How to hang liquid wallpaper. How to glue liquid wallpaper How to glue liquid wallpaper on concrete walls

Anton Tsugunov

Reading time: 6 minutes

To decorate the walls and ceiling with so-called silk plaster with your own hands, you do not need any special skills or knowledge. Lack of experience is also not a serious obstacle - even a schoolchild can glue liquid wallpaper. However, getting the job done quickly and efficiently will require diligence and care. And knowledge important nuances, at least in theory, will free you from doubts and the “effect of shaking hands.”

Features of the “filling” material

Before starting work, it is useful to know the basic qualities of the material with which you will be dealing. The first thing you need to pay attention to: liquid wallpaper, despite the name, is completely different from standard roll wallpaper. According to the principle of application, they are more similar to decorative plaster. The hardened coating has no seams, is soft and warm to the touch.

The most common is a ready-made dry mixture, to which decorative inclusions and colors are added. Also found design options compositions that are white base for self-addition needed by the master color and texture elements.

If you have no work experience, it is better to give preference to the first option: correctly calculating the required volume of additives for the area to be covered can cause difficulties. And all errors will be clearly visible on finished layer: color variations, lack or excess of sparkles, etc.

Dry package liquid wallpaper is a light porous mixture of completely natural hypoallergenic components, intended for dilution with water. The material is prepared on the basis of:

  • silks;
  • cellulose;
  • cotton

Adhesives and decorative elements are added to the base composition.

The most durable and at the same time the most expensive are wallpapers made entirely of silk fiber. They are not subject to fading in the sun, do not fade and do not lose the freshness of flowers for many years.

Important features of working with the material

The method of applying liquid wallpaper is completely different from the process of gluing its roll “namesake”. By analogy, finishing is more reminiscent of working with paint or decorative plaster, if you have experience handling them, mastering new skills will not be difficult.

The nuances of working with liquid wallpaper:

  • During the finishing process, a seamless, uniform layer is formed over the entire surface of the walls, ceiling, and slopes.
  • The composition is well suited for covering corners, ledges and any uneven areas.
  • Liquid wallpaper is easy to apply using a minimum special tools. And some varieties are suitable for spraying with a hopper gun.
  • Interaction with the material does not require the use of skin protection products due to the absence of toxic and allergenic components. Only a construction respirator is used when mixing the dry mixture with water to protect the respiratory system from hygroscopic particles.
  • It takes a decent amount of time for the material to set – from 12 to 72 hours – which allows you to remove errors in the finished layer before it hardens.

The structure of the composition allows it to be applied a second time if necessary: ​​just soak the previously applied fragment of coating with water and stick it again.

What you can't do without: tools

It is impossible to clearly identify the list of necessary devices for working with liquid wallpaper. The uniqueness of the material is that it can be applied with almost any available means, and you should start from those devices that are available at your disposal. home handyman or from his experience in handling other types of finishing - putty, paint, plaster.

So, the following are suitable for work:

  1. Graters.
  2. Trowels (a special transparent plastic trowel is shown in the photo below).
  3. Plastic or metal spatulas.
  4. Hopper pistol.
  5. Rollers (with a sparse pile - for application, ribbed - to create texture).

Preparing the surface

To get exactly the shades of the coating that were planned, or to create a high-quality pattern from liquid wallpaper, you need to carefully prepare the base.

In general, preparation comes down to removing previous finishing coatings - whitewash, peeling paint, old roll wallpaper and others - as well as eliminating holes and cracks in floors with subsequent application of primer. Detailed step by step instructions for pre-treatment of walls and ceilings can be found.

If you plan to finish a plasterboard surface with silk plaster, you will need to know some of the nuances. Recommendations for preparing plasterboards are described in.

Note! Liquid wallpaper does not require such careful leveling as regular wallpaper. roll material or paint. The viscous mass will fill small depressions and hide imperfections. However, it should be understood that the more uneven the wall is, the higher the consumption will be.

First step: preparing the mixture

Most often, liquid wallpaper is packaged in bags with a nominal weight of 1 kilogram. In addition to the base, various decorative elements are added to the packaging.

When calculating the amount of mixture, it should be taken into account that the entire area must be treated at one time. The junction of the hardened coating and the wet mixture is not allowed, except in cases of restoration of the old layer.

Note! The weight of the package contents is taken in accordance with the instructions plus a small margin. The fact is that manufacturers use ideal conditions applications that are rare in reality. Usually this is 300–400 g of dry composition per square meter. m.

We act in stages:

  • To dissolve the dry material, pour it into a container and fill it with water.

As a standard, 6 liters of liquid are taken per kilogram of wallpaper.

  • Mix the resulting mass. It would be correct to do this only with your hands, so as not to damage the texture of the decorative inclusions.
  • After preparation, leave the container with the mixture to swell for 12 hours.
  • Before starting work, thoroughly mix the wet mass again.

Applying liquid wallpaper to the surface

There are two ways to glue the material: manually and mechanically (by spraying). It is worth noting that the word “glue” actually poorly reflects the process of applying a thick mass to the surface. Working with the composition is in many ways similar to the method of attaching decorative plaster.

Manual method

As the name implies, the work is done by hand using several tools. The process itself is simple, and it is easier to deal with liquid wallpaper than, for example, with putty.

Application without a gun gives better coverage.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. The finished mixture is scooped out of the container simply by hand or using a small spatula.
  2. It is then applied to the surface in small portions.
  3. Leveling is done with a plastic or metal trowel. When necessary, a trowel and roller are used.

It is better to maintain the layer thickness in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations written on the packaging: depending on the composition, it may differ. Sometimes the manufacturer does not indicate information about the thickness, in which case a layer of approximately 2-3 mm is applied.

Important! Working with liquid wallpaper in the cold is prohibited. Optimal temperature– from +10 degrees and above.

Application with a gun

The mechanical method is more often used for coating large areas. It is worth considering that not all types of wallpaper are suitable for use in a sprayer.

You also need to pay attention to the device itself, with which the material will be sprayed. If a Hopper pistol is used, then operating pressure The compressor must be at least 3–4 atmospheres, and the total capacity must be from 210 l/m. However, given the inevitable power losses at the liquid outlet from the nozzle, it is recommended to use a unit that processes at least 250 l/m.

The wallpaper mixture for spraying should have the consistency of thick sour cream. Application is carried out progressively, without skipping or delaying in one place. As with the manual method, joining dry and wet coatings is not allowed.

Advice. During work, use a bright spotlight aimed at the surface to be treated. This backlight will easily highlight the layers different thicknesses, allowing them to be leveled before the material dries, and will also make any gaps noticeable.

Subsequent finishing

The disadvantage of standard liquid wallpaper is that it is not resistant to water. Therefore, to use them, for example, in the kitchen or bathroom, you will have to resort to additional processing.

HELPFUL INFORMATION: Leveling bathroom walls with plaster: step-by-step instructions

To clog the pores and protect the material from moisture, use acrylic varnish. After impregnation, liquid wallpaper can be washed and not be afraid that it will become deformed from high humidity. Varnishing the lower part of the wall is also often used, for example, in children's rooms, where there is a need for stable coating. But at the same time, you need to remember that the surface will lose its “breathing” qualities, and there will also be difficulties if you need to restore the damaged area.

Modern realities are forcing more and more people to think that it is quite possible to do finishing work themselves. One of the most significant questions is how to glue liquid wallpaper on various materials. Indeed, this variety is significantly different from its paper or non-woven counterparts and requires a special approach.

First of all, you need to understand that working with liquid wallpaper is significantly different from stickers. roll options. The process is much more reminiscent of covering walls with plaster or putty. There is a simple explanation for this: the material is a set of components including crushed cellulose, cotton and silk fibers. Various environmentally friendly additives serve as binding elements. Distinctive decorative effects achieved through various inclusions.

Thus, a mixture of amazing properties is obtained, which makes it very popular. The only one significant drawback the price is considered high, which is largely due to the complexity of production.

Sticker or application

Currently, there is a lot of debate about whether it is worth doing the work completely yourself. Many craftsmen insist that only professionals who are well acquainted with the application technique can perform this work efficiently. This leads to the fact that many people turn to specialists to hang liquid wallpaper.

In reality, there are no restrictions; you can paste such wallpaper yourself. Technological features The products do not require special experience or the use of special tools. The main thing is to clearly follow the necessary order of work, which includes several interrelated stages.

The technology for applying liquid wallpaper is quite simple and with proper skill you can do the work yourself

It is also worth mentioning that the term “pasting” is more understandable for perception, but does not characterize this procedure at all; the concept of “application” or “laying” would be more accurate.

On a note! Such products are sold in the form of a dry mixture, packaged in plastic bags. Each of them contains instructions for use, which you must read in order to understand what conditions must be observed during operation.

The feasibility of high-quality wall preparation

Of course, this material can be glued to any surface, but it looks more advantageous on walls. By spending a little time and effort, you can get an effect that will exceed all expectations, because there are many options for expressing your imagination.

But gluing liquid wallpaper requires careful preparation, which depends on the base material. It would be a mistake to take into account the frequently encountered advice that the prepared solution will hide all existing defects.

Apply decorative material best on pre-prepared walls

Working with old or plastered walls

This option occurs in most cases. The wall is a surface that has already been finished many times. Therefore, you should do the following:

  1. Completely remove the previous decorative coating. Special attention you need to pay attention to the painted areas, they cannot be left, so the only correct solution is to completely clean them.
  2. Check the quality of the plaster or putty. Due to the fact that defects and shedding are unacceptable, all defects are eliminated. If required, complete finishing is carried out.
  3. It is mandatory to saturate the surfaces with a primer. It must have deep penetration.

GCR surfaces

Drywall is increasingly used to level walls, so it is not surprising that it will serve as the basis for decorative cladding. But it is necessary to take into account some nuances:

  • Much attention is paid to joints. This is the most problematic area. The fact is that liquid wallpaper creates a solid canvas, so cracks will immediately be reflected on the front side of the coating. To avoid such troubles, all seams must be reinforced with reinforced tape.
  • Difficulties may arise with an untreated cardboard surface. This will lead to two problems. Firstly, the water will be absorbed too quickly, which will cause unevenness and compression. Secondly, if you need to remove the decorative layer, the slab itself will suffer. Therefore, it is advisable to cover the slabs with putty.
  • We must not forget about using a primer; this is a mandatory procedure.

A similar work scenario with wooden surfaces, which were pre-lined with plywood or OSB.

Liquid wallpaper application technology

First of all, it is worth clarifying how to work with liquid wallpaper while preparing the mixture. It is this stage that can have a significant impact on the final result. It is important to remember the basic rule: stirring must be very careful, so it is done by hand, this will avoid damage to the base.

Mixing silk plaster is done by hand

Required tools:

  • Set of spatulas. This tool must have sufficient ductility.
  • Trowel. It will be needed to distribute the mixture in a given area.
  • Grater. With its help, it is possible to form the necessary texture, so it is better to choose transparent options.

On a note! Due to the fact that some tools may have been previously used, it is advisable to ensure that their working surfaces are completely clean.

Although the work itself is not difficult, applying the composition will require concentration and care. This will help you avoid mistakes.

VIDEO: how to glue liquid wallpaper on a wall

Step-by-step instruction:

Summarizing the above, it becomes clear how to hang liquid wallpaper yourself and get the desired texture. The main thing is to practice a little to understand the basic principles. And then unforeseen difficulties will not arise during the work process.

To replace traditional paper coverings to the shopping arcades building materials liquid wallpaper (decorative plaster) has rapidly burst in - it is undoubtedly beautiful, comfortable and environmentally friendly material. They will fit perfectly into the interior of absolutely any room, and further care It won't be difficult to keep track of them.

In order to understand how to glue liquid wallpaper correctly, first, you need to know the composition of this unique look building material, which has won a well-deserved place in the hearts of many housewives.

Pasting liquid wallpaper (click to enlarge)

Components of liquid wallpaper

This unique material, after final drying, it becomes similar to foam in its texture to the touch. In building materials stores, their usual form is prepackaged dry mixture, one kilogram in one bag.

Their main composition includes:

  • cotton threads;
  • natural cellulose;
  • wallpaper glue;
  • dyes;
  • acrylic components.

Also, for variety and decoration, glitter, decorative mica, threads of silk or silver and gold, quartz chips, etc. are added to the powder. Based on their composition, they are divided into:

  • silk. Most reliable option, which does not lose its properties when hit sun rays, but they have the highest cost;
  • cellulose type. They are short-lived and tend to fade in the sun, and have a fairly reasonable cost;
  • mixed silk and cellulose. Quite durable and suitable in any moisture-resistant room.

Watch the video about the composition:

Decorative plaster is so multifunctional that it will suit the interior of any room, but more often this material used in the hallway, living room and bathroom. There is also a relatively new practice designer style finishing - gluing liquid wallpaper to the ceiling.

Why this choice is the best

  • Due to its composition, this material has an antistatic and antimagnetic effect, that is, it favorably repels dust and is therefore well suited for people with allergic diseases.
  • Decorative plaster (another name for liquid wallpaper) is convenient to use because it does not take up much space when renovating a room, it does not need to be measured and rolled out on the floor, cut and spread with glue, as with conventional wall pasting. All you need is a basin, a bucket of water, a special plastic trowel for application and a grater for smoothing it onto the prepared wall.
  • This type of finishing material copes well with possible unevenness of the walls, advantageously hiding their defects due to the fine structure of the components.
  • It is advantageous to use such wallpaper in new buildings because it does not shrink or become deformed after some time.

    Liquid wallpaper can even be gold (click to enlarge)

  • These wallpapers are compatible and adhere to almost all surfaces: plaster, MDF, paint, metal, drywall, wood, concrete. If necessary, they can even be glued to plywood!
  • To replace part of the wallpaper ( cosmetic repairs) there is no need to completely remove them from the wall. It is enough to simply wet the repaired area generously with water and remove it with a spatula, then apply a new coating, leveling it and the wall will be flawless!
  • Liquid wallpaper does not release heat, creates sound insulation, and is perfectly breathable.
  • The only drawback is their poor liquid tolerance, that is, they are easily washed away by water. The price of this beauty is not cheap at all when compared with the cost of ordinary paper or vinyl wallpaper.

    Correct pasting of liquid wallpaper

    Like any repair, applying decorative plaster requires certain preparation.

    Preparing the walls

    Naturally, it is necessary to remove the remnants of the previous wallpaper from the surface, remove the nail heads, screws and bolts, or drive them deeper and tint them with light paint. Bright, rich shades of walls also need to be whitened with enamel or a special primer. If the walls or ceiling are puttied, then after drying it is reasonable to treat them with water-based emulsion to avoid getting wet when gluing liquid wallpaper.

    Watch the video to learn how to prepare the walls:

    Walls made of wood also absorb too much moisture, so before gluing liquid wallpaper on plywood or a wood surface, you must use oil paint(possible FG) coated in several layers, then painted with water-based emulsion. A homogeneous, ideally prepared (before gluing liquid wallpaper) surface, with minimal moisture absorption capacity, is a guarantee of excellent application and quality of adhesion of the material!

    Preparing a wallpaper mixture

    As a rule, the dry mixture visually resembles sawdust, packaged in a bag with instructions for use. The contents of the package must be poured into a container and diluted warm water(not higher than 40 degrees) until smooth, but not completely thick. As practice shows, you will need about six liters of water per package of dry powder. Proportions must be strictly observed, following the instructions!

    Important! It is necessary to stir the mass manually without using electric tools, so the structure of the mixture will not change and the tiny elements of the wallpaper will retain their correct shape!

    The resulting mass is infused for about 15 minutes, then, if necessary, dye is added. Immediately before gluing liquid wallpaper, the resulting mass must sit for at least 12 hours, after which it must be thoroughly mixed.

    Watch the video to find out more:

    Liquid wallpaper on the wall

    Having previously studied the technology of how to properly glue liquid wallpaper, it’s not at all difficult to do it yourself! The pre-prepared mass is applied in small portions with a plastic trowel (or grater), at the recommended angle (15 degrees) to the material, observing the maximum thickness of the applied layer - 2 mm. It is advisable to apply in a circular motion, but prolonged smoothing in one place can spoil the appearance of the finished canvas.

    The time for complete drying of the applied mass is approximately 48 hours, varying depending on the climate of the room. With excellent ventilation in warm room The drying time is reduced significantly, while drafts do not in any way affect the appearance of the wallpaper. The finished surface can be coated acrylic varnish, for durability and strength, and possible stains can be easily removed using a regular stain remover.

    Watch the video:

    For applying wallpaper, a special gun - a hopper - is very convenient to use, for which almost all types of finished material are suitable.

    Ceiling application

    Modern designers, to the already familiar options for decorating a room, have added liquid wallpaper to the ceiling. To create an ideal interior, it is wise to use liquid wallpaper on the ceiling and wall at the same time, or fine-tune the combination color range in room. But if you stick them on kitchen ceiling, without covering them with a special composition (varnish), they will actively absorb all odors and fumes.

    Before gluing liquid wallpaper to the top, you also need preparation similar to the walls. Since availability lighting fixtures ensures clear visibility of any bump or depression; you need to thoroughly level the surface.

    Important! To prevent the plaster from falling off, it is imperative to properly prime the surface of the ceiling; three layers will be more reliable!

    We apply it to the ceiling in the video:

    Apply liquid wallpaper to the ceiling in the same way as the wall was treated.

    Features of liquid wallpaper

    Many people starting renovation work, they are wondering: is it possible to glue liquid wallpaper in the bathroom? Due to constant dampness and moisture, applying liquid wallpaper in the bathroom is not recommended, since if exposed to water, it will not last long (maximum six months).

The simplest finishing material for walls is liquid wallpaper. How to glue them, since they have little in common with ordinary rolls? About the advantages of finishing and proper operation Read on for more information.


What is liquid wallpaper? This is modern finishing material for walls. Appearance This wallpaper resembles sawdust or plaster. They consist of cellulose, silk or cotton fibers with the addition of acrylic, coloring, fungicidal and adhesive components. Sometimes they are supplemented with decorative elements: sparkles, stone chips. Sold in two versions: as a dry mixture (in plastic bags 1 kg each), which must be diluted with water, or a ready-made solution.

Why is liquid wallpaper so attractive? The method of applying them differs from the labor-intensive gluing of rolls. This reduces repair time, which is good news. A layer of liquid plaster, just applied to the wall, resembles paint, but when it dries it turns out to be embossed, does not collect dust, lasts a long time and is easily removed when you get tired of it.

You can experiment with the coating. From a white mixture without additives, original compositions are prepared with the inclusion of various dyes and decorative elements. But this method is more accessible to professionals.

Advantages and disadvantages

  1. They are flexible, easy to prepare and apply to walls. Installation does not require special skills or expensive tools. They are convenient for pasting over corners and relief surfaces(arches).
  2. This is an environmentally friendly material that is safe for health. Such wallpaper can be glued in a children's room.
  3. Liquid wallpaper allows you to create patterns.
  4. They look attractive and neat. Has no seams.
  5. Wallpaper regulates indoor humidity by absorbing or releasing moisture, depending on its excess or deficiency.
  6. The coating is soft and warm to the touch.
  7. Wallpaper has antistatic properties.
  8. They do not absorb foreign odors.
  9. They repel fungus and prevent the development of mold.
  10. They have sound and thermal insulation properties thanks to its porous structure.
  11. Do not cause allergic reactions.
  12. They are not afraid of shrinkage.
  13. Suitable for any premises.
  14. Easily restored in case of mechanical damage.
  15. Attaches to many types of surfaces: concrete, wood, metal, drywall and even painted surfaces.

Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the rather high cost and non-standard rules care (do not get it wet). This coating does not withstand mechanical loads well. Otherwise, liquid plaster is trustworthy.

Advice! Since liquid wallpaper is afraid of moisture, when finishing it is worth covering it with colorless varnish. The coating protected in this way is suitable for all types of rooms, including the bathroom and kitchen.

Preparatory stage: walls

Another advantage of liquid wallpaper: they can be applied to not entirely flat wall, as they smooth out small surface defects. However, a little preparation is required:

  1. First, the old finishing coating is removed. The plaster and paint are removed with a spatula, the old wallpaper is soaked with water and peeled off.
  2. The coating is applied only to a clean wall. The surface gets rid of dust and other contaminants, as well as small particles old decoration. Cleaning is done with sandpaper.
  3. If there are nails in the wall, it is recommended to cover the heads with white enamel.
  4. Next, all cracks and chips are repaired. You need to putty the wall depending on its condition. If it is more or less even, then it is partially puttied. Minor defects will be hidden under embossed liquid wallpaper.
  5. After the putty has dried, the base must be primed. There are special primers for sale on walls for gluing liquid wallpaper.

Advice! If the walls are made of plasterboard, then they must be puttied and covered with water emulsion. This will help prevent the surface from getting wet when applying the liquid layer. To increase moisture resistance, PVA glue (3:1) is added to the putty mixture.

Preparing the mixture

More often, wallpaper is bought in bags in dry form. To paste liquid wallpaper on the wall, you need to prepare the mixture:

  1. Pour warm water into a deep container.
  2. Add the dry mixture in small portions, while stirring with a whisk. It is best to stir the composition with your hands to avoid damaging it.
  3. Add and stir until you get a thick, creamy mass.
  4. Decorative components can be added if desired.
  5. The mixture should be left for 15-20 minutes for the wallpaper to swell.
  6. Mix again, remove large lumps.
  7. The mixture is ready.

It is recommended to prepare a solution of liquid wallpaper for the entire room at once so that the finish is uniform in color. Follow the directions on the dry mix package for the most accurate results when mixing wallpaper.

How to stick

Wallpaper is applied in two ways: by spraying with a special gun or by spreading with a wide spatula. Since it is not always possible to obtain special equipment, we will consider the second method.

To glue, or rather apply liquid wallpaper, you will need:

  • putty knife;
  • knurling roller;
  • colorless varnish.

How to apply the mixture correctly:

  1. Using a spatula, scoop up a little solution and apply it to the wall so that no bulges or voids form under the coating. It is better to apply layers in a certain way: horizontal or vertical stripes, herringbone, zigzags or spirals. It will work out that way beautiful finish, and application in a chaotic manner does not form an aesthetically valuable coating.
  2. Let's even out the first portion.
  3. Now we distribute the next part of the finishing in exactly the same way.
  4. Each layer of wallpaper should smoothly transition into the next. Make sure the coating is uniform.
  5. Every square meter leveled with a roller.
  6. If defects are found, we correct them without delay: lightly moisten the area with water, remove the bad coating with a spatula, apply a fresh portion and level it. Be careful: wallpaper does not tolerate contact with water well, so make adjustments no more than three times.
  7. The recommended layer thickness is from 1 to 3 mm.
  8. Wait until completely dry. This will take from 1 to 3 days, depending on the temperature and humidity. The warmer and drier the room, the faster liquid wallpaper dries.
  9. If necessary, the dried finish is coated with colorless varnish. Such wallpaper can be washed, and it also becomes more attractive to look at.

Advice! You should not press the wallpaper too hard, otherwise you won’t be able to achieve textured surface. But it is also not recommended to under-press: this way the wallpaper layer can come off under its own weight.

You can create a relief pattern on liquid wallpaper. To do this you will need a roller or brush. You need to wet the object and draw something on it. wet surface. Drawings of different colors are created from liquid wallpaper.

You will need a stencil. Place it on the wall and fill it with one type of wallpaper, smooth the edges. The next layer is applied after the previous one has dried. At the same time, it is not necessary to maintain the same thickness of the parts of the design - individual elements can be thicker or thinner than the main layer, creating the effect of bas-relief or high relief, creating a three-dimensional composition.

To ensure the repair lasts for a long time, follow these recommendations:

  1. The work is carried out in a room with an air temperature of at least +10 degrees.
  2. Tools should also be clean and free of grease, as should surfaces.
  3. Wallpapering walls with one color of wallpaper is done in one stage. Don't leave any finishing unfinished.
  4. If the solution does not stick, add a little water to it.
  5. When applying the mixture with a spatula, you can help yourself with your hands, as the composition is safe.
  6. After finishing work, ventilate the room well, as the coating takes on its final appearance after complete drying. However, avoid drafts.
  7. Do not use hard brushes or detergents for caring for liquid wallpaper. They damage the coating, which is not resistant to mechanical stress.
  8. Do not throw away the remaining solution. It will be useful for adjusting the finished coating. Store it in an airtight container in a cool place. You can wait for the mixture to dry and pour it into a bag.

Liquid wallpaper - Alternative option finishing, which does not require much time and effort. There is no need to take tedious measurements and be afraid that the wallpaper sheet will become covered with bubbles. Although the liquid version of wallpaper has its disadvantages, its advantages still exceed them. The final result of the installation will delight the owners with beauty, reliability and practicality if everything is done correctly.

Today, materials that have already become classics are used in wall decoration: trellises, paint, decorative plaster, tiles and others. But there is another one that is just gaining popularity - liquid wallpaper.

Unlike their vinyl and paper counterparts, they have a completely different technology of preparation, application and operation. And to receive high-quality design You will have to strictly follow the instructions and recommendations.

So, how to properly apply liquid wallpaper to a wall, what is needed for this, and what rules should you follow?

The line between liquid wallpaper and decorative plaster is very thin, because in its composition, the material is very similar to the latter. In addition to the binder and color, the fillers are granules, glitter, and cellulose fibers, as well as silk. All of them perform a single task - to make the surface textured.

However, for fastening, glue is used, similar to wallpaper. The application technology, on the contrary, is close to plastering work. But, at the same time, the material is not as demanding on surface preparation as, for example, it is necessary for different types decorative plasters. As a result, liquid wallpaper can be classified as a new type of finish, which, due to its properties, occupies the gap between classic trellises and various putties.

Liquid wallpaper can be applied to surfaces of any shape, and to hard-to-reach areas.
The material is not picky about the quality of surfaces prepared for finishing.
Preparation is very simple, and the application technique does not require adjusting and joining the pattern, as is the case with gluing paper analogues.

The applied layers can be easily removed. Why is it worth soaking the material and removing it with a spatula? However, some types of wallpaper can be reused.

Liquid wallpaper can be used in unheated rooms, with high humidity levels. Since mold and mildew do not form on such a coating, and even more so they are not in danger of peeling.

The main disadvantage of decorating walls with liquid wallpaper is that it is very hygroscopic and is not advisable to wash.

However, despite not being demanding on the foundation, the walls still need to be prepared in advance for new finishing, otherwise unevenness with height differences, as well as other, even minor flaws, will spoil the entire design.
How to properly glue liquid analogues of wallpaper to walls, and what should you know about the nuances of the material?

Wall decoration with liquid wallpaper

Just like working with decorative plaster, applying liquid wallpaper to walls can be divided into three stages: preparing surfaces and mixtures, collecting the necessary tool, application.

Preparatory work

Despite the unpretentiousness to the condition of the base, for liquid wallpaper you need to prepare the wall before proceeding with the direct application of the mixture. This needs to be done for several reasons:
Firstly, with significant irregularities and defects, they will still be visible, and in some cases even emphasized.

Secondly, without removing the old finish and then cleaning the base, it is impossible to create a durable, uniform coating.
And, thirdly, the adhesion (cohesion) of any material is improved due to preliminary impregnation with soil deep penetration. Wallpaper will stick better to a wall treated with such compounds several times.

So, preparing surfaces before applying liquid wallpaper includes the following techniques.
Removal of old finishes followed by cleaning of residual materials. It's best to knock it all down old plaster with further renewal of its layer.

In panel and block houses the reinforcement exposed on the surface is painted over, otherwise rust will show through the applied finish.
When puttying, you don’t need to level the wall very precisely, but it is better that the plane is uniform without any differences.

In general the most the best option The base for liquid wallpaper is gypsum plaster.
Plasterboard finishing must be plastered with a leveling layer with a putty thickness of 2-3 mm. GKL is a very hygroscopic type of material (it will absorb water), and secondly, putty joints will stand out under the wallpaper.

Before starting to apply the material, it is imperative that any type of surface is primed with deep penetration compounds in several approaches (with breaks between layers for drying).
When the surface is ready, you can start working by first selecting the appropriate tool.

What is needed to work with liquid wallpaper

The equipment for gluing liquid wallpaper is the same as for plastering work.
You will definitely need a container in which to prepare the mixture, an electric drill and a mixer attachment so that you can thoroughly mix the composition. Although this can be done by hand, the only important thing is to get a homogeneous mass without lumps.

The main tool is a Venetian straight trowel. Its width is selected individually, usually within the range of 200-300 mm. As an auxiliary device you need a spatula with a width of 50-80 mm.
To level the applied layers, you can use small plaster rules (graters).

Sometimes the question arises whether glue is needed to apply liquid wallpaper. Usually the mixture already contains required amount mounting substance. But, if necessary, it is quite possible to add ordinary wallpaper glue such as CMC.

Preparation of the solution

Prepare liquid wallpaper for finishing works It’s simple, you just need to follow the basic recommendations and follow the manufacturers’ instructions.
Be sure to prepare the entire package at once; in no case should you mix the composition in parts for one plane.

Also, you cannot mix two packages in one container, even if they are from the same batch. The required volume of water per package is indicated in the manufacturer’s recommendations; it is worth using them! Liquid wallpaper is prepared according to the scheme water then dry mixture, not vice versa. Failure to comply with such simple rules may result in a different pattern or shade of the applied coating.

Kneading can be done by hand; it contains no harmful toxic substances for the skin. After mixing thoroughly, the mixture is left to infuse for the period indicated on the container (usually 6-12 hours).
It is worth knowing that when preparing a large volume of material, it can be divided into separate containers, but the entire mass can be mixed only after it has settled with water.

So, how is liquid wallpaper applied directly to indoor walls?

Technology of applying liquid wallpaper to the wall

Laying liquid wallpaper is quite simple, but here you also need to take into account the characteristics of the material.
Step-by-step instruction:
They work with a straight trowel, onto which they apply in small portions. ready mixture. The tool is installed at a slight angle of 15-20°. In this case, each time the composition must be stretched over the surface with smooth movements without strong pressure, forming a uniform layer thickness.
Laying the material should be done in separate sections, while constantly connecting the next “patch” with the previous applied ball.

It is important to control the direction of the trowel; the device must be moved in one direction. This is required by the composition of the material, which has fairly long fibers.
Usually the thickness of the layers does not exceed 2-3 millimeters, but some types of wallpaper may have to be laid thicker, as required by the manufacturer.
If the mixture does not stick to the wall very well, you can dilute it a little with water. But not too much, adding no more than 1 liter of liquid to one container.
It is a rule to smooth out the applied coating, eliminating unevenness and differences on the surface. In this case, it is advisable to moisten the grater a little with water. When smoothing the material, you must also respect the direction of the fibers.

The directions of the pile in liquid wallpaper can be set not only strictly in a straight line, but also using the rule to make their pattern non-standard. For example, make round or wavy patterns, or sharply change the texture from different angles. But this needs to be done within the overall design concept, in a systematic manner.