How to choose roller skis. Installing bindings on roller skis How to install bindings on roller skis


The frame transmits force from the leg to the wheels. The main characteristics of the frame are length, rigidity and weight. The longer the frame, the more stable the roller ski stays on course when rolling, but at the same time controllability decreases. Long frames also dampen vibration better. As a rule, skate roller skis have a frame length of about 60-65 cm, and classic roller skis have a frame length of more than 70 cm. Frame length or wheelbase (the distance between the front and rear axles) also affects control and balance. The longer the base, the more linear the movement, therefore it is easier to maintain balance and vibrations are dampened more. The frame can be rigid and flexible.
Flexible frames are calculated in such a way that when pushing and rolling, they correspond as closely as possible to the operation of a real ski. These roller skis are designed for training in skiing technique. An additional property of the flexible frame is the ability to dampen wheel vibrations well, so riding on such roller skates is most comfortable and they are suitable for long-term training. But flexible frames are less reliable. When choosing roller skis with a flexible frame, it is necessary to take into account that, unlike skis, the rigidity of all roller skis is calculated for a certain average skier weight corresponding to 60-70 kg. A skier with a lot of weight can push through or break such a frame. If the frame is made of plastic or composite material, when the frame comes into contact with the asphalt, scuffs and scratches appear, which over time can lead to failure.
Rigid frame is the exact opposite of flexible. Made from aluminum alloy These frames have almost absolute reliability; a rigid frame is better controlled, but at the same time, during movement, the athlete’s foot is subjected to greater vibration loads. Rigid frames are used in racing and high-speed roller ski models.


Wheels are one of the key components of roller skis. Two types of materials are used to make wheels: polyurethane and rubber.

Rubber has good elasticity, which ensures riding comfort, as it effectively reduces vibration and vibrations transmitted from road unevenness. Rubber wheels have good grip asphalt pavement, but at the same time they can significantly reduce the speed of movement. Therefore, it is better to use rubber wheels on roller skis for classic skiing. When installed on skate skates, rubber wheels can become too sideways when pushed too hard, causing unnatural deceleration and sometimes damage to the wheels. High wear of rubber during skating also limits its use.

Polyurethane wheels, as a rule, have greater rigidity than rubber ones. Polyurethane wheels react more sensitively to lateral impacts and are less susceptible to wear. Good quality polyurethane guarantees excellent handling and grip on asphalt.


), all that remains is to install the fastenings and train. The installation process is simple, but requires some skill. Therefore, we recommend contacting service center, where professionals will install fastenings quickly and efficiently. If you still want to do it yourself, then let's start.

Installing bindings on roller skis is practically no different from installing bindings on skis. To install bindings on roller skis you need the same set of tools as for installing on regular skis:

1. Special jig or template for installing fasteners

Conductors under various systems mounts are different, be sure to pay attention to this (SNS and NNN). The jig for installing mounts on roller skis is shorter than for installing skis.

2. Drill for installing fasteners

On sale you can find special drills with a stop, for example Rottefella 3.7 mm drills for skis and 4.1 mm for metal roller skis. If you don’t have a special drill, this will do regular drill on metal. Many sources recommend installing fasteners with a 4 mm drill, but from experience we recommend 4.5 mm. Screws fit into such holes more easily and hold tightly. If there is only a standard Rottefella 3.7 or 4.1 mm, then it is better to widen the holes by placing the drill at an angle. You can lubricate the screw with any household lubricant or machine oil, some recommend using ski grip wax. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to screw in the screw.

note that NIS platforms come with screws bigger size and it is better to drill 5 mm holes for them.

3. Screwdriver and screwdriver for tightening

On the left is the PH standard, on the right – PZ

1. Unlike skis, you don’t need to look for balance on roller skates. The mounts are placed so that the heel of the boot is close to the mudguard of the rear wheel.

2. We attach the fasteners to the frame of the roller skate and mark the front hole or axis of the boot. If it is more convenient, you can mark the hole for the heel and set the template along it.

3. Install the jig according to the markings and drill the required holes.

4. Screw in the mount. The screws go into the metal very tightly - this is normal..


On the bindings it is better to change the flexor to Hard, and on the SNS pilot increase the spring force so that the roller does not sag too much from the heel of the boot.

7 Mar 2016

How to choose roller skis

How to choose roller skis

Roller skis are traditionally divided into two types: roller skis for classic skating and roller skis for skating. Classic and skate skis, in turn, are divided into training roller skis and racing (high-speed) roller skis.

What are the main differences What are the main differences

How to choose roller skis and what are the main differences?

Roller skis for training usually have rubber wheels and do not allow you to easily develop high speed, which primarily provides confidence for a beginner athlete, and for experienced athletes this is an opportunity to get additional load. Roller skis with rubber wheels, among other things, absorb all the unevenness of the road surface, which is so important for our roads. Rubber gives good grip on the road surface. Roller skis with rubber wheels of small diameter are an excellent opportunity to master skiing for beginners and improve their skills for experienced athletes. In our online store you can purchase skate roller skis for training. The most budget and most suitable model for training Shamov 02-1.


Racing roller skis or racing roller skis

Allows you to reach high speeds. To achieve this, their design has either a rigid, straight or upwardly curved platform to increase stability. Roller wheels have larger diameter- for free passage of cracks and unevenness on the road, and a smaller width - for speed. The wheels are usually made of polyurethane or rubber, but have a large diameter.

You can buy racing roller skis in our online store. We provide two roller ski manufacturing companies, Shamov and Elva, both of which have excellent roller ski models for racing. These are not all models, but the fastest in the Shamov and Elva lines with a maximum wheel diameter of 100 mm and corresponding speed characteristics.

Elva sk100

How to choose roller skis if you're just starting out?

First of all, you need to decide what style you would like to roller skate.

Skating is speed, classic is a measured and smooth move. When choosing, you can be guided by the following indicators: your balance; if you have problems with this point or you do not want to subject your muscles and limbs to intense stress and are simply afraid of high speed, then your choice is definitely roller skis for the classic move.

Roller skis Roller skis

And so if you choose the skating style.

Skate roller skis have narrower wheels and shorter frames than classic roller skis.

If you are just starting out and until now have not even tried regular skis, then we advise you to take roller skis with rubber wheels with a diameter of 70-80 mm. Rubber will not allow you to accelerate too much and will absorb all road irregularities. The sports online store Yoway recommends the Shamov 03-1 model.


If you have cool, smooth asphalt and want to fly faster than the Norwegian team, then polyurethane wheels may be your choice. And here we can offer a cool option on 80-diameter polyurethane wheels, Shamov 01-1 roller skis.


You have chosen roller skis for a classic ride.

The main difference between classic roller skis and skate skis is a ratcheting (braking) mechanism installed on one of the pairs of wheels that blocks backward rolling. The platform length of classic roller skates is longer (more than 68 cm) to stabilize the course when moving, and the rubber wheels are wider for increased stability (more than 4 cm). The wheels have a small diameter so that the height of the rollerski platform above the surface is insignificant, then it will be easier for the athlete to maintain his balance while riding. This configuration of roller skis provides the athlete with a comfortable ride while training on the classic course.

Our store recommends 2 main models of roller skis for classic skiing: These are the Shamov 05 and Shamov 06 models. The fundamental difference between the models is that the 06 model has thicker wheels and rollers can withstand greater loads compared to 05 rollers.

How to choose a mount for roller skis?

There are 2 modifications of the binding for roller skis, type SNS and type NNN; each of these types has its own boots that fit these bindings. The bindings for roller skis, which are presented in our online store, are universal and are suitable for both classic and skating skiing.


If you are new and not familiar with these technologies, but you have ski boots, then using the picture below, you can determine which mounts you need NNN or SNS.

Tip for a beginner: NNN bindings are the most common and boots for them are much easier and cheaper to buy!

How to install bindings on roller skis?

Any bindings for ski boots, both imported and domestic production are installed, adhering to next rule: the ski binding assembly is applied to the rollerski platform end-to-end with the rear mudguard. Only after this do they make a mark for the screw of the front body of the ski binding on the platform. It is recommended to use a jig to drill all mounting holes for installing ski bindings on roller skis.


How to choose boots for roller skis?

Let’s say right away that if you want to save money, you can use your old ski boots that you use in winter, but if you want comfort, we recommend purchasing boots specifically for roller skis.

Boots for roller skis also assume that you ski in the summer and have slightly different loads that differ from traditional winter ones.

Since we're talking about domestic manufacturer roller skis, we recommend purchasing budget-friendly, but at the same time not inferior to foreign manufacturers Alpine, SPINE roller ski boots. The boots are available for both NNN and SNS mounts. Prices range from 2500 to 6500 rubles.

How to choose boots

How to choose poles for roller skis?

How to choose poles

Everything here is extremely simple. For roller skating skis, the poles are 15-20 cm below you, approximately to your earlobe. For classic roller skating, the poles are 30 cm lower than your height.

You can use any poles, but be sure to use attachments for poles - paws. Because standard ski pole tips are not designed for asphalt.

Available in 2 sizes 10.0 mm and 12.3


How to learn to roller ski?

You can watch a video, read specialized literature on the Internet, or purchase a lesson from a roller ski coach in St. Petersburg. In one lesson you can gain the necessary skills for further comfortable skating, or continue your lessons, reach a new sporting level and take part in competitions.

If you purchase any roller skis from us, you receive a 15% discount on a lesson with a trainer. When you purchase roller skates from us, you receive a discount coupon, which you can present to the trainer and receive a discount on the lesson. And you can train for 850 rubles per lesson, instead of 1000 rubles.

Classes are conducted by professional cross-country skiing coach Yuri Valentinovich Rumyantsev. Education of AFKiS Lesgaft. Coaching experience since 1996, CMS in athletics. Among the assets are the winners of St. Petersburg, the champion of Russia, the winner of the World Cup stages in roller skiing. Location of classes: Pargolovo Vyborgskoe highway 369, Kavgolovo UTK Lesgafta (the route is paid separately), other places are possible. Contents of classes: technical (training in skating, classical and other methods of movement on roller skis), physical (general and special), and other areas of training.

Protection for roller skis.

Since skiing does not take place on snow, which can forgive almost any fall, here we have asphalt, and falls are not uncommon even for the most advanced athletes. We suggest you protect the most important thing, namely your head. An ordinary bicycle helmet, which can be bought at any specialized sports store, will do here. To protect elbows and knees, any elbow and knee pads are suitable, which are sold in almost all sports stores, such as Sportmaster, Decathlon and others.

Clothing for roller skis.

The online store website presents bindings for roller skis in two price segments:

  • Shamov products, which we consider the best offer for children and beginner athletes. For a relatively low price we offer functional devices of decent quality.
  • The premium segment of the catalog is represented by fasteners from the world's leading manufacturers.

We offer two types of mounts: NNN and SNS. Outwardly they are similar in design, but the boots do not fit each other. Separate view, SNS Pilot, features a fundamentally different flexor system.

How to choose mounts

Question answer

  • What bindings are used on roller skis?
  • There are three types of fastenings: classic, ridge and combined. The latter are considered universal - they are equally suitable for classic and skating.
  • Is it possible to install ski bindings on roller skis?
  • Yes, technically it is possible. But it should be remembered that mounts designed specifically for roller skis are designed for increased loads on the attachment points to the roller skis and on the bolts that secure the boots. Falling on asphalt is more dangerous than falling on snow, so safety requirements are higher.
  • How to install fasteners?
  • We advise you to order installation at the company’s service workshop website. They will install everything correctly for you and adjust the poles to your height.
  • How do Russian ones differ from imported ones?
  • Budget Russian bindings are universal and suitable for both skating and classic skating. The use of such fastenings is allowed on entry levels skill. Imported ones are divided into classic and skating ones. Their working mechanics are different, because each style requires a corresponding trajectory of movement of the mechanism elements. The fixation of boots in imported bindings is better. Suitable for professional athletes.
  • What is the difference between special roller ski bindings?
  • Roller ski bindings are more firmly attached, have a reinforced design and ensure that the boot is fixed in a given trajectory of movement.

Still have questions?

Ask them to the manager at trading floor, by phone or online chat. You will receive advice not from an ordinary seller, but from an active skier. Our consultants' advice is based on personal experience and comprehensive knowledge of inventory characteristics.

Why us

This article will talk about installing bindings on roller skis. What set of tools do you need to have for all this action?

There is a little trick. The screw is problematic to screw into the metal (into the roller ski platform). We lubricate it with some viscous substance (for example, I always use ski wax), and everything will go like clockwork.

If you don’t go into details, it works general rule to install bindings (both for classic roller skis and skate skis): the ski binding assembly is applied to the roller ski platform close to the rear mudguard and a mark is made for drilling the screw in the front part of the bindings. Next, we make marks for the screws in accordance with the holes of the fasteners (if there is a jig, then along its holes).

Use a drill with a diameter of 4-4.5 mm.

For “SNS” type mounts (Atomic, Salomon) – The front mounting screw should be at a distance of 14.5 cm from the front mudguard rivet.

For “NNN” type fasteners (Rottefella, Fischer) – The front screw is drilled at a distance of 17 cm from the front mudguard rivet.

SWENOR have their own table for installing mounts on roller skis. The table shows that for metal platforms use a 4mm drill, for fiberglass platforms use a 3.6mm drill. Depending on the model of roller skis and the type of bindings, the distance from the beginning of the platform (the starting point of measurement is different for metal and fiberglass platforms) to the groove of the bindings (the place where the boot is clamped into the binding) is indicated. Take measurements from the back of the platform!

If you have any questions, I will be glad to help!

A small reminder on the care of roller skis.

Rinse after use in wet weather. clean water and apply lubricant to sufficient quantity onto the bearings, spin the wheels so that the lubricant is evenly distributed, then dry. Roller skis must be stored in a dry place, avoiding direct contact sun rays on wheels, because some tend to become deformed. Before training, always check the integrity of the wheels, fastenings and the reliability of the nuts on the axle.