How to make a propeller at home. Making a motorized flying propeller Making a wooden propeller at home

Cheerful summer game - paper pinwheel in hand. And also development fine motor skills for first-graders. Or rather, already second graders!

First grade is over!

Ahead summer holidays. Textbooks have been put away for long-term storage throughout the summer, and old notebooks are no longer needed.

So let's make great toys from old, no longer needed math notebooks. After all, the first grade consists of special notebooks with large squares. Let's color them and make funny pinwheels that will be so fun to run down the street with.

So let's begin...

Step 1.

We take ordinary leaves from a math notebook for the first grade, that is, in a large square.

(You can do small ones, but then you’ll have to paint a lot more time).

Let's count the cells on the shorter side! (We count together with someone more mature or older).

Then mark the same number of cells on the other side and cut off the extra ones.

You will get a square!

That's how many exercises for a first-grader at once.

Using colored pencils, color the cells one at a time to create an ornament. It's about the same as in this photo.

Step 2.

Fold the leaf diagonally.

Unfold and fold along the second diagonal.

Let's expand.

We make cuts along the folds almost to the middle.

For those who don’t understand, look at the photo next to it!

Step 3.

Take the corner and bend it towards the middle.

Holding the tip with your finger, bend the second corner, then the third and fourth.

Step 4.

We take the button.

But it’s better not an ordinary stationery one, but in the form of a needle with a handle tip.

We pierce it in the middle so as to pierce all four curved ends and the leaf itself.

Many technical devices invariably require a propeller or, as it is otherwise called, a propeller. There are different goals, and for each you should choose a specific technology and strategy. If you are interested in how to make a weather vane with a propeller with your own hands, then this article is especially for you.

Which material to choose

What the screw will be made of should be chosen depending on its further purpose. For example, solid bars are ideal for making propellers intended for powerful engines (about 15-30 hp)

If you consider yourself experienced craftsman, then a blank made of aircraft plywood with a large number of layers is suitable for you. But amateurs should not start with it, because this specimen is very fragile and can form uneven surfaces.


So, how to make a propeller with your own hands? The process of creating a propeller looks like this:

  1. First you need to work on the templates, namely: 1 template for the top, 1 for the sides and 12 templates for the blade in profile.
  2. Plane the screw blank according to the dimensions on all four sides and draw the axis lines and contours of the side view template.
  3. Remove excess wood. First you do this with a hatchet, and then with a plane and rasp.
  4. Now place the blade template on the workpiece and secure it with a nail in the center of the sleeve for a while, then trace it with a pencil.
  5. Rotate the template 180° and trace the second blade. Excess wood can be removed using a fine-tooth saw. This work should be done carefully and not in a hurry.
  6. Remove the wood without haste, making small and short cuts.
  7. The screw must be brought to readiness using a plane and rasp and checked in the slipway.
  8. In order to make a slipway, you need to look for a board that is the same length as the screw size, and also allows its thickness to make transverse cuts of 2 cm in order to install templates. To make the central rod of the slipway you will need solid wood. And its diameter should be the same as the diameter of the hole in the screw hub. The rod should be glued to the surface of the slipway at an angle of 90°.
  9. Put the propeller on and see how much wood needs to be cut to get the blades to fit the profile templates.
  10. Once the bottom surface of the screw begins to match the templates, you can begin finishing the top surface. This operation is very important, since the quality of the resulting screw is based on it.

For beginners, it is not uncommon for the blades to not match in size. For example, one turned out thinner than the other. But to make the correct propeller, you will have to achieve equal size by reducing the thickness of the other blade. Otherwise the propeller will not have balance. Small mistakes can be easily corrected. For example, stick small pieces of fiberglass or smear small sawdust who are involved in epoxy resin.

Prop Balance

The already made screw needs to be balanced. That is, to ensure that the weight of the blades matches. Otherwise, when the screw rotates, shaking will occur, leading to serious consequences - all the most important components of your device will be destroyed.

But in practice there are often cases when skilled craftsmen, who do not wonder how to make a propeller, the weight of the blades varies. And this is even if all the manufacturing nuances are observed! There are many explanations for this: different specific gravity various components of the block from which the screw is made, different densities layer and many other reasons.

But there is a way out of this situation. It is necessary to adjust the propeller blades according to the weight. True, there is one “but” here.


So how do you make the right propeller? Under no circumstances should wood be cut from a heavier blade. Just the opposite - you need to weigh down the smaller blade by riveting in lead.

Here is the answer to the question of how to make a propeller if the propeller does not move during balancing. We strongly recommend that you follow all personal safety measures. A propeller is, first of all, an object that quickly rotates around its axis, which means it can potentially be dangerous. If you are trying to figure out how to make a propeller, then make sure that safety is observed.

Find a design pattern. Try to find a suitable design template for the propeller. It is important to know the engine power, propeller diameter and rotation speed in order to select drawings and templates of a wooden propeller for such technical specifications. Find a template on the Internet or borrow a special book from the library. Some books have drawings of samples, which will do just fine.

Determine the number of blades. Most often, the propeller has two, three or four blades. Larger aircraft may use propellers with even more blades. The more powerful the drive motor, the more blades are needed to distribute the power evenly. Although, if you really want, you can make a propeller with three or four blades, still, if this is your first such experience, it is better to start with a simple propeller with two blades. The more blades, the higher the cost, weight of the finished product and time costs.

Determine the length of the blades. As with quantity, increasing blade length allows for a more powerful motor. Also note that maximum length the blades are always limited by their distance to the ground. Measure the distance from the nose of the plane to the surface to get an idea of ​​the limitations.

Aerodynamic profile. The propeller blade thickens near the motor shaft hub with a large angle of inclination, while the tip of the blade is always thin with a small angle of inclination. Determine the blade width and angle of attack. The propeller blades are attached to the hub at an angle similar to the threads on screws and screws.

Correct bending of the propeller blades. The propeller blade resembles a curved wing. Thanks to the bend, the propeller pushes air or water more efficiently. The tips of the blades always move much faster than the hub on the shaft. The blades must be bent so that the propeller maintains the same angle of attack along the entire length of the blade. Use a special calculator to calculate the required slope.

  • Select blade material. The more durable a wooden propeller is made, the better it will cope with aircraft vibrations. Use durable but lightweight wood such as maple or birch. When choosing wood, pay attention to the grain texture. Straight and evenly distributed fibers will help balance the propeller.

    • Use 6 to 8 boards, 2 to 2.5 centimeters thick and about 2 meters long. Spare boards wouldn't hurt either. The more layers, the stronger the propeller will be, even if each layer is very thin. To save time, you can contact material suppliers who produce multi-layer plywood.
  • Every aircraft modeller, sooner or later, is faced with a shortage of propellers for his radio-controlled models. Air propeller for an aircraft model it is not the cheapest consumable, considering that the price of a propeller is directly proportional to the square of its size, and propellers break quite often, be it a nylon propeller or a wooden one. If a modeler is ready to spend a certain amount, then simply buy wooden propeller It can be problematic, aircraft model shops are not available in all cities, and ordering from the Middle Kingdom takes a long time and the wait of two weeks, or even a month, is very unnerving.

    In the old days, modelers made their own propellers - this was an integral part of such a hobby as aircraft modeling, and there was a whole science of calculating the pitch and profile of a propeller using various inclinometers and light wood species.

    Currently, with the increase in the power of aircraft internal combustion engines and electric motors, the material from which the propeller can be made ceases to play a decisive role. It could be:

    • Pine
    • Birch

    Making a propeller

    Here I will try to tell you in as much detail as possible how to make any size at home or how to quickly and easily copy any screw.
    Why is it easy to copy? Yes, simply because we will not use classic templates and measuring instruments.

    What we need to make the matrix:

    • Piece construction foam(orange or blue)
    • Pencil or pen
    • Needles, rasps and small sandpaper
    • Stationery knife
    • Penknife
    • Drill with an emery wheel on it
    • And the actual material for the propeller itself.

    We take ours or the remaining half of it, from which we will make a copy, apply it to the foam plastic with the leading edge of the profile down (required!) and trace it along the contour.

    Now, at approximately an angle of 45^, we cut the foam from the markings made. stationery knife and finish with a file or sandpaper. That's it, our matrix is ​​ready.

    We also place the screw on the prepared wood and outline it, having previously drilled a hole in the middle. The screw must only be positioned along the grain of the wood! We cut along the contour for whomever is more convenient.

    We put the workpiece into the matrix, pressing the workpiece and the matrix to a flat surface and outline on it the future pitch of the first and also the second propeller blades, not forgetting to compress the matrix from the sides.

    Medium screws, as in the example APS 14*7, can be processed with rasps, removing excess wood from both sides of the future screw blank with subsequent finishing sandpaper and balancing.

    Every country property owner wants to make their home beautiful and unique. If you know how to make a weather vane with a propeller with your own hands, then you can equip any building with it. Despite the presence modern devices With software, the weather vane remains a fairly accurate device for determining the direction and strength of the wind, which operates around the clock, without the need for energy sources, adjustments or frequent maintenance. In addition, these products perform a practical function by driving away birds that can destroy crops. Having a little free time, you can make a weather vane yourself from scrap materials that you can always find in the pantry.

    Scheme of the weather vane. Despite the availability of modern instruments with software, the weather vane remains a fairly accurate device for determining the direction and strength of the wind.

    Required Tools

    To do this you may need the following tools:

    • welding machine;
    • oil level;
    • roulette;
    • Bulgarian;
    • electric drill;
    • riveter;
    • jigsaw (manual or electric);
    • sandpaper;
    • whatman;
    • pencil;
    • varnish and paint;
    • paint brush.

    Before work, tools must be checked and equipped.

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    Materials used

    Weather vanes made from a wide variety of materials are used to decorate houses.

    Handling them requires different skills, tools and equipment.

    1. Tree. This is a lightweight and easy-to-work material that has been proven over centuries. There is no need for complex tools or professional skills to process wood. To make a windmill, it is necessary to take waterproof wood with good hydrophobic qualities. The wood must be impregnated with a special composition that will protect it from dampness and insects. But a significant disadvantage of wood products is its low strength and fragility.
    2. Steel. This is a fairly durable material that is resistant to strong mechanical stress. You can make a weather vane from black or of stainless steel. Stainless steel is resistant to corrosion and has an almost unlimited service life. Regular steel can last quite a long time with periodic maintenance and repair. But, given the location of the outbuilding, performing this task is quite difficult.
    3. Copper. This metal is strong enough to withstand strong gusts of wind. Sheet copper is quite easy to cut and saw. An important factor is that soldering can be used to connect copper parts together. The softness of the material makes it possible to process it using the embossing method. In addition, copper can be coated with silver using photographic development reagents. The metal is resistant to corrosion and does not require additional finishing.
    4. Plastic. Modern polymer materials have sufficient strength and resistance to ultraviolet radiation. Plastic lends itself easily to all types of processing. It can be sawed, glued or soldered. Polymer plastics do not lose their qualities when subjected to strong heating or cooling.
    5. Plywood. Only multi-layer waterproof plywood is allowed to be used in the work. But a plywood product will not last long. Even covering it with several layers of paint will not save it from destruction. If a plywood outbuilding lasts one year, it will be considered a great success.

    When choosing a material for work, you should consider final goal making an outbuilding. In any case, it is better to choose a durable material that will last for many years.

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    Weather vane device

    As a rule, outbuildings are installed on the roof of the house. At this point they can be seen from anywhere on the site. Based on this, to appearance Such a product has increased aesthetic requirements. Based on it, an opinion will be formed about the tastes, worldview and wealth of the owners of the land plot. Therefore, when making a weather vane, you should show maximum imagination and creative approach when designing and creating every detail.

    The design of the weather vane is quite simple:

    1. Frame. It is made from steel pipe inch section. It is possible to use brass pipe, which is quite durable and resistant to corrosion.
    2. Bearing rod. It is inserted into the body. It is steel reinforcement without notches. The windmill itself is attached to it. Based on this, it is recommended to use reinforcement with a cross section of 9 mm. This is enough to withstand the wind load acting on the weather vane.
    3. Wind vane. It is the rotating part of the device, which indicates the direction of the wind. In addition, the weather vane contains an artistic component that determines the theme of the product.
    4. Bearings. These parts are necessary for free torsion of the supporting rod inside the housing. For assembly, products with internal diameter 9 mm.
    5. Fasteners Depending on the method of fastening the outbuilding, corners, plates, screws, bolts or rivets are used.
    6. Propeller. This is a part whose rotation frequency can be used to determine wind speed. The propeller is made of tin, plastic, plywood or wood. Not a bad option is to use an old computer fan.

    Despite the abundance finished products on sale, a homemade weather vane will allow you to put your soul into your work and bring together all family members to implement a joint project. When making this device with your own hands, there is a job for everyone.

    Since the main part of the windmill is the weather vane, its design needs to be given special attention.

    It may look like this:

    • cockerel;
    • sailboat;
    • ship with propeller;
    • an airplane with one or more propellers;
    • galloping horse;
    • a cat sneaking after a bird;
    • hunter with a gun;
    • moon with stars;
    • lion on the hunt;
    • angel;
    • swans or stork in the nest.

    You can make a weather vane in any design. For a fishing enthusiast, this could be catfish or pike. Car enthusiasts will love the contours of a sports car. There are no restrictions for imagination in this matter.