How to build a frame garage with your own hands - simple tips. Self-construction of a frame garage How to calculate a frame garage

A frame garage will be an excellent solution for storing a car. It can be made warm, dry, comfortable. Then in such a room you can repair your car, store tools, as well as auto parts, conservation and much more.

Now frame construction gradually gaining more and more trust and popularity. Of course, it is possible to build either expanded clay blocks or other traditional materials. However, for a garage this option will not be entirely rational, since it will require significant financial investments. A frame garage will become a reliable structure for storing a car, and it can be built in a short time, with minimal costs.

Good decision– build a frame garage with your own hands. Then the car enthusiast will be able to save money on work, since he will not need to invite qualified builders. Considering the relatively light weight and relative simplicity of design, frame garages can be erected on your own without any problems. The main thing is to know exactly about the features of materials and tools, familiarize yourself with the work algorithm, and remember the step-by-step instructions.

Advantages of frame garages

Let us outline the key advantages that distinguish building a frame garage with your own hands.

  • Reasonable price. Ultimately, significant savings can be achieved by purchasing building materials and tools wisely.
  • The design is lightweight, so there will be no problems with installation. People cope with the task on their own. Lifting equipment is not used, which significantly saves money.
  • Making a frame garage is relatively simple. If you know the operating algorithms and read the step-by-step instructions, there will be no difficulties in the process: you can really build a frame garage with your own hands.
  • There are practically no restrictions on seasonality. It is allowed to erect a frame garage in winter period, although laying the foundation will be somewhat more difficult.
  • The construction will have decent specifications. Frame garages are attractive due to their strength, durability, and wear resistance. They are not afraid of negative atmospheric and mechanical influences.
  • The work can be completed in a short time.

Anyone can quickly see the benefits of frame garages by watching videos and photos of finished buildings. Such buildings serve long years, maintaining its original technical characteristics.

There are also some nuances. It is very important to carefully follow the technology and remember all the construction features. It is advisable to carefully consider insulation and wall decoration. A good solution is to prepare a sketch of a frame garage in advance, make a drawing and make the appropriate calculations. You definitely need at least a minimum set of professional tools.

Of the minuses, only one thing can be noted: if you do not follow the algorithms, violate the construction technology, the characteristics will not correspond to the specified ones. But this applies to the construction of any garage, regardless of materials.

Ultimately, if all construction technologies are followed, it is possible to build a frame garage, which in its characteristics, durability and aesthetic qualities will not be inferior to garages made of other materials.

We build a frame garage from metal profiles

Metal frames have a number of advantages. This quick assembly, strength and Fire safety, durability and increased wear resistance. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the higher price of materials, as well as some difficulties in terms of work technology. You must be proficient with a grinder and have welding skills and experience. Of course, you will also need welding machine, which will slightly increase costs. However, this is not so significant if the car enthusiast is able to adequately cope with them on his own.

For work you will need rolled metal or a bent profile. We will try to highlight the main stages of work. This is a short algorithm for building a frame garage with your own hands.

  1. First of all, the starting profile is laid on the foundation. Fixation is done using anchors.
  2. The profiles must be carefully welded to each other. In principle, fixation using self-tapping screws is allowed, but experts say that such a connection is insufficiently strong.
  3. The perimeter - the lower part of the frame - is completely boiled.
  4. Then 4 vertical posts must be installed in the corners. Each profile is placed with an outward angle and then welded to the anchors and the lower perimeter.
  5. Then comes the turn of assembling the upper perimeter. It consists of a metal profile and is welded directly to the vertical support posts. It will later become the base for roof trusses.
  6. The frame is ready, to which horizontal stiffeners and vertical intermediate posts are welded.
  7. The roof is made in the most suitable type. There are flat, gable and pitched roofs.
  8. The gate is made from a corner. The main frame of the swing structure should be rectangular. Horizontal stiffeners must be welded.
  9. The gates are protected from corrosion using special paint, and are also insulated with expanded polystyrene, mineral wool or other material.
  10. An additional profile is welded above the gate opening to strengthen the structure of the frame garage.
  11. All that remains is to weld the hinges and install the shutoff valves on the gate according to the instructions.

Experts note that it is more profitable to order metal carcass finished garage.

We cock a frame garage from beams

This is a good option for maximum savings when building a frame garage, however, the timber frame must be treated with a special compound to provide fire protection. The construction of a garage from beams is reminiscent of construction work metal garage. When the lower frame has been assembled and the vertical and intermediate posts have been installed, all that remains is to assemble the top frame and install the rafter system.

There are some nuances that you should know when working with timber.

  • The timber must be of high quality. Masters note that optimal size– 15 by 15 or 10 by 10 cm.
  • The jib should be made using a 10 x 5 cm board.
  • Self-tapping screws and anchors should be used as fastening elements. Anchors secure the bottom trim to the foundation, and you can use self-tapping screws to install other elements. A good option– have special perforated plates for fastening.
  • It is recommended to maintain a distance of 30-120 cm when installing vertical posts.

Materials, tools needed for construction

The set of materials depends entirely on the type of frame garage. Among the tools, you need to stock up on shovels, a hammer and a level, and also have gloves and formwork with you.

In our case, the material will be wood. You can choose linden, aspen, larch. It is worth noting the unique characteristics of larch. This tree is durable. It is not at all afraid of moisture, and under its influence it becomes even stronger.

There are only two types of garage frames. It is from these that you will need to choose one option.

Wooden garage

The wooden frame attracts with its impeccable environmental cleanliness and ease of processing. In addition, this material is energy saving. However, if we talk about the cost of the material, we can note its relative high cost. Compared to metal, the wooden option will require more money.

Garage made of profile pipes

This frame is much more economical. At the same time, it has decent technical characteristics: it is easy to install, durable, durable, and has good resistance to atmospheric and mechanical negative influences.

Building a frame garage with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

When there is already a specific place for the construction of a garage, you can begin to work out all stages of construction, and then directly to the activity. The first step will be drawing up a drawing.


Some craftsmen believe that you can do without a drawing. However, experts with extensive experience are sure: it is necessary to make a drawing, think again about the size and location of the garage, and imagine it constructively. It is important to make a competent calculation of materials and determine an approximate budget for the construction of a frame garage with your own hands.


The stage of laying the foundation is the most critical. First, you need to think about the location of the garage and determine how convenient it will be to drive up to it. It is advisable to build a garage near the house. It is important to take into account the height of groundwater and the composition of the soil.

Foundations can be different types. Let's consider the main features of the three types of foundation.

  • Tape is more economical from a financial point of view. It is universal and suitable for almost any soil.
  • Monolithic is installed with slab filling and reinforcement. Then you will also need . The foundation is characterized by increased strength, but requires long-term drying of the concrete base, which takes an average of a month.
  • Most a budget optionpile foundation. But it is not very suitable for a garage; it requires increased strength of the floor. It is difficult to install it without special equipment.

Don't forget about the cellar and inspection hole when you build the foundation. Now we will present step-by-step instructions for constructing a monolithic foundation belt type. It is the one that is most suitable for a frame garage.

Construction of the foundation of a frame garage: algorithm

Remember all the details. It will be easier for you to install the foundation if you follow all the recommendations.

  1. Preparing the base. The area is being cleared. Not only garbage and plants are removed, but also upper layer land. Marking is being done. To do this you will need pegs with cords, a square and a laser range finder, a plumb line with a level. The markings are made from the corner. You need to drive the peg using a plumb line. Then you need to set aside a distance equal to the length of the future garage. Then the next peg is driven in, and a cable is pulled between them. From the first peg you need to set aside the width of the foundation, drive in the third peg and make sure that a right angle is created. Then, when all four pegs are driven in, it is important to double-check the accuracy of the angles and side lengths. To mark inner part foundation, you must retreat a distance equal to the width of the strip foundation. You should try to avoid mistakes.
  2. Digging a trench. Trenches are dug in accordance with the markings. The depth will depend on the groundwater level and soil characteristics. The walls must be made vertical. The bottom must be thoroughly compacted, and then covered with geotextiles and covered with a layer of sand. Then everything is compacted again, using irrigation.
  3. Formwork assembly. For this you will need plywood and fiberboard, scraps of metal, plastic and boards. The heads of the nails must be inside the formwork, and the protruding ends must be bent. A good solution is to wrap the formwork with polyethylene. Then the desired humidity regime will be created while the concrete increases its strength when hardening. Shields must be strengthened with ties.
  4. Reinforcement. Here you need steel rods, as well as binding wire to hold them together. The frame is installed on supports. Remember: there should be a distance of 5 cm from the formwork to the reinforcement.
  5. Pouring the foundation. Concrete must be poured at the same time. This is important to ensure the integrity of the structure. When the concrete is poured, it is pierced with thin metal rods and compacted using a vibrating drill. Then you should cover the concrete with polyethylene. Water the concrete for the first 7-10 days. Then the surface is carefully sanded.

When the base is ready, be sure to waterproof it using roofing material or bitumen mastic.


This one describes well how to build a garage roof.

At the final stage of constructing a garage, it is important to arrange the roof. It must be taken into account that there will be a noticeable load of snow and wind. Need to take care of proper installation rafter system. It is advisable to first assemble the structure on the ground, and only then secure it to the garage, fixing it to the walls. The optimal solution is a gable isosceles roof. For fixation, a ridge is required, as well as a sheathing of beams. As a base material you can take bitumen sheet, tiles or corrugated sheets. Remember that the overhang size must be at least 40 cm. Also, do not forget about the gutters.

Finishing, insulation

Finishes and insulation

Garages are lined with siding and eurolining, profiled sheets and facing bricks. It all depends on your taste and planned budget. It is also necessary to insulate the garage from the inside. Mineral wool is ideal. A good option is to use regular plastic film to cover the inside of the garage walls.

The final step is to take care of the garage door. You can choose among sliding and swing, sliding and sectional models. In most cases, car enthusiasts prefer traditional ones. If necessary, it will not be difficult to make them yourself, using corners or a metal sheet. To fix the elements and install, you will need to use a welding machine.

Most car owners can build a frame garage with their own hands. It is enough to follow the basic requirements of the instructions and observe safety precautions when working.

Advantages and disadvantages of frame construction

Each garage, both capital and simplified, must perform several functions:

  1. Protection of the car from weather factors and unauthorized access.
  2. Carrying out current repairs, maintenance and inspection of equipment.
  3. Storage of a set of tools and spare parts.

A frame garage is not inferior in functionality to a permanent brick building and at the same time will cost much less.

The frame of a building is often made of wood. It is easy to process, inexpensive and does not require a strong foundation. The cladding of the building is made from any suitable material: siding, corrugated sheets, sandwich panels, lining boards.

Among the main advantages of a garage built by yourself are:

  1. Ease of construction. If you have basic skills, even a novice builder can handle the job.
  2. There is no need to involve powerful specialized machinery and equipment.
  3. Lightweight and durable design. As a result, there is no need to build a buried foundation.

The main disadvantage is the flammability of the wooden frame. To avoid fires, it is sheathed on both sides non-flammable materials. Non-flammable mineral wool is used as insulation. In addition, the wood is impregnated with fire retardants.

The frame can also be made from other materials, for example, a metal profiled pipe. Five-millimeter metal profile sheets are used as cladding for such a structure. Such a building is resistant to fire, but the frame requires additional treatment with anti-rust agents.

Preparation for construction: tools and materials

When choosing wood for construction, several factors must be taken into account:

  1. The beams can be glued or solid. The first option does not deform over time and does not require additional supports. However, its cost is several times higher than a solid one.
  2. The use of non-profiled timber increases the consumption of antiseptics, fire retardants, and painting materials. Also, during processing, cracks may occur that require putty. Profiled timber does not have such disadvantages.

You should also be careful when choosing the type of wood. Among those suitable for the construction of a frame garage are:

  1. Oak. Very durable and reliable material. High strength leads to processing complexity, so cutting can be done by the supplier.
  2. Beech. The main advantages are practicality, ease of processing, pleasant natural shades.
  3. Alder is an inexpensive material that can imitate more valuable species. Resistant to high humidity.
  4. Pine is the cheapest and most popular building material. The main disadvantages are poor resistance to moisture and susceptibility to mechanical stress.
  5. Larch is ideal for regions with high humidity. It is durable and does not rot.

You will also need a set of tools for construction:

  1. Screws, slate nails and other fasteners.
  2. Metal corners.
  3. Corrugated sheeting or other covering material.
  4. Construction plumb.
  5. A screwdriver or a set of screwdrivers.
  6. Hacksaw or metal scissors.

Dimensions and detailed drawing

The width of a standard frame garage for one car is about four meters. Length - at least 5.5, can reach up to seven. Height - 2.5–2.7 meters, excluding roof. Specific dimensions are selected taking into account the characteristics of a particular vehicle. For example, the height of a garage for an onboard gazelle is at least three meters. Minimum distance from the car to the wall - half a meter.

The drawing shows a design focused on one car

All dimensions are indicated approximately

When building a garage for two cars, the planned width of the building doubles.

Step-by-step instructions for building a frame garage with your own hands

The construction of a frame garage takes place in several stages. Each one follows a certain technology and sequence of actions:

  1. Construction of the foundation.
  2. Frame assembly.
  3. Making a roof.
  4. External and internal wall cladding.
  5. Gate installation.

Let's look at the stages in more detail.

Construction of the foundation

The construction of a frame garage begins with careful preparation of the area. The area allocated for development is cleared of vegetation and tree roots and slightly deepened. After this, a layer of sand is poured, pegs are installed along the perimeter of the future foundation and the construction thread is pulled.

The outside of the foundation must be waterproofed. For this, bitumen mastic is used. It is laid in several layers, dried, then covered with sand to the surface of the soil.

The optimal foundation for a frame garage is monolithic. It will also serve as a subfloor, which can later be sheathed with the necessary material.

Frame assembly

The garage frame is made from carefully dried wood. To set it up you need:

  • Beams 100*100 mm, from which the main vertical posts and floor beams on the ceiling and floor are equipped.
  • 40 mm boards required for arranging the rafter system.
  • 20 mm board from which the sheathing is created.
  • Floorboards. Their thickness starts from 40 mm.

The amount of materials for making the frame depends on the planned size of the building.

The roof can be single-pitch or gable

The “skeleton” of the future garage is erected after the foundation has dried. The assembly process proceeds as follows:

  1. The foundation is waterproofed. To do this, use ordinary roofing material glued to bitumen mastic. This procedure protects wooden frame garage from rotting and high humidity.
  2. Bottom trim beams 100*100 mm thick are laid along the perimeter of the garage. In the corners they are connected using special keys and notches.
  3. Corner and intermediate posts are mounted on the lower frame. They are attached to the base using dowels. Additional structural strength is provided by metal corners secured to the frame and racks using self-tapping screws. During installation, the distance between adjacent racks should be observed: it should not be less than two meters.
  4. The top trim is installed. The beams are attached in a similar way, using dowels and metal corners.
  5. Intermediate posts and horizontal jumpers are installed. When attaching them, you should focus on the size of the insulation mats: this will avoid laying additional sheathing. Metal corners and screws are used as fastening elements.

The floor coverings are made of “magpie” boards and mounted on an external frame. A floor board is laid on top.

When laying floor boards, avoid gaps and cracks

Gate installation

Garage doors can be purchased ready-made or made yourself, based on the size of the car. The dimensions of the structure must be known in advance: space should be left for the gate in the overall frame of the garage. Standard width sashes - 2.5 meters.

The frame of the gate is made of 100*100 mm bars. Additional rigidity is provided by transverse wooden planks. Hinges are screwed onto the vertical posts of the garage frame and gate, after which the door can be hung.

Covering the structure with corrugated board or similar material is carried out simultaneously with finishing the garage walls and after careful treatment with fire retardants and antiseptics.

The simplest swing structure can be made independently

Installation of rafter system and roof

The simplest roof option for a frame garage is a lean-to roof. This design is quite easy to install, inexpensive and durable.

A standard pitched roof for a frame garage consists of several elements:

  1. Rafter system. This is the base to which the remaining elements will be attached. It also bears the entire load on the roof.
  2. Lathing fixed to the rafter system. It represents the supporting surface on which the roofing will be installed.
  3. Insulating materials. Their function is to protect the room from rain and snow, as well as retain heat inside the garage.
  4. Roofing covering.

When building a frame, one of the garage walls is made higher than the others. This is required to ensure optimal tilt roofs. As a rule, it does not exceed 25 degrees.

First of all, it is equipped rafter system. For small garages designed for one car, a simplified design with horizontal beams laid along or across the garage space is suitable. From the point of view of economy, the most appropriate would be transverse placement: short beams can be laid.

The distance between the rafter beams should not exceed a meter. Otherwise, the structure will not be strong enough and will eventually become deformed. After installation on frame base the beams are fixed using metal corners and screws.

The next stage is laying the sheathing. For this, edged or unedged boards, also called shalevka, are used. The second option is considered optimal: the material will cost much less, and after final finishing It is quite difficult to distinguish it from its analogue.

If a shank is used to create the sheathing, it must be cleared of bark. The boards are laid on the rafters, perpendicular to them, and secured with screws. During the work it is necessary to ensure that there are no large gaps.

A layer of waterproofing is laid on top of the sheathing. It protects the garage from precipitation. Roofing material or roofing film (for example, a water barrier) can be used as a waterproofing material.

Roofing felt is laid from bottom to top, overlapping. The sheets should overlap each other by several centimeters. Thanks to this, water that gets under the roofing will roll down from the roof and not penetrate the boards. The material is nailed to the sheathing with ordinary nails. The roofing film is laid in the same way; stainless steel staples or nails are used for fastening.

The main stages are indicated

The final stage - styling roofing. The choice of material is quite large:

  1. Profiled sheeting. Durable, weather resistant. One of the main advantages is the possibility of reuse.
  2. Slate. Durable material with a service life of up to 40 years. Due to its high cost, its use is not always justified for finishing small garages.
  3. Metal tiles are a modern roofing covering, often used for finishing permanent stone buildings.
  4. Roll coverings. Inexpensive materials, easy to install, durable and reliable. Average term The service life of roofing felt is 12–15 years, which is compensated by the low price.

Installation of the roofing begins from the bottom row. Fastening occurs using slate nails or screws. The sheets are laid overlapping, resulting in four of them on one nail. A few more nails are nailed along the edges to prevent the slate from lifting in strong winds.

Insulation and sheathing

Before carrying out work on the final cladding of the frame garage, the wooden frame must be treated with antiseptics and fire retardants. After this, you can begin installation.

The outer cladding of a frame garage is most often done using metal profiles. This is a strong and durable material, resistant to fire and weather factors. For wall cladding, a metal profile is suitable, the markings of which contain the letters C or PS.

The profile sheets are attached to the frame using special hexagonal screws. The work proceeds as follows:

  1. A sheet of metal profile is applied to the corner post and aligned with the construction plumb line.
  2. Self-tapping screws are screwed into the lower wave of corrugated sheeting. This is necessary for the initial consolidation of the material.
  3. The second sheet is laid. The overlap should be one wave. After this, both products are fastened together with self-tapping screws to the frame. For every square meter, 5-6 screws are required.
  4. If necessary metallic profile Can be cut with a jigsaw or metal cutting scissors. You should not use a grinder or similar devices: the polymer surface of the sheets burns, which leads to corrosion and a decrease in beneficial properties material.

The same metal profile sheets marked H or PC can be used as roofing. Installation is carried out from the bottom up, overlapping the wave; hexagonal self-tapping screws with sealing washers are used for fastening.

If desired, the frame garage can be insulated. To do this you can take stone wool, made in the form of peculiar mats. The insulation process occurs in stages:

  1. A windproof film is attached to the inside of the walls.
  2. Mats are placed in the free space between the posts.
  3. The insulation is sheathed on top with boards or sheet iron.

Standard insulation and metal profiles can be replaced with ready-made sandwich panels. These are prefabricated structures consisting of a profiled covering on one side, a flat metal sheet on the other and an insulating layer between them.

Video: Construction of a frame garage

Using the above rules, you can build a frame garage yourself. This will not require large expenditures of money, effort and time. It is enough to decide in advance on the size and materials of the building.


Proper car maintenance requires special conditions storage As a result, the garage must meet a number of requirements. Until recently, the construction of such a structure could cause difficulties. However, today's technologies make it possible to build a frame garage with your own hands, spending minimal amount funds and in the most short time.

Required tools and materials

Corrugated sheet Sand OSB board Armature

Advantages of frame garages

Nowadays, many people build not only frame houses, but garages are also built using this technology. The practicality and cost-effectiveness of this technology is confirmed by the large number of buildings that are being built using it around the world. The structure is most often made of wood, so this structure is lightweight and installation of the foundation does not require large expenses.

TO positive qualities frame garage can be attributed to low thermal conductivity. Thanks to this, warming up in winter time car garage is carried out quite quickly. Also, a similar structure has high strength. Therefore, you do not need to worry about the destruction of the structure from the influence of natural factors.

Construction of a garage - where to start

Before proceeding with construction, it is very important to prepare a project for a frame garage. Until recently, this had to be done manually, and the calculations took a lot of time. With the advent of specialized software develop project documentation it became much easier. This, in turn, will make it possible to reduce construction time. Such a program accurately calculates the dimensions of all necessary components. If it is not possible to use such programs yourself, then you can find a building plan on the Internet, or order it from an architectural company.

Then you can start choosing a place for the garage. Preferably, an area measuring 10x10 m. After this, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work on the construction site. To do this, the site will need to be cleared of various plants. You also need to compact and level the soil. Do not forget about creating a cushion of sand and gravel for the foundation. To make the surface smooth, you need to level it using a vibrating plate.

An important stage of construction is laying the foundation

As many people know, the basis that ensures the strength of any structure is the foundation. When choosing the type of garage support, you should first of all pay attention to your own financial capabilities, soil characteristics and building design. For such structures, a monolithic concrete slab is most often chosen. It also acts as a subfloor, which can later be finished with flooring. The main advantage of a monolithic slab is that it distributes the load evenly. Creating a strong garage foundation requires a mandatory sequence of actions.

How to lay the foundation for a frame garage - step-by-step diagram

Step 1: Digging a Trench

Laying the foundation begins with digging a trench around the entire perimeter of the building with a depth of 40–50 cm.

Step 3: Creating an iron skeleton foundation

Now it is important to carry out manipulations on tying the fittings for the garage base. For this you will need rods with a diameter of 10–12 mm. They can be tied together with wire. It is important that the reinforcement does not protrude from under the foundation. Otherwise, it will be subject to premature corrosion.

Step 4: Pouring the concrete solution

After reinforcement cage created, you can start pouring concrete. To create a mixture of mortar, it is best to use a concrete mixer. When it is already poured, you need to let it gain strength. This will require you to wait a couple of weeks. After which you can proceed to other stages of construction.

Garage walls - how to assemble them

The skeleton of the garage can be assembled from wood or metal. Most cheap option- this is to make a frame garage with your own hands from wooden bases. But such material is flammable and for some this can be a big disadvantage. Therefore, in order to reduce the possibility of fire affecting a wooden structure, all boards used must be impregnated with fire-resistant materials. It also wouldn't hurt wooden blocks coat with antiseptic. This will provide additional protection from moisture and rotting.

The most fireproof and durable material is metal. Bearing structures made from iron profiles, the most highly durable. Their connections are not just bolted together, but also welded, which is most reliable. A frame garage of this type will withstand any pressure of bad weather. Therefore, the car will be under excellent protection.

From the point of view of financial capabilities, we propose to consider in more detail the most affordable construction option. To make the base for the wall structure wooden garage, you will need to lay the starting block on the foundation. It must first be covered waterproofing material. It is necessary to fasten the beams using self-unclosing anchors. It is better to place them in increments of 1–1.5 m. For such a bottom trim, boards measuring 100x50 mm are suitable.

Upon completion, you can begin installing other parts of the wall frame. At this stage, racks are installed, which will require beams measuring 100x100 mm. A length of 3 meters is best. This will result in less waste.

It is recommended to take a step of 120 cm between the racks. They can be attached using pre-prepared grooves. You can do without them, then fastening occurs with nails or self-tapping screws 70–90 mm. To give the structure strength, it is necessary to make diagonal connections in the corners, install jumpers and secure the upper wooden strapping belt. With a stand length of 3 m, it is recommended to make the middle belt at a height of 1.5 m. This will strengthen the structure and simplify further wall cladding.

To support the weight of the gate structure, the entry point must have reinforced parts. A reinforced support must be installed in any of the garage door openings. It is recommended to treat with bioprotective compounds and antipyranes before installing a wooden structure.

Important nuances when designing a roof

Most often, car enthusiasts choose for a garage gable roof. But for cheaper construction, you can also make a pitched roof. For the first option, you will need a ridge beam with a section of 100x100 mm. It is attached to the upper belt. For rafter elements boards measuring 100x40 mm will be useful.

A frame garage is one of the most simple options construction of a utility room for car storage. It is not only technically simple, but also cheaper than brick or concrete walls. Price and technical availability are the main advantages frame buildings. How to do it yourself? What features are important to consider for reliable and correct construction?

Types of frame

Frame garages can be made of various materials– wood, OSB, slate asbestos-cement sheets, plastic siding, metal panels. Depending on the material frame elements and walls, garages are divided into the following types:

  • Wooden buildings– they often use wooden beams or logs as supports, and wall cladding– edged and unedged boards, lining, panels from wood materials. Usually, wooden boxes erected when working with “what is”, when the building is built from available means - wood panels, boards Wooden walls require quality protection from moisture and getting wet. They must be painted or varnished annually. And also periodically replace rotten, damaged boards and replace them with new wooden panels.
  • Metal– the most common types of frame buildings for car storage. They use as supports metal corners, channels, beams. As wall cladding - metal sheets. These can be profiled sheets of metal or flat rolled products. In order to build a frame garage with your own hands from metal, you must have a welding machine and be able to work with arc welding.

On a note

Mixed options are possible. Wooden beams can be a support for plastic panel walls. It can be sheathed asbestos cement sheets(flat slate).

Learn more about building a frame garage from different materials in the video.

Construction of a frame garage

A drawing of the frame and future construction is necessary for novice builders. It is also needed for flow calculations building materials– support beams, wall cladding, roof panels. You can use ready-made garage drawings, standard solutions, which are given in various recommendations on how to build frame garages with your own hands, in step-by-step instructions. Or contact specialists and order a calculation and drawing of your garage with individual dimensions and the required design.

Expanded drawing.

There should be a drawing-sketch of the future frame.

Sketch-drawing of the frame.

There must also be a drawing indicating the dimensions of all frame elements, the distance between them and methods of fastening to each other. The drawing also indicates the type and dimensions of the wall cladding panels, and the methods of attaching them to the frame studs. The material, size of the roofing sheets, as well as the pitch and distance of the roofing joists are specified. A correctly drawn up drawing with all dimensions can be used as instructions for building a garage.


The construction of a frame garage begins with design. And the work on its construction begins with laying the foundation. The walls of the future garage building can be light and cold, but the base must be deep (if there is an inspection hole) and strong.

Most often, a foundation slab is used as the basis for a frame garage. It has sufficient strength indicators and can be installed in a short time. However, it differs in weight and requires the work of loading and unloading equipment. Using crane The slab is laid in place of the future utility building within an hour.

Foundation slab.

Before laying the slab, preparatory work is carried out - the soil is leveled, if necessary, a small depression is made, or vice versa, the future is raised by making an embankment. When laying a concrete slab in a hole, its bottom is first covered with a layer of sand - for drainage groundwater, as a drainage layer. If the slab is laid on top of the ground without deepening, or on an elevated place, then it is enough to level and compact the ground.

A ready-made foundation slab is used if there is no need to build a inspection hole. If there is a need for a traditional garage pit, then they first build it, and only then do they begin to build the foundation, walls and roof.

The garage pit is arranged in the form of a ground recess of the required length, width and depth. Its walls are laid out with bricks or cast concrete, the bottom is also laid out with a small concrete slab. After arranging the pit, they begin to pour the main foundation slab.

Monolithic foundation with inspection hole.

To prepare the soil for pouring, the bottom of the future slab is covered with sand. After this, the sand is spilled with water and compacted. On top - they lay out the frame of the future foundation - from metal reinforcement, mesh, wire, and construct formwork around the perimeter of the foundation. Afterwards, concrete is poured.

The foundation slab is given a month to harden. You can step on the base slab within a day. The concrete will be strong enough to support the weight of a person and carry out further construction works. But you can park the car only after reaching its final strength - after 28 calendar days.

On a note

If the work is carried out in the heat, then the surface of the concrete is covered with a wet canvas in order to prevent its excessive drying and cracking of the slab due to the rapid evaporation of moisture from its surface. Periodically, as it dries, the canvas is moistened with water to maintain moisture in the surface layer of concrete.

The surface of the garage slab must be moisture resistant. When the car is parked, water will drain from its wheels and bottom. Penetrating into the pores of concrete, when freezing, drops of moisture will expand the pores and initiate cracking of the surface. Therefore, before pouring concrete, moisture-resistant components such as Penetron and Aquastop are added to the mixture. When installing a finished foundation slab, its surface is impregnated with a waterproof mixture.

Frame assembly

Under the garage begins with the arrangement of vertical supports. In this case, the supports can be concreted into the foundation slab during the pouring process, or can be attached to concrete base on anchor connections, together with the lower trim. The highest quality and most reliable option is concreting the racks with penetration into the foundation slab and soil. It is used for construction on open places with high wind load. It requires the construction of a pit for each support and its separate cementing.

Stands in the ground with concreting.

A simpler and more affordable option is to use lower joists and fasteners. In this way vertical support is not buried in the ground, but is secured using metal corner To concrete floor or wooden beam, which acts as a lower harness. Such a beam is first attached to the foundation slab, and then the frame supports are installed on it.

Upper horizontal logs are placed on top of the vertical load-bearing supports. On them they construct floors for the roof. The roof itself is constructed from roofing sheets, which are laid on top of the floor joists (elements roof frame). The bottom row of the roof is laid with a slight overhang.

Its edge should extend beyond the perimeter of the building by 50-60 cm. Such an overhang of the roof prevents excessive wetting of the walls and thereby ensures their dryness, durability and the absence of moisture and mold in the garage. The minimum size of the cornice, up to half a meter, guarantees protection of the walls from drainage of waste rainwater.

On a note

Assembling the frame using threaded elements makes it possible to dismantle the garage and reinstall it in another location. If necessary, a frame garage can be disassembled if the fastenings are made using bolts and screws. Assembly with bolts and screws makes it possible to dismantle the walls, roof and frame of the garage building.

Learn more about connecting the supports of a frame garage in the video.

Types of roofs

The roof of the garage can be made in the form of a single or double slope structure. To do the work yourself with minimal construction experience, it is easier to build a pitched roof. In this case, rainwater will be drained to one side of the garage building. In order to distribute the drain evenly on both sides of the garage, the roof structure is made gable.

Single pitch roof.

To construct a pitched roof, the garage walls are made at different heights. One wall is raised higher than the other by 300, 400 or more mm. The difference in the height of the walls determines the angle of the roof, which, in turn, depends on the amount of snow precipitation in the winter.

On a note

The angle of the roof is determined by the amount of precipitation in winter. The more snow, the greater the roof slope should be. For regions with temperate climate and an average amount of snow precipitation, the roof slope angle is chosen to be 20-25°. For warm winters with a small amount of snow 10-15° is enough.

With a difference in wall height of 300-400 mm and a garage width of 3 m, the roof slopes by 10-15°. Which is enough for snow rolling in regions with moderate rainfall. To build a garage in areas with heavy snowfall, the roof slope is made large, up to 30°.

Shed roof made by frame technology.

After constructing the frame, begin hanging roofing elements. Step-by-step instruction to a frame garage regulates the rules for installing roofing panels. Work begins with laying the bottom row of roofing sheets. Lay the sheets of the next row on top. The last row to be laid is the top row, located along the raised wall. Thus, the roofing sheets overlap each other and prevent moisture from entering the garage space during rain and snowfall.

The structure is assembled from triangular frame elements. Their size is determined by the width of the garage and the angle of the roof. The triangular elements are assembled on the ground and then lifted to the roof. Here they are installed on the top frame of the walls. Slate or metal profile is laid on top of the finished roof frame.


The interior decoration of the utility room is often completely absent. Especially if the garage is built without insulation. Less often, during arrangement warm garage, there is a need to close the insulating material from the internal space. In this case, it becomes necessary and mandatory.

To the material internal lining walls do not require moisture resistance. Therefore, panels made from waste are often used wood production(OSB, chipboard) or plywood sheets. If necessary, make shelves and cabinets built into the wall, attaching them to the supports of the garage frame.


The need for insulation arises when it is necessary to carry out any work in the garage in winter. Or when you plan to set up a warm garage with the ability to dry the bottom of the car after driving in cold and wet time of the year.

Do-it-yourself insulation.

Insulating a garage differs from similar work in residential buildings in the choice of heat insulator. If it is important to ensure a healthy microclimate in residential premises and arrange natural air circulation, then insulation in a garage is easier. You can get by with a forced periodically operating hood. And also use less useful and cheaper insulation materials - polystyrene foam and glass wool.

When insulating with glass wool, it is placed between the vertical posts. Thanks to its compressibility, it is easily held in space. Thickness cotton insulation determined by the level winter temperatures. For residential buildings at an average temperature of -10°C, choose a thickness of cotton wool insulation of up to 100 mm. For garages and other utility rooms, choose a thickness of up to 50 mm.

On a note

When insulating with glass wool, it is important to take into account that the material may sag over time. In places where the glass wool sag, “cold bridges” will form, through which heat will “leak away.”

Foam insulation does not have the disadvantages of using glass wool. The foam does not settle over time and does not lose its shape. At the same time, it is quite inexpensive, which makes it a popular frame material. garage insulation.

If residential premises are not recommended to be insulated with polystyrene foam due to possible harmful fumes, then this type of insulation is optimal for a garage space. It is inexpensive, easy to install and works for a long time as a heat insulator, retaining heat inside the building.

When installing foam plastic, gaps form between the frame posts. This is explained with harshness foam boards. The resulting mounting gaps are filled with foam.

Types of garage doors

The frame garages in the photo differ in the design of the entrance gate. Traditionally, garage doors are made with double-leaf doors. However, other designs are also possible. What can they be? Garage Doors?


Swing gates are a traditional form of gate in the form of doors that swing open to the outside of the room. The simplest and most accessible design to build with your own hands. Opens manually.

Sliding is an improved form of garage entry, which can be supplemented with an automatic device. In this version, the garage door slides to the side along rails when a signal is given from a remote device.

Lifting and roller shutter structures are also possible, but their cost is much higher, so they are less often used in frame structures.