Flash computer model of the Solar System with date input. Sizes of planets in the solar system in ascending order and interesting information about the planets

> Interactive 2D and 3D model solar system

Consider: real distances between planets, a moving map, phases of the Moon, the Copernican and Tycho Brahe systems, instructions.

FLASH Model of the Solar System

This solar system model created by developers in order for users to gain knowledge about the structure of the Solar System and its place in the Universe. With its help, you can get a visual idea of ​​how the planets are located relative to the Sun and each other, as well as the mechanics of their movement. Flash technology allows you to study all aspects of this process, on the basis of which an animated model is created, which gives ample opportunities to the user of an application for the study of planetary motion both in absolute and relative coordinate systems.

Control of the flash model is simple: in the upper left half of the screen there is a lever for adjusting the speed of rotation of the planets, with which you can even set its negative value. Below is a link to help – HELP. The model has well-implemented backlighting important points devices of the Solar system that the user should pay attention to while working with it, for example, are highlighted here different colors. In addition, if you have a long research process ahead of you, then you can turn on musical accompaniment, which will perfectly complement the impression of the grandeur of the Universe.

In the lower left part of the screen there are menu items with phases, which allows you to visualize their relationship with other processes occurring in the Solar system.

In the upper right part, you can enter the date you need in order to obtain information about the location of the planets for that day. This feature will greatly appeal to all astrology lovers and gardeners who adhere to sowing dates. garden crops depending on the phases of the moon and the position of other planets in the solar system. A little below this part of the menu there is a switch between constellations and months, which run along the edge of the circle.

The lower right part of the screen is occupied by a switch between the Copernican and Tycho Brahe astronomical systems. In the heliocentric model of the world created, its center depicts the Sun with the planets revolving around it. The system of the Danish astrologer and astronomer, who lived in the 16th century, is less well known, but it is more convenient for carrying out astrological calculations.

In the center of the screen there is a rotating circle, along the perimeter of which there is another model control element, it is made in the form of a triangle. If the user drags this triangle, he will have the opportunity to set the time required to study the model. Although working with this model you will not get the most accurate dimensions and distances in the Solar System, it is very easy to use and very visual.

If the model does not fit on your monitor screen, you can make it smaller by simultaneously pressing the "Ctrl" and "Minus" keys.

Model of the Solar System with real distances between planets

This option solar system models was created without taking into account the beliefs of the ancients, that is, its coordinate system is absolute. The distances here are indicated as clearly and realistically as possible, but the proportions of the planets are conveyed incorrectly, although it also has a right to exist. The fact is that in it the distance from the earthly observer to the center of the solar system varies in the range from 20 to 1,300 million kilometers, and if you gradually change it in the process of studying, you will more clearly imagine the scale of the distances between the planets in our star system. And in order to better understand the relativity of time, a time step switch is provided, the size of which is day, month or year.

3D model of the solar system

This is the most impressive model of the Solar System presented on the page, as it was created using 3D technology and is completely realistic. With its help, you can study the Solar System, as well as constellations, both schematically and in three-dimensional images. Here you can study the structure of the solar system looking from the Earth, which will allow you to make an exciting journey into outer space that is close to reality.

I must say a huge thank you to the developers of solarsystemscope.com who made every effort to create a tool that is truly necessary and needed by all lovers of astronomy and astrology. Anyone can verify this by following the appropriate links to the virtual model of the solar system they need.

Creation of a new urban environment object on the territory of Omsk
on an astronomical topic
Year of design: 2014-2016
Object location: Omsk
Own project website: www.omsksolarsystem.ru
Information partner of the project: educational blog Green Cat
Architect: V. Romanov

As part of free creative activity, the studio has developed a project to create a scale model Solar system. This project is educational and is aimed at developing in people the correct ideas about the world around us, the structure of the solar system and the scale of space. We believe that in addition to the educational function this model will become an interesting object of the urban environment.

The idea of ​​the project is as follows. In all school textbooks A diagram of the solar system is shown, where all the planets fit on one sheet. For example, like this:

Of course, such a diagram is always arbitrary and does not give a correct idea of ​​the structure of the Solar System. Therefore, few people can guess about the true scale of space, about the actual ratios of the sizes of planets and the distances between them.

A simple example: if you imagine the Sun as a ball with a diameter of 1.4 meters, then the model of our Earth will be only 12.7 millimeters in diameter, and the distance between these models at the correct scale will be more than 150 meters. And a model of Neptune with a diameter of 50 mm will be at a distance of 4.5 kilometers from the model of the Sun.

Standing next to such a model, you can imagine the scale of gravitational interaction between celestial bodies, realize the grandeur of space and the significance of the distances that spacecraft have to overcome on the way to other planets.

The scale given as an example is 1:1,000,000,000 (1 million kilometers in 1 meter) and is proposed to be reproduced. The model is planned to be installed in the historical center of the city and on the Irtysh embankment, which will give schoolchildren the opportunity to conduct an on-site astronomy lesson, and people walking to expand their knowledge about the world around them. Finally, this is simply an interesting object of the urban environment, because The distance from Earth to Jupiter is several bus stops.

Currently, in Russian cities there is no similar analogue (or we do not know about them), but in Europe, especially in Germany, they are quite widespread.

Calculation table of parameters space objects and distances between the Sun and planets:

The model in the proposed scale fits well on the arc of the Irtysh embankment - the main pedestrian area of ​​Omsk. The model of the Sun will be installed on a pedestrian path near historical buildings near the Omsk fortress, other objects will be installed at distances accurately measured by geodetic instruments - a total station and GPS devices.

General view of the entire model Google map:

And here central part models, at this scale the planets closest to the Sun are better visible.

Description of design

Models of the Sun and planets will be made of colored ceramics or painted metal and fixed in steel elements made by casting or turning and milling. The steel parts of the model are painted black, some alphanumeric information about the cosmic body is printed on the steel disk in white font, and this information is duplicated in English on the back of the disk.

Models of the Sun and planets are located on a concrete pedestal with a height of 1.65 and 1.1 m, respectively. Concrete pedestals are made in classical architectural proportions and will fit well into the historical center of the city and the urban environment. A nameplate will be attached to the pedestal

object, its parameters and interesting facts from the history of discovery and observation. There will be two signs on the pedestal - in Russian and English languages. In addition, next to the model of the Sun there will be a stand with additional educational information, as well as information about

space industry enterprises located in Omsk and project sponsors.

This is a model of the Sun, installed near the Omsk fortress, on the banks of the river. Omi. The diameter of the "Sun" ball is 1.39 m.

And this is a model of the Earth and the Moon, installed next to the Babylon cinema. A model of the Sun is visible on the other side. We remind you that this is a real scale - this is how we see the Sun when we look at it from the surface of the Earth.

The model of the Earth and the Moon is one of the most complex; its design resembles a gyroscope. On the rotating rim is the Moon. The distance scale is maintained.

A model of Mercury, which will be located at a distance of 68.8 m from the “Sun”.

Model of Saturn. The design of planetary models resembles a scientific instrument, so it would be quite appropriate to place an order at Omsk precision mechanics enterprises.

Design v.2.0

We really wanted to make the models of celestial bodies look not like a museum exhibit or monument, but rather like an interesting street art object, so we once again redesigned the design of our models, making them more attractive and modern.

The largest model - "Sun" now has a futuristic shape of a triangular pyramid made of polished of stainless steel, you can go into it and even sit on wooden platform from larch. We think that children should enjoy the opportunity to not only look at the model, but also play on it.

We also made the remaining pedestals in the shape of a truncated triangular pyramid, while slightly reducing their height - this way the models will be more accessible. Download the album of project sketches.

The solar system is a tiny structure on the scale of the Universe. At the same time, its size for a person is truly colossal: each of us, living on the fifth largest planet, can hardly even appreciate the scale of the Earth. The modest dimensions of our house are perhaps only felt when you look at it from the window of a spaceship. A similar feeling arises when viewing images from the Hubble telescope: the Universe is huge and the Solar System occupies only a small part of it. However, it is precisely this that we can study and explore, using the data obtained to interpret deep space phenomena.

Universal coordinates

Scientists determine the location of the Solar System by indirect signs, since we cannot observe the structure of the Galaxy from the outside. Our piece of the Universe is located in one of the spiral arms of the Milky Way. The Orion Arm, so named because it passes near the constellation of the same name, is considered a branch of one of the main galactic arms. The Sun is located closer to the edge of the disk than to its center: the distance to the latter is approximately 26 thousand

Scientists suggest that the location of our piece of the Universe has one advantage over others. In general, the Galaxy of the Solar System has stars that, due to the peculiarities of their movement and interaction with other objects, either plunge into the spiral arms or emerge from them. However, there is a small region called the corotation circle where the speed of stars and spiral arms coincides. Those located here are not exposed to the violent processes characteristic of the branches. The sun and its planets also belong to the corotation circle. This situation is considered one of the conditions that contributed to the emergence of life on Earth.

Solar system diagram

The central body of any planetary community is a star. The name of the Solar System provides a comprehensive answer to the question of which star the Earth and its neighbors move around. The Sun is a third-generation star, in the middle of its life cycle. It has been shining for more than 4.5 billion years. The planets orbit around it for about the same amount of time.

The diagram of the solar system today includes eight planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune (more on where Pluto went, just below). They are conditionally divided into two groups: planets earth type and gas giants.


The first type of planets, as the name implies, includes the Earth. In addition to it, Mercury, Venus and Mars belong to it.

They all have a set of similar characteristics. Terrestrial planets are mainly composed of silicates and metals. They are distinguished by high density. They all have a similar structure: an iron core with an admixture of nickel is wrapped in a silicate mantle, upper layer- crust, including silicon compounds and incompatible elements. Such a structure is violated only in Mercury. The smallest one does not have a crust: it was destroyed by meteorite bombardments.

The groups are Earth, followed by Venus, then Mars. There is a certain order to the solar system: the terrestrial planets make up it inner part and are separated from the gas giants by an asteroid belt.

Major planets

Gas giants include Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. All of them are much larger than terrestrial objects. Giants have a lower density and, unlike the planets of the previous group, consist of hydrogen, helium, ammonia and methane. Giant planets do not have a surface as such; it is considered the conventional boundary of the lower layer of the atmosphere. All four objects rotate very quickly around their axis and have rings and satellites. The most impressive planet in size is Jupiter. He is accompanied the largest number satellites. Moreover, the most impressive rings are those of Saturn.

The characteristics of gas giants are interrelated. If they were closer in size to the Earth, they would have a different composition. Light hydrogen can only be retained by a planet with a sufficiently large mass.

Dwarf planets

The time to study what the solar system is is 6th grade. When today's adults were at this age, the cosmic picture looked a little different to them. The solar system at that time included nine planets. Last on the list was Pluto. This was the case until 2006, when the IAU (International Astronomical Union) meeting adopted the definition of a planet and Pluto no longer met it. One of the points is: “The planet dominates its orbit.” Pluto is littered with other objects that, in total, exceed the former ninth planet in mass. For Pluto and several other objects, the concept of “dwarf planet” was introduced.

After 2006, all bodies in the Solar System were thus divided into three groups:

    planets are objects large enough that have managed to clear their orbit;

    small bodies of the Solar System (asteroids) - objects with such small in size that they cannot achieve hydrostatic equilibrium, that is, take on a round or close to it shape;

    dwarf planets occupying an intermediate position between the two previous types: they have reached hydrostatic equilibrium, but have not cleared their orbit.

The latter category today officially includes five bodies: Pluto, Eris, Makemake, Haumea and Ceres. The latter belongs to the asteroid belt. Makemake, Haumea and Pluto belong to the Kuiper belt, and Eris belongs to the scattered disk.

Asteroid belt

A kind of boundary separating the terrestrial planets from the gas giants is exposed to the influence of Jupiter throughout its existence. Due to the presence of a huge planet, the asteroid belt has a number of features. So, its images give the impression that this is a very dangerous zone for spacecraft: the ship could be damaged by an asteroid. However, this is not entirely true: the influence of Jupiter has led to the fact that the belt is a rather sparse cluster of asteroids. Moreover, the bodies that make it up are quite modest in size. During the formation of the belt, Jupiter's gravity influenced the orbits of large cosmic bodies accumulated here. As a result, collisions constantly occurred, leading to the appearance of small fragments. Substantial part These debris, under the influence of the same Jupiter, were expelled from the solar system.

The total mass of the bodies that make up the Asteroid Belt is only 4% of the mass of the Moon. They consist mainly of rocks and metals. The largest body in this area is dwarf, followed by Vesta and Hygiea.

Kuiper Belt

The diagram of the solar system also includes another area populated by asteroids. This is the Kuiper Belt, located beyond the orbit of Neptune. Objects located here, including Pluto, are called trans-Neptunian. Unlike the asteroids of the belt, which lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, they consist of ice - water, ammonia and methane. The Kuiper belt is 20 times wider than the asteroid belt and significantly more massive.

Pluto in its structure is a typical Kuiper belt object. It is the largest body in the region. It is also home to two more dwarf planets: Makemake and Haumea.

Scattered disk

The size of the solar system is not limited to the Kuiper belt. Behind it is the so-called scattered disk and a hypothetical Oort cloud. The first partially intersects with the Kuiper belt, but extends much further into space. This is the place where short-period comets of the solar system are born. They are characterized by orbital period less than 200 years.

Scattered disk objects, including comets, as well as bodies from the Kuiper belt, consist predominantly of ice.

Oort cloud

The space where long-period comets of the Solar System are born (with a period of thousands of years) is called the Oort cloud. To date, there is no direct evidence of its existence. Nevertheless, many facts have been discovered that indirectly confirm the hypothesis.

Astronomers suggest that the outer boundaries of the Oort cloud are located at a distance of 50 to 100 thousand astronomical units from the Sun. In size, it is a thousand times larger than the Kuiper belt and the scattered disk combined. The outer boundary of the Oort cloud is also considered the boundary of the Solar System. Objects located here are exposed to nearby stars. As a result, comets are formed, the orbits of which pass through the central parts of the Solar System.

Unique structure

Today, the Solar System is the only part of space known to us where there is life. Not least of all, the possibility of its appearance was influenced by the structure of the planetary system and its location in the corotation circle. The earth, located in the “life zone”, where sunlight becomes less destructive, could be as dead as its closest neighbors. Comets arising in the Kuiper belt, scattered disk and Oort cloud, as well as large asteroids, could destroy not only the dinosaurs, but even the very possibility of the emergence of living matter. The huge Jupiter protects us from them, attracting similar objects to itself or changing their orbit.

When studying the structure of the solar system, it is difficult not to fall under the influence of anthropocentrism: it seems as if the Universe did everything just so that people could appear. This is probably not entirely true, however great amount conditions, the slightest violation of which would lead to the death of all living things, stubbornly incline to such thoughts.

The boundless space, despite the apparent chaos, is a fairly harmonious structure. In this gigantic world, the immutable laws of physics and mathematics also apply. All objects in the Universe, from small to large, occupy their specific place, move along given orbits and trajectories. This order was established more than 15 billion years ago, since the formation of the Universe. Our solar system, the cosmic metropolis in which we live, is no exception.

Despite its colossal size, the Solar System fits within the human framework of perception, being the most studied part of the cosmos, with clearly defined boundaries.

Origin and main astrophysical parameters

In a Universe where there are an infinite number of stars, there are certainly other solar systems. Only in our galaxy alone Milky Way There are approximately 250-400 billion stars, so it cannot be ruled out that there may be worlds with other life forms in the depths of space.

Even 150-200 years ago, people had meager ideas about space. The size of the Universe was limited by telescope lenses. The Sun, Moon, planets, comets and asteroids were the only known objects, and the entire cosmos was measured by the size of our galaxy. The situation changed dramatically at the beginning of the 20th century. Astrophysical research outer space and the work of nuclear physicists over the past 100 years has given scientists insight into how the universe came into being. The processes that led to the formation of stars became known and understood. construction material for the formation of planets. In this light, the origin of the solar system becomes clear and explainable.

The sun, like other stars, is a product Big Bang, after which star formation occurred in space. Objects of large and small sizes appeared. In one of the corners of the Universe, among a cluster of other stars, our Sun was born. By cosmic standards, the age of our star is small, only 5 billion years. At the place of her birth a giant construction site, where, as a result of the gravitational compression of the gas and dust cloud, other objects of the Solar system were formed.

Each celestial body took on its own form and took its assigned place. Alone celestial bodies under the influence of the Sun's gravity they became permanent satellites, moving in their own orbit. Other objects ceased to exist as a result of the counteraction of centrifugal and centripetal processes. This whole process took about 4.5 billion years. The mass of the entire solar economy is 1.0014 M☉. Of this mass, 99.8% is the Sun itself. Only 0.2% of the mass comes from other space objects: planets, satellites and asteroids, fragments of cosmic dust orbiting around it.

The solar system's orbit is almost round shape, A orbital speed coincides with the speed of the galactic spiral. As it passes through the interstellar medium, the stability of the solar system is given by gravitational forces acting within our galaxy. This in turn provides stability to other objects and bodies of the Solar System. The movement of the Solar system takes place at a considerable distance from the super-dense star clusters of our galaxy, which carry potential danger.

In terms of its size and number of satellites, our solar system cannot be called small. There are small solar systems in space that have one or two planets and, due to their size, are barely noticeable in outer space. Representing a massive galactic object, the solar system moves through space at a tremendous speed of 240 km/s. Even despite such a rapid run, the Solar System completes a full revolution around the center of the galaxy in 225 -250 million years.

The exact intergalactic address of our star system next:

  • local interstellar cloud;
  • local bubble in the Orion-Cygnus arm;
  • The Milky Way galaxy, part of the Local Group of galaxies.

The Sun is the central object of our system and is one of the 100 billion stars that make up the Milky Way galaxy. In terms of its size, it is a medium-sized star and belongs to the spectral class G2V Yellow dwarfs. The diameter of the star is 1 million. 392 thousand kilometers, and it is in the middle of its life cycle.

For comparison, the size of Sirius, the brightest star, is 2 million 381 thousand km. Aldebaran has a diameter of almost 60 million km. The huge star Betelgeuse is 1000 times larger than our Sun. The size of this supergiant exceeds the size of the solar system.

Our star's closest neighborhood neighbor is considered to be Proxima Centauri, which will take about 4 years to reach at the speed of light.

The Sun, thanks to its enormous mass, holds eight planets near it, many of which, in turn, have their own systems. The position of objects moving around the Sun is clearly demonstrated by the diagram of the Solar System. Almost all the planets in the solar system move around our star in the same direction, along with the rotating Sun. The orbits of the planets are practically in the same plane, they have different shape and move around the center of the system with at different speeds. Movement around the Sun is counterclockwise and in one plane. Only comets and other objects, mainly those located in the Kuiper belt, have orbits with a large angle of inclination to the ecliptic plane.

Today we know exactly how many planets there are in the Solar System, there are 8 of them. All celestial bodies of the Solar System are at a certain distance from the Sun, periodically moving away or approaching it. Accordingly, each of the planets has its own, different from the others, astrophysical parameters and characteristics. It should be noted that 6 of the 8 planets in the Solar System rotate around their axis in the direction in which our star rotates around its own axis. Only Venus and Uranus rotate in the opposite direction. In addition, Uranus is the only planet in the solar system that practically lies on its side. Its axis is inclined 90° to the ecliptic line.

Nicolaus Copernicus demonstrated the first model of the solar system. In his view, the Sun was the central object of our world, around which other planets, including our Earth, revolve. Subsequently, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton improved this model by placing objects in it in accordance with mathematical and physical laws.

Looking at the presented model, one can imagine that the orbits of space objects are located at equal distances from each other. The solar system in nature looks completely different. The greater the distance to the planets of the solar system from the Sun, the greater the distance between the orbit of the previous celestial object. The table of distances of objects from the center of our star system allows you to visually imagine the scale of the solar system.

As the distance from the Sun increases, the speed of rotation of the planets around the center of the Solar System slows down. Mercury, the planet closest to the Sun, completes a full revolution around our star in just 88 Earth days. Neptune, located at a distance of 4.5 billion kilometers from the Sun, makes a complete revolution in 165 Earth years.

Despite the fact that we are dealing with a heliocentric model of the solar system, many planets have their own systems consisting of natural satellites and rings. The satellites of the planets move around the mother planets and obey the same laws.

Most of the satellites of the Solar System rotate synchronously around their planets, always turning the same side towards them. The Moon is also always turned to the Earth with one side.

Only two planets, Mercury and Venus, do not have natural satellites. Mercury is even smaller in size than some of its satellites.

Center and boundaries of the solar system

The main and central object of our system is the Sun. It has a complex structure and consists of 92% hydrogen. Only 7% is used for helium atoms, which, when interacting with hydrogen atoms, become fuel for an endless nuclear chain reaction. At the center of the star there is a core with a diameter of 150-170 thousand km, heated to a temperature of 14 million K.

A brief description of the star can be reduced to a few words: it is a huge thermonuclear natural reactor. Moving from the center of the star to its outer edge, we find ourselves in the convective zone, where energy transfer and plasma mixing occurs. This layer has a temperature of 5800K. The visible part of the Sun is the photosphere and chromosphere. Crowns our star solar corona, which is the outer shell. The processes occurring inside the Sun affect the entire state of the Solar System. Its light warms our planet, the force of attraction and gravity keep objects in near space at a certain distance from each other. As the intensity of internal processes decreases, our star will begin to cool. The consumable stellar material will lose its density, causing the star's body to expand. Instead of a yellow dwarf, our Sun will turn into a huge Red Giant. For now, our Sun remains the same hot and bright star.

The border of the kingdom of our star is the Kuiper belt and the Oort cloud. These are extremely remote areas of outer space that are influenced by the Sun. There are many other objects in the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud various sizes, which in one way or another influence the processes occurring inside the Solar system.

The Oort Cloud is a hypothetical spherical space that surrounds the Solar System along its entire outer diameter. The distance to this region of space is more than 2 light years. This area is home to comets. It is from there that these rare space guests, long-period comets, come to us

The Kuiper Belt contains residual material that was used during the formation of the Solar System. Mostly small particles space ice, a cloud of frozen gas (methane and ammonia). There are also large objects in this area, some of which are dwarf planets, and smaller fragments similar in structure to asteroids. The main known objects of the belt are the dwarf planets of the solar system Pluto, Haumea and Makemake. Spaceship can reach them in one light year.

Between the Kuiper Belt and deep space, a highly sparse region exists at the outer edges of the belt, mostly consisting of remnants of cosmic ice and gas.

Today, it is possible that large trans-Neptunian space objects exist in this region of our star system, one of which is the dwarf planet Sedna.

Brief characteristics of the planets of the solar system

Scientists have calculated that the mass of all planets belonging to our star is no more than 0.1% of the mass of the Sun. However, even among this small amount, 99% of the mass comes from the two largest cosmic objects after the Sun - the planets Jupiter and Saturn. The sizes of the planets in the solar system vary greatly. Among them there are babies and giants, similar in their structure and astrophysical parameters to failed stars.

In astronomy, it is customary to divide all 8 planets into two groups:

  • planets with a rocky structure are classified as terrestrial planets;
  • planets, which are dense clumps of gas, belong to the group of gas giant planets.

Previously it was believed that our star system includes 9 planets. Only recently, at the end of the 20th century, Pluto was classified as a dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt. Therefore, the question of how many planets are in the solar system today can be firmly answered - eight.

If we arrange the planets of the solar system in order, the map of our world will look like this:

  • Venus;
  • Earth;
  • Jupiter;
  • Saturn;
  • Uranus;

In the very middle of this parade of planets is the asteroid belt. According to scientists, these are the remains of a planet that existed in the early stages of the solar system, but died as a result of a cosmic cataclysm.

The inner planets Mercury, Venus and Earth are the planets closest to the Sun, closer than other objects in the Solar System, and therefore are completely dependent on the processes occurring on our star. Located at some distance from them ancient god wars - planet Mars. All four planets are united by similarities in structure and identity of astrophysical parameters, therefore they are classified as planets of the Terrestrial group.

Mercury, a close neighbor of the Sun, is like a hot frying pan. It seems paradoxical that, despite its close location to the incandescent star, the most significant differences temperatures in our system. During the day, the surface of the planet heats up to 350 degrees Celsius, and at night the cosmic cold rages with a temperature of 170.2 °C. Venus is a real boiling cauldron, where there is enormous pressure and high temperatures. Despite its gloomy and dull appearance, Mars today is of greatest interest to scientists. The composition of its atmosphere, astrophysical parameters similar to those on Earth, and the presence of seasons give hope for the subsequent development and colonization of the planet by representatives of terrestrial civilization.

Gas giants, which for the most part are planets without a solid shell, are interesting for their satellites. Some of them, according to scientists, may represent cosmic territories in which, under certain conditions, the emergence of life is possible.

The terrestrial planets are separated from the four gas planets by the asteroid belt - the internal boundary beyond which lies the kingdom of the gas giants. Next behind the asteroid belt, Jupiter, with its attraction, balances our solar system. This planet is the largest, largest and densest in the solar system. The diameter of Jupiter is 140 thousand km across. This is five times more than our planet. This gas giant has its own system of satellites, of which there are about 69 pieces. Among them, real giants stand out: the two largest satellites of Jupiter - Ganymede and Calypso - are larger in size than the planet Mercury.

Saturn - brother Jupiter also has enormous dimensions - 116 thousand km. in diameter. Saturn's retinue is no less impressive - 62 satellites. However, this giant stands out in the night sky with something else - a beautiful system of rings encircling the planet. Titan is one of the largest satellites of the solar system. This giant has a diameter of more than 10 thousand km. Among the kingdom of hydrogen, nitrogen and ammonia there can be no known forms of life. However, unlike their host, Saturn's moons have a rocky structure and a hard surface. Some of them have an atmosphere; Enceladus is even supposed to have water.

The series of giant planets continues with Uranus and Neptune. These are cold, dark worlds. Unlike Jupiter and Saturn, where hydrogen predominates, here there is methane and ammonia in the atmosphere. Instead of condensed gas, high-temperature ice is present on Uranus and Neptune. In view of this, both planets were classified into one group - ice giants. Uranus is second in size only to Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune. Neptune's orbit has a diameter of almost 9 billion kilometers. It takes the planet 164 Earth years to go around the Sun.

Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune represent the most interesting objects for study today for scientists.

Last news

Despite the enormous amount of knowledge that humanity possesses today, despite the achievements modern means observations and research, a lot of unresolved questions remain. What kind of solar system actually is, which planet may later turn out to be suitable for life?

Man continues to observe the nearest space, making more and more new discoveries. In December 2012, the whole world could watch an enchanting astronomical show - a parade of planets. During this period, all 7 planets of our solar system could be seen in the night sky, including even such distant ones as Uranus and Neptune.

A closer study today is carried out with the help of space automatic probes and devices. Many of them have already managed not only to fly to the most extreme regions of our star system, but also beyond its borders. The first artificially created space objects that managed to reach the boundaries of the solar system were the American probes Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11.

It is interesting to theoretically speculate how far these devices will be able to advance beyond the borders? Launched in 1977, the American automatic probe Voyager 1, after 40 years of work studying planets, became the first spacecraft to leave our system.