How to make natural home fragrance? Making your own air freshener.

Sold in stores different means for freshness in the house. They have persistent odor, but many of them are toxic and therefore harmful to health. To make your apartment smell nice, it is best to make your own fragrance. There are several proven methods that are inexpensive and effective.

Essential oil for toilet

Most often, people use air freshener in the toilet. It appears bad smell, which can only be destroyed by a strong aroma. To prepare such a mixture, we need essential oil. You can use any, choose your favorite scent so that the aroma is not harsh, but pleasant.

To make it yourself, you need to drop a little essential oil onto a piece of cotton wool, put it in a small jar and place it on the radiator for a while. The heat will cause the oil to evaporate and smell. After this, move the jar to the toilet. To prevent the smell from decreasing, you need to periodically add a little oil. It is good to use cedar, pine or orange oil.

You can make an automatic air freshener in the form of a spray. We will need:

  • Water;
  • Essential oil;
  • Spray container.

Use any spray bottle. An empty glass washing container will do. Pour water and 20 drops of essential oil into it. Shake well. This air freshener absorbs unpleasant odors well. You can spray your room with it and enjoy the freshness.

If you want a more concentrated DIY formula, make a spray with vinegar. To do this you will need:

  • Water;
  • Flavor;
  • Vinegar;
  • Spray bottle.

Mix a glass of water with half a glass of vinegar. Pour 5 drops of flavored oil into the liquid, stir and pour into the bottle. Vinegar eliminates unnecessary odor without a trace, and essential oil refreshes.

Gel toilet fresheners

The recipe is one of the highest quality and is liked by many housewives. To prepare this toilet air freshener, you need to buy gelatin.

  1. In glass warm water, dilute a pack of gelatin. Mix the mixture thoroughly with your hands so that there are no lumps.
  2. Add a teaspoon of glycerin there. This must be done, then the gel will not dry out.
  3. Pour in a couple of drops of pine or lavender oil.
  4. Add half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon.

The gel freshener turns out beautiful if you add a little dye to it. This bright mass is placed in an open glass jar and placed in the toilet.

There is another way to prepare a gel air freshener. To do this, take two bowls. In one, steam 15 g of gelatin in warm liquid. In another, mix a tablespoon of salt, a little essential oil and half a glass of vinegar. Add a couple of drops of dye and mix the two mixtures. We take ice molds, put the gel in there and put them in the freezer. When the mixture hardens, take out the frozen pieces and put them in the water tank in the toilet. With each flush, the automatic freshener disinfects the water and kills bacteria.

Air freshener made from baby soap and vinegar

This product is suitable for a removable block on the toilet. Ingredients:

  • Baby soap;
  • Vinegar;
  • Soda;
  • Flavor;
  • Glycerol;
  • Water.

It's not difficult to make. Grate a pack of baby soap with small holes, add two tablespoons of soda, a spoonful of glycerin and a little vinegar. A reaction will occur, the soda will begin to hiss and rise. Pour in any flavoring you like; the smell should be strong enough. Dilute the product with water to form a thick mass. Mix and pour into the used block. Hang the product on the toilet. The advantage of such an air freshener is that the soap does not become soggy in lumps, but is consumed gradually. The toilet will be clean without any chemicals, due to the antibacterial properties of baby soap, soda and vinegar.

Baking soda for toilet freshness

It is important for all of us that the toilet not only smells pleasant, but is also crystal clean. One way to achieve this is with baking soda. She will not only remove everything bad smells, but also disinfects the toilet room. There are several recipes for making your own air freshener in the form of disinfection tablets. Here are the most effective of them.

First recipe

We will need:

  • Soda;
  • Vinegar;
  • Lemon acid;
  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Essential oil.

Pour a glass of baking soda into a large bowl and add a quarter cup citric acid, a large spoonful of hydrogen peroxide and a teaspoon of vinegar. Mix thoroughly. At the end, add a little flavoring. Using a spoon, spread the product onto the paper in small portions and leave to dry for a couple of hours. After that, we collect the peculiar tablets in a jar and use them in the toilet. Every family has used disinfection containers that are attached to the toilet. We put one tablet in them and every time you wash them off, the room will smell like essential oil. An automatic air freshener will kill all germs.

Second recipe

Mix baking soda and citric acid one to three. Add several types of antibacterial essential oil to the mixture. This can be lavender, lemon and mint oil. Each one needs at least 30 drops. Mix everything well and if the product is too dry, add water. Pour the liquid carefully in small portions to avoid the reaction of citric acid and soda. You need to bring the mass to the state of clay so that it sculpts well. Make small balls out of it and leave to dry. The next day, you can use an automatic toilet freshener.

The simplest version of an air freshener made from soda

You need to take a small container and pour a little soda into it. Drop a little oil inside for scent. Cover the top of the jar with foil, cutting small holes in it so that the product vents and fills the toilet with aroma. This is a quality handmade product.

People with allergies can use this method to absorb odor. Pour water into a spray bottle and add a spoonful of baking soda and vinegar. Shake well. This product has antiseptic properties. It can be sprayed directly into the toilet to remove germs. This homemade fragrance does not smell of anything, it simply absorbs the unpleasant odor. Suitable for allergy sufferers and small children.

Toothpaste freshener

Instead of expensive ones, not always effective means, in the toilet for freshness you can use ordinary toothpaste. The cheapest paste with a strong mint flavor will do.

In order to get a good air flavor, a new tube is pierced with different sides thick needle and put it in cistern toilet.

Water flows into the pierced areas, washing out the paste, and until the tube runs out, there will always be a fresh minty smell in the toilet.

Citrus fruits for freshness in the toilet

Oranges and lemons contain many substances that have antimicrobial and antifungal properties. They will thoroughly disinfect and refresh the toilet without additional chemicals. It’s easy to make your own air freshener from these fruits. You will need:

  • Vodka;
  • Lemon;
  • Water;
  • Orange.

We cut off the skin in a thick layer from citrus fruits and put the peelings in a jar of vodka. Let it sit for several days. Dilute the mixture halfway with water. Then pour it into a spray bottle. You can add orange essential oil to the liquid to enhance the aroma. Spray as needed in the toilet. A bottle will last for a month.

If the toilet in your country house stinks, in addition to such a chemical as , you can use a homemade freshener with soda. Take baking soda, citrus oil, foil and a small jar.

Fill a quarter of the jar with baking soda, add 10 drops of oil. Cover the jar with foil and place it in the bathroom. To ensure that the scent lasts as long as possible, shake the jar regularly and add a few drops of oil.

You can also use vinegar and baking soda. Heat the water and add it to a clean spray bottle. Add a spoonful of vinegar and a spoonful of water, stir. Safe option even for allergy sufferers.

Use gelatin to make jelly flavoring. You will need essential oil, glycerin, 200 ml of water, 25 ml of vinegar, 5 gelatin leaves, 25 g of soda, 25 g of salt and dyes. Dissolve gelatin in water, dissolve dye, soda and salt in another glass, combine all this with vinegar, then add essential oil. Pour into special molds and place in freezer. As a result, you will receive a solid jelly that can be stored in the toilet room in a special container for quick removal smell. Install them on the inner wall of the toilet.

Interesting way self-made flavoring is an aromatic cup. You will need sea salt.

Fill the cup:

  • sea ​​salt (coarse and colored);
  • essential oil (5-7 drops);
  • cinnamon;
  • cloves (powder).

Mix all the ingredients, put the contents in a bowl or cup and place it in the toilet room or toilet country house. Replace the contents when the pleasant aroma no longer emanates.


In order not to smell in country toilet, use various ways self-production of flavors that are simple and safe.

Cleanliness and freshness are the key to a favorable atmosphere in the house. And if with the first point everything is more or less clear (everyone knows that it is necessary to regularly clean your own home), then with the second everything is much more complicated. An unpleasant odor can appear even in the cleanest apartment, and regular ventilation is not always able to correct the situation. There is no need to panic, because you can buy a variety of them at any store. But is it worth using chemicals and overpaying? We present to your attention best selection people's councils on the topic of how to make an air freshener at home.

Citrus home fragrances

We traditionally associate the smell of oranges and tangerines with New Year and Christmas. But why not use these affordable fruits to create pleasant aroma in the house all year round? How to make an air freshener at home without essential oils using only citrus fruits?

It's very simple: take fresh oranges or tangerines (these types of fruit are considered the most fragrant and popular in our country) and cut beautiful patterns on their skin using a thin knife.

An alternative option is to make “hedgehogs” by laying out patterns on the peel of citrus fruits using the spice of cloves. The finished fruits can be placed in beautiful vases with some additional decoration.

Some particularly thrifty housewives prefer to simply place fruit peels on saucers after the pulp has been eaten. Try using other citrus fruits, such as lemons or grapefruits, as well.

Another interesting idea: finely chop the fruit peel, place it in a decorative jar, generously sprinkle with salt.

Natural pine air freshener

If you have at least once staged at home for Christmas living tree, you probably know this magical smell that fills the whole house. Of course, it is not possible to keep spruce or pine at home all year round. the best option. But make small compositions from small twigs and arrange them in different places apartments are a great idea.

If you don't really like the smell coniferous trees, you can use bouquets of herbs, such as mint or basil.

Scented spray

Air fresheners are extremely popular among buyers. industrial production use sprays. This version of the product seems to many to be very convenient to use, as it allows you to get rid of the unpleasant odor quickly and locally.

How to make a spray air freshener at home? Everything is quite simple: you will need a regular spray bottle. Pour water with a small amount of lemon juice into it (1-2 teaspoons are enough for 1 liter of liquid), shake the bottle well. Your natural flavor is completely ready to use.

If desired lemon juice can be replaced with a small amount of perfume or a few drops of essential oil.

Sachet made from natural ingredients

Nowadays, a popular question from many housewives is: “How to make an air freshener at home without liquid and fresh ingredients?”

Interesting idea dry flavoring - sachet. These are fabric bags with fillings that emit a strong, persistent aroma. Original idea- use coffee beans for this type of air freshener. Simply place them in pre-prepared fabric bags and place them throughout the house.

The traditional version of the sachet is filled with dried herbs. Choose medicinal or just enough aromatic plants, to enhance the effect, you can drop a few drops of essential oil inside.

To create sachets, use bags made of natural fabric. Ready-made flavors can be laid out on shelves, placed in drawers with linen or a wardrobe.

Recipes for fragrances with essential oils

Natural essential oils are concentrated extracts from the succulent parts of plants. It is believed that it is precisely such substances that can most accurately convey the aroma and allow it to be preserved for a long time. We present to your attention several interesting ways How to make an air freshener at home from essential oils.

The simplest option: drop a few drops of the ether you like onto a piece of clean cotton wool. After this, the scented tampon can be placed in a decorative jar and placed in a warm place. An interesting idea is to place such cotton wool under the grill of the vacuum cleaner, through which the exhaust air exits. In this case, while cleaning you can enjoy not only cleanliness, but also pleasant aromas.

How to make an air freshener at home from perfume or essential oil? Everything is quite simple: fill the spray bottle with water and add a few drops of the chosen aromatic base and a small amount of medical alcohol. The mixture must be shaken well, after which you can start spraying. If you are using a ready-made perfume for alcohol based- There is no need to add alcohol separately.

Aromatic jelly for your home

Surely you have paid attention to industrial air fresheners, which are a beautiful vessel filled with aromatic gel. But it’s not at all difficult to prepare such a home fragrance yourself. How to make jelly air freshener at home?

Take food gelatin and soak it in water as directed in the instructions. Usually you need to pour two tablespoons of powder into one glass of liquid. When the granules swell, heat the mixture in a water bath. Add essential oil and food coloring to hot gelatin to create decorative effect. Now you can pour the mixture into pre-prepared jars. Unpaired glasses and shot glasses are perfect for aromatic gel. You can decorate such a fragrant composition by throwing fresh or artificial flowers, pieces of fruit and decorative figures into a container.

Refrigerator and kitchen cabinet fresheners

The problem of unpleasant odors often becomes most pressing in the kitchen. If you don’t like the aroma that has settled inside the refrigerator, try putting pieces of black bread or tablets on the shelves activated carbon. These odor absorbers are also suitable for kitchen cabinets.

How to make an air freshener at home that will quickly eliminate unpleasant odors? Here is one of folk ways, proven over decades: “fry” coffee beans, cinnamon or dried orange peels for a few minutes in a hot frying pan. This simple recipe will help overcome even very strong odors of fish and seafood.

Other interesting natural flavor recipes

If you want to make an air freshener but don't have essential oil on hand, you can substitute a homemade one. alcohol tincture. A small amount of alcohol or vodka is required to infuse citrus peels, pine needles or aromatic herbs. Dilute the finished flavored liquid with water and pour into a spray bottle. This is a great recipe for how to make an air freshener for your toilet at home with your own hands instead of a factory-made spray.

And in conclusion, we offer you another option using essential oil. Take a small jar and fill it halfway baking soda. Add a few drops of essential oil inside and mix everything. Instead of a lid, cover the container with foil and secure it, then make several holes in it. The flavor is ready, you can search for it appropriate place in the interior!

Anastasia Sergeeva

How to do it completely natural freshener air with your own hands

At the same time have an environmentally friendly clean house and you won’t be able to achieve a pleasant smell if you use an air freshener from a store counter: the substances it contains are far from natural and can be harmful to humans. And if there are small children or allergy sufferers living in the house, then the use of chemical fragrances can end even more disastrously! Therefore, we decided to tell our readers how to make a homemade air freshener with your own hands and completely from natural ingredients.

How to make an air freshener from living plants

You will get the most beautiful, fragrant and absolutely natural air freshener when it is spring or summer - the flowering period various colors, shrubs and herbs. After all, to make such an air freshener with your own hands, you will need to collect a certain number of plants from various city plantings, park areas, forests - in general, any islands of wildlife where you can collect plants legally, without hooliganism or harm to the environment.

To make your own air freshener, you will need the following ingredients:

  • fresh and aromatic herbs and flowers;
  • distilled water;
  • lavender or other floral essential oil;
  • glass bottle;
  • spray nozzle.

Flowers can also be very different, choose based on your taste. The main thing is to take into account not the aroma of plants separately, but their fragrance as part of a single mix. For example, lilac inflorescences, dried lavender, rose buds and rosemary sprigs will go well as a spring air scenter.

  1. Before placing the plants in the bottle, you need to trim them a little so that they begin to secrete juice, or gently knead them with your fingers.
  2. Fill the container with them, leaving about one quarter of the volume free.
  3. Place 5-7 drops of the essential oil of your choice inside.
  4. And only at the end add water using a funnel so that it fills the entire bottle.

In order for the plants to release their juices and aroma to the liquid by mixing with the oil, our air freshener must infuse. Just a day in a dark place - and you can use it: just spray the liquid in the air, as well as on curtains and furniture upholstery, then a pleasant floral and completely natural aroma will linger in your home for a long time. You can use this freshener for about two weeks.

DIY gel air freshener

Fill the room with a wonderful aroma and decorate home interior The following air freshener will help - a gel one. Such fragrances are also sold in stores, but they do not contain “chemicals”, and we suggest you make a natural air freshener, that is, absolutely harmless. This is what we need:

  • glass jar;
  • distilled water - 1 glass;
  • gelatin - 15-20 g;
  • food coloring - 2-3 drops;
  • essential oil - 6-7 drops;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • glycerin - 1-2 tsp;
  • alcohol - 1 tbsp.

You need a small jar, for example, for a cream, but a glass or glass will do. Another option is a glass; you’ll get a nice mini-refreshner even in this volume.

We use essential oil at our discretion. Food coloring is optional, but with its help the air flavoring will look more stylish and can also visually emphasize the aroma: green coloring is suitable for pine oil, orange for orange, purple for lavender, etc.

So we made our own air freshener: tie it with a ribbon or decorative wire, decorate it with flowers, and then it will refresh not only the air, but also your interior. The gel air freshener will not spill out if it is accidentally knocked over, so this jar can even be placed in a car.

Citrus air freshener

And to make the third type of air freshener with our own hands, we will need alcohol or vodka. We strongly do not recommend drinking it, but we advise you to send beneficial features alcohol in the right direction. We find the following ingredients:

  • 1 orange and/or grapefruit;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 0.5 l of alcohol/vodka;
  • distilled water;
  • citrus essential oil;
  • glass bottle and spray nozzle.

That's all, another DIY air freshener is ready! You can store it until the end of use if the lid is closed tightly enough so that the alcohol does not evaporate too quickly.

Powerful DIY diffuser freshener

Popular in Lately diffuser air fresheners are made from reed sticks, the cost of which can be measured in hundreds of hryvnias/thousands of rubles. But why spend so much money on a freshener of unknown composition if you can make it at home with your own hands? We will need:

  • glass container;
  • long wooden sticks;
  • baby and any essential oil;
  • 2 tbsp. alcohol/vodka.

You can use bamboo culinary skewers as wooden sticks, or purchase ready-made ones. It is important that they rise above the container you choose. How bigger room, the wider the neck of your vase should be.

  1. Pour baby oil into a container.
  2. Dilute it with two tablespoons of alcohol. Mix everything well. Alcohol is needed so that the oil is absorbed into the wood faster and spreads more easily throughout the stick.
  3. Add 4-5 drops of essential oil, for example lavender. We can tie the container with a ribbon for beauty’s sake.
  4. We place the sticks in the vase, trying to point their ends in different directions.
  5. We wait about three hours and turn the sticks over, dipping the free ends into the oil.

The air freshener is ready! This type of air freshener works very powerfully due to the fact that the aroma intensifies and lasts for a long time. wooden sticks. It will even cope with unpleasant odors in the bathroom or toilet. Use the fragrance until the liquid hardens, remembering to periodically add essential oils and turn the sticks over.

Each of these hand-made air fresheners is good in its own way, looks very nice and does not require large financial costs to create. But the main thing is that only natural ingredients are used, so feel free to use them if you are not allergic to any specific plants or citrus fruits.

Here's another way to make a stylish gel air freshener with your own hands using hydrogel granules:

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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