When to plant watermelon seedlings to get large fruits. Planting watermelons correctly

Watermelon is a melon crop that grows reluctantly in northern and middle latitudes. Therefore, you need to buy seeds of zoned varieties. But they will also have to provide suitable conditions: loose, semi-dry soil, plenty of sun and warmth.

Sowing watermelons for seedlings

Sowing time

Watermelons are grown not only by residents of the south, but also middle zone, Siberia and the Far East. For regions with cool and short summers, this melon crop cannot be grown without seedlings. The timing of sowing seeds depends on the selected variety, as well as on when the threat of return frosts passes in a particular region.

Watermelon seedlings are planted on permanent place at the age of 30–35 days. Knowing the date of the planned planting, it is easy to calculate when you can start sowing. For example, if morning frosts in your region occur until mid-May, then you need to sow a month earlier plus a week (for soaking and germination), we get the beginning of April.

Watermelon seedlings are 30 days old, can be planted in the ground

When to sow if watermelons grow in a greenhouse?

Planting in a greenhouse or unheated greenhouse, and not in open ground have almost no effect on the above calculations. If you plan to plant under cover, you can sow a week earlier, but after planting the seedlings you will have to monitor the weather and weather forecasts. The fact is that watermelons do not grow or develop at temperatures of +16 ⁰C and below. And if there are many cloudy days, when the sun does not warm up the greenhouse and it is impossible to ventilate, then the seedlings may get sick and die. In addition, during freezing (at night and in the morning) under film or agrill, the temperature is not much higher than outside. Therefore, the seedlings will have to be additionally covered inside a greenhouse or greenhouse.

But in summer, watermelons feel better under waterproof covering materials, since there they are protected from prolonged rains and cold winds. On sunny days, the shelter is much warmer, and the fruits grow larger and sweeter than in open ground.

Optimal conditions for watermelons: temperature - +25... +30 ⁰C, humidity - 50–60%. Watermelon is a light-loving crop; in cloudy weather, development stops.

Choosing a container for seedlings

Watermelons do not tolerate picking; it is very difficult to take root in a new place if their roots are disturbed. Therefore, each seed is sown in an individual pot or glass in which the watermelon will grow until planting. The size of the cup is 10 cm in depth and the same in diameter. Moreover, the container should be such that the watermelon can be removed from it along with a lump of earth without exposing the roots. Pots made of peat or compressed paper are ideal; seedlings are planted directly in them without removing them.

It is better not to disturb the roots of watermelons when transplanting. The ideal container for growing seedlings is peat or paper cups

You cannot grow watermelons in peat tablets. This is compressed peat, which does not contain any nutrients. Peat tablets designed for germinating seeds of those crops that require picking.

What kind of soil do watermelons need?

Watermelon loves loose, moderately dry and neutral soil. Therefore, on sandy and sandy loam soils, the crop develops faster and produces rich harvests. The soil for seedlings must be prepared in accordance with these preferences. You can use ready-made soil for cucumbers or make a mixture of equal parts: river sand, humus, turf land. Before sowing, the soil must be spilled with boiling water or heated for 10 minutes in the microwave. A sign of successful disinfection is that the earth should float.

Video: Biologist's advice on using containers for seedlings and preparing soil mixture

Seed preparation

Often store-bought seeds are already treated with fertilizers and fungicides against diseases. In this case, soaking and germination are not necessary. It is better to germinate untreated seeds to be sure of their germination. Then, after sowing, a sprout will definitely appear in each glass. To do this, watermelon seeds are first soaked in a growth stimulator. The most common is Epin Extra (4 drops per 1 liter of water). It not only promotes the speedy awakening of the plant embryo, but also softens the seed shell.

Watermelon seeds have a very dense and hard shell, so before planting they are soaked in a growth stimulator solution

Watermelon seeds are kept in Epin solution for 12 hours, and then laid out between two damp cotton pads. Place this structure in a disposable plastic container with a lid or on a saucer, which is wrapped in a plastic bag. For rapid emergence of seedlings, a temperature within - +25… +30 ⁰C is needed. After 4-5 days, the seeds should germinate and you can start sowing.

If you have to sow ungerminated watermelon seeds, then to soften their shell, when planting, the soil along with the seed is watered with hot water (+50... +60 ⁰C).

Stages of sowing watermelon seeds for seedlings

Video: How to sow watermelon seeds plus the idea of ​​a greenhouse on the balcony

Caring for watermelon seedlings at home

Temperature and lighting

As soon as the shoots appear, they are transferred for 3–5 days to a sunny and cool place (+18… +20 ⁰C). The temperature in the following days and before disembarkation is +20… +25 ⁰C. Even on a south-facing window, watermelons can stretch out, because the weather does not always please us with sunny days. Therefore, you need to be prepared to highlight the seedlings. In addition, the pots are turned to the glass with the other side every day.

On cloudy days, watermelons reach for the glass; lighting is needed


In addition to warmth and light, watermelons need moisture. Watermelons are watered rarely, but abundantly, soaking the entire lump of earth, but not getting on the leaves. The signal for watering is when the top layer of soil dries to a depth of 1–1.5 cm. Watermelons love dry air, so there is no need to spray them.

The watermelon root is long and adapted to extract water from the lower layers of the soil.

The water should be settled and warm. It is better to keep it in the same place where the watermelons grow, so that there is no temperature difference when watering. The soil in pots is always kept loose.


During the entire seedling period, watermelons are given only 1–2 feedings. The first one, a week after germination, is needed if the plants receive enough light and heat, but grow poorly, the real leaves grow slowly, they are small. This means that the soil taken for planting turned out to be poor and has few nutrients. The second feeding is done a week before planting in a permanent place, so that the seedlings gain strength and can more easily withstand stress.

Feeding watermelon seedlings - table

Fertilizers are applied after watering, on damp soil. Approximately 1-2 tablespoons are poured into each pot.

Photo: Fertilizers for feeding seedlings

Complex fertilizer Fertika Lux (powder) Agricola Forward - concentrate for feeding seedlings
Uniflor Growth - feeding for rapid development green mass


If watermelons continue to grow in open ground, then hardening is necessary. The seedlings are taken out onto the balcony or a window is opened. You cannot immediately expose young watermelons to direct sunlight and wind. For the first “walk”, choose a shaded and protected from the wind place. Gradually intensity and time sunbathing increase from 15 minutes to the whole day.

On outdoors The soil in pots dries out faster, which means you will have to check its condition and water it more often.

Problems with seedlings and solutions - table

Problem Cause Solution
Seeds cannot shed their shells The seeds are sown finely or the seed is weak, underdeveloped Moisten the shell with water several times a day; the watermelon will shed it on its own. Do not pull the dry shell with your hands; the seedling may die.
Uneven shoots The seeds were sown at different depths, covered with heavy soil on top, and a crust formed. Use loose soil for watermelon seedlings and sow the seeds at the same depth.
The seedlings died, the stems darkened close to the ground The seedlings got sick with black leg. Among the reasons: excessive watering, contaminated soil, cold windowsill.
  • Stop watering until the top layer of soil dries.
  • If watermelons are grown in one common box, then remove the diseased shoots with a piece of soil, water the remaining ones with potassium permanganate.
  • Follow the rules for watering watermelons!
Not enough light or nutrients
  • Pour or spray with Atlet solution (1.5 ml per 1 liter of water). The stems will become thicker, the leaves will be larger, and the roots will develop better.
  • On cloudy days, illuminate the seedlings with lamps.
  • Every day, turn the seedlings to the sun with the other side.
  • Remove other plants and objects from the windowsills that may shade the seedlings.
Pests have appeared Aphids or spider mite can switch to watermelons from indoor flowers or from the ground in which they overwinter.
  • Do not keep indoor flowers on the same window, or better yet, in the same room with seedlings.
  • Steam the soil before planting.
  • Spray with biological products: Fitoverm (2 ml per 1 liter of water) or Agravertin (5 ml per 0.5 liter of water). Repeat after 7–10 days.
Leaves turn yellow Not enough power Feed with Agricola, Fertika Lux or Uniflor.
Colorless (white) spots on leaves Seedlings that are taken out of the room into bright sun for the first time often get sunburn. Start hardening on a cloudy day or shade the watermelons, for example, with paper. On the windowsill, the leaves of the seedlings should not touch the glass.
White mold on the soil surface There are mold spores in the air of any room. It develops in waterlogged soil with a lack of ultraviolet rays. Loosen, sprinkle the ground with crushed coal, wood ash, spray with a weak solution of brilliant green (1 drop per 1 liter of water).

When to plant watermelons in a permanent place?

The main rule for a gardener is to plant seedlings in the evening or on a cloudy day. Watermelons should be well watered 3-5 hours before. Of course, there should no longer be frost in the morning. A temperature favorable for watermelons is required: during the day +20... +30 ⁰C, at night not lower than +16... +18 ⁰C. The seedlings are shaded for the first 2–3 days.

I've been trying to grow watermelons for several years now, but the results are not very good. And the seedlings are strong, and I take care of them, but the berries in the beds are always green and do not ripen. Tell me, when do they plant watermelon seedlings in the middle zone?

Growing watermelons in central Russia has its own characteristics due to the harsh climate and the heat-loving nature of large berries. The fact is that you can plant them, but whether they have time to ripen - that is the question. Therefore, the gardeners living there have long established one truth: it is possible to obtain a harvest of melons only using the seedling method of planting them.

Now about the main thing - in order to have time to enjoy the juicy pulp, it is important to know when to plant watermelons for seedlings in the middle zone. In addition, attention should be paid to the following points:

  • choose the right varieties;
  • grow quality seedlings.

How to determine the time of sowing seeds?

Before you start sowing seeds for seedlings, you must carefully study the instructions on the bag and pay attention to the following data:

  • the number of days required to grow full-fledged seedlings;
  • the number of days that watermelons will require from the moment they set berries until they are fully ripened.

On average, watermelon (and other pumpkin) seedlings can be obtained in 30 days. It will take the same amount of time for the seedlings to grow and become stronger. Optimal time for planting seedlings in the garden - on the 20th of May. This means that you need to sow the seeds approximately two months before this date, but no later than April 1.

More late sowing will not bring results, since the watermelons will not have time to ripen.

Choosing a watermelon variety for the middle zone

Experienced gardeners advise using only early-ripening varieties of watermelons for growing in the middle zone and not chasing too much large sizes. The main thing is that the berry tastes sweet and has time to ripen while the weather is warm.

The following varieties are perfect for this region:

It is better to purchase seeds in a specialized store or from gardeners who collected them themselves from home watermelons.

Growing seedlings

Before sowing, it is necessary to discard hollow seeds. To do this, simply pour water over the seeds and select those that float to the surface. Wrap the remaining seeds in a piece of damp cloth and leave them to germinate, keeping the cloth moist. This way the shoots will appear faster.

Fresh seeds from last year germinate worse than seeds from two years ago.

Plant the sprouted seeds immediately in separate cups to avoid damaging them in the future. root system when transplanting them into the soil. Place the pots on a well-lit windowsill and maintain the room temperature at about 25 degrees Celsius. During the growth of seedlings, feed them 2 times

Not only residents of the southern regions, but also residents of areas with a cool climate dream of enjoying watermelon from their own plot. In a short summer, the seed will not be able to develop into a full-fledged bush with huge striped berries. If you plant the seeds directly in the garden bed, then in the fall you will admire large carved leaves And yellow flowers, but you won’t get any juicy fruits. Gardeners have found a way out: you can grow seedlings at home, and then transfer them to greenhouses or open ground.

Timing of sowing seeds

To correctly determine the time for sowing seeds, you need to know when you will plant the seedlings in a greenhouse or in open ground. You can use it for a hint lunar calendar, but if favorable days fall too early or late dates, it is better to use common sense and the weather forecast. If you are going to grow watermelons in a greenhouse, use observations from past years: at what time the soil and air in the shelter usually reach the desired temperature at which the plants can be planted. General recommendations will not fit here, it all depends on the material, volume and design of your building.

In order for watermelons to take root well and begin to develop outdoors, the seedlings should not be exposed to frost. Roots also require warmth; at soil temperatures below +15⁰ they will not take root well, diseases will arise, the plants will weaken and may even die. Planting too late is also undesirable; the harvest can be destroyed autumn cold. Seedlings can be planted in open ground about a month after germination. Count 30-35 days ago from the expected transplant date, add about 10-15 days for the emergence of seedlings - this is how you determine the day for sowing the seeds. For example, if you plant grains in the soil in mid-April, you can transplant them into open ground in early June.

In greenhouses, conditions are more gentle; plants can be planted there 20-25 days after germination. Make calculations as for planting in open ground and determine the sowing date. For example, if the soil and air in your greenhouse reach the desired values ​​around May 10, seedlings should appear on April 20, which means you need to plant the seeds in early April.

Let's start sowing

It’s already difficult for heat-loving watermelons to live in a cool climate, and if you also injure their roots during transplantation, the plants will become very ill. If the root system is damaged, there is a high probability that plants will develop diseases caused by fungi or other infections that have entered through the wounds. Don’t skimp and purchase, this will make your work and the rooting of seedlings easier. The optimal diameter of the container for melons is 10 cm: the roots will not be crowded, and the plantings will not take up much space on the windowsill.

It is advisable to purchase watermelons, but you can prepare the soil yourself. Pour a quarter of a bucket of garden soil, fill the remaining volume with humus, add 3 tbsp. spoons of phosphates and 1 tbsp. spoon of potassium and nitrogen fertilizers. Mix the mixture thoroughly, moisten and fill the containers where you will plant the seeds. There is another recipe for preparing soil in which you can grow healthy seedlings. 10 liter container needs to be filled in equal parts humus, sand and garden soil and add 1 liter jar of ash.

If you just bury the seeds in wet ground, it will take a very long time to wait for them to germinate. Watermelon grains should be kept in a damp cloth at a temperature of about 30⁰, and it is better to use a growth stimulator. There are many drugs, read the instructions on how to use the product. When the seeds hatch, place them in the refrigerator on a shelf with a temperature of about +6⁰. After 12 hours, remove and keep the seeds in a warm place for the same amount of time. This procedure is called stratification, repeat it 3 times, and sudden changes in the thermal regime will force the embryos to awaken faster and begin to develop.

Place the seeds sideways on the ground and press down lightly to keep them in that position. Cover the crops with 2-3 cm of soil and moisten. Cover the containers with film and keep at a temperature of about 25⁰ until shoots appear. Do not forget to open the containers for a few minutes every day to remove evaporated moisture from under the film.

When purchasing seeds, consider the climate of your area. For areas where summer does not pamper residents with warmth, there are cold-resistant varieties of watermelons; give preference to them. The shorter the ripening time, the more harvest you will get in the short northern summer.

Seedling care

As soon as the cotyledon leaves appear from the ground, remove the film and move the pots to a cooler place (21-23⁰C). Watermelon seedlings need to be provided good lighting at least half a day. If the windows face north or the weather is cloudy, turn on a fluorescent lamp above the plantings, otherwise the sprouts will be elongated and weak.

Make sure that the plants are not crowded on the windowsill. When they begin to touch leaves, move the pots apart so that the seedlings do not interfere with each other.

It is possible to grow well-developed watermelon seedlings only with proper watering so that the plants have enough moisture. The soil does not need to be overdried, but it should not be constantly soggy. Living in conditions close to swamps causes rot and other diseases to affect the roots. Only warm water is suitable for irrigation; splashes should not fall on the leaves. Follow drainage holes: when they work well, all excess liquid leaks onto the tray.

10 days after emergence, feed the plantings with complex fertilizer dissolved in water or with a liquid preparation; repeat this procedure every decade. When the seedlings have 3 true leaves, they can be planted in a greenhouse, and after the fourth leaf - in open ground. At this age, seedlings are ready to move, but is the soil ready? If its temperature has not reached 15⁰, it is too early to plant. Warming up of the earth can be accelerated if you cover it with black film in advance.

Problems when growing seedlings

Often gardeners cannot understand why seedlings wither and die. There can be many reasons. If seedlings are watered too hard or seeds are planted in contaminated soil, fusarium may occur - fungal disease, in which the vessels of the stem are affected. The plant withers and dies. In adult watermelons, the disease can occur from transplanting into cold soil or when the roots are damaged. Destroy the affected specimens, and treat the remaining seedlings with a disinfectant and make sure that moisture does not stagnate in the soil.

Root rot also occurs from a fungus. The leaves of the seedlings turn yellow and wither, then the seedlings die. Carefully inspect the sprouts, and if you notice brown spots at the bottom of the stem, immediately isolate or destroy the diseased plant. The best prevention this disease - the use of reliable soil, moderate timely watering and sufficient heat air.

To avoid disease in watermelon seedlings, several conditions must be met.

  1. Use reliable seeds and disinfected tools.
  2. Feed in a timely manner so that the seedlings do not weaken.
  3. Avoid sudden temperature fluctuations.
  4. Avoid excessive moisture.

Weak seedlings sometimes begin to gradually turn yellow. The plant wants to tell you that it doesn't have enough light or needs nitrogen feeding. Watermelons love warmth, but not the scorching rays of the sun. If you want to grow seedlings on a window facing south, shade the seedlings during the day. Plants can also develop poorly because they are cold.


In most regions of our country, it is impossible to enjoy watermelon from your garden if you sow the seeds directly into the garden bed. Gardeners, even in northern areas, try to grow seedlings at home so that in a short summer the plants have time to develop and bear fruit. Pay attention to the ripening dates indicated on the seed packet, do not rush large-fruited varieties: how smaller size watermelon, the faster it will ripen.

Calculate the most suitable seed sowing time for your area. Use disinfected soil and high-quality seeds, carry out stratification, and the grains will quickly sprout. All that remains is to properly care for the seedlings, feed and water them on time, and make sure that they are not affected by diseases. If you can grow a good one strong seedlings, adult plants will thank you with delicious fruits. Let inept gardeners say that watermelons don’t grow in the north, but you weren’t lazy, grew melons in a cold climate, and now you eat the juicy, sweet pulp.

As a rule, they are planted with 30-day-old seedlings. Considering that watermelon seeds take quite a long time to germinate, you should start sowing watermelons for seedlings in mid-April.

Soil for watermelon seedlings

The soil for growing watermelon seedlings should be light and fertile. For cooking soil mixture mix 1 part, 1 part and 0.5 parts washed sand. Add 2 tbsp. l. for every liter of mixture. Mix well.

Preparing watermelon seeds for sowing: soaking, germination, hardening

It is better to sow watermelon with pre-prepared sprouted seeds. Before germination, soak the seeds in a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes. Rinse. Wrap the seeds in a damp cloth and place in a warm place. Watermelon seed germination temperature +25...+30°С. The germination time of watermelon seeds is 5-6 days. To prevent the seeds from souring, wash them periodically in warm water. running water. As soon as the first signs of seed pecking appear, it is useful to carry out hardening. Place them in the refrigerator for 12 hours, then keep them warm for the same amount of time. The procedure can be repeated 2-3 times. As soon as the root grows 1-1.5 cm, you can begin sowing watermelon seeds for seedlings.

Planting watermelon seeds for seedlings

Fill the peat pots ¾ full with the prepared soil mixture. Place the sprouted watermelon seeds one at a time in a pot.

Place a layer of soil mixture 2-3 cm thick on top. Compact it a little so that the seeds do not become exposed when watering.

Water carefully. To prevent the walls of peat pots from drying out too quickly, but to always remain moist, it is advisable to place them in plastic pots of suitable size.

Conditions for growing watermelon seedlings

Place the pots of watermelon seeds sown in the brightest place you can provide at home.
Temperature of keeping watermelon seedlings. Before emergence, the temperature should be +25...+27°C. After germination, it is sufficient if the temperature is +20...+25°C during the day and +18...+20°C at night. Water the crops only with warm water.

Feeding watermelon seedlings. 10 days after emergence, feed the seedlings with a mineral solution (“Fertika”, “Mastvorin”, “Sotka”). After another 10 days, repeat feeding. Water and feed watermelon seedlings at the root. If drops of fertilizer do get on the leaves, remove them with a paper napkin. With the appearance of 4-5 true leaves, if the weather permits, the seedlings can be planted in the ground.

Planting watermelon seedlings in the ground

When to plant watermelons in the ground? Watermelons are planted in open ground in the second ten days of June, when the threat of frost has completely passed. If you use shelters, you can plant watermelons earlier, starting 3 weeks after germination.

First make sure the soil is warm enough. Optimal temperature for planting watermelon seedlings it is considered +15...+18°C. To warm up faster, the bed can be covered with black film.

The root system of the watermelon is quite deep, so dig up the area with the bayonet of a shovel. Add a bucket of humus or compost, 40-50 g of complete and 2 cups of wood ash per 1 square meter. m. Dig again. Prepare the wells. Watermelon planting scheme: 2 plants per 1 sq. m. Carefully remove top part peat pot, place the watermelon seedlings in the holes.

Water the holes with water and fill them with soil.

Do not bury the root collar. It is better that the earthen ball from the pot remains 1 cm above the soil level. Before the onset of real warmth and flowering, cover the plantings with any covering material.

10.11.2018 1 768

How to plant watermelon seedlings - step-by-step instruction

Watermelon is a southern crop that is grown today in almost every region of the country. Thanks to modern selection, the market offers dozens of seed varieties suitable for sowing both in the Urals, Siberia, and central Russia. Regardless of the variety, watermelon needs certain conditions that will allow it to ripen and produce a rich harvest. Let's figure out when to plant watermelon seedlings and how to care for young plants at home

Timing of sowing seeds

IN modern conditions growing melons is available not only to residents of the southern regions, but also to the entire middle zone, from Siberia to Far East. In areas with short and cloudy summers, it is difficult to grow seeds, as this requires a specially equipped greenhouse or greenhouse. To ensure that the watermelon has time to ripen, follow the planting dates, which depend on the specific variety and climatic conditions of the region. So, how to plant watermelon seedlings?

Important! To calculate the time to sow melons, you can use a simple formula. First, determine when in your region the time for morning frosts has passed(for example, mid-May). By this time add 30 days(age of planting seedlings in the ground) and another 7 days(for pre-soaking). It turns out that with this calculation it is necessary to begin preparations for sowing in early April.

The described calculation formula is relevant both when planting seedlings in the ground and in indoor greenhouses and greenhouses. If you plant young animals under cover, you can start preparing for sowing seeds 5-7 days earlier.

It is necessary to understand that watermelon growing temperature, even modern hybrids, should be no lower+16 degrees. In the event of an unexpected cold snap, young plants may die even under cover. That is why you should not rush to plant watermelons. It is important to wait until the temperature stabilizes and the greenhouse is completely warmed up.

Where to plant seedlings?

When thinking about how to grow watermelon seedlings at home, remember about suitable containers. Choosing containers for seedlings is a responsible and important occupation. The fact is that young plants are very difficult to tolerate picking and replanting, which is why the ideal option for sowing seeds are individual pots made of environmentally friendly material, which decomposes when it gets into the ground. Peat tablets are also used to avoid damaging the roots and additionally supply them with nutrients. In case of forced replanting, treat the roots with utmost care and do not try to completely clear them of soil.

preparing nutrient soil for watermelon seedlings

How to prepare the soil for melons?

In addition to the germination conditions, melons are extremely “picky” about the soil. Ideal option for melon crops there are sandy and sandy loam soils. Buy ready mixture You can go to a specialty store or prepare it yourself.

To do this, take in equal proportions:

  • river sand;
  • turf;
  • humus.

After this, the finished soil must be treated with boiling water or heated for 10 minutes in the microwave. You can tell that disinfection was successful by the clouds of steam rising above the ground.

How to care for seedlings?

Young seedlings require care. It is necessary to observe not only certain soil moisture conditions, but also carefully monitor the lighting. In addition to the above, do not forget about timely feeding of the “young animals”.

proper care of melon seedlings is the success of a large harvest!

Proper watering

Caring for seedlings begins with organization proper watering. Watermelons should be watered rarely, but abundantly. You should shed the entire earthen lump, trying not to touch the leaves. You can tell that seedlings need watering based on the condition of the soil. The soil should dry to a depth of 1-1.5 centimeters. Plants should only be watered warm and settled water.

Lighting and temperature

Immediately after the first shoots appear, they are transferred to a sunny place with an air temperature of +18...+20 degrees. After 5 days, young plants are transferred to more warm room with a temperature of +24…+25 degrees. If there is a shortage sunlight, especially in northern regions, watermelons should be additionally “highlighted” with special ultraviolet lights. They also regularly turn the seedlings over on the window so that they do not stretch out.

source of additional light for seedlings

additional illumination with a phytolamp

Applying fertilizers to the soil

Melons and melons do not require frequent feeding. Over the entire period, young bushes are fed no more than a couple of times. Fertilizers are applied for the first time a week after the emergence of seedlings, and the second - a week before planting the young plants in the ground. The need for fertilizer application can be determined by appearance watermelon: it grows slowly, its leaves fall off or look small, the stem is elongated and thin. So, how to feed watermelon seedlings? Agricola Forward fertilizer is suitable for this purpose.


This is a necessary and important procedure that prepares young plants for planting in the ground, greenhouse or greenhouse. To do this, boxes or pallets with young watermelons are taken out onto the balcony. Or they leave it on open window, having previously been protected by a canopy from direct sun rays and wind. For the first time, a “walk” lasting 15-20 minutes will be enough. Gradually this period will reach a whole day. Experienced gardeners Those who know how to care for young watermelon plants advise approaching the hardening procedure with maximum responsibility.

inspection of seedlings after hardening

Important! When starting to harden melons, remember that under the influence of air and wind, the soil in the pots will dry out much faster. Therefore, monitor her condition regularly.

How to prepare seeds for planting?

Some purchased seeds are already prepared for planting: treated with special fertilizers and chemicals, protected from pests and diseases. In the event that they have not been subjected to any preliminary manipulations, the seeds are prepared independently. Step-by-step instructions will help you with this:

It’s better to learn in advance how to prepare watermelon seeds for planting and avoid mistakes.

Problems of watermelon seedlings

Watermelon seedlings are extremely whimsical. When growing conditions are violated, young animals often get sick and die. Common problems include:

  • a young plant does not shed its seed - to solve the problem, regularly moisten the seed with water, but do not try to remove it yourself. As soon as the watermelon gets stronger, it will get rid of ballast on its own;
  • seedlings appear unevenly - the reason lies in the fact that all the seeds were sown at different depths. The situation can be resolved by regularly loosening the soil;
  • darkening of the base of the seedling - this symptom indicates the development of a “black leg”. The source of the appearance of black leg on watermelon seedlings is excessive watering or a too cold windowsill. It is recommended to stop watering the soil for a while and move the trays with seedlings to a warm place;
  • excessive elongation of seedlings - a similar phenomenon occurs when there is a lack of nutrients or sunlight. What to do if watermelon seedlings have stretched out? Can solve the problem timely feeding and installation of additional ultraviolet lamps;
  • the appearance of mites and aphids - in 99% of cases, the problem is due to poor soil cultivation or “neighboring” plants. It is best to keep watermelon shoots in separate room, away from other seedlings and indoor flowers;
  • the appearance of white spots on the leaves - these could be sunburn, which occur when watering rules are violated and drops of water get on the leaves. To help plants recover, protect them from direct sunlight with a sheet of paper;
  • the appearance of mold on the soil - indicates excessive waterlogging of the soil and lack of sunlight, also fresh air. If a problem is detected, thoroughly loosen the soil and sprinkle with wood ash.

You can plant seedlings as soon as the weather is suitable and the age of seedlings reaches 30-35 days. Young plants are transplanted in the evening or on a cloudy day, after watering the container with the plants with water. The air temperature during the daytime should reach +20…+30 degrees.

Vaccination of watermelon against lagenaria