
  4. To remove a small layer of adhesive remaining on the tile, you need to use more gentle means. For example, an unnecessary toothbrush, a melamine sponge or a microfiber cloth. Additionally, special removers and solvents are used.

After cleaning the tiles from glue, you need to walk over the surface with a clean damp cloth and wipe the surface dry.


If the mechanical method is not suitable for any reason or it was not possible to completely remove the glue, you can use folk remedies.

One of the most simple means - baking soda.

Mode of application:

  • mix soda with water to a paste;
  • apply the mixture to a sponge;
  • wipe contaminated areas;
  • Wipe the tiles first with a damp soft cloth and then with a dry one.

Do not press too hard on the sponge, as baking soda has abrasive properties and can leave scratches on the ceramic surface.


Table vinegar is good for softening the adhesive base before mechanical cleaning.

Procedure steps:

  • moisten glue stains with 9% vinegar;
  • wait a few minutes;
  • scrub the composition as described above;
  • if necessary, you can repeat the procedure.

It is necessary to protect your hands with rubber gloves, since vinegar is quite a caustic substance.

Lemon acid

You can also remove tile adhesive from tiles using citric acid.


  • Dilute 1 citric acid powder in 1 liter of boiling water;
  • Stir the solution thoroughly until all grains dissolve;
  • then you need to moisten a soft cloth with the resulting mixture and wipe the contaminated areas;
  • After cleaning, the tiles are wiped dry.

It is very important that the acid crystals dissolve completely. Otherwise, scratches will remain on the coating.


A product containing chlorine will help soften the tile adhesive. You can use regular White. You will need:

  • add a little bleach to 1 liter of water;
  • stir the composition;
  • using a sponge, apply the solution to the remaining glue;
  • Then you can scrub the mixture with a hard cloth or other abrasive means.

When working with Whiteness, you should use products personal protection: thick rubber gloves and a respirator.

Bleach will not only remove the adhesive base, but will also prevent the appearance of mold in the room with high humidity.


Take off old glue You can also use steam. To do this, you need to take a special steamer or iron with a steam function.

Contaminated areas must be treated with steam from a distance of 15-20 cm. When the base has softened, it must be wiped off with a rag or plastic scraper. After cleaning, wipe the tiles with a clean damp cloth and dry thoroughly so that no streaks remain on the surface.

Special means

In hardware stores you can purchase special removers designed to remove tile adhesive.

Products containing acids are suitable. When choosing, you need to carefully study the instructions. Different products are suitable for different adhesive bases.

How to remove glue from the back side

Sometimes it is necessary to use tiles for re-installation. In this case, it becomes necessary to remove the glue from the wrong side. In this case, you should act very carefully so as not to damage the tiles.

First you need to do some preparatory work:

  • cover all surfaces in the room with film;
  • wear rubber gloves, a respirator and safety glasses;
  • prepare necessary tool and a special wash.

There are several ways to clean the back of tiles:

  1. Knock off the dried glue with a chisel and hammer. In this case, you need to act carefully so as not to split the tiles.
  2. If the mixture layer is thick, you can use a grinder with a special attachment.
  3. When a small amount of base remains, you should clean it with a brush and rinse thoroughly with water.

To easily remove the glue, you can wet the mixture with a special remover.

You can remove glue from tiles different ways. For this purpose, both folk and special means are used. The main thing is to be careful when cleaning so as not to damage the front surface of the tile.

Dismantling the tiles must be carried out carefully, because old tiles can be reused. With its help you can implement design ideas for home and garden. Old tiles will decorate Coffee table, house foundation, borders, garden paths.

Tiles in good condition, but has remnants of the old solution? Don't rush to throw it away, it can be given a second life. There are many ways to clean grout from tiles.

Before you start cleaning the tiles, you need to find out what solution was used to glue them:

  • Cement composition firmly penetrates the tile structure, and to remove it, chemical solutions are required. If you soak tiles with cement residues in hydrochloric acid and leave for 10 hours, the glue will soften and can be easily removed with a metal spatula. Clean tiles must be rinsed under running water.
  • Epoxy-based polymer composition removed from the coating with solvents such as ethyl acetate or butyl acetate. Wet the back surface of the tile with the remaining adhesive with solvent and wait 20 minutes. The mixture on the tile under the influence of chemical components will become soft and can be easily removed with a metal spatula. This procedure can be repeated until complete cleansing.
  • Liquid Nails– ideal construction material for cladding, however, it is difficult to remove dried glue from the surface. Liquid nails are removed from the tiles using a special remover or hot air from a hair dryer.

Professional tilers recommend laying tiles using dry adhesive mixtures (Ceresit CM 11, Knauf, Mastplix T-12, etc.). Such adhesives contain cement and polymers, thanks to which the tiles hold firmly, and it is difficult to remove the mortar after drying.

You can clean the tiles from tile adhesive for re-installation using the liquid cleaner “Metalin OF-C”, which, thanks to organic acids, breaks down the adhesive mass.

Attention! Often after construction work Traces of silicone, sealant or grout remain on the tile. For this purpose there is a cleaning agent ATLAS SZOP, which dissolves alkaline compounds. Liquid composition instantly reacts with glue and quickly removes all stains.

Ways to remove old tiles from walls and floors

The process of dismantling tiles is noisy, dusty and labor-intensive.

The main rule for successful repairs is compliance with safety regulations, because you will have to work with a hammer drill, chisel, chisel or spatula:

  • Hammer will remove the tile quickly. You should work carefully, as the tiles can fly off and damage the furniture or floor. All surfaces must be covered protective film. Dismantling begins from the corner of the top row, while the hammer drill is held at an angle of 45 degrees and, prying up the tiles, the lining is removed.
  • Hammer with chisel used when it is necessary to preserve dismantled tiles. The seams are well moistened with water and cleaned with a metal spatula or construction knife. After tapping the tile with a hammer, they determine its voids, use a chisel to hook the tiles, and carefully remove them from the wall.
  • Chisel or spatula suitable for dismantling floor tiles that have moved away from the base. To do this, you need to clean the seams and, by hooking the tile with a chisel and carefully loosening it, separate it from the surface.

When laying tiles, they are sometimes covered with cement mortar in two layers. It is difficult to remove such tiles, since they cannot be dismantled with conventional tools.

In this case, only a grinder with diamond blade , with which old tile is cut and then removed with a puncher. As a rule, such tiles are removed along with the screed and it is better if the work is carried out by a specialist.

Grandmother's products for cleaning tiles from glue

When there were no modern tools and household chemicals, housewives were cleaning the tiles from adhesive solution traditional methods. Can such available funds like soda, vinegar, bleach, from the tiles?


Baking soda can remove glue on tiles only if the glue is fresh and has not yet dried. Soda cannot cope with deep cleaning. Pour a little baking soda onto a damp sponge and wipe the tiles.


Vinegar will easily remove the remaining cement mortar. To do this you need to moisten it with vinegar. floor tiles and leave for 30 minutes. Then wipe the glue areas with a soft brush, and rinse off the remaining solution with water.


Liquid chlorine will help remove the adhesive residue on the tiles. You can only work with chlorine with gloves because of its toxicity.

Thanks to chemical properties chlorine breaks down the adhesive components. Bleached lime is diluted with water, the tiles are well wetted and left for 20 minutes, then the glue is removed with a damp sponge.

Lemon acid

Citric acid will remove fresh tile adhesive stains. Add 20 grams of acid to one liter of water, then treat the contaminated areas with a liquid solution and wipe with a wet rag.

Attention! It should be borne in mind that these methods of removing old mortar are only suitable for the front side of the cladding and for different adhesive mixtures. If you need to remove the solution from the back of the tile, the cleaning methods differ.

Technology for removing old mortar from the back side

Mechanical and chemical options for removing solution are significantly different . Here you need to take into account such nuances as the types and quality of the solution.

For example, a tile on which cement mortar, cleaned mechanically.

Since cement adhesive is strong, it is necessary to soak the tiles in water for three days to soften them and then use a grinder to clean off the layer of mortar. If you don’t have a grinder at hand, you can cut off the glue with an ax. The main thing is to work slowly and not forget about safety measures.

Main Key Points of Solution Removal chemically - this means strictly following the instructions, as well as using protective equipment(gloves and respirator).

All cleaning powders, gels and cleaners contain acids and toxic substances that must be handled with care. Using these compounds, you can quickly remove adhesive from floor and wall cladding, ceramics, or clean traces of grout.

Find out what kind of glue it was glued with

Today the market for building materials for cladding offers a large assortment tile adhesives. When choosing adhesive, you should take into account the types of installation, because floor and wall cladding are different.

This means that the adhesive mixtures for such work will be different:

  • Cement mortar– a dry mixture, where the main percentage is cement and 10% impurities. The advantage of the solution is its versatility and high fixation with the surface.
  • Epoxy mortar consists of liquid resin and hardener. The two components are mixed with a drill according to the instructions. The composition is valued for its elasticity, moisture resistance, and strength.
  • Silicone glue, liquid nailscomfortable materials, if you need to glue several tiles. For large volumes of installation these are economically unprofitable adhesives.
  • Adhesive mastic– the paste-like ready-made solution is perfectly fixed on any surface. This solution is elastic and easy to work with, and is also valued for its waterproof properties.
  • Heat resistant glue– elastic, heat-resistant dry solution for high temperatures, suitable for heated floors, stoves, fireplaces. The adhesive contains fireproof clay, plasticizer, and quartz sand.
  • Adhesive dry mixtures– universal a budget option for any bases and for different types tiles The main advantage of dry adhesives is frost resistance and elasticity. Great for indoor and outdoor use.

Tools for removing adhesive

After finishing the facing work, traces of glue remain on the tiles. It's important to choose the right tools so as not to ruin all the work. Liquid glue and solid solution are removed differently, and the tools for cleaning them differ.

Liquid solution

It is advisable to remove the liquid solution that has not dried immediately: this will save you time and money. It is enough to wash off the glue with warm soapy water using a sponge.

For best effect, repeat the procedure using detergents. Fresh drips of solution are removed rubber spatula.

Hardened mortar

Dried mortar on tiles can be removed using gentle or aggressive methods. For soft cleaning You will need damp sponges, rubber gloves and chemicals.

For aggressive removal glue, you will need a painting knife, a hammer drill, a metal spatula and a chisel. Typically, such tools are needed to clear the solution only reverse side tiles


The above methods for removing glue from tiles have their pros and cons. You should not forget that it is better to remove the fresh solution than to later think about what to do with the hardened composition.

Old tiles can always be reused if they are in perfect condition and well cleaned.

It is quite possible to clean tiles from tile adhesive yourself, the main thing is to choose the right effective method When gluing ceramic tiles, the question often arises of how to remove tile adhesive from the tiles. Even a specialist can allow tile adhesive to get on the surface itself. In this case, it is necessary to resolve the issue with such a problem as glue getting on the cladding. In no case should you leave traces of the mixture on the surface of the tile, because the glue not only spoils the appearance of the cladding, but also tends to have a bad effect on performance ceramic tiles. And it is possible to cope with such problems using different ways.

Types of adhesive mixtures: how to remove glue from tiles

When working on ceramic tiles, there will inevitably be a need to clean the tiles from excess adhesive. In no case should this type of contamination be left, as this can lead not only to an incorrect appearance of the cladding, but also affect other characteristics.

For tiling, various mixtures with different compositions– this affects the speed of adhesion of the tiles to the base. Based on this, the methods for cleaning tiles will be different.

It is necessary to select a method for cleaning tiles taking into account the type of adhesive mixture

Most often, 4 types of glue are used:

  1. Polymer glue. This mixture is presented in the form of a viscous paste or gel-like substance that hardens quickly. Polymer adhesives most often contain acrylic and therefore it is necessary to use a solvent for cleaning.
  2. Cement based adhesive. An ordinary plastic mass, which is often used for tiling with ceramic tiles. The hardness and quality of the mixture depends on the use of different components. Various additives or plasticizer can change the properties of the adhesive.
  3. Epoxy glue. This type of glue provides reliable fixation, but, unfortunately, hardening of such glue takes a very long time. This glue contains a resinous substance and that is why it is quite difficult to remove it from the tiles.
  4. Homemade glue. Most often it is made from cement and sand. If the proportions are disturbed when making this mixture, it can be very fragile after hardening. It is easy to clean such glue from tiles, but the quality of such a solution leaves much to be desired.

If you use quick-drying glue, then it must be removed during the process of laying ceramic tiles, because the hardening speed of such glue is minimal and if you do not remove it in time, you will then have to scrape it off for a long time.

How to remove liquid tile adhesive from tiles

When working with tiles, you must be careful, but you still won’t be able to leave the tiles perfectly clean. An excess amount of mortar will protrude into the seams and, when removing this excess, drops may fall on the tile; these drops must be removed immediately so that they do not have time to harden.

You can use a wet cloth to remove liquid tile adhesive from the tile surface.

For this purpose we perform the following actions:

  • When gluing a new one tiles and fixing it along the edges, you need to go over it with a rubber spatula, it will help remove excess glue;
  • Remains of glue that appears on the surface of the tile must be removed with a washed spatula;
  • Use a wet cloth to wash away any residue;
  • After removing the glue, the clinker tiles must be wiped dry so that no streaks remain on the surface.

Quite often this type of work remains aside. This is due to the fact that the glue hardens quickly and needs to be used as quickly as possible, and there is no time to remove drops from the surface. But if you don’t do this, then when the glue dries, it will be very difficult to remove it.

How to remove tile adhesive from tiles

If there are still traces of the adhesive mixture on the ceramic tiles, then you need to know what is the best way to clean the surface of the tiles. It is strictly forbidden to leave glue on the surface, since all the work done will be reduced to zero, ruining the appearance of the surface. In this case, you need to start removing glue stains on the tiles as soon as possible. It is unlikely that it will be possible to wash off drops of glue easily, so you will have to be patient and resort to more harsh cleaning methods, which will require abrasive tools, water and a rag.

To remove old glue stains from tiles, you need to soften them with water.

The glue cleaning procedure can be performed in several stages:

  1. Softening the glue. First, you need to moisten the stains of the frozen mixture with water. If the characteristics of the tile do not indicate that it reacts to solvents and acids, then you can use them.
  2. Mechanical cleaning. After you have softened it with water and the glue has softened a little, you can start cleaning the tiles. You must use a hard sponge, sandpaper, abrasive tape and similar materials. Small drops can be removed with a regular nail file.
  3. Second softening followed by cleaning. After the glue begins to harden again, and you have not yet cleaned the tiles, you need to wet it again and try to remove it. It is necessary to advance in layers, and at the same time try not to damage the tile itself.
  4. Washing. After finishing the main work, when the entire surface of the tile is cleared of glue, you need to change the tool. Now you can take a rag and wash the tiles.

Cleaning tiles: selecting special products

It happens that in the usual ways It is impossible to remove the glue from the surface of the tile; this is where products specially designed for this come to the rescue. A special feature is the content of an active substance, with the help of which hardened stains are corroded.

To clean the tiles, you can additionally use special chemicals that can be purchased in the store.

It is equally important to take into account a number of factors when using such tools:

  • Since not all such mixtures are suitable for a certain glue, before purchasing you need to familiarize yourself with the composition of the glue and purchase a product that can help clean the mixture;
  • The action of some solutions is similar to the action of solvents; they are aimed at removing glue, while some simply soften, and then need to be cleaned using the methods already described above;
  • Not every type of tile can be exposed to contact with aggressive substances, and therefore it is worth considering this when purchasing tiles, as well as when choosing a cleaning method;
  • When working with a cleaning agent, it is important not to forget about gloves;
  • If you use a product for already hardened glue, do not forget that getting it into the seams can reduce the quality of installation and the color of the grout mixture may change.

Taking into account all these factors, you can easily not only clean, but also remove the old adhesive layer and dissolve all its remnants, both from the wall and from the floor.

The label of the cleaning mixture contains instructions for using the product, which should not be ignored. The composition and direction of action are also indicated there.

Methods: how to clean tiles from tile adhesive (video)

Cleaning tiles from tile adhesive is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The most important thing is not to neglect first aid if the substance gets on the surface. However, different things happen. And if it does happen that the glue has had time to dry, you shouldn’t be upset, because everything can be fixed, and our article will definitely help you with this.

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The technology of laying tiles involves cleaning them during the work process. Often such procedures are not given due attention, as a result of which problems arise in the future. How to remove glue from tiles depends largely on its composition.

After fixing the new tile covering element, you must:

  • remove the mortar protruding from the joints using a rubber spatula;
  • then remove all drops and remnants of the adhesive mixture from the surface of the tile;
  • Wash the tiles from any remaining solution with a damp cloth;
  • wipe the coating dry.

Various mixtures and solutions are used for tiling work.

  1. Homemade mortars are made from cement, sand and water. The main thing here is the correct proportions. If there is excess sand, the glue is not very strong. It is easy to wipe off the tiles from such a solution.
  2. Ready cement mixtures contain additives and plasticizers, which determine the difficulty of removing their dried residues.
  3. Polymer pastes or substances harden quickly due to the acrylic content. To remove hardened particles from such mixtures, a special solvent will be required.
  4. Epoxy solutions are based on resins that provide reliable fixation. This mixture dries slowly, but hardened residues are difficult to remove. This will require chemicals and solvents.

It is unacceptable to leave dried stains on the ceramic surface; they will ruin the appearance of the tile.

Chemical and mechanical removal methods

Hardened adhesive solution can be removed from a ceramic surface using two main methods: chemical and mechanical. The combination of these methods in this sequence will increase the efficiency of work:

  1. Softening. Frozen stains at this stage are abundantly wetted warm water. Depending on the composition of the glue and the type ceramic material acids and solvents are used.
  2. Mechanical cleaning. After impregnation of the hardened adhesive mass with appropriate solutions, you can begin to remove it. To remove unnecessary residues from the tiles, use coarse sandpaper, a plaster float, or a hard sponge. You need to work with ceramics carefully so as not to scratch its surface.
  3. If it was not possible to remove contaminants at these stages, you need to repeat these procedures.
  4. Washing. On last stage Using rags, brushes, hard sponges, you can thoroughly wash the surface. You need to clean the tiles diagonally so as not to damage the grout if it has already been done.

Special concentrated mixtures and powders will help get rid of unnecessary marks left after laying tiles. When working with them, for safety reasons, it is better to use gloves, goggles and masks.

When cleaning, questions arise:

  • Is this solvent suitable for removing a specific adhesive mixture?
  • Is a certain concentrated solvent too harsh for a particular tile?

Types of tiles

There are many varieties of tiles that have varying resistance to harsh chemical cleaners. There are three main ones.

  • Tile, made from a mixture of clay, sand and minerals. During the production process, such tiles are fired and covered with glaze. This surface can be easily washed with warm water. Weak acid solutions and solvents will also not harm it.
  • Porcelain tiles is made by pressing and has very good resistance to almost any external influences. Due to their structure, such tiles are difficult to clean using mechanical methods. Special concentrated liquids and powders will help to wash it.
  • Special type of tiles - clinker. The production of this type of coating is a complex technology that combines high-temperature firing and pressing. This tile has excellent mechanical properties. It is used for lining swimming pools in open spaces. Clinker requires careful care, as this coating is easily damaged. To clean it, you can use abrasive cleaners and weak acid solutions.

Home Remedies for Adhesive Remover

You can also remove tile adhesive residues at home using citric acid, vinegar, chlorine, baking soda or a weak solution of hydrochloric acid.

  • Chlorine is recommended for use in rooms with high humidity, as it effectively kills mold. In order to remove tile adhesive and clean the surface, you need to spray an aqueous solution of chlorine onto the surface of the tile. Through short period time, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the treated areas with a damp sponge.
  • Ordinary baking soda will cope with stains quite well. ceramic coating. Simply apply it to a heavily moistened sponge and wipe the tile thoroughly.
  • Using a solution of citric acid, you can spot treat hardened areas.
  • The method of treating hardened solution residues with Coca-Cola drink has become very popular. The composition of this liquid allows you to easily clean porcelain, tiles, and ceramic tiles. Coca-Cola is good at removing dried stains from various adhesive solutions.

After using any chemical, the tiles must be thoroughly rinsed with water.

Often there is a need to use the old facing material secondary. This type of work requires care and attention; it is important not to damage the tile being removed when removing the old mortar.

  • Cover surfaces in the room with a protective film;
  • take care of special clothing, gloves, a respirator, and safety glasses;
  • cook the right tool: hammer, chisel, chisel, drill with attachments, grinder, special mixture for removing concrete and cement, warm water and a rag.

Clean tiles with inside can be done in the following way:

  1. Try knocking off the old dried mortar using a chisel and hammer. However, care must be taken when applying force.
  2. A large amount of old mortar can also be removed using a grinder with a special attachment.
  3. Place the tiles in a special liquid to dissolve hardened residues.
  4. At the final stage, the tiles are brushed and thoroughly washed. It is quite possible that the old tile will still serve.

The main thing when cleaning is to choose the right products, taking into account the characteristics of ceramic tiles and adhesive mixtures.