What icons should you have at home: photos and names. What icons should be at home

IN Orthodox tradition Icon painting and the veneration of holy images occupy a special position. As you know, in Catholicism there are slightly different images that are more like paintings, and some other branches of Christianity do not accept revered images at all. Nevertheless, an Orthodox believer needs to know which icons must be in the house, why and where these images should be placed.

Before you start reviewing different images, some fundamental details need to be determined. Many believers understand them, but repeating and emphasizing them will be very useful:

Therefore, when choosing where icons should be placed in an apartment, you should focus primarily on the personal connection with each image. You need to realize the value of a particular icon for your own religious practice. At the same time, of course, there is a minimum that every believer is advised to have.

When choosing images, you need to understand why they are needed - for prayer. They are not a decoration of the house or anything like that, because for an Orthodox, a house is also a temple, and prayer can be common, that is, in the temple, and in the cell, that is, at home. It is precisely in order to always have the opportunity to pray privately that home altars are created.

The previously noted minimum includes only two icons: Christ and the Virgin Mary. Although, if there is no such possibility, then even just one is enough, because each of these options represents the whole essence of the Orthodox faith.

In general, the altar may look something like this (although you can limit yourself to only the main icons):

Some choose an additional set based on their own activities and preferences. For example, people who are associated with military professions or something similar prefer St. George the Victorious, and those who practice medicine revere Panteleimon the Healer.

As a rule, the space where the home iconostasis stands is called the red corner and represents the most revered part of the house. For an Orthodox Christian, a home is also a semblance of a temple, and the home iconostasis symbolizes the temple altar, where the most basic images for veneration must be placed. Located small space on the eastern side of the house, a southeast location is also acceptable, since houses are not always oriented exactly to the cardinal points.

The next aspect is how to arrange and hang icons on the altar and in other parts of the home. If we are talking about a home iconostasis, then you need to consider the following:

  1. You can put images on a special shelf or assign a separate part of the furniture for this purpose. But the space always needs to be somehow isolated: there is no need to place anything else there other than icons and other elements of religious worship.
  2. The icons need to be located approximately at eye level or higher, so that when praying it is convenient to stand in front of the images and nothing else is located in the field of view.
  3. The iconostasis must always be kept clean, each image must be preserved in its proper form.

The importance of caring should be emphasized. The icon is kept clean, wiped down in every possible way and revered not because of the value of the piece of wood (or other material) itself, on which some set of stains is visible different color. Careful attitude towards the icon emphasizes high value depicted and conveyed meaning, like how a window is washed and kept in optimal conditions so that the landscape behind it can be seen.

Apart from the iconostasis, it is difficult to say where else the icons should be located in the house. The use of additional images is purely optional. The choice depends on the preferences and capabilities of the believer himself, but there are quite reasonably explainable limitations. Icons should not be hung:

  • in the toilet and bathroom;
  • in the kitchen directly above the stove or where the image may become smoky;
  • above the TV, in the sideboard and where the environment is purely mundane and related to everyday activities, entertainment or the like.

The point is to show respect and be reasonable. Although the icon may be located in different parts at home, one should not mix the worldly and the heavenly. This attitude is quite reasonable for cultivating your own faith.

When it comes to how to properly hang icons in an apartment, many initially pay attention to the hallway. Indeed, there is a tradition of hanging protective images opposite the front door or above it, but these images should not be considered exactly amulets. They are designed to, for example, make a short prayer before leaving home or Once again remember the Lord:

To properly hang icons in the kitchen at home, you need to place them away from the stove and not stack them on top of each other. It would be quite correct to have the Last Supper, the Virgin Mary and the Savior in the kitchen. They can also hang in the bedroom: if the spouses live in harmony and in accordance with faith, there is nothing reprehensible in this.

In children's rooms it is customary to hang dimensional icons, Guardian Angels and named saints. For a girl, the Unfading Blossom or the Trifling One may be useful (although this image is not considered canonical), as well as female saints. For boys - male saints and great martyrs, such as St. George the Victorious.

In the home of every Orthodox Christian there must be an icon of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Cross. This is the main icon for each of us.

It is also good to have an icon in your home iconostasis Holy Mother of God and saints revered in the family - the patrons of those who live in the house and those to whom they often pray. You should not have too many icons; in your home iconostasis it is better to have icons of those to whom you regularly pray.

There is no need to put photographs of loved ones - living or dead - in the iconostasis.

BOOK by Archpriest Sergius Nikolaev about HOME ICONOSTASIS

The material world that surrounds us, the world of objects - daily witnesses of our life - is not silent. A person’s home will tell about the owner, perhaps more than the owner himself. And if an Orthodox person on the street, on a bus, in a store does not stand out in any way outwardly, then his home still has its own characteristics. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to talk about the aesthetics of an Orthodox home.

The parish priest often visits the homes of his parishioners. He is called upon to bless the apartment, serve a prayer service at home, and is invited to perform the sacrament of consecration of oil (unction) to the sick person. During such visits, I always pay attention to what place is allocated to household icons, how they are kept, whether there are lamps or a candlestick in front of them. Is there a Gospel or spiritual books in the house?

It is a joy to encounter a beautifully decorated, kept clean, living holy corner with icons, a lamp lit in front of them, a clean veil under the images. How much love there is in such care! Yes, this is natural. The most precious thing for us is God. That is why images of the Savior, His Most Pure Mother, and saints of God are dear to us - holy icons.

But it’s a pity for the owner or mistress of a house where a warped paper image the size of half a palm, covered with dust, leans forlornly from a chest of drawers or sideboards, leaning against a random vase.

Sometimes, especially in those families where the Orthodox church tradition was somehow interrupted, believers and completely pious owners do not know how best to arrange new holy icons, lamps, and candlesticks for their home. After all, an icon is a shrine, but it is also a product that has its own shape, appearance, and price. How to “fit” it into the current familiar environment?

Where to hang an icon in an apartment?

Previously, all the decoration of a peasant's upper room came from the red, or holy corner with icons. Even the name “upper room” itself probably comes from a mountain place (in Russian - heavenly, upper), that is, the place where part of the sky is located - holy icons. And today it is better to define something convenient for icons, a nice place in an empty corner or on a wall, even if this requires some rearranging.

During prayer or on holidays, a lamp or candle is lit in front of the icons. The flame of a burning lamp, rushing upward, is a symbol of our prayer, our burning towards God. You can see that the lamp is safer in everyday life. But still, for special occasions or special occasions, it is good to have a candlestick and candles in the house. Lamps come in several types: hanging and standing. The owner of the house, based on aesthetics and convenience, can choose one or the other.

It is customary to place the icon not directly on the shelf, but on a small beautiful napkin, or, as it is called, a shroud. It can be decorated with embroidery, lace, frill. Here the imagination, taste and skill of the housewife can fully express themselves.

If there is no free corner or convenient part of the wall and at the same time it is a pity to disturb the existing interior, then the icons can be placed on a bookshelf, chest of drawers, low sideboard, piano. Temporarily, of course. In this case, you should pay attention to what books are on the shelf, whether they are completely combined with the shrine standing above them. Maybe it would be better to remove them or at least cover them with something. Look to see if there are porcelain dogs, gift cups or other household decorations that are not very necessary here next to the icons. The TV also looks ridiculous under the icons. And one more condition: nothing is placed above the icons. Clocks, paintings, photographs and other decorative elements should take place somewhat to the side. So once upon a time it was not allowed to build a building higher than a temple in close proximity to it.

The presence of a shrine in a house obliges the owners to take care not only of the external splendor of the interior, but also of the internal contents, that is, it moves them towards piety. Be sure to check whether everything in your house is in accordance with the shrine and whether there are any contradictions.

In the “Ancient Patericon” you can read an incident that happened to one hermit. Once during prayer the monk saw Holy Virgin standing on the threshold of his cell. She seemed to be about to enter, but then she moved away and disappeared. The vision was repeated, and the saddened hermit turned to the Mother of God: “Mistress, why don’t you want to enter my home?” To which the Mother of God answered: “How can I enter where my enemy is.” The hermit pondered for a long time over the words of the Most Pure Virgin and remembered that in his cell, among the books, there was a book with the works of a certain heretic, which the monk forgot to give to the owner. Immediately the hermit took the book out of the cell.

If the family is friendly, then such “enemies”, after discussion at the family council, can also be taken out of the house. And almost everyone has them. In this regard, I remember two cases. Last year they invited me to serve a prayer service in one house, where, according to the owners, it was “not good.” Despite the fact that the house was consecrated, some kind of oppression was felt in it. Walking around the rooms with holy water, I noticed the room of the young men, the sons of the owner, where an artistically executed poster dedicated to a famous rock band hung on the wall. Moreover, it is known for its satanic orientation.

After the prayer service, over tea, I carefully, knowing about the fanatical devotion of some young people to their idols, tried to explain that “bad things” in the house could well come from even such posters, that such images seemed to be trying to resist the shrine. The young man stood up silently and removed the painting in question from the wall. The choice was made right there.

But in another house, the indecisiveness of the owners deprived them of a wonderful shrine. A pious old woman gave one person a beautiful icon - “The Appearance of the Mother of God, St. Sergius of Radonezh.” The icon was beautiful in itself, and besides, it was painted and presented to its owner by a famous hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, which gave it some specialness. The new owner found a place for the precious shrine on the wall in the living room, but, unfortunately, three engravings hung opposite. Old engravings in beautiful frames, three female portraits: Venus, Leda and Cleopatra. Relatives persuaded the owners to remove these three images of the world's harlots so that they would not hang in front of the Virgin Mary, but the reluctance to destroy the interior and the not entirely correctly perceived concept of culture did not allow them to make the right choice.

The next morning, early, as early as decency allows, there was a phone call: the pious old woman begged for the icon to be returned to her and returned as soon as possible. “I didn’t sleep all night, it seemed to me that something had happened to my icon. I will give you another one, and bring this one to me, I will give it to you later,” she asked. Of course, the shrine returned to its former owner, and lovers of ancient engravings received another icon as a gift. It was placed in another room on a shelf among other icons, since it was more suitable in size and design there. I don’t know whether Lyubov Timofeevna chose a replacement by accident or on purpose. This was also an image of the Mother of God, it was called “Mammal.” Perhaps there was a hint here about the spiritual age of her friends? True, the lesson was not in vain; after a while, three landscapes took the place of dubious portraits.

Where to hang the icon?

Sometimes the question arises: there are several rooms in the house, where is it more appropriate to place icons? There is no special rule. But you pray more often in the room in which you sleep. In addition, prayer requires some solitude. “When you pray, go into your room and, having shut your door, pray to your Father. Which is in secret…” (Matthew 6:6), we read in the Gospel. This means that it is wise to have icons in the bedroom, in front of which you will read the morning and evening prayers.

If you have a children's room, then there must be an icon in it. A child often turns to “God” in his own, childish way; it’s good if he can see the image. In addition, any holy icon is miraculous, and it will miraculously protect your child.

Remember that in common room The whole family gathers, a common meal often takes place here, and the holy image should also be located here. Don't forget about the kitchen. The hostess spends time in it most time. The kitchen is the place for everyday breakfasts and dinners. It is better to say a prayer before eating food, turning your gaze to the icon. So, let there be icons in every room and in the kitchen. “...I wish that men would say prayers in every place, lifting up clean hands without anger or doubt” (1 Tim. 2:8), says the Apostle. “Every place...”

What icons must be in the house?

There is one more question. What icons are best to have at home? There is also no rule here, but only a pious tradition. Most of our prayers are addressed to the Savior and the Mother of God. It is reasonable to have an image of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Most Pure Mother at home.

In a Russian Orthodox home, you will most often find a triptych: the Savior, the Virgin Mary and St. Nicholas. The veneration of St. Nicholas in Russia is so widespread that hardly any saint can compare in this sense with the Wonderworker of Myra. The reason for this is simple: as you know, people don’t go to a dry well for water. Saint Nicholas is loved and revered by us as a quick helper, intercessor and great wonderworker. Almost every family has experience of his miraculous help.

Godly people usually have an image of themselves heavenly patron whose name they bear. Sometimes this or that saint of God turns out to be somewhat close to us. We find in his life some character trait that is close to us or that we love, we are admired by some deed or miracle created through “his prayer. There is a desire to have an image of this saint at home. Of course, prayer in front of him will be especially heartfelt. Our patriotic dispensation, love for the Fatherland can express itself in special veneration and warm prayer before the images St. Sergius Radonezhsky, St. Seraphim Sarovsky, Righteous John of Kronstadt, Righteous Princes Alexander Nevsky, Daniil of Moscow and Demetrius Donskoy. Love for Russia is inseparable from love for miraculous icons Intercessors of the Zealous Mother of God, through whom so many miracles have occurred on our land. These are the icons of Vladimir, Kazan, Tikhvin, Derzhavnaya and many others.

The Feasts of the Lord and the Mother of God are also depicted on icons. You can have at home an icon of the Presentation, Annunciation, Baptism, and the Protection of the Mother of God.

Take a closer look at the “Nativity of Christ” icon. What a quiet, peaceful, family-like image. God the Child and the Mother and Betrothed, looking at the Little One in quiet tenderness; shepherds worshiping the Savior with the fear and joy of a simple and faithful heart; wise men-magi who brought gifts-symbols, a sign that earthly wisdom is just a part of heavenly wisdom. Peaceful night, and above everything Star of Bethlehem. How many thoughts and prayers will be born next to this icon.

And look at the image “The Entry of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple.” The parents brought their only, long-awaited, beloved child to the temple in order to leave him there. The girl is only three years old. How sweet the little ones are at this time, how pure and innocent! How the mere sight of them caresses a parent’s heart! But where is the best place to preserve and strengthen this purity? In the temple. Joachim and Anna gave Mary to be raised in the temple. Look, parents, your child must honor the Law of God, and your child must be in church. Looking at this image of parental feat and hope in God, pray for your children and think about your responsibilities.

We will find how much we need for our soul by looking at the icon “The Presentation of the Lord.” Meeting, in Slavic, meeting, that is, the meeting of the Savior and Elder Simeon. What wonderful words were spoken by the God-Receiver Simeon, receiving the Infant Jesus in his arms: “Now, Master, you are letting Your servant go in peace, according to Your word” (Luke 2:29). Because it was revealed to the righteous old man that he would not die until he saw Christ the Savior. And when we meet the Lord, whether in prayer, in His temple, in reading Holy Scripture, at the relics of His holy saints, we also part with earthly things, temporarily dying to the worries and sorrows of this life. “Now You are releasing Your servant, O Master...”

Why don't you have the image of the Life-Giving Trinity: three Angels sitting at a meal - a symbol of endless love and unity.

What a consolation for Orthodox man to see the omophorion of the Mother of God stretched out over the world on the icon of the feast of the Intercession of the Mother of God. Do not despair, man, and over you is the protection of the Diligent Intercessor.

Nowadays you can buy different icons. Any consecrated image is a shrine. And a paper lithograph, and a reproduction of an icon painter, and an old family image, and a rarity purchased in an antique store - all this is an icon. Of course, it’s nice to have a highly artistic image painted by a competent specialist isographer; today you can buy these in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, St. Daniel’s Monastery in Moscow, where they have their own art workshops. It’s great if you have old family icons at home. But modern reproduction should not be neglected. In Crimea, in Livadia, in the imperial palace in the office of Emperor Nicholas II, a very religious and pious man, the walls are literally filled with icons. Antique, precious icons, and next to them simple “village” letters, and here and there lithographs and photographs. And all these shrines - both dear and modest - met the prayerful gaze of the holy man who stood with a tender heart in front of them. It seems that the point here is not only about what icon is in front of us, but also about ourselves. I had to see indifferent empty faces both in front of the icon of the Mother of God of Vladimir, and in front of the Trinity of Andrei Rublev’s letters. “The kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:21), said the Savior.

I would like to wish you that holy icons will often appear before your eyes, moving you to prayer and contemplation of God, lifting you above the vanity of the world, calming passions and healing illnesses. Amen.


Icons in our house. About prayer. About alms. - M.: Danilovsky blagovestnik, 1997.- 48 p. - (Series “For advice from the priest”).

What icons must be in the house?

Among a number of sacred objects of faith for Christians, one of the main places is occupied by icons - specially painted images of the Holy Trinity, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Heavenly Powers and saints. It is with the help of icons, through them, that Christians turn in their prayers to those who are depicted on them.

A little history

Icon veneration is the oldest Christian tradition, appearing almost simultaneously with the birth of the Church. In the first centuries of Christianity, the faces of Christ, the Mother of God or saints were painted on the walls of the first prayer rooms, in particular the catacombs; almost at the same time, images began to be created on wooden boards. According to legend, the first icon painter was the holy evangelist and apostle Luke, who painted, in particular, many images of the Mother of God.

Reverence Orthodox icons passed the test of strength in a series of disputes and even bans by iconoclasts. Nevertheless, the Church defended the right of believers to venerate sacred images, which was finally recorded at the VII Ecumenical Council in 787 in Nicaea. Since then, icons have been the most important sacred attribute of faith in everyone’s life. Orthodox Christian. That is why they must be present not only in churches and monasteries, but also in the home of every believer.

What icons should you have at home?

In this regard, the question often arises: what icons should you have at home? In answer to this, it is worth noting that Orthodox Church has never regulated how many and what holy images should be in a Christian’s home. At the same time, the Church in every possible way welcomes and supports the desire of believers to have a variety of sacred images in their homes. Thus, the obligatory icons in a house or apartment are, rather, those to which believers traditionally and most often turn in their prayers.

As a rule, most icons (especially the most revered) are placed in the house in the so-called “ red corner» - a specially equipped place facing east or southeast. Along with this, any of the icons can hang in another place in the believer’s home, where it is also convenient to pray in front of it.

What icons should be in the house: photos and names

Icon "Lord Pantocrator"

One of the main types of icons in Orthodoxy, which depicts the Lord Jesus Christ - the Almighty of all things. On such icons, the Savior blesses with his right hand, and holds the open Gospel in his left. As a rule, such an icon is in every house where Orthodox believers live. They hang it in the very center of the “red corner” or in any other particularly revered place.

Icon of the Mother of God with the Infant Christ (for example, “Kazan”)

Sacred images depicting the Most Holy Theotokos with the Infant Christ in her arms are another of the most important and favorite types of icons among Orthodox Christians. In fact, the Mother of God icons great amount. However, even among them, undoubtedly, absolutely all of them are revered, there are those who are especially revered by believers. For example, traditionally such images include: the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, Vladimir icon Mother of God, image of the Blessed Virgin Mary “Seven Arrows”. Icons of the Mother of God also occupy one of the main places in the “red corner” in Christian homes.

Icon “Holy Trinity” (Old Testament)

Speaking about what icons should be in the house, it is important to mention the image of the Holy Trinity (Old Testament). This icon depicts Holy Trinity in the form of three Angels, in the form of which she appeared to the Old Testament righteous man Abraham. In this form, the Trinity was revealed to Abraham for the reason that it is impossible for man to see God in its true form, in its essence. That is why God the Father and God the Holy Spirit are always depicted in the form of symbols, images, but God the Son as He Himself appeared to people - incarnate in human nature, Savior Jesus Christ. However, due to the fact that during the life of Abraham, God the Son had not yet become incarnate, the Trinity appeared to the righteous man in the form of Angels.

According to tradition, the “Holy Trinity” icon is also placed in the “red corner” or in some other prominent place.

Icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker or Nicholas the Pleasant is one of the most revered and beloved saints in Orthodoxy. It is especially popular in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. That is why his iconographic image is also often present in the homes of believers as a must. And this is no coincidence, since Saint Nicholas is not only a well-known defender of Orthodoxy, but also an ambulance in those requests and needs with which Christians turn to him. The icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant should also stand in the “red corner”, or in another particularly revered and worthy place at home.

Having gotten married and given birth to children, I began to increasingly ask myself the question of what kind of icon should be in the house in order to protect all family members and protect them from possible influence from unkind people. This is what I was able to learn and put into practice. I hope my experience will be useful to beginning Christians.

Any icon is a prototype of a saint and is worthy of being in the family. However, among the many available today, there are some that cannot be avoided. These are several icons, a list and photos of which are presented below. It is not necessary to have a large number of them in your home iconostasis. It’s good when those to whom a person most often turns are represented.

Image of Jesus Christ

A place of honor is allocated for this icon. She should be, as it were, dominant. Prayers to her protect against illness or help in the fight against a serious illness. If this is an image of the crucified Lord, then it helps to calm down in difficult situations, suggests the right decision, guides you from deeds and protects you from unworthy actions.

Ideally hung in the eastern part of the house or apartment, if the layout of the home allows it. If this is not possible, it is better to choose a place where it will be more convenient to pray and no one will disturb you.

Icons with the face of the Virgin Mary

A must have in every family. It is known that there are many images of the Mother of God in Orthodoxy. Each of them has its own strength and is endowed special significance. Some serve to protect the home, others heal, others console and support the strength of the weak and despairing.

Seven-shot icon of the Mother of God

It is believed that it protects the house from evil guests and evil spirits. It is a good protection against internal family scandals, protects against evil tongues, and thieves are afraid of it. For this purpose, a place is chosen for her closer to the main entrance, sometimes right above the door, so that whoever enters the home immediately finds himself in front of the face.

Everlasting color

Guardian of youth and beauty. It often helps to preserve love and good relationships. Helps not to lose hope and will relieve you from destructive temptations. They are located where it is convenient.

Inexhaustible Chalice

If there are alcoholics or other addicts in the family bad habits, then this image is simply necessary. They pray to him when they want to get rid of their bad inclinations or want to help their loved one or loved one in this.

Icon of St. Nikolai Ugodnik

Almost always present next to the image of the Savior. People turn to him when they find themselves in a difficult life story or become seriously ill.

If they need to make some important decision for themselves, or if they are completely desperate, they also send their prayers to the Miracle Worker.

Face with the image of the Holy Trinity

The icon gives peace to the home and family. Provides assistance in difficult situations. It is advisable to place it at the head or in the eastern corner of the room.

If negativity overcomes, and heavy thoughts do not leave a person, then it is worth praying to the Trinity. This gets rid of bad mood and cleanses from sins.

Orthodox icons for different places

The reality is that today housing consists of several rooms. In any case, there is always a kitchen and a hallway, even if the apartment is very small. There are images that will be appropriate both where children live and where a person works or rests.

Icons for children's

To protect the child, a measuring icon is usually hung at the head of the bed. If there is none, a personalized one is selected. It is also appropriate to place an icon of the Guardian Angel, the faces of Jesus and the Virgin Mary.

They are located as usual. If you can’t hang it or put it up, you can buy a folding one and pray in front of it as needed with your children.


The place where the guest first steps. Unfortunately, people do not always visit with good thoughts, which is why some icons are placed at the entrance:

  • Semistrelnaya
  • Protection of the Virgin Mary
  • The Holy Trinity
  • Tver Mother of God

They help to ward off the negativity coming from an evil guest, soften the heart and ennoble thoughts. You shouldn’t hang everything with images; it’s better to choose the strongest ones.


Some believe that hanging icons here is a sin. In fact, this is a fallacy. The Lord is always favorable to love and legal marriage. It would be appropriate to place images of St. Peter and Fevronia, Panteleimon the healer, Nikolai Ugodnik.

The location is chosen so that it is convenient to send your prayers, looking at the icons, or at the head of the bed. If the child also sleeps in this place, then a personalized icon is selected for him or the one that was presented at the birth of the baby.

Living room

The place where all family members gather, therefore, it is advisable to have an image of the Lord Almighty here, first of all. The Kazan Mother of God is also recommended.

The face of Jesus must be with right side, and the Mother of God - on the left. If both believers and atheists live in a family, then a secluded corner is set aside for prayer.


Sometimes believers want to have icons before their eyes during their activities. After all, all sorts of difficulties can arise during work. You can take a short break and pray without leaving your office.

You need to choose an icon according to the type of your activity. Here short list for adults and students.

  • For bosses, bosses, leaders - the Lord Almighty.
  • For protection from envious colleagues and ill-wishers-competitors - Semistrelnaya.
  • For those who are looking for work or have been rocking for a long time - faithful assistant Spyridon of Trimifuntsky.
  • An icon of St. would be appropriate in a doctor’s office. Panteleimon.

For pupils and students you can put on desk small icon Key of Understanding.

In all cases, you can turn to personalized icons, the main thing is that the prayer comes from the heart and without guile.

Hello! An icon is an image of the Savior, His saints and the Mother of God. Performing prayers in front of them, Orthodox people express respect to the One who is represented on them. Images are amulets of our home. In this article you will learn what icons should be in the house.

Icon - a lucky amulet

Through us we turn to God himself or to the Saints who intercede for us before the Creator. Sincere is able to protect our home, help every person, bring peace, happiness, and prosperity to the family.

In which corner should the images be placed? At all times in temples they were always located in the eastern part. In Christian houses, revered faces were also assigned the eastern corner and the wall nearby. IN modern houses the corner facing East can be occupied by a TV or computer. This means that the images should be given a place where nothing will distract you from prayer, where it is convenient to bow.

If it is not possible to place several, then the images of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary should be given the most honorable place. They ask the Mother of God for health to the whole family, a kind, hard-working spouse, and the birth of children.

By praying before the image of the Savior, we save the family from all kinds of diseases. Icon showing crucified Jesus s, protects from difficult trials, supports in difficult times. The image of Jesus Christ and the crucifixion should be given the most honorable place in an apartment or house. The cross is placed above all images as a symbol of victory over the enemy.

Icons for home prayer

Every Christian should know icons for the home and their meaning. Every believer should also have an image in his home Holy Trinity, Guardian Angel, , saints named after household members and those saints whom the whole family honors.

The image that shows The Holy Trinity, will bring peace and love to the family, will help in difficult times, will cleanse you from sins, and will remove a painful mood. This icon is the protector of home and person. Place it in a corner facing East or at the head.

Prayer before face Nicholas the Wonderworker will help solve complex problems and heal from serious illnesses.

Many Orthodox Christians want to have an image - Seven Shore Mother of God. Where to hang the Seven Shots icon?

This home amulet is most often placed above the door leading to main room or opposite the entrance. It will protect not only from enemies and thieves, but also from gossip and scandals.

The most popular is image of a Guardian Angel. He will definitely protect the person who bears his name. You can turn to him with all your hardships, ask for healing, salvation from sins. You can put it on a shrine in the room where the person who bears his name lives.

House fire icon - Burning bush Every caring owner should have it.

Appeal to Matrona of Moscow

There is one in almost every home. And this is no coincidence! The Holy Elder helps in all the needs that a person can experience.

Where to hang the Matrona icon? The main rule is that it should stand in the eastern corner on a shelf in front of a burning lamp, and not hang.

  • The image should be located opposite the entrance right hand;
  • When entering a room, a person should see exactly this image;
  • Only church books or objects can be placed near the image.

There is a special day when prayer to Matronushka has great power. This is the day of remembrance of the saint - May 2.

Home prayer

How to pray at home in front of an icon? Prayer at home is almost no different from prayer in church.

The only difference is that at home you can remember people of any religion. In church it is customary to pray mentally, and at home - out loud. You must begin prayer fully dressed. Women must wear a headscarf, dress or skirt.

Prayers can be short, in your own words or written in the Prayer Book. Long prayers are reserved for priests.

Your Prayer Book should include:

  • morning and evening prayers;
  • daytime (before the start and end of any task, before and after eating food, etc.);
  • canons by day of the week and “Canon of repentance to our Lord Jesus Christ”;
  • Akathists (“To Our Sweetest Lord Jesus Christ”, “To the Most Holy Theotokos”, etc.);
  • “Following to Holy Communion...” and prayers read after it.

In addition to the Prayer Book Every believer should have a “Psalter”. You need to read 150 psalms in a week. But to read the Psalter, you should take a blessing from the priest.

How much should you pray? This is determined by the person himself. If you don’t have the strength or time, then be sure to read “Our Father” in the morning, “Have mercy on me, O God...” (the fiftieth psalm) and the “Creed”, and in the evening - the prayer of St. John Chrysostom, “May God rise again...” and “Confession of sins every day.” It is imperative to read prayer words before and after meals. If you can't read while standing, sit down and pray.

At home you must pray in complete silence, in front of icons, with deep bows to the waist or on your knees, making the sign of the cross. The prayer word through strength, if there is no strength, will also be heard.

Where to place images

In the kitchen it is customary to place an icon with the image last supper. By praying in front of her you receive a blessing for cooking. In addition, it brings peace to the believer who suffers from a strong fall.

You can place other icons in the kitchen: Mother of God, Savior, Holy Trinity. The kitchen is the place where the whole family gathers. In each Orthodox family It is customary to read short prayers before and after meals, so there should be at least a small iconostasis.

Can be placed above the table face of Euphrosynus of Palestine. This saint visited heaven alive. He selflessly distributed food to all those in need. Before eating, you can also offer a prayer to this saint, then your food will become much healthier. The saint will bless the food on the table.

An icon must hang in the living room, protecting the house and the whole family. This could be ь Kazan Mother of God or face of the Lord Almighty. The face with the Lord is located on the right, and the Most Holy Theotokos is on the left.

What icons can be placed in the hallway

Every day, leaving your home, you find yourself in a world of deception and various temptations. Before leaving, you need to pray to the heavenly protector, ask him to guide family members to good people, made the journey easy and safe. When you return home, thank the Saint for his intercession. Hang over entrance doors such images of saints:

  • Image of the Intercession;
  • Iveron Blessed Virgin Mary;
  • Holy Trinity.

Choose an image that everyone in the household honors.

Icons for the bedroom

If a husband and wife live in a legal marriage and got married in a church, then it is recommended to hang the icon:

  • Mother of God
  • Jesus Christ
  • Healer Panteleimon
  • Nikolai Ugodnik
  • Spyridon of Trimifuntsky
  • Named images of saints
  • Peter and Fevronia - patrons of family happiness

For images, select a corner in the window where you can place a lamp together with the icons, church candles.

Iconostasis for children's

So that children learn to pray, ask the Lord and the saints for help, arrange the following faces:

  • Savior and Mother of God
  • Icon with image
  • Nominal icon or measured. The measuring icon is ordered according to the height of the baby when he is born.
  • The personalized icon must contain the face of a saint named after the child. How to hang icons? Can be placed on the wall or at the headboard. The saint will preserve the health, peace and sleep of the child. The image of the Last Supper will also protect the peace of your baby.

Images in the office for work

Amulet from envious people can be placed on the desktop. But the saint will help protect himself not only from envious people. If difficulties arise, inspiration disappears, you need to turn to the Saint, taking into account labor activity or put a face with the image of the Patriarch.

List with professions and their patrons:

  • To a sales worker The Face of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker will bring good luck.
  • Drivers, sailors you should have icons of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Sovereign Mother of God. They will bring good luck and help improve your financial situation.
  • Medical staff An icon with Luka Krymsky will protect you at work.
  • Researcher, teacher patronized by the Mother of God of Kaluga.
  • Make a board government employee The just and wise will be helped by an icon depicting the Mother of God Economissa.
  • Postal worker And diplomat Archangel Gabriel will protect.
  • All professions related to creativity, will bring material well-being, make a successful career mother of God Blessed Heaven.

Answers on questions

Is it possible to take icons from the house of the deceased? Yes, you can! Place them side by side in your shrine. They should not be left in a collapsing house. Most often they are inherited.

The icon fell, what is it for? The Church does not recognize any superstitions. Strengthen it and don't think about anything. It was just poorly staged. Pick her up, kiss her, say a prayer, ask for forgiveness.

If images begin to fall very often, then invite a priest to consecrate your house.

Where you can't make a shrine

Where should you not hang icons?

  1. Cannot be kept in the toilet or bathroom.
  2. Do not place it near any electronic equipment. These items will distract you from prayer, even when turned off.
  3. It is not recommended to place the goddess near the dressing table, or where there are toys, figurines, or non-ecclesiastical books.