Which bathtub is better - cast iron, acrylic or steel? Which bathtub should you prefer: cast iron or steel? Cast iron or steel bath, which is better?

When purchasing a bathtub, the owner expects that the product will last for many years, will be comfortable and beautiful throughout its entire service life. This is an expensive plumbing product, so it is chosen carefully, comparing the advantages and disadvantages different materials, shapes, brands. A bathtub is purchased not only for hygienic purposes. It largely determines how comfortable your rest will be at the end of the working day.

Warm water with foam is a way to relieve stress, tidy up the body and calm the mind. Manufacturers offer many models. The most popular ones are made of acrylic and cast iron. Let's compare which bathtub is better - acrylic or cast iron.

The bathtub market is very diverse. In addition to steel, cast iron, acrylic bathtubs, you can find unique designer products made of glass, marble, faience and even wood. They are very beautiful, but most often impractical and/or expensive.

For many years, the choice came down to two materials - steel and cast iron. In recent decades, acrylic products have gained immense popularity.

Owners of small bathrooms are forced to look for ways to install multiple plumbing fixtures in a limited space. Corner baths solve this problem: they take up minimal space and at the same time maintain maximum functionality.

Our compatriots are increasingly choosing acrylic or cast iron bathtubs. Both types are excellent for installation in city apartments and private houses, and the materials have their own advantages and disadvantages.

When choosing any plumbing fixture, the following indicators are of fundamental importance: durability, design, installation features, practicality, price.

The cost of bathtubs is influenced by the quality, reputation of the manufacturer, and the presence of additional functions. IN last years Baths with hydro and aeromassage have become especially popular. Such models allow you not only to relax and enjoy warm water, but also have a positive effect on your health.

Strength and durability: cast iron is unrivaled

Cast iron is one of the most reliable metals. It is resistant to mechanical damage, does not corrode, holds its shape perfectly, and does not bend. The thickness of the walls of bathtubs made of this material is 6-8 mm. The products are very heavy, so manufacturers immediately equip their products with strong, stable legs.

During installation, the owner does not have to worry about additional strengthening of the bathtub. After installation, it does not move or sag. The surface of the bathtub is covered with durable enamels, due to which ready product retains its original appearance for many years. Restoring enamel is not difficult and costs reasonable money.

The durability of acrylic products is questionable. In many ways, the service life depends on the thickness, quality of the material itself and the features of the installation. Acrylic is light and flexible. On the one hand, this is an absolute advantage, because allows you to create products of complex shapes and facilitates installation.

On the other hand, there is an obvious drawback, since the bathtub has to be additionally strengthened during installation, and its bottom bends under the weight of a person, which creates a feeling of instability of the structure.

Cast iron models can be very attractive, but the design has a lot to do with the price. If the buyer is ready for additional expenses, you can buy a beautiful cast iron bath. The models are simple in form, and decorative functions are performed by accessories and color schemes

A high-quality acrylic bathtub can last 10-15 years if the owner chooses it correctly and does not save when purchasing. If the product loses its presentability appearance, it can be restored.

Design: variety of acrylic models

The plasticity of acrylic allows you to create a wide variety of bathtubs from it. different forms and sizes. The material can be of any color and shade, and the coating is very durable and does not wear out over time. The product remains bright and pleasant to look at for many years.

As for the shape, when choosing, you should avoid overly intricate configurations with many bends. Practice shows that the probability of deformation of a product of complex shape is much higher, since a durable polymer is less plastic than a low-quality material. A too pretentious shape is a reason to be wary.

Cast iron bathtubs are not as varied and beautiful as acrylic ones. Their only advantage is their durable coating. But it does not fade and resists mechanical stress well.

If you properly care for the bathroom, avoiding scratches and chips, then the enamel for a long time will remain shiny and snow-white. To increase the strength of enamels, modern manufacturers add silver, titanium and other metals.

Color therapy is one of the wonderful ways relieve tension, get a boost of energy. Bright bath will decorate the interior, zone the room and at the same time bring positive emotions. This is why colored acrylic models are in demand, despite the higher price compared to traditional white ones.

The shapes of cast iron bathtubs leave much to be desired. Usually these are the simplest, most unpretentious configurations. The material is heavy, not flexible, and the walls of the products are thick, which greatly limits the flight of designer imagination.

Installation: “monumental” cast iron and “flimsy” acrylic

Which bathtub is better to install – acrylic or cast iron? Even the most modest and thin cast-iron bathtub weighs about a hundredweight. Adding to it the weight of water and a bathing person, we get a pressure of 200-250 kg over a relatively small area. This is a serious load that only concrete floors can withstand.

In buildings where the floors are made of wood, it is advisable to install lighter acrylic models or to further strengthen them building construction, because this material can easily withstand a weight of about 150 kg, and 200-250 kg is a real test of strength.

The heavy weight of cast iron models ensures their stability. Acrylic bathtubs, on the other hand, sag and appear unstable. However, this impression is deceptive and is only created due to the relatively low weight.

Installing an acrylic bathtub is in many ways similar to installing a steel bathtub, but has some features. The support knives of the acrylic model are attached directly to the body. You have to drill acrylic. This material is very malleable, so you need to be careful not to damage it. In addition to the legs, to give stability to the structure, a rigid frame is assembled and the bottom is reinforced

For ease of installation, manufacturers complete their products with special legs that are screwed to the bathtub. Some owners install bathtubs on top alone, but many prefer an additional frame made of wood, metal or brick to increase stability.

This also affects the weight, so it is difficult to decide exactly which bathtub is easier to install - acrylic or cast iron. In the first case, there may be a need for strengthening, in the second there are some difficulties due to the initially large mass.

Practicality: which bathroom is easier to care for?

Both types of bathtubs are very practical and easy to use. Cast iron does not make much noise when pouring water from the tap into the bathtub, and acrylic makes even less noise. Both materials retain heat well, but acrylic is more convenient in this regard.

Cast iron takes a long time to warm up, but also maintains the water temperature for a long time (the water cools by 1 degree in 10 minutes). Acrylic was not originally cold material, its surface is more pleasant to the touch. At the same time, it retains heat even better (the temperature drops by 1 degree in 30 minutes).

Acrylic bathtubs require more careful care than cast iron ones. While an enamel coating can withstand almost any influence except abrasives, an acrylic coating is more sensitive to chemicals. To care for acrylic, it is advisable to buy special products. When using them, there is no need for intensive rubbing of the surface. Simply apply the product and rinse, the dirt will flow down on its own.

You can safely pour water into an acrylic bathtub, the temperature of which is about 60 degrees. Hotter water may cause surface deformation. But cast iron can withstand almost any temperature without consequences. To care for both types of bathtubs, non-abrasive household chemicals are used.

The enamel of cast iron products is much more resistant to aggressive substances, but it is still advisable to use gentle compounds. The acrylic surface can be damaged if too aggressive chemicals or boiling water are used for cleaning. How to properly care for both types of bathtubs is described in detail in the video:

Price: how much does the buyer pay and for what?

The cost of bathtubs made from both materials differs slightly. Prices are determined depending on design, quality, brand. Simple forms and traditional white color will cost the buyer less than pretentiousness - this is obvious, but a too primitive model will not bring joy.

It is important when choosing not to skimp on quality, because by purchasing something that is obviously “cheap”, the consumer creates many problems for himself. The product may not meet the stated characteristics and will quickly require repair or replacement. You should make a purchasing decision if the price-quality-design ratio seems acceptable.

Which bathtub is better - acrylic or cast iron, the final choice always remains with the buyer. Only he himself knows what he expects from plumbing and how he plans to use it. The main thing is that the purchased product meets the owner’s needs and a reasonable price.

Three signs of a quality bath

Plumbing stores have a wide range of products. Often, buyers are simply lost in choice.

There are many pleasant-looking models, and sometimes the choice is spontaneous, because it is difficult to find out the advantages and disadvantages of each product. There are three main signs by which you can determine whether the model you like is worth spending time on:

  • Wall thickness. If for a cast iron bathtub this characteristic is not so important, since the product retains strength even with relatively thin walls, then for an acrylic model the indicator is fundamental. The thicker the walls, the stronger the product itself. Usually the bottom is made thicker so that the structure can better withstand loads, but pay attention to the sides of the model. If the material is thin, then no matter how beautiful the bathtub is, it is better to choose another model, even at the expense of design.
  • Coating thickness. What is enamel or acrylic coating It should be applied evenly and neatly, obviously. But its thickness also matters: a dense coating is more resistant to abrasion, scratches, and chips. The quality can be determined at the location where the drain is installed. If you like several models of approximately the same price, then by comparing the thickness of the coating, you can make the final choice.
  • Equipment and additional functions. It is worth paying attention to the thickness of the bathtub legs. This is true for both acrylic and cast iron models. Supporting structures must be stable and reliable. When choosing an acrylic bathtub, it is better to choose a model equipped with high-quality metal frame. If you need additional functions, for example, hydromassage, you will have to pay extra for them, but the result is worth it. There is no need to deny yourself pleasure in favor of saving, because a bathtub is bought for many years.

Feel free to ask sellers about each model you like, but also pay attention to the adequacy of their answers. For example, if a seller claims that the entire wall of an acrylic model with a thickness of 6-8 mm consists exclusively of acrylic, then he is probably either incompetent or deliberately misleading the buyer.

At the drain and overflow holes new bath You can always see the thickness of the coating. On more expensive models it is usually thicker. If the difference in price is insignificant, it makes sense to overpay for an extra millimeter of coating in order to save on its restoration in the future

The material for making acrylic bathtubs consists of several layers, and acrylic is the top one. This is a “front” coating, and its quality determines operational properties products. Check the thickness at the drainage point, press on the surface of the bathtub to make sure it is strong.

If, when you press the wall of an acrylic bathtub, the wall “plays,” you should choose another model, preferably even from a different company. This is an indicator of low quality material. No frame can fully compensate for the deficiency. Also, the wall should not be “transparent” or smell of chemicals.

We offer a video with useful tips for choice of cast iron and acrylic bathtubs:

When choosing a cast iron model, check how evenly the coating is applied. Roughness, unevenness and other defects are unacceptable. This a clear sign poor quality casting and/or enamel. The ideal option is a smooth surface coated with powder paint.

A cast iron bathtub cannot be bent or broken. The thickness of the walls affects the rigidity of the structure, but even thin walls successfully cope with the loads. In such a bath you can bathe, do laundry, and wash animals. If you do not scratch the coating, all these manipulations will not affect the bathtub in any way

And again about the price. The difference in cost between acrylic and cast iron bathtubs is small, so you can afford to choose a material that you trust more. If you have the opportunity to purchase a model from a well-known brand, you should take advantage of this chance. “Reputable” manufacturers care about their reputation; their products are usually really better than those from little-known companies. By paying more “for the name”, you pay for higher quality.

Steel, cast iron and acrylic - these materials have remained the most popular for making bathtubs in recent years. Each of them has its own advantages and is not without disadvantages.

When choosing, you should take into account all the nuances, because a bathtub is purchased approximately once every ten years. What kind of holiday you will have in it depends on the decision made at the time of purchase. Cast iron models remain the standard of strength, steel models of cheapness, and acrylic models of beauty.

So which bath should you choose: acrylic, steel or cast iron? Which one of materials will suit each specific user? What should you consider when choosing?

Despite the emergence of new materials and technologies, cast iron bathtubs do not lose their position in the plumbing fixtures market.

One of the advantages of the market modern baths– the ability to select models with different types additional functions. Baths with hydro-, aero-massage and other built-in functions can be made of any material

Most often these are models of classic shapes - rectangular or oval. Cast iron is far from the most ductile material, and it is difficult to make complex shaped products from it.

The surface of the finished bath is covered with durable enamel. It protects the material from negative impact water, temperature, aggressive chemicals. The coating is dried in a special infrared oven to strengthen and give a flawless appearance.

Although cast iron plumbing fixtures do not come in a variety of shapes, there are beautiful round and oval models with pleasant curves. You can also always find a bathtub with colored enamel. These models usually cost an order of magnitude more than regular ones. Standard bathtubs are available in the form of rectangular containers with one or two bevels for ease of bathing. Their advantage is reasonable price

The main advantages of cast iron baths include the following:

  • High strength. The material does not bend, does not crack, and withstands temperature changes well. The coating is not sensitive to hot water.
  • Resistance to deformation. Cast iron can withstand impacts and falling of heavy objects better than other materials.
  • Increased durability. Cast iron models can last 10-20 years. At the same time, they lose their appearance, but their properties do not change.
  • Good heat capacity. In cast iron bathtubs, water cools much more slowly than in steel ones. And yet acrylic is more practical in this regard.
  • Possibility of coating restoration. If the enamel is damaged, you can always contact restoration specialists. They will return the bathtub to a pleasant appearance, and the cost of a new coating will be quite reasonable.

Cast iron is different high strength and toughness. Thanks to this, products made from it do not change shape and do not bend. Bathtubs are manufactured with a wall thickness of 6-8 mm. These are powerful structures that do not “walk” under the weight of the human body and do not sag over time. The high weight and rigidity ensure that the bath is stable under all circumstances. During installation, there is no need to install additional supports to strengthen the structure; it is stable.

When restoring cast iron bathtubs, the most different ways. The choice depends on the budget and preferences of the owner. You can restore the enamel coating, install acrylic liner or use flood bath technology. The cheapest option is to renew the enamel. To do this, the bath is cleaned, degreased and coated with a special compound. Restoration with acrylic - liquid or using a liner - will cost almost the same money as buying a new acrylic bathtub

The anti-corrosion coating protects the product and gives the enamel a deep, pleasant shine. At proper care Rich color and gloss last for many years. The enamel has smooth surface, devoid of pores, due to which it does not accumulate dirt and cleans well.

To care for a cast iron bathtub, you can use any cleaning agents and detergents. Abrasive particles remove plaque and dirt without damaging the coating, but manufacturers still do not recommend using overly aggressive chemicals and powerful abrasives to care for bathtubs.

One of the advantages of a cast iron bathtub is low level noise when pouring water into it. When deciding which bath to choose - acrylic, steel or cast iron, you should take into account that acrylic is even less “noisy”, but steel makes very loud and sharp sounds when jets of water fall on the surface.

Manufacturers of cast iron bathtubs produce models with various additional functions for the convenience of customers. Thus, on sale you can see bathtubs with a special anti-slip coating, with handles, and also equipped with hydromassage installations. The range is wide, even very demanding customers will be able to choose the right model.

Cast iron models can be equipped with two or four handles to ensure the safety of the owner when bathing. Of the additional functions, hydromassage is most often chosen. This great option for people who love relaxing treatments. Often, whirlpool baths are purchased to please children who love to play in the water.

Despite all the advantages of cast iron bathtubs, they are gradually being replaced by acrylic ones. Why? Because cast iron has disadvantages that are not characteristic of acrylic. Cast iron models are very heavy. Even modern models with relatively thin walls they weigh about 120 kg. This creates difficulties when delivering the product, especially if it has to be lifted to a high floor. However, one could come to terms with this, because a bathtub is bought once every few years. However, there are other disadvantages - high cost and not the most big choice design.

The buyer has to make a difficult choice: aesthetics or durability at the expense of appearance. Standard shapes have long been out of fashion; not everyone likes them and does not always fit well into the interior of bathrooms.

Beautiful cast iron plumbing costs a lot of money. If the buyer is ready for such expenses, we can recommend models from the best European brands - Roca, Jacob, manufacturers that have proven themselves in the market. If you want a model with an elaborate shape, then it is better to choose acrylic.

There are free-standing and built-in bathtubs. The first ones are more expensive and more beautiful, the second ones are more practical, because... Suitable for modest sized bathrooms. Branded freestanding cast iron bathtubs are often very beautiful, but they require a lot of space to install, and the cost of the products themselves is several times higher than the price of conventional cast iron or acrylic models

Steel baths: advantages and disadvantages

Before the advent of acrylic bathtubs, steel models were the only alternative to cast iron. Nowadays, cast iron and acrylic are increasingly compared, forgetting about steel. However, this material has its own advantages, and a steel bathtub may be a good choice for many buyers. What is it good for?

The main advantage is the low price. The cost of plumbing fixtures is sometimes of fundamental importance for buyers on a limited budget. In this case, steel is beyond competition. But this is not the only advantage. The following qualities of steel bathtubs are valuable:

  • Ease. Compared to heavy cast iron, steel is 4 times lighter. Anyone who has had to move and install a cast iron model can appreciate this advantage.
  • Hygiene. Bacteria do not multiply on the surface of a steel bath. The glossy finish is easy to clean from dirt and plaque.
  • Durable coating. Manufacturers care about the quality of enamels. It does not chip or crack due to temperature changes.
  • Warm-up speed. All metal bathtubs are cold until they warm up, and only acrylic surfaces are pleasant to the touch. Steel heats up quickly, which is very valuable if children are bathing in the bathtub.
  • Design. Steel is much more ductile than cast iron, so bathtubs can have any shape. There are very original models with intricate shapes. Some of them are designed for two people. Considering that the enamel does not turn yellow and retains its original appearance for a long time, a steel bathtub can be good choice for a uniquely designed bathroom.

The ease of installation of such a bathtub can only be mentioned with some reservations. The steel bath itself weighs about 40 kg, which allows you to install it alone.

On the other hand, it requires additional fasteners for stability, so install better man who has the necessary skills.

Standard inexpensive baths made of steel, have an oval shape and a white enamel coating with gloss. But you can find very original aesthetic models. The material is plastic, which significantly expands design possibilities. The cost of bathtubs of unusual shapes and colors is higher than standard ones, but they are still cheaper than acrylic analogues

Despite all their advantages, steel bathtubs are inferior to cast iron and acrylic ones. The reason is the shortcomings:

  • Thin walls. When choosing cheap bathtubs, buyers often forget that the price is reduced due to thin walls and low strength. The thinner the walls, the less stable the product and the more subject to deformation. This leads to chips and cracks in the enamel. Thick-walled models are much more expensive. For comfortable and long-term use, you should choose a bathtub whose wall thickness is at least 3 mm.
  • Low heat capacity. This is an advantage when it comes to the speed of warming up the bath, but the water cools down faster. Fans of long water treatments are forced to constantly add hot water to avoid freezing while swimming.
  • Features of installation and care. To make the bathtub stable, it is mounted on a special frame. Grounding is required. For cleaning, it is better to choose products without abrasive particles, because... there is a high risk of damaging the enamel.

By the way, some people still complain about noise when drawing water. The high noise level of the material causes discomfort. To reduce it, the bottom is soundproofed using special gaskets. But even with soundproofing inserts, a steel bathtub makes louder sounds than a cast iron one.

The design of steel bathtubs is very diverse. There are lightweight 90x60 cm models that are ideal for small bathrooms. There are also large ones - up to 200x80 cm, in which you can stretch out to their full length. Sitz baths are popular, in which it is convenient to bathe children, the disabled and the elderly without the risk of harming them

Acrylic models: myths and reality

You can find very mixed reviews about acrylic bathtubs. Some buyers are very happy with this purchase, others criticize acrylic for its fragility and remain convinced that acrylic models should be used only as a last resort, when other options are simply not suitable.

Why do opinions differ so much? This largely depends on the quality of the plumbing fixtures themselves. Shameless advertising by manufacturers, who do not mention the shortcomings of their products and create illusions among consumers, also played a significant role in the disappointment of customers. What exactly are acrylic bathtubs?

Designer acrylic bathtubs look amazing in interiors. It is very difficult to resist the temptation to purchase an interesting model without paying attention to the technical characteristics. However, it is still worth exercising caution. When purchasing, you need to find out the thickness of the walls of the bathtub, make sure that the surface is free from defects

Acrylic is a plastic polymer from which cast and extruded bathtubs are made. The surface of the product is covered epoxy resins, thanks to which it acquires a pleasant appearance. To prevent the bathtub from swaying under the weight of a person, it is installed on a special metal frame.

This is necessary because the finished product is light in weight and has low stability. Most often, buyers complain about the following disadvantages of acrylic models:

  • Deformation under the influence of high temperatures. Theoretically, an acrylic bathtub can withstand temperatures up to 160 degrees. But this is only a theory based on the melting point of acrylic. In practice, it is not uncommon for bathtubs filled with very hot water to become deformed. This usually happens with cheap, low-quality models.
  • Feeling of instability. The bottom of the bathtub bends under the weight of a person, and this feature causes discomfort for people accustomed to the “monumentality” of rigid cast-iron models. Many people feel like the bathtub will burst under them. However, this impression is deceptive; acrylic is quite durable. If you get used to it, then no more problems will arise.
  • Fragility. If a heavy object falls into an acrylic bathtub, it can actually crack. But strength largely depends on the quality of the material, and repairing acrylic is not difficult.
  • Sensitivity to chemicals. Manufacturers recommend using non-abrasive household chemicals. Conventional cleaning compounds may well leave scratches on the surface of the bathtub. It will quickly lose its original color and appearance. There are special products for acrylic surfaces; it is best to use them.
  • Price. Compared to steel models, acrylic ones are much more expensive, but by buying a high-quality bathtub and following the rules of caring for it, the owner may not think about replacing it for 10-20 years. Considering the service life, this is reasonable money. You shouldn’t buy cheap models, otherwise problems will arise in a few years: the bathtub will quickly turn yellow.

The list of disadvantages of acrylic bathtubs is impressive. Why then are they becoming more and more popular? Thanks to the advantages:

  • Appearance. Acrylic models are the most beautiful. Manufacturers produce great amount bathtubs of different shapes, sizes, colors. Steel is less ductile, so it is impossible to make such original plumbing fixtures from it. There is no need to even talk about cast iron in this case. However, it is not advisable to choose forms with a large number of bends, since relatively thin acrylic is used for them.
  • Excellent heat capacity. Water drawn into an acrylic bathtub cools many times slower than in a cast iron bathtub, not to mention a steel one. This is a big plus. Moreover, she herself acrylic surface there is no such thing as icy, like metal. If one of the family members likes to swim for a long time, he will be comfortable in such a bath.
  • Easy care. Enough to buy special remedy for cleaning an acrylic bathtub - and the maintenance problem is solved. There is no need to scrub the surface. Apply the cleaning agent with a sponge and rinse with water. All!

Acrylic models are not perfect, but they have advantages that are truly valuable for lovers of a good holiday in warm water.

When choosing a colored acrylic bathtub, you should carefully examine the surface. The shade should be uniform, without spots, yellowish stains or other imperfections. If there are areas with color deviations, it is better to look for another option. And if there are any roughness or dents on the surface, refuse to purchase the model - it is defective

Bathtubs are not purchased very often, so sometimes it makes sense to pay more for additional comfort. If funds allow, you can choose a hydromassage acrylic bathtub. Then a pleasant and beneficial massage with air-water jets will be added to relaxation in warm water.

When choosing, you should not focus on the cheapest models, no matter how beautiful they may be. Be sure to check the quality of the material.

How to do this is described in the video:

Which option is better? Expert speaks

Which bathtub is better to choose: acrylic, steel or cast iron? It is worth taking into account the features of materials and counting on buying a model in the middle price segment. What to focus on, says the specialist:

In recent years real choice Bathtub materials come down to cast iron and acrylic. Steel models are bought less and less often, and there are objective reasons for this: the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. Steel should be chosen only if the budget is so limited that acrylic or cast iron seem like an unaffordable luxury.

Decide what is more important to you – the strength of cast iron or the beauty of acrylic. Consider what additional features your family members may need for comfort and consider everyone's interests. When choosing, ask questions to sellers and don’t be lazy to read technical documentation. Don't be under the illusion that there are ideal materials, and choose the one whose shortcomings you are willing to put up with.

Acrylic bathtubs are made of durable polymer reinforced in several layers. At the low tide stage, color is added to it, giving color to the bath.

The thicker the walls of an acrylic bathtub, the stronger it is; The recommended thickness is at least 5-6 mm.

Advantages of an acrylic bathtub:

  • Variety of shapes and sizes. An acrylic bathtub can be selected to suit any size of room and to suit your taste. When installing it in a corner, you can further save space.
  • Surface resistance to mechanical stress.
  • Color stability to any changes. The shade of acrylic can be chosen to suit your taste and in accordance with the interior design of the bathroom.
  • A light weight
  • Good, allowing you to maintain the temperature of the water in the bath for a long time.
  • Easy to clean - to clean the surface, simply wipe with a sponge and soapy water.
  • You can restore an acrylic bathtub yourself. Irregularities can be sanded, and chips can be filled with acrylic mass and cleaned.
  • Environmental friendliness and safety of the material. The surface of the bathtub resists the growth of bacteria and fungi.
  • The sound of water filling the bathtub cannot be heard.

Disadvantages of an acrylic bath:

  • An acrylic bathtub is not mounted into the wall during installation, i.e., only an attached method is possible, in which water may leak onto the floor due to insufficiently good sealing of the joints between the bathtub and the wall.
  • Over time, the white may turn yellow from exposure to tap water.
  • Acrylic bathtub High Quality is quite expensive, and cheaper analogues are susceptible to scratches, cracks and other defects on the surface. In addition, pets can also damage inexpensive acrylic plumbing fixtures.
  • When washing or soaking colored fadeable fabrics in hot water, the surface of the bathtub may become stained.
  • Do not use abrasive or strong chemicals for cleaning.
  • For non-professionals, making an acrylic bathtub is a rather complicated process, so you need to entrust it to a specialist.

The fairly high price of an acrylic bathtub justifies its advantages - durability, strength, ease of maintenance and environmental safety of the material.

When choosing an acrylic bathtub, it is necessary to take into account that the higher the quality and the more reliable the manufacturer, the higher its cost will be.

At the same time, there is a guarantee that such a bathtub will last a long time, will not change its color, and cracks and chips will not form on its surface over time.

When purchasing, you should pay attention to the availability fully equipped necessary, and also to ensure that the edges of the bathtub are level, otherwise differences in the height of its walls will be noticeable against the background of the tiles.

If an acrylic bathtub has wide and straight sides without slopes, at an angle of 90 degrees, water will run along them by inertia not into the bathtub, but onto the floor.

When choosing an acrylic bathtub with many different fittings and technological holes in models with hydromassage, you should remember that a large number of flexible tubes Over time, water supply pipes tend to become clogged, becoming clogged with dirt and mucus.

Cleaning them must be regular and takes a lot of time. In addition, when installing such models, easy access to the water drain and the bottom of the bathtub from any side should be provided for possible repairs.

You should purchase a bathtub with a base made of metal mesh or fiberglass, with a wall thickness of more than five millimeters. It is better if it is made of cast acrylic rather than extruded - you can find out about this from the seller.

It would be a mistake to buy such plumbing fixtures from a manufacturer without a warranty and at a low price.

It is preferable to choose a bathtub with the simplest geometry, because thin acrylic is often used to make complex shapes. When choosing acrylic, you should pay attention to the fact that the fittings are metal and not plastic, this will increase its service life.

Acrylic bath good quality has a uniform shade, the same wall thickness, a smooth surface without any defects, and should not emit a strong chemical odor.

Comparison of acrylic and steel bathtub

Steel bathtubs are a good alternative for those who, for some reason, are distrustful of modern acrylic and traditional bathtubs. They are made from ordinary steel coated with enamel or stainless steel.

Enameled steel is much cheaper than stainless steel, so the second option is not in high demand, although it is a safe, environmentally friendly material that is resistant to corrosion.

When comparing which bathtub is better - acrylic or steel, consumer reviews vary. First you need to highlight the disadvantages and advantages of a bathtub made of this material.

Advantages of a metal bath:

  • Low cost
  • and durability, which lasts up to 15 years.
  • High resistance to temperature changes and aggressive chemical cleaning agents.
  • Variety of forms
  • A light weight
  • The smooth surface of the enamel does not allow bacteria to multiply.

Disadvantages of a steel bath:

  • Small metal thickness. For heavy wall loads iron bath may become deformed, and cracks and chips may appear on the enamel surface.
  • Poor thermal insulation, leading to the fact that the hot water in such a bath quickly cools down.
  • Noisy when drawing water
  • Due to their light weight, steel bathtubs are less stable.
  • The smooth surface of the bathtub is slippery
  • The steel bath must be grounded
  • Possibility of plaque

A reliable steel bathtub weighs from 30 to 50 kg, bathtubs weigh less than 30 kg. and with low cost, as well as less than 3 mm. represent a low-quality product.

Comparison with acrylic bathtub

If we compare which bathtub is better - steel or acrylic, then the obvious advantage of steel will be its low price and the resistance of its surface to scratches.

However, a metal bathtub can become deformed if its walls are too thin.

Thus, judging by the cost, a steel bathtub is better, but in terms of the ability to easily restore the surface independently, it is superior to an acrylic one.

An acrylic bathtub retains heat inside for a long time, which is not typical for a steel bathtub.

Therefore, those who like to spend a long time in hot bath you should choose acrylic. Similar advice for those who prefer to choose a bath with various additional functions, for example, with hydromassage.

In addition, a steel bathtub cannot compete with an acrylic bathtub in terms of its noise level when drawing water, but if desired, if you make some efforts to soundproof the bathtub from the outside, this drawback can be partially eliminated.

For those who love more comfort a bath will do made of acrylic - its surface is warm, pleasant to the touch, smooth, but not slippery.

In terms of durability of the coating, a steel bathtub outperforms an acrylic one, since the latter has a soft upper layer, not resistant to scratches and, even more so, to the impact of heavy objects. The enamel covering the metal bath is reliably “baked” into the top layer, which prevents the formation of various defects.

But all the listed disadvantages of both options apply only to low-quality and low-cost ones.

When choosing expensive models, both versions of plumbing fixtures - steel and acrylic - have equal strength and reliability indicators, but high-quality acrylic bathtubs are always more expensive than metal ones with the same functionality.

The thicker the walls of a steel bath, the more resistant it is to deformation and heavy loads, so you should choose it from metal with a thickness of at least 4 mm. and enamel at least 1.5 mm. At the same time, the weight of a high-quality steel bath should not be less than 30 kg.

The walls of the bathtub must be perfectly smooth, with uniformly painted enamel, without chips, cracks, or sagging.

Some features should be taken into account for the durable installation of a steel bath due to its instability and lightness. For this, specialists are usually invited.

In general, you should be guided by personal preferences, particularly the size and shape of the metal bathtub, and its combination with the rest of the bathroom.

Cast iron or acrylic?

Despite the variety of plumbing products offered on modern market, cast iron bathtubs remain the most popular among the average consumer.

Maybe it's a force of habit, since acrylic bathtubs are relatively new to Russian market, and maybe experience developed over the years.

Be that as it may, cast iron bathtubs can compete with acrylic and steel ones.

Iron casting is a complex process, but it is still not slowing down in the production of plumbing fixtures.

In order to compare which bathtub is better - acrylic or cast iron, you need to consider in detail the advantages and disadvantages of a cast iron bathtub.

Advantages of a cast iron bath:

  • The high strength of cast iron allows you to achieve a service life of up to 50 years without being subject to deformation.
  • Large heat capacity, which allows you to maintain water temperature for a long time.
  • Possessing low vibration, cast iron has high noise insulation, which allows you to muffle the sound of pouring water.
  • Corrosion resistance
  • A cast iron bathtub can be mounted into a wall, not in an attached way, to create one with the tiles on the wall without visible joints.
  • Bathroom maintenance can include abrasive and harsh chemical cleaners without the risk of damaging the surface.
  • Affordable price
  • The wall thickness of modern cast iron bathtubs is smaller than before, which has made it possible to reduce their weight and increase the useful volume while maintaining quality characteristics. In addition, they are often equipped with comfortable handles and screw feet that allow you to adjust the height of the bath.


  • Heavy weight, which creates difficulties when moving and installing.
  • Uniformity of forms. Cast iron bathtubs are mostly made rectangular or oval shape.
  • restoration of enamel in case of chips or cracks
  • Over time, the enamel coating may wear away. The porous surface easily becomes dirty, turns yellow, and over time, stains that are difficult to remove can form.
  • A cast iron bath takes a long time to heat up.

A cast iron bathtub is a durable sanitary ware with an affordable price, but rather monotonous models and heavy weight.

Comparison with acrylic bathtub

The cast iron bathtub will become the best option for those who prefer a traditional bathtub with a regular shape, since all models are the same. In contrast, an acrylic bathtub will ideal option for lovers of unusual plumbing fixtures with different shades.

The affordable price of a cast iron bathtub makes it attractive to the average person, while high-quality acrylic sanitary ware is quite expensive.

A cast iron bathtub, unlike an acrylic one, is easy to install - it can be adjusted to fit the walls, mounted in the tiles, and to accommodate uneven floors using screw feet.

In an acrylic bathtub, the water remains warm longer than in a cast iron bathtub, and the sound of water filling is quieter. If you hit the surface of the bathtub, acrylic can be easily restored, but difficulties may arise with cast iron.

But if you choose ease of care for your plumbing fixtures, you should go with the first option, since the porous surface of cast iron requires some effort in cleaning.

An acrylic bathtub is superior in surface hygiene, but cast iron is superior in durability.

The advantage of acrylic sanitary ware is its weight, which gives a lot of advantages when loading a bathtub into an apartment and when it is necessary to move it, unlike cast iron.

The functionality of an acrylic bathtub offers many possibilities for integration additional fittings, jets for hydromassage, which is impossible in a standard cast-iron bathtub. However, this will require additional investment and maintenance.

Unlike acrylic, a cast iron bathtub can be installed on our own without involving the help of specialists.

Despite the strength of a material such as cast iron, it is necessary to take into account that when exposed to a pinpoint impact from a heavy object, cracking will occur along the entire length with the impossibility of restoration, unlike acrylic.

Summarizing all of the above, the following can be said in favor of an acrylic bathtub versus a cast iron one: easy local restoration, flexibility of shapes, sizes, shades, variety of functionality and light weight.

In turn, cast iron has the following advantages: long service life - up to 50 years, reliability and stability, no surface deformation, not subject to sagging under heavy weight.

How to choose a cast iron bath

Before purchasing a cast-iron bathtub, you must make sure that its parameters correspond to the dimensions of the bathroom, including the doorway, otherwise dismantling it cannot be avoided.

The enamel must be smooth and shiny, without chips, scratches and sagging, otherwise further growth of chips and yellowing of irregularities cannot be avoided. Its thickness must be at least 1.2 mm.

It is necessary to ensure that the sides of the bath are symmetrical and level.

Thus, steel baths are economical option, cast iron is reliable and traditional, and acrylic is distinguished by a variety of shapes, modern design, and the possibility of easy restoration.

Despite the variety of models and materials from which modern bathtubs are made, it is necessary to pay attention to their quality and manufacturer, based on personal preferences and financial capabilities.

The opinion of experts can be found in the video:

Which bathtub is better, acrylic or cast iron? Both plumbing products are distinguished by their quality and ease of use, but there are significant differences between them. A review of the advantages and possible disadvantages of both options will help you decide on the final choice.

When replacing old bath For a new one, it is important to choose the highest quality sanitary ware that will fit perfectly into the interior and meet all the owners’ requirements. The most popular are bathtubs made of cast iron and acrylic, which differ from each other not only in the material of manufacture, but also in service life, care rules, etc.

Reliable and durable cast iron

Cast iron bathtubs are chosen primarily by connoisseurs of high-quality plumbing fixtures that will last for decades. The material takes a relatively long time to warm up, but long time the water temperature does not decrease - it remains warm from 1.5 to 2 hours. During the manufacturing process, the top of the cast iron product is covered with a layer of enamel, which cannot be cleaned with abrasive substances.

Cast iron bathtubs are a classic. They are strong and durable

It is also highly undesirable to drop heavy objects into it so that the enamel does not chip. Before purchasing, it is important to pay attention to the coating of the bathtub - the enamel layer should be smooth, uniform in color, without the slightest roughness or smudges. Only in this case will the product be of high quality, which means it will be able to retain its shine and its original appearance for more than 50 years with proper care.

Cast iron bath - advantages

Cast iron has a number of advantages:

  • service life of 50 years or more;
  • high safety margin;
  • sustainability;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • good noise absorption;
  • ease of care.

A cast iron bathtub retains the heat of the water poured into it for a long time, which makes it possible to significantly save on heating and maximum comfort take water procedures for a long time. In addition, a durable cast iron bathtub is difficult to break even with a heavy hammer; it is very heavy and stands firmly in place.

Among modern cast iron bathtubs, it’s easy to choose a product to suit your bathroom interior

The surface can only be damaged if very strong impact or by dropping a heavy object on it, and the enamel that is chipped or cracked over time can be restored and the product can be used for many years. A bathtub made of cast iron perfectly absorbs sounds and splashes, and it is not difficult to keep it clean. Over time, the coating will not fade even when exposed to high temperatures, and the color and shine of the enamel is preserved.

Cast iron bath - disadvantages

Disadvantages include:

  1. heavy weight;
  2. limited choice of form;
  3. slippery surface.

Average weight standard baths made of cast iron reaches 120 kg, which creates special difficulties both during transportation and during dismantling and installation. All products of this type mostly large, have a rectangular or triangular shape, which is not always suitable for small bathrooms and may not fit into the overall design idea.

Cast iron bathtubs are quite massive. This complicates their delivery and installation

The disadvantages also include the slippery internal coating - for safe water procedures, it is recommended to lay a special anti-slip rubber mat on the bottom of the bathtub.

Lightweight newfangled acrylic

In fact, acrylic is a type of plastic - a material that easily takes the desired shape, is reinforced and can be painted in any color. One of the most significant advantages of bathtubs made from acrylic is that they are available in various sizes, colors and shapes.

Acrylic bathtubs offer a large selection of not only shapes, but also colors

This opens up the possibility of installing them even in any bathrooms, including small ones. By installing plumbing fixtures, for example, in a corner, you can thus free up enough space for a washing machine or furniture. Since the material is quite flexible in nature, it must be reinforced with fiberglass or metal mesh at the manufacturing stage to give the required strength. At the same time, naturally, the better the bathtub is strengthened, the more expensive it will cost.

Advice. When purchasing an acrylic bathtub, it is better to give preference to a model reinforced with metal mesh.

Bathtubs made of acrylic can be not only standard white, but also painted in any shade of the rainbow - the color is added by adding dye to the material at the manufacturing stage, due to which the paint does not wash out and does not lose its color over time.

Corner acrylic bathtub

Before purchasing, you should pay attention to the uniformity of color and thickness of the acrylic sheet; in particular, products with a wall thickness of 5 mm or more are considered the strongest. Also, you should not buy plumbing fixtures with dents or a rough surface, which directly indicates its low quality.

Acrylic bathtub - pros

Modern bathtubs made of acrylic have the following advantages:

  1. light weight;
  2. variety of forms;
  3. non-slip surface;
  4. ease of care;
  5. low thermal conductivity.

The weight of bathtubs made from acrylic varies on average within 30 kg, which greatly facilitates delivery (especially to the upper floors). In addition, the installation process itself is simplified in many ways, which can be easily handled by one specialist. The bath itself retains heat well, and its surface heats up quite quickly, unlike cast iron.

Acrylic bathtubs do not slip and are therefore safe

Manufacturing technology allows you to blow acrylic into any shape of the desired width and height - you can even order a custom model that will fit perfectly into the interior. Some models are equipped with hydromassage and other functions for the most pleasant water treatment.

The inner surface of the products is non-slip, which will allow you to take water procedures without anti-slip mats. At the same time, bathtub care is as simple as possible and boils down to wiping the dirty surface with a gel-based cleaner.

Acrylic bathtub - cons

Acrylic bathtubs are not without some disadvantages:

  1. service life from 10 to 15 years;
  2. relatively low strength;
  3. possibility of damage to the surface by sharp objects.

The surface of an acrylic bathtub is more fragile than the enamel of a cast iron bathtub

On average, a bathtub made of acrylic lasts 2-3 times less than a cast iron one. Moreover, the service life and strength directly depend on the quality of the product and the degree of its reinforcement. If you buy a fake or with weak reinforcement, deformation may occur, and if the plumbing fixtures are made of very thin acrylic, then it may spring underfoot. On the contrary, high-strength products reinforced with metal mesh can easily withstand even a greater impact than a cast-iron bathtub.

Attention! When purchasing non-standard plumbing fixtures, experts recommend purchasing bathtubs of the simplest possible shape, since manufacturers often use thin sheets of acrylic to make complex and elaborate products.

It is also important to know that acrylic is afraid of direct impact from sharp metal products, it can melt from an unextinguished cigarette, or be scratched from the claws of a pet.

Which bathtub is better to buy?

When choosing which bathtub is better, acrylic or cast iron, you need to focus primarily on what size and shape the plumbing is needed. If the area of ​​the room allows, you can install a large cast-iron bathtub; if the size of the room is limited or the design idea requires it, it is better to choose an acrylic product of the desired shape and color.

You need to choose a bath that will be easier for you to care for.

As for the parameters of thermal stability, in cast iron the water temperature decreases by 1 degree every 10 minutes, in acrylic - only after 1 hour. Therefore, those who like to bask in hot water for as long as possible should still turn their attention to acrylic products. Moreover, modern manufacturing companies offer models equipped with lighting, hydromassage and a number of other useful functions.

Cost also plays an important role when choosing plumbing fixtures. When compared, the prices are approximately the same, with the exception of acrylic bathtubs of complex configuration with additional reinforcement, which will cost much more.

Care and restoration

In principle, both products will last quite a long time, the main thing is to properly care for them. The surface of cast iron is porous, as a result it absorbs rust and dirt and requires frequent cleaning. If a cast iron bathtub is damaged, it will have to be restored, and this process quite labor-intensive and dusty. In some cases, restoration using glass acrylic (liquid acrylic) may be required, when the enamel is renewed by filling cracks and voids, completely leveling the surface.

The surface of an acrylic bathtub can be easily restored with liquid acrylic

An acrylic bathtub is more hygienic; to remove dirt, it is enough to wash its surface with a sponge soaked in water or a special detergent. In general, caring for acrylic is simpler; the only important requirement is the use of products containing abrasives and aggressive solvents to remove contaminants.

In case of serious damage, the product can also be restored using liquid acrylic, and removing scratches is much easier than in the case of cast iron.


Both cast iron and acrylic can be considered one of the best materials for making bathtubs. Each of the materials has its pros and cons. In terms of strength and reliability they win cast iron models, but in terms of hygiene, weight, choice of shape and color, acrylic ones come first. In addition, transportation and installation of the latter is much easier.

Pick up suitable plumbing fixtures necessary first of all, based on the size of the bathroom and general design interior Before purchasing, you should make sure that the bathtub will fit through the doorway, has no defects and is not a fake.

The inner surface of a cast iron bathtub can be restored with special enamel

When purchasing an acrylic product, it is better to give preference to models with thick walls, not a very complex shape, reinforced with a metal mesh, which will have good stability. A cast iron bathtub must have an evenly applied enamel, without streaks or roughness - in this case, if the operating rules are followed, it will last at least 50 years.

Care comes down to using specially designed products for each type of product; it is highly undesirable to drop heavy objects to avoid serious damage to the surface.

Which bath to choose: video

Cast iron and acrylic bathtubs: photos

The main advantage of cast iron is its durability. When producing a bathtub, it is enameled and gives it an aesthetic appearance. The enamel is applied directly to the surface of the finished bath or immediately to the product that is hot after low tide. Thanks to this, a degree of additional strength of the coating and its resistance to corrosion is achieved. High-quality cast iron bathtubs have a twenty-year guarantee.

Most often, cast iron bathtubs are produced in a classic form, since this material does not lend itself well to complex molding.

Modern cast iron bathtubs are sold with built-in handles for ease of use, and also have much less weight compared to Soviet bathtubs. However, when the tide ebbs, even with thin walls, its weight will still remain quite impressive - at least 90-100 kilograms. Cast iron bathtubs are easy to clean and do not require special detergents. When washing such bathtubs, it is advisable to avoid sponges or brushes with an abrasive surface, which can scratch the enamel; it is still the weakest link in cast iron products.

Acrylic bath

Acrylic bathtubs are today considered the queens of design, gradually displacing steel and cast iron products from widespread demand. The range of acrylic bathtubs includes a huge variety of models of all sizes and shapes. With the help of compact acrylic bathtubs, a bathroom can be designed in any design, which is very important for apartments with small living space dimensions.

Acrylic bathtubs are in no way inferior to steel and cast iron in their characteristics, and in some respects they even surpass them.

Despite the deceptively fragile appearance of acrylic, this material is very durable and even elastic. Its thickness ranges from 4-6 millimeters, but the bottom of acrylic bathtubs is made thicker, since it bears the main load. The warranty on such products is about ten years, they are easy to care for and quite durable. Harmful bacteria do not multiply on acrylic, and it is also resistant to various household chemicals.

Acrylic bathtubs are available in rectangular, asymmetrical and oval versions; in addition, they are often equipped with hydromassage systems and lighting. Considering the possibility of easy reconstruction of acrylic bathtubs, they can be safely recommended as best product for the bathroom.