How to remove the Webalta search engine - working methods. How to remove the Webalta search engine from Windows and browsers How to get rid of the webalta start page

Webalta penetrates the computers of many users every day and sets its own rules there. Many people think about how to remove it, because standard methods simply do not work. No need to worry: we have figured out this situation and offer effective recommendations and instructions on how to remove Webalta from your computer.

What is Webalta?

Webalta is a malicious search engine that imposes software, reconfigures user browsers and sets its default start pages and search engines. The program does not cause any particular harm, but at the same time it greatly spoils the experience of using the browser.

In addition, Webalta may cause some inconvenience, since its excessive intrusiveness can be a significant reason due to which the user will encounter various problems when searching for information or using the browser.

In rare cases, this program can infect browsers with viruses that introduce pop-up advertising banners, which are also far from the most secure element. Therefore, it is important to know how to quickly and painlessly get rid of this program, so as not to cause even greater trouble.

At first it may seem that Webalta is a virus, but in fact it is not. The fact is that this is just a simple search engine that cannot withstand competition from other giants (Yandex, Google) and is trying to somehow increase its user flow through fairly aggressive marketing.

Webalta can be easily compared with the Amigo browser, which continues to aggressively impose its software products and thereby causes terrible displeasure on the part of users.

It is worth understanding that Webalta is installed together with downloaded programs from the Internet. This mainly happens if the user tries to download and install a pirated version of the program. That is why, being an attentive user who does not use pirated products, you can completely avoid the unauthorized installation of this program on your computer.

4 ways to remove Webalta

Now it remains to figure out how you can get rid of this intrusive program. There is nothing complicated about this, you just need to carefully and consistently follow all the steps of the instructions that we will offer you.

Method No. 1

The first method is quite standard and involves deleting all existing files associated with Webalta:

This method is the simplest; carry out all the actions carefully and leisurely and try to achieve a positive result.

Remember that deleting browsers will not always help. It’s better to spend a little time and try to restore normal functionality of the browser using our instructions.

Method No. 2

Also worthy of attention is the method of removing Webalta, which uses a special CCleaner program:

It is worth understanding that this method may not always work, since you simply will not find the desired item. But don't miss the opportunity to test this in practice.

Method No. 3

Finally, let's look at the most professional way to remove the Webalta search engine:

This method is the main one for those who want to completely and completely remove Wenalta from their computer, forever getting rid of this aggressive marketing. This method allows you to achieve a positive result in 100% of cases without any problems.

Method No. 4

It remains to consider one more method, intended for ordinary users who want to get rid of this problem without making much effort:

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this method; just follow all the recommendations carefully. We remind you that this method is intended only for ordinary users, and although in most cases it is quite sufficient, in some cases it may not work.

Webalta removal video

Video instructions for removing an annoying search engine that are accessible and understandable even to beginners are presented in this video:

How to prevent Webalta from accessing your computer?

Now you know how to quickly get rid of this unpleasant program. But the pressing question remains how to avoid the unplanned installation of this search engine in the future. To do this, just remember the following rules:
  • Try not to use pirated programs.
  • When installing any software, carefully read the items that are described during the installation process, and, if possible, uncheck unnecessary boxes next to items that are additionally offered for installation along with the installed program.
  • Use antivirus programs. They, of course, will not be able to protect you 100% from this problem, but in most cases they will still not allow Webalta to sneak into your computer in a secret way.
Uninstalling Webalta and preventing yourself from installing it in the future is not difficult if you follow the available step-by-step instructions and tips for preventing unwanted programs from appearing on your computer.

Hello everyone who caught the Webalta virus! Since we are asked questions about how to remove, we decided to cover the topic of removing this virus and describe the most effective ways to eliminate this crap from your browsers and computers.

Webalta infects all popular browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer. There is one good news. Since Webalta tries to gain fame through viral marketing, most antiviruses search for and remove this infection. The bad news is that it is not always possible to remove webalta using antiviruses, but it’s still worth starting with them. is considered a viral page, or rather a search engine. Previously, back in 2005, Webalta was a regular search engine. The owners of the resource predicted a wonderful future for it and promised to compete with such search engines as Google And Yandex. In general, funny and nothing more.

In 2010, the website was sold to other owners, thanks to whose strategy you are now reading this article. The fact is that they decided to promote the search engine using a virus. Moreover, the virus is quite strong. After your computer and browser are infected. In the address bar, where the default home page usually appears, the user finds a line like:

Typically, a virus gets onto your computer from a downloaded file archive that you download from social networks or a file hosting service. After launch, Webalta changes the shortcuts of all browsers and writes itself to the Windows registry. The virus itself belongs to the Trojan.StartPage.Win32 family, we have already written an article. We advise you to read it, it may help you remove Webalta from the system.

How to remove Webalt from your computer

Before you start uninstalling webalte, you can simply try rolling back the system to a restore point. For example, to try to remove webalta in Windows 7 in this way, you need to go to “Start”, find the “System” folder and select “System Restore”. We also recommend recordings related to the virus.

It's simple. Download antivirus Cure IT from Doctor Web or similar Antivirus Removal Tool from Kaspersky Lab, which can be found at this link, and check the entire system for viruses with the Internet channel disabled. It is important to perform a full scan of your computer; at the same time, you may find some more malware. Unfortunately, these antiviruses may not completely remove webalta from your computer, it is painfully corrosive.

Therefore, next we will use another antivirus Unversal Virus Sniffer, a link to which can also be found on the useful programs page. Launch UVS and go to the “Getting Started” and “Launch UVS” sections. Next, you need to go to the “Internet/Windows Explorer” tab.

You need to place the cursor on “” and right-click on this inscription. In the menu that appears, select “Delete all links to an object.”

We do the same with the “Other browsers” tab.

After removing webalta in UVS, you need to clean the browser shortcuts or make them again.

What does this method do? Removes from Opera, Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer browsers. In addition to the above, you may have to dig deeper into the settings of the browsers themselves. In Opera you need to find two files:

  1. operaprefs_fixed.ini find the following path: C:\Windows\system32
  2. operaprefs_default.ini find in the folder with the browser: C:\Program Files\Opera

You need to change the start page, which may look like this:


To your favorite search engine, for example In addition, Opera still contains an executable java script that can start the browser infection process in a new way. Therefore, it needs to be removed. Through the file search you need to find user.js, most likely there will be several of them. We delete them all. In the browser Google Chrome the situation is similar:

To permanently remove webalta from Chrome, you need to find the settings file in the folder where the browser is installed. To do this, you need to open it with a notepad, find the treasured word and change the start page to the one that suits you most. Finding the file prefs.js and open the file using notepad. By pressing the combination “Ctrl+F” we start the search and again enter everyone’s favorite word “webalta”. In the line with this word, you just need to delete the word itself, and not the entire line. You will find the following:

user_pref(“browser.startup.homepage”, “_http//”);

Accordingly, after deletion the line will look like this:

user_pref(“browser.startup.homepage”, “”);

You can immediately replace the search engine and use your favorite one, for example

user_pref(“browser.startup.homepage”, “”);

Unfortunately, the virus may return, so we will try to finish it off.

We look for files and delete them from the system

First, you need to remove Webalta Toolbar if it is installed. Using Windows 7 as an example: go to “Control Panel” > “Programs and Features” and look for the toolbar, as in the picture:

But the hassle of deleting is not over; you need to remove webalta from the Windows registry.

Today we'll talk about how to remove Webalta search engine. This is such an unpleasant program that it can even be considered to some extent. Although, of course, Webalta gets onto the computer thanks to the user himself. With the help of tricks and tricks it is installed with other software. Which apparently was taken from a not very reliable source. In any case, we need to get rid of this application, which will be discussed further in the instructions.

Getting rid of the Webalta toolbar

And so, our first step is to remove the toolbar of this pseudo-search engine. In principle, the steps here are the same as when uninstalling any other program. You need to go to “Start”, open “Control Panel”. There will be a program section in which we find the “Uninstall programs” icon and open it.

A window will open with a list of all programs available for removal. We need “Webalta Toolbar”, look for it and click “Delete”. Then you need to restart the computer and open this window with the list of programs again. Once again, make sure that there is nothing else on this list with the name Webalta. If you find something, you need to remove it too. During uninstallation, you will need to check the box next to “Remove toolbars from browsers” so that the application will be completely removed. You can also use special applications to remove software from your computer. Revo Uninstaller can handle this task quite well. In this case, you may be able to skip the following steps.

Cleaning the registry after uninstalling Webalta

The program itself has already been deleted, but it left a lot of traces on the system, which can sometimes cause inconvenience in work. So let's start by cleaning the registry. As in the previous case, you can use special utilities for this (for example, CCleaner). But it will be safer to do it the old fashioned way, by hand. Although a good option would be to clean it using a utility, and then remove all unnecessary things that the program missed manually. In this case, below are instructions on how to do this manually.

You need to use the Win + R hotkeys (pressing them simultaneously). A small “Run” window will open, in the field of which we enter the regedit command and press ENTER on the keyboard. Thus, we opened the registry editor window.

And so every time - a new search, if you find something, delete it. When there is nothing left related to this program in the search, we can assume that the registry is completely cleared.

Delete unnecessary Webalta files

After uninstalling the toolbar and cleaning the registry, some files of this application may still remain on the computer. To remove them, just open “Start” and enter the name webalta in the search field.

After some time, all files associated with this name will appear in the search results. These are the ones that need to be removed.

Tidying up your browser shortcuts

This malicious program, among other things, is written into browser shortcuts. This allows Webalta to load even if you deleted it in the previous steps. There are two ways to fix this. In the first case, you will need to delete all browser shortcuts and create new ones. To do this, after deleting the old shortcuts, you need to go to the folder where the browser is installed (for example, in this path C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox) and find there the .exe file with the name of the browser (for example firefox.exe). Then, right-click on it and go to Send → Desktop (create shortcut). A new shortcut appears on the desktop. If necessary, it can be moved to any convenient place.

Another way is to directly edit the old shortcut. To do this, right-click on the shortcut itself and select “Properties” from the menu that opens.

A window will open in it, in the “Object” field, the path to the application file should be written in quotes.

If there is anything else, delete the extra entry and click “OK”. And this needs to be done with all browser shortcuts on the PC.

Have you completed all the steps, but Webalta still remains in Mozilla Firefox?

When this happens, there is nothing better and more reliable than simply reinstalling Fire Fox. We remove this browser in the standard way. Then open the folder Application Data, which is along this path C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming. Instead of %username%, you must substitute your username. In this folder we delete browser configuration files that might remain after uninstalling the program.

After that, download the latest version of Mozilla Firefox from the official website (this is important!) and install it.


That's all, you got rid of such an unpleasant application on your computer as Webalta. In order to avoid contact with such a harmful program next time, try not to install unfamiliar or unverified programs, especially from dubious sources, on your computer. In the next article I will tell you in detail how to remove iWebar and Ads by Sense.

Hello, dear readers, today we will talk about Webalt, a search engine that gets only pitiful crumbs from a hearty table called Runet. It has a few tenths of a percent, although if translated into daily visitors, the figure will amount to hundreds of thousands of unique visitors.

But the system gets the bulk of users in a completely barbaric way - by replacing the search bar and home page set by a person with its own, making itself the main one in the browser by default. And sometimes it can be extremely difficult to remove the webalta search engine from Opera or Mazila. At least you won't get away with simply replacing the home page.

In fact, the actions of the webalta search engine resemble the actions of viruses, at least in that in order to completely remove references to it, you have to clean the registry, delete all infected files or correct their code. Sometimes it may seem to a beginner that it is impossible to cope with such a task, but I assure you that this is not so. Below we describe in detail how to act to get rid of this infection. Be that as it may, it is precisely for such actions of the search engine that everyone hates it.

And with all its shortcomings, its search quality is simply terrible, which leads to a huge number of user failures, which significantly exceeds similar indicators from other search engines Yandex, Google, Mail ru, . What can this tell the SEO-optimizer, and a lot, and the main thing is that the ranking of the Webalt search engine is not carried out properly. As a result, pages with extremely low relevance to the entered query appear in the results.

History of creation and its fall

Oddly enough, at the dawn of its development, and this was exactly 10 years ago, the wellbath search system was a rather ambitious project, developing on pure enthusiasm, without investing or investing even minimal amounts. The plans we set for ourselves were more than Napoleonic - to compete with the whales of search, which, as you understand, in 2005, had already firmly staked out their place in this area.

What was the probability of a positive outcome? That's right, extremely low, which is exactly what happened - there was no place for this utopia, and as a result, the project was sold. But the buyers turned out to be no less ambitious people and invested a lot of money, attracting large groups of developers to create unique original services, in the hope of wedging between well-known players, for starters, the Runet, and there it might turn out to take aim at His Majesty. In general, everything is as always, nothing new, the market is very attractive, everyone wants to grab a piece for themselves. Considering that some players succeed in this, we can take as an example, which managed to launch its own search engine, the Webalta search engine dreamed of its own greatness, but screwed up.

What can we say about younger companies, if even the old ones are not able to fight for a place in the sun - they completely disappeared from the radar, and Rambler, bowing low to Yandex, completely came under its wing. What can we talk about when the Western monster does not own its own search platform, but uses it for these purposes. About five years ago, the founder of this “infection” reported that they could have acquired a fairly good investment package, but apparently it was not fate; he left for the development of another promising project - the intellectual search system Nigma. The latter, by the way, does not behave as selfishly, although it has the same meager traffic.

Before the webalta ru search engine was sold, there was talk that the largest data center of that time was created specifically for its needs; later, again according to rumors, it was transferred to a bulletproof organization. For two years, the search engine had major problems; from 2008 to 2010, the search was only partially carried out. And starting from mid-2010, the reputation of this system faded away as the virus saga began. It, of course, makes it possible to attract a certain number of visitors, but at a high price - everyone who encounters it curses it.

The project has turned into an ordinary virus that, without the knowledge of the computer owner, penetrates the system, changing browser settings.

I don’t know whether the system stops there or transmits information to third parties, but since it behaves like a virus, then it’s clearly not worth expecting any benefit from it.

How to remove Webalta search engine

Typically, your computer is infected in parallel with the installation of some software that you downloaded from an unreliable site. Since the toolbar from Webalta may sometimes not be the worst thing you pick up, it is better to download from trusted sources.

Of course, all search engines, without exception, are guilty of this tactic - they install their add-ons when installing related programs. But their main difference is their civility; they ask the user whether he wants this or that search engine to become the main one and install a couple of add-ons. Another thing is that most people do not read what exactly they want to install on their computer, but always press the “Next” button, but this is their own business.

And the main difference between the, roughly speaking, “white” methods that other search engines impose, and the “black” method of the search engine, is that the desire to change the browser settings, restoring an already favorite search engine, will lead to nothing, since after rebooting the system it will be in the settings again, guess who. Actually, this irritates (to put it mildly) everyone who has encountered this problem.

Let's look at removing the Webalt search engine from your computer step by step:

Removing the Webalta toolbar

The first step to removing the Webalta search engine is to remove its toolbar. There is nothing complicated about this, click Start - then Control Panel - and in the window that opens, select Add/Remove Programs.

In the list that opens, among the many installed programs on your computer, you should find Webalta Toolbar. Mark it and click “Delete”. This infection may not go away the first time, so after rebooting the OS, go here again and look through the list. If the worst expectations are confirmed, then we send it for deletion again, and do not forget to check the “Remove toolbar from browsers” box.

Cleaning the registry

When you are done with the software part, you can safely start cleaning the registry.

To do this, launch the registry editor - select “Run” from the Start menu and enter the regedit command. In the editor that opens, to quickly search the registry, go to the item “Edit” - “Find” (or just press Ctrl+F). Enter the word webalta in the line, press Enter and get the first key in which the toolbar was registered and did not remove itself when deleted.

You will need to delete this key - after pointing the arrow at it, click on the right mouse button and select “Delete” from the drop-down menu. To find and delete the next key, press the F3 key on your keyboard.

It is quite possible that the word webalta will be present in the title of an entire thread, in which case you will have to delete it all in order to get rid of webalta from the search engine forever.

The most unpleasant thing is that there can be dozens or hundreds of similar keys, which will significantly slow down the treatment process, but there is no escape from this. But be extremely careful, because the slightest mistake can destroy the entire operating system.

Cleaning up files

If you think that the registry is the only habitat, then you are deeply mistaken; the Webalta search engine has settled in many files. Everyone chooses for themselves what is more convenient for them to use, some prefer Total Commander, some FAR, and others are completely content with searching through My Computer. It doesn’t matter, the main thing is to find all the files with the hated word webalta.

Of course, files that have this word in the name can be safely sent to the trash, but in order to no longer wonder how to delete the webalta search engine, you should also take care of files in which traces of webalta were found. Most likely they will be browser configuration files, but this is not important, the important thing is that we will have to delete lines of text with a word we know.

Replacing browser shortcuts

All steps before this to remove the Webalt search engine may not be of any use if the virus has added some extraneous values ​​to the browser shortcuts. Because of this, all changes that you try to make in the settings of your favorite browser may be reset. And the next time you log in, this one will pop up again instead of the desired search engine.

So, the first method is to remove shortcuts from browsers and then re-create them. If you don’t know how to create a small instruction: go to the folder where the browser is installed, find the icon responsible for launching the program and right-click on it, go to Send -> Desktop (create a shortcut).

In the second method, you should go to the shortcut properties of any browser. In the menu that opens, click on the “Shortcut” tab and look at the “Object” line. It should only contain an entry in quotation marks (“”), which indicates the path to the location where the program was installed. If to the right of the quotes you see the added address of the Webalta main page (, then it should be deleted so that nothing else appears to the right of the quotes. Save your changes and enjoy your browser.

Webalta is a search engine that is distributed through file hosting services and with the help of special Internet services, penetrates the system, changes browser settings, and is deeply written into the registry. In fact, this is not even a search engine, but a Trojan.StartPage virus, which a regular antivirus cannot detect.

Removing Webalta from your computer

In order to remove malicious software from your computer, you must follow these steps. Click “Start”, “Find”, enter the name of the program in the search bar and delete all the values ​​associated with it.

A registry window will appear in front of us. Select “Edit”, “Find” and enter “webalta”.

Afterwards, we delete the search results that relate to the program, as well as the shortcut on the desktop.

It is worth warning that it is not always possible to get rid of Webalta the first time, so after completing all the above steps, it is recommended to scan your PC again.

How to remove Webalta from Opera

In order to get rid of Webalta in the Opera browser, you need to delete two malicious files operaprefs_default.ini and operaprefs_fixed.ini, which are located at C:\Windows\system32 and restart the computer.

If the search engine has not disappeared, we clean the registry.

Uninstalling Webalta in Mozilla Firefox

The method of removing the Webalta search engine in the Mozilla browser is somewhat different from cleaning it in Opera. Go to “Help” and select “Problem Solving Information.”

A page with information about the browser will appear in front of us. Click “Open its folder.”

The Mozilla profile folder will open. It contains two files: prefs.js and user.js. You need to open them and look at the code that changes the initial page.

It will look like this: user_pref (“startup.homepage_override_url”, “”).

In the prefs.js file, only the code needs to be removed, but user.js can be removed completely.

Warning: There is no need to remove prefs.js. It is necessary for Mozilla to work correctly.

Removing Webalta from Google Chrome

To clean Chrome from a malicious file, do the following. Menu “Start”, “Run” and enter in the command line for Windows XP: %appdata%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default

For Windows 7: %appdata%\...\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default

A folder containing the browser profile will appear. You need to find the Preferences file in it.

Open with any editor. We look for the search engine values ​​and delete them.

Reboot the computer.