Maslenitsa folk games and fun. Maslenitsa games for children

Maslenitsa is an ancient pagan holiday, during which people had fun in winter and welcomed spring with the New Year. Celebrations traditionally begin on Monday with the construction of an effigy of winter, which will be burned at the end of the week. The holiday is named so because during the week people “oil” the sun to warm the earth after winter. All week people have fun, eat the main delicacy of the week - pancakes, start games, all kinds of competitions and funny activities.

Fun competitions for Maslenitsa

Russian bath

In this funny competition, the winner is the one who can quickly deprive the bath leaf of its leaves by “floating” his opponent with it.

Broom on forehead

The essence of the competition is that you need to keep the broom on your forehead longer than the other players.

Jumping on the broom

Another pretty one funny competition with a broom. At a certain place they set up a chain of any obstacles, for example, of pins. Participants must ride a snake on a broom through obstacles. The one who knocks down the fewest pins wins.

Russian broom

A fun competition in which you need to throw a broom without a tree. Participants compete to see who can throw a broom the farthest.

Three legs

For the competition you need: a start and finish line, as well as a rope. All teams must split into pairs. The essence of the competition is that the right leg of one participant is tied to the left leg of another, in which a rope helps. Players must thus run to the finish line and then return to the starting line. After the first race, the following participants run.

Jumping in bags

At the place where the game will be played, tracks are drawn for each player to run. Everyone must jump to the finish line and back. The winner is the one who never fell or fell fewer times than other players.


The game is somewhat similar to sack jumping. Circles are drawn on each player's path at a distance of several meters from each other, and pins are also placed in different places. Participants must walk the entire obstacle course on stilts so as to get into each circle without knocking over a single pin.

Maslenitsa relay race

Two teams of players are needed. For each team, there is one dish with a bunch of pancakes, glasses and a bottle of some drink. The first person must pour the drink into the glass and return back, the second must drink the drink and also return back. The third participant eats a pancake, and the fourth already does all three actions. The team that runs out of alcohol the fastest wins.

On a friend's lap

People form one large circle and stand behind each other as closely as possible. The presenter says to everyone at the same time: bend your legs and sit on the knees of the neighbor behind you, then stretch your arms to the sides. After this phrase, all players will instantly fall.

Competitions for Maslenitsa on the street

Tug of War

On this holiday, you can diversify the competition and stand with your backs to each other and thus measure your strength.

Delicious pancakes

Each participant bakes pancakes with different fillings and interesting design and brings them to the competition. Everyone tries each other's pancakes, trying to guess the filling and evaluate the design.


Fun for children, which consists in the fact that children must compose poems with the words winter, spring, sun, Maslenitsa, damn. The winner will be the author of the most interesting and original poem.

Handkerchiefs of sympathy

At a certain place, a gate is installed on which multi-colored handkerchiefs will be hung on different heights. Participants must run up, jump as hard as they can and tear off some kind of scarf, then give it to the girl.


A circle is drawn in which two people should fit. Only one leg is allowed to be in the circle, and the other must be bent at the knee and held by the heel with one hand. Players must use their shoulders to push the opponent out of the circle without the help of their free hand, standing on only one leg.

Earth, air, fire, water

All participants must form a circle; in the middle of the formed circle is the leader with the ball. He must choose to throw the ball to one of the participants.

If the leader said the word “Earth,” then the participant who caught the ball must quickly say the name of the animal while the leader counts to five. If the word “Water” was said, then you need to say the name of the fish, which is more difficult. If the word “Air” is heard, you need to say the name of a bird. And if the presenter says the word “Fire,” then all participants should wave their hands. If one of the participants did not have time to name the word or made a mistake, then he needs to “pay” a forfeit and the game continues.

Hot and cold

Two participants are selected as drivers. One driver closes his eyes and counts to 30, while all the other participants hide. The second driver watches who is hiding where. Then the first one opens his eyes and goes to look for everyone. The second driver tells him how far or close the participants are hidden, telling him “hot” or “cold.”

Slide ride

Choose the coolest hill and sled down it with other participants in the celebration.

Snowball game

A simple but very fun game that can be played on any snowy day. Players simply make snowballs and throw them at each other. Great time outside on Maslenitsa.

Fishing rod

Participants stand in a wide circle, and the leader is in the middle of the circle. The leader should have a long rope, at the end of which a small bag of sand should be tied. He must twist this rope around himself at different heights. Participants standing in a circle must jump so that the rope does not touch their feet. Whoever is hit by it is eliminated.

Find yours

The presenter forms two teams from all participants. Participants are blindfolded and shuffled. Their task is to get the whole team together. One team meows, and the second grunts. Whose team assembles faster will win.

How many dryers?

We put a bunch of dryers (100 pieces) around the neck of one participant. The remaining participants must guess the number of dryers. Whoever guesses correctly will receive the whole bunch.

Running with obstacles

Two guys take part in the relay race. They have to put on a shirt, a sash, eat a banana, whistle and finally kiss beautiful girl. Whoever passes all the tests first will kiss the girl.

Name dances

The presenter calls a couple of names, and only those holiday participants whose names have been named dance to the music.

Broken pot

A stake is placed vertically on the ground and a pot is placed on it. Each participant approaches the stake and tries to break the pot with a special stick with their eyes closed. Everyone has three attempts, if the first participant does not break the pot, the turn goes to the next one and so on.

Pancake fortune telling

All girls, with the help of fortune telling, want to find out more about their future fate and about your chosen one. The easiest way to guess on Maslenitsa is using pancakes:

  • If your young man eats up pancakes with delicious caviar, this means that he will be a reliable husband, and will also be able to fully provide for his family. But this also means that the chosen one is very harsh and the woman will find it difficult at times with him;
  • If a lover prefers to eat pancakes with red fish, it means that the man will be affectionate, gentle and kind. However, he will not be able to act as a protector and master;
  • If the chosen one’s favorite dish is pancakes with cottage cheese, then he is caring and kind;
  • A person pouring sour cream on pancakes does not have his own opinion and is used to relying on others;
  • If he sprinkles sugar on pancakes, it means that the chosen one prefers home comfort with family and wants to have many children. However, upbringing is entrusted entirely to the wife;
  • If your man likes pancakes that have egg filling inside, it means he is a very grumpy, boring homebody who doesn't like to stress out in life;
  • You can be especially happy if your man loves pancakes with honey or jam. This means he is a leader in everything, handsome, kind and smart. These people are referred to as the “golden mean”.

Of course, you don’t need to rely entirely on fortune telling, but it’s still worth paying attention to them on this holiday.

Maslenitsa week is one of the brightest and most fun events of the year, which you certainly cannot miss. There are many competitions and games for Maslenitsa for both children and adults, so no one will get bored. At the end of the holiday, everyone traditionally burns an effigy of winter and rejoices at the arrival of the beautiful spring.

Game “Radiant Sun”.
Props for the game:
1) Plates with numbers and names of stations
2) Signs for commands + stamps at the station
3) Russian folk costumes and attributes
4) Music center + disk with recordings of Russian folk (Maslenitsa) songs
5) Scarecrow
6) Whatman paper with a drawn circle (2 pcs) + colored stripes + glue stick / thick felt-tip pen
7) Sleds (2 pieces) + colored ribbon
8) Bast + scissors + woolen threads + multi-colored variegated fabric
9) Running bags (2 pieces)
10) Colored crayons
11) Bell + blindfold
12) Rope

Props for preparing and eating pancakes:
1) Electric hotplates (2 pieces)
2) Pots (2 pieces)
3) Barbecues and coal
4) Disposable tableware
5) Pancake batter
6) Jam, sour cream, condensed milk
7) Napkins, regular and wet
8) Gloves for chefs

Progress of the game:
Various sites are organized on the territory of the cultural center, the names and numbers of which are signed in capital letters.
Children are divided into teams of 6-8 people (quantity may vary), at the head of each team is an adult who has a route completion sheet on the chickens
General fee and short story about the Maslenitsa holiday, after which children are asked to complete tasks in order to finally drive away Winter-Zimushka.

All teams pass through the stations in the order indicated on the route sheet.
At each station, after passing it, the leader puts a stamp on the command form.

1. Station one – Radiant Sun.
For this station you will need sheets of A3 format or Whatman paper; on each sheet there is a large circle drawn (the future sun) and stripes of rays different colors, by the number of teams.
Each member of each team glues a ray of sunshine.
The difficulty is that he is blindfolded and he can complete the task only if the whole team helps him and guides him.

2. Station two – Sled racing.
At this station, the team is divided into two and compete with each other. At the signal, a pair of players runs to the marked finish line, while carrying a sled with other team members. At the line they change and go back.
If there are small children in the team, they are carried by an adult (accompanying the team or standing at the station), or a soft toy is placed in the sled, which the child can carry himself.

3. Station three - Making a Maslenitsa doll.
From special preparations (bast), children, under the guidance of an adult, make a Maslenitsa doll. To do this, multi-colored rags and threads are prepared in advance at the station. The doll remains as a memory for the child about the holiday.

4. Station four – Sack Run.
The team is again divided into two parts and competes among themselves in the sack race.

5. Station five – Shooting at a target with snowballs.
A snow target is made on the wall of the building, at which children take turns throwing snowballs. If possible, the snow target is replaced with a drawn one.

6. Station six – Tug of war.
Everything is simple here, but to make it more interesting, the teams take on the rope with their backs to each other. The competition is held several times, the team changes within itself.

7. Station seven - Bells.
At this station, children take turns blindfolded and asked to find a bell by sound (a child from the team can also ring it). Anyone who wants to take the test must take the test. The guys who are watching can give advice if there is a need (at a signal from the station owner)

8. Station eight - What are they doing in the city?
The station begins with a roll call between the driver and the players:

- Ding, ding, ding!

- Who's there?

- Where?

- From the city …

-What are they doing in the city?

The driver can say that people dance, sing, and jump in the city. All players must do what the driver says.

All children take turns driving.

When all the teams have completed all the stations (you can start with those who finish first), they are invited to play folk games


The players stand one after another in pairs, take hands and hold them high above their heads. The clasped hands create a long corridor.
The player who did not get a pair goes to the “source” of the stream and, passing under clasped hands, looks for a pair.
Holding hands, the new couple makes their way to the end of the corridor, and the one whose couple was broken goes to the beginning of the “stream.”
And passing under clasped hands, he takes with him the one he likes. This is how the “trickle” moves - the more participants, the more fun the game is, especially fun to play with music.

By the bear in the forest.

A game for the little ones. From all the participants in the game, one driver is selected, who is appointed “bear”. Two circles are drawn on the playing area. The 1st circle is the “bear’s” den, the 2nd is the home for all other participants in the game.

The game begins, and the children leave the house saying:

By the bear in the forest
I take mushrooms and berries.
But the bear doesn't sleep,
And he growls at us.

After the children say these words, the “bear” runs out of the den and tries to catch one of the children. If someone does not have time to escape into the house and the “bear” catches him, then he himself becomes a “bear” and goes to the den.

After the games, all the children get up in a round dance, dance to Maslenitsa songs and watch the scarecrow burn, saying goodbye to Winter.

July 11, 2016

Our calendar is replete with a large number of holidays. Some of them are state-owned, others are international. But there are also those that are usually classified as seasonal or calendar. So winter pleases with Christmas festivities, summer spoils you with fun at Maslenitsa, but spring treats you with pancakes at Maslenitsa. Usually these days are a time of public festivities: after all, everyone wants these holidays to be bright, eventful and interesting. But it is Maslenitsa week that takes place on the greatest scale - and no wonder, since there are seven days of walking.

Maslenitsa is one of the few pagan holidays, which was so firmly entrenched among the Slavs, despite all the changes and vicissitudes. Maslenitsa - for many today is associated with joy, fun and, of course, pancakes. Now few people know about all the traditions of this holiday, but almost everyone knows that during it pancakes are baked everywhere. After all, the pancake, since ancient times being a symbol of the sun, opens the week of farewell to winter and welcome to spring.

A variety of entertainment events are held on the streets and in entertainment venues these days. But to avoid confusion, it is better to take care in advance entertainment program: find out what, when and where it will be held in your city.

On holiday, you can visit the pancake fair, where you and your loved ones can taste themed treats with a variety of fillings. After that, watch the most interesting theatrical performances right on the street, where folk traditions They see off the winter by burning Maslenitsa straw. In addition, these days it is customary to have a lot of fun, and therefore on fresh air You can take part in various competitions and fun activities.

Competitions and outdoor entertainment for Maslenitsa week

A popular pastime is the game "Wall to wall." This fun is purely for men. The number of participants is not limited, and therefore is ideal for big company. The game appeared as long ago as the tradition of celebrating Maslenitsa. Only initially its essence was mostly in fist fights. Today it has been modified into a competition between two teams, the goal of which is to break through the enemy’s “wall.”

At the beginning of the game, the teams face each other - “wall to wall”, choose a “combat leader” who will be responsible for making decisions, and “the hope of the team”, who will actually break through the opponents’ defense. After this, both teams, without breaking their ranks, begin to move towards their opponents. The winner is the team that managed, if not to break through the “wall,” then at least to move it beyond the boundaries of the playing area.

The competition is also very impressive and exciting. "Horse Fight". Everyone can participate here: only the number of participants must be even, because they will have to split into pairs, where one will act as a “horse” and the second as a “rider”. It is best to choose the weaker sex for the last role: after all, the “horse” participant will have to long time hold the “rider” on your shoulders.

When the couples are ready, the real battle begins, during which it is necessary to throw as many “riders” out of the saddle as possible. The competition continues until only one couple remains, which will be declared the winner.

Particularly popular are jumping over the fire, although this entertainment is suitable only for the brave and determined. Yes and good physical form it won't hurt here: after all, jumping over open flame may be unsafe. It is also worth paying attention to clothing - it should not interfere with movement.

In general, you can do a lot of things outside and take part in them, but only if you are not afraid of the cold and snow, since during the celebration of Maslenitsa, nature does not yet pamper you with warmth and good weather.

Indoor competitions for Maslenitsa week

Maslenitsa quest

– this is a very popular entertainment in modern world. And combining this newfangled fun with a traditional holiday means you will absolutely get a good result and a storm of positive emotions. Moreover, both those who participate in them and those who come up with them will receive positive impressions.

The quest is a space for imagination. Here you can select any number of tasks, set different goals for the players, and use any equipment. Adults and children can participate in it. Or they can do both at the same time, since quests are not only individual entertainment, but also group entertainment.

Tasks can be hidden throughout the room or assigned to specific people. The tasks are very diverse. But the answers must include the keys to the next tests.

For example:

  1. “Eat all the pancakes served on the plate and find out where to look for the next clue” (the key word is written down on a piece of paper and placed under the very last pancake).
  2. “Find the image of the Maslenitsa symbol and under it you will find the next key.” (The symbol is the sun).
  3. “The answer to the riddle will indicate where the next task is hidden” (The riddle must be related to Maslenitsa). For example,

I'm standing on a pole -
I look down on you.
Body, arms, head -
Everything I have is made from straw.
They ritualized it, brought it,
They burned me with songs.
(Maslenitsa scarecrow).

  1. “The rebus will guide you on the right path.” (There are a huge variety of puzzles, so you’ll definitely find something).
  2. “Make a word from cardboard pancakes that will indicate the place where the prize is hidden.” (To do this, cut out circles from yellow cardboard in advance and write the letters of a specific word on them).

This is a very small quest, but it can also be the highlight of the evening.

Competition program for Maslenitsa

Thematic competitive programs there are a huge variety. Each of them has its own characteristics. website offers this option.

The competition program is designed for two teams. The entire game will take place in seven stages (the same number as the holiday is celebrated), that is, participants will be invited to participate in seven competitions. Each competition will be dedicated specific day weeks, and convey its main essence. The winner is determined by the number of points scored.

First competition “Hello, Maslenitsa”

Since on the first day of the holiday it was customary to dress up the straw effigy of Maslenitsa, the competition is directly related to this. A participant is selected from each team who will play the role of a “scarecrow” - he needs to stand motionless, without bending his arms and legs. The newly minted Maslenitsa participants will be at a distance of 3-5 meters from their teams. Articles of clothing will be placed on the floor next to them. Which other participants must put on them. It is necessary to dress up the “stuffed animal” one by one. Each participant is allocated only 10 seconds for this. Whoever can do it faster and better is declared the winner.

Second competition “Understand me”

On the second day of the celebration, in the old days, the guys looked for a soul mate, and the girls responded to these advances with all sorts of signs (without words). So in this competition, one participant from the team is tasked to show only with the help of facial expressions and gestures what is written on their sheet. Guessing is done against time: first one team, then another. Who will have best time, he won. The entries on the pieces of paper can be very different: the names of songs, books, films...

Competition third “Lord of Pancakes”

Where would we be without pancakes? It was on the third day that the mass baking and eating of these delicious rounds began. Each team will need two participants at once. The task of one will be to wrap the filling in the pancakes, and the second will have them. The competition is held against time. When determining the winner, not only how quickly the team completed the task is taken into account, but also the quality of execution. If at the end of the competition there is filling left on the plate, then the victory does not count, even if the participants finished first. It's the same story with carelessly rolled pancakes: the filling falls out - penalty seconds.

Fourth competition "Burim"

The fourth day of Maslenitsa is a day of mass celebrations. It is also commonly called “Razgulay”. That’s why the teams are all invited to play together in Burim. This game is familiar to everyone and is suitable for any holiday.

Teams are given four words that rhyme and are asked to compose a poem about Maslenitsa. The winner is the team that is the first to complete this task efficiently.

For example, words It's winter, it's warm, it's light.

Competition fifth “Pancake Courier”

On the fifth day, people often went to visit and brought gifts with them - pancakes. So the teams are asked to move improvised pancakes cut out of cardboard from one point to another. Only you need to carry them not with your hands, but with two sticks held in your hands. Dropping fake treats, taking several at once, or carrying them together is prohibited. A fallen pancake cannot be picked up: it will not be counted when calculating points. The number of points they reported was the number of points they earned. If the opponents have the same number, then the winners will be those who completed it first.

Competition sixth “Farewell, Maslenitsa”

On the sixth day there was a solemn farewell to Maslenitsa - that is, its burning. Teams are asked to come up with as many other ways as possible to say goodbye to winter and welcome spring in 5 minutes. Proposed more options win the competition.

Competition seventh “Forgiven Competition”

On the last day of Maslenitsa, it used to be customary to ask each other for forgiveness. So the teams will have to compete in their ability to apologize. To do this, one player from the team is located at a distance of ten steps from the chair where there is a plate of pancakes. In order to get to the plate, you need to say words of apology. One word - one step. It is important that words are not repeated. Whoever reaches the tasty goal first wins.

It doesn't matter where or how you celebrate. The only thing that matters is who you do it with. After all good company will never let you get bored. And Maslenitsa is just a good reason to spend interesting and fun free time with friends and relatives.

Since the pleasant time of thaw has arrived, everyone goes outside, everyone has more vital energy. Accordingly, it needs to be directed in a pleasant direction, which is why games for children and competitions for Maslenitsa are organized, here are a few of them:

  • “Handkerchief” - handkerchiefs tied at different heights are torn from the jump by the boys, after which they give them to the girls they like.
  • “Cockerels” - in a drawn circle, guys, standing on one leg, try to push each other beyond its boundaries without using their hands.

Throwing felt boots

The essence of the game is in the name.
Like, goodbye, felt boots!
Throwing at a distance, accuracy, closeness of the fall of the second felt boot from the first.
Suitable for large hall, but better, of course, for the street.

Running with obstacles

Two guys are participating in the relay race.

  • Put on a Russian shirt
  • Belt yourself with a sash
  • Eat a banana
  • Whistle
  • Kiss the beauty

One beauty. She is kissed by the one who completed the previous stages first.

This kind of relay race can be carried out in the summer, say, in a camp.
On the beach, guys need to run to the water: take off their baseball cap, jacket, shirt, sneakers, trousers, and dive into the water. Who is first?


The players stand in pairs, one after another. In front of everyone, at a distance of two steps, stands the driver - the burner. Those playing say the words in a chant:

“Burn, burn clearly,
So that it doesn't go out.
Stay a little longer
Look into the field
The trumpeters are going there
Yes, they eat rolls.
Look at the sky:
The stars are burning
The cranes scream:
- Gu, gu, I'll run away.
One, two, don't be a crow,
And run like fire!”
After the last words, the children standing in the last pair run from both sides along the column. The burner tries to stain one of them. If the running players managed to take each other’s hands before the burner stains one of them, then they stand in front of the first pair, and the burner lights up again.
The game is repeated.
If the burner manages to stain one of the runners in a pair, then he stands with him in front of the entire column, and the one who is left without a pair burns.
Rules of the game:
The burner should not look back. He catches up with the fleeing players as soon as they run past him.


All participants are divided into two teams and lined up in two lines opposite each other.
Participants braid a “braid” - they hold hands through one another, crosswise.
The members of the first team step towards the other team, which is standing still at that time, and say: “We all congratulate Masha and wish her health!” They say the second half of the sentence while walking backwards. Then the other team does the same. Then everyone lines up at the back and follows the leader, who tries to walk in such a way that everyone gets confused. As soon as the leader claps his hands, both teams take their places and are again braided into the “net.”
Usually after this “extra” hands appear.

"The Owl and the Birds"

Before the competition begins, children choose for themselves the names of those birds whose voice they can imitate. For example, a dove, a crow, a jackdaw, a sparrow, a tit, a goose, a duck, a crane, etc. The players choose an eagle owl. He goes to his nest, and those playing quietly, so that the eagle owl does not hear, figure out what kind of birds they will be in the game. Birds fly, scream, stop and crouch. Each player imitates the cry and movements of the bird he has chosen. At the signal “Owl!” all birds try to quickly take a place in their home. If the eagle owl manages to catch someone, then he must guess what kind of bird it is. Only a correctly named bird becomes an eagle owl. Bird houses and the eagle owl's house should be located on a hill. Birds fly to the nest on a signal or as soon as the eagle owl catches one of them.

"Broom on the forehead"

Now try wearing a broom on your forehead for as long as possible.

Children stand in a circle, hold their hands behind their backs, and one of the players - Dawn - walks behind with a ribbon and says:
Red maiden,
I walked across the field,
Dropped the keys
Golden keys
Blue ribbons,
Rings entwined -
I went to get water.
With the last words, the driver carefully places the ribbon on the shoulder of one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the ribbon, and they both run different sides round. The one who is left without a place becomes the dawn. The game repeats itself.


The driver and the driver are selected by lot. The korchaga is covered with a scarf and placed in the center of the circle formed by the participants in the game. The driver, in secret from the pot, gives all the players names: “bird”, “flower”, etc. Then he stands near the pot and calls each of the players in turn, pronouncing his new name. The person called approaches the person sitting, lightly hits him with his hand and, returning to his place, claps his hands. After this, the driver takes the handkerchief from the pot and asks who hit him. If the driver guesses correctly, the one who struck sits in his place; if not, the pot remains in the center of the circle, and the game continues.

The Russian soul is structured in such a way that as soon as the last New Year’s fireworks die down and the protracted feasts die down, the people begin to wait for spring. That is why Farewell to the Russian Winter and Broad Maslenitsa are celebrated so widely and joyfully. These days, even those who strictly observe Orthodox traditions and those who do not adhere to them happily gorge themselves on pancakes and participate in fun activities and folk festivals. For those who like to add something new to the traditional program of this have a wonderful holiday we offer outdoor games and fun for Maslenitsa: some of them are more suitable for small company, others - for mass celebrations.

1. Outdoor game - skit for Maslenitsa "Pancakes with Caviar"

To play this game, you need to prepare fiery folk music and six chairs (bench) and invite six people to participate in it. Before the start of the skit, assign roles and introduce the participants to the audience to the music, at the same time rehearsing their movements and words with each (it is better not to give cards with words, they will interfere with movement). The presenter calls each character, he expressively says his phrase and demonstrates his movement to a musical excerpt. Then the presenter will explain the rules: everyone sits down, the text is read, every time their character is mentioned, the participant gets up and runs clockwise around the chairs, making a characteristic movement and shouting out his line, then sits down again. If the word “Pancakes” is heard in the text, everyone jumps up and shouts: “Happy holiday, people!” and run around the chairs together.

There are no winners or losers in this game, even if someone gets confused, it doesn't matter, it's just a reason to have fun and move around the holiday.

(The game was invented by analogy with the famous skit - if the presenter likes the option with cards more, you can distribute the words, removing the movements).

Characters, lines and characteristic movements:

Grandfather: “I want a drink!” - one hand on the back of the head, the other on the waist

Baba: “I’ll treat everyone!” - spreads his hands hospitably

Daughter: “Life is good!” - claps his hands

Son-in-law: “The soul has turned around!” - hands on hips

Caviar: “The mouth is happy!” - the thumb shows the gesture: “Wow!”

Pancakes: “Happy holiday, people!” - welcome hand gesture

Sketch text

They lived - there was Grandfather... and Baba..., they lived - they didn’t grieve,

On Maslenitsa they loved to bake pancakes.

Son-in-law... with Daughter... for Pancakes... they came to them,

They brought caviar... sterlet to the Pancakes!

Grandfather... with Son-in-law... They take pancakes, dip them in Caviar,

And they themselves hint to Baba.. and Daughter.. about the holiday!

And Baba..., you know, bakes Pancakes... with heat,

It’s as if he and his Daughter...don’t understand their hints.

Grandfather... almost suffocated with Blin from anger,

Son-in-law... actually choked on caviar... sterlet.

Here immediately Baba. and Daughter..., they got some liqueur

Everyone drank and started eating Pancakes with gusto!

The hut on Maslenitsa is red with love, delicious pancakes,

Children's laughter, and housewives with smart minds!!!