How to properly water a rolled lawn in summer. Watering the lawn after planting

Lush vegetation on the lawn and beautiful flowers in flowerbeds require constant attention and care. Over time, regular watering turns into a boring chore. Automatic drip irrigation of the lawn can help, it is so simple and straightforward in terms of design and installation that you can do it yourself. Is it worth choosing this type of irrigation and how does it differ from sprinkler irrigation? Let's figure it out.

Drip irrigation is recommended for irrigating greenhouse plants, trees and shrubs, flower beds, beds, and plantations. It is also suitable for watering lawns if it is not possible to install a sprinkler system (for example, if the lawn is narrow or has a complex curved shape).

The main part of the system is a long hose with holes located along its entire length. Spot irrigation ensures an even and constant distribution of water. The system operates at a speed that allows water to reach the surface of the soil and be absorbed within a certain period of time. In 2 hours, one drip point of the soil is saturated with water to a depth of 10-15 cm and the same radius - provided that the system is adjusted for watering flowers.

Drip irrigation for lawns is installed in areas where sprinkler irrigation is not possible. In this diagram there is a narrow section on the right side

Advantages of using a drip system:

  • distortion of the irrigation sector is excluded (unlike sprinkler systems, which partially depend on the direction and strength of the wind);
  • watering of a specific root area of ​​the plant is ensured;
  • water does not flow into neighboring landscape areas;
  • watering is evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​the site;
  • a crust does not form on the soil surface;
  • no system installation required earthworks, takes little time;
  • there is the possibility of feeding plants with mineral fertilizers;
  • Saves both water and personal time.

Another undeniable plus is the budget cost of the entire set of equipment. Minimum kit including main pipe, fittings, droppers, outlet tubes, drip tips, timer, punch - costs no more than 3,000 rubles. A water container and a submersible pump are purchased separately. System automatic watering made by yourself is an opportunity to save on the purchase of expensive equipment.

Users of drip irrigation systems note only two disadvantages:

  • short service life (from 2 to 5 years) - which means that as parts of the system wear out, they will need to be replaced with new ones;
  • possibility of damage to the dropper (hoses) by rodents or pets.

The minimum kit for automatic drip irrigation includes a set of drippers, a timer, fittings, plugs, and taps. If necessary, a submersible pump must be purchased separately

System installation procedure

The correct automatic watering device depends on the area of ​​the treated area. As an example, let’s take the installation of an irrigation system on a 6-meter-long lawn. Suppose flowers are planted along the edge of the lawn, the distance between them is 40 cm.

Equipment assembly stages:

  • It’s better to start by installing a container for collecting water. You can use any suitable barrel or buy plastic tank in the shop.
  • Installation in a container submersible pump. When purchasing it, you should pay attention to specifications– the pump power should be enough to irrigate the entire lawn area.
  • Connecting a main pipe to the pump (a pipe 16 mm in diameter is suitable). There are two options for removing the pipe from the tank: through the tank lid, if the pump power allows, or through a special drilled hole with a diameter of 16 mm at the bottom of the container. A fitting with a seal is inserted into the hole, and a pipe is inserted into it. Secure the connection with sealant.
  • Wiring the main pipe into 3 or 4 droppers using fittings. Drip lines are laid to the end of the lawn. Plugs are installed at the end of each hose (or pipe).
  • Layering for separate watering of flower bushes - droppers run along the planting, near the root system.
  • Using a punch, holes are made in the main pipe for droppers ( ready-made options droppers are marked, you just need to select the one you need - for example, 8 l/hour or 12 l/hour). In the drippers under the flower bushes, holes are punched near each plant. When using additional tubes, their ends are equipped with drip tips, which are stuck near the root system.
  • Setting a timer that regulates the operation of the pump. At a certain moment, it turns on the electricity supply, starts the pump - and the system operates for a specified period of time. For example, you can set the system to turn on at 8 o'clock and turn off at 8.30. If the dripper has parameters of 2 l/hour, during this period each plant will receive 1 liter of water. The timer can be electronic, powered by batteries, or mechanical.

Many people use a regular barrel as a container for drip irrigation, installing it at a certain height

Starting valves connect the main pipe and droppers (hoses)

A timer for adjusting watering time can be purchased along with the irrigation system

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Equipment operation and maintenance

In order for our automatic lawn watering to function properly, it needs to be tested and at the same time washed. To do this, remove the plugs at the ends of the droppers and turn on the water. Pure water flow from all hoses is a sign that the system is sealed and working correctly. Such flushing must be carried out from time to time to prevent clogging of pipes and hoses.

A visual check of hoses and pipes will help remove blockages in a timely manner. After turning on the system, you should walk along each dropper, paying attention to wet spots near the holes. Depending on the adjustment, they should have a diameter from 10 to 40 cm and be the same in size. If there is no stain or it is smaller than the others, you will have to clean or replace the dropper. Puddles of water also indicate that the system is not working properly - most likely, the seal is broken.

Checking the drip irrigation system can be carried out in parts: for this it is necessary to open the start valves only on certain hoses

The correct operation of the drippers can be easily checked by the size of wet spots on the soil

A problem may arise - automatic watering of the area will stop. The cause will most likely be a blockage in the dropper.

What types of blockages are there and how to remove them?

  1. Mechanical. Pipes and hoses become clogged with suspended particles - sand, silt, undissolved fertilizers. There will be no problem if you use special filters that need to be washed periodically.
  2. Chemical. It occurs due to too hard water. Normal pH values ​​are 5-7; to maintain them, acid additives recommended for irrigation systems are used.
  3. Biological. Blockages of this type associated with the vital activity of organisms, as a result of which plaque, mucus, and algae appear. Light chlorination and regular washing will rid the equipment of biological contaminants.

IN autumn time At the end of the watering season, the equipment is washed, dried and dismantled. There should be no water left in the pipes and droppers. Electronic and mechanical devices– pumps, timers, controllers, sensors – it is better to move them to a heated room. Hoses and pipes can be left in the ground for the winter, but their service life will be significantly reduced.

Filters for drip irrigation systems are a barrier to mechanical and biological contaminants

If drip equipment is washed at the end of the season and put away for the winter, it will last much longer

That's all. Having arranged in early spring automatic watering with your own hands, you can enjoy a green lawn and lush flowering flower beds all summer without any hassle.

A parched lawn can turn brown, become stiff and brittle, or even die. On the other hand, excess water displaces air from the soil, leaving the grass without oxygen. In this case, it may rot. The secret to a great lawn is to always keep it optimally irrigated. You will achieve optimal results if you water it thoroughly but not frequently.

Signs of lack of moisture

In some climates, such as Northern Europe, irrigation is required very rarely or not at all. However, in warmer, drier regions, the grass should be watered regularly to prevent it from drying out. Here are some signs that your lawn is dry:

  • The grass changes color to light green and then begins to turn yellow
  • Grass stems curl and wither
  • Footprints on the grass do not disappear for a long time

When should you water your lawn?

The ideal time to water most lawns is early morning. The grass will dry the entire next day, and the water will not evaporate instantly, because... the sun had not yet warmed up the lawn. At the same time, night watering is even more economical option. However, you need to be careful with the amount of water. It should not envelop the grass stems overnight, creating a humid environment, because it ideal conditions for fungal growth.

How often and in what quantity?

In the absence of rain, the lawn should be watered twice a week in the amount of 10-15 mm of water per 1 square cm of lawn. If the grass regularly does not receive enough moisture, root system comes to the surface where more water gets in. As a result, the grass suffers even more from lack of moisture. Use a rain gauge to check the amount of water reaching your lawn. In addition, it is necessary to adapt the water supply to the soil type of your lawn. Make sure that water has time to seep into the lower layers of soil during watering.

What equipment should you use?

The sprinkler system is simple and in a convenient way lawn irrigation. Sprinklers can be fixed to the ground, mounted on stands, or moved along the lawn as you water. And when you connect your sprinklers to an irrigation control program, you can even leave your lawn unattended for the weekend with the confidence that it will receive adequate care.

In order for the lawn to be constantly green, grow well and thickly and, most importantly, be walkable on it, it must be watered correctly and regularly. The intensity of watering depends on many factors, for example, the type of lawn, time of year, air and water temperature. A lawn that does not need to be watered or mowed exists only in the dreams of gardeners, since any plant needs to be looked after. Careful care is required for both the seeded and rolled lawn, regardless of where it grows: in the country or on a plot near the house.

When to water the lawn?

The frequency of watering the lawn directly depends on the air temperature. To the question of when is the best time to do this, the answer is simple - throughout the entire summer season. The watering season begins from the moment the seeds are sowed in early spring and ends only with the onset of cold weather.

A new rolled lawn must be watered immediately after laying the strips, and if the plot of land is large, then during the process of laying out the rolls.

Exact formula proper watering with the ratio of the amount of water and regularity there is no, since all components change depending on the size of the site, the type of grass and climate. For example, white bentgrass can dry out at the first increase in air temperature in summer if it is not watered twice a day (morning and evening), while fescue can easily tolerate drought and continue to grow immediately after watering or warm rain. People who do not have a lot of free time are advised to choose a variety of grass that is heat tolerant.

Approximate frequency of watering a lawn planted from seeds in spring and summer:

  • during severe drought and air temperatures rising to 30 degrees Celsius or higher, it is recommended to water the area daily in the morning and evening;
  • under the same conditions as described above, but for a lawn grown on sandy soil, the frequency of watering is reduced to once every 2 or 3 days;
  • in cool and windy weather, watering should be done at least once a week.

Note: in the fall, the lawn needs to be watered once every 10 days.

Rolled lawn, even in hot weather, should not be watered more than 3 or 4 times a week. The soil should dry out well between waterings. A lawn made from rolls should be watered abundantly so that the soil is saturated with moisture at least 10 cm deep. Approximate quantity water per 1 square meter is 20 liters.

It is not recommended to water the lawn during the day in the heat, as drops of cool water can cause the plants to get burned. During the day, you can water the area only in cool weather or autumn period. In the evening, it is recommended to water the lawn between 4 and 6 hours so that the grass dries out a little before nightfall, otherwise high humidity may cause a fungal disease.

Signs of lack of moisture

For healthy growth of lawn grass, it is important to maintain systematic watering. Flooding an area is just as dangerous as not watering it often enough.

The first signs that the grass is not getting enough moisture are as follows:

  • the lawn began to be “trampled down” (the grass almost does not rise after it has been crushed);
  • the grass begins to curl;
  • color changes from rich green to brown;
  • bald spots appear on the area;
  • the grass begins to wither or turn yellow.

Some varieties of plants remain alive even when the blades of grass have dried out, since their root system goes into a dormant state until the next watering. However, dried grass will not become young and green again. Lawn owners will have to wait for a new one to grow.

Additional care

There are several situations in which a lawn needs additional care in the form of watering, regardless of air temperature, namely:

  1. After each mowing, you must first remove all the cut grass using a rake, and then thoroughly water the area. This should be done in order to give the lawn a fresh and clean look, as well as to help the plants recover after cutting.
  2. After fertilizing the grass with dry substances that are physically unable to be absorbed by the roots without moistening the soil, it is watering that helps the fertilizing be completely absorbed by the root system of the plants. When using fertilizers diluted in water, such as urea, additional watering is not necessary.

Can be used for irrigation different water: from springs, wells or directly from the tap, but you need to take into account that moisten the soil cold water(temperature below 11 degrees) is not allowed, as this may damage the root system. In the cool season, for example, in early spring, when the snow has melted after winter, the ground has dried out and the grass has begun to turn green, it is recommended to collect water in a large container, wait until it warms up to the desired temperature, and only then water.

If there are weeds on your lawn that cannot be eliminated by regular grass cutting, you can water the area with selective herbicides. Diluted chemical drug can only be used in dry, windless weather on those areas of the lawn where weeds grow. The substance must be diluted strictly according to the instructions, since a small dosage will not kill the weed, but a large dosage can destroy the lawn grass.

Lawn care after planting seeds

The most important component proper care After planting the seeds, the lawn should be watered in a timely manner. If you sow seeds and then do not moisten the soil for a week, the grass will die, since the seeds are located shallow in the ground, and due to the wind and sun open ground it will dry out immediately.

A newly planted lawn should be watered daily for the first 10 days. Within a decade, the grains will germinate, and the root system will be able to absorb moisture, located at a depth of several centimeters.

People who are unable to water recently sown seeds so often can use a trick, namely, cover the area with a film that can retain moisture for a long time. After the seeds have sprouted, the film can be removed, and the air-permeable covering can be left in place as long as it does not interfere with the growth of the grass.

You can also use compost to protect the area from the sun, but mulch can only be used for grass that has grown 7 or 8 cm in height. After sowing, the area cannot be covered with mulch, as there will not be enough seeds sunlight, and they will die.

The lawn can also be watered through the covering material by simply pouring water from above. One part of the liquid will roll down the material, but the other part will saturate the soil. But, for example, spunbond is unsuitable for irrigation. It protects seedlings from cold or heavy rain, so they cover the lawn with it in late autumn before the onset of winter.

An adult lawn is not as picky to care for as a young one, because for the life of the second important criterion is how many times it is watered. After planting, young grass should be moistened at least once a day or two. In extreme heat, the lawn needs to be watered daily. in small portions. As soon as the grass grows up to 7-10 centimeters, you can begin to water the lawn generously.

How to water the plot?

You can water your lawn using a variety of means. The choice of equipment directly depends on what will be more convenient for the gardener to work with.

The means for watering are as follows:

  1. Garden watering can. The most affordable device with which you can independently water your lawn with any water. The watering can is well suited for caring for in small areas or for processing hard to reach places lawns that cannot be reached by a hose or sprayer.
  2. Garden hose. Easy to use and universal device, which can be used in conjunction with special spray nozzles. Using nozzles, you can carefully water the area without damaging the root system or eroding the soil. The hose can also be used in independent form, without a nozzle, to do this, just slightly block the stream with your finger, achieving a splashing effect. The disadvantages include the fact that the hose needs to be moved across the lawn.
  3. Perforated hose. A special hose with many holes throughout its surface for watering. The hose needs to be placed throughout the entire area and simply open the water.
  4. Sprinkler. A device that converts a powerful stream of hose into raindrops. The use of the nozzle does not violate the integrity of the soil cover. It is not recommended to use in windy weather, as light drops of rain will immediately be blown away by a powerful air flow.
  5. Circular sprinkler. The device is installed on the site; during operation it looks like a fountain.
  6. Rotating sprinkler. A device similar to a regular sprinkler, but with the ability to adjust the water flow. The irrigation distance also depends on the power of the jet. Often used to avoid flooding paths, porches, etc.
  7. Oscillating or oscillating sprinkler. A device designed for watering rectangular or square shape, as it allows you to adjust the range and intensity of the jet.
  8. Automatic waterers. The devices are used in large areas and are installed before laying or seeding the lawn, as they consist of underground pipes, hoses or sprinklers connected to a water source (large container, pump). There are two types of sprinklers: stationary and recessed. The former are visible on the surface of the lawn, the latter rise only during spraying.

For small areas, tools such as a hose, watering can and sprinklers are suitable, while for larger lawns it is better to use automatic sprinklers.

If you water and fertilize the area in a timely manner, a thick and green lawn will grow. A young lawn needs to be watered every other day; an established lawn needs to be watered once a week. temperate climate. In hot weather, the amount of watering should be increased as needed. You can water in the morning and evening, but the water should not be cold (below 10 degrees). In autumn, watering can be carried out during the daytime. You need to start watering the lawn with the arrival of spring, when the sun begins to get hot and there are no traces of snow left.

Like any other plant, lawn grass needs regular watering. And, like any plant, it will react to both an excess of moisture and a lack of it. Therefore, it is important to have an idea of ​​how to properly water your lawn. Of course, no one wants to stand with a hose in their hands and water it for hours, especially if you are only in the country for a few days.


You will not lose your precious hours of rest if your lawn is equipped with automatic watering system. This means that your lawn is watered according to a predetermined program in the mode you select. The more expensive the automatic watering system, the more complex it is and, accordingly, “smarter”. Such a system will not water your lawn on rainy days, and with the help of sensors it will determine whether it needs to be watered or to postpone watering. And besides, it will water not just with water, pumping it directly from the well, but will take it from a storage tank in which the water becomes a comfortable temperature for the grass. After all, you don’t water your cucumbers and tomatoes with cold water. tap water. In addition, all kinds of sprayers also help warm the water to ambient temperature.

The most comfortable water temperature for watering the lawn– this is 18º-20ºС, it can be lower, but not less than +10ºС. You can install an atopirrigation system yourself, but still, it is the specialists in this matter who will be able to develop a high-quality plan for covering all your areas, taking into account all the geometric features of the lawn, all zones and plants growing on it. Of course, there are automatic watering systems that are simpler and more affordable. But then be prepared to adjust both the watering time and frequency, and do not forget to turn off the automatic watering during rains. After all excess moisture can cause more significant harm than its deficiency. A lawn that is over-watered and lacks good drainage will look like it's already October in mid-summer. The soil does not have time to dry out, the roots do not breathe, they begin to rot, the grass turns yellow and droops, bald spots appear, and mushrooms begin to actively grow. Good conditions are created for the appearance of moss. Only powerful and strong grasses become active, which in nature tolerate waterlogging well, and hummocks form.

Steve p2008 /

The most typical mistake owners of lawns with automatic watering is to increase the watering time on hot days. You should always let the sod dry out between waterings, no matter how hot it is. In extreme heat, the pattern of lawn growth and appearance changes for everyone; on lawns with automatic watering it is much better, but the most open areas and areas along the tiles still suffer. concrete paths. You definitely need to consider what kind of soil you have in your lawn and what types of grasses grow there. It is better to have a drought for a while than a flood. During drought, it is mainly the upper ground part of the grass that suffers, and then it quickly recovers again as soon as the rains come. After all, the root system of some cereals reaches a meter. Drought-resistant weeds such as clover and yarrow may flourish.

How to water your lawn if you don't have an automatic watering system? There is a wide variety of sprinklers and all kinds of “waterers” that will do this job for you. You will only need to periodically move the waterer to areas that have not yet been watered. If the lawn is large enough (5-8 acres), then it makes sense to purchase a hose system with several rotating sprinklers. Watering cans and holding the hose in your hands are the least suitable.

Wally Roth/

How often should you water your lawn? If the weather is normal summer without abnormal heat, with periodic rains, if the plants in your garden do not show signs of wilting or suffer, then there is no need to regularly water the lawn. If it rains rarely and there are other plants and trees on the site, then the lawn needs to be watered 2-3 times a week. Consider appearance grass (the lawn should be elastic and the grass shiny, without yellowing), the composition of the lawn mixture, the density of the grass, the presence of mature trees with a strong root system on the lawn, the composition of the soil on the lawn, air humidity, etc. and so on. Perhaps it will be enough for you to water once a week, or perhaps every day. Young and newly seeded lawns must be watered every day.

When to water the lawn? It is best to do this either in the morning from 6 to 9 am, or in the evening from 19 to 22 o'clock. If you water your lawn during the day, on a hot and sunny day, the bulk of the water will evaporate immediately during watering or on the grass, and drops of water can cause burns, acting like a lens under the sun's rays.

Pavlina Jane /

How much water does lawn grass need? Another common mistake is watering the lawn little by little and often. If you don’t have stationary waterers, be prepared for the fact that you will have to hold the hose in your hands for 2-3 hours to properly water even a piece of the lawn. It is better to water less often, but sufficient quantity. How much water does your lawn need? And this can be calculated, especially since the moisture norm per 1 sq.m. known - it is 10-20 liters. It is this amount of water that will saturate the soil to the required depth of 15-20 cm.

How long should you water your lawn? If you place some container (a jar, for example) on the lawn and start watering, then after 12-13 mm of water has accumulated in the jar, it will mean that about 10 liters of water per meter have reached your lawn (at the watering site) sq. When 25 mm of water has collected in the jar, that’s 20 liters of water for each square meter watered. Record your time and estimate approximately how much time you need to spend watering your lawn.

Before you set up a lawn on your property, think about this important issue of watering. After all, you don’t want your material investment to go to waste. The lawn simply “must” be beautiful and well-groomed in order to please not only the eyes, but also your body. Walking on the lawn barefoot - what could be more pleasant and useful?

Streams groundwater do not at all provide normal soil moisture for high-quality growth. Therefore, it is impossible to do without human participation. Watering is directly related to plant metabolism.

Health, attractiveness and strength depend on the frequency of irrigation activities. Manual or - for is not so important. The difference is: how much money, time and effort you are willing to spend on it. How to water after sowing and which method to choose for this will be discussed in this article.

When to water?

Watering methods

As you know, soil moisture up to 10 cm deep is considered optimal for a lawn. Here they come to the rescue various methods irrigation.

Watering the lawn is carried out in three main ways:

  • basal;
  • intrasoil;
  • sprinkling.
Root and subsoil methods are more economical in terms of water consumption. Sprinkling can be done not only automatically, but also manually.

Refers to automatic systems root watering of the lawn. This method uses hoses with small holes from which drops of water flow directly onto. The drip system is almost completely hidden from the human eye.

Did you know? Fitness on lawn grass is more beneficial for the body due to its saturation fresh air and less stress on the joints.

Root moisturizing can be used not only in the morning, but also during the daytime. It saves time, water consumption and minimizes human intervention. The main disadvantage of this method of irrigation is the labor-intensive process of installing the system. But soon everything is monetary and labor costs on lawns completely pay for themselves.

Sprinkling is an imitation of rain for irrigating lawn grass. Irrigation is sufficient for small areas of plantings manually from a watering can or hose sprayer. If the area is too large, it is advisable to install automatic sprinklers.
During sprinkling, not only the soil is moistened, but also the air space around the lawn. Main types:

This type of irrigation requires a water source such as a water tap or. In addition, you will need sprinklers and. From a cost perspective, manual sprinkling is the most affordable of all methods. To automatically water your lawn, you also need to purchase sprinklers.

They are also divided into types: stationary And portable. Their sprinklers can also be different: simple and movable. The former irrigate the surrounding soil unevenly, which is completely excluded if the sprinkler is capable of changing its position.
If there is good pressure in the system, a pulsating type of sprinkler is ideal, allowing water to be absorbed into the soil more slowly. The more expensive type is retractable. It does not interfere with lawn mowing, as it is compactly hidden in the grass. For irrigation, the sprinkler is raised and works on the same principle as other types. In any case, sprinkling is not as expensive a method as drip irrigation.

Subsoil irrigation method is the most economical and expensive of the types. The watering system delivers water directly to the lawn's root system and is suitable for placement on any terrain. But it is necessary to plan its installation and layout in advance.

Did you know? Lawn grass has phytoncidal properties, the ability to fight harmful bacteria.

Watering is carried out with hydraulic drills various designs or humidifiers in the form of perforated plastic pipes, placed in the soil.
Subsurface irrigation has a number of advantages, such as:

  • soil saturation with air;
  • hindrance to growth;
  • reducing the humidity of the ground air layer;
  • protection against the development of fungal diseases in lawn grass;
  • the ability for a person to carry out planned activities on the lawn during watering.

This irrigation method is mainly used in and slopes. Subsurface irrigation is the most expensive among all the types presented in terms of money, labor and time resources.
Irrigation activities for lawns ensure its attractiveness and normal existence. If you do not have enough free time for this, it is better to install an automatic irrigation system. Besides your time, it saves water resources and provides better soil moisture. But the manual irrigation method is known to be less expensive. Although sometimes saving is not at all appropriate.