Where to plant hydrangea. Tree hydrangea: basic rules for planting and care


Decide on a place for it in your garden. This is one of the most important points upon landing of this flower. Firstly, it will help you decide specific type hydrangeas, because some species reach a height of more than 3 meters, others are short and lush. When choosing a location, you must consider the presence of sunlight - at what hours and for how long it will be received. Hydrangea loves maximum sunlight in the morning and shade in the afternoon. The area where you plan to plant should be protected from the wind. The flower does not tolerate drafts; it will simply begin to wither and eventually wither. It is unpretentious in terms of soil composition, but loves a mixture of several (leaf, turf, sand, etc.). Even if it's a dry area, good watering everything will be fine.

The best time to plant hydrangeas is early autumn. In the area that you have determined for the flower in advance, dig a planting hole. It should be twice as large as the lump with the root system of the seedling in a container (pot, jar, container, etc.) that you bought in a store or market. If the soil in a given place is hard, the depth of the hole should be dug taking into account the length of the future root of an adult plant, and then sprinkled with loose soil. It is advisable to pour compost into the hole (several shovels). Moisten the planting site.

Remove the seedling from the container, shake the root ball slightly, and carefully straighten the roots. Plant in the hole at such a depth that the ball with the root system is located just above the soil level. Sprinkle the planting site with a mixture of compost and turf land.

Lightly compact the soil around the seedling. Water sparingly. In this case, water should penetrate freely into the soil and not stagnate on the surface (if this happens, pierce the ground in several places with a thin stick to ensure that the water leaves the surface).

Mulch the soil with pine needles, large sawdust or crushed tree bark.


Before you plant hydrangea in your garden, learn all about proper cultivation this type of flower. The fact is that hydrangea requires pruning and pollination, and only if these procedures are carried out correctly will it delight you with its bright colors and healthy appearance.

Helpful advice

If you plant several plants at once in a row (or in a square, oval), then maintain a distance between seedlings of 1-1.5 meters;

You can add organic matter, granulated superphosphate, urea or potassium sulfate to the planting hole. In this case, the hydrangea is not fed for 2 years after planting.

Growing hydrangea is not difficult, but it requires compliance with a number of rules. This concerns the order of planting a plant, caring for it, feeding it, and covering it for the winter. The plant is responsive to fertilization, but is vulnerable to direct sunlight and frost.

You will need

  • - stalk;
  • - peat;
  • - sand;
  • - container for growing shoots;
  • - shovel;
  • - tool for loosening;
  • - compost;
  • - mineral fertilizers;
  • - non-woven covering material;
  • - film;
  • - roofing felt;
  • - secateurs.


In the spring, remove damaged stems and twigs, and early next fall, cut the plant back to the level of new flower buds.

Feed hydrangea in the spring with nitrogen fertilizers, and in the summer and autumn use potassium and phosphorus nutrient solutions.

In late autumn, tie the hydrangea shoots together and bend them to the ground on spruce branches or some non-woven material. Carefully cover the shoots non-woven material, pour dry peat, sand or soil on top, and then lay roofing material or plastic film on top of this structure.

Video on the topic


Open the hydrangea no earlier than mid-May. Otherwise, the tender shoots of the plant may suffer from spring frosts.

Helpful advice

Hydrangea is usually planted in early autumn. The best place for planting this plant - shaded places, favorable soil for its cultivation - acidic, with a sufficient level of humidity.

Hydrangea can be fed not only with mineral fertilizers, but also with manure, as well as infusions of a mixture of various herbs.

Spring pruning of the plant helps to enlarge the inflorescences.


  • Recommendations from experts on growing hydrangeas

Hydrangea - beautiful plant with voluminous “caps” of small flowers. The color scheme of this garden decoration is striking in its diversity. There are more than 50 varieties of hydrangea.


Hydrangea is unpretentious in care, but works better in single plantings. Because of its beauty and voluminous flowering, many gardeners plant several bushes of this plant at once to get an original color composition. Due to lack of space, hydrangea can significantly slow down its growth.

In the spring, hydrangeas need to be cut off not only dry shoots, but also shorten the main branches. It is advisable to remove one third of each branch. After such procedures, the plant will be more lush and bushy. As a top dressing after winter, you can use sodium sulfate diluted in water.

Hydrangea loves very moist soil, so it should be watered as often as possible. However, you should not allow moisture to stagnate in the soil. In addition, it is recommended to acidify the soil in which hydrangea grows. You can use fallen pine needles as a kind of fertilizer.

Hydrangea is propagated by cuttings or layering. It is better to do such procedures in the spring. It is recommended to dig up cuttings a year after rooting in the soil.

Hydrangea inflorescences are quite different large size. The branches do not always withstand them. To strengthen the plant, it is necessary to periodically water it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. If necessary, branches are tied to special supports.

Winter period Hydrangea tolerates it even without additional protection of the root system. However, for prevention, it is better to lightly sprinkle the soil at the base of the plant with dry leaves or tree branches.

Video on the topic

At good care hydrangea blooms all summer. It is important to know what conditions the plant likes. Interestingly, hydrangea prefers to grow in acidic soil, while many other flowers do not like such soils.

You will need

  • - hydrangea;
  • - water;
  • - fertilizers;
  • - fertile soil.


Hydrangea planting is carried out in 2 terms - in the first half of May and in September. If you purchased a small bush in a pot and it has a closed root system, then you can plant it from the beginning of May to the end of September.

Choose a location. Hydrangea grows well in both sun and light partial shade. Bush loves to receive sufficient quantity moisture, so plant where there is plenty of it.

Dig a hole with a diameter of 50 and a depth of 60 cm. If you want to place several bushes, then plant them at a distance of one and a half meters from each other. Fill the recesses fertile soil. To do this, mix 1 part sand, peat with three parts humus. Add a tablespoon of complete mineral fertilizer with microelements to 1 hole. Mix the contents of the hole with a shovel, pour in 5 liters of water.

Place the seedling and cover it with soil. The root collar should be at ground level. Shade the plant. Do not remove the cover until the bush has taken root.

Water the plants generously. For one adult – 10-15 liters at a time. In dry weather, this is done once every 5 days. In total, you need to feed the hydrangea 4 times during the season. For the first time after winter, feed the bushes during the awakening of the buds or at the beginning of leaf growth - at the end of April. Make nitrogen fertilizer by mixing a liter jar of slurry in 10 liters of water. Let the solution sit for 3 days, then water it over damp soil.

Feed the bushes a second time during budding. To 10 liters of slurry solution, add one spoon each of double superphosphate and potassium sulfate. To dissolve superphosphate, first pour a liter of boiling water over it, leave it like that for a day, and then pour it into the manure infusion.

Water the hydrangea for the third time with organomineral fertilizer according to the second recipe during the period of mass blooming of flower clusters. Feed the bushes for the fourth time at the end of August. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of superphosphate and one tablespoon of potassium sulfate in 10 liters of water. This infusion will help hydrangeas survive the winter better.

By mid-October, trim off all flower clusters. At the end of this month, cover the bush with a layer of peat 10-15 cm thick. If the winter is harsh, then place a layer of dry leaves 5 cm thick on top, and several spruce branches on them.


Do not pour lime into the planting hole or under the plant itself, as hydrangea loves acidic soil. Lime reduces this indicator.

Helpful advice

Dry the inflorescences, cut with part of the branches in October. Place them upside down and place them in a dark, ventilated place. This bouquet of dried flowers looks beautiful.

Related article

Paniculata hydrangea is a very beautiful shrub. Its flowers are collected in panicles, clusters of white, cream, greenish-white, and soft pink shades. The bush blooms from June to October. Varieties with fragrant flowers have been bred. This hydrangea is frost-resistant and unpretentious.

You will need

  • - Hydrangea paniculata seedling
  • -compost
  • -shovel
  • -a bag of special soil for hydrangeas, azaleas and rhododendrons 40 l


Color and climate

The color of hydrangea flowers at the end of summer depends on the difference between night and day temperatures. In some varieties this dependence is very pronounced (Pinky Winky), other varieties are less dependent (Vanilla Frez). Take this into account when purchasing a seedling.

Select a good place for your hydrangea.
Like all hydrangeas, paniculata hydrangea loves moist, but not soggy soil. A well-lit place in partial shade will be preferable for her. The afternoon sun from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. should not burn its leaves.

Plant the seedling correctly.
Dig a hole twice the size of the container your seedling is in. Place it in the center of the hole and cover it with earth, which is acidic. Firm the soil around the bush with your foot and water clean water 10 l.

Two shovel rule

Every year in the spring, when the snow melts, add two shovels of good two-year-old compost under the bush. Cover with a layer of fallen leaves. This will be enough for the entire season.

Pruning in early spring

Paniculata hydrangea should be pruned every year in the month of March or at the end of February for warm climates. Don't be afraid to trim a lot. The bush is recovering well. The branches can be shortened by 30-40 cm. The cut shoots can be used for cuttings.

Grow in a pot? Why not.
Don't be afraid to grow hydrangeas in pots. These shrubs grow well in large containers. The capacity of the pot must be at least 25 liters. Prefer a pot made of plastic or glazed ceramic. Fill it with soil suitable for growing hydrangeas, azaleas, and rhododendrons. That is, the earth must have an acidic reaction. Provide good watering. And the paniculata hydrangea bush will thank you with beautiful flowering.


Tip 6: How to grow hydrangea in your garden

For any gardener, it is necessary for his work to be seen and praised. Hydrangea will give your garden a unique look and make everyone admire this flower.

Hydrangea belongs to the genus of flowering plants. It is a shrub or small tree, the peculiarity of which is inflorescences consisting of large flowers with four sepals. Hydrangea will perfectly decorate your garden or vegetable garden and give it a unique look.

Planting and caring for hydrangea in the garden.

In order to grow hydrangea in your garden plot, you must carefully select the planting site. It preferably grows on sandy or loamy soils in windless, moist and semi-shaded places. Perfect timing for landing is early spring and early autumn (September).

Planting shrubs in open ground start by digging a hole. Its size should be slightly larger than the root system of the plant. Either humus or peat is poured into the planting hole, watered abundantly and everything is mixed. Then carefully lower the plant into it without damaging the root system. In no case should you plant very deeply - this can lead to the death of the plant or poor development; the root collar should be close to the surface of the earth. After planting, water the hydrangea thoroughly again. It is best to sprinkle the plant with peat or sawdust - this will allow it to retain moisture in the soil longer. Do not forget to loosen the soil under and next to the hydrangea once a month.

For good development plants need to be fertilized regularly organic fertilizers, for example chicken droppings. Hydrangea pruning is done in autumn period before winter frosts. To do this, remove old dried and poorly flowering branches. Moreover, it is better to divide pruning over two years because cutting out a large number of branches at once can lead to drying out of the bush.

Proper preparation of hydrangeas for winter allows you to preserve these flowers in your garden for a long time. This process includes pruning plants in the fall and covering the plantings. Preparations for winter begin in September, when part of the lower leaves. Before the onset of frost, the hydrangea is carefully bent to the ground, sprinkled with dry leaves and covered with any material, such as lutrasil. In this form, the plants tolerate winter well.

With the onset of warm spring days, there is no need to rush to remove the cover from the hydrangea. At this time, night frosts are possible, so this process begins only in the second ten days of May. At this time, the leaves are already removed and the shoots begin to gradually rise. You can get rid of the covering material much earlier to prevent the flowers from overheating. Freeing the hydrangea from winter shelter, at night it is covered with film. It protects plants from recurring night frosts.

2016-12-16 Igor Novitsky

Growing hydrangea in the garden is simple and profitable, because there are many varieties of this plant, and they are unpretentious in care. Having studied the special needs of the flower, the gardener will be able to properly prepare the soil for planting, choose appropriate place planting, determining the best time for planting and getting a beautiful and healthy harvest.

Selecting a location

There are several types of hydrangea. Some of their requirements for growing conditions are the same, while others differ. For example, paniculata hydrangea grows in one place for a long time and does not tolerate transplantation as an adult. This distinguishes it from other species, for example, large-leaved hydrangea and serrate hydrangea, which can be replanted painlessly if the initially chosen location turned out to be not very successful. In addition, paniculata hydrangea is distinguished by the fragility of its shoots. Therefore, it should not be planted near buildings in order to protect it from snow falling from the roof in winter.

Another special type - petiole hydrangea has a vine-like shape, so it requires support. This hydrangea is convenient to plant near a fence, gazebo, or walls. country house. If you plant it in the middle of the plot, you will need to install some kind of structure nearby (arch, pergola, etc.) so that the vines have something to cling to.

In the first years of life, hydrangea bushes are not very decorative. Therefore, at first it is good to plant near them flowering annuals. But it’s better not to plant bulbous plants nearby. They have to be dug up every 2-3 years. When digging, you can touch the root system of the hydrangea, and it is very sensitive to damage to its roots. In addition to the types of hydrangea, there are many more varieties of each species.

They may also differ slightly in size, flowering time, and greater or less resistance to frost. All this also needs to be taken into account when choosing a landing site. For example, less winter-hardy varieties are planted so that it is convenient to equip a shelter for the winter. We will talk in more detail about the types and varieties of hydrangea in a separate chapter.

Most species and varieties of hydrangea prefer diffused lighting and openwork partial shade. They need a place that is lit for most of the day, but at the same time shaded from direct sunlight. Therefore, hydrangeas grow well where, during the midday hours, a not very dense shadow from the foliage of trees falls on them. However, they should not be planted in close proximity to trees, so that the plants do not compete for food and moisture - hydrangea has an extensive root system, and the feeding area is quite large. The most light-loving is petiolate hydrangea; it can be planted in an open place.

Second important requirement the landing site is protected from the prevailing winds. This is important both in summer and in winter time. The shoots of most hydrangeas are quite brittle, so strong summer winds can damage them. In winter, even the most cold-resistant varieties need the most comfortable and protected conditions, since the frost resistance of hydrangeas is still relatively low compared to other crops. It is good to plant hydrangeas near fences or walls of the house on the south or southwest side.

Hydrangeas (with the exception of the liana-shaped form) are most often planted in single plantings or in small groups on the lawn or in a mixborder. They coexist well with low-growing shrubs (for example, astilbe), hostas, all kinds of ornamental grasses and cereals, peonies, daylilies, phlox, and flowering annuals.

Relative to the height groundwater and there is no need to worry about the humidity of the area. Hydrangeas are very moisture-loving; with good care, they take root even in marshy soils and lowlands (with the exception of paniculata hydrangea, which does not like waterlogging).

The soil

Hydrangeas require loose, moisture-absorbing, breathable soil with a high humus content. Special requirement is the acidity of the soil - hydrangeas prefer slightly acidic or even acidic soils, the pH should approach 5.5. Therefore, fresh manure cannot be applied under them - it shifts the acidity of the soil to neutral and alkaline. And under such conditions, plants experience leaf chlorosis caused by poor absorption of iron. It is better to use humus and peat as organic additives for hydrangeas. Heavy soil can be corrected by adding coarse river sand. If the soil is neutral, it is acidified with aluminum sulfate, ammonium sulfate or potassium chloride. The acidity level can be determined by the change in color of the hydrangeas. If the flowers turn pink, it means the soil is not acidic enough and the plant may soon get sick.

Landing dates

The time for planting hydrangeas in the ground depends on the condition of the seedling and the climate. Optimal time Planting time is late spring (early to mid-May), when the soil has already completely warmed up and the threat of night frosts has passed. In regions with warmer climates, autumn planting of hydrangeas (mid to late September) is no less successful. It is also acceptable in temperate climate, but only if the seedling is old enough and has a well-formed root system. Young seedlings with weak roots It is better to plant in the spring in beds for growing. They are left there until autumn or next spring.

Landing rules

The size of the planting hole depends on the size of the seedling (or rather, its root system). The largest seedlings are Hydrangea paniculata, which are recommended to be purchased and planted on permanent place at the age of 4-5 years, so that the plant takes root well and blooms already in the year of planting. For them, the pit size is 80 x 80 cm. For other types of hydrangea, the standard planting pit has a size of 50 x 50 cm.

The distance between planting holes (or to neighboring plants when planted alone) should be on average 1-1.5 m. If hydrangea is planted as a hedge, then the distance can be reduced to 0.7-0.9 m, but then once every For 1-2 years it will be necessary to do thinning pruning so that the bushes do not choke each other. For standard forms of paniculata hydrangea, the distance is greater than for other species - at least 2-2.5 m.

If the soil is very light and sandy, you can put a small layer of clay (2-3 cm) at the bottom of the planting hole. Next, a drainage layer (5-8 cm) is laid. For drainage, you can use expanded clay, small crushed stone, broken brick. On top of the drainage, the pit is filled with nutrient soil mixture. There are several options for the mixture, but the main thing is that it contains humus and peat. Humus is added at the rate of 10 kg per pit. The amount of peat depends on the acidity of the soil. The lower it is, the larger proportion of the mixture should be peat. In addition, it is necessary to add superphosphate (60 g per pit) and potassium fertilizers (20 g of potassium sulfate per pit) to the mixture. Nitrogen fertilizers are applied if planting occurs in the spring (20 g of urea per hole). At autumn planting they are not needed. Fresh manure and lime should not be added under any circumstances - hydrangeas cannot tolerate them.

20.09.2018 192 503

Hydrangea, planting and care - a beautiful shrub in the garden in 4 steps

Hydrangea, planting and care are of no small importance when growing, since an unsuccessfully chosen location and soil composition of the soil can lead to disease and poor development, in some cases, death. In addition, you need to properly care for the shrub after planting in order to achieve lush flowering and healthy growth...

Site selection and soil preparation

When to plant hydrangea? Best time to plant– spring, the moment when the earth thaws, the buds have not yet bloomed, and autumn – in the month of September. When choosing a place for an ornamental foliage plant, keep in mind that it is better to plant hydrangea in the shade or partial shade, since bright sun causes slow growth, as a result of which the inflorescences become smaller.

Some types of hydrangea can be grown in open, sunny areas, but require plenty of watering. It is advisable to protect young shrubs from bright sun And big winds. It is not recommended to place under trees that absorb water strongly.

The soil for hydrangea should be well-drained and moist, consist of a balanced mixture of humus, leaf soil, peat chips, river sand (2:2:1:1). Regardless of the type and variety of hydrangea, remember that lime in the soil negatively affects development. The soil must be level Ph approximately 5,0 .

Planting hydrangeas in open ground

In the northern regions of the country, it is preferable to plant hydrangea in open ground in the spring; in the southern regions, including Kuban, the procedure is carried out in the fall. It is recommended to arrange a landing hole for beautiful bush, the dimensions of which are 0.4 m in diameter and 0.4-0.5 m in depth. When planting, be guided by the size of the root system; if it is too large, increase the volume of the hole. It is worth noting that the roots of hydrangea are quite branched.

choosing a location and planting hydrangeas with a closed root system - in the photo

It is necessary to add the prepared soil mixture into the hole and make a small mound, on which the seedling is then carefully placed and the roots are straightened, backfilled without deepening the root collar, which should be flush with the soil. A slight deepening is acceptable, but not more than 20-30 mm; too deep a planting can subsequently lead to rotting of the neck.

The soil in the tree trunk area must be compacted well. Watering hydrangeas after planting is mandatory; it is necessary that the water penetrates well to a root depth of 30-40 cm. It is better to water in a hole next to the plant.

Fertilizing and mulching as the basis of care

To retain moisture after planting in a permanent place, the hydrangea is mulched in a circle around the trunk. Mulch also inhibits the growth of weeds and protects the roots from overheating. Peat chips, wood chips or bark are used as mulching material in a uniform layer of 8-10 cm.

The mulch will decompose over time and become part of the soil, slightly acidifying it. It is best to lay mulch in late spring, at a time when the ground has already warmed up well, but is still moist.

watering hydrangeas - pictured

In order for the shrub to grow well and delight with abundant flowering, garden hydrangea is fertilized when planting, then in the spring in the third ten days of May or in early summer - early June. Use a solution of mullein or chicken manure diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. Don't forget to fertilize with the complex mineral fertilizers or add at least the most basic components - 20 grams of superphosphate, 10 grams of potassium nitrate and urea. Subsequent feeding of hydrangea is carried out at intervals of 17-20 days and ends at the end of July, so that the young shoots have time to become lignified by the winter period.

For strong and flexible shoots ornamental shrub watered with a solution of weak potassium permanganate Pink colour. Besides, in garden stores Special fertilizers for hydrangea are sold, which contain magnesium and iron necessary for the plant.

mulching hydrangea with wood chips - pictured

Paniculate hydrangea, large-leaved and ground cover mostly have pinkish, cream colors, which can be changed if desired. The color of hydrangea is directly determined by the acidity of the soil. If the soil has a slightly alkaline reaction, the flowering will be pink and crimson; on acidic soils, hydrangea blooms with blue flowers.

To obtain blue flowers in alkaline soil, the bush is watered with solutions of iron salts. To get a more intense blue color under the hydrangea, you should bury rusty metal cans.

Pruning hydrangea - continue to care

Do I need to prune hydrangea and how to do it? In order for the care to be correct, it is necessary to remember that pruning of large-leaved, serrated, prickly, Sargent, liana-shaped, oak-leaved hydrangeas is carried out taking into account the fact that flowers appear on the shoots of the second year, which means that you need to cut off old branches and weak ones to strong buds.

Pruning paniculata and tree hydrangea involves removing old and faded shoots, which are also weak. At the same time, experienced gardeners do not recommend removing a large number of shoots at the same time, it is better to extend the procedure over a year or two so that the plant does not lose strength and does not die from excessive cutting operations. As a rule, the main branches are not touched; only those that are bad and grow inside the bush are cut off.

autumn pruning hydrangeas - in the photo

You can prune hydrangeas in spring and autumn, but it is preferable in autumn, since sap flow slows down, and pruning will promote lush flowering in the spring. During the spring months, improper pruning can slow down growth and delay flowering. In addition, in the spring, processes in the bush begin to actively start; juice is released when pruned, so be careful not to harm the plant. In spring, pruning is best done as early as possible, before the buds swell and constant warmth sets in.

For the winter, it is carried out as usual, with only one difference - it is better not to touch young shrubs and let them overwinter without surgical intervention, otherwise you risk ruining the plant. Hydrangea, planting and caring for which is not at all difficult, will definitely please its lush flowering, if you suddenly decide to grow unpretentious plant in your garden.

Gotensias: photos on the topic

To obtain highly decorative hydrangea plantings, it is not enough to take good care of the plants. No less important is the acquisition of healthy, strong seedlings and the knowledge of the gardener on how to plant hydrangeas correctly.

For good development of hydrangea, moderately moist nutritious loams with a pH of 5.0 to 6.0 are needed.

Therefore, the first step in growing a plant is to analyze the composition and acidity of the soil and, if necessary, prepare it:

  • poor soils are enriched with a nutrient mixture of leaf soil, humus, sand and brown peat (2:2:1:1);
  • neutral and alkaline soils are acidified with coniferous soil or additional peat;
  • Coarse river sand is added to heavy soil.

Not only the development of the plant, but also the color of its inflorescences depends on the composition of the soil:

  • on soils rich in iron and aluminum they acquire rich blue shades;
  • on neutral lands rich in phosphorus, pink tones.

Most varieties of hydrangea prefer diffused light or light partial shade, so the bushes in the garden are placed on the eastern or western side of the site, in places protected from drafts.

How to choose planting material

Hydrangea propagates by seeds and vegetatively. The seed method is time-consuming and quite labor-intensive, so it is rarely used. Vegetative propagation, carried out using cuttings, layering and dividing the bush, allows you to obtain young plants much faster in the case of an existing adult bush.

If desired, dilute new variety, it is convenient to purchase a ready-made seedling. Nurseries and specialty stores offer them in large assortment, both with an open and a closed (in a container) root system. The task of the florist comes down to making the right choice.

To do this, before purchasing, you need to carefully consider the seedling:

  • The ground part should look healthy, strong and have at least 2 shoots. Their deviation from the trunk line or curvature is acceptable, which is easily corrected by subsequent trimmings. The leaves on the shoots should be bright green. A brownish tint or drooping foliage indicates the presence of a disease.
  • The roots should be well developed, without signs of mold, rot or dry areas. When purchasing a seedling in a container, inspection of the roots is also required. To carry it out, the earthen lump is carefully removed from the container and inspected. The soil should be clean and moist, visible roots - without signs of trouble.

Time frame for planting flowers

The time frame for planting hydrangeas is determined by the climatic conditions of the area:

  • in regions with mild winters the crop is planted in spring (April) and autumn (September);
  • in temperate latitudes, especially in its northern regions, it is preferable to plant hydrangea in the spring, during the swelling of the buds.

Young plants with bare roots are planted immediately after purchase. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to do this in the evening.

Plants sold in containers can be planted during the season on a cloudy, cool day.

Step-by-step instructions for planting hydrangeas in open ground

Even novice gardeners can plant hydrangeas correctly.

To do this, you need to perform several sequential steps:

  • dig holes of a certain size;
  • place the roots of a seedling or a ball of earth in the center of the hole and cover them with soil;
  • compact, and then water and mulch the soil around the shoots.

Planting holes are dug 2 or 3 weeks before planting.

The size of the depressions is determined by the volume of the root system of the seedling and is approximately:

  • for 1-2 year old plants 30 cm deep and wide;
  • for 4-5 year olds - 50 cm.

When preparing planting holes, it is necessary to take into account some nuances:

  • when planting with a nutrient mixture, the holes are dug a third deeper and wider;
  • when placing bushes in rows between seedlings, they retreat 2-3 m, to obtain a dense hedge - 0.7-1 m;
  • if planted tightly, the hydrangea will bloom earlier, but later the bushes will have to be deflated.

The seedling is placed in the central part of the recess and covered with soil or a nutrient mixture. The root collar is slightly buried, by 2-3 cm, or left at soil level. The soil around the shoots is well compacted. Planting of seedlings purchased in containers is carried out by transshipment.

Planted plants are watered at the rate of 1 bucket per bush. As soon as the moisture is completely absorbed into the ground, the tree trunk circle (10-12 cm) is mulched with peat, sawdust, tree bark or rotted leaves in a layer of 5-7 cm.

When spring planting shoots of 1 or 2 year old seedlings are pruned, leaving at least 3 pairs of buds on each.

Caring for hydrangea after planting on the site

After planting, young plants are looked after:

  • protect from exposure to sunlight and winds;
  • water regularly (once a week) abundantly (1-1.5 buckets per bush);
  • shoots that are very elongated or bend under the weight of inflorescences are tied up;
  • varieties sensitive to low temperatures are closed for the winter.

When planting with a nutrient mixture, fertilizing is not carried out in the first 2 years. The exception is signs of deficiencies nutrients, manifested by the formation of small inflorescences and loss of bright green color of foliage.

Fertilizers are applied several times a season, according to the following scheme:

  • in the spring, during the period of active shoot growth, fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers is carried out;
  • mineral supplements rich in potassium and phosphorus are added twice, at the budding stage and when the first flowers open;
  • after flowering (August, first half of September), the plant is fed with superphosphate (1 tablespoon per bucket of water).
In the Moscow region and conditions middle zone Varieties of tree, paniculata and broadleaf or garden hydrangea are successfully cultivated.

The complexities of the climatic conditions of this area are easily compensated for:

  • a more careful approach to the selection of seedlings, taking into account knowledge of the winter hardiness of the variety and its viability (the presence of well-developed roots and strong shoots);
  • correct placement on the site, excluding open sunny places and proximity to trees;
  • observing all the subtleties of planting and care.

In the Urals and Siberia, paniculata hydrangea is successfully grown in open ground conditions, giving preference to its dwarf varieties (up to 1 m). They have well-developed roots, thanks to which they are easily revived even with significant freezing of the ground part.

Planting hydrangea in areas with frosty winters has certain nuances:

  1. The choice of variety is of paramount importance;
  2. strong 5-year-old seedlings are purchased for planting;
  3. planting in open ground is carried out only in the spring, covering young plants until the threat of frost completely disappears.

Proper planting and subsequent care of young bushes is the key beautiful flowering hydrangeas.

Any country cottage area will be transformed beyond recognition into better side, if it is ennobled by planting magnificent hydrangeas. This plant is unpretentious, exhibits lush and bright flowering, and therefore is popular with many gardeners. Practice shows that growing beautiful bushes in open ground is a simple and not labor-intensive task. However, knowledge of the nuances and features will protect you from mistakes and the death of bushes. Let's consider how to care for hydrangea in the country so that it arouses pride in its work and envy among its neighbors.

First step: choose the type of hydrangea

In fact, the hydrangea flower family is quite extensive. Most often cultivated deciduous species. They feel great in the Russian climate. There are also a lot of varieties, as well as species. For planting in the country or in the garden, large-leaved (willow-leaved), paniculata and tree hydrangea. They are very beautiful, take root well and cause virtually no problems. However, before caring for tree, large-leaved or paniculate hydrangeas in the country, you need to familiarize yourself with their characteristics. Perhaps some variety is not suitable for one or another gardener.

Tree hydrangea

There are many subspecies of this plant, but any of them are completely easy to care for. The height of the bush can reach from one to three meters, and the inflorescences-balls are almost thirty centimeters in diameter. The leaves are smooth and large, can take different shape: jagged, ribbed, ovoid or heart-shaped. The inflorescences grow in the form of umbrellas and bear fruit at the end of the season. The flowers most often have a purple-pinkish color.

Paniculata hydrangea

It can grow as a large bush up to three meters in height or as a ten-meter tree on a trunk. It all depends on how to form the crown. Buds appear in the second half of summer, the inflorescences acquire an elongated cone-shaped shape. There are also early varieties, whose representatives bloom in June.

A special feature of paniculate hydrangea is the ability to change the color of flowers throughout the season. For example, at the beginning they may be whitish, and by the end - transparent light green. This type of plant has pyramidal inflorescences with a wide base. The buds are most often white, lilac, pink or burgundy. Every year, breeders develop new varieties. Among them, it is worth noting the Kyushu hydrangea, which is the only one of its kind that has a scent.

This species is the most frost-resistant and unpretentious. If you know how to care for paniculate hydrangea in the country, then planting it will definitely be a success.

Large leaf hydrangea

When people talk about hydrangeas, they usually think of the large-leaved variety that is planted everywhere. The inflorescences are quite impressive in size; their diameter can reach thirty centimeters. The petals are painted in snow-white, blue or pink tones. Flowers begin to appear in mid-summer and fade in early autumn.

The leaves are large, wide, egg-shaped, and in this way they are a bit reminiscent of willow. As the practice of gardeners shows, this species takes root well both at home and in open ground.

Let's look at how to care for willow hydrangea, paniculata and tree hydrangea in the country.

Second step: decide on the method of reproduction

Modern gardeners, as a rule, practice only two methods of propagating hydrangeas. This is the seed and cutting method. The first one is considered very labor-intensive and is perhaps suitable for experienced florists. It is mainly used by breeders to conduct their experiments. Nevertheless, it is worth paying attention to both methods.

Plant propagation by cuttings

When friends are engaged in the procedure of pruning hydrangeas on their site, you can join them to collect future planting material. At the same time, you can ask them how to properly grow and care for hydrangea in the country.

So, from the removed shoots you need to prepare pieces that have two nodes. They are planted in a container with a sand-peat mixture. The lower part of the plant should be deepened into the ground by about three centimeters, and then watered. After this, over the sides of a temporary pot made of polyethylene film build a shelter. You will need to periodically spray the soil with water to keep it moist. After the shoots take root, they can be planted in open ground at the dacha.

Propagation of hydrangea by seeds

In order not to make a mistake when growing a plant, it is first better to make sure what hydrangea seeds should look like. For them you need to prepare a nutritious and loose substrate. The grains are placed in the soil about half a centimeter deep and sprinkled with a thin layer of substrate. After this, the soil needs to be moistened by spraying with water from a spray bottle. The container with seedlings can be covered with glass or film for a month and a half. The room temperature should be maintained at fourteen to twenty degrees Celsius. Only in this case can you count on the emergence of seedlings.

Third step: choose a location on the site

When deciding how to care for hydrangea in the country, the choice of planting site is almost the most decisive. Abundant flowering and good growth shrubby plant will be displayed only in an area with good lighting. In extreme cases, partial shade can be a compromise option. But the sun's rays should still fall on the plant most of the day.

Colored varieties need light shade at midday. Optimal place There will be a flowerbed in the country, where the sun's rays fall only until lunch. After this, the hydrangea should be in the shade. It is also important that the bush is protected from drafts.

Fourth step: plant hydrangea in the ground

Planting and caring for hydrangea in the country usually begins in early May or late September. First, prepare the holes by digging holes in the area. Their diameter should be fifty centimeters and their depth one meter. It is also important to maintain the interval between excavated holes. Usually it is made at least one and even one and a half meters.

The soil mixture is poured into the prepared holes. Its composition should include two shares of leaf soil, two shares of humus, one share of peat and one share of sand. Experienced flower growers fertilizers are added to it. For ten kilograms of humus, take twenty grams of potassium sulfate and urea, as well as sixty grams of granulated superphosphate.

When planting, pay great attention to the root collar. It should protrude slightly above the soil. Otherwise, during subsequent sedimentation, an important part of the plant will end up underground. After planting, the soil must be compacted and watered thoroughly. How to care for hydrangea in the country after this? At first, it is protected from the hot daytime sun. During the warmest hours, the seedlings are covered with agrofibre, which perfectly reflects at least part of the rays. It is also necessary to protect the hydrangea from strong gusts of wind. To do this, the stem is secured to a peg, tied with some kind of tape.

Fifth step: water regularly

Hydrangeas are exactly that plant that loves water very much. It is not for nothing that its Latin name contains the part “hydra”. These flowers need to be watered abundantly and every week. Under each bush you need to pour two large buckets of water. This is about fifteen to twenty liters per one-time consumption for each copy. In rainy weather, reduce the frequency of watering. The previous irrigation regime can be resumed if the last precipitation occurred a week ago. To improve resistance to infections and improve the growth of hydrangea bushes, it is recommended to add a pinch of potassium permanganate to the water for irrigation.

Sixth step: periodically loosen the soil

Now let's move on to how to care for hydrangea in the country during its active period. During the season, you need to loosen the soil around the plant twice to a depth of about six centimeters. This is best done after weeding and watering. Typically, hoe blades with long teeth are used to provide air flow to the roots.

To retain moisture, gardeners practice mulching. It is recommended to use old sawdust, pine needles, peat and moss. They will save moisture and get rid of weeds. Each layer should be approximately five centimeters thick. For example, if you add mulch in the spring, it will perfectly retain its properties until the fall. Experienced gardeners prefer this method of soil care. Because it is guaranteed to free you from constant loosening and weeding. You will only need to water and fertilize.

Step seven: color the hydrangea

This item is not mandatory, but it does exist. But often caring for hydrangea in the garden and at the dacha also involves this action. It is surprising that, depending on the chemical composition of the soil, the flowers of this plant will change their color. This sometimes does not work with specimens that have white petals. But with the rest you can experiment freely.

The inflorescences will take on a pink tint if the soil is acidic. To do this, gardeners usually apply phosphorus fertilizers. You can water the bushes with a solution of aluminum alum. Pink hydrangea petals may turn purple and white petals may turn blue. Typically, forty grams of the substance are taken per ten liters of water. You need to pour two buckets under each bush. The procedure is repeated after ten days.

Eighth step: prune the plant

If the plant was planted in the spring, then it needs to be pruned in the fall. After summer it is necessary to remove all faded parts. They cannot be left over the winter. Caring for hydrangea in the spring at the dacha also includes pruning. The best time March is considered for this procedure. As a rule, up to ten to twelve strong and healthy shoots are left as a maximum.

If the bush is already old, then it can be easily rejuvenated with the help of strong pruning. Root system hydrangeas are particularly powerful, so this will only benefit the plant. Initially, the young shoots will be alive and strong. Typically, all trunks are trimmed to such an extent that stumps about six centimeters high remain. Later, fresh and young shoots will appear from them, which will delight you with large caps of flowers next season.

Ninth step: fertilize

In general, hydrangea that is planted in a new hole does not need feeding for two years. If this time has already passed, then fertilizers should be applied four times a year.

How to care for hydrangea in the country in early spring to stimulate growth? A special solution is used for this. For ten liters of water take 25 grams of urea, 35 grams of potassium sulfate and forty grams of superphosphate. Instead, you can use complex mineral supplements with microelements. They take about thirty grams per ten liters of water.

The second feeding is carried out during the formation of buds. For one square meter Fifty grams of potassium sulfate and eighty grams of superphosphate are added to the soil under the bush.

The third feeding is done in the summer, in July. Ten liters of mullein solution are poured under each bush. Sometimes a liquid infusion of any herb is used. In any case, take ten parts of water per part of the additive.

For the fourth time, hydrangea is fertilized in August. The recipe can be taken the same as for the third feeding.

It is important to remember that lime is absolutely not suitable for caring for hydrangeas in the country in spring, summer, and in general at any time! Such fertilizer can completely destroy the entire plant.

Tenth step: cover the hydrangea for the winter

Tree hydrangea does well without shelter. But the paniculate and large-leaved species will no longer be able to survive without it in winter. To prevent the roots from freezing, hill up with rotted manure. Some gardeners arrange a fifteen-centimeter protective layer from dry leaves, pine needles, moss and peat. Afterwards agrofibre is laid on it. In such “clothing” hydrangea will winter well.

It is important to remember that young plantings of any variety need to be wrapped for the winter. Because they are not yet strong enough to fight the frost. The covering is still the same - leaves and agrofibre.

Now you know how to care for hydrangea in the countryside so that it pleases everyone with its large and bright inflorescences.
