Prayer to the Lord for health. Prayer for the health of the sick: effective words for recovery

We explain the causes of illness by cold, infection, overwork, poisoning, etc. But this is only partly true. In fact, any physical illness grows from a spiritual illness. Yes, these are our sins for which we pay with illness. But the Lord, thus, does not at all want to punish us or enjoy our agony; he wants to warn us against the occurrence of spiritual diseases. If a person does not come to his senses during illness, does not repent, does not realize his guilt and does not change his life, the disease will spread to his immortal soul, which is much more terrible.

The first step to healing should be repentance. And we can repent with the words of prayers for recovery:

“O Most Merciful God, Father, Son and Holy Soul, worshiped and glorified in the indivisible Trinity, look kindly upon Thy servant (name), who is sickly possessed; forgive him all his sins; give him healing from his illness; restore his health and bodily strength; Give him a long and prosperous life, Your peaceful and peaceful blessings, so that together with us he brings grateful prayers to You, the All-Bountiful God and my Creator. Holy Mother of God, by Your omnipotent intercession, help me to beg Your Son, my God, for the healing of God’s servant (name). All saints and angels of the Lord, pray to God for His sick servant (name). Amen".

Although we know that sins are the cause of illness, seeing that someone is sick, we cannot think about his sinfulness, so we ourselves sin greatly. On the contrary, you need to ask God to have mercy on the soul of the patient. To do this, refer to the Mother of God for the patient’s recovery, because she is the most powerful intermediary between man and God:

“O Most Holy Lady, Lady Theotokos! With fear, faith and love before Your honest and miraculous icon, we pray to You: do not turn Your face away from those who come running to You, beg, O merciful Mother, Your Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, to keep our country peaceful and His holy Church May he preserve him unshakably, and may he deliver from unbelief, heresies and schism. There are no imams of any other help, no imams of other hope, except for You, most pure Virgin.”

What happens when we pray for someone?

Our efforts for the patient’s recovery may work, or they may remain ignored. The fact is that no matter how zealously we ask God to help the sick, he will not do this until the sinner himself realizes why he is sick. Otherwise, it will be possible to say that “one builds, the other destroys.” You understand what the result is.

Child's recovery

When we do not realize our sins and do not repent, God is forced to remind us of the need for changes in life through the illnesses of our loved ones. The worst thing for a parent is when his child is sick, and he is sick (almost always) because of parental misconduct.

In this case, there is no time to hesitate. Any mother will understand in her heart that she is to blame for the suffering of her little one. At such moments, a prayer to the Mother of God for the child’s recovery will help. She will not only console the poor mother, but also ask for God’s mercy towards the sinful woman and the health of her child. The Mother of God has the power to send grace to a person, in which he realizes his sins and will be able to change his life.

The text of the mother’s prayer for the child’s recovery to the Most Holy Theotokos:

“Oh, merciful Mother! You see the cruel sorrow tormenting my heart! For the sake of the sorrow with which You were pierced when a terrible sword passed into Your soul during the bitter suffering and death of the Divine Thy Son, I pray to Thee: have mercy on my poor child, who is sick and fading, and if it is not contrary to the will of God and his salvation, intercede for him bodily health from Thy Almighty Son, the Physician of souls and bodies, Who healed every disease and every infirmity, having compassion on with the tears of a mother weeping over the loss of her only son, he awakened him from death and gave him to her. O Loving Mother! Look at how the face of my brainchild has turned pale, how all his veins are burning from illness, and have mercy on him, so that death will not snatch him away at the dawn of life, but may he be saved by God’s help and serve with the joy of his heart Your Only Begotten Son, your Lord and God. Amen".

If your acquaintance, relative, friend is in trouble, overcome by illness, the most powerful prayer for the health of a sick person, read sincerely, from the heart, with great faith for recovery, will help.

The body hurts - heal the soul

From time immemorial, it is generally accepted that the human body is sick and suffers physical pain because of its various sins, a life distant from God, due to the wishes of enemies and envious people. Therefore, to help physical body to gain strength, the former form, one should pray for the suffering person for the forgiveness of his sins, for the granting of good health to him. Appeals can be addressed both to the Lord Jesus Christ and to his companions - the Holy Ones, the Angels.

Prayers can be read both in church and at home in front of the icon, lighting a church candle. The Holy Fire will cleanse your thoughts of everything mortal and unnecessary. It will help you concentrate on the words addressed for the recovery of the sick servant of God.

It is very good to order a prayer service in church for the recovery of the patient, Sorokoust about health, which will be read for forty days. Read the “Bloodless” prayer for the sufferer during the treatment period.

All these requests will definitely be heard. Prayers performed within the walls of the church have great power. For they are supported by the powerful, kind energy of all parishioners praying for health and prosperity.

Pray to the one whose heart you trust

If you decide to read prayers for a person’s recovery, starting with going to church, light the first candle (small sacrifice) in gratitude for everything that has been given to you in life. For everything happens on earth according to our merits and the will of God.

A second candle for the health of all your enemies. Sincerely forgive their sins, known and unknown, intentionally and unintentionally committed, directed against you.

Place the third candle for the health of a sick person at the icon that will feel strongest to you in the coming trouble. Leave a note about holding a prayer service and continue to ask for help at home for a suffering person who is in pain.

Who to pray for the health of a sick person

Jesus Christ is merciful. He hears prayers addressed from a pure heart, sends quick help, and gives great strength. There is no burden that we cannot bear. Therefore, pray every day for the recovery of the sick person and relief will come.

With these short prayers you can start and end your day, praying for a sick person.

Nikolai Ugodnik

"Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Servant and Helper of the Lord, the protector of all who turn to you. Hear, Holy One, my prayer. I ask not for myself, but for the sick Servant of God (name). Ask the Lord, by his mercy, to forgive him his voluntary and involuntary sins, to grant him strength physical, great will for recovery. I will praise your name forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Holy Mother of God

"Most Holy Theotokos, Mother of God, who gave birth to a son for us - one Father. You are the patroness of all the suffering, the orphaned, the poor who turn to you. By your mercy, hear me, the servant of God (name). I say a word for the sick servant of God (name), cover him with your reliable cover, with a strong word. Grant him hope for get well soon, followed immediately by repentance. Thank you, Mother of God. I put my trust in you alone. Amen"

Matrona of Moscow

"Blessed Matrona of Moscow, who is at the throne of the Lord. I turn to you, Mother, our only hope and protection. Beg our Lord Jesus Christ, by your mercy, your only kindness, to forgive the sins of the servant of God (name) who is suffering great sorrow. May the Lord grant him recovery speedy, great repentance, faith in Christ and the One Cross. I thank you, Matronushka and glorify you with the One God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen"

All appeals are endowed with strong power. The main thing is to read with faith in your heart, soul, and hope for a speedy recovery. But such a prayer for the health of a sick person will be the strongest and will be heard and directed as a spiritual stream to the suffering Servant of God. Ask, and it will be given to you according to your faith.

Pray for health, not forgetting that you must ask the Lord for forgiveness and correction of your behavior. Also Orthodox prayer for the mental health of a loved one a person is lifted up asking for forgiveness of his sins.

The best prayer to St. Panteleimon for the treatment of physical and mental illnesses and getting rid of suffering and pain

Believers often offer Christian prayers to Saint Panteleimon the Healer for the health and well-being of family and friends

Oh, great saint of Christ, passion-bearer and merciful physician Panteleimon! Have mercy on me, a sinful slave, hear my groaning and cry, have mercy on the heavenly One, our souls and bodies, Christ our God, may He grant me healing from the illness that oppresses me. Accept the unworthy prayer of the most sinful man above all. Visit me with a gracious visit. Do not disdain my sinful sores, anoint them with the oil of your mercy and heal me; May I, healthy in soul and body, be able to spend the rest of my days, by the grace of God, in repentance and pleasing to God and be worthy of receiving a good end to my life. Hey, servant of God! Pray to Christ God, that through your intercession he may grant health to my body and salvation to my soul. Amen.

Saint Panteleimon helps even in hopeless situations. You must sincerely believe in God and sincerely pray for help, for the recovery of the sick person to Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary and other saints.

So know that prayer for the health and well-being of your loved ones will not remain without help

Christ does not explain to us either human evil or the silence of God, but helps us to live “in the consciousness of our weakness.” The Passion of Christ did not put an end to all evil on earth, but in the very authenticity of that passion, followed by the resurrection, people can find reason for hope. In the depths of every human disaster, God is always present: “I am sometimes on the side of God, often against Him, but never without Him” (Elie Wiesel).

The Lord God often works miracles. And these miracles happen in ordinary life. All this is true if you sincerely believe in it. If you believe that Christian prayer for the health and well-being of loved ones will help them, which means that help will really come in the most difficult and even hopeless situations.

IN Lately The interfaith dialogue on the main topics that concern society today does not subside. Whether it happens at the local or national level, decisions become public knowledge. It becomes obvious that the largest religions, sensing the danger of society being shaken as a result of unbelief, unite to confirm their commitment to one God, and in a single language, with a single force, confront those who persistently strive for alienation from other people in the name of some beliefs.

According to religion, illness is a very good and beneficial thing. We should all thank God for illnesses, because he sends them to us to soften our hard hearts and point you towards God. Sometimes, when our own illnesses are not able to teach us anything (or rather, we are incapable of learning), God sends illnesses and suffering to the people closest to us, so that we come to our senses, correct ourselves, and thereby beg God for a cure for them. Remember, illnesses and deaths of loved ones are very often not their fault, but the result of your sins.

When someone is sick in your house, start treatment by asking about the health of the patient, buying a consecrated icon and a candle for health in the temple. And only then, go see a doctor.

Saint Panteleimon the Healer

Before you read a prayer for the health of your loved ones, you need to ask God to forgive you your sins, promise that you will improve (and really try to be better), ask God to beg forgiveness from those you have offended, and wish happiness to those who have offended you,

letting go of the feeling of anger from yourself.

The most strong prayer about health is read to Saint Panteleimon.

Saint Panteleimon lived a very difficult life: he healed hundreds and thousands of people, for which he was punished many times, and in the end, executed. But even after death, this saint does not cease to pray to God for our healing, because every believer knows that it is not medicine, not prayer, not a saint, but only the Lord God who frees us from illness.

Next Orthodox prayer about health you need to read before the icon of the saint. Don't bother over trifles, and don't use it as a “prevention”. People turn to St. Panteleimon only in serious cases.

“Oh, great saint of Christ, passion-bearer and much-merciful physician Panteleimon!

Have mercy on me, a sinful slave, hear my groaning and cry, propitiate the heavenly, supreme Physician of our souls and bodies, Christ our God, may He grant me healing from the illness that oppresses me.

Accept the unworthy prayer of the most sinful man above all. Visit me with a gracious visit.

Do not disdain my sinful sores, anoint them with the oil of your mercy and heal me; May I, healthy in soul and body, be able to spend the rest of my days, by the grace of God, in repentance and pleasing to God and be worthy of receiving a good end to my life.

Hey, servant of God! Pray to Christ God, that through your intercession he may grant health to my body and salvation to my soul. Amen".

Prayers to Saint Matrona

Saint Matrona is a simple Russian woman who lived in the Tula region from 1881 to 1952. Her real name is Matrona Dmitrievna Nikonova. During her lifetime, she became an old woman and helped all those who came to her for help to get rid of physical and mental illnesses. The old woman had many popular “aphorisms.” One of them warned those who like to envy and judge others. Saint Matrona said that in any case, each sheep will be hung by its own tail.

After her death, the old woman was nicknamed Saint Matrona, and they began to ask her for health in their prayers.

“O blessed mother Matrono, with your soul in heaven before the Throne of God, resting with their bodies on the earth, and emanating various miracles from the grace given to you from above. Look now with your merciful eye on us, sinners, in sorrows, illnesses and sinful temptations, our waiting days, comfort us, desperate ones, heal our fierce ailments, from God we are allowed by our sins, deliver us from many troubles and circumstances, pray to our Lord Jesus Christ forgive us all our sins, iniquities and falls, in whose image we have sinned from our youth even to this day and hour, and through your prayers having received grace and great mercy, we glorify in the Trinity the One God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever. Amen".

Prayers for family and friends. Prayers for healing from physical and mental illnesses. Prayers for children's health.


Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.


In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. (This prayer is said briefly: Glory to God).


O great saint of Christ, passion-bearer and merciful physician Panteleimon! Have mercy on me, a sinful slave, hear my groaning and cry, propitiate the heavenly, Supreme Physician of our souls and bodies, Christ our God, may He grant me healing from the illness that oppresses me. Accept the unworthy prayer of the most sinful man above all. Visit me with a gracious visit. Do not disdain my sinful sores, anoint them with the oil of mercy and heal me; May my son be healthy in soul and body, I will be able to spend the rest of my days, by the grace of God, in repentance and pleasing to God and will be worthy to receive a good end to my life. Hey, servant of God! Pray to Christ God, that through your intercession he may grant health to my body and salvation to my soul. Amen.


Virgin Mary, rejoice. Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you. Blessed are You among women, and blessed is the fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls.


My Most Holy Lady Theotokos, with Your saints and all-powerful prayers, take away from me, Your humble and accursed servant, despondency, oblivion, foolishness, negligence, and all the nasty, evil and blasphemous thoughts from my accursed heart and from my darkened mind; and extinguish the flame of my passions, for I am poor and damned; and deliver me from many and cruel memories and enterprises, and free me from all evil actions. For you are blessed from all generations, and Your most honorable name is glorified forever and ever, Amen.


If you are caring for a sick relative or husband, read the following prayer as often as possible:

Prayer to the Lord

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, Lamb of God, take away the sins of the world, Good Shepherd, laying down Your soul for Your sheep, Heavenly Physician of our souls and bodies, healing every ailment and every ulcer in Your people! I bow down to You, help me, Your unworthy servant. Look, O Most Merciful One, on my work and service, grant me to be faithful in my life, to serve the sick, for Your sake, to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to myself, but to You alone, to please all the days of my life. Thou hast said, O Sweetest Jesus: Thou hast created only these least of these brothers of mine, Thou hast created one for Me. Yes, Lord, judge me, a sinner, according to this word of Yours, so that I may be worthy to do Your good will for the joy and consolation of the tempted, the ailing Thy servants, whom You redeemed with Your honest Blood. Send down Thy grace upon me, the thorns that burn up the passions within me, Calling me, a sinner, to the work of serving in Thy name; Without You we cannot do anything: visit the scourge of the night and tempt my heart, always standing at the head of the sick and overthrown; wound my soul with Your love, which endures everything and never falls away. Then I will be able, strengthened by You, to fight the good fight and maintain the faith, even until my last breath. For You are the Source of healings of soul and body, Christ our God, and to You, as the Savior of men and the Bridegroom of souls, coming at midnight, we send glory and thanksgiving and worship, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Remember, prayer for another person can be especially powerful. God wants us to care for others with mercy and compassion. “As you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me,” says the Lord in the Gospel of Matthew.

When a patient feels either hot or cold, or with stomach pain, the following prayer helps:

Prayer to the Lord

Master Almighty, Physician of our souls and bodies, humble and exalt, punish and yet again heal! Visit Thy servant (name) who is infirm with Thy mercy, stretch out Thy arm, full of healing and medicine, and heal him, raise him from his bed and infirmity. Rebuke the spirit of infirmity, leave from it every ulcer, every disease, every fire and tremors, and if there is any sin or lawlessness in it, weaken it, leave it, forgive Your love for mankind. To her, Lord, have mercy on Thy creation in Christ Jesus our Lord, with whom art thou blessed, and with Thy Most Holy, Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

It is advisable to memorize these two small prayers and, while caring for the sick, repeat them to yourself as often as possible.

Two prayers to the Lord (for sisters of mercy and everyone caring for the sick)

Mighty God, by mercy build all things for the salvation of the human race, visit this servant (name), naming the name of Thy Christ, heal him from every fleshly ailment; and let go of sin and sinful temptations, and make every attack and every invasion hostile from Thy servant. And raise up from the bed of sin and build it into Your Holy Church, healthy in soul and body, and glorifying the name of Your Christ with all people with good deeds, as we send up glory to You, with the Beginning Son, and with the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. . Amen.

O Most Merciful God, Father Son and Holy Soul, worshiped and glorified in the indivisible Trinity, look with compassion on Your servant (name), who is overcome by illness; forgive him all his sins; give him healing from his illness; restore his health and bodily strength; Give him a long and prosperous life, Your peaceful and worldly blessings, so that together with us he brings grateful prayers to You, my all-generous God and Creator.
Most Holy Theotokos, through Your omnipotent intercession, help me to beg Your Son, my God, for the healing of God’s servant (name).
All saints and Angels of the Lord, pray to God for His sick servant (name). Amen.

If there is a sick person in your house who has not gotten out of bed for a long time, introduce the following order: every day, when the patient is not doing anything and is resting, read one chapter of the Gospel in his room. The following prayer should be said before and after the chapter.

Prayer to the Lord(when there is a seriously ill person in the house)

Save, O Lord, and have mercy on Your servant (name) with the words of the Divine Gospel, which are about the salvation of Your servant. The thorns of all his sins have fallen, Lord, and may Thy grace dwell in him, scorching, cleansing, sanctifying the whole person in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

As practice shows, reading the Gospel is always very useful and can awaken faith even in an atheist. By giving him faith, you will save him.
If your father, husband, son or other male relative is sick, invite him to read the following prayer:

Prayer to the Lord

Lord God, Master of my life, in Your goodness You said: I do not want the sinner to die, but for him to turn and live. I know that this disease from which I suffer is Your punishment for my sins and iniquities; I know that for my deeds I have deserved the heaviest punishment, but, O Lover of Mankind, deal with me not according to my malice, but according to Your boundless mercy. Do not wish my death, but give me strength so that I patiently endure the disease, as a well-deserved test for me, and after healing from it I turn with all my heart, with all my soul and with all my feelings to You, the Lord God, my Creator, and live to fulfill Your holy commandments, for the peace of my family and for my well-being. Amen.

If you yourself are sick, learn to say the following short prayer:

Prayer to the Lord

Lord, You see my illness. You know how sinful and weak I am: help me to endure and thank Your Goodness. Lord, make this illness a cleansing of many of my sins. Master Lord, I am in Your hands, have mercy on me according to Your will and, if it is useful for me, heal me quickly. I accept what is worthy according to my deeds; remember me, Lord, in Your Kingdom! Thank God for everything!
You can read this prayer while sitting in a comfortable chair or lying in bed. The main thing is to try to pronounce her words with all the sincerity and humility of which you are capable.

If thoughts about death begin to come to your mind constantly, read this prayer.

Prayer to the Lord(about getting rid of sudden death)

I think about the day of judgment and the hour of my departure from the body hidden from me, I cry for the sins I have committed and, looking at the earth awaiting me, as if from the threshold of my tomb, I cry: You, All-Good Lord Jesus, at the hour of my departure from this life and in the following for this hour, in Jesus, the Son of God, the hope of the living and the dead, Sweetest Jesus, do not forsake me, but have mercy on me.

Prayer to the Lord(for protection from evil and crafty spirits)

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, protect me with Your holy angels and the prayers of our All-Pure Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, by the power of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross, the holy Archangel Saint Michael of God and others heavenly powers disembodied, the holy prophet and Forerunner of the Baptist of the Lord John, the holy apostle and evangelist John the Theologian, the Hieromartyr Cyprian and the Martyr Justina, St. Nicholas, Archbishop Myra of Lycia, the wonderworker, St. Leo the Bishop of Catania, St. Joasaph of Belgorod, St. Sergius, Abbot of Radonezh, St. Seraphim of Sarov, the wonderworker, saints martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, the saints and righteous Godfather Joachim and Anna and all Your saints, help me, Your unworthy servant (name), deliver me from all the slander of the enemy, from all witchcraft, magic, sorcery and from the evil ones man, may they not be able to cause me any harm. Lord, with the light of Your radiance, save me in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, in the coming sleep, and by the power of Your Grace, turn away and remove all evil wickedness, acting at the instigation of the devil. Whoever thought and did - return their evil back to the underworld, for Yours is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If one of your loved ones suffers from heavy drinking, read the 15th chapter of the Gospel of John every day, and before and after it the following prayer:

Prayer to the Lord

Save, O Lord, and have mercy on your servants (name) with the words of Your Divine Gospel, read about the salvation of these servants (name).
The thorns of all their sins, voluntary and involuntary, have fallen, Lord, and may Thy grace dwell in them, enlightening and scorching this man. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Everyone knows that many diseases occur from excess nutrition. Try to pray for your family at least once a day with these words:

Prayer to the Lord(about cleansing the belly from filth)

Lord, our sweetest food, which never perishes, but remains in eternal life! Cleanse Your servant (name) from the filth of gluttony, alien to Your Spirit, and grant him to know the sweetness of Your Life-giving spiritual meat, which is Your Flesh and Blood and Your Holy, living and active Word.

Another version of the prayer was given to us by the holy and righteous Father John of Kronstadt:

Lord, look mercifully on Your servant (name), seduced by the flattery of the belly and carnal joy. Grant him (name) to know the sweetness of abstinence in fasting and the fruits of the Spirit flowing from it. Amen.

In the most difficult cases in Rus', it was customary to pray to the holy great martyr and healer Panteleimon. While still a youth, he restored sight to the blind, raised the paralytic, who was brought to him on stretchers, to their feet. You will find a prayer to Panteleimon at the beginning of the book.

In St. Petersburg, two saints are especially revered: Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg and Righteous John of Kronstadt. As you know, both Xenia and John were healers during their lifetimes. They remained like this even after death. Ask two patrons of our city for help!

Prayer of Saint Blessed Xenia of Petersburg

Help, Holy Blessed Mother Xenia, illuminate the babies with the light of Holy Baptism and seal the gift of the Holy Spirit, educate the boys and girls in faith, honesty, fear of God and grant them success in learning; heal the sick and ailing, send down love and harmony to families, honor monastics to fight a good fight and protect them from reproach, strengthen pastors in the strength of the Holy Spirit, preserve our people and country in peace and serenity, pray for those deprived of communion of the holy mysteries of Christ in the dying hour. You are our hope and hope, quick hearing and deliverance. We send thanks to you and with you we glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer to Saint Righteous John of Kronstadt

O great servant of Christ, holy and righteous Father John of Kronstadt, wondrous shepherd, quick helper and merciful representative! With your love, illumine us, sinners and weaklings, grant us the ability to bear worthy fruits of repentance and to partake of the holy mysteries of Christ without condemnation. With your power, strengthen our faith in us, support us in prayer, heal ailments and illnesses, deliver us from misfortunes, visible and invisible enemies. Die, most wonderful miracle worker and visionary, the peoples of our country, by the grace and gift of the Holy Spirit, deliver them from internecine warfare; Collect the scattered, convert the deceived, and unite the Saints of your Catholic and Apostolic Church. By your grace, preserve marriage in peace and unanimity, grant prosperity and blessings to monastics in good deeds, give comfort to the faint-hearted, free those suffering from unclean spirits, have mercy in the needs and circumstances of our lives, and guide us all on the path of salvation.
In Christ living, our Father John, lead us to the unevening light of eternal life, so that with you we may be worthy of eternal bliss, praising and exalting God forever and ever. Amen.

Among Russian saints there is one most revered as a miracle worker and healer. This Venerable Seraphim Sarovsky. He is considered the patron saint of Rus', and, as the Orthodox Church testifies, over the years his help and intercession only intensify. More information about this saint and a prayer to him are given in the section “Favorite Saints of the Russian Land.”
During his lifetime, Seraphim of Sarov himself prayed with the words of the prayer that I give below. All his righteousness, all his strength remained in these words. Pray with him for all Orthodox Christians.

Prayer of Seraphim of Sarov

Save, Lord, and have mercy on all Orthodox Christians and those who live Orthodoxy in every place of Thy dominion, grant them, O Lord, spiritual peace and bodily health, and forgive them every sin, voluntary and involuntary, and with their holy prayers have mercy on me, the accursed one.

Prayer of thanksgiving for healing

Glory to Thee, Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of the Beginning Father, who alone heals every ailment and every illness among people, for you have had mercy on me, a sinner, and delivered me from my illness, not allowing it to develop and kill me according to my sins. Grant me from now on, Master, the strength to firmly do Your will for the salvation of my damned soul and for Your glory with Your Originless Father and Your Consubstantial Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.


“Prayer is the medicine of sadness and despondency,” said St. Neil of Sinai. Below I offer you several prayers for mental illness, sadness and grief.

Prayer to the holy martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia

O holy and praiseworthy martyrs Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, and valiant daughters, wise mother Sophia, I now come to you with fervent prayer; What else will be able to intercede for us before the Lord, if not faith, hope and love, these three cornerstone virtues, in which the image is called, are the most prophetic manifestation! Pray to the Lord, that in sorrows and misfortunes He may cover us with His indescribable grace, save us and preserve us, for He is Good and a Lover of Mankind. That glory, like the never-setting sun, now beholding its radiance, grant us in our humble prayers, that the Lord God may forgive our sins and iniquities, and may He have mercy on us sinners and unworthy of His bounty. Pray for us, holy martyrs, our Lord Jesus Christ, to Him we send forth glory with His Beginning Father and His Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer for the granting of patience in grief and sadness

O wondrous Creator, Humane-loving Master, most merciful Lord! With a contrite and humble heart, I pray to Thee: do not disdain my sinful prayer, do not reject my tears and sighs, hear me like the Canaanite, do not treat me like a harlot, show me, a sinner, the great mercy of Your love for mankind, protect me with Your honest robe, have mercy and strengthen me, so that I may endure all the troubles and misfortunes sent from You with thanksgiving in the hope of eternal blessings: rather, turn my sorrow into joy, so that I, the accursed one, will not fall into despair and perish. For You are the source of mercy and the unshameful hope of our salvation, Christ our God, and to You we send glory with Your beginningless Father and with Your Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer to the martyr Tryphon

O holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, quick helper to all who come running to you and pray before your holy image, quick to obey the intercessor! Hear now and at every hour the prayer of us who honor your holy memory, and intercede for us before the Lord in every place. For you, saint of Christ, holy martyr and wonderworker Tryphon, who shone forth in great miracles, before your departure from this life of captivity, you prayed for us to the Lord and asked Him for this gift: even if anyone is in any need, trouble, or sorrow and mental or physical illnesses will begin to arise holy name yours, he will be delivered from every excuse of evil. And just as you were once the daughter of the Tsar, in the city of Rome I was tormented by the devil, you healed her, her and us from his fierce horses all the days of our life, especially on the day of our last breath intercede for us. Then be our helper and quick drive away of evil spirits, and our leader to the Kingdom of Heaven, where you now stand as saints at the throne of God. Pray to the Lord, that he may grant us also to be partakers of ever-bearing joy and joy, so that together with you we may be worthy of glorifying the Father and the Son and the Holy Comforter of the Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to Saint John Chrysostom

O great saint John Chrysostom! You have received many and varied gifts from the Lord, and as a good and faithful servant, you have multiplied all the talents given to you for good: for this reason, you were truly a universal teacher, as every age and every rank comes from you. Behold, thou hast appeared to the youth of obedience, to the young - a luminary of chastity, to the husband - a mentor of hard work, to the old - a teacher of kindness, to the monk - the rule of abstinence, to those who pray - an inspired leader from God, to those who seek wisdom - an enlightener of the mind, to the good-speaking branches - the words of a living source are inexhaustible, to those who do good - a star of mercy, an image of the rulers of the wise, an inspirer of truth for the zealots, an inspirer of righteousness for the sake of the persecuted, a mentor of patience: you were everything to everyone, and you saved everyone. Over all these you have acquired love, which is the sauce of perfection, and with that, as if by the power of the Divine, you have united all the gifts in your soul into one, and this same love, shared and reconciling, in the interpretation of the words of the apostles, you preached to all the faithful. We are sinners, having our own gift for one thing, the unity of the soul and the union of the world are not imams, but we are vainglorious, irritating each other, envious of each other: for this sake of the gift, our divided not into peace and salvation, but into enmity and condemnation, turned over to us. In the same way, we fall to you, the saint of God, overwhelmed by discord, and in contrition of heart we ask: with your prayers drive away from our hearts all the sorrow and envy that divides us, so that in many places we may remain one church body without restraint, so that according to your prayerful words we may love each other friend and with one mind we confess the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Trinity, Consubstantial and Indivisible, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer to the Holy Great Martyr Barbara

Holy, glorious and all-praiseworthy Great Martyr of Christ Barbara! Gathered today in your Divine temple, people who worship your relics and kiss with love, your suffering as a martyr and in them the passion-maker Christ Himself, who gave you not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for Him, with pleasing praises, we pray to you, the well-known desire of our intercessor: pray with us and for us, God who prays for us from your mercy, may He mercifully hear us asking for His goodness, and not leave us with all the needful petitions for salvation and life, and grant a Christian death to our belly: painless, shameless, I am peaceful, I will partake of the Divine mysteries; and to everyone in every place, in every sorrow and situation, who require His love for mankind and help, He will give His great mercy, so that by the grace of God and your warm intercession, always in health in soul and body, we glorify the God of Israel, wondrous in His saints, who does not withdraw His help from us, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer from the offenders to the martyr John the Warrior

O great martyr of Christ John, champion of the faithful, chaser of enemies and intercessor of the offended! Hear us, in troubles and sorrows, praying to you, as if grace from God was given to you quickly to console the sad, to help the weak, to deliver the innocent from vain death, and to pray for all those who suffer evil. Be therefore a strong champion for us against all our visible and invisible enemies, for with your help and fight all those who show us evil will be put to shame. Pray to our Lord, that He may grant us His sinful and unworthy servants to receive from Him the ineffable good that is prepared for those who love Him, in the Trinity of the Holy Ones of the glorified God, always now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.


Parental prayer is very sincere and strong. It protects our children from visible and invisible enemies, from all filth and impurity.
Even while the child is in the womb, you can begin to pray for him. The Orthodox Church invites all pregnant women to read the following prayer.

Prayer Mother of God (for pregnant women about preserving the fetus)

O Most Glorious Mother of God, have mercy on me, Your servant, and come to my aid during my illnesses and dangers, with which all poor daughters of Eve give birth to children. Remember, O Blessed One among women, with what joy and love You went hastily to the mountainous country to visit Your relative Elizabeth during her pregnancy, and what a wonderful effect Your gracious visit had on both mother and child. And according to Your inexhaustible mercy, grant me, Your most humble servant, to be freed from the burden safely; Grant me this grace, so that the child who now rests under my heart, having come to his senses, with a joyful leap, like the holy baby John, will worship the Divine Lord Savior, Who, out of love for us sinners, did not disdain to become a baby Himself. The unspeakable joy with which Your virgin heart was filled when looking at Your newborn Son and Lord, may it hear the sorrow that awaits me amid the pains of birth. May the life of the world, my Savior, born of You, save me from death, which cuts off the lives of many mothers at the hour of resolution, and may the fruit of my womb be numbered among the elect of God. Hear, O Most Holy Queen of Heaven, my humble prayer and look upon me, a poor sinner, with the eye of Your grace; do not shame my trust in Your great mercy and overshadow me. Helper of Christians, Healer of illnesses, may I also be honored to experience for myself that You are the Mother of mercy, and may I always glorify Your grace, which never rejects the prayers of the poor and delivers all those who call on You in times of sorrow and illness. Amen.

If your child is behind in school, read this prayer:

Prayer to the Lord

Lord Jesus Christ our God, who dwelled in the hearts of the twelve apostles unfeignedly, by the grace of the All-Holy Spirit, who descended in the form of a fiery tongue, and opened these lips, and began to speak with other tongues: You, Lord Jesus Christ our God, sent down Your Holy Spirit on this child (name) and plant it in the ear of his heart scriptures, even Thy Most Pure hand wrote upon the tablets the Lawgiver Moses, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Both parents can pray for their children with the words of this wonderful prayer:

Prayer to the Lord(about patronage of children)

Lord Jesus Christ, awaken Your mercy on my children (names), keep them under Your roof, cover them from all evil lust, drive away from them every enemy and adversary, open the ears and eyes of their hearts, grant tenderness and humility to their hearts.
Lord, we are all Your creation, have pity on my children (names) and turn them to repentance.
Save, O Lord, and have mercy on my children (names), and enlighten their minds with the light of reason of Your Gospel and guide them on the path of Your commandments, and teach them, O Savior, to do Your will, as You are our God.

This is how a father should pray for his children:

Prayer to the Lord

Sweetest Jesus, God of my heart! You gave me children according to the flesh, they are Yours according to the soul; You redeemed both my soul and theirs with your priceless Blood; For the sake of Your Divine Blood, I beg You, my sweetest Savior, with Your grace touch the hearts of my children (names) and my godchildren (names), protect them with Your Divine fear; keep them from bad inclinations and habits, guide them to the bright path of life, truth and goodness. Decorate their lives with everything good and saving, arrange their fate as You yourself want and save their souls with their own destinies! Lord, God of our Fathers! Give to my children (names) and godchildren (names) a right heart to keep Your commandments, Your revelations and Your statutes. And do it all! Amen.

Here is a mother’s prayer for her children:

Prayer to the Lord

Merciful Lord Jesus Christ, I entrust to You our children, whom You gave to us by fulfilling our prayers. I ask you, Lord, save them in the ways that You Yourself know. Save them from vices, evil, pride, and let nothing that is contrary to You touch their souls. But grant them faith, love and hope for salvation and may they be Your chosen vessels of the Holy Spirit and may they be holy and blameless before their God life path. Bless them, Lord, may they strive every minute of their lives to fulfill Your holy will, so that You, Lord, may always be with them by Your Holy Spirit. Lord, teach them to pray to You, so that prayer may be their support and protection in sorrows and the consolation of their lives, and may we, their parents, be saved by their prayer. May Your angels always protect them. May our children be sensitive to the grief of their neighbors and may they fulfill Your commandment of love. And if they sin, then grant them, Lord, to bring repentance to You, and You, in Your ineffable mercy, forgive them. When their earthly life ends, then take them to Your Heavenly Abodes, where let them lead with them other Your chosen servants. Through the prayer of Your Most Pure Mother Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary and Your saints (all holy families are listed), Lord, have mercy and save us, as You are glorified with Your Beginning Father and Your Most Holy Good Life-Giving Spirit always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

When you are apart from your children, read the following prayer:

Prayer to the Lord

God and Father, Creator and Preserver of all creatures! Grace my poor children (names) with Your Holy Spirit, may He kindle in them the true fear of God, which is the beginning of wisdom and direct prudence, according to which whoever acts, his praise abides forever. Bless them with true knowledge of You, keep them from all idolatry and false teaching, make them grow in the true and saving faith and in all piety, and may they abide in them constantly to the end. Grant them a believing, obedient and humble heart and mind, so that they may grow in years and in grace before God and before people. Plant in their hearts Love for Your Divine Word, so that they may be reverent in prayer and in worship, respectful to the servants of the Word and sincere in their actions with everyone, modest in their movements, chaste in their morals, true in words, faithful in deeds, diligent in their studies. , happy in the performance of their duties, reasonable and righteous towards all people. Keep them from all the temptations of the evil world, and let not evil society corrupt them. Do not allow them to fall into uncleanness and unchastity, so that they do not shorten their own lives and do not offend others. Be their protector in any danger, so that they do not suffer sudden destruction. Make it so that we do not see in them dishonor and shame for ourselves, but honor and joy, so that Your Kingdom may be multiplied by them and the number of believers will increase, and may they be in heaven around Your Table, like heavenly olive branches, and may they reward You with all the elect honor, praise and glorification through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer for various childhood ailments to St. Julian of Kenomania

To the Holy Hierarch Father Julian, by the incorruption of your venerable relics and by the many good deeds you have miraculously done and performed with faith in those who flow to you, convinced that you have received great grace from the Lord our God, we humbly bestow everything upon you and pray to you: Pray for us, Christ our God, that he may send to all who honor your holy memory and diligently resort to you, His rich mercy: may He confirm in His holy Orthodox Church the living spirit of right faith and piety, the spirit of knowledge and love, the spirit of peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, and all its members, pure from worldly temptations and carnal lusts and the evil actions of evil spirits, worship Him in spirit and truth and are diligently concerned about keeping His commandments for the salvation of their souls. May her shepherds give holy zeal to care for the salvation of the people entrusted to them, enlighten the unbelievers, instruct the ignorant, enlighten and confirm those who doubt, convert those who have fallen away from the Orthodox Church into her holy bosom, keep the believers in the faith, move sinners to repentance, console and strengthen the repentant in the correction of life, those who have repented and corrected themselves will be confirmed in the holiness of life: and thus everyone will be led along the path indicated by Him into the prepared eternal Kingdom of His saints. To her, the saint of God, may your prayers arrange all that is good for our souls and bodies: that we may glorify in our souls and bodies our Lord and God, Jesus Christ, to Him, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be glory and power forever and ever. Amen.