Card games rules. The weakest unbeatable hand in poker

Three Monkeys Tavern


Dignity of cards and poker hands

Poker can be played either with a Spanish deck or with dice, but the French deck is usually used, which has four suits: hearts, spades, diamonds, clubs. A full deck consists of 52 cards (without jokers). The rank of cards, from lowest to highest, is indicated as follows: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, V (jack), D (queen), K (king), A (ace).

Seniority of combinations. Poker hands consist of a maximum of five cards, no matter what type of poker is played. Naturally, with equal combinations, the one that consists of cards of higher value wins. The change price is determined by the presence of one of the following combinations (by seniority in order of increasing value):

1. Pair: two cards of the same value (for example, two queens).

2. Two pairs: two cards of one value and two cards of another (for example, two kings and two threes).

3. Figures: five “figures” or “pictures”; the figures are considered to be king, queen and jack (sometimes ace); this combination usually consists of two pairs of pieces and one more piece that does not complete the three (for example, two kings, two jacks and a queen).

4. Three of a kind: three cards of the same value (for example, three sevens).

5. Straight: five cards of increasing value, regardless of suit (for example, eight of hearts, nine of clubs, ten of hearts, jack of spades, queen of spades); seniority is strictly maintained, the ace opens a straight only in front of the king - thus building a straight of the highest value; but sometimes another option is allowed: a deuce connects with an ace, then a straight is possible - ace, deuce, three, etc.

6. Suit (or flush): five cards of the same suit, not necessarily consecutive (for example, three of diamonds, five, eight, jack and ace); In some games, an option is adopted in which the suit is valued more than the full, usually such an arrangement depends on whether the player is playing with a full deck or not: with fewer cards it is more difficult to build a suit, therefore, its value increases.

7. Foot: Three of a kind and a pair (for example, three of aces and a pair of kings make up the strongest combination in a full).

8. Four of a kind: four cards of the same value (for example, four jacks).

9. Straight by suit (straight flush): five cards of the same suit, increasing in value (for example, nine, ten, jack, queen and king of hearts).

10. Royal flush: straight variant; contains five consecutive cards of the same suit from Ace (for example, ten, jack, queen, king and ace of spades); Some players consider this combination to be the strongest, betting all other straight options after four of a kind.

11. Poker: four of a kind plus joker (for example, four deuces and a joker); usually played without jokers, so this combination most often occurs when dice are used for the game.

Rules for playing "cheating" poker. The six sides of one poker die correspond to cards of the following rank (in descending order): Ace, King, Queen, Jack, Eight (red), Seven (black). The number of players in cheat poker is not limited; four, as in the short story “The Tavern of the Three Monkeys” is the optimal number. A set of five dice is required to play. The game goes counterclockwise. The point of the game is to allow the player to your right to bet on a higher combination (raise) than the one the player to your left presumably has. Therefore, the game is played almost “in the dark,” that is, they usually show a minimum of dice, and the remaining ones are passed on to the next player, covered with a special glass on top. The player under whom the move is made may or may not believe the bid made. If he says "believe", then he alone looks at the closed dice and must raise, regardless of whether there is a hand that can justify a high bet or not. If he says “I don’t believe it,” he opens the dice by raising the glass. In this case, if the declared combination exists, he loses chips; but if the first player is caught cheating, then he loses, the one who checked wins. The drawings use the usual poker combinations, except for the straight, which would be difficult to construct, and the flush, because this combination is impossible. However, in this version of the game there is a combination of “poker” itself, i.e. four “cards” of the same value and a joker. Starting with three, in hands of the same value, the relative value of the combinations is determined by the fourth die. For example, three queens from an ace are higher than three queens from a jack. Thus, the players have quite ample opportunities increase the number of winning combinations. Each die can only be rolled once per game.

French deck: a standard deck, established in Russia, contains 52 sheets - thirteen cards of four suits.

Spanish deck (also common in Italy): a special deck consisting of 78 cards; in suits, instead of spades, clubs, diamonds and hearts, it has “cups” (copas), “denarii” or “oros” (dineros, oros), “swords” (espadiilas) and “clubs” (bastos); in each of the four suits there are 14 cards, the highest is the king, then the queen, knight, jack, ace, 10, then at face value up to 2, which is the lowest card. There are 56 cards in total in suits. In addition, the deck contains a numbered trump card or "triumph": No1 - "buffoon", No2 - "popess", No3 - "emperor", No4 - "empress", No5 - "dad", No6 - "lover", No7 - “cart”, No8 - “justice”, No9 - “hermit”, No10 - “wheel of fortune”, No11 - “force”, No12 - “hanged man”, No13 - “death”, No14 - “moderation”, No15 - "devil", No16 - "church", No17 - "star", No18 - "moon", No19 - "sun", No20 - "court", No21 - "light"; triumphs have seniority in accordance with the number, the eldest is “buffoon”, the youngest is “light”. Finally, there is the "apology card", without number or suit, - "fool".

The stranger sits down to play and makes a straight according to the suit. He makes a bet and puts all his money on the table. His opponent reveals a deuce, a four, a seven, a nine and a jack of various suits and begins to rake in the money. Our friend, very amazed, shows a straight according to the suit and is indignant. Then the partner shows the inscription on the wall, which reads: “2-4-7-9-B make up the Old Cat. Old Cat beats everything else.”

So, our friend leaves the establishment, replenishes his cash and later, that same evening, discovers that he is holding exactly the same Old Cat in his hands. Well, the vicissitudes of fate. He again bets everything he has. Both partners bargain to the last cent. The cards are revealed. Our friend turns around the Old Cat. His opponent shows a pair of deuces and begins to hide the money. “Hmm,” says our friend. “You only have a couple of deuces, and I have the Old Cat.” To this his opponent responded by pointing to another inscription on the wall, which read: "Old Cat counts only once a night."

David Mamet. "Pearls from the player's library."

("Urban Tales")

...Cunning fights using strategies of intent: it never does what it announces; aims to confuse; to divert attention, it skillfully threatens and suddenly, where they are not expected, it strikes, constantly trying to make you faint. He shows one intention in order to test the opponent’s thoughts, and then, turning sharply, attacks by surprise and wins. A discerning mind, however, foresees her machinations, watches her on the sly, sees the opposite of what is assured, and instantly recognizes the deceptive move; Having waited out the attack of the first intent, it waits for the second and even the third. Noticing that it has been figured out, malice redoubles its efforts, using the very truth to deceive. A different game, different techniques, now cunning dresses up in the clothes of ingenuity, deceit puts on the mask of sincerity.

Baltasar Gracian.

"The Pocket Oracle or the Science of Prudence."

The Straight combination in poker begins combinations in which all five cards are used, that is, there is no kicker. Above the set are Full House-Flush-Care Street Flash-Royal Flush, and lower High Card-Pair-Two Pair-Set. The combination stands almost in the very middle of the hierarchical ladder of combinations; in the Russian version it is pronounced as Straight(street), but this is not entirely correct. The original English says Strait(straight - order), but Russian-speaking players prefer the first method of pronunciation.

The combination itself is quite strong; with proper play and a bit of luck, it can bring the owner a significant bank. The Straight with an Ace has gained great love among poker players - a special direction of the combination, which can be both the highest and the lowest depending on the value of the cards. Why does this happen and what are the secrets of the set with an ace?

General characteristics of a straight with an ace

A straight consists of five cards following each other in nominal order; the suit of the elements does not play any role, it can be different. If all the cards are suited, then this will be another combination - Straight Flush. A combination, for example, might look like this: 6 hearts, 7 diamonds, 8 spades, 9 hearts, 10 diamonds. The seniority of the set and the name are determined by the highest card included in it. In the above example, the designation will be Street from ten.

The combination of a Straight in poker with an Ace can happen in two ways:

  1. 10, jack, queen, king, ace.
  2. Ace, 2,3,4,5.

And if everything is clear with the first case: this is the highest Street, nominally the highest card is an ace, then with the second option many beginners have problems. It is unclear to them what place it occupies in the hierarchy and what its strength is.

In all cases, the Ace to 5 Straight occupies the very first step in the seniority ranking. Ace here acts as a one, the combination is called Straight from five, it is inferior in strength to other sets in the combination.

Controversial situations with Straight with Ace

With the ranking of combinations, everything becomes clear relatively quickly; with controversial cases at the poker table, it is somewhat more difficult, but if you get into it, there should be no problems.

  • Two or more poker players got a Straight with an Ace in the variant - 10, Jack, Queen, King, Ace. Since the combination is the highest and there are no kickers, the pot is split in equal parts between the candidates.
  • The Straight came up in the variant - Ace, 2,3,4,5 for two or more players. The situation is similar to the first one, the winnings are paid to the poker players in equal parts.

Confusion sometimes arises for beginners when both varieties of Straight with an Ace appear at the table at the same time. You need to firmly understand: The straight with the highest cards is always superior to other ways of making a combination.

How to use the combination correctly?

The answer to the question – can a Straight start with an Ace – is yes. This is the youngest combination in the “family”; if it comes up, the draw should be done carefully, the combination is still not the strongest in poker. Professionals advise to think sensibly about the situation at the table; experienced players will most likely “see through” the owner of the Straight. And if they have stronger cards, they will try to withdraw as large a pot as possible; if they have weaker cards, they will simply fold.

A combination, as a rule, is given by elements on the table lying in a row; the poker player will have missing links. It's not that hard to recognize them, so only with full confidence in success should you go on the attack with a Straight with an ace in your hands.

It is called KICKER , or the highest card. That is, if none of the players has a combination of cards, then the highest one wins - starting from the Ace. Ace, king, queen, jack, 10, and so on. Example: the river contains 2, 8, 9, jack, king. You have an ACE and a Queen, your opponent has a 10 and a 6. Your high is an ACE. You have won the hand. Then comes PAIR. Any pair of cards, naturally, is considered by seniority. Example: river 2, 8, 9, jack, king. The opponent has 3, 10. You have 5 and the King. You have the top pair - two kings. You win.
Further - TWO PAIRS . That is, there are 2, 5, 9, jack, 6 on the table, and you have 5 and jack in your hands. You have two pairs. If the opponent does not have two pairs, then they win. But if he has, for example, 10 and Jack, then his two pairs are higher (10 is higher than 5). The following combination, as it is easy to assume, TROIKA . That is, three cards of the same value. Example: on the table there are 2, 5, 9, 6, Jack. You have a pair of Jacks. Let's compare it with what's on the table - you have a three. The opponent has 10, 3. You win.
Next is a little more complicated. It's called STRAIGHT (order). This is a combination to increase cards. From low to high: 2,3,4,5,6 or 10, jack, queen, king, ace, or 6,7,8,9,10, jack. The only combination that does not immediately lend itself to logic is Ace, 2,3,4,5 (exactly the case when Ace is considered the lowest card). There must always be five cards, starting with the smallest. Then there are cards by color - FLASH (suit) - collect the same suit, the order is not important. Example: there are 2 crosses, 9 of spades, 6 of diamonds, 10 of spades, 4 of spades on the table. You have the queen of spades, 7 of spades. The second player doesn’t matter what (well, not really, but in this case), but there is no color. You win. I’ll repeat (even though I’m annoying you with this), if the second player has at least the king of spades and the second suit of spades, then he wins. It is always considered by seniority. My lovely - FULL HOUSE . Full house. Very often, when you have this combination, you win (we'll look at the details later). These are three cards of one value and two of another (or, to make it easier, a three and a pair). Example: on the table there are 9, jack, 8, 9, queen. You have a jack and a 9. That is, this gives us two jacks and three 9s. Three plus two. Like a classic Soviet film. Following logic, the following combination KARE - four cards of the same value. For example, four aces, kings, it doesn’t matter what. It comes out very rarely. So, if you took it, you almost 100% took the bank. Only two combinations can beat the square. This STREET FLUSH (suit in order). Cards of the same suit, in order. Example: on the table there are 9 of spades, jack of spades, 8 of diamonds, 10 of spades, ace of hearts, you have 8 of spades and queen of spades. All. Bingo! Straight flush. Even if your opponent has two spades (that is, just a flush), you win. Very interest Ask- whose suit is higher. But if you think a little, you will understand that there cannot be two straight flushes. Therefore, this is a stupid question. And the last combination. ROYAL FLUSH . The highest cards of the same suit in order are from 10 to Ace. It happened to me twice in many years of playing. But beginners are lucky, tell us later. She will kill everything. But it will fall out very rarely.

These are winning combinations of cards (so-called "poker hands"). In this article you will find a description of all poker combinations with pictures and clear examples for Texas Hold'em, Omaha and other types of this card game. Let's start with the highest combination and describe them in descending order.

Card combinations in ascending order

We can represent poker combinations of cards in ascending order as the following sequence:

Royal Flush > Straight Flush > Four of a Kind > Full House > Flush > Straight > Set (Trips; Three of a Kind) > Two Pairs > One Pair > High Card

Don't forget that sometimes the combinations of players' cards coincide. In this case, victory is determined by the seniority of the cards participating in the combination.

Royal Flush

Ace, King, Queen, Jack and Ten of the same suit. It is essentially a suited high straight. The rarest and strongest combination in poker.

Straight Flush

Any five cards in a row based on seniority and the same suit. If two players have made a straight flush, then the combination in which the last card is higher wins. A straight flush can either start with an Ace or end with an Ace (Royal Flush).

Four of a Kind

Four cards of the same value. If two players have the same four of a kind, then the one with the higher “kicker” (fifth card) wins. For example: on a table of 8,8,8,8,7, both players hit four of a kind. One has K2 in his hands, the other has Q6. The first player with the combination 8,8,8,8,K wins.

Full House

Three cards of the same value and a pair of any two cards. If both players have collected a Full House, then the one whose three from the combination is the highest wins. If three cards are equal, the pair is compared and the one with the higher card wins.


Five cards of the same suit. The sequence can be any. If both players have a Flush, then the player with the highest card in the combination wins. If the highest Flush card is common, then the next highest card is compared.

Ace-high Straight

Five cards in a row in order of seniority with an Ace. The suits of the cards are different. If the Ace is the highest card in the hand, then it is the strongest straight (A,K,Q,J,T). If the Ace is the lowest card, then it is the weakest straight (A,2,3,4,5).


Five cards in a row according to seniority. The suits of the cards are different. If both players have made a Straight, then the one in whose combination the last card is higher wins. In this case, the Ace can be considered either the highest card in the combination or the lowest. The highest street is A,K,Q,J,T. The lowest street is A,2,3,4,5.

Set or Three (Three of a Kind)

Three cards of the same value. In our example, these are three Aces and two additional cards, which are considered a kicker and are taken into account if both players have the same Set or Three.

Two pairs

Two cards of one rank and two cards of another rank. In our case, these are two Aces and two Kings. If both players have collected a Two Pair combination, then they are compared, and the one whose highest pair is higher wins. If players have the same Two Pair, then the one whose fifth card (kicker) is higher wins.

One pair

Two cards of the same value. In the example, the pair will be two Aces. If both players have collected a Pair, then they are compared by seniority. If the opponents have the same Pair, then the winner is determined by the highest additional card (kicker). If they are equal, then the second and third additional cards are compared.

High card

Any five cards, which do not add up to any of the combinations described above. The winner is determined by the highest card. If both players have the same highest card, then the second, third, fourth and even fifth cards are compared. If all cards are equal, then the players simply divide the pot.

Poker combinations (video)


To make it easier for you to remember these simple rules, we have written several examples that clearly show how exactly combinations are formed and comparisons of player cards occur.


You win because your two Kings are older than your opponent's two Queens. The older the couple, the stronger it is.

Two pairs

You will win, since your two pairs 77 and 44 are higher than your opponent's (66 and 55). The comparison here is based on the top pair, i.e. 77 versus 66.

Set or Three

You win because your KKK three is older than your opponent's three. Kings are stronger than Jacks, just like 555 is stronger than 444.


Despite the fact that both players made a Straight, you are the one who wins, because your top closing card of the combination is higher (J versus 10). Essentially there is a comparison: J, 10, 9, 8, 7 versus 10, 9, 8, 7, 6.


You win because... your flush is higher than your opponent's flush. In this case, combinations are compared according to the highest card, where the Ace is stronger than the King.

Full house

Both players have collected a Full House combination, having a common three of 555 at the base. In this situation, the pair that is higher than you (99 > 66) is compared. But most often these combinations have different threes at the base, which determines the winner. For example: AAA99 is stronger than KKKQQ.


You win because you have a quad of four sevens against a Full House of three kings and two sevens. If among the five cards on the table there are 4 of the same value, say 8,8,8,8,5, then the one who has the highest card in his hands wins.

Straight flush

You win because... your straight flush is higher. The opponent's highest card in the combination is 9, and you have Jack (J). In this comparison, the one whose closing card is higher always wins.

Royal flush

You collected the strongest combination and won by showing a Royal Flush of 10, J, Q, K, A of the same suit. There is nothing older than this combination.

If players have no combinations at all, then the one with the highest card wins. If the combinations or all cards are the same, then the winnings are divided between the players.

Common mistakes (Not the most obvious things in poker hands)

Flush is higher than (>) straight!

This deserves separate consideration. It is necessary to remember that poker combinations are arranged in ascending order (seniority) for a reason, but according to logic: the stronger the combination of cards in hold'em, the less often it appears. In the street problem< флеша, на первый взгляд, всё не так очевидно - на самом деле, всё в порядке, сейчас объясним почему.

When we have a flush draw, we kind of have 9 outs to improve. An open-ended straight draw only requires 8 cards. Paradox! The answer is on the surface - the flush is simply more beautiful. In fact: XXs will improve to a flush draw 10.9% of the time and will make a flush 0.8%. For a straight draw, the probabilities will be different: 10.4% for an open-ended straight draw, and 1.3% for a straight.

I'll take the kicker!

A kicker does not exist for all poker hands. A pair, two pair, a set and a quad (if the quad is on the board) - an ace or a king in the sleeve can come in handy here. It, like a diploma with honors when entering a university, will allow you to become the coveted owner of a bank, all other things being equal.

Kicker- this is a card that does not form a combination, but is taken into account when determining the winner if the players at the table have collected the same combinations. For example, both players collected a pair of queens. The one with the highest card in his hand, besides the queens, wins. If there are 4, 6, Q, 9, 2 on the board, one of the players has KQ and the other JQ, then the one with the king kicker will win.

Sometimes the kicker may be common, and then the opponents simply divide the pot. Classic example: A board with any two pairs and an Ace. In general, try not to call raises from early positions with marginal hands like T3o.


In this case, it is better to re-raise and fold to aggression. (Do not thank!)

Be sure to learn all the poker combinations in order of seniority, because without this it will be very difficult for you to understand your position at the table.

How the combination is made

Poker hand is a set of 5 cards that form one of the following combinations: high card, pair, two pair, set, straight, flush, four of a kind, straight flush or royal flush.

All combinations in Texas Hold'em and Omaha consist of 5 cards. Both the player's cards and community cards on the table. The main rule is that only those cards that give the maximum possible combination in the hand are taken into account.

There are X number of options for using cards when making combinations in Hold'em:

  • 2 player cards + 3 cards on the table. For example, the player has QJ on the board A8Q2J. The combination will be QJ for the player + QJA on the board.
  • 1 player card + 4 cards on the table. For example, player 85 has 8K7Q4 on the board. The “pair” combination will be obtained from the player’s 8 + 8KQ7 on the board.
  • 0 player cards + 5 cards on the table. For example, player JQ has 5,6,7,8,9 on the board. The “common straight” combination will be obtained solely from the cards on the board.

Low combination- this is a combination that has the least significance of all possible in the hand. If the player has A8 on the board A7542, then his low combination is 24578. You need to collect low combinations in some types of poker, for example in Omaha Hi-Lo.

Congratulations! Now you know all the card combinations in poker! It's time to visit the "Poker School" section, where you will find simple and understandable educational articles, as well as receive no deposit bonuses that will allow you to start playing online poker for money without investing a penny of your own money.

Hood is a term used in picketing. This means taking all twelve tricks without giving your opponent any. There are two hoods: declared and random. The former is worth twice as much as the latter.

Carte blanche - in picket means not having a single piece in his hands until discarded, which is of particular value, or when all the cards are counted, that is, when the player does not have a single card in his hands that has not been read by him .

Quarter - four suited cards in a row. There are five different quarts: quart major - ace, king, queen, jack; quarts from king - king, queen, jack, ten; quarts from ladies - lady, jack, ten, nine; quart from jack - jack, ten, nine, eight; quarts from tens - ten, nine, eight, seven.

Quint is the same as five and fifteen. A quint is five cards of the same suit in a row. There are four fifths: quint-major - ace, king, queen, jack, ten; fifth from the king - king, queen, jack, ten, nine; fifth from a queen - queen, jack, ten, nine, eight; The fifth from jack is jack, ten, nine, eight and seven.

Trump is the highest suit in the deck. The suit in which the game is assigned is called trump; a game without meaning of suits is trumpless.

Trump - to play with a trump card.

Deck-set playing cards, which are divided into four suits: spades, clubs, diamonds, hearts. A large, or full, deck consists of 52 cards and contains: two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, jack, queen, king and ace. The average deck consists of 36 cards, there are no twos, threes, fours or fives. The small deck consists of 32 cards and does not have twos, threes, fours, fives or sixes.

Con- the middle of the table where players place their bets.

Coking is a preference term. A fine corresponding to the number of tricks not taken by the player, which is recorded for him by the whistler and the dealer.

The King is the second highest card. The king covers all cards except the ace. In screw and whist it is considered an oner.

The king is part of the game of picket.

Crown is a group of cards in a row in any suit from Ace, at least three in number, i.e. Ace, King and Queen. Crowns can be made of five, six or more cards: ace, king, queen, jack, etc.

Cross-screw expression. The cross is the pass sign X.

Hen is a type of heddle in preference.

Leve is an expression used in Screw, Vista and other games. Each trick taken in excess of the legal six is ​​called a leve.

Leza - in picket means receiving more than six bribes.

A Lovevist expression meaning nothing, i.e. there is nothing on hand.

A false card is a blank card discarded onto a suit that is not in the hand.

Major is a picket and bezique term. There are tert major, fourth major, fifth major, sixth major. This means that cards of the same suit come in a row from the Ace. Ace, King and Queen - terci major; ace, king, queen and jack - quart major; ace, king, queen, jack and ten - fifth major; ace, king, queen, jack, ten and nine - sixth major.

Mariage is an expression used in card games sixty-six, thousand and bezique. Mariage is a king and queen of the same suit.

Suit - The deck is divided into four suits: spades, clubs, diamonds and hearts. Each suit contains a certain number of cards, i.e. in a large deck it has 13 cards, in a medium one - 9, in a small one - 8. Spades and clubs are black, diamonds and hearts are red.

Miser - in preference, a game without bribes for its intended purpose.

Silent - A player who makes an appointment out of turn (in screw) or takes more cards for himself (in picket) is deprived of the right to negotiate.

Navet means hitting a trump card from both sides, which is sometimes also called crossfire.

The purpose is to announce in the screw your suit, the sure tricks in the passer and aces.

Table card - any card revealed by any partner other than the dealer, during the deal, after the deal, or during the play. This rule exists only for Vint and Vista.

Finishing - In screw and whist, the side finishing the first game or rubber adds the agreed upon figure “for finishing” to its score. Therefore the ending has great importance in these games.

Oners are the five highest cards in the trump suit: ace, king, queen, jack and ten. They matter in a few games: screw and whist.

Open card - see Table card.

Points - the cost of cards: two - 2 points, three - 3 points, etc. to figures that are valued differently. In some games, the pieces are counted as follows: jack - 11 points, queen - 12, king - 13, ace - 14; in others: jack - 10 points, queen - 10, king - 10; in the third: jack - 2 points, queen - 3, king - 4, ace - 5; in the fourth: jack, queen and king - 10 points each, and ace - 1 point.