How to plant bulbous indoor flowers. Bulbous indoor plants: rules for planting and care

Among all existing varieties indoor flowers, bulbous indoor plants occupy a special place in floriculture. They are highly decorative of the aboveground part and are very popular in spring. landscape design parks and flower beds.

Bulbous flowers are grown for cutting to create flower baskets, bouquets and spring arrangements. Many of them grow quite successfully indoors.


It is often (and incorrectly) called amaryllis. Its homeland is South America. Mostly hybrids with flowers much more beautiful than those of the original species grow in the rooms. The leaves of the hybrid hippeastrum are long, linear, the bulb is large, funnel-shaped flowers sit in 2-6 pieces on the crown of a tall and thick peduncle. Depending on the variety, they can be from pale pink to dark red, sometimes variegated, with streaks and specks. Large bulbs form two arrows.

The plant is light-loving, it needs to be given sunny places; it grows well in rooms on windows facing south, southeast, southwest. For hippeastrum to bloom, a period of deep dormancy is required. By adjusting its timing and duration, you can have flowering plants all year round.

During the rest period, I put the pot with hippeastrum in a dark place, water it rarely and little by little, just so that the soil does not dry out.

Its flowers, like those of other bulbous plants, open at different times. But there are several of them on the arrow, and therefore, in general, flowering lasts 2-3 weeks. The pot you need is not very large (the distance from the edge of the bulb to the edge of the pot should be 1.5-3 cm). In a container that is too spacious, the plant will become fatty and may not bloom for a long time.


R Odom also from South America. Its leaves are long, linear, bright green. The large bulb is covered with thin light gray protective films. Fragrant white and pink flowers are collected in 6-10 pieces. Krinum usually blooms in spring or summer. Large bulbs sometimes have 2 flowers open at the same time.

Krinum needs a bright, sunny place, and the pot for it should be large. I replant old plants once every 2-3 years, and one third of the bulb should be visible from the ground.


Eucharis, or Amazon lily, is a very beautiful bulbous plant with beautiful white fragrant flowers. Its leaves are wide, dark, shiny, on long petioles.

Eucharis blooms once, sometimes twice a year - in autumn and spring, winter, during the dormant period, requires moderate watering (but more abundantly than hippeastrum). The plant is light-loving. He needs a small, low and wide pot. It refuses to bloom in a spacious room until numerous bulbs fill it and they become crowded. Therefore, it should be replanted no more than once every 4 years, and the bulbs should be completely buried.


Its white, fragrant flowers look like antique lace due to their narrow, thin “petals.” Flowering time is autumn or early winter.
Pankratium blooms best on south-eastern windows. Watering is moderate during flowering and rather scarce during the dormant period. Plants should be replanted in the spring once every 2-3 years. The bulb is sunk into the ground only one third, the baby is separated for reproduction.


Clivia, or Kaffir lily, as the name indicates, came to us from South Africa. This plant is remarkable for its unpretentiousness. Clivia leaves are long, dense, dark green.

The flowers are orange-red, collected in a bunch at the top of the peduncle. There can be up to 40 of them on one arrow; on old plants there are up to 5-6 arrows at the same time. Old specimens may bloom again in winter. Clivia is propagated by seeds and daughter bulbs.

Bulbous: planting and care

Now let's talk in detail about how to care for flowering flowers. bulbous plants. They need to be watered extremely carefully, because dampness can cause the bulb to rot. It is best to use rain, river or melt water for watering. The pot must be chosen in such a way that it contains soil without roots, and drainage must be poured into the bottom. Spring planting bulbous flowers should be produced as follows: plants big size it is necessary to plant one piece at a time, crocuses - six or seven, and daffodils and tulips - three. Pots with planted plants are placed in a bright and cool place. Fertilize by watering during the period of active growth or flowering.

If the leaves of the plant are dry, it means that a dormant period has begun. Then it is necessary to clean the onion from the soil, dry it and, after a month, separate the “babies” that are stored in the sand. In the fall they are planted again, and after three to four years the “babies” will take on the beauty and strength of an adult plant.

Types of bulbous flowers contain those plants that are stored in a special way in winter time, and after a short period of germination they quickly bloom and bloom. As a rule, these are spring decorative bulbous flowers and plants.

These plants prefer soils that are neutral and slightly alkaline, rich in organic substances. Ideal option there will be a mixture of fresh leaf and turf land with the addition of humus or compost, as well as coarse sand or small pebbles. Compost, rotted manure, peat with lime, and ash can be used as top dressing.

As for the diseases of representatives of this family, the most common fungal diseases appear as black or brown marks on the leaves, and you can also see a fluffy gray coating. To eliminate the disease, treat the plant with fungicides. There are also specific pests such as daffodil fly, nematode, onion root mite and the lily beetle.

Growing bulbous flowers should be done with the help of “babies” and bulbous buds, and such plants do not need to be propagated by seeds.

Diseases of bulbous plants - possible problems

Symptoms Causes Remedy
The plant does not produce leaves or does not bloom The bulb died as a result of a fungal disease. The affected bulbs become soft to the touch and light. Spring bulbs usually rot after thawing.

Discard the onion and wash the pot thoroughly. Plant bulbous plants in a clean substrate without impurities.

The plant has put out leaves, but does not bloom improper storage, especially when high temperature, leads to the death of the flowering parts of the bulbous plants, although the tissues responsible for leaf growth are preserved. Small, weak bulbs may not have enough cells to flower. The presence of rich foliage and sparse flowers may be the result of the use of nitrogen fertilizer try to buy fresh onions that have not been left on the shelves. Choose large specimens.
Leaves appear at the edges of the pot the bulb or tuber was planted with the top down. the tops of the bulb or tuber usually have a pointed shape. If you can't tell where the top of the bulb is, it's best to plant it sideways in the ground.
Leaves grow slowly, buds fall off without opening dry air, sudden change in conditions. increase watering and humidity. Do not move plants during bud stage.
The leaves are succulent and grow well, but unopened buds are dropped too abrupt a transition from cold to warm conditions Having taken the spring-flowering bulbs out of a cold place, send them to a cool place for 1 week, but not warm room. The transition from cold to warm conditions should be gradual.
Plants grow large and unstable too much warm conditions on early stage growth or lack of light. place the bulbs close to each other - this will help slow down their growth; place in a cooler room. Do not place in a warm place until the buds begin to open. Light-loving plants are drawn to bright light.
Unhealthy leaves, with small yellowish spots spider mite Remove affected plants as the mite may spread to other plants

Planting and care features for bulbous plants

When planting bulbous plants, the choice of pot is very important. It is best to choose a container made of lightly fired clay with thin porous walls that are not glazed on the inside; by the way, you can make a clay pot with your own hands at home without special equipment. The size of the container is selected based on the size of the onion. The pot is selected correctly when there is 1.5 cm of free space on each side from its walls to the plant. Bulbous plants do not like waterlogging, so there must be a hole to drain the water. The diameter of the pot should be equal to its height. For planting, use a regular substrate for flowering plants, not forgetting to make drainage: place a layer of expanded clay or broken bricks. In addition, in order to provide the plant with a good outflow of moisture and at the same time facilitate the flow of air to the roots, the pots with plants can be slightly raised above the surface of the windowsill. Bulbous flowers develop well in a bright but not hot room. Optimal temperature content during the growing season 20-25 degrees. They prefer moderate watering, they like thawed or rainwater, but ordinary tap water, pre-settled for 24 hours, will also work. Water temperature is room temperature. Bulbous plants respond well to feeding with liquid fertilizers containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. They should be fed only during the flowering and growth period, once every two weeks.

Indoor plants living in a cramped pot space will sooner or later need to be replanted. Let's follow the rules! It is best to replant indoor flowers in the spring, from the end of February to May, so that root system managed to develop well before the onset of autumn.

There are a number of signs that help you understand whether a transplant is needed for indoor plants.

  • Main indicator the need for replanting - the plant is cramped in the pot, growth slows down, despite regular feeding;
  • The old substrate loses its properties, becomes compacted, turns sour, the soil dries out too quickly, and you have to water it often;
  • The roots grow and protrude through drainage hole, the ground is almost invisible;
  • Emergency replanting of indoor plants is required in case of disease or rotting of the root system;
  • Yellowing of leaves, underdevelopment of inflorescences, shortening of the flowering period...

By the way, it is better to replant indoor plants purchased in a store into a larger pot, since sold specimens are planted in small containers with peat to save space. This is, so to speak, a forced measure.

Flowering specimens or those that have gathered buds are replanted only after they have faded, bulbous ones - after the leaves have yellowed. Starting in September, transplants that enter a dormant period in winter should be avoided.

Home flowers planted in open ground for the summer, or displayed on Fresh air, it is advisable to replant in August to avoid introducing pests into the house. During this period, the temperature outside and in the room are the same. This makes it easier for flowers to adapt; the root system is still able to absorb moisture sufficiently.

Young decorative deciduous, woody and fast-growing herbaceous plants require annual transshipment. Slowly growing indoor flowers are replanted less frequently - once every 2-3 years.

Fast-growing species such as asparagus, tradescantia, chlorophytum can be replanted by transshipment even in winter, avoiding damage to the root system.

For adult and large tub plants, frequent replanting is not necessary - only the top layer of soil is removed and replaced with fresh soil. Palm trees, rubber ficus, noble laurel, camellias are planted after 4-5 years. Frequent transplants adversely affect their growth.

During the transfer individual species indoor plants are divided into overgrown ones herbaceous plants and the “baby” department in bulbous plants.

What is the difference between transshipment and transplantation?

Transshipment of domestic plants and seedlings can be carried out more often and at any time of the year. I rarely use a complete transplant; I just lightly shake off the top layer and transfer it to a new pot, adding soil between the walls of the pot and the lump.

When using this method of planting, the earthen ball is not disturbed, only increasing the volume of the dishes and soil by 2-3 cm. The growth of a houseplant does not stop, which makes it possible to obtain strong, well-developed specimens.

Replanting with the removal of old soil is done only if there are rotten, diseased roots, which should be cleaned and treated, then the indoor plant is replanted into a new pot and fresh substrate.

Choosing a suitable container for a flower...

Plastic and ceramic pots are put in order, thoroughly washed, cleaned, and disinfected. New clay ones are kept in water for several hours, they can be left overnight; before use, old ones are cleaned with a brush from dirt and mold, scalded with boiling water, and calcined in the oven.

Take a pot slightly wider than the previous one (2-3 cm in diameter), depending on the development capacity house plant. Transplanting into a pot that is too large will bring more harm than good.

For indoor species with a poorly developed or rotten root system, the vessels remain the same size. When pruning diseased roots, the dishes can even be reduced in size.

The drainage hole in the clay pot is covered with shards or pieces of broken brick; you can pour a layer of expanded clay or coarse sand 0.5-2 cm high for small dishes, 3-5 cm - for large ones. The substrate is prepared in accordance with the requirements of this species.

In the photo: the azalea is divided into several parts and is already prepared for planting... It should be taken into account that its lump is like a sponge, so this plant special requirements regarding transplantation, please see separately.

We proceed directly to planting/transferring the plant.

In advance, before boarding indoor flower Water at least an hour in advance, preferably a day in advance. If the plant has been watered recently, you can do without watering.

We take the plant out of the pot along with the lump, turning it upside down and hitting the bottom with the palm of the hand, or tapping the edge on the table. Upper layer The earth is removed from the lump, carefully clearing it from the sides with a peg or knife. The roots should not be completely exposed.

Clean, if necessary, from small fibrous roots by cutting off the felt of unnecessary hanging roots with scissors. It is preferable not to touch thick roots; they are cut off only if they rot. The cuts are sprinkled with charcoal powder.

Pour a little substrate over the drainage, after which the prepared plant is placed so that the root collar is 2-3 cm below the edge of the flowerpot. Make sure that the indoor plant sits in the soil no deeper than in the previous pot, located in the middle.

Gradually fill the gaps between the walls and roots with slightly moist soil, compacting it. It is necessary to ensure that the earthen substrate evenly fills the free space, leaving no voids.

Planting density influences further development - loose one favors better growth, denser one favors flowering. When planting evergreen domestic species (palm trees, dracaena), the soil is compacted quite densely.

After the transplant, the indoor flower is watered and placed in a shaded place for about a week. Tender plants can be covered with a plastic bag for a while. After 1-2 weeks you can move it to a permanent place.

We learned how and when to repot indoor plants. Home care and feeding is carried out in accordance with the season, the individual wishes of each species.

They are called bulbous because of their peculiar underground stem - the bulb, in which the plant stores nutrients and water for future growth and development. In addition, the bulb is used for propagation.

The bulbs are pear-shaped and formed by fleshy, juicy scales. By cutting the bulb lengthwise, you can see the rudiments of future leaves, which are located near the flower arrow.

The number of leaves of a bulbous plant is strictly determined by the number of these primordia, so you cannot thoughtlessly pick off the leaves of a flower.

Planting and care features for bulbous plants

For planting bulbous plants The choice of pot is very important.

It is best to choose a container made of lightly fired clay with thin porous walls that are not glazed on the inside; by the way, you can make it at home without special equipment.

The size of the container is selected based on the size of the onion. The pot is selected correctly when there is 1.5 cm of free space on each side from its walls to the plant. Bulbous plants do not like waterlogging, so there must be a hole for draining water.

The diameter of the pot should be equal to its height.

For landing use common substrate for flowering plants, not forgetting to provide drainage: place a layer of expanded clay or broken brick on the bottom of the pot.

In addition, to provide the plant with a good outflow of moisture and at the same time facilitate the flow of air to the roots, pots with plants can be slightly raised above the surface of the windowsill.

Bulbous flowers develop well in a bright but not hot room. Optimal temperature content during the growing season is 20-25 degrees.

They prefer moderate watering, they love melt or rain water, but regular tap water, pre-settled for 24 hours, is also suitable. Water temperature is room temperature.

Bulbous plants respond well to feeding with liquid fertilizers containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. They should be fed only during the flowering period. and growth, once every two weeks.

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Feature successful cultivation This type of plant is to provide them with a period of rest. The rested bulbs will begin to form leaves with renewed vigor, and the plants will bloom regularly and profusely.

For each type own wintering conditions, but, in general, it all comes down to stopping fertilizing, reducing watering and storing the bulbs in the substrate at a temperature of at least 10 degrees.

Bulbous plants propagate using daughter bulbs, separating them from mother plant and, planting separately.

Types of domestic flowering bulbous plants and flowers

. A native of South Africa. The amaryllis bulb is round in diameter and averages 4-5 cm in diameter. It has narrow, long, up to 50 cm, dark green leaves.

On a long bare peduncle there is an umbrella of several (up to 12 pieces) large funnel-shaped fragrant flowers of red, white or pink.

When planting, it is necessary to take into account that the bulb should only be half immersed in the substrate, otherwise the plant will not bloom and may die.

The plant can be propagated by separating the so-called children - small daughter bulbs - during transplantation.

Often confused with amaryllis.

This flower comes from the arid regions of Central America, so it practically does not need spraying.

Externally very similar to amaryllis, the main difference is the hollow flower arrow, on which a maximum of 7 large bright flowers are formed.

– the plant also belongs to the amaryllis family. The bulb is small, about 12 cm in diameter.

Hymenocallis blooms from July to October. At the end of flowering, it needs to arrange a period of rest: keep the plant at a temperature of 10-12 degrees without watering or fertilizing.

Proper care experienced flower growers are seeking bloom twice a year.

or upstart
- the plant is completely inconspicuous most of the year. But during the flowering period it amazes the imagination with flowers similar to large crocuses.

Plants with white and pink inflorescences are most often grown. It has a small bulb, only 3-4 cm in diameter, completely immersed in the substrate. The leaves are narrow and thin.

There is usually one flower on a peduncle, about 4 cm in size.

If you plant several plants in a pot at once, the zephyranthes will look more magnificent.

Krinum- a large perennial, with a large bulb up to 25 cm in diameter, half protruding from the ground.

The plant itself has light green leaves up to 1 m long. Like all bulbous plants, it loves bright, diffused light and fresh air, so in warm weather it is advisable to provide it with a stay on the balcony.

Blooms from August to September in large sizes, about 7 cm, pink flowers, collected in inflorescences of 6-12 pieces.

unpretentious plant with a long lifespan. At proper care can live up to 40 years.

The leaves are wide, dark green.

During the flowering period, an arrow with bright orange flowers emerges from the middle of the plant.

- This plant is native to the Columbia Mountains. Translated from Greek language The name of this flower means “pleasant” and “full of grace.”

Eucharis has large curved leaves, oval shape sitting on long petioles. Period It blooms in February - March, blooms with white flowers, arranged in 8-10 pieces on the flower arrow.

The buds open one by one and last for 8-10 days each, so Eucharis blooms for quite a long time. When planting, it is advisable to deepen the bulb somewhat so that the neck is covered with soil.

Diseases and pests of bulbous plants

Most often, flower growers complain that their favorite plant does not bloom. The main reason for this is the lack of the necessary and properly organized rest period, during which the flower gains strength.

Bulbous plants are often affected various types rotten. The reason for this is always excess moisture and its entry onto the bulb.

In this case, emergency measures will help save the plant. The plant is removed from the ground, the bulb is cleaned of dead and damaged scales.

Then, the bulb is dried for 5-7 days and sprayed with a solution of foundationazole. Planting in the substrate is carried out in such a way that the entire bulb, except for the roots and bottom, remains on the surface.

Until complete recovery, the plant should be watered moderately.

Bulbous plants are often affected by whiteflies, amaryllis scale insects, and others.

Bulbous flowers: choosing, growing, enjoying Petrovskaya Larisa Georgievna

Caring for bulbs after flowering and storage conditions for bulbs

There are several important rules that you need to know and follow in order for your bulbous plants to continue to delight you with their bright flowering. First of all, faded flowers must be removed from plants. It is advisable to do this sharp scissors or pruning shears, leaving the peduncle intact. After the bulbs have bloomed, caring for them does not end. Leaves on faded plants should not be removed until they are completely wilted. The better you take care of them at this stage, the more nutrients They will be able to stock up on bulbs.

Loosening and weeding of bulbous plants

If during the period of active growth and the appearance of buds, plants needed watering, fertilizing, weeding and loosening of the soil in order to bloom magnificently and for a long time, then after flowering they need moisture and nutrition in order to accumulate sufficient quantity nutrients for flowering next season.

After the end of flowering and the death of the leaves and peduncle, the process of accumulation of nutrients in the bulbs reaches its peak and ends, the plants enter the dormant phase. For early bloomers, this usually occurs in late June - early July. This is the period when you can dig up the bulbs.

Most bulbous plants overwinter well in open ground– crocuses, daffodils, muscari, galanthus, scylla, tulips, ornithogalum, camassia, hyacinths. They are planted in the fall and covered for the winter, using peat, fallen leaves and other breathable materials for these purposes. Low-hardy bulbs are not left in the garden for the winter. Gladioli, crinum, crocosmia, freesia are dug up in late autumn, dried and stored until spring. Some of them are kept in winter as indoor or greenhouse plants.

The dug up bulbs are dried well in a place protected from the sun, then they are cleared of the soil, the children are separated, diseased and damaged bulbs are thrown away, and healthy ones are sorted by size. After this, the bulbs are stored in boxes, boxes or perforated bags. During

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Bulbous are considered to be those that have, instead of a “standard” rhizome, a bulb that can easily reproduce in favorable conditions. In such a bulb you can always find a round formation in the shape of a bottom, around which the rudiments of the roots are located.

The main feature of bulbous indoor plants is the ability to bloom at any time of the year, including cold autumn and winter periods. This feature is due to the fact that the bulb contains a large amount of nutrients and minerals, which gives them the opportunity to function perfectly at any time of the year.

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Features of reproduction

Bulbous houseplants reproduce from their own bulbs or seeds. If the bulb is cut vertically, then in the middle you can see a small embryo, and around it are the rudiments of future leaves.

There are two types of bulbs - scaly, the most prominent representatives of which are lilies, and filmy: tulips, daffodils or hyacinths.

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The bulbs consist of large quantity scales enclosed in a thin shell. Scales are colorless leaves that store a supply of nutrients accumulated during the growth period.

After the end of the flowering period, the old bulb dies, and in its place a new one appears with a pair of small bulbs - embryos. They bloom in the second or third year. This method breeding is natural, but the path to the final result is too long. Few people would like the prospect of waiting more than three years, so some gardeners prefer to use an artificial method - which is faster, more effective and does not require special skills.

The bulbs that remain after the greenery has withered are very depleted. They are carefully removed from the ground and subjected to careful processing. To begin, cut out the bottom and carefully remove the middle part of the onion. Sections at the bottom are treated with a fungicide.

Then the bulbs must be planted bottom up and sprinkled with dry sand. It is recommended to keep them at a temperature of about 22 °C. After two to three months, small bulbs appear at the cutting sites. When they grow up, they are carefully separated from the mother flower, dried a little and planted in a substrate.

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There is another method of reproduction: a relatively quick, but rather labor-intensive process. You can get new plants by breeding using scales. To do this, the leaves (scales) of slightly wilted bulbs are broken out directly from the soil.

Individual scales are treated with a fungicide for several minutes and planted in a ready-made, slightly heated mixture. The substrate is prepared from wet peat and sand in a 1:1 ratio. Sometimes vermiculite is used.

Ready plantings are placed in plastic bag, supply it with air and leave it in a dark and well-ventilated area. Within six to eight weeks you can expect new bulbs to appear. After they grow up, they are planted in small pots.

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Specifics of care and cultivation

Indoor plants of this type are heat-loving, so it is not recommended to move them outside during the cold season. open air. If the plant goes into hibernation, then after the leaves die off it must be left alone, reducing the watering process to a minimum. In the spring it will resume flowering again.

Bulbous indoor flowers do not like a lot of dampness, this can cause them to rot. It is best to water them by directing the stream closer to the walls of the pot or from the tray.

Flowers also develop and grow better in a cooler and brighter room, but not cold. Since excessive coolness is very dangerous for the bulbs.

For planting, it is recommended to choose a pot whose height is equal to its length. For bulbous plants excellent option thin porous pots made of slightly fired clay are considered. Under no circumstances should the walls of the pot be glazed.

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Photo source: source –

Damaged, rotten or stained bulbs should not be planted. Only healthy ones are suitable for breeding. If minor damage is nevertheless detected, the bulbs can be carefully cut off, planted and sprinkled with antifungal agents and charcoal, leaving until complete recovery.

The most common indoor bulbous plants are wallot, lilies, hyacinth, crinum and clivia.

Photo source: source –

  • The main feature of valotta is its unpretentiousness and exoticism (it grows only in South Africa). No flower required special effort easy to care for and thrives in bright rooms. One of the most suitable places for it is the windowsill.

Photo source: source -

  • Basic requirements for keeping a lily: space, good lighting and sufficient coolness.

Photo source: source -