What types of entrance doors are there? Types of doors made of different materials. Burglary resistance classes of steel doors

Entrance doors can be classified according to the following indicators and characteristics:
- material used in the manufacture of doors;
- purpose of the door;
- method of opening.

Types of entrance doors depending on material

Depending on the materials used in manufacturing, entrance doors can be divided into several groups:
- steel doors;
- wooden;
- aluminum;
- plastic;
- glass.

Currently, steel doors are the most common. The main material of the panel can be completely hidden finishing materials, as a result of which the structure may look like plastic or wood. This allows the product to fit into almost any interior. Most often, the finishing of a steel entrance door is done plastic panels or processing powder paints.

Powder coating is durable and practical, it is resistant to mechanical stress and abrasion. It also meets the basic safety requirements that apply to entrance doors. The percentage of its damage and abrasion during operation is 2% over 10 years. This result is ensured by a special extrusion powder coating technology. Finishing the door with plastic panels also has its advantages. The main one is the ability to replace the decorative coating during the operation of the product.

It is also possible to finish the door with other materials: leatherette, lining, laminate, MDF (microwood fiber), etc.

Wooden entrance doors are used very rarely today. The main reason for the low popularity of this species is insufficient safety. Installation is advisable only in cases where they are provided with additional safety measures. Entrance doors made of solid oak are often used by owners of country cottages, luxury houses, and various institutions where high level security Of course, installing this type of door is much more expensive than installing a steel structure.

If a sliding entrance door is installed, it is preferable to use aluminum construction. They are most often used in warehouse buildings, garages, and entrances to protected areas. The sector looks like this entrance doors rarely used, as plastic doors.

Typically plastic is used for interior decoration doors. As entrance doors plastic structures can be used in closed protected areas. Input glass doors made of glass are used in private homes of wealthy customers, modern centers, as well as offices of prestigious companies. The glasses used for these purposes can be different: frosted, transparent, with a relief pattern, etc.

Purpose of entrance doors

According to their purpose, entrance doors are divided into:
- armored doors;
- burglary-resistant;
- explosion-proof;
- bulletproof;
- fire protection;
- noise-absorbing;
- sealed entrance doors.

Bulletproof doors are designed to protect people and create a reliable barrier in the event of an armed attempt to enter the premises. This type of product is used for installation in office and residential premises. Basically, bulletproof doors are installed in safe rooms, bank branches, currency exchange offices, security posts and checkpoints.

Armored entrance doors are used to restrict unauthorized access to residential, public, industrial and auxiliary types of premises and buildings. The fireproof type of entrance doors prevents the spread of fire. This type is used for installation in rooms with a fairly large number of electrical appliances, in laboratories, chemical industry facilities and warehouses.

Sound-absorbing type of entrance doors is quite rare. It is used in laboratories, luxury residential buildings, and recording studios. Hermetic entrance doors are used for catering units, laboratories, pharmaceutical premises, operating rooms. The sealing and valves of such products must provide fire and gas resistance, and they must also withstand structural loads.

Types of entrance doors by opening method

According to the method of opening, entrance doors are divided into:
- ;
- right;
- swing;
- external;
- internal;
- sliding.

Sliding mechanisms Entry door openings are rarely used due to the complexity of design and installation.

Entrance doors can open inside the room or outside to the street. Depending on your preferences and needs, you can choose any of these door opening options. However, it should be borne in mind that when the front door is opened outwards, much less leakage heat. The degree of reliability and security against burglary is also lower when the door is opened from the outside.

Another sign by which the type of entrance door is determined is the direction in which it opens. There are doors that open from left to right, and there are also products that open the other way around. The opening side indicator has a very important at insufficient quantities usable space (staircases apartment buildings, narrow corridors, entrances to underground premises).

The function of the front door is to guard the apartment and ensure a peaceful sleep for the owners. We can say that it is also a sign of the hospitality and taste of the owner. In me, the front door becomes a decoration of the facade of the house and “ business card" building. The right entrance door is, first of all, a matter of design quality and aesthetics.

Entrance door materials

Based on the materials used, today the construction market offers entrance doors made from:

  • metal
  • tree
  • plastic
  • aluminum
  • glass

Since the mounting plates are fastened internally, it is better to use an anchor. It is also considered important to make the doorway from high-quality materials, since installation is carried out closer to the inner surface of the wall.

The main advantages can be found in the 90-degree opening and the exclusion of moisture. The disadvantage is that the front door exits when opening into the hallway, for which you need extra bed. The door stop must be installed; the visor is necessary in any case.

According to the third option, the door is attached directly to the opening. This method can greatly reduce the likelihood of breaking into the door frame and at the same time prevent water from leaking from the walls. In this case, there is no need to install platbands, and the door will still open 90 degrees. When installing the entrance door into a doorway, damage to the hinges can be avoided, but this will lead to inconvenient opening in a narrow opening. Such a door can be opened both inward and outward, but with the obligatory presence of a door stop. With this setup reduces the likelihood of hacking and moisture ingress, the hinges remain intact. Meanwhile, the small dimensions of the opening can become quite inconvenient for residents.

In this part of the article we will talk about how to install the front door with your own hands. Typically, this process is also carried out country house. It happens that the installation is carried out by the selling company itself, but if you are confident that you can cope with this task, you can proceed with the installation yourself. Only right installed door will last a long time, and there will be no difficulties when closing and opening. You can read below about how to install it reliably.

First method of fastening

It is made by mounting plates, applied from the inside to the edges of the opening so that the outer part of the door is in the same plane with the wall. To attach the mounting plates, it is better to choose steel rods that need to be welded, leaving a technological gap of 15 mm between the wall and the opening.

Second mounting method

It must be used in cases where there is a need to “sink” the door into the opening. But it is used when the wall thickness is at least 15 centimeters. Otherwise, you with my own hands help intruders enter the apartment, who can easily tear the door out of the wall. In this case, to secure the door frame, use anchor bolts. They need to be inserted into pre-drilled holes. When the door is already installed, the visible ends of the bolts are covered with plastic plugs matching the color of the frame. Do not forget also about the technological gap, which should be left between door frame and a wall.

To secure the front door tightly in the doorway, you need to use wooden wedges that are pushed into the gap between the doorway and the frame. This way the side posts and the top are fixed. Align the door to the vertical post with a plumb line or . Then drill holes in the wall. They must go through the mounting lugs to a depth of at least 1 centimeter. The pins are driven in there or anchor bolts are attached to them. Be sure to check the verticality of the rack with a level from time to time. After the pins are welded to the mounting plates, you can hang the door leaf. To make it easier, you can pre-lubricate the hinges, but then remove excess grease.

Open and close the door several times, checking the geometric correctness of the installation. Before final welding of the rods or tightening of the bolts, check the verticality of the racks again. Watch the geometry of the door. The remaining gap is trimmed polyurethane foam, no more than one cylinder for standard door. The foam dries in 24 hours, after which the process of treating the opening with plaster can begin.

The main task of a steel entrance door is reliable protection of the room. However, the importance of its aesthetic qualities cannot be denied. How to correlate all the necessary parameters and choose from a variety of options the door that is right for you?

Let's find out together what the market offers steel doors and what to look for when choosing this product.

Types of steel doors

At the first stage of selection, you need to decide in which room the structure will be installed, what its purpose is and what requirements are imposed on the degree of its resistance to burglary.

Classification by purpose of doors

There are several types of doors depending on the purpose of their use. It's quite easy to decide here.

Armored(bulletproof). Such steel entrance doors were originally intended for banking institutions and other premises requiring increased protection. Currently, they are widely used in residential premises, providing maximum protection against unauthorized entry. Armored doors are made from steel sheets with a thickness of 5 mm or more and are equipped with powerful horizontal and vertical stiffening ribs (and in some cases, an additional metal sheet or numerous armor plates are installed inside the structure).

Fire protection. They are often installed in apartments adjacent to non-residential premises(hairdressers, shops), in elevator halls, waste collection chambers, electrical switchboards and technical rooms, as well as at emergency exits. Such products provide room protection from fire and toxic combustion products for one hour or more. The doors are made of steel sheets with a thickness of at least 2 mm and are equipped with insulation from non-combustible materials, heat-resistant and non-toxic seals. Anti-panic system locks are used, which are opened from the outside with a key, and from the inside by pushing the door or pressing the handle.

Tambour. Installed on landing and close the entrance to several apartments at once. They provide protection from unauthorized entry, cold, dirt and extraneous sounds. They are characterized by simplicity of design, minimal finishing and are equipped with deadbolt locks.

Technical. These products provide reliable protection for technical premises, cash registers, basements, utility blocks, switchboards, entrances, warehouses, industrial and commercial buildings. They are equipped with modern locks of high burglary resistance classes. In their production, the main focus is on functionality, and appearance fades into the background.

Classic. Such doors are installed much more often than others in apartments, private houses, and dachas. The products are distinguished by the breadth of their design, the use of steel sheets 1.5–2.5 cm thick in the construction, and a number of other features, which we will discuss in detail below.

So, having decided on the appropriate type of design, you can begin to search for a specific product.

Burglary resistance classes of steel doors

Exists next classification door designs depending on their ability to resist hacking:

Class 1. Such products must be resistant to brute physical force (kicks, shoulder strikes) and simple tools: a pry bar, a lever with attachments, a nail puller, a crowbar, etc. To gain partial access to the room, an attacker will need at least 5 minutes, and for full access - at least 9 minutes.

Class 2. Such structures can withstand household hand tools- axe, hammer, sledgehammer, chisel, etc. The time required to gain access to the room is 9–16 minutes. Most often, these products are installed in residential buildings.

Class 3. These are reliable steel doors that cannot be broken using manual or electric ones. household tools. It will take burglars 16–23 minutes to enter the premises.

Class 4. This level is assigned to bulletproof products. Hacking time is at least 23–35 minutes.

The burglary resistance class largely depends on design features doors.

Steel door structures

When choosing a door, you must take into account the purpose of the room. Standard single leaf products are the most common design, which provides the most reliable protection, since it has a minimum of moving elements.

In warehouses, workshops, entrances and places with a large flow of people, they are often installed bivalve doors (symmetrical - with leaves of the same width, or asymmetrical). They fill a large opening necessary for moving large loads and passing significant human flows. At the same time, the burglary resistance of such products is lower than that of their single-leaf counterparts.

Single or double leaf arched The designs have a stylish and unusual appearance. Products with transoms used in rooms with non-standard openings.

The best material for making entrance doors is cold-rolled steel. Sheets of this material are characterized by increased ductility, ease of processing and resistance to corrosion.


Rubber, polyethylene foam, foam rubber, silicone or plastic seals are installed in places where the door leaves come into contact with the frame and provide not only additional sound insulation, but also prevent the passage of foreign odors or the formation of drafts. Magnetic rubber seals are the most popular. Foam rubber is an outdated option, which in modern doors practically not used.


For high-quality steel doors, the space between the steel sheets is filled with materials that provide heat and sound insulation, and protection from moisture. The filler must be durable and absolutely safe for family members and the environment. The latest quality is possessed by: polyurethane foam, polypropylene, glass wool, fillers based on minerals, Styrofoam.

Preference for one type of filler or another is given depending on the needs and material capabilities of the customer. Thus, the best thermal characteristics among the materials used in the manufacture of economy class doors are polystyrene foam and mineral wool. The latter is also characterized by maximum noise insulation properties. In the production of business-class products, polyurethane foam and polypropylene foam are used, which have excellent insulating properties.

Types of steel doors by opening type

It should be remembered that, in accordance with building codes and the rules Fire safety buildings and structures" dated January 21, 1997, doors located on evacuation routes from the building must open outward. In addition, the doors of adjacent rooms should not block each other when opened at the same time.

Structures with external opening are characterized by higher burglary resistance, and their analogues with internal opening are considered the optimal solution for rooms with limited space in corridors. Increasing the level of protection for products with internal opening is facilitated by the lack of access to hinges and bolts.

Types of doors by frame type

When deciding which steel doors are better, buyers adhere to domestic traditions, according to which the product is attached to the opening of a solid frame through eyes using pins (anchors). But there are other installation techniques. Italian technology involves installing a U-shaped frame into the opening, to which the box is then secured with embedded screws. This type of box often causes concern among domestic buyers due to the lack of thresholds that increase the level of protection of the premises. That is why the so-called Russian-Italian type of box was developed,

Another installation option is an Israeli-type box. When using this technology, a crimp box is installed in the wall, and then poured with concrete. This technique is not applicable in domestic conditions, since it involves building a wall around the box, rather than installing the structure into the wall.

Decorative panels

The cladding allows you to give the door a stylish appearance that harmoniously complements the interior. Today, decorative panels are popular, which are installed on the internal and external surfaces of the product. These are, first of all, inserts made of solid wood, natural or artificial veneer, fiber parallel (a sandwich of several layers of moisture-resistant marine plywood bonded with vinyl glue), wear-resistant vinyl plastic and other materials. Designs with a mirror surface, as well as with stylish glass and aluminum inserts, are popular. External panels of VIP doors are most often made of leather, wood and even semi-precious stones, premium panels - made of combined materials (polished metal, glass), high-quality MDF, mid-price panels - made of laminate, vinyl plastic, thinner and inexpensive MDF.


The rating of steel doors is top domestic producers, such as ESTA, Guardian, Elbor, Arsenal Service Steel, Bastion, BelKa, Columbus, Jaguar-M, Gerda, Optima, etc. Foreign products occupy only 10% of the market. In number foreign companies, offering their goods to Russian buyers, include Belarusian manufacturers “Doors of Belarus”, “Steel Line”, “ Iron house", "Business Metal", Italian Dierre, Albertin, GARDESA, Lediva, Panto, Israeli MAGEN BARIAH, Finnish ALAVUS, etc.

Prices for steel doors

Prices are determined primarily by the quality of the materials used and production technologies.

Economy The lower price range is products priced at 12,000–30,000 rubles. They are manufactured using modern technologies, but their production involves the use of thin steel (1 mm or less), simple stiffeners, a 1st class security lock, and cheap fittings and finishing. Sometimes such products lack insulation.

Business. The price of steel doors in this category is 30,000–60,000 rubles. Such products comply with GOST, consist of two solidly bent steel sheets, have high-quality profiles and stiffeners, 3rd (and higher) burglary resistance class. Locks - not lower than 2nd class security. Most domestic and imported products fall into this category.

Premium Products costing 60,000–120,000 rubles are characterized by 3–5 classes of burglary resistance. The total thickness of the steel sheets is at least 3 mm, the product is equipped with 4th class security locks, a high level of sound insulation, hidden hinges, and additional stiffening ribs. All accessories are of high quality. For exterior finishing natural veneer, fiber parallels, and combined panels are used.

Premium and business class doors are equipped with removable decorative panels that can be easily replaced in case of damage or when changing the interior or exterior.

Which steel doors are best to choose?

The quality and reliability of the door you choose will be determined by a lot of nuances. The best steel doors usually meet the following requirements:

  • They are mounted either by the popular, reliable and time-tested Russian method, or by the modernized Italian method, which involves installing a four-sided frame of the main box. This technology provides increased burglary resistance of the structure and makes it possible to improve its heat and sound insulation properties.
  • Have a total thickness of steel sheets of at least 3 mm.
  • They are made from solid bent steel sheets, forming rigidity profiles along the perimeter of the sheets.
  • Equipped with at least two locking mechanisms: level and cylinder.
  • They have level 3 and higher resistance to burglary.
  • Equipped with sound and heat insulating polystyrene filler and silicone seals.
  • They have a reliable, durable and aesthetic coating with a wide range of finishing options - both in terms of design and in terms of cladding materials.
  • Equipped hidden hinges, armored pads on locks and anti-burglary pins.
  • They have at least one horizontal and two vertical stiffeners.

Thus, in order to choose the right steel door, you need to take into account a number of factors. A potential buyer needs to evaluate not only the appearance of the product, but also the quality of the fittings, security elements and door panels. The optimal solution for residential buildings, apartments and offices are business class products.

Metal door classes− this is one of those concepts that companies that are engaged exclusively in sales and have nothing to do with the production of doors really like to “play on.” Currently on Russian market iron doors are presented in large assortment, and their price range is very wide. At the same time, it is not always clear to the buyer why this or that door costs exactly that much and why they need to overpay if they all look the same in appearance or differ only in finishing. This is where some sellers try to create confusion in the terminology, separating “iron”, “steel” and even “armored” doors into different price categories.

The price of an iron door, depending on many factors (design, finishing, etc.), will, of course, be different. However, you need to know the basics: the frame of any metal door is sheathed with steel sheet. And steel is an alloy of iron and carbon with other elements. Therefore, you should not trust sellers who use synonymous words to divide essentially the same products into different categories.

It would be more correct to pay attention to what classes of metal doors are distinguished GOST 31173-2003, since it is there that it is given technical description steel door blocks. So, according to state standard, the classification of these products includes six characteristics.

Main characteristics


  • external (entrance to the building)
  • internal (entrance to the apartment)


  • frame type
  • number of canvases
  • direction and opening


  • powder
  • array
  • laminate
  • vinyl leather
  • nitro enamel
  • photo panel


  • heat transfer
  • soundproofing
  • waterproof
  • airtightness


  • class M1
  • class M2
  • class M3
Protective properties
  • conventional (simple locks + anti-removal locks)
  • reinforced (not lower than class M2) (+ multi-bolt lock with perimeter locking)
  • protective (class M1 + additional requirements)

Signs of classification of metal doors

1. Purpose

Firstly, appointment: doors can be external (entrance to a building) and internal (entrance to an apartment or room inside a building).

2. Design

Secondly, design. They may differ according to the following criteria:

  • frame type: closed box, U-shaped box, U-shaped box with the possibility of adding a threshold;
  • number of canvases: single-field, double-field, with horizontal or vertical inserts;
  • direction and opening: inward or outward, left or right.

3. Finish

The third sign of door classification is finishing. This is what, perhaps, first of all draws attention to potential buyer. Manufacturers' capabilities offer a wide range of finishing options. In accordance with GOST, they can be divided into painting with paint and varnish or powder compositions and lining with leather, film, wood, metal, glass or a combination of materials.

4. Operation

The next important component is performance. They combine such indicators as heat transfer, sound insulation, water and air tightness. Each of them has three subclasses, which can be combined with each other in different combinations, depending on the design.

5. Durability

The fifth characteristic is also worth paying attention to, because it is this that determines the ability of the entire structure to resist burglary - this is strength. Strength classes M1, M2 or M3 are assigned to the product after passing tests for static, dynamic and impact loads. The class is given based on the worst result of any test.

6. Protection

The last and perhaps most important feature in the official standard classification is protective properties. Despite the appearance and performance characteristics, the main thing that is required from a steel entrance door is to be a reliable barrier against intruders. According to certain characteristics, the product is classified into one of three versions:

  • Normal: when the structure has simple locks and a locking anti-removal device;
  • Reinforced: in addition to the “regular” one, there is a multi-point lock with perimeter locking. Strength not lower than M2;
  • Protective: the same as “reinforced”, but the strength of the product corresponds to M1 and meets the additional requirements of the standard.

Models of metal doors produced by the Doors Pro plant

Classification by price category

However, it is worth noting that from the consumer’s point of view, the classes of metal doors defined by the state standard represent a very complex system. Therefore, the gradation by cost (“economy”, “business”, “elite”) used by manufacturers is quite reasonable. In a certain price category, they combine doors that can combine different characteristics. For example, a door with multi-bolt locks sheathed in thick sheet steel will not necessarily be expensive if you choose simple powder enamel as the finishing material. Conversely, a thin steel sheet lined with hardwood panels in combination with increased sound and thermal insulation will cost more. Although such a product will not have high protective properties.

When choosing a metal door, you should look for a responsible manufacturer who carefully fulfills the requirements of GOST not only in terms of finishing, but also in terms of security and strength. door block. The Doors Pro company has its own production of metal doors, which are made from high-quality steel that meets state standards. A serious attitude to business, compliance with the requirements of GOSTs and OSTs, advanced technologies are the key to the reliability and quality of our products.

The catalog presents doors of various price segments and design options, both standard and individual.

It's no secret that most entrance doors can be either wooden or metal. Both have their pros and cons, you just need to know which ones and base your choice on them. Also, when planning to choose an entrance door, you need to remember that it is from it that the general opinion about the design of the house and the taste preferences of its owners will begin. Here are some tips on how to choose your front door.

The front door should not only be reliable and meet aesthetic qualities

So, what is the purpose of the front door? Of course, it is installed to protect against thieves, break-ins, and uninvited guests - which means its strength and reliability should be in the first place when choosing. Based on such important qualities, you can choose a model that is externally and interior design will complement overall design Houses.

The times when the range of doors was rather “poor” and “modest” are long gone. Today you can simply get lost in the building materials market, but this does not mean: I came, I saw, I bought. The huge selection makes you wonder which model will best suit the design of the house and the area around it, thereby complicating the task even more. This is due to the fact that each person has his own quirks. While some people value quality above all else, putting design last, others do the opposite. For still others, neither quality nor design are important, the main thing is that it is strict and cheap. Wiser and more experienced people try to choose a door that would combine all these qualities in one model. That is why such difficulties arise when choosing.

But the door is not ordinary thing, which you can simply put in the garage, if it doesn’t fit, and buy another one. Its choice does not always depend on the taste and preference of the owner of the house; you will also need to take into account the design features of the house or apartment. So, for example, if the house is large, then the door should correspond to it, which means it should be massive and highly durable, but this option is completely inappropriate in small apartments in high-rise buildings.

The financial side plays an important role in choosing an entrance door. People who own a lot of wealth and have valuable things are likely to want to hide their wealth behind a secure door, so armored models are not a problem for them. Families with average incomes are usually content with more modest options: wooden ones, made of thin metal. If you believe the statistics, today steel models with thermal spraying or lined with MFD are in great demand. Moreover, they are sold in a wide range both in regular and specialized stores, where, in addition to doors, you can order the services of a specialist for their measurements and installation.

Wooden entrance door: pros and cons

If quite recently there were wooden entrance doors in almost every second house, today they are a rarity. And all because the majority considers them only beautiful wooden box, which has a beautiful design, but does not perform the main functions: reliable protection and safety. True, such models have not lost their popularity among buyers who value durability, environmental friendliness and natural beauty. Information on how to choose the right wooden front door will be useful to people who like to surround themselves with natural products.

So what qualities should a wooden front door have? First of all, such a model must have a fully sealed design, a high-quality coating that protects the wood from rot, fungi and other adverse factors.

The quality requirements are as follows:

  • presence of two locks;
  • sound insulation and thermal insulation;
  • correct installation;
  • the box and canvas should not have any deformations or distortions: only the correct shape.

Wooden entrance door designs

Knowing the types of its design will help simplify the task of choosing a wooden door. So they are:

  • from the array;
  • panel;
  • combined panel boards.

Solid wood models are made using several modern technologies. They can be made from solid wood or several solids, pre-glued. When considering these two technologies, most companies tend to choose the second one due to its faster and lower cost production process.

A door made of glued solid wood is distinguished by clearer natural shades and has an attractive and natural appearance. But models made from solid wood are durable. An important role in quality wooden options doors is played by thorough drying of the wood, then the use of high-quality glue, which must correspond temperature conditions and pressure. The finished look of the product is given by the finishing coating, which makes wooden surface beautiful and moisture-repellent.

The type of door construction determines its appearance

When choosing wooden entrance doors, it is very important to know what kind of wood they are made of. High-quality models are usually made from expensive and dense wood species. In addition, you need to remember that the color of the door leaf depends on the shade of the wood. Models made of oak are considered strong, reliable and durable with a pleasant color; in addition, they are distinguished by good soundproofing qualities. Oak is a high-quality wood that can be easily processed and tinted.

Alder has good qualities: doors made from it can be painted well. Most cheap material- this is pine, but products made from it look great.

Solid wood doors will look attractive for a long time only if they are provided with quality care, but not with detergent powders, but by special means tree care. Proper care behind wooden door will ensure the attractiveness of the product for decades. When choosing wooden entrance doors, you need to take into account all the characteristics of the wood used, its properties and natural colors.

Panel, combined panel models - their characteristics

Wooden panel models are second in line in terms of quality. The design of these models is a solid frame, sheathed with solid wood or a hollow panel, lined on both sides.

The construction of models created with a solid shield is carried out in several ways. They are glued together from slats or particle boards. The space that is formed in the hollow board between the slats is filled with corrugated cardboard. There is a structure made of fiberboard. The lining of such doors is made of solid wood valuable species. Their quality is very high, especially since it is very difficult to distinguish them from the original, made from solid natural wood.

Combined design panel doors equipped with insulation, metal sheets as inserts, which provide rigidity and reliability to the frame and canvas.

Depending on the financial condition, preferences for one or another type of wood, you can order a wooden front door, unless, of course, you first learn about the advantages of metal ones.

What to look for when choosing a metal door

You need to prepare in advance for choosing a metal door, because this is a complex and somewhat troublesome matter. Having an idea of ​​what a metal entrance door should be like, you can make a consistent plan for its selection.

First of all, you need to know the exact dimensions. If the canvas does not fit, then the joy of the purchase will turn into great disappointment, since installation and important functions, such as ensuring home safety, largely depend on the size.

Basic requirements for choosing a door:

  • burglary protection. The safety of your home depends on the strength of the door. Of course, it is impossible to check such qualities when purchasing a model; the seller simply will not allow this. But knowing the design of the model you are buying, you can reduce the risk of buying some kind of thin fake. It is important to study the quality of the lock, the complexity of its design;
  • the presence of a peephole on the canvas;
  • door quality guarantee from the manufacturer;
  • presence of thermal insulation and sound insulation;
  • and, of course, design - you always want your opinion about the house to be formed at first glance at the front door.

A high quality steel door must have:

  • the front sheet, which must be solid, since the door, consisting of metal pieces, has welded seams. This model is easier to crack than a solid canvas;
  • an important role is played by platbands, which hide the resulting distance between the opening and the door frame. Their absence allows you to open the door in a matter of seconds;
  • the presence of a vestibule will additionally protect against a thief wielding a mount.

The transverse stiffening ribs wear out over time, as the top insulation falls off the doors, which greatly reduces the quality of sound insulation and noise insulation. Therefore, a careful study of thermal insulation qualities, which depend on sound insulation properties, is very important. The seller himself can help with this, just ask him about it.

It is simply impossible to check the durability of a door in a store. After all, no one will allow anyone to knock or hit the door, since such actions can damage the appearance of the model. But resistance can be determined by visual inspection. For example, if the outer metal sheet is less than one and a half millimeters thick, then the door will not stand the test of time, and even a dull knife can damage it. The outer sheet must have 2 mm or more; only such models can ensure the safety of the house.

“You need to measure the thickness of the sheet” is very simple to say, but who goes to the store with a tape measure or ruler? - only real master builders; ordinary buyers only have a wallet nearby. If not necessary equipment for measurements, you can use another method to check the thickness of the metal. For example, find out its weight by eye. To do this, you just need to open and close the door. The heaviness of the metal sheet can be felt immediately, which means it is of high quality and has the required thickness. A light, barely weighty door indicates that the material used to make it is either of poor quality or a thin metal sheet.

Locks. It is better if the door has two locks, that is, a cylinder and a lever. Only a professional can hack this model. high class, and even then with great difficulty. It is also desirable that it have various locking fixations and internal hinges, which will make it difficult to cut off the hinges in the event of a break-in. But the hinges in the door are not the main thing; the lock is what you need to pay attention to in the metal version.

Why do we need sound insulation and thermal insulation?

Entrance design options doorway two types of doors - metal and wood - have become a thing of the past. If the steel model was supposed to protect against thieves, then the wooden one provided warmth in the house. Today, most people use only one door, which combines the qualities of security and thermal insulation, and even has sound insulation.

Modern models of metal doors have many advantages:

  • they are equipped with a high-quality seal along the entire perimeter of the door leaf, two contours. Expensive material, frames made from profiles, are used as a seal;
  • thanks to the thick ones decorative panels no extraneous noise from the street or entrance leaks into the apartment;
  • the metal door leaf inside is filled with mineral wool and polystyrene foam, which prevent noise from entering the house when slamming;
  • sealing the gap during installation is done very efficiently using cement or concrete.

Appearance and Design

The design of the door largely depends on the taste of the buyer, while it plays an important role in the design of the overall interior of the house.

Usually used for finishing various materials: for upholstery, pasting, improving the quality of thermal insulation and sound insulation, beautiful design. For example, some options are upholstered with leatherette, others with vinyl leatherette, and others with natural leather. wood panels, plywood, plastic, MFD.

Before deciding which door to choose, you need to remember that it appearance The overall design of the hallway and the outside of the house will depend. The door should not only emphasize the beauty and attractiveness of the room at the entrance, but be its complement, combined with the style of the house.

When choosing, it is important not to forget to pay attention to the quality of the fittings and its design, because it gives the door a special elegance and chic. A model with high-quality fittings will be remembered for a long time and will leave a pleasant impression.

Practicality. This is also important. Who wants to wash or clean the front door every other day? Therefore, when choosing it, you need to pay attention to the upholstery material used. It should be of high quality, but not very demanding to maintain.


There should be two locks, as mentioned above - this will increase confidence in reliable protection Houses. It is advisable that the lock manufacturers be different, since this way the lock designs will be different and it will take a burglar a lot of time to decipher their design. It is better to abandon the latch lock, it can fail even the owner of the house at any time, then you will have to break the door yourself.

You should always be responsible when choosing a lock

Since high-quality locks are very expensive, you can buy one of the main expensive ones and the other of a simpler design. The best combination would be cylinder and lever lock. Make it harder to hack cylinder lock possible with the help of an armor plate. In addition, when choosing a lock, you must remember that more quality models produced by imported manufacturers. They are distinguished by high quality and several billion key combinations.

The latch is a reliable and simple lock that is almost impossible to crack. One option for hacking is to use an angle grinder. True, thieves are not fools to make so much noise. The latch is also convenient if an emergency occurs in the house, for example, an accidental fire. In this case, residents will easily and without obstacles run out of the house, while imported locks become deformed and destroyed when exposed to high heat, and therefore jam.

The latch may have a mortise or overlay design, but when correct installation the difference between them is almost invisible.

Bottom line

So, the front door can be wooden or metal. If everything is clear with a wooden door, its choice depends on the quality of the wood, the painting material, the drying of the wood and the design, then the material relative to the metal door should be fixed.

A metal entrance door must have the following qualities:

  • no distortions or deformations. Only perfect geometric design will be durable and reliable;
  • locks - two pieces - crab or lever and cylinder - of a high-quality imported manufacturer;
  • the presence of sound insulation and thermal insulation in the door leaf;
  • only high-quality and correct installation;
  • external finishing must be done quality materials, and the design complements the interior interior space and decorate the stairs or landing leading into the house.

Regardless of which door you choose: wooden or steel, it must meet quality standards, taste preferences and wishes of the owners living in the house.