Kyiv princes in order. Domestic and foreign policy of ancient Russian princes


The Old Russian state was formed in Eastern Europe in the last decades of the 9th century as a result of the unification under the rule of the princes of the Rurik dynasty of two main centers Eastern Slavs- Kyiv and Novgorod, as well as lands located along the waterway “from the Varangians to the Greeks.” Already in the 830s, Kyiv was an independent city and claimed to be the main city of the Eastern Slavs.

Rurik, as the chronicle tells, when dying, transferred power to his brother-in-law Oleg (879–912). Prince Oleg remained in Novgorod for three years. Then, having recruited an army and moved in 882 from Ilmen to the Dnieper, he conquered Smolensk, Lyubech and, settling in Kiev for a living, made it the capital of his principality, saying that Kyiv would be “the mother of Russian cities.” Oleg managed to unite everything in his hands main cities along the great waterway “from the Varangians to the Greeks.” This was his first goal. From Kyiv he continued his unification activities: he went against the Drevlyans, then against the northerners and conquered them, then he subjugated the Radimichi. Thus, all the main tribes of the Russian Slavs, except for the outlying ones, and all the most important Russian cities gathered under his hand. Kyiv became the center of a large state (Kievan Rus) and freed the Russian tribes from Khazar dependence. Having thrown off the Khazar yoke, Oleg tried to strengthen his country with fortresses from the eastern nomads (both Khazars and Pechenegs) and built cities along the border of the steppe.

After Oleg's death, his son Igor (912–945) took over, apparently having no talent as a warrior or ruler. Igor died in the country of the Drevlyans, from whom he wanted to collect double tribute. His death, the matchmaking of the Drevlyan prince Mal, who wanted to marry Igor’s widow Olga, and Olga’s revenge on the Drevlyans for the death of her husband form the subject of a poetic legend, described in detail in the chronicle.

Olga remained after Igor with her young son Svyatoslav and took over the rule of the Principality of Kyiv (945–957). According to ancient Slavic custom, widows enjoyed civic independence and full rights, and in general, the position of women among the Slavs was better than among other European peoples.

Her main concern was accepting Christian faith and a pious journey in 957 to Constantinople. According to the chronicle, Olga was baptized “by the king and the patriarch” in Constantinople, although it is more likely that she was baptized at home in Rus', before her trip to Greece. With the triumph of Christianity in Rus', the memory of Princess Olga, in the holy baptism of Elena, began to be revered, and the Russian Orthodox Church Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga was canonized.

Olga's son Svyatoslav (957–972) already wore Slavic name, but his disposition was still that of a typical Varangian warrior, a warrior. As soon as he had time to mature, he formed himself a large and brave squad and with it began to seek glory and prey for himself. He left his mother's influence early and was "angry with his mother" when she urged him to be baptized.

How can I change my faith alone? The squad will start laughing at me,” he said.

He got along well with his squad and led a harsh camp life with them.

After the death of Svyatoslav in one of the military campaigns, an internecine war occurred between his sons (Yaropolk, Oleg and Vladimir), in which Yaropolk and Oleg died, and Vladimir remained the sole ruler Kievan Rus.

Vladimir waged many wars with different neighbors for the border volosts, he also fought with the Kama Bulgarians. He also became involved in a war with the Greeks, as a result of which he converted to Christianity according to the Greek rite. This most important event ended the first period of power of the Varangian Rurik dynasty in Rus'.

This is how the Principality of Kiev was formed and strengthened, uniting politically most tribes of Russian Slavs.

Another even more powerful factor of unification for Rus' was Christianity. The baptism of the prince was immediately followed by the adoption of Christianity in 988 by all of Russia and the solemn abolition of the pagan cult.

Returning from the Korsun campaign to Kyiv with the Greek clergy, Vladimir began to convert the people of Kiev and all of Rus' to the new faith. He baptized people in Kyiv on the banks of the Dnieper and its tributary Pochayna. The idols of the old gods were thrown to the ground and thrown into the river. Churches were erected in their places. This was the case in other cities where Christianity was introduced by princely governors.

During his lifetime, Vladimir distributed control of individual lands to his numerous sons.

Kievan Rus became the cradle of the Russian land, and the son of Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir, Grand Duke of Kyiv Yuri Dolgoruky, who was also the Prince of Rostov, Suzdal and Pereyaslavl, is called by historians the first ruler of Russia.

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The article briefly talks about the great princes of Russian Rus' - a topic studied in 10th grade history. What were they famous for? What were their deeds and role in history?

Summoned Varangians

In 862, the northwestern tribes of the Eastern Slavs decided to stop fighting among themselves and invite an independent ruler to rule over them fairly. The Slav Gostomysl from the Ilmen tribe led the campaign to the Varangians and returned from there with Rurik and his squad. Together with Rurik, his two brothers came - Sienus and Truvor. Rurik sat down to reign in Ladoga, and two years later, according to the Ipatiev Chronicle, he built Novgorod. Rurik had a son, Igor, who was to become a prince after his death. Hereditary rule became the basis of the ruling dynasty.

Rice. 1. Map of Kievan Rus in the 10th century.

In 879, Rurik died, and Igor was still too young. Oleg acted as regent - either Rurik's brother-in-law, or his governor. Already in 882 he captured Kyiv, where he moved the capital from Novgorod Ancient Rus'. Having captured Kyiv, Oleg established complete control over trade route"From the Varangians to the Greeks." Oleg managed to conclude a profitable agreement with Byzantium on duty-free trade, which is great achievement for the Russian economy of that time.

In 912, Oleg died and Igor became the Prince of Kyiv. In 914, Igor re-conquered the Drevlyans, imposing a tribute greater than Oleg's. In 945, Igor, while collecting tribute from the Drevlyans, felt that he had not collected enough. Returning with a small detachment to reassemble, he was killed in the city of Iskorosten for his greed.

And Rurik, and Oleg, and Igor reduced their internal political activities to the subjugation of the Slavic tribes surrounding Rus' and the imposition of tribute on them. Their activities were largely aimed at conducting military campaigns to gain authority within Rus' and in the international arena.

Reign of Olga and Svyatoslav

In 945, Olga suppressed the rebellion of the Drevlyans and avenged Igor by destroying Iskorosten. Olga left the external one and started studying internal politics. She carried out the first reform in Rus', creating a system of lessons and graveyards - the amount of tribute and the places and times of its collection. In 955, Olga went to Constantinople and converted to Christianity.

TOP 5 articleswho are reading along with this

Rice. 2. Burning of Iskorostnya.

It is not known exactly when Svyatoslav came to power. The Tale of Bygone Years speaks of his first military campaign in 964. Svyatoslav was a big fan of war and battles, so he continued the policies of his father and grandfather and spent his whole life in battles, and Olga, on his behalf, continued to rule Russia until her death. Having conquered Bulgaria, he moved the capital to Pereyaslavets-on-Danube and planned to rule the young state from there. But these lands were in the sphere of interests of Byzantium, which within a year forced Svyatoslav to return to Rus'.

Rice. 3. Svyatoslav and John Tzimiskes.

Svyatoslav did not survive his mother for long. He died near the Dnieper rapids from the scimitar of the Pechenegs, who ambushed him when he was returning from Bulgaria to Kyiv in 972.

Foreign policy of Rus' in the 9th-10th centuries

Byzantium remained the main direction of campaigns of the first Russian princes, although military campaigns were periodically carried out in other countries. To illuminate this issue, we will compile a table of the First Russian princes and their activities in foreign policy.




Bottom line

Capture of Kyiv and transfer of the capital there

To Constantinople

A profitable trade agreement was concluded for Rus'

To Constantinople

The Russian fleet was burned by Greek fire

To Constantinople

A new military-trade agreement has been concluded

On Berdaa

Rich booty was robbed and brought to Rus'


To Khazaria

Destruction of the Khazar Khaganate

To Bulgaria

Conquered Bulgaria and sat down to reign there

War with Byzantium

Svyatoslav left Bulgaria and went to Kyiv

It should be noted that the first Russian princes were also engaged in the defense of the southern borders from the constant raids of the nomadic tribes of the Khazars and Pechenegs.

What have we learned?

Generally, foreign policy The first Russian princes dominated the interior. This was due to the desire to unite everything in the East under one authority. Slavic tribes and protect them from external military aggression.

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We know about who the first princes in Rus' were from the works of chroniclers - Nestor, who lived at the turn of the 11th-12th centuries, his contemporary Sylvester and the semi-legendary Joachim, about the reality of whose existence historians cannot assert with complete certainty. It is from their pages that “deeds of bygone years” come to life before us, the memory of which is kept only in the depths of silent steppe mounds and in folk legends.

The first prince of Ancient Rus'

The chronicler Nestor was canonized, therefore, during his lifetime he did not lie, and therefore we will believe everything that he wrote, especially since we, admittedly, have no choice. So, in the middle of the 9th century, the Novgorodians, together with the Krivichi, Chud and the whole, invited three Varangian brothers to rule - Rurik, Sineus and Truvor. The chronicler explains such a strange desire - to voluntarily surrender oneself to the power of foreigners - by the fact that our ancestors lost hope of independently establishing order in their vast lands, and therefore decided to turn to the Varangians for help.

By the way, at all times there have been skeptics among historians. In their opinion, the warlike Scandinavians simply seized the Russian lands and began to rule them, and the legend of voluntary calling was composed only for the sake of trampled national pride. However, this version has also not been proven and is based only on idle reasoning and speculation, and therefore, it is not worth talking about. In the generally accepted view, the first prince of Kievan Rus was an invited guest here.

Reign on the banks of the Volkhov

The first Varangian prince in Rus' was Rurik. He settled in Novgorod in 862. Then he younger brothers began to rule in the estates allotted to them - Sineus on Beloozero, and Truvor in Izborsk. It is curious that Smolensk and Polotsk did not allow foreigners in - either without them the order in the cities was exemplary, or the Varangians simply did not have enough strength to break their resistance. Two years later, Sineus and Truvor simultaneously die, as they say now, “under unclear circumstances,” and their lands are annexed to the possessions of their elder brother Rurik. This became the basis for the subsequent creation of the Russian monarchy.

The chroniclers mentioned above attribute another an important event. Two Varangian princes, Askold and Dir, accompanied by a squad, set off on a campaign to Constantinople, but before reaching Byzantine capital, captured the small Dnieper city of Kiev, which later became the capital of Ancient Rus'. The campaign they planned to Byzantium did not bring glory, but as the first Kyiv princes Askold and Dir entered our history forever. And although the first Varangian prince in Rus' was Rurik, they also played important role in the formation of the state.

The treacherous capture of Kyiv

When in 879, after fifteen years of sole reign, Rurik died, he left his young son Igor as heir to the princely throne, and until he came of age appointed his relative Oleg as ruler, the same one whom descendants would call the Prophetic. From the first days, the new ruler showed himself to be a powerful, warlike man and devoid of excessive morality. Oleg conquers Smolensk and Lyubech, everywhere covering his actions with the name of the young prince Igor, in whose interests he allegedly acts. Having begun the conquest of the Dnieper lands, he captured Kyiv by cunning and, having killed Askold and Dir, became its ruler. It is to him that the chroniclers attribute the words that Kyiv is the mother of Russian cities.

Conqueror and conqueror of lands

At the end of the 9th century Russian lands were still very scattered, and between Novgorod and Kiev extended significant territories inhabited by foreigners. Oleg and his large retinue conquered many peoples who had until then maintained their independence. These were the Ilmen Slavs, the Chud, Vesi, Drevlyan tribes and many other inhabitants of forests and steppes. Having united them under his rule, he gathered the lands of Novgorod and Kyiv into a single powerful state.

His campaigns put an end to the dominance of the Khazar Kaganate, long years controlled the southern territories. Oleg also became famous for his successful campaign against Byzantium, during which, as a sign of victory, he nailed his famous shield, praised by both Pushkin and Vysotsky, to the gates of Constantinople. He returned home with rich booty. The prince died at a ripe old age, satiated with life and glory. Whether the cause of death was the snake that bit him and crawled out of the horse’s skull, or whether it was just a work of fiction is unknown, but the prince’s life itself was brighter and more amazing than any legend.

Massive influx of Scandinavians to Rus'

As can be seen from the above, the first princes in Rus', immigrants from the Scandinavian peoples, saw their main task in conquering new lands and creating single state, capable of withstanding those numerous enemies who continuously encroached on its integrity.

During these years, seeing the success of their fellow tribesmen in Rus', in the Novgorod and Kyiv lands in large quantities Scandinavians rushed in, wanting to grab their piece, but, finding themselves among a large and resilient people, they inevitably assimilated into it and soon became part of it. The activities of the first princes of Rus', of course, relied on their support, but over time the foreigners gave way to the indigenous inhabitants.

Period of Igor's reign

With the death of Oleg, his successor appeared on the historical stage, the son of Rurik, who had matured by that time, the young Prince Igor. All his life he tried to achieve the same fame that Oleg got, but fate was not kind to him. Having undertaken two campaigns against Byzantium, Igor became famous not so much for his military success as for his incredible cruelty towards civilians in the countries through which his army moved.

However, he did not return home empty-handed, bringing back abundant booty from his campaigns. His actions against the steppe Pecheneg robbers, whom he managed to drive away to Bessarabia, were also successful. Naturally ambitious and ambitious, the prince ended his life very ingloriously. Collecting Once again tribute from the Drevlyans subject to him, he, with his irrepressible greed, brought them to the extreme, and they, revolting and killing their squad, betrayed him to a brutal death. His actions expressed the entire policy of the first princes of Rus' - the search for fame and wealth at any cost. Unencumbered by any moral standards, they considered all paths leading to achieving the goal acceptable.

Princess, canonized

After Igor's death, power passed to his widow, Princess Olga, whom the prince married in 903. Beginning her reign, she brutally dealt with the Drevlyans, her husband’s killers, sparing neither the elderly nor children. The princess set out on the campaign with her young son Svyatoslav, wanting to early years accustom him to swearing.

According to most historians, Olga, as a ruler, deserves praise, and this is due primarily to her wise decisions and good deeds. This woman managed to adequately represent Rus' in the world. Her special merit is that she was the first to bring the light of Orthodoxy to Russian soil. For this, the church canonized her as a saint. While still a pagan, in 957 she headed an embassy heading to Byzantium. Olga understood that without Christianity it was impossible to strengthen the prestige of the state and the ruling dynasty.

Newly baptized servant of God Elena

The sacrament of Baptism was performed on her in the Church of St. Sophia personally by the patriarch, and as godfather The emperor himself spoke. The princess emerged from the holy font with the new name Elena. Unfortunately, having returned to Kyiv, she was unable to persuade her son Svyatoslav, like all the first princes in Rus', who worshiped Perun, to accept the faith of Christ. All of boundless Rus' remained in the darkness of paganism, to enlighten which with the rays true faith was destined for her grandson, the future Prince of Kyiv Vladimir.

Prince-conqueror Svyatoslav

Princess Olga died in 969 and was buried according to Christian custom. Characteristic feature her rule was that she limited her activities only to concerns government, leaving the male princes to wage war and assert her power with the sword. Even Svyatoslav, having matured and received all the princely powers, was busy with campaigns, boldly left the state in the care of his mother.

Having inherited power from his mother, Prince Svyatoslav devoted himself entirely to military campaigns, wanting to revive the glory of Rus', which shone so brightly during the time of Prince Oleg. By the way, he was perhaps the first to begin to follow the laws of knightly honor. The prince, for example, considered it unworthy to attack the enemy by surprise, and it was to him that the famous phrase “I’m coming at you!”

Possessing an iron will, a clear mind and military leadership talent, Svyatoslav managed to annex many lands to Rus' over the years of his reign, significantly expanding its territory. Like all the first princes in Rus', he was a conqueror, one of those who, with his sword, conquered a sixth of the land for the future Russian state.

The struggle for power and the victory of Prince Vladimir

The death of Svyatoslav became the beginning of a struggle for power between his three sons - Yaropolk, Oleg and Vladimir, each of whom, having his own legal inheritance, sought to seize the territories of his brothers by treachery and force. After several years of mutual hostility and intrigue, Vladimir won, becoming the sole and rightful ruler.

He, like his father, showed extraordinary military leadership abilities, pacifying the rebellions of the peoples under his control and conquering new ones. However, the main merit that truly immortalized his name was the Baptism of Rus', which took place in 988 and put the young state on a par with European countries, which had long before received the light of the Christian faith.

The end of the life of the holy prince

But at the end of his life, the Baptist of Rus' was destined to experience many bitter moments. The passion for power consumed the soul of his son Yaroslav, who ruled in Novgorod, and he rebelled against his own father. To pacify him, Vladimir was forced to send a squad under the command of his other son Boris to the rebellious city. This caused the prince serious psychological trauma, from which he could not recover and died on July 15, 1015.

For his services to the state and the Russian Orthodox Church, Prince Vladimir entered the history of our homeland with the addition of the epithet Great or Holy to his name. A special proof of the people's love for this outstanding man is the trace that he left in folk epic, who mentioned him in epics about Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya of Novgorod and many other Russian heroes.

Ancient Rus': the first princes

This is how the formation of Russia took place, rising from the darkness of paganism and becoming over time a powerful power, one of the legislators of European politics. But since Rus', during the reign of the first princes, stood out from among other nations, establishing its superiority over them, it had a long and hard way, which included the process of evolution state power. It continued throughout the entire period of Russian autocracy.

The concept of “the first Russian prince in Rus'” can be considered very conditional. The entire family of Rurik princes, which originated from the legendary Varangian who came to the banks of the Volkhov in 862 and ended with the death of Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich, carries Scandinavian blood, and it is hardly fair to call its members purely Russian. Numerous appanage princes who were not directly related to this dynasty also mostly had either Tatar or Western European roots.

But who the first prince of all Rus' is can be said with some accuracy. It is known from the chronicles that for the first time there was a title, which emphasized that its owner was not just Grand Duke, namely the ruler of “all Rus'”, was awarded to Mikhail Yaroslavovich Tverskoy, who ruled at the turn of the 13th and 14th centuries. The first Moscow prince of all Rus' is also reliably known. It was Ivan Kalita. His followers also bore the same title, right up to the first Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible. The main line of their foreign policy was the expansion of borders Russian state and the annexation of new lands to it. Domestic policy boiled down to the comprehensive strengthening of centralized princely power.

The process of property and social stratification among the community members led to the separation of the most prosperous part from among them. The tribal nobility and the wealthy part of the community, subjugating the mass of ordinary community members, need to maintain their dominance in state structures.

The embryonic form of statehood was represented by East Slavic tribal unions, which united into super-unions, albeit fragile ones. Eastern historians talk about the existence on the eve of the formation Old Russian state three large associations of Slavic tribes: Cuiaba, Slavia and Artania. Kuyaba, or Kuyava, was then the name of the region around Kyiv. Slavia occupied territory in the area of ​​Lake Ilmen. Its center was Novgorod. The location of Artania - the third major association of the Slavs - has not been precisely established.

1) 941 - ended in failure;

2) 944 - conclusion of a mutually beneficial agreement.

Killed by the Drevlyans while collecting tribute in 945.

YAROSLAV THE WISE(1019 - 1054)

He established himself on the Kiev throne after long strife with Svyatopolk the Accursed (he received his nickname after the murder of his brothers Boris and Gleb, who were later canonized as saints) and Mstislav of Tmutarakan.

He contributed to the flourishing of the Old Russian state, patronized education and construction. Contributed to the rise of the international authority of Rus'. Established broad dynastic ties with European and Byzantine courts.

Conducted military campaigns:

To the Baltics;

To the Polish-Lithuanian lands;

To Byzantium.

Finally defeated the Pechenegs.

Prince Yaroslav the Wise is the founder of written Russian legislation (" Russian Truth", "The Truth of Yaroslav").


Son of Mary, daughter of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine the Ninth Monomakh. Prince of Smolensk (from 1067), Chernigov (from 1078), Pereyaslavl (from 1093), Grand Prince of Kiev (from 1113).

Prince Vladimir Monomakh - organizer of successful campaigns against the Polovtsians (1103, 1109, 1111)

He advocated the unity of Rus'. Participant in the congress of ancient Russian princes in Lyubech (1097), which discussed the harmfulness of civil strife, the principles of ownership and inheritance of princely lands.

He was called to reign in Kyiv during the popular uprising of 1113, which followed the death of Svyatopolk II. Reigned until 1125

He put into effect the “Charter of Vladimir Monomakh”, where interest on loans was legally limited and it was forbidden to enslave dependent people working off their debt.

Stopped the collapse of the Old Russian state. Wrote " Teaching", in which he condemned the strife and called for the unity of the Russian land.
He continued the policy of strengthening dynastic ties with Europe. He was married to the daughter of the English king Harold the Second - Gita.

Mstislav the Great(1125 - 1132)

Son of Vladimir Monomakh. Prince of Novgorod (1088 - 1093 and 1095 - 1117), Rostov and Smolensk (1093 - 1095), Belgorod and co-ruler of Vladimir Monomakh in Kyiv (1117 - 1125). From 1125 to 1132 - autocratic ruler of Kyiv.

He continued the policy of Vladimir Monomakh and managed to preserve a unified Old Russian state. Annexed the Principality of Polotsk to Kyiv in 1127.
Organized successful campaigns against the Polovtsians, Lithuania, and the Chernigov prince Oleg Svyatoslavovich. After his death, almost all the principalities came out of obedience to Kyiv. A specific period begins - feudal fragmentation.

Hello friends!

In this post we will focus on such a difficult topic as the first Kyiv princes. Today we will present 7 original historical portraits from Oleg the Prophet to Vladimir II Monomakh, all of these historical portraits were painted with the maximum score and meet all criteria for assessing work on the Unified State Exam.

You see in front of you a map of Ancient Rus', or rather the tribes that lived on their territory. You see that this is the territory of present-day Ukraine and Belarus. Ancient Rus' extended from the Carpathians in the West, to the Oka and Volga in the East and from the Baltic in the North, to the steppes of the Black Sea region in the South. Of course, Kyiv was the capital of this Old Russian state and it was there that the princes of Kyiv sat. We will begin our study of Ancient Rus' with Prince Oleg. Unfortunately, no information about this prince has been preserved, but only the legend “The Legend of the Prophetic Oleg” has been preserved, which you all know very well. And so in 882, Oleg headed to Kyiv from Novgorod. He was a warrior of Rurik (862-882) and while Rurik’s son, Igor, was small, Oleg was his regent. And in 882, Oleg captured Kyiv, killing Askold and Dir, and from that moment his reign began.

Oleg the Prophet – Historical Portrait

Lifetime:9th century – beginning10th century

Reign: 882-912

1. Domestic policy:

1.1. He made Kyiv the capital of Ancient Rus', so some historians consider Oleg the founder of the Old Russian state. “Let Kyiv be the mother of Russian cities”

1.2. He united the northern and southern centers of the Eastern Slavs by conquering the lands of the Ulichs, Tivertsi, Radimichi, Northerners, Drevlyans, and subjugating cities such as Smolensk, Lyubech, Kyiv.

2. Foreign policy:

2.1. He made a successful campaign against Constantinople in 907.

2.2. He concluded peace and trade agreements with Byzantium that were beneficial for the country.

Results of activities:

During the years of his reign, Prince Oleg significantly increased the territory of Rus' and concluded the first trade agreement with Byzantium (Constantinople)

The second ruler after Oleg was Igor Stary and about his reign modern history much is unknown and we only know about the last four years of his reign in Kyiv.

Historical portrait of Igor Stary

Lifetime: end9th century –II quarterX century

Reign: 912-945

Main activities:

1. Domestic policy:

1.1. Continued the unification of East Slavic tribes

1.2. Was governor in Kyiv during the reign of Oleg

2. Foreign policy:

2.1. Russian-Byzantine War 941-944.

2.2. War with the Pechenegs

2.3. War with the Drevlyans

2.4. Military campaign against Byzantium

Results of activities:

He extended his power to the Slavic tribes between the Dniester and Danube, concluded a military-trade agreement with Byzantium, and conquered the Drevlyans.

After the murder of Igor by the Drevlyans for excessive collection of tribute, his wife, Olga, ascended the throne.

Duchess Olga

Lifetime:II-III quarterX century.

Reign: 945-962

Main activities:

1. Domestic policy:

1.1. Strengthening the central government through reprisals against the Drevlyan tribe

1.2. She carried out the first tax reform in Rus': she introduced lessons - a fixed amount of tribute collection and graveyards - places where tribute was collected.

2. Foreign policy:

2.1. She was the first Russian princess and ruler in general to convert to Christianity.

2.2. She was able to prevent the Drevlyan dynasty of princes from reigning in Kyiv.

Results of activities:

Olga strengthened internal position young Russian state, established relations with Byzantium, increased the authority of Rus', and was able to preserve the Russian throne for her son Svyatoslav.

After Olga's death, the reign of Svyatoslav Igorevich, known for his rich foreign policy, began in Kyiv

Svyatoslav Igorevich

Life time: second half of the 10th century.

Reigned 945 - 972

Main activities:

1. Domestic policy:

1.1. He led the further strengthening of the ancient Russian state, like his predecessors.

1.2. Tried to create an empire.

2. Foreign policy:

2.1. Conducted a military campaign against Bulgaria in 967.

2.2. Defeated the Khazar Khaganate in 965.

2.3. Conducted a military campaign against Byzantium.

Results of activities:

Established diplomatic relations with many peoples of the world, strengthened the position of Rus' on the world stage, removed the threat from the Volga Bulgaria and the Khazar Kaganate, expanded its possessions Prince of Kyiv, wanted to create an empire, but his plans were not destined to come true.

After the death of Svyatoslav, Prince Yaropolk (972-980) ascended the Kiev throne, who during the 8 years of his reign made a very small contribution to the history of Ancient Rus'. After his reign, Vladimir I, popularly nicknamed the Red Sun, ascended the Kiev throne.

Vladimir I Svyatoslavovich (Saint, Red Sun) – Historical portrait

Life time: 3rd quarter of the 10th century - first half of the 11th century (~ 960-1015);
Reign: 980-1015

Main activities:
1. Domestic policy:
1.1. The final annexation of the lands of the Vyatichi, Cherven cities, as well as the lands on both sides of the Carpathians.
1.2. Pagan reform. In order to strengthen the grand-ducal power and introduce Rus' to the rest of the world, in 980 Vladimir carried out the Pagan Reform, according to which Perun was placed at the head of the pantheon of Slavic gods. After the failure of the reform, Vladimir I decided to baptize Rus' according to the Byzantine rite.
1.3. Acceptance of Christianity. After the failure of the pagan reform, under Vladimir in 988, as state religion Christianity was adopted. The baptism of Vladimir and his entourage took place in the city of Korsun. The reason for choosing Christianity as the main religion was Vladimir’s marriage to Byzantine princess Anna and the prevalence of this faith in Rus'.
2. Foreign policy:
2.1. Protection of the borders of Rus'. Under Vladimir, for the purpose of protection, a Unified Defense System against nomads and an Alert System were created.
2.2. The defeat of the Radimichi militia, the campaign in Volga Bulgaria, the first clash between Rus' and Poland, as well as the conquest of the Principality of Polotsk.

Activity results:
1. Domestic policy:
1.1. The unification of all the lands of the Eastern Slavs as part of Kievan Rus.
1.2. The reform streamlined the pagan pantheon. Encouraged Prince Vladimir to turn to a fundamentally new religion.
1.3. Strengthening princely power, raising the country's authority on the world stage, borrowing Byzantine culture: frescoes, architecture, icon painting, the Bible was translated into Slavic language...
2. Foreign policy:
2.1. The Unified Defense System against nomads and the Alert System helped to quickly notify the center of a border crossing, and, accordingly, of an attack, which gave Rus' an advantage.
2.2. Expansion of the borders of Rus' through the active foreign policy of Prince Vladimir the Saint.

After Vladimir, Yaroslav, nicknamed the Wise, turned out to be a very noticeable ruler.

Yaroslav the Wise

Lifetime: endX – middle11th century

Reign: 1019–1054

Main activities:

1. Domestic policy:

1.1. Establishing dynastic ties with Europe and Byzantium through dynastic marriages.

1.2. Founder of written Russian legislation - “Russian Truth”

1.3. Built St. Sophia Cathedral and Golden Gate

2. Foreign policy:

2.1. Military campaigns in the Baltic states

2.2. The final defeat of the Pechenegs

2.3. Military campaign against Byzantium and Polish-Lithuanian lands

Results of activities:

During the reign of Yaroslav, Rus' reached its peak. Kyiv has become one of largest cities Europe, the authority of Rus' increased on the world stage, and the active construction of temples and cathedrals began.

And the last prince, whose characteristics we will give in this post, will be Vladimir II.

Vladimir Monomakh

INTime of life: second half of the 11th century - first quarter of the 12th century.

Reign: 1113-1125

Main activities:

1. Domestic policy:

1.1. Stopped the collapse of the Old Russian state. “Let everyone keep his homeland”

1.2. Nestor compiled “The Tale of Bygone Years”

1.3. Introduced the “Charter of Vladimir Monomakh”

2. Foreign policy:

2.1. Organized successful campaigns of princes against the Polovtsians

2.2. Continued the policy of strengthening dynastic ties with Europe

Results of activities:

He was able to unite the Russian lands for a short time, became the author of “Instructions for Children”, and managed to stop the Polovtsian raids on Rus'.

© Ivan Nekrasov 2014

Here is a post, dear readers of the site! I hope he helped you find your way around the first princes of Ancient Rus'. The best thanks for this post are your recommendations in in social networks! You may not care, but I’m pleased))

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