Prayer to the Crimean bow for recovery is short. Prayer to St. Luke of Crimea for the healing of a child in Russian

St. Luke of Crimea is a deeply gifted doctor, healer, priest, striking with the extraordinary depth of his spirit. A bright personality from the saints of an earlier period of history. St. Luke graduated from a medical university, and dedicated his fate to the benefit of sick sufferers. His practices include success in surgical activities, writing papers on the topic of medicine. Even when the saint lost his sight, he still carried faith to people and continued to do good. To this day, Luke's burial site is a site of healing and pilgrimage.

Coming from a large family, Luka was in an effort to benefit others all his life, and he reached heights, realizing them both in a moral and physical sense.

A prerequisite is the reading of prayers not only to the patient himself, but also to his relatives, relatives, friends. You can turn with a prayer everywhere - both on the street and at home, you can in the temple if the patient is baptized. Prayer to the holy elder should be read at least three times a day. And if you notice a noticeable improvement in the patient's condition, you should not stop immediately.

Prayer for the healing of children and adults

This prayer will be a real salvation for you. Say the words three times:

“O great Luke, giving bliss to people! We are touched and bow our knees before your image. You are deep in our hearts, we fall to your face, we mourn over your multi-healing relics. We pray for healing and health. As children, we ask our father diligently, hear our prayers, bring our prayer to God. May the merciful and philanthropic give us a blessing. We believe in your healing power, drive away troubles and ailments from us, make our stay on earth easier. We ask your angelic face to save us from torment and temptation.

Begged from God for the children of your spiritual strength and strength of the flesh. We are waiting for care and healing, we entrust our destinies into your pious hands. The weak and infirm turn to you, we ask you to strengthen our faith, to heal our bodies. Lead us on the good path, drive away the demons of deeds, save us from evil temptations.

We pray for salvation, grant fertility to our land, grant firmness to our cities, grant abundance to our tables, grant consolation to the sorrowing, grant healing to the sick, grant light to the lost, grant wisdom to parents, grant humility to children, grant your help and intercession to the poor. We hope for your blessing and mercy. Intercede for us before the Lord, ask him to save us from the evil one, heresy and confusion. We are sinful prayers led by you, we submit to your almighty hand. Let us unceasingly praise the Indivisible Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Saint Luke of Crimea, who is this?

During his life, Luca was a great scientist, surgeon and professor of medical sciences. He was well versed in purulent surgery. This man helped a huge number of people, operated on them and turned to the Lord with the help of prayer.

Subsequently, Luke decided to devote himself to the service of God, but even then he was engaged in surgical operations. Later, Luca became completely blind, but continued to teach young surgeons the skill. Luke was constantly punished by officials for his reckless faith in the Lord, but this did not stop the man. More than once he ended up in prison, where he suffered numerous humiliations and bullying. But even after that, he continued to teach others.

Who can turn to Luka Krymsky?

Luka is able to help anyone who is seriously ill or who has big problems in life. A prayer to the Saint can be read by a mother who has lost her unborn baby, or to a child who was diagnosed with a complex disease at birth. St. Luke of Crimea helps everyone during illness.

Surgeons can read prayers so that the operations are as successful as possible and patients recover. Prayer will also help those who plan to go for a serious operation. Luke will help get rid of possible complications.

What diseases will Luke help with?

If a person has a burden on his soul from the fact that his loved one has gone to another world, or he broke up with his loved one, then prayer to Luke will help him survive the tragedy. If a fire has occurred in a neighboring house and can go to a person’s dwelling, then you need to urgently read a prayer to Luke so that the fire stops.

If a person gets lost in the forest and is unable to find a way out, then Luke will definitely show where to go. The Saint also helps with health problems such as hernia, gangrene, cancerous tumor, cyst, pneumonia, alcoholism, infertility, drug addiction.

How should you pray to Luke?

In order to receive help from Luke Krymsky, you need to understand every word from the prayer while reading it. You need to copy the text on a piece of paper and always carry it with you in order to ask the Saint for help in a timely manner. It is best if a person knows the text of the prayer by heart. Prayer should be read as many times as possible.

What to ask Luka?

Saint Luke is especially popular among Orthodox people. You can ask him for the health of loved ones and relatives, children and acquaintances, healing, conception, getting rid of cancer and other serious diseases.

When loved ones suffer, it is impossible to calmly look at it. A person tries to do everything in order to alleviate the suffering of another, in order to save the life of loved ones. Indeed, in such situations, every second is precious, something must be done urgently.

It is necessary to solve the problem by any means, contact good clinics with real professionals. It is also worth knowing that the Lord sees all suffering from heaven. If you ask him for help, he will definitely hear prayers.

Miracles of Luke Krymsky

Very often, people consider the unexpected recovery of a terminally ill person a real miracle. Recovery is like a gift from the Lord, not just healing.

Even if a person was told that he was diagnosed with cancer, this does not mean at all that you need to start panicking and prepare for an imminent death. It is imperative to turn to St. Luke, read a prayer to him every day and ask for help. The saint will not ignore the request, he will definitely try to help. The people who were able to heal from cancer are quite real, they prayed and managed to recover thanks to the help of the Saint. Cancer is not a death sentence, it's worth remembering.

Who can ask Luka for help?

Anyone can turn to St. Luke. Grandmothers and mothers pray for the healing of children, children pray for their parents, young people pray for the recovery of their loved ones. Also, everyone can ask Luke about himself.

conception of a baby

Children are the main treasures in the life of any person. It is they who are the successors of the family, make life happy and bright, make you love wholeheartedly, without demanding anything in return. However, not all women can conceive a child without any problems.

Some go to doctors for years, take various tests, undergo a medical examination, but the treatment does not give any results. Then you should definitely turn to St. Luke and ask him for help in conceiving and giving birth to a baby.

Prayer before surgery

Only a few did not lie down on the operating table at least once in their lives. Even if the surgical intervention is supposed to be very small, in any case, a person is afraid of all sorts of complications and difficulties. People are nervous and worried about whether everything will go well, whether the long-awaited recovery will come. That is why patients are advised to contact St. Luke before the operation to ask him for help.

It is also worth noting that doctors themselves often pray to Luke before complex surgical interventions. After all, it depends only on them whether everything will be fine with the patient. During the operation, relatives and friends can pray for a person.

The Great Martyr Luke of Crimea will definitely come to the aid of those who need it. He never leaves anyone in trouble. That is why it is worth thanking the Saint and praying to him as often as possible. It is also worth visiting a temple or church, and June 11 is considered the official day of memory of Luke.

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Complete collection and description: a prayer in the Crimean bow for health for the spiritual life of a believer.

It is to this apostle that Orthodox Christians turn, wishing to be healed of the disease.

Saint Luke also helps to get rid of the witchcraft intervention of an evil person.

Saint Luke of Crimea even after his death helps those in need.

If you do not have his Orthodox icon, be sure to purchase it at the Temple.

Light 12 church candles. Place the icon of Luke and a glass of holy water nearby.

With faith in your soul, imagine your own health and peace of mind.

Having crossed yourself, start reading prayer lines.

Sip holy water.

If the disease is advanced, pray for health until complete recovery.

And Luke will certainly hear you.

Ask Christ our God, and confirm His children in the spirit of right faith and piety: may shepherds be given holy zeal and care for the salvation of the people entrusted to them: observe the right of the believer, strengthen the weak and weak in faith, instruct the ignorant, and rebuke the opposite. Give us all a gift that is beneficial to everyone, and everything is even useful for temporary life and eternal salvation: our cities are affirmed, the land is fruitful, deliverance from gladness and destruction, consolation for those who are in pain, healing for those who have lost their way on the path of truth, blessing for a parent, a child in fear The Lord's upbringing and teaching, help and intercession to the orphans and the poor. Grant us all your Archpastoral blessing, and if we have such a prayer intercession, we will get rid of the wiles of the evil one and avoid all enmity and discord, heresies and schisms. Lead us on the path leading to the villages of the righteous, and pray for us to the almighty God, in eternal life we ​​will be able to glorify with you the consubstantial and indivisible Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Orthodox prayers ☦

2 strong prayers to Luka Krymsky

(about the healing of cancer patients, before the operation, about the recovery of the child)

“O all-blessed confessor, our holy hierarch Luko, the great saint of Christ! With tenderness, bow down the knees of our hearts, and falling to the race of your honest and multi-healing relics, like a child of the father, we pray with all your heart: hear us sinners and bring our prayer to the merciful and philanthropic God, to whom you are now in the joy of the saints and with the faces of an angel stand. We believe more, because you love us with the same love, with which you loved all your neighbors, being on earth.

Ask Christ our God: may he establish in his holy Orthodox Church the spirit of right faith and piety, may she give her pastors holy zeal and care for the salvation of the people entrusted to them: observe the right of the believer, strengthen the weak and weak in faith, instruct the ignorant, oppose rebuke. Give us all a gift that is useful to everyone, and all the same for temporary life and for eternal salvation useful. Our cities are affirmation, the land is fruitful, deliverance from prosperity and destruction. Consolation to those who are ill, healing to those who have lost their way on the path of truth, a return, a parent's blessing, a child in the Lord's passion, upbringing and teaching, help and intercession to the orphans and the poor. Grant us all your archpastoral and holy blessing, so that by your overshadowing we will get rid of the wiles of the evil one and avoid all enmity and discord, heresies and schisms.

Grant us God-pleasing to pass the field of temporal life, guide us on the path leading to the villages of the righteous, deliver us from air ordeals and pray for us to the almighty God: yes, in eternal life with you, we unceasingly glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and all glory is due to Him, honor and power forever and ever. Amen."

Prayer to Luka Krymsky for the gift of children

“Hear us, Merciful and Almighty God, may Thy grace be sent down by our prayer. Be merciful, Lord, to our prayer, remember Your law on the multiplication of the human race and be a merciful Patron, so that by Your help the established by You will be preserved. You, by Your powerful power, created everything from nothing and laid the foundation for everything in the world that exists - You also created man in Your image and sanctified the union of matrimony and the foreknowledge of the mystery of Christ's unity with the Church with a high mystery. Look, Merciful, on these Thy servants ( name) by the marriage of those who are united and beg for Your help, may Your mercy be upon them, may they be fruitful, and may they see the sons of their sons even to the third and fourth generation and to the desired old age, and will live to the desired old age and enter the Kingdom of Heaven through our Lord Jesus Christ, Whom all glory, honor and worship is due with the Holy Spirit forever. Amen"

Prayer to the Monk Luke of Crimea for health

Any Orthodox monk can tell you what miraculous power the prayer to Luka Krymsky has for health. The talent for medicine and the invaluable gift of foresight of the Archbishop of Crimea raised him to the rank of associates of God, capable of helping the laity even after his death.

The life of the righteous Saint Luke (in the world - Valentin Feliksovich Voyno-Yasenetsky) fell on a time rich in significant events for Russia (the end of the 19th-20th centuries). Valentin was born in the family of a Kerch pharmacist, therefore, it is not surprising that he chose surgery as his profession.

Extensive medical practice in different cities and villages allowed the young surgeon to quickly take a place of honor among the scientists of medicine. He came to faith after the untimely death of his wife Anna Voyno-Yasenetskaya, who suffered from tuberculosis.

Three times during his righteous monastic life the saint was arrested, tortured and exiled.

But everywhere he found a way to heal people and never complained about his fate. And now a prayer to Luka Krymsky near his grave brings healing and relief to all the sick and infirm.

What do they pray to St. Luke

The laity turn in prayer to the Archbishop of Crimea on various issues. They rely on him in the most neglected cases of various illnesses, ask him to strengthen the spirit before the devilish temptations, pray to endow him with patience and humility in case of blows of fate (divorce, death of loved ones, loss of a job), conjure to reason with unbelievers and people who have been influenced by sects.

As the patron saint of medical and social workers, St. Luke is able to help sincerely praying parishioners in many life situations. The text of the prayer contains a request to the saint to intercede before the Lord for those who pray and bless, delivering from the wiles of the evil one.

Most often, Orthodox Christians use the prayer to St. Luke for health. This fact is directly related to cases of healing of seriously ill patients, known both during the life of the saint and after he was canonized as a saint. Luka Krymsky could heal all kinds of eye ailments with prayer, restoring sight to the believers; he did an excellent job of diagnosing tumors without analyzing them, determining their benign or malignant nature.

How healing prayer helps Luka Krymsky

One of the miracles that happened thanks to the prayer for health is described in the report of Father Nectarios, who serves at the Greek monastery of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

In the summer of 2009, a young girl underwent a complex operation to replace a heart valve. Everything didn't go as well as expected. According to the doctor's forecast, the patient had to stay in intensive care for two days after the operation. But her condition did not improve, the girl lay in a coma for 27 days.

The prayer to St. Luke for health, which her parents began to read on the advice of a close friend, brought the illness back to life.

The nurses who were on duty in the intensive care unit on the night of the girl's awakening said that they saw a strange doctor dressed in an old-fashioned gown that doctors had not worn for a long time. The doctor silently walked into the ward to the girl. When the sisters on duty went to the patient's room, they found that no one had gone there, and the patient had already regained consciousness. Two days later, the patient was fully aware of what was happening and went on the mend.

It is customary to read a prayer for health when a tumor is suspected, before surgical operations, when doctors refuse to treat advanced stages of oncological diseases, with congenital childhood ailments, and in many other cases. The effect of prayer will be much stronger if the patient can be communed and taken to the grave of the saint or to the relics of Luke, which are located in the Holy Trinity Cathedral of Simferopol.

Through reading prayers, a person is filled with divine energy - a light that washes away all negativity and fills every cell of the body with health. After repeated fiery pronunciation of the prayer text, the sick are recovering sharply, faith in the healing of people with the help of the saint is so strong and effective.

They also pray to St. Luke:

Prayer to St. Luke for health: comments

Comments - 4,

Quite often I read prayers to various saints. I believe that with their help my prayers will be more likely heard by God. She turned to St. Luke for help in healing her second cousin. The child had big problems with the liver almost from birth, high bilirubin. Medicines did not help much, and I turned to St. Luke with a prayer. The boy was in the hospital for 2 months. Thank God, he's fine now. I think not without the help of this saint.

Holy Luke! Help my sinful children, God's servant Svetlana and God's servant Andrei. And forgive me all my sins before our God, for I am guilty and repent with all my heart.

Holy Luke! Forgive me my sins, I sincerely repent of all the sins that I did through my own foolishness. Please help my grandson Servant of God Matthew to recover. For it seems to me that I am to blame for all the troubles of my family. Forgive me sinful Tatyana. Amen!

Saint Luke! Help my grandson, the servant of God, Matthew, get well. And forgive me all the sins before God. For I am guilty and repent with all my heart. Forgive me sinful Valentine. Amen!

Prayers to St. Luke of Crimea for healing health and pregnancy

The human body is very strong and at the same time extremely vulnerable. Evil ailments lie in wait for us throughout life. It is possible to influence the duration and outcome of the disease with the help of timely and correct treatment. However, not always doctors can guarantee the fastest recovery. In moments of despair, we tend to turn to higher powers for help. For health and recovery, as a rule, they turn to Luka Krymsky.

Who is Luka Krymsky

Saint Luke - doctor, professor, priest. A bright representative of the saints of a more modern period of history. Archbishop Luke is a graduate of the Medical University. He dedicated his entire life to helping the sick and the needy. His achievements include a successful surgical practice, research in the field of anesthesia, work in hospitals, performing a huge number of successful operations, writing medical papers. Luka Voyno-Yasenetsky survived arrests, torture and interrogations, but nothing could make him betray his faith and stop helping those in need. Even after the complete loss of sight, the Saint continued to carry the faith to people, being in the status of a bishop and a doctor. To this day, the tomb of Luke is a place of pilgrimage and healing.

Prayers to Luke are turned during a period of illness and life tragedies, to strengthen faith, to persecute temptations. Widows ask for moral strength, divorced couples ask for wisdom. Women ask about pregnancy. Saint Luke is the patron saint of medical and social workers.

Prayer text

The text of the prayer is universal. The one who prays will be granted healing and good health.

“O great Luke, giving bliss to people! We are touched and bow our knees before your image. You are deep in our hearts, we fall to your face, we mourn over your multi-healing relics. We pray for healing and health. As children, we ask our father diligently, hear our prayers, bring our prayer to God. May the merciful and philanthropic give us a blessing. We believe in your healing power, drive away troubles and ailments from us, make our stay on earth easier. We ask your angelic face to save us from torment and temptation.

Begged from God for the children of your spiritual strength and strength of the flesh. We are waiting for care and healing, we entrust our destinies into your pious hands. The weak and infirm turn to you, we ask you to strengthen our faith, to heal our bodies. Lead us on the good path, drive away the demons of deeds, save us from evil temptations. We pray for salvation, grant fertility to our land, grant firmness to our cities, grant abundance to our tables, grant consolation to the sorrowing, grant healing to the sick, grant light to the lost, grant wisdom to parents, grant humility to children, grant your help and intercession to the poor. We hope for your blessing and mercy. Intercede for us before the Lord, ask him to save us from the evil one, heresy and confusion. We are sinful prayers led by you, we submit to your almighty hand. Let us unceasingly praise the Indivisible Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Prayer for Healing and Health

“Like a bright and sparkling star, you illuminate our path with your virtues. Your angelic soul, your hierarchical dignity, we pray to you. The godless persecuted you, brought down suffering on you. Your faith was unshakable, you did not deprive the afflicted of your help and caress. Your medical wisdom entered the houses with healing. We bow before your face, we bend our knees before your relics, we sing of your body and spirit. We praise your deeds. We pray to grant us healing, to strengthen our health. Amine."

About pregnancy

“Hear our prayers, O great Saint Luke. Intercede for us before the Lord. We pray for the multiplication of our kind, we submit to your almighty hand, we are waiting for the mercy of the saint. Yes, patronize us in our aspirations. We bow before your might, before your strength. Help create a person in his own image, lay the foundation for a new life. Grant us a strong child, baptized by God. Sanctify our marital union, be merciful to your servants (names of the spouses). Grant us fertility, help us to see our sons. We will all praise and honor you. May our faith be unshakable, we will teach our children to honor you, we will protect you from sinful deeds. Grant us your mercy and your good will. Amen."

To strengthen the power of the text, the prayer requires a deep faith in God and in the onset of healing. Prayer is read at home or in the temple in front of the icon of Luke of Crimea. Help is sent to people with good intentions and a pure heart. It is recommended to repent of sins. Compliance with all the rules will help to beg the saints for recovery and fulfillment of desires.

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Saint Luke - the most powerful prayers to Saint Luke for healing

Orthodox believers turn for help not only to God and the saints, who are famous for their exploits before him, but simple clergy who glorify the Lord and work miracles even after their death are of great importance to them.

Who is Saint Luke?

The saint was born into an ordinary family of a pharmacist and at that time he was also called Valentin Voyno-Yasenetsky. He trained as a surgeon and went to war, and then he was hired by the Deacon's clinic. After the death of his wife, he received the rank of bishop and the name Luke. For his unshakable faith, he was arrested many times and sent into exile, but even there he helped people. The life of St. Luke was filled with various events, so in 1942 he received the rank of archbishop and the post of chief surgeon in the Krasnodar Territory.

After World War II, Luke began to actively restore churches and ensured that the clergy strictly observed the divine cocoons. Many said that even by touching his cassock, one can receive healing. He died on All Saints' Day in 1961. His relics are kept in the New Trinity Church. People from different parts of the world try to touch them in order to receive healing.

How does Saint Luke help?

You can get help from the saint not only at his relics, but also thanks to a prayer that can be said in a church or at home in front of the icon. The icon is considered a powerful amulet for seriously ill people, so it can often be seen in medical institutions. People who have health problems turn to him.

  1. The holy healer Luke relieves both physical and mental problems.
  2. Women turn to him to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy child.
  3. They ask the saint for help before surgery.
  4. By reciting prayer texts, people hope for the establishment of the correct diagnosis and for the correct treatment.

If you thoughtlessly read existing prayers, then you can not count on help, because they do not work like magic wands. There are several important tips that must be taken into account so that St. Luke hears the request and helps:

  1. It is allowed to turn to the Higher Forces both in church and at home, the main thing is that nothing interferes or distracts during the process.
  2. You can read prayers for recovery only for baptized people.
  3. It is necessary to pronounce the text thoughtfully, understanding the meaning and power of each word. Only by putting faith in them, you can count on the result.
  4. If the text of the prayer is difficult to remember, then you need to rewrite it on a piece of paper and always carry it with you.
  5. It is necessary to pray in front of the icon in order to look at the face of the saint, in whose eyes one can see longing.
  6. Of great importance is faith, which should not be doubted.
  7. It is necessary to repeat the prayer as many times as possible in a row.

Prayer to Luka Krymsky for healing

Diseases are dangerous because they appear unexpectedly and it is difficult to immediately diagnose. To help yourself or loved ones, you can turn to the saint. Prayer to Luka Krymsky for recovery should be read near the icon, in front of which 12 church candles must be lit and a glass of holy water must be placed. First you need to tune in, getting rid of extraneous thoughts and presenting yourself as an absolutely healthy person. For Saint Luke to help, read a prayer, and then drink some water and cross yourself. It is recommended to carry out such a ritual until complete healing.

Prayer to Luka Krymsky before the operation

The time before surgery is very difficult for many people, as there are doubts, fears and worries about the results. Prayer to St. Luke before the operation will help get rid of negative thoughts and provide patronage.

  1. You need to go to the temple to pray and put three candles for health. When leaving, the same amount should be taken with you.
  2. If possible, then you should ask for blessings from the priest.
  3. It is recommended to fast for three days before the operation.
  4. At home, in front of the image of St. Luke, light candles. First try to relax and then pray.
  5. Prayer to Luke should be repeated 40 times. If the patient himself cannot fulfill all the conditions described, then relatives can do it for him.

Mother's prayer to St. Luke for the health of the child

When a child is sick, parents try to do everything possible to help. The prayer to St. Luke, uttered by the mother, is considered the strongest, since the gratuitous and immeasurable love of the parent is invested in it. Near the child's bed, you need to put the image of the saint, light a candle and say a prayer text every day until you are fully recovered. The presented prayer to Luke for health is suitable for both children and adults.

Prayer to Luka Krymsky for healing from cancer

Unfortunately, oncological diseases are not uncommon, and most people, hearing the diagnosis of cancer, perceive it as a sentence. Prayer to St. Luke helps not to lose faith, gives strength to fight the disease and helps in the treatment. Words can be pronounced by both the patient himself and his relatives. It is best to have an icon of the saint nearby. You need to read a prayer every day, and the number does not matter, but the more repetitions, the better.

Prayer to Saint Luke for pregnancy

Many women do not lose hope of becoming mothers, even after they are abandoned by doctors. They seek help and support from the Higher Forces. There is a lot of evidence that Luke's prayer for pregnancy really helped not only to conceive, but also to endure and give birth to a healthy baby.

  1. Before praying, it is recommended to turn to God and ask him to forgive sins.
  2. It is necessary to pronounce the text every day 40 times without stopping, kneeling in front of the image of the saint.
  3. In order for Luke to help, it is necessary to lead a righteous lifestyle, resist temptations and fight bad habits.

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St. Luke of Crimea is one of the righteous, who are most often asked for help in illnesses. Along with St. Panteleimon, this is the quickest helper and intercessor before God for all the sick. On the way to recovery, it is important not to forget in whose hands our lives and all good things are. The saint prays to the Almighty for all the sick and those who are already on their way to recovery.

For miracles of healing, the saint received recognition during his lifetime - Professor Voyno-Yasenetsky was in charge of the Department of Operative Surgery and there were legends about his talents. Saint Luke combined medical work with a priestly vocation, healing not only bodily, but also spiritual ailments. And just as the saint helped the sick during his lifetime, he helps now.

About Saint Luke

Prayer to Luka Krymsky for healing will help the patient even in very difficult cases, when it seems that there is no hope. Even during his lifetime, the saint had a reputation as a well-known scientist, a talented surgeon, and a specialist who wrote works on purulent surgery, which are still used today. There were legends about the high medical skill of the saint - if he was given a book and told to cut a certain number of pages with a scalpel, the saint was never mistaken. The saint endured many trials during his lifetime: because of the persecution of the church, he was exiled three times, he did not agree to the offer to head the department in exchange for refusing to serve as a priest, and at the end of his life, after suffering an illness, he became blind in one eye.

People turned in prayer to the saint at his grave long before his canonization. Orthodox Christians felt that the archbishop was helping them from heaven. The church ranked the healer on the list of saints in 1995, and his relics are in the Simferopol Cathedral.

About healing

An Orthodox person endures illness courageously, as a remedy for atonement for sins, but it is not considered shameful to ask the Lord for recovery. Whether God will send healing or not is not known for sure, but a person, asking for help from the saints, can rely on His holy mercy. There is the will of God for everything, which both grants health and can deprive it.

Praying to the Lord for the sick, one should ask for the healing of St. Luke, since he is reputed to be the patron of all those who suffer and the deliverer from ailments. When visiting a church, you should order notes about the patient, put candles in front of the icon of St. Luke and pray for the need. In the temple, you can order prayers for health to a certain saint, which the priest reads. After reading the prayer service with the mention of the names of the sick, everyone is sprinkled with holy water.

At home, prayers should be read daily, adding requests to the saint to the composition of morning and evening prayers. The number of readings is not so important, although repeating the prayer up to 40 times can achieve a greater result. It is better to read the texts of prayers for recovery in front of the saint's icon; you can light a church candle. Sincerity and perseverance in turning to the Lord will be rewarded a hundredfold. Before praying for healing, it is necessary to ask for forgiveness of the sins of the sick person. In order for a saint to intercede for a sick person, one should get rid of bad habits, foul language, and avoid theft and deceit. Often sickness is sent as a punishment, or to keep a person from falling into more serious sins.

The shortest but strongest prayer to the saint is the appeal: " Saint Father Luko, pray to God for us"

The text of the prayer for all diseases:

Before and after surgery

Those who are going to have surgery should prepare themselves not only morally, but also spiritually. If the state of health allows you to visit the temple, you should take advantage of this, because the church offers many means for the salvation of the soul and well-being.

Before going to the hospital, a Christian confesses, takes communion, and asks his confessor for blessings for the operation. If possible, you should order a special requirement - "forty-mouth" about health, which is served for forty days with the mention of the name at the Liturgy. Another treba for the occasion is a prayer service before the operation. All those submitting notes need to know that church prayer is valid only when accompanied by the petition of those who ordered it.

If the sick person has Orthodox relatives or friends, they are usually asked to pray together. Such a common prayer for a specific need is called a petition by agreement and has a very effective force.

When going to a medical institution, it is important not to forget to take a prayer book, an icon of Christ, your heavenly patron and St. Luke. The presence of icons nearby will help create a prayerful mood and give the patient confidence in heavenly support. In small containers, you can capture consecrated oil and holy water. On the body there should be a pectoral cross, as a personal shrine that protects and protects from illness and trouble.

On the day of the operation, putting yourself into the hands of doctors, you should read the prayers “Our Father”, the prayer to St. Luke and St. Panteleimon, and internally surrender yourself into the hands of God. The Lord does not require from the sick those daily appeals that are recorded in the prayer books for the healthy, so you can turn to God in your own words or short prayers.

Prayer before surgery

If the patient is formally baptized, but in practice does not even know the basic prayers, you should try to convince him to pray as best he can, the main thing is the ardent faith that his request will be heard, and the hope for a successful outcome.

At the end, you need to thank God for the successful operation, and St. Luke for the heavenly help provided. It is customary to read special thanksgiving prayers.

Prayer text:

The glorious righteous path to the holy dignity was passed by St. Luke of Crimea.

The Lord in every age sends miracles that prove to believers his hourly presence nearby. The myrrh-streaming of holy icons, the Blessed Divine Fire and a number of other wondrous events appear to the world. He sends extraordinary people who reveal to unbelieving people the Divine essence of things. He was such a person, whose holy relics are located in the Crimea and surprise Orthodox believers with miracles of healing.

A large number of testimonies of contemporaries about healing are recorded in the archives of the Synod of the Russian Church. List of miraculous recoveries from various and complex ailments take up much space in this libel.

Saint Luke

  • Date of birth - April 27th, year 1877.
  • Place of birth - a city in Kerch.
  • At birth, he received the name - Valentine.
  • Middle name - Feliksovich.
  • Surname - Voyno-Yasenetsky.

He healed people with a scalpel and prayer. An illustrious surgeon, whose hands healed the most difficult ailments, relieving people from diseases. Hundreds of complex operations on the intestines, kidneys, brain, biliary tract and heart. But his main achievement what remains is service to the Lord and the salvation of righteous souls.

Many life trials fell to the lot of the saint. He traveled a thorny path in earthly life. The luminary of medicine has always served God and healed people both in times of repression and persecution, and in glory and honor. Valentin Feliksovich was a doctor of medicine and theology, a professor of surgery, a laureate of the Stalin Prize.

He generously shared his knowledge and experience with students of medical institutions, in which he lectured on surgery and anatomy, invariably dressed in a cassock with a priest's cross on his chest.

Weekdays were spent in medical activities, and Sundays were given to the service of God in the cathedral. In the operating room of St. Luke always hung, for the Holy Spirit, and with the help of the Most High, provides patronage in the healing of the sick to a greater extent than a surgical scalpel.

More than 30 chapels have been erected in honor of the Saint. Books about his life and teachings have been translated into several foreign languages: Greek and Romanian, French Albanian and English. In modern life, the glory of the Healer, who, after the end of earthly life, does not leave people turning in trouble, flies throughout the Orthodox world.

The Archbishop of the Crimean and Simferopol Holy Confessor Luke, who reposed on June 11, 1961, is sacredly revered by the Orthodox world. In 1995 Vladyka Luka elevated to the rank of saints and canonized on November 22.

In 1996, on March 18, the gravestone was opened, and the relics of the Saint were brought to the Church of All Saints.

After three days of cancer with relics, she moved to the Holy Trinity Cathedral, and the faithful got the opportunity to worship the holy relics.

What is asked of St. Luke

The prayer appeal to St. Luke for injuries and oncology, for burns and wounds of various degrees has an unprecedented healing power. Women turn to the Saint to conceive, bear and reproduce a healthy child.

Believers come from different regions of Russia and peace, to touch the saints, to make requests for healing from an illness, for the prayer word to the Healer Luke is the most powerful action that gives health and longevity.

Prayer can be read in a temple or at home in front of a saint. The icon-painting image of the Healer Luke is a powerful amulet for people with serious illnesses, it can be seen in hospitals and hospices. The Luke healer helps to get rid of not only physical ailments, but also spiritual wounds.

The health of the body is closely related to the state of mind of a person.

Luke of Crimea confessed, the power of sincere prayer and explained this miracle from both a scientific and a spiritual position. Healing must first take place in the soul, with the acceptance of the idea that there is nothing more powerful than the Will of God.

Learning about exceptional health, a person begins to panic, a nervous state appears, fear:

  • not cope with the disease;
  • lose a job due to unsuitability;
  • occurrence of financial problems.

In this state, the body is further immersed in the disease, and can lead to an "incurable" form of the disease.

St. Luke taught patients to balance their state of mind by reading prayers. The prayer rule calms the nervous system and encourages faith in recovery, for only in relaxed behavior lies the possibility of overcoming any ailment.

What man cannot do, God can. In moments of deep despair, it can only save all-consuming faith. The strength and intense energy of thought is the thinnest and strongest connecting thread between the one who asks and God.

Prayer to Luka Krymsky before the operation

Diseases are dangerous by unexpected appearance. It can be difficult to make a correct diagnosis right away. Appeal to the saint allows you to speed up this process.

Before surgery, many people are in big doubts, fears and worries about the result of the operation.

Prayer to Saint Luke before the operation relieve heavy thoughts and provide his healing protection.

Before the operation you need:

  1. Go to the temple and pray and light 3 candles for health and leaving, the same number of candles must be taken with you.
  2. Ask for blessings from the priest.
  3. It is recommended to fast for three days before the operation.
  4. Before the face of the saint at home, you need to light candles. First you should relax, and then proceed to prayer.
  5. Prayer to the saint should be read for 40 days. If the patient himself is not able to fulfill the described conditions, then this can be done by relatives:
  6. order a magpie in health, a Psalter and a prayer service to St. Luke in the church.
  7. Invite a priest for confession.
  8. On the eve of the operation, you must take communion.
  9. You need to take a prayer book to the hospital and read penitential canons, Psalms, prayers to the saints.
  10. It is important to forgive all grievances and establish peace in the soul.
  11. Before the operation itself, offer a short prayer to St. Luke.

Relatives should also take part in a prayer appeal before the upcoming operation. The support of relatives will cheer up, give strength.

At such moments, the feeling of helplessness recedes., and the support of loved ones and prayer will help to bring together all the faith and fortitude.

Home reading of akathists

To do this, you need to purchase a small image of St. Luke of Crimea, be sure to install it in the “red corner” and follow the prayer rule for forty days:

Prayer and akathist before surgery for a child

Children are especially guarded by heaven. The purity of their soul is able to see and listen to God. As a result, they recover faster.

The most powerful is the prayer uttered by the mother:

  • near the baby's crib it is necessary to put the icon of St. Luke;
  • light a church candle;
  • every day to read an akathist until the final recovery.

Prayer to Luka Krymsky for healing from cancer

A cancer diagnosis often sounds like a death sentence. A sick person begins to panic, but modern medicine is able to cure an insidious disease in the first stages. This disease is very unpredictable and insidious and depends on the state of mind of a person.

There are times when treatment the patient is refused by doctors and only faith in the Lord will grant recovery. And this happens not so rarely.

Prayer to the Holy Healer Luke will give faith and strength to fight the disease and help in the treatment. It can be read by the patient himself, as well as relatives. In this case, you need to have the face of a saint with you and turn to him with a prayer word every day.

H a few important tips needed for the saint to hear and heed the request:

  • You can ask for help from the Higher Forces in church and at home.
  • During prayer, nothing should interfere or distract.
  • It is necessary to read prayers for health only for baptized people.
  • You should carefully read the text, delving into the meaning of each prayer word. Only putting faith in the heart, you can be sure of the result.
  • It is advisable to remember the words of the prayer or rewrite it on paper and carry it with you.
  • It is necessary to pray near the icon in order to see the face of the saint.
  • Faith should not be questioned.
  • You need to repeat the prayer many times.

Faced with an ailment - hope for a miracle of healing

Remember that a desperate person is a quick prey for demons that captivate the soul and physical body. They will easily steal faith from a tormented heart, which will lead to a slow extinction without the help of the Almighty and the Holy Saints.

Don't forget about confession and communion. This will open your heart to Heavenly Healers. Taking hope into your thoughts as a help, the Lord will show the way that will lead to deliverance from the disease.

If there is no opportunity to make a pilgrimage to the relics of the Saint, then do not lose heart. Prayer to him has the wonderful property of being heard in any part of the world.

Icons of St. Luke for households should be purchased only in shops at churches that have been blessed and consecrated.

established canon how to pray to Saint Luke, no. After all, people struggling with a terrible disease find it difficult to follow the rules and regulations. Pray according to the dictates of the heart. Sick people can pray lying and sitting. It is important that the heart believes and accepts the grace of the Most High.

Don't let doubt creep into your soul. It will turn away from the reliable help of Heavenly Healers and captivate the mind with great disappointment.

Refer to the advice and instructions of the holy fathers on how to conduct prayers and ask for spiritual help.

You can not reject the help of doctors. The Lord sends guidance to the thoughts and insight of the doctor, prompts and inspires with his power.

Do not forget that Healer Saint Luke was a practicing surgeon who combined medical activities with the service of the Almighty.

Having received healing, you need to thank the prayer of the Almighty and Holy Confessor Luke of Crimea. Pay tribute and praise their help, remembering with gratitude every hour. The key to recovery is your sincere faith, and the rest will be arranged by the Almighty and Holy Lord Luke.

It is very important to remember that with the news of a very serious illness, despair in the heart is unacceptable, and turning to faith with all your soul will help in healing from the most serious illness.

All prayers to St. Confessor Luka Voyno-Yasenetsky, Archbishop of Simferopol

Commemorated: December 15 / December 28 (Cathedral of the Crimean Saints), March 5 / 18 (uncovering of relics) May 29 / June 11

Saint Luke is a talented surgeon, apologist and spiritually strong confessor of the faith, a caring pastor. Having been widowed in 1919 in Tashkent, he became a priest, after 3 years he became a monk, and in 1923 he was secretly consecrated a bishop. Having gone through numerous arrests, torture and exile after the war, he headed the Crimean diocese for 15 years until his death.

They resort to St. Luke as a doctor for prayerful help in illnesses, they pray to him for the strengthening of faith in persecutions and temptations; about giving strength and wisdom in widowhood, divorces, life tragedies, about admonishing unbelievers; people who fell into sects and schisms. Saint Luke is the heavenly patron of medical and social workers, employees of hospices.

Saint and Confessor Luke Voyno-Yasenetsky, Archbishop of Simferopol. Icon

Troparion to St. Luke, Archbishop of Simferopol, Tone 1

To the herald of the path of salvation, the confessor and archpastor of the Crimean lands, the true guardian of fatherly traditions, the unshakable pillar, mentor of Orthodoxy, the God-wise doctor, St.

Kontakion to St. Luke, Archbishop of Simferopol, Tone 1

Like an all-light star, shining with virtues, you were a saint, you created an equal-angel soul, for this sake of holiness he is honored by dignity, in exile he suffered a lot from the godless and remained unshakable by faith, healed many with medical wisdom. The same now, glorify your honest body from the bowels of the earth, wonderfully found, the Lord, and let all the faithful cry out to you: Rejoice, Father, St. Luko, praise and affirmation of the Crimean land.

Prayer to St. Luke, Archbishop of Simferopol

Oh, all-blessed confessor, our holy father Luko, falling down to you, like a child of the father, we pray to you: hear us sinners and bring our prayer to the merciful and philanthropic Lord, now you are in the joy of the saints and with the faces of an angel stand. Ask Christ our God to confirm His children in the spirit of right faith and piety. Give us all a gift that is useful to everyone, and all the same for temporary life and for eternal salvation useful. Consolation to the grieving, healing to those who are ill, return to the path of truth, blessing to the parent, upbringing and teaching to the child in the Lord's fear, help and intercession to the orphans and the poor. Give us your blessing, may we get rid of the wiles of the evil one and avoid all enmity and discord, heresies and schisms. Guide us on the path of salvation and pray to God for us, in eternal life, let us be honored with you to unceasingly glorify the Consubstantial and Indivisible Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. To Him befits all glory, honor, and dominion forever and ever. Amen.


Akathist to St. Confessor Luke, Archbishop of Simferopol:

  • Akathist to St. Confessor Luke, Archbishop of Simferopol

Hagiography and scientific-historical literature about St. Confessor Luke, Archbishop of Simferopol:

  • Saint and Confessor Luke Voyno-Yasenetsky, Archbishop of Simferopol(life) - Tree