What was Hitler's middle name? Adolf Hitler: biography, interesting facts, video

29 Jun

Adolf Hitler

In this article you will learn:

The name of the well-known dictator of the 20th century is still on everyone’s lips. His personality interests many. Despite the fact that hundreds of thousands of people died through his fault, the most famous tyrant of the last century is forever etched in the memory of millions. Read a short biography of Adolf Hitler.

Sieg Adolf


Adolf Hitler was born on April 20 in the village of Ranshofen, which was located in the Austro-Hungarian state. His father was an official, and his mother did household chores and looked after the children. By the way, there is an interesting fact in this family - Hitler’s mother was his father’s cousin. Thus, Adolf was conceived through incest.


Young Hitler

When the father of the future tyrant began to be promoted, the family began to move from house to house. They managed to finally settle only in Gafeld, where they bought a house. All this time, Adolf “wandered” to different schools. But in each of them, teachers noted him as a hardworking boy with certain academic abilities. The parents hoped that their diligent son would become a priest, but since childhood, Hitler had a negative attitude towards religion and under no circumstances agreed to study at a church school.

When Hitler was 16 years old, he decided to quit school and go into art. Adolf began to paint pictures. But at the insistence of his mother, he gave up this business for a while, finishing school. Afterwards he entered the Vienna Academy of Art. In his opinion, he had unusual abilities for painting paintings of various genres, but the art school did not appreciate him, advising him to do something else. After this refusal, he tries to enroll in similar courses again, but fails again.

First World War

Until the age of 24, Hitler wandered around different cities, just to avoid being noticed and drafted into the military. He explained this to everyone by saying that he had no desire to stand on the same level as the Jews. At 24, Adolf moved to Munich. There he found the First World War and fought bravely at the front. Even after he was wounded, he returned to the front.

In 1919 he returned to, where revolutionary views reigned. The whole city was divided into 2 sides: for the state and against. Then Hitler decided not to touch on this topic, but in 1919 he discovered his oratory talent while speaking at a meeting of the NSDAP party. He was noticed and made the boss. Then nationalist ideas began to creep into Adolf’s mind.

Rise to power

In 1923, Hitler went to jail for an unauthorized parade. While he is in prison, his party disintegrates. Upon release, a new similar one was created. This is how fascist ideas begin to gain momentum. He moves quickly through career ladder from party manager to candidate for Reich President. But he did not get this position following the results of the popular elections.

But pressure from the National Socialists begins to put pressure on the government, and Hitler is appointed Reich Chancellor. This is how the fascist machine begins its work. In 1934, Adolf Hitler became the head of the country and was appointed the full-fledged leader of Germany. In 1935, he issues a decree according to which all Jews are deprived of civil rights on the territory of the state.

Despite the cruelty and tyranny of Hitler, during his reign the country emerged from a state of decline. Almost no unemployment, production continues full swing, the country's military potential is growing. Hitler raised Germany to new level, even though it cost a lot human lives.

Favorite of the German people

World War II and suicide

In 1939, Adolf Hitler begins his movement to take over the countries of the world. Poland was the first. This was followed by other Baltic countries, Europe and, of course, the Soviet Union.

The despot was not ready for such strong opposition from the USSR and ultimately lost the war. When the victorious Russian troops were already close to Berlin, Hitler, along with his beloved Eva Braun, committed suicide using potassium cyanide.

Adolf Hitler many times dodged death, which awaited him in different places: behind the podium during a speech, in the car. But he would prefer to die at his own hands, taking his mistress with him.

The main and only achievement of the tyrant of the 20th century is that through his rule he developed Germany. Despite racial oppression and rather brutal policies, German people listened to him, industry gained momentum, people worked for the good of the country. but his mistake was starting a war against the whole world. During this time, all Germans starved and died on the battlefields, this again brought the country into a state of decline.

Adolf and Eva Braun

Interesting biographical facts about Hitler

  • He was a fan of healthy food and did not eat meat products.
  • He was too mannered and demanded this from others.
  • He was a fanatic of cleanliness. He couldn’t be around sick people; he even had bouts of hysteria because of this.
  • Every day he read 1 book.
  • He spoke very quickly, and stenographers rarely took notes after him because they couldn’t keep up.
  • He was so responsible for his speeches that he could stay awake at night to bring his speech to perfection.
  • In 2012, one painting of Adolf Hitler was sold for 30,000 euros. It was called "Night Sea".

Greetings to regular and new readers of the site! In the article “Adolf Hitler: biography,” Interesting Facts, video" - about the main stages of the life of the founder of the totalitarian dictatorship of the Third Reich, the Fuhrer of Germany, the founder of National Socialism.

Adolf Hitler was the leader of Nazi Germany and a Nazi criminal who tried to take over all of Europe and make the Aryan race superior to others. These aspirations were rightly recognized as crimes against humanity.

Biography of Adolf Hitler

The future leader of Germany was born in the Austrian city of Braunau am Inn on April 20, 1889. Little Adolf was the third child of five. Adolf's direct ancestors were peasants. Only his father made a career, becoming a government official.

Clara and Alois Hitler

Parents: Father - Alois Hitler, customs official. Mother - Clara, housewife, cousin-niece of her husband. The age difference between the spouses was 23 years. This is Alois's third marriage.

The family moved quite often and therefore Adolf did not particularly excel in the sciences. He performed well in physical education and drawing. He willingly studied geography and history, but did not like other subjects. The guy firmly decided that in life he would be an artist, and not an official, as his father wanted.

Hitler (center) with classmates, 1900

After the death of his mother, who survived her husband by four years, Adolf went to Vienna and began independent life.

He couldn't draw people. In almost all of his paintings there were no people. But he enjoyed painting wonderful landscapes, still lifes, and buildings. He tried twice to enter the Vienna Academy of Arts, but was unsuccessful. He was not accepted.

The unrecognized artist fell into a catastrophic shortage of money. Sometimes he had to spend the night under a bridge with his collapsed dream and vagabonds. Soon the guy found a way out - he started selling his paintings.

Dear reader, imagine how the course of the history of Germany and many countries would have changed if Adolf had managed to enter the Academy?! As an artist, he created about 3,400 paintings, sketches and drawings

Hitler's path to power

At the age of 24, the failed artist moved to Munich. There he was inspired by the First World War and entered the Bavarian Army. Germany lost this war. Hitler was extremely disappointed and blamed the country's political forces for the defeat.

It was this disappointment that prompted the young activist to join the People's Party of Workers, which he later headed.

Having led the NSDAP, Adolf began an active movement to seize power. On November 9, 1923, the Nazis, on their way to overthrow the government, were stopped by police. The party leader was sentenced to 5 years in prison. He was released after 9 months!

These events did not change Adolf's intentions. The revived NSDAP turned into a national party. To achieve power, he enlisted the support of senior military officials and major industrialists in Germany.

Political career

The Nazi leader moved up the career ladder quite rapidly. So, in 1930 he already headed assault troops. To participate in the elections for the post of Reich Chancellor, he changed his Austrian citizenship to German.

He lost the election. But a year later, under pressure from representatives of the NSDAP, German President Paul von Hindenburg appointed Hitler to this post.

But this was not enough for The First Nazi. After all, power still belonged to the Reichstag. Over the next two years, Hitler, having removed the presidency of Germany, became the head of the Nazi state.

The Fuhrer began to develop the country by restoring the production of military equipment. Violating the Treaty of Versailles, Germany absorbs Czechoslovakia, the Rhineland and Austria.

At the same time, the country is undergoing “cleansing” of the Aryan race from Gypsies and Jews, based on Hitler’s autobiographical work “Mein Kampf” (1926). And the “Night of the Long Knives” completely cleared Hitler’s path of possible political competitors.

In 1939 Nazi Germany attacks Norway, Poland, Denmark, Luxembourg, Holland, Belgium, and took offensive actions against France. By 1941, almost all of Europe was “under the boot” of Hitler.

Adolf Gitler: short biography(video)

On June 22, 1941, Nazi troops attacked the USSR. Second World War lasted 6 years, ended with the defeat of Germany and the liberation of all previously captured powers.

The main court of history

From November 20, 1945 to October 1, 1946, the trial of former leaders took place at the International Military Tribunal (Nuremberg). Hitler's Germany.

Hitler's personal life

Adolf Hitler was never officially married. He had no children, but he could conquer the most unapproachable ladies with his charismatic character. In 1929, he was struck by the beauty of Eva Braun, who became his partner. But even this love did not stop the German leader from flirting with other women.

In 2012, Hitler’s son, a certain Werner Schmedt, born from the dictator’s niece Geli Ruabal, announced his existence.

The date of death of Adolf Hitler is April 30, 1945 (age 56 years). When he was informed about the entry of Soviet troops into Berlin, Adolf and Eva committed suicide. The cause of death has not yet been precisely established. Perhaps it was poison, or a shot to the head. Their bodies were found burned in the bunker. Hitler's height is 1.75 m, his zodiac sign is Aries.

Hitler's real name was a subject of debate among historians for several decades after the end of World War II. Many versions of the origin of the German bloody tyrant were considered. Disputes regarding Hitler's surname are natural, because in society any scandalous fact related to famous person. In order to understand the nature of the different versions, it is necessary to remember the genealogy of Adolf Hitler.

The reasons for the controversy over the name of the German Fuhrer

The father of the Fuhrer of the Third Reich, Hitler, Alois, was born in 1837. It was from this time that the “surname problem” of the future German dictator began. His mother was Maria Anna Schicklgruber. If we talk modern language, this woman had the status of a single mother. At the time of her son's birth, she was not married, so Alois, Adolf's father, was recorded in his mother's surname. Following this logic, real name Hitler - Schicklgruber. Knowing that the Fuhrer, at least during his active years political life, bore the last name Hitler, we understand that the situation was not so simple.

Who was Adolf Hitler's grandfather?

The question of Hitler's own grandfather is also controversial. To understand the legitimacy of Hitler having this particular surname, it is necessary to establish exactly who Alois’s father was. The versions here are different, because Maria Anna led a rather dissolute lifestyle in her youth, so it is impossible to be 100% sure who is Adolf’s grandfather. The most likely option is that Alois’s father should be recognized as the poor miller Johann Georg Hiedler (by the way, this is the most correct option spelling of this surname). This man didn't have own home, lived in poverty all his life. According to the testimony of some people, during the same period, Maria Anna could also meet with Johann Georg’s brother, Nepomuk Güttler, who was 15 years younger. But this option is unlikely, because even Gidler himself recognized his paternity. If Alois’s father is still not Hidler, but Nepomuk, then Hitler’s real name could be Güttler.

Jewish version of the origin of Adolf Hitler

We all remember very well one of fundamental points ideology of the fascist party NDASP, which consisted of total hatred and the need to exterminate the Jewish people. The version that Hitler's father was Jewish appeared in the 1950s. It was expressed by the Governor-General of Poland from 1939 to 1945. Hans France. He said in his memoirs that Hitler's mother, some time before his birth, worked on the estate of the Jewish merchant Frankenberg. Of course, there is no evidence of the mother’s love affair with this Jew, but still, according to Hans France, Hitler’s real name should be Frankenberg.

Considering the likelihood of this version through the prism of the ideology of fascism and national socialism, historians almost immediately rejected the possibility of such paternity in principle.

Schicklgruber becomes Hitler

In 1876, the Fuhrer's father Alois decided to change his last name. As we have already emphasized, at birth he was recorded by his mother’s maiden name. He bore this surname until he was 39 years old. According to some sources, in 1876 Johann Hiedler was still alive and officially recognized paternity. Other sources claim that Gidler had already died at that time.

How did the procedure for changing your surname take place? According to German law in force at that time, to confirm paternity, testimony was required from at least three people who knew the father and mother of the person changing the data in the information about the parents. Alois Schicklgruber found three such witnesses. The notary formalized the change of surname. We will not analyze the meaning of changing personal data, because it was a purely personal decision of Alois Hitler.

Adolf Hitler: real name and surname

The bloody German dictator was born on April 20, 1889. 13 years have passed since changes were made to the birth certificates of his father. There is no doubt that he could not bear the surname Schicklgruber, although in the first editions there is a large Soviet encyclopedia this person appears precisely as Adolf Schicklgruber. By the way, the version of Soviet historians regarding Hitler’s surname was based on the fact that in his first drawings he put his grandmother’s maiden name as a signature.

Today there is no longer a dispute, because all historians are sure: Hitler’s real name and surname correspond to the data that has remained forever in the history of the 20th century.

The name of Adolf Hitler has been of concern to professional historians, those simply interested, fans of political battles and debates, as well as many others, for several decades now. Perhaps it is not an exaggeration to say that this topic has already gone beyond just curious information. Like Adolf Hitler himself, the real name of this man has long been the subject of speculation by a variety of forces. Some are trying to find his Jewish roots, then building theories about secret cooperation, about a well-thought-out initial conspiracy. For others, Hitler’s real name is a reason to denigrate the entire family of the future Fuhrer for several generations, a search for physical, mental disorders with relatives or just digging through dirty laundry. At the same time, researchers have put an end to this issue quite a long time ago. Hitler's real name is already known, and if you look at it, there is no significant reason for discussion. All existing disputes are largely far-fetched. Let's try to figure it out.

What is it Hitler's real name?

The future leader of the Nazi Party was born on April 20, 1889. His father, Alois Hitler, was first a shoemaker and later a civil servant. By the way, the father’s attempt to force his son to also become a government clerk not least instilled in the latter a dislike for all kinds of conventions and strict service in general. In this regard, it is interesting that Alois lived with the surname Schicklgruber until 1876.

Hence the widespread belief that this is Hitler’s real name. However, it is not. The fact is that the father of the future Fuhrer was an illegitimate child and, until the age of 39, was forced to bear his mother’s surname, since she was not married at that time, and the father was not legally established. Five years after Alois's birth, his mother Maria Anna Schicklgruber marries poor miller Johann Hitler. Biographers of the Fuhrer believe that his probable grandfather was one of the Hitler brothers.

In 1876, witnesses confirmed that Alois's real father was Johann Hitler, which enabled the man to change his mother's surname to his father's surname.

As for Adolf, this change took place thirteen years before his birth, so he was not a Schicklgruber a single day in his life. But such a misconception is very widespread; moreover, it even crept into some quite serious sources at one time. There were indeed families in his family with such a surname, but it has completely German roots. So calling Hitler Schicklgruber is as legitimate as giving him any other surname that his distant and close relatives once bore. As far as biographers have been able to trace, Adolf Hitler's ancestors were peasants on both his father's and mother's sides. Another interesting incident with the surname “Hitler” is that for many centuries it was written down by ear by priests. For this reason, they even had slightly different spellings in the documents, and as a result, slightly different soundings of their own surnames: Gidler, Hitler, Gudler, and so on.

Greetings to regular and new readers of the site! The article “Adolf Hitler: biography, interesting facts, video” is about the main stages of the life of the founder of the totalitarian dictatorship of the Third Reich, the Fuhrer of Germany, the founder of National Socialism.

Adolf Hitler was the leader of Nazi Germany and a Nazi criminal who tried to take over all of Europe and make the Aryan race superior to others. These aspirations were rightly recognized as crimes against humanity.

Biography of Adolf Hitler

The future leader of Germany was born in the Austrian city of Braunau am Inn on April 20, 1889. Little Adolf was the third child of five. Adolf's direct ancestors were peasants. Only his father made a career, becoming a government official.

Clara and Alois Hitler

Parents: Father - Alois Hitler, customs official. Mother - Clara, housewife, cousin-niece of her husband. The age difference between the spouses was 23 years. This is Alois's third marriage.

The family moved quite often and therefore Adolf did not particularly excel in the sciences. He performed well in physical education and drawing. He willingly studied geography and history, but did not like other subjects. The guy firmly decided that in life he would be an artist, and not an official, as his father wanted.

Hitler (center) with classmates, 1900

After the death of his mother, who survived her husband by four years, Adolf went to Vienna and began an independent life.

He couldn't draw people. In almost all of his paintings there were no people. But he enjoyed painting wonderful landscapes, still lifes, and buildings. He tried twice to enter the Vienna Academy of Arts, but was unsuccessful. He was not accepted.

The unrecognized artist fell into a catastrophic shortage of money. Sometimes he had to spend the night under a bridge with his collapsed dream and vagabonds. Soon the guy found a way out - he started selling his paintings.

Dear reader, imagine how the course of the history of Germany and many countries would have changed if Adolf had managed to enter the Academy?! As an artist, he created about 3,400 paintings, sketches and drawings

Hitler's path to power

At the age of 24, the failed artist moved to Munich. There he was inspired by the First World War and entered the Bavarian Army. Germany lost this war. Hitler was extremely disappointed and blamed the country's political forces for the defeat.

It was this disappointment that prompted the young activist to join the People's Party of Workers, which he later headed.

Having led the NSDAP, Adolf began an active movement to seize power. On November 9, 1923, the Nazis, on their way to overthrow the government, were stopped by police. The party leader was sentenced to 5 years in prison. He was released after 9 months!

These events did not change Adolf's intentions. The revived NSDAP turned into a national party. To achieve power, he enlisted the support of senior military officials and major industrialists in Germany.

Political career

The Nazi leader moved up the career ladder quite rapidly. So, in 1930 he already led the assault troops. To participate in the elections for the post of Reich Chancellor, he changed his Austrian citizenship to German.

He lost the election. But a year later, under pressure from representatives of the NSDAP, German President Paul von Hindenburg appointed Hitler to this post.

But this was not enough for The First Nazi. After all, power still belonged to the Reichstag. Over the next two years, Hitler, having removed the presidency of Germany, became the head of the Nazi state.

The Fuhrer began to develop the country by restoring the production of military equipment. Violating the Treaty of Versailles, Germany absorbs Czechoslovakia, the Rhineland and Austria.

At the same time, the country is undergoing “cleansing” of the Aryan race from Gypsies and Jews, based on Hitler’s autobiographical work “Mein Kampf” (1926). And the “Night of the Long Knives” completely cleared Hitler’s path of possible political competitors.

In 1939, Nazi Germany attacked Norway, Poland, Denmark, Luxembourg, Holland, Belgium, and took offensive actions against France. By 1941, almost all of Europe was “under the boot” of Hitler.

Adolf Hitler: short biography (video)

On June 22, 1941, Nazi troops attacked the USSR. The Second World War lasted 6 years, ending with the defeat of Germany and the liberation of all previously captured powers.

The main court of history

From November 20, 1945 to October 1, 1946, the trial of the former leaders of Nazi Germany took place at the International Military Tribunal (Nuremberg).

Hitler's personal life

Adolf Hitler was never officially married. He had no children, but he could conquer the most unapproachable ladies with his charismatic character. In 1929, he was struck by the beauty of Eva Braun, who became his partner. But even this love did not stop the German leader from flirting with other women.

In 2012, Hitler’s son, a certain Werner Schmedt, born from the dictator’s niece Geli Ruabal, announced his existence.

The date of death of Adolf Hitler is April 30, 1945 (age 56 years). When he was informed about the entry of Soviet troops into Berlin, Adolf and Eva committed suicide. The cause of death has not yet been precisely established. Perhaps it was poison, or a shot to the head. Their bodies were found burned in the bunker. Hitler's height is 1.75 m, his zodiac sign is Aries.