Worldview in VK meaning. Worldview is the most important thing in life

Many seemingly familiar and everyday words sometimes hide meanings that most of us have ceased to fully perceive. Love, Conscience, Truth, Freedom - behind each of them, individual people, as a rule, have their own, often truncated, understanding, and all conversations about this are already philosophical categories. But I would like to focus on such a concept as Worldview. What is it all about, why the formation of a correct worldview is so important for a person and how to find out what is right and what is not.

Our world is objective. This means that its existence is not determined by our ideas and knowledge about it. Regardless of whether you were born or not, nothing would have changed radically; the laws of physics, mathematics and nature in general would work exactly the same. On the scale of the universe, the presence of the species Homo sapiens on planet Earth also does not fundamentally change anything; the existence of stars, planets and galaxies is not our doing, and we are not able to influence the existence of star systems in any significant way. We can only study these phenomena to the extent that the level of development of civilization allows us. In other words, our world is endowed with the fullness of knowledge about itself, it is objective and self-sufficient, it is exactly the way it is, regardless of our ideas about it and no other.

Each person’s worldview is built from the totality of his knowledge and ideas about the surrounding reality. Any facts, theories, laws, algorithms, programs, branches of activity and science that we encounter are the building blocks that form our ideas about reality, which is objective in its essence. Those. a worldview is just a projection, a certain image of an objectively existing reality in our heads. To form ideas about the world, we are given five senses with certain limited spectrums of perception, as well as a mind that allows us to go beyond these spectrums in cognition. Today no one disputes the existence of radio waves, infrared radiation, radiation, although our senses are not capable of perceiving them. This is the result of the work of the human mind, which has created auxiliary instruments and devices for measuring and using phenomena that are not perceived by us, but objectively existing.

The question of whether your worldview is correct is how your personal understanding of the world compares with how it really is. This determines the quality of life in general, regardless of whether you ask such questions or not. The criterion of correctness is the practice of life. Many people do not want to think about things of global significance and cover large categories in their inventions, but this does not mean that the processes occurring in these categories do not influence their specific existence. Firstly, everything is interconnected, the world is one and complete. Secondly, as they say, the bigger the lie, the more willingly they believe in it. Very often, due to the reluctance to rise higher in their understanding and look at the problem/subject of dispute/phenomenon from a bird's eye view, people are not able to see the full picture, foresee the consequences of their actions and become victims of large-scale deception or simply an accomplice in an unjust deed, bypassing their own consciousness.

What functions does the meaningful formation of a worldview have? A simple example. You get a new job. Everything there is new for you, you haven’t met anyone yet, you don’t know how everything is organized and run there, in other words, you haven’t joined the team yet. As you stay at your workplace, you will learn more and more about the structure of the company, about the team and the relationships in it, build your own, develop some automatisms, algorithms for interaction with employees and with the subject of your own work, etc. and so on. The more detailed your idea of ​​a new job becomes, the more effectively you will begin to complete your tasks. A greater understanding of the environment provides greater opportunities for making one’s own decisions, provides the ability to respond to emergency situations and evaluate one’s actions and capabilities in advance, anticipating the consequences. In other words, overall, understanding your environment makes you more effective in the workplace.

A similar process, but life-long, can be called ideological formation. It differs from adaptation to a new workplace solely in its scale and duration. Each person is able to recognize a process with a frequency of one hour, day, week, month. Changes within the framework of such processes occur quickly, in relation to the duration of a person’s life, and therefore are visible and meaningful. Such processes are called high-frequency. It is much more difficult to grasp and comprehend the so-called low-frequency processes that last for decades, centuries, millennia. In relation to human life, the process of developing a worldview is low-frequency, and therefore is not perceived by many as important, and sometimes even as existing.

Within the framework of the planet, the management system of society as a whole supports the algorithm of separation of everyone from everyone. This is sometimes called the "divide and conquer" principle. The educational system “for everyone” does not teach us to perceive the world as one and whole, but realizes directly opposite goals - to prevent us from forming a single picture of the world. All subjects and sciences are studied in isolation from each other, and scattered facts and dates form such a shapeless mess in the head that the world seems to us to be one big lottery, where everything is random and unpredictable, and civilization develops spontaneously and chaotically, by itself. In everyday life, a worldview formed in this way is called “kaleidoscopic” and is absolutely untenable for a full and conscious life in society due to the inability of the owners of such a worldview to see beyond their nose. Control of long-term low-frequency processes is not available for them, because in such a view of the world there are no relationships and patterns on the basis of which such activities could be carried out.

An alternative to this view is the “mosaic” model of worldview. Awareness of the wholeness and indivisibility of the reality around us, where everything is conditioned by everything, where each process is the result of some and the cause of other phenomena and actions. Where any accident, as a rule, turns out to be an unknown pattern. Where the cubes from which our idea of ​​reality is built form a single picture, and even if in some area there are not enough knowledge cubes, this does not change the picture as a whole, and the presence of missing cubes will make the existing picture more detailed.

This model also has a very important nuance. You and I are just one of many life forms. There are already seven billion of us, and we are an integral part of this single and integral world. A mosaic of worldview, by definition, cannot be built from one’s own “I,” since this creates a contradiction with the unity of everything. With such an understanding, there would be seven billion different mosaics on Earth, but in fact we are all just multi-colored pieces of one large stained glass window. We can only guess what or who is the crown of all that exists, some highest form of consciousness, from which all forms of life in the universe spread down the hierarchy. It is stupid to believe that a person is such, if only because we are limited to the five senses, that we will never know how many objective phenomena exist in the world that are inaccessible to our understanding.

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of a strong and harmonious worldview for a person. The more we strive to cognize and learn about our reality, the more common our picture of the world has with objective reality, the fewer problems and contradictions will await us on the path of life. The image of being, as a projection of an objective picture of the world onto the plane of consciousness, implies a flat picture. For a more complete representation of this multidimensional picture of the world, one should change the point of view and starting positions. If all our knowledge is not scattered haphazardly, but is interconnected and ordered into a single whole, then when viewed, say, from a different scale of perception, instead of crumbling into small components, it will only acquire new details, become voluminous and interactive.

For example, we can free ourselves from many global traps and temptations like alcohol and tobacco simply by looking at the phenomenon from different ideological positions. Everyone knows for certain that this is harmful. But not everyone realizes that this is poison, and very few recognize them as weapons of genocide, purposefully introduced into society by the cynical rulers of this world according to the principle of “divide and conquer” to undermine the gene pool and block the personal development potential of each of us, mowing down hundreds of thousands of our fellow citizens annually. Three views on the phenomenon, harm - poison - a weapon of genocide, are different in scale, but only awareness of the last, most comprehensive view in essence, gives the most complete understanding of the essence of this phenomenon and the goals that it achieves. This is just one example. The more consciously and meaningfully a person approaches understanding the world around him, the more difficult it becomes to deceive him not only in small things, but also in big things.

In the age of the Internet, the possibilities for self-education are truly endless. Unlike TV channels and newspapers, where information goes through a lot of filters before it gets onto the screen or spread, the Internet does not have an editor-in-chief and information can be obtained first-hand. We no longer eat what they give us, we are free to choose. Learn and develop!

Attention! By using the tips below, the user agrees that he himself takes responsibility for the likely consequences of their implementation. The information is taken from available Internet sources, and the website administration is not responsible for the performance of the described scripts and methods.

Secrets of VKontakte:

1) View closed pages of

The methods work with those pages where there is no prohibition on privacy settings. This is the so-called “hacking” of VKontakte, based on the address code of the page. By substituting the id (identifier) ​​of a suitable user instead of the “0” sign, it is possible to view the private content of his page:

  • - photos in which a person is tagged (where 0000 is the user id);
  • - videos in which a person is tagged (0000 - user id);
  • - photo albums (0000 - user id);
  • - video recordings (0000 - user id);
  • - notes (0000 - user id);
  • - groups (0000 - user id);
  • - audio recordings (0000 - user id);
  • - page rating (0000 - user id);
  • - applications (0000 - user id);
  • - questions (0000 - user id).
  • 2) Watching videos through comments on

  • private user video: (where 0000 is the user id);
  • private group video: (0000 - group id);
  • viewing the user's photo album: (0000 - album id; usually works with albums that were made before the New Year 2009).
  • 3) Viewing private photos in which the user is tagged

  • To do this, you need to open any unlocked photo in which the user is tagged, click on “Enable accelerated photo viewing mode” and then go to the sacred photo.
  • 4) Change the date of birth on the VKontakte website to any day, month or year

  • download and install browser Opera;
  • in contact press on edit.” next to the “My Page” button;
  • press Ctrl+F3;
  • scroll the opened code down to the list with lines of type 1;
  • in the found piece, change both numbers 1 in line 1 to the same desired number;
  • scroll down a little more to the list of years and in 1996 change both numbers 1996 to the same desired numbers;
  • look up and click the “Save changes” button;
  • click on the tab with the page for editing the contact page and select just produced numbers from the lists;
  • press “Save”;
  • go to your page and make sure everything works.
  • Attention: Such actions may not work the first time!

    5) Download music from Contact (

  • Open page with audio recordings
  • Copy the following into the address line:javascript:functionoperate(konfuze,loves,you,all-,xP)(you=you.toString(10);while(you.length


  • REMOVE SPACES and press Enter. Now, when you click on the play button, the download link will be shown instead.
  • Right-click on the link and select “Save link as... (save link as...)”. Some browsers allow you to simply click on a link. From time to time it is possible to click on a link and, after downloading the melody, select “File -> save”.
  • Method 2 (more difficult):

  • Select button Play corresponding entry, right-click, select “View the initial code of the selected fragment.”
  • Find the text: nclick="return operate(6035468,1094,28944,"18570a58a1",97);", understand "18570a58a1";
  • Press Play.
  • Right-click anywhere on the page, select DownloadHelper-> 18570a58a1.mp3.
  • On the page where there are audio recordings that need to be downloaded, copy this line into the browser address line:
    javasc ript: function operate (id, host, user, file, dur, wall) ( var str = "Download
    "; mydoc =; mydoc.document.write(str); ) alert("Patched!");
    // remember to remove spaces
    Press ENTER.

    Now, when you click on the button to play an audio recording in a contact, a new (!) window will open with a “download” link. To download, you need to right-click on the link and select “Save As”. To listen, you can simply follow the link. Also, after following the link and finishing downloading, the “Save As” item in the File menu is activated in some browsers.

    Method 4: Use the website

    See also: universal methods that allow you to save music and videos from other websites as well(website).

    6) How to download a video from Contact (

  • Open the page with the video clip;
  • Paste into the address bar: java script:(function())(var s=document.createElement("script"); s.src=""; s .type="text/javascript"; document.getElementsByTagName("head").appendChild(s); ))();
  • Remove spaces;
  • Enter.
  • 7)How to find out who removed you from the list of friends on

  • Open the Friends tab:р;
  • Press CTRL+A (i.e. select all);
  • Create an EXCEL file on your desktop;
  • Copy the contents of the buffer to this file and save - that’s it, a powerful database has been created!
  • When you suspect that someone has deleted you, then do steps 1 and 2 of this method and open that file. After:

  • Paste the contents next to the already stored data, but only in the same line where the beginning of the previous one comes from, i.e. in that case it starts with A1 or B1, then stick it in D1, F1)
  • Match the lines by scrolling to the end of the file. Where the columns “flowed”, that’s where the one who removed you from friends “settled”.
  • 8) How to find out who left a worldview about you on

  • Send a link in response to a world view:
  • (0000 is your ID).
  • A person clicking on a link automatically responds to this offer.
  • Attention: Applications must be enabled!

    9) How to upload a picture instead of graffiti on

  •, where after id= comes the number of this person.
  • Go to the link
  • In the “Person ID” column, enter the person’s ID N
  • Column "File" - ...
  • A problem that causes difficulties for almost everyone:

    Go to your VKontakte page and enter in the browser line: javasсript:document.write(document.cookie); (browser line: where it says blah blah)

  • Copy everything that is highlighted later and move on to the next point;
  • Paste everything that was copied into the window on the graffiti replacement page (where it says “Copy here what you received”);
  • Click the “Next” button.
  • 10) How to stay on VKontakte and be offline

    To be on a website offline, the most important thing is to ignore the “My Page” tab and not enter the main pages of other users. In other words, the following are available: messages, announcements, bookmarks, video files, etc., not counting individual user pages. To do this, you need to put a page with news (anything other than the original one) in your browser in “Bookmarks” (“Favorites”) and enter via this link, in which case you are not in the mood to talk.

    11) How to remove the last name on

    This may be the case, only by registering again on When registering, everything is as usual, except for filling out the “first name” and “last name” fields, then insert the code into the address line: javascript: this.disabled=true; document.regMe.submit(); and press “Enter”.

    12) How to make a status in a column

    For Opera browser. Go to your page, right-click and select “Start code” (Ctrl+U) in the context menu. Then press “Ctrl+F” and paste the code in the search menu that opens:

    and change it to: textarea id="edit-activity-text" name="edit-activity-text" onblur="return activity-editor.blur();"> and click “Save”.

    13) How to track a person on

    For this there is a so-called "anti-social project" This is a tool for monitoring the activity of social network users. It indicates at what time users appeared on websites. Also tracked:, Dating Mamba, Dating -, [email protected], Rambler-dating, Dating, service for tracking VKontakte users, with keeping statistics of online presence.


  • - secrets of VKontakte.
  • zhelezyak-a - download video/music from services that support online viewing/listening (Vkontakte, Youtube) without using special programs.
  • Additionally on the site:

  • How does work?
  • Other secrets and hidden programming abilities of the website.
  • How to delete the “activation page” on VKontakte?
  • How to delete a VKontakte microblog?
  • Worldview - a set of views and ideas of a person about the world around him, society and man’s place in the world.

    Worldview structure: knowledge, spiritual values, principles, ideals, beliefs.

    Forms of worldview:

      attitude - a visual-sensory, figurative sense of the integrity of the world and one’s place in the world, based on personal experience, myth, social experience;

      worldview - visual, but containing individual reasoning, abstract concepts, theoretical explanations, a representation of the surrounding world, its laws and oneself as part of this world;

      worldview - based on a holistic theory, abstract and universal, a well-founded understanding of the essence of the world and the essence of man, a clear idea of ​​the meaning of one’s life and a consistent pursuit of it.

    Types of worldview:

      ordinary, the source of which is personal experience or public opinion associated with everyday activities. It is specific, accessible, simple, gives clear and understandable answers to everyday questions;

      religious, the source of which is a certain authority endowed with access to supernatural knowledge. It is holistic, answers spiritual questions, questions about the meaning of life;

      scientific, based on rationally processed experience. It is evidence-based, clear and strict, but does not solve a person’s life problems;

      philosophical, based on reason turned to itself. It is evidence-based, reasonable, holistic, but difficult to access.

    1.3. Types of knowledge

    Knowledge - the result of cognitive activity.

    Cognition - activities aimed at gaining knowledge about the world around us, society and people.

    Structure of cognition:

      subject (the one who carries out cognition - a person or society as a whole);

      object (what cognition is directed at);

      knowledge (the result of cognition).

    Forms of knowledge:

    1. Sensual - cognition through the senses, giving direct knowledge about the external aspects of objects. There are three stages of sensory knowledge:

    A) feeling - reflection of individual properties and qualities of objects that directly affect the senses;

    b) perception - formation of a holistic image that reflects the integrity of objects and their properties that directly affect the senses;

    V) performance - a generalized sensory-visual image of objects and phenomena, which is preserved in consciousness even in the absence of direct influence on the senses.

    2. Rational - cognition through thinking, reflecting the essence of cognizable objects. There are three stages of rational knowledge:

    a) concept - a form of thought that distinguishes objects according to essential characteristics and generalizes them into a class;

    b) judgment - a form of thought that affirms or denies a certain state of affairs, a certain situation;

    c) inference - a form of thought that moves from existing judgments to new ones.

    Types of knowledge:

    1. ordinary - knowledge acquired through practical activities and social interaction

    2. mythological - figurative knowledge passed on from generation to generation

    3. religious - knowledge based on belief in the supernatural

    4. artistic - based on subjective creative revelation

    5. scientific - systematic, theoretical, experimentally confirmed knowledge.

    6. pseudoscientific - knowledge that imitates science, but is not science.

    Epistemology - a branch of philosophy that studies knowledge, namely, the possibilities and limits of knowledge, methods of obtaining knowledge. In epistemology there are two main approaches:

      epistemological pessimism (knowledge is impossible or significantly limited);

      epistemological optimism (knowledge is possible).

    Within the framework of pessimism there are:

      the extreme direction is agnosticism, which considers all knowledge impossible, and all knowledge false;

      and skepticism, doubting the possibilities of reliable knowledge.

    Epistemological optimism is divided into empiricism and rationalism. Empiricists (sensualists) argue that cognition is based only on data from the senses. Rationalists believe that knowledge should be based only on reason.

    The most important thing in life

    Do you know what is most important for us in our lives? Few people realize that this is our worldview. The whole world is in our heads, so our worldview is our everything. To deprive a person of his worldview means to take away the Universe from him. With the loss of our worldview, we lose all our values. Surprisingly, most people hardly think about the quality of their worldview.

    Life is like an escalator that comes towards us, and if we don’t move forward, it throws us back. Without movement there is no development. A slacker becomes dull and fat, but one who participates in debates and battles acquires a quick mind and an agile body. All our achievements begin in the head, so the worldview, as a guide to action, determines our purposeful movement through life.

    The world around us has placed many traps around us (you can easily verify this if, for example, you run down the street with your eyes closed - as they say, until the first streetlight). We can bypass the obstacles of the surrounding world only thanks to an adequate worldview. An inadequate worldview causes us to make mistakes - to stumble and break our foreheads. Mistakes happen and are useful (it is no coincidence that some trucking companies do not hire drivers who have never been in an accident) - “what doesn’t kill me makes me stronger.” That is, mistakes are necessary and useful not in themselves, but because they allow us to learn, that is, to expand our adequate worldview.

    Worldview is faith

    Worldview (worldview, worldview, attitude, outlook) is an idea of ​​the world in which we live. It is a belief system about the world. Simply put, a worldview is faith(not to be confused with the narrower sense of this word - religiosity). The belief that the world is as it seems to us.

    Sometimes they say: “you cannot live without faith,” meaning religious faith. I think, however, that it is possible to live without religious faith, as atheists prove by their existence. But without faith, in the sense of a worldview, it is truly impossible to live, because... all our actions begin in our heads. In this sense, all people are believers, because everyone has a worldview. Disbelief is not emptiness, but also faith: atheists who do not believe in God believe that God does not exist. And doubt is also faith. The emptiness in the worldview is not unbelief, but ignorance.

    Garbage in the head will not replace knowledge, although it is not boring

    Our head is stuffed with beliefs about the world- information. True or false? This is a very important question, the answer to which is worth dedicating your life and writing a book. Our worldview is full of all sorts of beliefs and it is naive to believe that they are all true: in addition to knowledge, there is also plenty of garbage - everyone has their own cockroaches in their heads.

    People are prejudiced about the correctness of their faith, otherwise they simply would not have it. Therefore, they are usually not inclined to stir up their worldview. Living with an established faith is calmer - there is no need to strain your brain once again. Besides, it is more pleasant to drown in the abyss of dreams and sweet lies than to swim in the cold ocean of harsh truth. A person who has abandoned his usual beliefs feels lost and unprotected, like a hermit crab that has lost its shell. Sometimes, to dissuade a person from his faith means to take away from him something sacred or the meaning of life.

    People cling to their views, as a rule, not because they are true, but because they are their own. Even false beliefs are not easy to give up: “you are, of course, right, but I will still remain in my opinion,” stubborn people often say. By clinging to their untenable beliefs, they thereby drive themselves into the web of ignorance, and their trouble is that they themselves do not realize that they have reached a dead end.

    If a person is able to easily and without delay renounce far-fetched beliefs, then he is worth something, because then he has a reason to improve. Get ready for revolutions in your brains. Taking inventory of your faith is as useful as cleaning your house from dust and dirt, for Garbage in your head is no substitute for knowledge, although it’s not boring.

    "He whose brain is stuffed with garbage is in
    state of insanity. And since there is garbage in that
    or is otherwise present in everyone’s head,
    then we are all crazy to varying degrees"

    Adequate worldview
    - the most valuable capital of a person. However, people, as a rule, do not care particularly carefully about the maintenance of their brains, so they do not live in the real world, but in the world of their illusions and phantasmagoria. Few people think about the structure of their worldview, although this is the most important question.

    Each person's worldview reflects the evolution of humanity

    Humanity is growing up. With each generation it grows, accumulating knowledge about the world - developing culture. As humanity matures, so does the worldview of every average person. Of course, in addition to world culture, people’s worldview is influenced by other factors: local characteristics (“mentality”), personal differences (temperament, upbringing) and others. Therefore, the worldviews of different people are somewhat similar, but there are also differences in them.

    Absorbing knowledge about the world, it reaches out to the Truth, like a stem to the Sun. The worldview of people at all times corresponds to the mood of the era in which they live. Now people are no longer the same as they were before our era - they were children, and now they are teenagers. And even despite the fact that many modern people have a dense Middle Ages in their heads - full of superstitions - nevertheless, their idea of ​​the world is in many ways superior to the worldview of primitive savages or ancient Egyptians. And compared to medieval scientists, every modern idiot is a genius.

    Pyramid of an adequate worldview

    Each person has his own worldview. People differ from each other not only in physiognomy, but also in the content of their brains. But the structure of an adequate human worldview, its framework, has the same multi-story form for all sober people.

    Our worldview- a belief system about the world in which we live - is a hierarchical structure of information, similar to a multi-level pyramid. At each level of the worldview pyramid there are beliefs that have different strengths of our trust - from obvious to dubious. Each subsequent rising level of beliefs relies on the previous levels - grows out of them. In a simplified form, the worldview pyramid can be represented as three levels based on the foundation:



    2 - obvious

    information from

    other people's experiences


    1 -beliefs from our experience


    FOUNDATION : Main Axiom of Life

    Let's walk through the floors of the pyramid from bottom to top:

    Foundation worldview pyramid serves Home Axiom of Life(GAZH) - belief in the existence of an objective world around us, expressed by the formula:

    Universe = "I" + "not I".

    Although it is impossible to prove or disprove the existence of the world around us, nevertheless, we take the GAZ on faith and base all the other beliefs of the worldview pyramid on it.

    First level our worldview contains beliefs derived directly from our personal experiences. This is the main and most numerous level of our beliefs - it contains a huge amount of obvious and simple knowledge about the world. This level is the most ancient and largely coincides with the ideas about the world of people of ancient eras. It contains the most necessary knowledge for life and is as important for a person as the ability to walk and think.

    Here lies the understanding of the three fundamental categories of existence: matter, space and time and their fourth derivative - movement. Also at this level lie approximately our indisputable beliefs: I am human; there are other people, animals, plants, etc. around me; table - hard; glass - transparent; cucumbers are edible; nails rust; the icicles are melting; birds can fly; people can lie and make mistakes, but sometimes they tell the truth; traffic cops sometimes wave striped sticks and others.

    The beliefs of the first level of the worldview pyramid were born in our heads from our practice from early childhood, when we began to explore the world, and many of them were confirmed by practice more than once. That's why they are the hardest. We almost never question them, because our senses are the most reliable sources of information in the world.

    Thanks to the belief that other people are like us and can tell the truth, from the first level of worldview the second grows.

    Second level contains obvious information, confirmed by the experience of other people. For example, some people, it seems to me, know from their experience that whales live in the world's oceans; I believe in this information.

    If we want to have more knowledge about the world, we cannot rely only on our own experience, but we must also trust other people who have different experiences and who can tell us about them. This is how culture spreads in society. By exchanging experiences, people enrich each other's worldview. It is in trusting other people that the useful function of education lies, forming the second (as well as third) level of our worldview. In order to effectively understand the world, it is more useful to read a book by a researcher who has spent his life studying certain phenomena than to study these phenomena himself all his life.

    The second level of worldview is younger than the first and began to actively develop in people with the advent of speech, when they learned to exchange information more accurately and subtly than with the help of gestures and inarticulate screams. It then repeatedly accelerated its growth rate due to the advent of writing, printing, mass media, and other advances.

    At this level of our worldview there may be approximately the following beliefs: cobra is poisonous; penguins live in Antarctica; the North Pole is colder than Africa; Italy is shaped like a boot (the astronauts won’t let you lie); Germany was at war with the Soviet Union; archaeologists find objects called dinosaur bones in the ground; iron melts when heated, oil is extracted from the bowels of the Earth, gasoline is extracted from oil, etc..

    Information located at this level is confirmed by numerous testimonies of other people, and for us is almost as obvious as the facts of the first level. Sometimes we ourselves become convinced of it in practice, and then it moves from the second level of our worldview to the first.

    However, non-obvious information can also be included here: stories about Bigfoot, the Loch Ness dinosaur, about ghosts or aliens: “suddenly aliens grabbed me and dragged me into a UFO.” This evidence is questionable because it is supported by only a few "eyewitnesses", it contradicts fundamental scientific concepts, and it is also supported by the belief that other people can lie and make mistakes.

    Third level - Theories. This is the highest level of our worldview, because... theories are more complex structures that include building blocks of information from previous levels. As a rule, it takes the mind of a genius to discover a worthwhile theory, and to develop it requires the observations, reflections and discussions of researchers of different generations. It is thanks to the mastery of reliable theories that a person can design rockets, transmit information to anywhere on the planet, and also systematically increase his average life expectancy.

    Here are usually located: Theories: probability, Relativity, Evolution, Big Bang, global warming, separate nutrition; postulate of dietetics: the more you eat and the less you move, the thicker the layer of fatty tissue, as a rule; religious beliefs, astrology, conspiracy theory, belief in spirits, occult teachings, as well as hackneyed slogans: “nerve cells do not recover”, “salt and sugar - white death”, “AIDS - the plague of the 20th century” and others- all this is here, on the third level.

    It should be noted that the third level is the most cluttered. In addition to correct concepts, there is a lot of garbage here - superstitions, prejudices, unprovable doctrines and erroneous hypotheses that are introduced into people's worldviews due to their gullibility and lack of knowledge. Many theories are far-fetched, untested and unproven. In addition, people often tend to invent unrealistic beliefs for themselves that they want to believe. And they forget that unreliable theories, even though they are very beautiful, do not elevate a person, but put him in a puddle. Cockroaches in the head mainly live on the upper floors of the worldview pyramid.

    We looked at the so-called actual ideological beliefs, i.e., reflecting the objective world. Also in our worldview there are evaluative beliefs that permeate all levels of our pyramid from bottom to top and reflect our attitude to the facts of the world around us. "We live in a colorless world that we paint ourselves" ( Skilef). Ratings make the world colorful. Ratings are subjective.

    We live in a colorless world
    which we paint ourselves



    Do you know why people love, hate, argue among themselves and what is the cause of all human wars? As it turns out, it's all about the grades.

    All human joys, sorrows, disagreements and problems arise from assessments in people's heads. A person is happy or unhappy not because of life itself, but because of how he evaluates it. Our life does not consist of events, but of our attitude towards events. Assessments make a colorless world bright, push people to take action and force them to make choices. And because All our lives we do nothing but constantly make choices, then our assessments are the source of life movement.

    Estimates are present in our worldview along with factual information. Assessments (opinions, points of view, tastes) are beliefs that reflect our attitude to facts. And if the actual beliefs of our worldview reflect the objective world (for example, the concept of “elephant”), then assessments exist only in the head (the elephant is bad).

    Our assessments come from the depths of our personality - they are generated by instincts, polished by emotions and confirmed by reason. Evaluations are formed by human needs, therefore they are characterized by categories: beneficial-unprofitable, benefit-harm, like-dislike. In general, human evaluations tend to reflect people's interests.

    Typically, ratings are measured on a good-bad scale. Let's say, if an employee demands a salary increase, it means he thinks it's good; the boss is usually against it, because For him, these extra expenses are bad.

    Evaluations are characterized by the categories of “good” and “evil” (for example, hero, villain). Or they reflect relative values ​​(big, strong, a lot, fast, hot). In speech, evaluations are often expressed by adjectives: beautiful, wretched, wonderful, ordinary, pleasant, vulgar, wonderful, representative, etc. Concepts such as: righteous, sinner, well done, fool, feat, debauchery - express assessments. Factual information can also take on evaluative shades: stuck in (he came after all), dumped (finally left), strayed (thank God he died). Many slang terms (cool, dumb, cool, sucks), swear words (scoundrel, bastard, bastard, rubbish) are assessments. And swear words usually also express evaluations (no comment).

    Criminal arbitrariness, fair retribution, enormous harm, worst fears, best favored - assessments. Concepts: good, evil, justice, generosity - evaluative concepts. Different principles of life, moral principles, commandments and codes of honor - all these are evaluation systems that are subjective and can differ both among individuals and among entire nations. For example, in our society it is generally accepted that killing is bad, but some natives from the Andaman Islands believe that eating your enemy is healthy.

    Evaluations are in a person’s head, not outside of it. Everyone has their own assessments, the same among like-minded people and different among oppositionists.

    As they say, you can’t argue with facts, but people are ready to argue about assessments all their lives, which is what they love to do. When people contrast their personal assessments with each other, then conflicts begin - disputes, scandals, fights and wars. After all, what is beneficial to one may harm another.

    Worldview - This is a person’s system of views and principles, his understanding of the world around him and his place in this world. Worldview substantiates an individual’s life position, his behavior and actions. Worldview is directly related to human activity: without it, activity would not be purposeful and meaningful.

    The first philosopher to pay attention to worldview was Kant. He called him as worldview.

    We will consider examples of worldview when analyzing its classification.

    Classification of worldviews.

    The classification of worldviews considers three main type of worldview from the point of view of its socio-historical features:

    1. Mythological type worldview was formed during the times of primitive people. Then people did not recognize themselves as individuals, did not distinguish themselves from the world around them, and saw the will of the gods in everything. Paganism is the main element of the mythological type of worldview.
    2. Religious type worldview, just like the mythological one, is based on belief in supernatural forces. But, if the mythological type is more flexible and allows the manifestation of various types of behavior (as long as not to anger the gods), then the religious type has a whole moral system. A huge number of moral norms (commandments) and examples of correct behavior (otherwise the flames of hell never sleep) keep society under a tight rein, but it unites people of the same faith. Disadvantages: misunderstanding of people of other faiths, hence division along religious lines, religious conflicts and wars.
    3. Philosophical type worldview has a social and intellectual character. The mind (intelligence, wisdom) and society (society) are important here. The main element is the desire for knowledge. Emotions and feelings (as in the mythological type) fade into the background and are considered in the context of the same intellect.

    There is also a more detailed classification of worldview types based on worldview attitudes.

    1. Cosmocentrism(the ancient type of worldview consists of looking at the world as an ordered system where a person does not influence anything).
    2. Theocentrism(medieval type of worldview: God is in the center, and he influences all phenomena, processes and objects; the same fatalistic type as cosmocentrism).
    3. Anthropocentrism(after the Renaissance, man becomes the center of worldview in philosophy).
    4. Egocentrism(a more developed type of anthropocentrism: the focus is no longer just on man as a biological being, but on each individual person; the influence of psychology, which began to actively develop in the New Time, is noticeable here).
    5. Eccentricity(not to be confused with eccentricism in psychology; a modern type of worldview, which is based on materialism, as well as individual ideas of all previous types; in this case, the rational principle is already located outside of man, rather in society, which becomes at the center of the worldview.

    When studying such a concept as worldview, one cannot help but touch upon such a term as mentality.

    Mentality literally translated from Latin as “the soul of others.” This is a separate element of worldview, which means the totality of the way of thinking, ideas and morals of an individual person or social group. In essence, it is a type of worldview, its particular manifestation.

    In our time, mentality is most often considered as a characteristic of the worldviews of a separate social group, ethnic group, nation or people. Jokes about Russians, Americans, Chukchi, and British are based precisely on the idea of ​​mentality. The main feature of mentality in this understanding is the transmission of ideological ideas from generation to generation, both at the social level and at the genetic level.

    When studying worldview as a type of perception of the world, in the future it is necessary to study such manifestations as