How to properly install a plastic window sill. DIY PVC window sill installation

Repairing an apartment or house includes installing window sills and slopes on plastic windows. It is known that the window sill, in addition to aesthetic role, also performs protective.

In addition to mechanical loads and the influence of temperature, wooden, stone and plastic window sills are influenced by moisture and sunlight.

All these factors determine the service life of windows.

Installing or replacing them with your own hands with plastic or wooden windows is a simple process and does not require any professional construction skills.

Preparatory stage

Before you repair and replace window sills and slopes, you should buy everything necessary tools, which are needed to install a window sill under the window.

After all, correctly selected and good materials, the tools are a pleasure to work with, as they increase efficiency and quality of work.

In addition, the products and tools will be useful in the future, given that the repair and replacement of windows will be done more than once, and the installation of slabs will be carried out under each window.

All of them are purchased in specialized stores or window companies.

If you will be installing windows yourself, you will need the following tools:

  • circular saw or jigsaw;
  • level
  • roulette;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • marker;
  • hammer drill

Installation of a window sill begins, first of all, with measurements. First you need to find out the dimensions of the workpiece.

It should be remembered that depending on how correctly the required dimensions, depends on the quality of all work.

The length of the workpiece should be chosen longer than necessary, because later it will not be difficult to adjust the dimensions using ordinary tools.

The width of the workpiece should be such that the design does not interfere with the air circulation from the battery upwards.

If this condition is neglected, condensation will appear on the windows, and a flow of cold air will move into the room and it will be necessary to replace the windows.

That is why determining the dimensions correctly in advance is very important stage preparatory work.

Trimming a slab under a window

Sometimes a situation arises when you need to correctly adjust the window sills to the appropriate window sizes. First, markings should be made on the product using a marker.

Do not forget that the excess is cut off from the part that is attached to the wall.

At the same time, the cutting lines should also be noted. They must pass by 0.5 - 1 centimeter so that the slab fits rigidly and tightly with the window frame.

If the edge of the product does not preserve the stiffening ribs, the internal sections will lose the desired shape at the joint and bend inward.

Trimming is done with your own hands using a jigsaw, a saw or a special hacksaw, and stone window sills are trimmed with a special diamond blade.

The main thing here is not to forget about accuracy and not to press great strength on the tool to prevent scratches or chips, otherwise you will have to change the workpiece.

You should also not forget about safety measures: avoid getting small particles in your eyes and use gloves.

Now the workpiece is completely ready to be installed in place. The window sill must be washed and proceed to the next stage.

Lining installation

When the measurements and trimming of the window sill have been carried out, it is necessary to continue the repairs and prepare the linings.

This is important for creating small slopes during outside so that the water flows out.

The linings should not protrude so that they do not have to be cut off again later.

If there are gaps, they are usually covered with polyurethane foam.

When installing, do not forget to put the slopes of plastic or wooden windows. The lower slopes are cut to the wall, and the installation site is cleared of unnecessary material.

It is assumed that the gap between the window sill and the wall does not exceed 4 millimeters and is quite tightly and correctly adjacent to the windows.

It is also necessary to install metal strips and insert the ends of these strips into the lower plugs under the window sills to avoid their deformation.

Installation of window sills

Repair involves installation of window sills and slopes different ways. The first one is outdated and rarely used.

It implies that the window sills are fixed using a special adhesive solution. Most quick way- This is a do-it-yourself installation using self-tapping screws.

First, holes are drilled in the frame, into which these same parts are then screwed.

The joint area is poured silicone sealant, and the edge of the window sill is placed under the frame, tightened with self-tapping screws.

According to the second method, installation is carried out using aluminum spring brackets, screwed with self-tapping screws.

And the final method, which is the most reliable and involves the use necessary materials, consists in the use of special linings that are installed under various window sills.

Eat different ways installation of various window sills, before use the positive and negative aspects of each of them are assessed and only after that you need to choose the most optimal one, because the replacement of windows will depend on this.

The methods differ only in how various window sills, including wooden ones, are placed under the frame.

If the window sill is uneven, then during installation there may be a gap between it top part and frame. It is carefully filled with silicone.

After this you need to wash everything.

Installation of slopes

Upon completion of the installation of the window sill, it is necessary to install the same (wooden or plastic) slopes.

To do this, both horizontally and vertically, you need to level the window opening with your own hands.

This process is carried out using polyurethane foam, which protects them from the influence of temperature. Next, the quality of the poured foam is checked.

If there are excesses, they should be removed, and if deficiencies are found, they should be refilled.

First, you should install the top panel, which stretches along the entire length window installation and only then secure the side panel.

Exist different approaches. Installation can be carried out using slatted frames, while securing the panel with nails or staples.

It is necessary to do everything as correctly and carefully as possible, without damaging the window sill, window and its slopes.

The second approach, the simplest and most convenient, is the use of polyurethane foams for installing windows, as well as masking tape.

An important condition for beautifully made slopes is ideal vertical mount ray.

For leveling purposes, you should use wooden blocks and use a level to achieve the perfect vertical.

When all necessary materials installed, excess amounts of foam cut off, outside and inside the room, before washing everything, it is necessary to apply a rotband to the foam.

As soon as it hardens, the various external slopes should be painted with water-based paint.

Then you need to delete protective layer from slopes, window sills, plastic windows, wash away stains and dirt, and at the end, coat all cracks with liquid plastic.

At this stage the renovation is completed.

Usually window sills are fixed in place by professionals, the same team that installs them, but this work You can also make it yourself. This task is quite within the capabilities of the owner of the house, who has a grinder, a jigsaw, and a few simple construction tools and knows how to use polyurethane foam.

How to install a plastic window sill?

  1. Determine the length of the future window sill. This size is made up of several quantities. It is necessary to sum up the width of the window opening and the size of the allowances on both sides, which usually range from 10 cm to 30 cm, depending on the customer’s wishes.
  2. Using a corner, we draw a line on the slopes to determine which part of the wall to remove.
  3. We make a notch with a grinder, cutting a corner, if there is one, and then remove excess brick and concrete with a chisel or hammer drill.
  4. We clean the surface of debris with a brush, removing all dirt, concrete fragments and dust.
  5. There are several ways to install it correctly at home plastic window sill. Much depends on the material used, because it can be glue, mortar or polyurethane foam. In our case, we used foam for this work, so the working surface needs to be well moistened. It is best to treat the installation site of the window sill with impregnation.
  6. To level the plane, we will have to use substrates made of plastic, plasterboard, wood or other material and a level. You can mount the window sill not strictly horizontally, but with a slight slope of up to 1 cm from the window, so that condensation or spilled water flows out.
  7. We place the window sill into the groove with one edge, shift it to the right and gradually put it in place.
  8. The product stands completely in the groove of the window frame.
  9. Next, we align the edges so that the releases on both sides are the same.
  10. In the question of how to install a plastic window sill in an apartment with high quality, we came to last stage. We install the balloon in the gun, shake it, and carefully blow foam into all the voids and grooves under our beautiful window sill.
  11. We place a weight on the windowsill so that it does not move upward.
  12. We cut off the foam protruding beyond the edges with a knife, and then the wall can be puttied and decorated with wallpaper.

You see that installing a plastic window sill in your apartment or private house with your own hands is not difficult; our instructions will help you understand how to do it quickly and correctly. Good luck to you!

Articles on this topic:

The final stage of arrangement window openings is to install PVC window sills with your own hands - when competent preparation and minimal repair skills, this work can be done independently, quickly and reliably.

Characteristics of window sills made of polyvinyl chloride boards

The window sill is the most visible part of the window design and the most functional part of the entire window. They prevent heat leakage from the room and act as a barrier to outside cold air; they serve as a support for various items interior (including very heavy and bulky ones - for example, flower pots). Installing a PVC window sill with your own hands will allow you to acquire a strong, durable and beautiful surface along the entire length of the window, thanks to the following qualities these products:

  • Impact resistance sunlight, tall and low temperatures and humidity;
  • Resistance to impacts, scratches, pressure and other types of mechanical impact;
  • Lightness – Compared to a wooden product of similar dimensions, the weight of a plastic window sill is 3-5 times less. This greatly simplifies installation work, from preparation to installation;
  • Convenience sanitization and resistance to chemically active substances;
  • Durability - both in terms of maintaining aesthetic qualities and strength qualities;
  • Environmentally friendly, absence of harmful fumes and emissions throughout the entire service life.

The service life of plastic window sills ranges from 10 to 30 years - that is, it is quite comparable to the service life of a newly installed plastic window. To achieve such longevity, installing PVC window sills with your own hands must be based on compliance with a number of rules and recommendations.

Installing a PVC window sill with your own hands - according to GOST, we prepare the window opening

The width of plastic window sills varies from 30 to 70 cm. The greater the width, the greater the mass of the product and the more stringent the requirements for the base for installation. Great importance has the form of an equipped opening - whether the window sill is installed together with a plastic window or partial installation is performed. The design advantages of PVC plates allow them to be mounted under old wooden frames - such budget renovation will allow you to update window openings at a relatively low cost.

Any preparation for installation work with PVC window sills begins with removing their “predecessors” and examining the exposed wall. We should be prepared for the fact that the result of our research will be disastrous. In old houses, under massive wooden window sills, you can find jagged walls with mortar overhangs, formed dips and potholes. Get by with deletion construction waste will not succeed, the base for PVC window sills must be smooth and solid.

You will have to start working with the solution, since the volume of pouring activities will be small. You need to take a flat board 10-30 cm long longer window opening and use a level to secure it to the wall. The top edge of the board will become the bottom border of our “foundation”. Next, cuts are made in the side walls for the installed window sill - 5-10 cm from the corners. At the third stage, all the cracks in the depths of the opening are isolated - between the already installed window and the opening. After which the base for the window sill is filled with cement or cement-crushed stone mortar.

Modern cement mixtures harden quickly, but proper strength is achieved after 1-2 days. The installation of PVC window sills should begin no earlier than specified period, otherwise during the installation process you can damage the base - and then you can’t even dream about the accuracy of the work.

How to install a PVC window sill - installation instructions

If you have a solid and level base, installing a PVC board as a window sill will not take much time, but care and precision must be exercised. First of all, you should decide on the size of the “extension” of the end relative to the wall - it is recommended to limit it to 8 centimeters. With a larger offset, it is difficult to guarantee the strength of the structure under strong pressure on the end part.

However, if under the window it is planned to install heating radiators in special niches, the dimensions of the “removal” can significantly exceed 8 cm and reach 15 and even 20 cm. In this case, a deep insertion of the entire slab into the side walls and additional fasteners along the window line are necessary. The battery itself should be located with a large margin relative to the window sill extended above it, for good air circulation in the heated room. They have a lot of advantages; they are quite doable from plastic.

Modern models of plastic windows are equipped with a hidden rail profile at the bottom of the end. It is to this rail that the window sill plate is attached, which guarantees the tightness of the entire window. Even if there is no rail groove, it is prohibited to move the plastic window sill further than the vertical border of the window - it is not intended for contact with precipitation and frosty air.

Trimming the slabs when installing PVC window sills with your own hands is done using ordinary hacksaws for metal and exactly at the installation location. Further installation proceeds according to the following scheme:

  • The plastic plate is pre-inserted into place to assess the accuracy and horizontality of its location. Pay attention to the tight contact with the lower edge of the window frame, as a guarantee of the future tightness of the entire structure;
  • Wedging is carried out - wooden wedges should be installed between the base and the window sill to firmly fix the PVC window sill. For a window 1.5 meters wide you will need 3 wedges (at the edges and in the center), for large windows you will need 4 or 5 wedges;
  • The window sill is removed and wooden wedges are attached to the mounting base (lightly at first, they can be adjusted). It is necessary to remove the wedges from the outer end, because a separate strip will be fixed under the front border of the window sill;
  • The PVC plate is installed on fixed wedges and checked for horizontalness using a level. If necessary, the position of the wedges is changed or they are simply cut on the spot.
  • When the entire structure is positioned accurately and firmly, an even strip is attached to the front of the opening - it will serve as an additional and reliable basis with force on the end part of the window sill;
  • Once again, the strict horizontality of the slab installed on wedges and slats, its tight contact with the window frame, and resistance to mechanical pressure in various places. It would not be superfluous to check the free opening and closing of window sashes;
  • Before finally fixing the PVC window sill, all internal openings between the wedges and the rail are treated with polyurethane foam. The polyvinyl chloride plate is carefully pushed into place - when it hardens, the foam will expand and fill the entire internal space.

All that remains is to fix the window sill in the mounting gaps on the side walls, and this must be done using fragments of stones or bricks, in combination with cement-sand mortar. After the solution and foam have hardened (that is, the next day), you can begin to design window slopes, installation of heating radiators and other stages of repair and improvement of the premises.

When replacing old window structures, you must immediately install new window sills from modern materials. Today, plastic products are at the top of their popularity. The width of the PVC panel is 60 cm, which makes it possible to install them with almost any wall thickness. Read on to learn how to install a plastic window sill efficiently and reliably.

  1. Preparatory work
  2. Exception - installation of wooden structures

Preparatory work

IN preparatory stage includes measurement and design selection, selection of tools, purchase of building materials. If the double-glazed windows have not been replaced, the old window sill board will need to be dismantled. When replacing a window, it is carried out complete removal old window design. Installation of a new double-glazed window is carried out by specialists from the manufacturer. Installation of a plastic window sill can also be carried out by specialists or by the customer himself.

Installation of a plastic window sill is carried out only after installing the window frame and double-glazed windows.

When replacing only the panel, you must first take the correct measurement:

  1. Measure the width of the window opening. Add another 10 cm and get the total length of the structure.
  2. The width of the panel is equal to the distance from installed window to the corner of the wall plus 5 cm on the ledge. It is not advisable to make the base of the window wider, since air circulation is disrupted, which leads to fogging of the glass.

Tools and materials

To install a plastic window sill with your own hands, you will need a set of tools:

The following materials should be prepared:

  • sealant;
  • gun and polyurethane foam;
  • window sill panel;
  • three sets of plastic or wood bases of different widths;
  • two end caps.

Preparing the installation site for a PVC window sill

Using a hacksaw, electric jigsaw, or ax, remove the old structure and window frame. Along the edges wooden product deleted cement strainer. Clean the opening from loose building material and insulation.

Specialists install a new PVC window so that a distance of at least 5 cm is maintained between the base of the window opening and the bottom of the frame. The opening left will serve as a support for the new structure.

If you plan to install a PVC window sill with your own hands that is longer than the window opening, grooves are selected on the sides at the base. For this you need a hammer and a grinder. First, they cut the wall, and then carefully knock it out with a hammer. construction material. The height of the groove is such that new panel went in easily. The length of one groove is more than 5 cm.

The distance between the base of the window opening and the frame is foamed with mounting foam or covered with insulation. After the foam has completely hardened, cut off the excess with a carpenter's knife. When installing plastic panel the size of a window opening, mark the mounting locations of the brackets at a distance of no more than 80 cm.

Before installing the PVC product, you must once again clean the base of debris and dust. Be sure to moisten the brick with water to ensure adhesion.

Installing a plastic window sill

All materials have been purchased and the tools are ready to go. The installation of the window sill begins.

  1. Determine the width of the structure. It can be the same as the width of the old base. When replacing windows and installing a new PVC product, its new width is calculated. Ideally, the edge of the panel is located in the same plane as the middle of the battery heating system. When installing a panel, the edge of which protrudes beyond the battery, it is equipped in the panel itself ventilation holes. Such holes are also made in the casing in front of the battery. They are needed for good air ventilation in front of the window, which protects the window structure from condensation.
  2. Select the length plastic base. When two windows are located nearby, preference is given to one with a holistic design. When installing PVC window sills of a size equal to the window opening, the length of the panel is made shorter by 10 mm.

According to the selected panel sizes, an order is made at a hardware store. The shop's craftsmen immediately carry out trimming according to the specified parameters. Sometimes they buy a blank and do the trimming at home themselves.

  1. The support for mounting plastic window sills is made from pre-purchased substrates. The width of the bar must be at least 50 mm, and the length must not exceed the width of the product. The shortest underlay should be 100 mm less than the width of the panel. Special attention given to the thickness of the substrate. After installing the bar, the panel should fit into the window sill space between the lower window frame and the substrate.
  2. Before installing the support bars, the surface of the base is leveled with cement mortar. One structure requires a minimum of three substrates. Optimal distance between bars - 40–50 cm.
  3. The supports are aligned strictly horizontally and the correct installation is checked using a level in all planes. They make a control installation of the plastic panel. The result correct fastening The substrate is the tight fit of the structure into the gap between the edge of the window and the support.
  4. Do-it-yourself installation of plastic window sills begins with removal from the side adjacent to the window, protective film. Install plugs on the ends of the panel. Carefully insert the structure onto the fixed supports.
  5. The panel fits tightly into place. Lightly tap the product to align it with the window frame. Carry out level control measurements in two directions.
  6. Gaps of 5 mm are left on the right and left, which makes it possible to protect the panel from deformation. Upon completion of installation, the gaps are sealed with sealant.
  7. Carefully foam the space under the plastic window sill with polyurethane foam. If the panel is poorly fixed, the increase in foam volume will cause it to warp.
  8. Spacers are installed along the edges and in the center of the window opening. You can make them yourself or buy transforming spacers in a store. They do not allow the foam to rise established base window opening. When the foam hardens well, the spacers are dismantled and the excess polyurethane foam is cut off.
  9. After the slopes are installed, they begin to seal the gaps. Painting tape is glued along the edges. Fill the gap with silicone sealant. Remove the excess and remove the masking tape.
  10. The protective film is removed after completion of work.

An exception is the installation of wooden window sills

Window sills made of oak, pine, beech, ash or cherry make the interior of the house warmer and more comfortable. Giving preference natural materials, many owners of apartments and houses instead artificial plastic choose natural wooden bases. Stores sell wooden panels coated with varnishes of different shades with different surface textures. Having made your choice, proceed to installing a wooden window sill with your own hands.

Preparing the walls

Clean the base from dust and debris. The surface is moistened with water to ensure good adhesion. If there is a niche under the window, metal or wooden supports so that the panel does not hang in the air. In this case, the wooden structure is dressed in a metal frame.

Window sill leveling

The window sill board is first placed using wedges, ensuring that it slopes into the room by only 2 degrees. Along the window, the board is positioned strictly horizontally. When all the necessary indicators have been achieved, the wedges are strengthened with a small amount of solution by removing the workpiece.

Fastening a wooden window sill

A layer of mortar is laid on the base, covering the wedges by 5 mm. Mainly used cement mortar, but you can use putty or plaster. Place the window sill in place and press it tightly against the wedges until it stops. Any excess that appears is removed with a spatula.

Advice! To be on the safe side, an insulating film is first laid on top of the solution to protect the wood from direct contact with the aqueous solution.

Sealing and strengthening of fastening

For more reliable fixation from the facade side, long self-tapping screws are driven through the window frame into the end of the wooden window sill. After completing the fastening of the structure, small cracks are sealed with liquid acrylic.

The internal window sill is an integral part of any plastic window. This design is needed in a home for additional insulation the junction of the window frame and the wall, as well as to ensure that the window has a finished look. It has the following advantages over other materials:

  • wooden structures require constant maintenance and also become damaged quite quickly;
  • stone window sills are characterized by rather difficult installation, which is unrealistic;
  • plastic structures are reliable, durable, beautiful;
  • have long term operation;
  • are easy to install;
  • plastic sheet is moisture resistant;
  • the material has an affordable price;
  • plastic is resistant to chemicals;
  • the material is plastic and light in weight, it is easy to cut and install with your own hands;
  • the canvas has high thermal insulation;
  • you will not need for installation special devices, you can get by with improvised tools.

In this article we will talk about how to properly install a plastic window sill on a window, since such structures are Lately are especially popular.

Preparatory stage of work

Before proceeding directly to installation, you need to prepare workplace. For this you will need following materials and tools:

  1. level;
  2. jigsaw;
  3. roulette;
  4. hacksaw;
  5. pencil;
  6. polyurethane foam;
  7. foam gun;
  8. perforator;
  9. drills for a hammer drill;
  10. hammer;
  11. chisel;
  12. wooden blocks;
  13. bit.

The window sill is installed so that it fits into the side wall, so you will need to cut connectors about two centimeters deep in the slopes.

To carry out this procedure, you need to attach the plastic window sill to the wall and make the appropriate marks on it with a marker, then carefully knock out the grooves. Such an operation requires maximum concentration and accuracy, otherwise it will take a long time to restore the slopes.

Important! To ensure minimal damage to the slopes, they should be handled very carefully during the entire installation process.

  • The slopes are made of gypsum plaster. In this case, the procedure can be carried out using a hammer or chisel.
  • Concrete slopes. Then you can make recesses for the plastic window sill using a hammer drill.

Read also: Finishing window slopes with sandwich panels.

After completing all of the above manipulations, you need to clean the stand profile and the lower part of the window from pieces of plaster and dust, since these materials are used to install the window sill. Then the cleaned surfaces are moistened; it is better to use a primer for these purposes, which strengthens the surface.

Note! In order to prevent drafts from appearing from the window, you need to thoroughly blow out all the cracks of the window frame with foam.

Fit to size

Installing a window sill with your own hands is not a complicated procedure that requires minimum costs funds and time. However, each window frame has its own characteristics: bulges, roughness, cracks. Therefore, before installation, if you have a ready-made canvas, you need to cut out a blank for the window sill from it. To do this, calculate the width and length of the future structure.

It should be understood that the length of the canvas should be slightly larger than the width of the window, and may extend beyond the boundaries of the slopes. Basically, this output value is five or six centimeters.

The width is calculated by the formula: the width of the protruding part of the window sill + the depth of recess of the canvas into the stand profile + the width of the surface under the window sill.

You also need to cut rectangles on the sides of the plastic blank, which allow it to easily enter the slope. Cutting plastic is quite easy. To do this, use a hacksaw, grinder or electric jigsaw. If nicks appear when cutting the material, then there is no need to worry, since all defects will be hidden by plastic overlays.

When the blank is made, it needs to be tried on. To do this, place the plastic blank on the surface of the window sill and place it behind the slopes and the support profile. At this stage, it is necessary to eliminate all inaccuracies in measurements, if any.

Installing a window sill horizontally

Before the final installation of the plastic window sill, the canvas must be leveled. To do this, pads are placed on the surface of the base. This operation is quite easy to perform yourself. For a regular window you will need two linings, and for a balcony - three.

The wedges must be placed strictly at the level of the window; this procedure makes it possible to properly level the window sill blank before installing it. Then you need to set optimal angle tilt This manipulation is required to eliminate condensation naturally. To do this, the edge of the slab is lowered a few degrees, and building level measure the slope angle. In order for the opening to be smooth, these parameters should be checked in the middle and along the edges.

Read also: Insulating wooden windows for the winter

You need to adjust the level using pads. For wedges, it is better to buy special plastic elements in advance, but you can also use wooden beams. The plastic window sill must be installed in such a way that there are no gaps between the canvas and the window frame. For this purpose, pressure plates are used. Which are attached to the stand profile.

Installation (foaming) of the board

In order to properly secure the window sill yourself, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Moisten the bottom of the opening and the slab again.
  2. Clean the part of the canvas that will be installed under the slopes from the protective film.
  3. Then, using mounting foam, blow out the gap between the profile and the lower edge of the opening.
  4. Then apply a wide layer of foam to the entire surface of the base, treating especially carefully far corners. At this stage, you need to take into account that the thickness of the foam should not exceed the thickness of the installed wedges, otherwise, when the material hardens, it can greatly lift the plastic window sill.
  5. Next, to evenly distribute the load, you need to place a load on the plastic window sill. It is recommended to do this on the inner edge of the board.
  6. The window sill is installed, now all that remains is to wait until the polyurethane foam dries.

Installing a window sill on a balcony

Nowadays, it has become popular to install not only windows from plastic, but also balcony structures. This material retains heat well in the apartment and saves usable area. However, you should understand that the installation procedure itself is quite expensive. Therefore, many residents multi-storey buildings carry out the procedure independently.

Before you start replacing the plastic window sill, you need to prepare metal brackets. They are necessary if it is not possible to place the canvas under window frame. The brackets are fixed to the parapet using anchors, which increase the load on the PVC board and strengthen the entire structure.

The brackets are installed at a distance from each other that does not exceed one meter. After installing the panel, you need to check the angle of inclination with a building level. Before fixing the fabric holders, you need to tighten the thread well. This operation makes it possible to level the PVC board horizontally.