Methodical instructions for the textbook on the English language, ed. A

The textbook was created in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of Secondary vocational education in technical specialties, OGSE.03 “Foreign language”.
It presents the main commonly used conversational topics, dialogues and tasks for them. An accessible presentation of the basics of phonetics and grammar in Russian, the presence of exercises for training allow you to use the textbook for beginners. A separate section - “ Professional activity specialist" - comprise topics directly related to the future work of graduates of an educational institution.
For students of secondary vocational education institutions.

In English, just like in Russian, the stress in a word can fall on different syllables. Stress in transcription is indicated by the symbol ("), which is placed before the beginning of the syllable: possible, impossible.

In English polysyllabic words there can be two stresses of varying strength: main and secondary. The icon for the main stress is placed at the top, and the secondary stress at the bottom: possibility.

Stress in English, as well as in Russian, performs a distinctive function, for example, between some verbs and nouns:
contact - to contact; to interact
contact - contact; interaction.

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Download the book English for technical specialties, Golubev A.P., Korzhavyi A.P., Smirnova I.B., 2016 -, fast and free download.

  • Guidelines for the textbook on the English language, Golubev A.P., Balyuk N.V., Smirnova I.B., 2010 - This textbook is intended for teachers and students working on the textbook English language authors: Golubev Anatoly Pavlovich, Balyuk Natalia Vladimirovna, ... Books on English
  • English for technical specialties = English for Technical Colleges, textbook for students. institutions prof. education, Golubev A.P., Korzhavyi A.P., Smirnova I.B., 2014 - English for technical specialties English for Technical Colleges, Golubev A.P., Korzhavyi A.P., Smirnova I.B., 2014. The textbook was created in accordance with ... Books on English
  • English for kids, Smirnova E.V., 2018 - Dear readers! We present to you a series of exciting books English for kids. This publication was created with the active participation of my youngest daughter... Books on English
  • English language, Translation course, Dmitrieva L.F., Kuntsevich S.E., Martinkevich E.A., Smirnova N.F., 2005 - The proposed translation course consists of three parts: I - translation from English into Russian, II - translation from Russian to... Books on English

The following textbooks and books:

  • English alphabet and phonetic transcription, Golovina T.A., 2016 - The manual in PDF format contains information about the English alphabet and an illustrated description of phonetic symbols that are used to describe pronunciation in ... Books on English
  • English for economists, Bedritskaya L.V., 2004 - For students economic specialties, as well as those who have knowledge of standard English grammar and a vocabulary of 2000... Books on English
  • 16 English lessons, Beginning course, Petrov D.Yu., 2014 - This publication is an initial English language course developed by Dmitry Petrov. The printed version of the course contains exercises, basic pronunciation rules... Books on English
  • English, 2nd grade, How to help a child learn English at school, Vereshchagina I.N., Uvarova N.V., 2016 - This educational and methodological kit (UMK) is intended for working with 2nd grade students secondary schools who are just starting to study English language(1st... Books on English

13th ed. - M.: 2013 - 3 36 p.

The textbook can be used when studying the discipline of the general humanitarian and socio-economic cycle OGSE.04 “Foreign Language” in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education for pedagogical specialties. The textbook, aimed at developing students' skills in modern English oral and written speech, consists of five sections containing thematically selected texts, situationally oriented dialogues, cultural notes, grammatical reference material, exercises; at the end of the book there is a short English-Russian dictionary. For students of secondary vocational education institutions.

Format: pdf (2013 , 336 pp.)

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Format: pdf (2009 , 336 pp.)

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Methodological manual with translation of texts.

Format: doc (2010 , 107 pp.)

Size: 1 MB


Preface 3
English alphabet 6
Introduction 7
Speech organs 7
Phonetic transcription 8
International phonetic transcription signs 8
Main features of English pronunciation 9
Vowel sounds 9
Consonants 9
Word stress 10
Phrase stress 10
Reduction of vowel sounds 10
Intonation 10
Basic intonation contours of English sentence 11
Intonation of questions 11
LESSON 1. Front vowels. Consonants 14
Front vowels 14
Consonants 14
Noisy bows 15
Noisy slots 15
Sonants 16
Nasals 16
Slotted 16
Exercises 17
Text: The Whites 18
Homework 20
LESSON 2. Back vowels. Peculiarities of pronunciation of some sound combinations 21
Back vowels 21
Vowels of the back advanced row 21
Peculiarities of pronunciation of some sound combinations 22
Exercises 23
Text: The Whites (continued) 25
Homework 27
LESSON 3. Diphthongs. Combination of three vowel sounds 28
Diphthongs 28
Combinations of three vowel sounds 29
Exercises 29
Text 1: Grandmother's Week 33
Vocabulary (Words to text) 34
Text 2: Good Traditions Year by Year 34
Vocabulary 35
Homework (Note Task) 35
LESSON 4. Consonants. Vowels in different types of syllables 36
Rules for reading consonants 36
1. Consonants with two reading options 36
2. Reading combinations of consonants 37
3. Combinations of consonants with two reading options 37
4. The combination ch, which has three reading options 38
Rules for reading vowels in different types of syllables 38
5. Options for reading vowels according to
with four syllable types: 38
Exercises 39
6. Reading combinations of vowels under stress 40
7. Reading combinations of vowels with the letter g 41
Topic: Visiting Card 42
Names of educational and educational institutions 44
Business card sample 45
Sample ID 45
Note Task 46
LESSON 5. Combinations of vowels and consonants. Vowels
in unstressed syllables 48
Combinations of vowels and consonants 48
Reading vowels in unstressed syllables 49
Vowel reduction 49
Reduced and full forms of function words,
pronouns and auxiliary verbs 50
Topic: Etiquette 52
Gratitude 52
Apology 53
Attracting attention 53
Questions about the state of affairs 53
Reception 53
Note Task 54
LESSON 6. Noun. Adjective. Verb. System
verb forms. Declarative sentence 60
Noun 60
1. Use of article 60
2. Education plural nouns 64
Plural nouns
not according to the general rule 65
3. Possessive case of nouns 66
Adjective 67
Education of degrees of comparison 67
Verb 68
Basic verb forms 68
Verb conjugation in the present tense 70
Verb tense system 71
Text: My Working Day 75
Active Words and Word Combinations 76
Exercises 77
The Plural Form of the Nouns 77
The Possessive Case 77
Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives 78
The Verb 79
LESSON 7. Pronoun. Adverb. Preposition 83
Pronoun 83
Demonstrative pronouns 84
Interrogative-relative pronouns 84
Indefinite pronouns 85
Adverb 85
Degrees of comparison of adverbs 86
Place of adverbs in sentence 86
Preposition 87
Text: Speaking About Friends 89
Active Words and Word Combinations 90
Exercises 91
Pronouns 91
Adverbs 92
Prepositions 93
Vocabulary 93
LESSON 8. Types of questions. Negative sentences 94
Types of questions 94
General questions 94
Special Issues 95
Questions to the subject 95
Alternative questions 96
Dividing questions 96
Negative sentences 96
Text: Choosing aPresent. Hobbies 99
Active Words and Word Combinations 100
Exercises 100
Questions 100
(a) General Questions 100
(b) Alternative Questions 101
(c) Special Questions 101
(d) Questions to the Subject 101
(e) Tag questions 101
Negative Sentences 103
Vocabulary 103
LESSON 9. Numerals. Participle. Gerund 105
Numeral 105
Some features of the use of numerals 107
Fractional numbers (prime and decimal) 107
Communion 108
Gerund 109
Formation of the gerund and its forms
Text: Getting Ready for a Party. Cooking. Shopping Ill
In the Supermarket 112
Shopping in the USA 113
Sales Tax 113
Active Words and Word Combinations 114
Exercises 114
Numerals 114
Participle I, Participle II 116
The Forms of Participle I 116
Gerund 117
The Forms of the Gerund 117
Vocabulary 118
LESSON 10. Vaguely personal and impersonal sentences. Turnover there is... 120
Vaguely personal sentences 120
Impersonal offers 120
The turnover there is and its forms 121
Texts: At Table 122
Restaurants in the USA 123
Eating Habits in the USA 124
Active Words and Word Combinations 124
Exercises 125
Indefinite Personal Sentences 125
Impersonal Sentences 125
Vocabulary 126
LESSON 11. Passive voice 128
Passive voice 128
Verb forms in passive voice 128
Texts: My House Is My Fortress 132
Houses in the USA 133
Active Words and Word Combinations 134
Exercises 134
The Passive Voice 134
Vocabulary 136
LESSON 12. Conditional sentences 138
Conditional sentences 138
Text: Traveling. Transport 140
On Traveling 141
Active Words and Word Combinations 142
Exercises 142
Conditional Clauses 142
Vocabulary 145
LESSON 13. Imperative mood. Subjunctive mood 147
Imperative 147
Subjunctive mood 148
Formation of the subjunctive mood 148
Use of the subjunctive mood 149
Text: A Visit to a Doctor 151
Active Words and Word Combinations 152
Exercises 152
The Imperative Mood 153
Vocabulary 154
LESSON 14. Coordination of tenses. Indirect speech 157
Coordination of times 157
Indirect speech 158
Message 158
Question 158
Request or order 159
Text: A Telephone Conversation 160
How to Use the Telephone in the USA 161
Calls to the Commonwealth of Independent States 161
Rates for Long-distance and Toll Calls 161
Toll-free Calls 161
Using a Coin-operated Telephone 161
Local Telephone Calls 162
Long-distance Telephone Calls 162
Short-distance Telephone Calls 162
Collect Telephone Calls 162
Active Words and Word Combinations 162
Exercises 163
Sequence of Tenses 163
Reported Speech 164
Vocabulary 165
LESSON 15. Complex addition. Constructions with infinitive and participle 167
Complex addition 167
Constructions with participle 168
Independent participial phrase 168
Texts: Sending a Letter 169
The Internet 170
Active Words and Word Combinations 171
Exercises 171
Complex Object with the Infinitive 171
Complex Object with the Participle 172
Absolute Constructions with Participles 172
Vocabulary 173
LESSON 16. Complex sentences 176
Complex sentences 176
Complex sentences 176
Basic types of subordinate clauses 176
Text: Sports 179
Going in for Sports in the USA 181
Active Words and Word Combinations 181
Exercises 182
Composite Sentences 182
Vocabulary 183
LESSON 17. Modal verbs. Verbs capable of acting in a modal meaning 189
Modal verbs 185
Meaning and use of modal verbs 186
Sap 186
May 186
Must 187
Ought (to) 187
Need 188
Verbs capable of acting in a modal meaning 189
Shall 189
Will 189
Should 189
Would 190
To be 190
To have 191
Replacing missing forms of some modal verbs 191
Text: At My College 192
Active Words and Word Combinations 193
Exercises 194
Modal Verbs 194
Vocabulary 196
A Day at School 196
LESSON 18. Topic: Countries 201
Text 1: Russia 201
Exercises 202
Text 2: The United Kingdom of Great Britainand Northern Ireland 203
Exercises 205
Text 3: The United States of America 206
Exercises 207
Text 4: Canada, Australia, New Zealand 209
Exercises 210
Active Words and Word Combinations 211
LESSON 19. Topic: Cities 213
Text 1: Moscow 213
Exercises 214
Text 2: London 215
Exercises 216
Text 3: Washington, DC 217
Exercises 218
Text 4: New York 219
Exercises 220
Active Words and Word Combinations 221
LESSON 20. Topic: Art 223
Text: Andrew Lloyd Webber 223
Exercises 224
Text 2: Joseph Mallord William Turner (1775-1851) 224
ExcvcisG s 225
Text3: Alan Alexander Milne (1882 - 1956) 226
Lines Written by a Bear of Very Little Brain 227
YprniCJ\c 227
Text 4: liwis CargoP (1832-t8
The Jabberwocky 228
Exercises 229
Active Words and Word Combinations 229
LESSON 21. Topic: Man and Society 231
Text: British Mass Media 231
Newspapers 231
Radio and Television 231
Exercises 232
Text 2: The United Nations Organization 233
Human Rights 234
Exercises 234
Active Words and Word Combinations 235
LESSON 22. Topic: Education 241
Text 1: Education in Russia 241
Exercises 242
Text 2: Schools in the United Kingdom 243
Exercises 244
Text 3: Education in the United States 246
Exercises 247
LESSON 23. Topic: My Future Activities 248
Text I. Teacher's Profession 248
Exercises 249
Text 2: Reform in the System of Secondary Education in Russia 250
Exercises 251
LESSON 24. Topic: The Rights of the Child 252
Text: The Convention on the Rights of the Child 252
Exercises 253
Active Words and Word Combinations 258
(1) The Whipping Boy 260
(2) Tom Sawyer at School 261
(3) Arriving at Lowood Institution 262
LESSON 25. Topic 1: Preparation for Studies Abroad.
Topic 2: Correspondence with the Chosen University 266
Preparation for Studies Abroad 266
Samples of drafting and execution of documents and letters 267
Personal Statement 267
Exercises 268
Correspondence with the Chosen University 268
Request for Application Materials 269
Exercises 270
Covering Letter 270
Exercises 270
Acceptance and Refusal 271
Exercises 272
LESSON 26. Topic 1: Searching for a Job Abroad.
Topic 2: Drawing up and Filling in Documents 273
Searching for a Job Abroad 273
(1) 273
Exercises 273
(2) 274
Exercises 274
(3) 274
Exercises 275
Drawing up and Filling in Documents 275
(1) 275
Exercises 276
(2) 276
Exercises 276
(3) 277
Exercises 277
LESSON 27. Topics: Business Trip Abroad. At the Airport. At the Railway
Station. At the Hotel. Currency Exchange 279
Business Trip Abroad 279
Exercises 279
At the Airport 280
At the Railway Station 281
At the Hotel 281
Currency Exchange 283
LESSON 28. Topics: Formal and Informal Correspondence. Invitations. Wishes. Business Talks. Formal and Informal Correspondece 285
Exercises 285
Letters of Invitation and Replies 285
Formal Letter of Invitation 285
Acceptance 285
Refusal 285
Informal Invitations for Dinners 286
Acceptance 286
Refusal 286
Congratulations 286
Reply to the Letter 287
Address 287
Wishes and Replies 288
Business Talks 290
Gratitude 291
Appendix 1. List of basic irregular verbs 293
Appendix 2. A quick reference guide to word formation 295
Formation of a new word without changing the word 295
Moving the accent 295
Alternation of sounds 296
Affixation 296
The most common suffixes and prefixes 296
Appendix 3. Translation of grammatical terms and tasks for exercises 297
Appendix 4. List of some geographical names and proper names 299
Appendix 5. National anthems and patriotic songs 301
The Anthem of Great Britain 301
God Save the Queen 301
Rule, Britannia 302
The Anthem of the USA 303
The Star-Spangled Banner 303
The Anthem of Australia 304
Waltzing Matilda 304






Compiled by: teacher of GOU SPO KAIT No. 20 L.V. Belova

Moscow, 2010

This textbook is intended for teachers and students working on the textbook “English Language” by the authors: Anatoly Pavlovich Golubev, Natalia Vladimirovna Balyuk, Irina Borisovna Smirnova for secondary vocational students educational institutions, publishing center "Academy", 2011.

Topic 1 – “My working day”……….. p.3

Topic 2 – “Talking about friends”……… p.10

Topic 3 – “Choosing a gift. Hobby”......p. 17

Topic 4 - “Getting ready for the celebration”….p.25

Topic 5 – “At the table”…………………..p. 33

Topic 6 – “My home is my fortress”….p. 40

Topic 7 – “Travel”……………….p.48

Topic 8 – “Visit to the doctor”………………p.55

Topic 9 – “Telephone conversation”……..p. 62

Topic 10 – “Sending letters”……… p.70

Topic 11 – “Sport”……………………… p.79

Topic 12 – “My College”…………… p. 87

In each topic you can find translations of texts into Russian, basic exercises indicating their number, the page on which they are located in the textbook, assignments in English and Russian, as well as words and expressions that students need to know on this topic. The manual includes some additional tasks that the teacher can offer strong students in the lesson.


TextMy Working Day (p75)

Hello. My name is Vlad Volkov and I am a college student. I am in my first year now.

I want to tell you about my usual working day.

It is 6.30 am and my younger brother Alexei is knocking at the door of my bedroom. "Will you jog with me today?" he asks. This is the way every morning begins for me. I went jogging last year but then I have become “lazier and Alexei uses every chance to mock at me. He goes jogging regularly and he is a “good sportsman by the way - so his coach says. Alexei goes in for tennis and he has been playing football since he went to primary school. He is the best forward in his team.

Alexei goes away and I stay in bed a little while longer. But anyway it is time to get up. I go to the bathroom and take a shower and clean my teeth, then come back to my room and switch on the television to watch the news while I am brushing my hair, shaving and putting my clothes on.

Now it is time for breakfast. All my family is at table- my mother, my father, Alexei and myself. We have scrambled eggs and bacon, a cup of tea and sandwiches. We chat and discuss news. I think it is right time to introduce my family members to you. My mother's name is Mary. She is a children's doctor. My father"s name is Alexander and he is an engineer. Alexei is still a schoolboy. He is four years my junior. Oh, I haven"t yet told you about my elder sister. Her name is Nina. She is married. Her husband and she rent a flat not far from our place.

After breakfast I look through my notes- just in case I have left something behind, put on my coat, then say good-bye to my mother and leave home. My father gives me a lift to the college in his car. He starts working later than my classes begin.

I arrive at my college just in time to say hello to my fellow-students before the bell goes. As a rule, we have three or four periods every day. We go to college five days a week. Saturday and Sunday are our days off. We have lectures and seminars. Sometimes we work in the workshops. To my mind, these are the most interesting lessons. My friends say that we will be having a test in English today. I think that writing tests in grammar is more difficult than speaking English. I hope I won't fail.

During the breaks we go to the gym and play a round or two of basketball or volleyball. My friend John and I are a fund of reading fantasy and we discuss the latest book by Nick Perumov. He asks me if I liked the book that he had given me. I tell him that I will have read the book by the end of the week.

At 1 pm we have a long break. We go to the canteen and have a roll and a cup of juice. Then there is one more period, which is Mathematics. It is my favorite subject. The classes are over at 2.40 pm. Sometimes I go to the library to study there, but today I don't.

On my way home I see my girlfriend Lena. She smiles at me and we walk together for a while. I suddenly remember that we will have been dating for a year next week. 1 will go and look for a present for her tomorrow. When we first met at a party, I told her that she was the prettiest girl in the world and I had been looking for her all my life. Now I think that she is not only the most beautiful girl, but also the best friend. I am really fond of her. She is still a schoolgirl; she is leaving school this year. Lena's dream is to enter Moscow State University.

I come to my place at about 4 pm. Mother is already at home. She is cooking in the kitchen. Soon my father and brother arrive and we have dinner together. After dinner I do my lessons for tomorrow, watch television and read. I don"t go out because the weather has become worse. I go to bed at about 11.30 pm.

TRANSLATION OF TEXT My working day (page 75)

Hello. My name is Vlad Volkov, I study in college. Now I'm in my first year. I want to tell you about my usual working day.

It's half past six in the morning and my younger brother Alexey knocks on my bedroom door. “Will you run with me today?” he asks. This is how every morning starts for me. I started running last year, but then I got lazy, and Alexey never misses an opportunity to tease me. He runs constantly and, by the way, he is a good athlete, as his coach says. Alexey has been playing tennis and football since he went to school. primary school. He is the best striker on his team.

Alexey leaves, and I still lie in bed for a while. But, one way or another, it's time to get up. I go to the bathroom, shower, brush my teeth, then go back to my room and turn on the TV to watch the news while I comb my hair, shave and get dressed.

It's breakfast time. My whole family is at the table - mom, dad, Alexey and me. We eat scrambled eggs and ham and tea with sandwiches. We chat and discuss the news. I think now is a good time to introduce you to my family members. My mother's name is Maria, she is a pediatrician. My dad's name is Alexander, he is an engineer. Alexey is still in school. He is 4 years younger than me. Yes, I haven't told you about my older sister yet. Her name is Nina, she is married. She and her husband rent an apartment not far from our house.

After breakfast, I look through my notes in case I forgot something, put on my jacket, say goodbye to my mom and leave the house. My dad gives me a ride to college in his car. He starts working later than my lessons start.

I arrive at college just in time to say hello to my friends before the bell rings. We usually have 3-4 pairs a day. We go to college 5 days a week. Saturday and Sunday are our days off. We have lectures and seminars. Sometimes we work in workshops. From my point of view, these are the most interesting lessons. My friends say that today we will have an English test. I believe that writing grammar tests is more difficult than speaking English. I hope I don't fail.

During breaks we go to the gym and play basketball or volleyball. My friend Zhenya and I are fond of reading science fiction and are discussing the latest book by Nik Perumov. He asks if I liked the book he gave me. I say I'll finish it by the end of the week.

At one o'clock in the afternoon we have a big break. We go to the dining room and eat a bun with juice. Then another pair - mathematics. This is my favorite subject. Lessons end at 14:40. Sometimes I go to study in the library, but today I won't go.

On the way home I meet my girlfriend Lena. She smiles at me and we walk together for a bit. Suddenly it dawns on me that next week it will be a year since we met. Tomorrow I'll go and look for a gift for her. When we first met at a party, I told her that she was the most beautiful girl in the world, and I had been looking for her all my life. Now I think that she is not only the most beautiful, but also my best friend. I truly love her. She's still a schoolgirl. Finishes this year. Lena dreams of entering Moscow State University.

I return home around four o'clock. Mom is already home. She is cooking in the kitchen. Dad and brother will come soon, we will all have lunch together. After lunch I do my homework for the next day, watch TV, read. I don’t go outside because the weather has turned bad. I go to bed around half past twelve.
Words and expressions you need to know on this topic:


Be fond of - to get carried away with something

Brush one’s hair - comb your hair

Canteen - catering canteen




Day off

Do the make-up

Discuss- discuss


Fail - fail an exam

Get up - get out of bed

Give a lift - give a lift by car

Go in for sports



Have breakfast (lunch, dinner) - have breakfast, lunch


Jog - jog


Leave something behind - forget, leave

Lecture- lecture

Look through

Mock at somebody - make fun of someone

Period- pair (activity, lesson)

Primary school

Put on - put on

Seminar- seminar

Shave- shave

Succeed - to succeed

Switch on/off - turn on/off

Take a shower - take a shower

Watch TV - watch TV

Page 77 No. 2

Write plural nouns

a tooth – teeth a woman - women

a foot – feet a postman – postmen

a man – men a child – children
Page 77 No. 3

Insert articles where necessary

  1. My father is an engineer. He is a good engineer.

  2. The Earth moves around the Sun.

  3. I go to college. I am a second-year student.

  4. Mary is the best student in the group.

  5. Meet an English family, the Browns.

  6. There are many interesting books in our library.

  7. The Amazon is the longest river in the world. The Everest is the highest mountain.

  8. During the break I usually go to the canteen and have a cup of juice and a roll.

  9. My mother is cooking breakfast in the kitchen.

  10. Alexei arrives at school before the bell goes.

Page 77 No. 4

Translate phrases into Russian

mommy bag teacher journal

Yulino's ring notes boys

My Friend's Book of Children's Toys

Table leg book page

Page 77 No. 5

Translate phrases into English

  1. teacher's register

  2. teachers' books

  3. the door of my bedroom

  4. postmen's bags

  5. father's car

  6. children's names

  7. the words of the song

  8. Sam's exercise book

  9. pupil's answer

  10. my brother's coach

Page 77 No. 6

Complete the sentences using the family tree

  1. Ann is John's wife. Anna is John's wife.

  2. Stephen is David's and Kate's son. Stephen is the son of David and Kate.

  3. Ann is Stephen's aunt. Anna is Stephen's aunt.

  4. Sam is Mary's husband. Sam is Mary's husband.

  5. Mary is Carrie’s, Jessica’s and Stephen’s grandmother. Mary is the grandmother of Carrie, Jessica and Stephen.

  6. Carrie and Jessica are Stephen’s cousins.

  7. David is Carrie's and Jessica's uncle. David is Carrie and Jessica's uncle.

  8. Jessica is Mary's and Sam's granddaughter.

  9. Carrie is David's and Kate's niece. Carrie is David and Kate's niece.

  10. Jessica is Ann's and John's daughters. Jessica is the daughter of Anna and John.

Page 77 No. 6

Write comparative and superlative adjectives

Good – better – the best

Cold – colder – the coldest

Bad – worse – the worst

Heavy – heavier – the heaviest

Little – less – the least

Expensive – more expensive – the most expensive
Page 77 No.9

Put the adjectives given in brackets into the correct form

  1. Two heads are better than one.

  2. This is the most interesting book I have ever read.

  3. Concord is the fastest plane in the world.

  4. Mike is taller than Nick.

  5. Harrods is the most expensive shop in London.

  6. This is the cheapest hotel in our city.

  7. We discuss the latest news.

  8. My elder brother is 5 years old my senior.

  9. The first exercise is less difficult than the second.

  10. The weather has become worse. It looks like raining.

Page 77 No. 10

Translate into Russian.

  1. She is as beautiful as a rose.

  2. He's smart as an owl.

  3. My brother is not as strong as my father.

  4. He's not as busy as me.

  5. This girl is more attractive than that one.

  6. This student is smart like his teacher.

  7. My car is not as new as yours.

Page 77 No. 15

Write sentences in the past and future indefinite tense. Add the necessary adverbs.

  1. Vlad goes to college. Vlad went to school last year.
Vlad will go to college next year.

  1. She swims very well. She swam very well last year.
She will swim in the river in summer.

3. They speak English during the lesson. They spoke English yesterday. They’ll speak English during the lesson tomorrow.

4. He asks me a difficult question. He asked me a difficult question at the lesson. He'll ask me a difficult question tomorrow.

5. We jog in the morning. We jogged last year. We'll jog in the morning in summer.

6. Lena looks through the notes before the seminars. Lena looked through the notes yesterday. Lena will look through the notes before the next seminar. 7. Father gives him a lift to college every day. Father gave him a lift to college last month. Father will give him a lift to college next week.
Page 77 No. 17

Write the sentences given in the perfect tense into the simple past tense, using the necessary adverbs.

  1. My friend has already written the test. He wrote it yesterday.

  2. Boris has done his homework this evening. He did his homework two hours ago.

  3. I have already watched this film. I saw it last month.

  4. We have never seen him man. We didn’t see him near our house yesterday.

  5. They have just come back home. They came 5 minutes ago.

  6. I’ve left my book at home this morning. I left it on the table.

Page 77 No. 18

Put the verbs given in brackets in the present

simple or present continuous tense

  1. They speak English very well.

  2. She is speaking to her teacher now.

  3. I usually have orange juice for breakfast.

  4. He is taking a shower now.

  5. We jog every day.

  6. He is jogging out now.

  7. Mother is in the kitchen. She is cooking breakfast.

simple or continuous tense

1. He read an interesting book last month.

2. Sam read an interesting book in the morning.

3. We were discussing this film when you arrived.

4. She knocked and came in.

5. They watched TV and went for a walk.

6. The boy was watching TV at 6 o’clock.

7. My friend introduced me to his mother.
Put the verbs given in brackets in the past

simple or perfect tense

  1. We have just begun our lesson.

  2. He has already introduced us.

  3. I left my copybook at home yesterday.

  4. She got a bad mark last week.

  5. Mike read this exercise before the lesson.

  6. Sam and I met a week ago.

Page 77 No. 19

Put the verbs given in brackets into the correct grammatical form.

  1. I told him that I hadn’t read the book yet.

  2. The weather was bad yesterday, so we didn’t go out.

  3. Mary is standing at the blackboard now. She is answering the teacher’s question.

  4. I’ll have finished this task by 5 pm tomorrow.

  5. At 5pm tomorrow I’ll still be doing this exercise.

  6. If the film isn’t interesting, I shan’t watch it.

  7. At that time yesterday he was writing a letter to his mother.

  8. He asks me if we had the test the day before.

  9. They were playing football when their mother came home.

  10. She goes to college 5 days a week.

Page 77 No. 20

Translate the text into English.

Tony is Italian. He is an English college student studying mathematics.

He is now in his 2nd year. Tony lives in English family. Their last name is Thomson. There are five of them: Mr. and Mrs. Thomson, son Andrew, eldest daughter Jane and youngest Maggie. Their home is in Oxford.

In the morning, Tony goes for a run, then has breakfast. For breakfast he drinks a glass of orange juice and eats ham and eggs. Then he goes to college. Typically he has 3 or 4 lectures or seminars. Then he studies in the library with his friends.

He comes home at 5 o'clock and has dinner with the Thomsons. In the evenings he goes to the gym and plays basketball or volleyball.

After dinner, he prepares his homework for the next day or goes for a walk if the weather is good. He usually goes to bed at 11 o'clock.

Tony is Italian. He is a student at an English college and studies mathematics. He is in his second year. Tony lives in an English family. Their surname is Tomson. There are five of them: Mr and Mrs Tomson, their son Andrew, an elder daughter Jane and younger Maggy. Their house is in Oxford.

In the morning Tony jogs, then he has breakfast. For breakfast he drinks a glass of orange juice and eats bacon and eggs. Then he goes to college. As a rule, he has 3 or 4 lectures or seminars. Then he studies in the library with his friends.

He comes home at five and has dinner with the Tomsons. In the evenings he goes to a sport hall and plays volley-ball or basket-ball.

After supper he prepares his homework for the next day or goes for a walk, if the weather is fine. Usually he goes to bed at eleven pm.