How to change the password on a Windows 7 laptop. Tired of the old password on your computer? Let's change! Recovering a cipher using the command line

PCs, laptops and other computing devices running Windows or another operating system require constant care; the user must be able not only to maintain the functionality of the OS. The most important task is to ensure the security of your computer by installing an antivirus or changing your password. Let's try to figure out how to change the access code on Windows 7, 8 or 10.

On Windows 7

Changing the password on Windows 7 is no more difficult than. The operation is performed in a few mouse clicks; all the user needs is to remember the old access code and come up with a new one, reliable and, if possible, not just one word, date of birth, initials, and so on.

Once the password is created, you can get down to business:

  • Open the Start menu by left-clicking on the four-color flag in the lower left corner of the computer screen.
  • Find the “Control Panel” item in the right column of the menu and click on the title once.

  • In the window that opens, go to the “User Accounts” section; if a category view is selected, it will be located at the top of the list.

  • And if “Icons” is at the bottom.

  • A user who wants to not only change the password on Windows 7, but also fine-tune a PC and knows a little more than can find a lot of interesting things on the new page; To change the access code, just go to the “User Accounts” subsection.

  • If a password has not yet been set, the operating system will prompt you to create one first.

  • And if it already exists, a link “Change your password” will appear; you should follow it.

  • In the new window, the user can optionally click on the link “How to create a strong password.”

  • And get acquainted brief instructions for selecting an individual alphanumeric sequence. This is especially important when it is necessary to change the access code after an information leak or the discovery of a serious threat to the confidentiality of personal data.

  • However, the Windows operating system does not impose any serious restrictions on the user-created password: it can consist of repeated numbers, words, and so on - it’s easier to come up with such a code than. To change the password, the computer owner must enter the old code in the same window in the top field.

  • And in the second and third in a row - indicate the new one twice.

  • In the lower editable field, the user can specify a guiding question that will allow them to remember the password; the main thing is that this hint is useful to the user himself or to trusted persons, and not random people who can access the computer. The information must be sufficiently personal - and yet not so personal that it cannot be remembered.

  • Now the computer owner can safely click on the “Change Password” button and do other things, for example try.

  • The main thing is not to forget about the changes made the next time you turn on the computer; otherwise the system will display an error message. To prevent unpleasant incidents, it is recommended to write down the new password on a piece of paper, on your smartphone, or save it in some other way - at least for the first time.

  • One of the most common complications when changing a password on a computer running Windows 7 is a mismatch between the new access code entered twice. In this case, the system will notify you of the need to enter the sequence of characters again and more accurately.

  • If the old password is entered incorrectly, before changing it to a new one, you will need to correct the error - unfortunately, Windows 7 does not show where exactly it was made.

Another way to change the password on all modern generations of Windows is to use the corresponding command on the lock screen. A computer owner who wants to try this option needs:

  • Call up the Windows lock screen by holding down the keys at the same time Ctrl + Alt + Del, and then select “Change password” in the window that opens.

  • In the top text field on the new page, enter the current user's name if required - it is usually displayed correctly by default. In the second step - indicate the old password from the computer.

  • In the third and fourth - enter the new password twice, and then left-click on the right-facing arrow - it is located near the lower editable field.

  • If all manipulations were carried out correctly, the operating system will notify the user about the successful change of the access code.

Advice: if hopes of remembering or saving the new password are not too great, the user can create a flash card (“floppy disk”) for reset in the same form of changing the access code. You can do this by inserting a flash drive into any free slot on your computer or laptop and clicking on the link under the lower editable field.

The information will be stored on the memory card as a separate file; if desired, it can be copied to another medium. It is important to remember that the reset data becomes invalid immediately after the next successful password change.

On Windows 8

You can change the password on computers running Windows 8 in exactly the same order as on Windows 10; The user just needs to follow the instructions given in the next section.

On Windows 10

To change the access code on a computer running Windows 10, you need to:

  • Open the Start menu by left-clicking on the flag in the lower left corner of the screen.

  • Click on the gear icon in the leftmost row of the window that opens, thus going to the “Windows Settings” section.

  • In this section, find and open the “Accounts” subsection.

  • On the page that opens, click from the main tab to “Login Options”.

  • Find the “Password” field and click on the “Change” button located under the title.

  • On the first page, enter the old password for your computer running Windows 10, and then click on the “Next” button.

  • On the second, enter a new password in the first and second fields, trying to avoid mistakes.

  • However, unlike Windows 7, the user can view the typed characters by clicking on the eye icon located to the right of the text.

  • Now all that remains is to come up with and indicate a leading question in the lower editable field, and then click on the “Next” button.

  • Great! The password has been changed, and the next time the computer is turned on, the user will need to enter a new alphanumeric sequence.

  • If changing the password means disabling it, just leave the fields for the new access code empty - then a message will appear on the “Login Options” tab that the password has not been set.

  • Another way to go about changing the code is to click on the magnifying glass icon located next to the Windows flag.

  • Enter a query like “Password” in the search bar and select the first issue point with a mouse click.

Important: All the operations described above are completely safe for both the computer and user data. The password can be changed as many times as you like; the main thing, as already mentioned, is to write down new access codes - or come up with a hint question so that remembering the sequence of symbols is not difficult.

Let's sum it up

You can change the password on a computer running Windows 7 by going to the “Control Panel”, and then to “User Accounts”; Another option is to bring up the lock screen and open the corresponding section. On Windows 8, changing the password is carried out in the same order as on Windows 10. On the newest generation of Microsoft's OS, to make changes, you need to go to "Windows Settings", then to "Accounts" and, finally, to the tab "Login Options".

In order to set a password for a user on Windows7, there are several ways:

1 METHOD. The first method requires a minimum of effort, namely, press a key combination "Ctr" + "Alt" + "Del". In the menu that appears, select "Change password".

Enter the old password (if you have not used a password before, leave the field blank) and the new password with confirmation. I recommend using a complex password of at least 6 characters with numbers, upper and lowercase letters and special characters (@,#,$...)

After this, a window will appear indicating that the task of changing the password has been successfully completed.

2 METHOD. To change the password in the second way, you need to click on the button " Start" and the user's drawing (or click "Start" - "Control Panel"(select Small icons)- "Account Management").

In the User Accounts window, click " Changing your password".

After this, enter the old password (if the password has not been used, the field must be left blank) and enter the new password with confirmation. You can specify a password hint if you doubt that you will always remember it. At the end, don't forget to click " Change password".

How to set a password for an account in Windows XP.

In Windows XP, changing the user password is no different from changing the password in Windows 7. The only difference is a different interface, but nevertheless I will describe it step by step in this operating system change your password.

There are several ways to change your password in Windows XP:

1 METHOD Using the key combination "Ctr" + "Alt" + "Del".

2 METHOD In the settings account user.

1 METHOD. Press the combination key "Ctr" + "Alt" + "Del". In the Windows Security window, click " Change Password" (also used to create a password if it has not been used before).

Enter the old password (if the password has not been used, leave the field blank) and the new password with confirmation. I recommend using a complex password of at least 6 characters with numbers, upper and lowercase letters and special characters (@,#,$...).

If everything is done correctly, you will receive a message indicating that your password was successfully changed.

2 METHOD. Press the button "Start" - "Control Panel" - "User Accounts"

Select the user whose password needs to be changed. In this example, this is the Administrator.

Then click " change Password".

Enter the old password (if the password has not been used, leave the field blank) and enter the new password twice (the second time in the Confirmation field). If you doubt that you will always remember the password, enter a guiding phrase in the hint field to help you remember the password. At the end, don't forget to press the " Change password".

I really hope that this article helped you quickly set or change a password and protect your computer from unwanted guests.

Hi all! Quite often clients ask me: how to change the password on a computer? or perhaps remove it altogether. The answer to this question is as simple as three kopecks, but we will still consider it - perhaps someone is not yet very familiar with the computer and simply does not know what and where to press.

In my note, I am using Windows 7, which means that the instructions are suitable for both the new Windows 8 and the outdated Windows Vista. Perhaps it will help Windows XP users - there are few differences there and in general - it’s time to update 😉

It should be understood that to change the password you need to know the current password to log in to the system, except in cases where the user has administrator rights (how to log in under the Administrator account is described), the computer administrator can change the passwords of any user, but again, to change the password for admin - you need to know the current one.

To change the user password in Windows we will use the Control Panel. Therefore, open “Start” and select “Control Panel” there

In the control panel, make sure that the view is switched to “Category” mode, otherwise your picture will differ from my screenshots. Go to “User Accounts”

We have a lot of interesting things here, such as managing saved passwords for network resources and much more. We are interested in the item “User Accounts”

Here you will find the line “Change your password”, please note that at the bottom there is a very interesting item “Manage another account”

To change the password on the computer, we need to enter our current password and enter the new one twice, do not forget to provide a hint (In Windows 8, you cannot create a password without specifying a hint)

Removing a password is also not difficult, just select “Delete your password” instead of “Change your password”, enter your current password in the window that appears and click the “Remove password” button.

Well, now you know how to change the password on your computer, and at the same time you figured out how to remove it. Of course, there are other ways to do this faster, but for a novice user this is the easiest!

In contact with

If you are interested in how to change the password on a computer, then this material was written especially for you. It’s so easy to do this that even a schoolchild can do it; you just need to know the old password: the system asks for it for security purposes so that someone else can’t change the password on the computer.

Today we will look at how to perform this simple operation in the interface of the most popular operating system in the world today - Windows 7.


There is a Start button in the lower left corner of the display. By clicking on it, you will see two lists. In the one on the right, you should opt for the “Control Panel”.


A window will open in which you need to click on the “Add and remove user accounts” item, as shown in the figure below.



In the window that appears, in the list of actions that you will see on the left, click on “Change password”.


Now you can change the password on your computer . To perform this operation, you will need to first enter the old version, and then the new one twice (to prevent possible errors and typos). You can also fill out the “Hint” field, but this is not required.

If the passwords do not match or the old one is incorrect, you will see a tooltip with the appropriate text. In this case, the data entry will have to be repeated.

ADVICE : Please note that if you use a password reminder hint, it will be visible to anyone who tries to log in through your account.

Now that you know how to change the password on your computer, you can restrict access to it by children or others who should not turn it on without your permission.

There are two ways to change the user password in Windows system. It is worth noting that these two methods apply to an active user, that is, to a user who is on this moment is in the system and is about to change the password. In addition, change your account password Windows entries It is also possible for another user. But in any case, we need to have access to the system, and in the second case, also administrative rights. If you have neither one nor the other, then read the article. Let's continue, in the second case there is only one way to solve this problem. Let's look at them.

Changing the Windows user password for an active user

To change your password active user in the operating system Windows 7 or Windows 8, you must press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+Delete and select item Change password. Next, you will need to enter your current password to verify your identity, and enter a new password twice. After which you need to save the results.

Changing the Windows user password through the Computer Management window

In addition to the method described above, which provides the ability to change the password only for the active user, there is a special utility designed for the same purposes. To do this you need to open a window Computer management(right click on To my computer and item selection Management e). In the window that opens, go to the node Local users and groups - Users.

Next, you need to select the user (this user can be you or another user) whose password you are going to change and call the corresponding context menu. In the context menu you need to select the item Set a password. Here, unlike the first method, you do not need to know the current password. You will only need to enter a new password and confirm it:

There is no need to enter a valid password due to the fact that only administrative rights have access rights to this utility, and accordingly, to change the password of other users. Therefore, this method of changing a Windows user password is most often used by administrators.

Changing the Windows user password in a domain

If you need to change the password for a domain user, then you need to use the first method. Change domain user password in Computer management impossible, since there you will only find local users. Only system administrators or other users who have access to Active Directory: Users And Computers and appropriate access rights.