Can the temperature rise due to nervousness? Questions

Science has long known that the work of all human organs is directly interconnected with the changeable states of his consciousness. Anxiety, joy, excitement - all these feelings are reflected in the level of pressure, heart rate, sweating and others physiological processes. Is it possible to nervous soil temperature rise?

All diseases come from nerves

The idea that changes occur in the human body under the influence of the soul dates back to the times of the ancient Greeks. To this day, scientists and doctors are convinced of this every day. The more nervous we are, the more our body suffers. It is stressful situations and negative thoughts that are most often the provocateurs of most diseases known to science.

Considering the fact that under the influence of stress the concentration of adrenaline in a person’s blood changes, blood pressure and pulse jump, there is simply no doubt whether the temperature can rise due to nervousness. In this way, the body reacts to emerging psycho-emotional changes.

Why is the temperature rising?

Often, stressful situations such as changing a job or daily routine, moving to another city, climate change and many other exciting events in life lead to changes in body temperature. In response to such changes, the body may experience symptoms similar to a common cold: headache, nausea, body aches or fever.

However, its level can be influenced not only external stimuli, but also internal. Negative emotions are what causes the body more harm. It is in the fears, resentments, self-doubt or envy hidden in the depths of the soul that the basis of most known ailments lies. And one of the first signs that negative processes have already started is the temperature from the nerves.

The consequence of severe psycho-emotional stress is often symptoms such as:

  • temperature rise to 37.5;
  • hypertensive crisis or heart attack;
  • indigestion;
  • attacks of nausea;
  • constant headaches.

All these signs indicate to a person that the body is struggling with stress. But if you don’t pull yourself together in time, something irreparable can happen - a disruption in the functioning of many or all systems. After all, it is the nervous system that plays the leading role in our body, and in the event of a malfunction in its work, a nervous temperature, symptoms of illness, and a sharp deterioration in well-being immediately arise.

Serious consequences

Often strong emotional stress affects health very slowly. At first, a person may not feel any signs that any disturbances are beginning in the body. However, this does not mean that stress always passes without a trace and only spoils our mood. After all, the disease can manifest itself much later.

Psychological problems that worry a person (even at a subconscious level) are directly related to the emergence of such serious diseases and conditions as:

  • allergic reactions;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • eczema and psoriasis;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • hypertension;
  • angina pectoris;
  • tumor development;
  • stomach ulcers and ulcerative colitis;
  • diarrhea and colon irritation.

All of these ailments occur against the background of systematic depression of the nervous system. It is this that can lead to muscle blocks and subsequently to the development dangerous disease. In combination with constant stress, any of these diseases can be accompanied not only by characteristic symptoms, but also by an increase in body temperature.

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It has been scientifically proven that many chronic diseases and various tumors quite often arise against the background of strong resentment, for a long time held back inside. Erosion and ulcers are a consequence of such negative emotions, such as guilt, dissatisfaction with oneself and self-criticism. Thus, most diseases are provoked by the person himself, who is constantly in a state of stress and tension.

How to avoid stress?

Of course, it is impossible to completely eliminate stressful situations from your life. For reasons beyond our control, problems may arise in the family or at work, against the background of personality conflicts or dissatisfaction with one’s own life. And, perhaps, the only way to protect yourself from the serious consequences of stress is not to keep negative emotions to yourself, not to push them into the depths of your own soul.

No matter how strong the experiences may be, there is always a way that will help you at least partially free yourself from them. In order to allow negative emotions to come out, you can take the following actions:

  • contact a psychologist who will help you understand the problem;
  • express negativity. Oddly enough, in order to throw out anger, resentment or pain, it is enough for a person to give vent to tears, hit a punching bag or even break a couple of plates;
  • workout. Physical activity It helps to cope with stress in the best possible way. Swimming, running and any active species sports - The best way“correctly” use up the adrenaline accumulated in the blood;
  • meditate. Immersion in a state of “no thoughts” perfectly relaxes and calms, allowing you to take a fresh look at both what is happening and yourself.

It has long been beyond doubt that correct work of all organs and systems in the human body directly depends on his psycho-emotional state. Psychosomatics (a science at the intersection of medicine and psychology) explains the occurrence and course of almost all diseases by psychological factors.

The most studied cause-and-effect relationship between psychological problems and various disorders (including fever) in the following diseases:

Stressful situation. Probably, each of us can remember a single story when, before some particularly important and exciting event, a person’s temperature rises. Young children are especially susceptible to this phenomenon, which doctors call “flight into illness.” They react extremely sharply to stressful situations, grievances, sudden changes in lifestyle and daily routine.

Often in children An elevated temperature is observed during the period of getting used to kindergarten, changing schools, moving to a new city or apartment, during long long trips, as well as before a test at school or exams. At the same time, the child is not at all cunning and does not manipulate thermometers (although this does happen), all the symptoms of the disease can indeed exist, they are quite real and are diagnosed by doctors.

The mechanism of this psychosomatic phenomenon is triggered subconsciously. It is worth noting that nothing changes with age; it is impossible to “outgrow” it. In adults before important events and serious changes in life or work, in stressful situations, a headache most often begins, cardiac, hypertensive crises, stomach upsets, and so on occur.

Increased sense of responsibility. It has been noticed that people with too strong feeling responsibility, more often suffer from fever due to nervousness and severe headaches.

From all of the above, it follows that elevated body temperature due to emotional experiences cannot be treated with tablets and miracle pills. A person can cope with this problem himself without a visit to the pharmacy. Although it’s better not to click on it. The best place to turn is to a psychologist.

How to avoid diseases caused by nervousness?

Give an outlet to negative emotions. To do this, you can beat a pillow with your fists, break a plate with all your anger, go out into a field or forest and scream loudly. Give free rein to your tears and cry to your heart's content. Along with the tears it will come out negative energy, you will feel much better.

He believes that it is better to get yourself a punching bag or sacrifice a few plates than to spend years treating serious illnesses.

Lily asks:

Hello, I'm 26 years old. My problem is this: 2.5 years ago, for no known reason, my temperature began to rise during the day to 37.3 degrees. Previously, it changed differently during the day, now it does not happen in the mornings, it increases at 17-20 hours, then decreases somewhat. It was in December, but I didn’t catch a cold. When I had a fever, I felt bad, namely: my head was slightly dizzy, I felt tired, sometimes headache. I had tests done, they are all normal (a gynecologist examined me, tumor markers are fine, everything general tests normal, I also saw a rheumatologist, also tested for hidden infections, was checked by an endocrinologist (I drink Eutyrox, there are no changes in temperature), I did a full ultrasound, my heart was checked).
The neurologist advised me to do a test with paracetamol, the temperature did not respond to it (also to aspirin). Now more often than not I don’t notice that I have a temperature, but sometimes I feel it.
Since childhood, I have constantly caught colds, been in the hospital several times due to gastritis, and have chronic cholecystitis. And so in this moment I’m not worried about my health, I follow a diet (I don’t eat heavy, junk food).
And last year there was a frozen pregnancy, I’m afraid that because of this, p.e. I'm scared to get pregnant again until I find out the cause of the fever.
The gynecologist sent me to a tuberculosis clinic for examination, but as far as I know, tuberculosis of the female organs can only be secondary, and I have not suffered from pulmonary tuberculosis. I wanted to know whether tuberculosis of the female organs can develop in a latent form within 2.5 years. If this is actually tuberculosis, then probably the temperature should have reacted to paracetamol, because... same infectious disease?
I started to think, if the temperature does not respond to paracetamol, maybe the temperature is due to nerves? at that time, and even now, I have a responsible and several nervous work? Maybe I inspired all this myself?
I don't know what to think anymore...

The tuberculosis process, even if the primary focus is not detected, can give a prolonged increase in temperature to low-grade levels (not higher than 37.6), therefore, tuberculosis must be excluded. Due to nervousness, it is also possible to increase body temperature (for example, with prolonged exposure to stress factors); if hyperthermia is central in nature, it is possible to reduce body temperature to normal levels when using sedatives, which can be prescribed by a neurologist during a personal examination.

Lily asks:

I would like to add that I checked my teeth, did an FGS, and the ENT specialist confirmed that everything was normal. I checked for dysbacteriosis, there is not enough lactobacilli, I take HilakForte and Duphalac. The neurologist wrote in the diagnosis venous dysfunction, prescribed Detralex, Cortexin, Matnerot, but hasn’t started treatment yet, but I’m wondering if it’s worth it, I don’t want to stuff myself with medications, maybe this will go away and can the temperature really normalize after these medications?

In the event that the cause of the increase in temperature is precisely the increased activity of the central nervous system (and such a reason is quite possible), the treatment prescribed by a neurologist will help change the situation for the better.

Lily asks:

I would like to clarify, doesn't the paracetamol test (temperature does not respond to it) indicate that this is not an infectious disease?

To clarify the diagnosis, you must consult with an infectious disease specialist and donate blood using the PCR method for infections. In case if general state does not suffer and the test results are within the normal range, this may be a normal body temperature, because normal temperature can fluctuate and be between 35.5-37.5 degrees.

Find out more on this topic:
  • Blood test for antibodies - detection of infectious diseases (measles, hepatitis, Helicobacter, tuberculosis, lamblia, treponema, etc.). Blood test for the presence of Rh antibodies during pregnancy.
  • Blood test for antibodies - types (ELISA, RIA, immunoblotting, serological methods), norm, interpretation of results. Where can I get a blood test for antibodies? Research price.
  • Fundus examination - how the examination is performed, results (normal and pathological), price. Fundus examination in pregnant women, children, newborns. Where can I get tested?
  • Fundus examination – what does it show, what eye structures can be examined, which doctor prescribes? Types of fundus examination: ophthalmoscopy, biomicroscopy (with a Goldmann lens, with a fundus lens, at a slit lamp).
  • Glucose tolerance test - what does it show and what is it needed for? Preparation and implementation, standards and interpretation of results. Glucose tolerance test during pregnancy. Where can you buy glucose? Research price.

Is it true that all diseases are caused by nerves? It will surprise no one that many diseases are directly related to the state of our nervous system, and the more nervous we are, the more our body suffers. Even in the works of the ancient Greeks, including Hippocrates, the idea of ​​changing the body under the influence of the soul developed. Modern scientists are well aware of exactly what thoughts and how they are involved in the appearance of certain changes in the body.

Can the temperature rise due to nervousness? In the article you will find the answer to this question.

The relationship between nerves and disease

The leading role in the body is assigned to the nervous system, which has an important influence on the organs. Therefore, as soon as the nervous system fails, functional changes are observed in the body, that is, symptoms of a particular disease appear.

What are the effects of stress on the human body? Signs of a malfunction of the nervous system can be mild functional disorders, which manifest themselves as incomprehensible and seemingly causeless tingling, discomfort, noticeable changes in the functioning of any organ. At the same time, specialists cannot identify the disease and make a specific diagnosis. Therefore, organ neurosis is often diagnosed in such a condition.

Neurosis is a nervous disease that arises as a result of a person’s inability to adapt to a particular situation, to conditions that do not correspond to his ideas. In such cases, there is a headache, weakness, pain in the heart, and nausea. Such a reaction of the nervous system is unconscious and painful. But at the same time, everything is not so harmless, but on the contrary, serious chronic diseases can arise.

In addition to organ neurosis, there is a similar disorder that manifests itself in the desire to attract the attention of others to oneself. This is a kind of manipulation tool. Patients experience symptoms such as paralysis of the arms and legs, pain in any organ, vomiting, etc.

The consequences of stress for the body, unfortunately, are disappointing. It can also provoke other diseases: bronchial asthma, arterial hypertension, irritable bowel syndrome, headache, dizziness, vegetative-vascular dystonia.

How do nerves affect the body?

Is it possible to say that all diseases are caused by nerves? You can trace the effect of nerves on the body at simple example. Let's say a person is depressed by something, he is depressed and rarely smiles. The duration of this state is a week. This will lead to the fact that the psyche will begin to react negatively to this situation. And as a result, the functioning of the body will be disrupted, it will also be depressed. Constant pressure will lead to muscle block, and subsequently to the onset of disease.

The cause of chronic diseases, as well as tumors, is a constant state of resentment, not only against someone around you, but also against yourself. The so-called state of self-criticism causes erosions and ulcers, and those organs that are the weakest and most vulnerable are under attack.

The above diseases are not yet full list illnesses resulting from stress. Can the temperature rise due to nervousness? Yes, most diseases can be accompanied by

Why does body temperature rise due to nervousness?

Can the temperature rise due to nervousness? Yes, first of all, stressful situations lead to an increase in temperature. These include changes in climate, place of work, daily routine, and any exciting events. The body reacts to changes, and symptoms appear that are often mistaken for a cold or poisoning: increased headache, cardiac or hypertensive crisis, nausea, upset stomach. In fact, these are consequences of overexertion and a protective reaction of the body.

But not only stressful situations provoke an increase in temperature. Emotions have a negative impact on the body. The roots of illnesses lie in grievances, fears, feelings of excitement, self-doubt, overwork and aggression. Emotions must not be allowed to accumulate; they must find a way out, otherwise they will lead to self-destruction of the body. When negative emotions begin to disrupt the functioning of all systems, an elevated temperature (37.5) is the first signal that a malfunction has begun in the body.

Who is most susceptible to nervous diseases?

People who are energetic, sociable, active, whose reactions are directed outward, often experience negative emotions such as aggression, competition, jealousy, and hostility. Stressful situations in this category cause heart and vascular diseases, angina pectoris, suffocation, migraines, high blood pressure, and heart rhythm disturbances. Also, their temperature rises due to nervousness.

In people who are withdrawn, the reaction is directed inward. They keep everything to themselves, accumulate negative emotions in the body, not giving them a way out. Such people are susceptible to bronchial asthma, disorders of the functioning of the digestive organs, i.e. ulcers, erosions, colitis, stomach disorders, constipation.

Is it possible to prevent nerve disease?

Of course, the occurrence of diseases caused by disorders of the nervous system can be prevented. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to avoid in every possible way conflict situations. You should not create a stressful situation for your body yourself.

In cases where long time the body is under the influence of negative emotions and an experienced psychologist can help.

Rest plays an important role and healthy sleep. Long-term exposure to physical activity will help protect the body from both physical and mental stress. fresh air, a change of environment and, of course, sleep lasting at least 8 hours.

Particular attention should be paid to the state of the nervous system and its strengthening.

Strengthening the nerves

If you are sure that your illness is the body’s reaction to stress, then you need to get your nerves in order. There are many techniques to do this. These include yoga and meditation. They allow you to harmonize nervous system, relieve tension.

No less effective are creative activities, allowing you to escape from your worries and put your thoughts and emotions in order. This could be handicrafts, painting. Listening to soothing music, watching movies, and doing what you love have a beneficial effect on the nerves.

Medication solution

Can the temperature rise due to nervousness? You already know the answer to this question. Any ailment in the body must be fought; everything cannot be left to chance. To combat stressful situations Many medications are used for depression and stress. You can calm your nerves and improve your nervous system using medicinal plants having a calming effect. These are chamomile flowers, mint, fireweed, peony, borage, motherwort.

Take responsibility for your health. Be healthy!

Everyone knows that the full functioning of all systems and organs of the body is largely predetermined by the processes occurring in the human mind, joy, sadness, anxiety and other emotional states. Thinking about Can temperature rise due to nervousness?, it is enough to simply measure the pulse, the concentration of adrenaline in the blood, and sweating in a person undergoing a stressful state.

In this regard, we can confidently state the fact that the question of Can the temperature rise due to nervousness?, has an affirmative answer. High readings on the thermometer may be associated with problems such as:

Negative emotions. It has been proven that anxiety, aggression, resentment, fear, envy, anger generate serious problems for health and it is very important that such emotions find a way out. By holding back all the negativity within oneself, a person harms himself, triggering self-destructive mechanisms in his own body.

Stress. Reacting acutely to stressful shocks, people (especially children) may notice an increase in body temperature and a deterioration in their health. For this reason, such ailments are observed in children during the period of adaptation to kindergarten or school, when changing educational institutions, when moving to a new place of residence, and even before school tests or exams. Adults on the threshold important events often experience headaches, cardiac crises and frustration digestive system body.

High sense of responsibility. It has been proven that very responsible people often notice headaches and suffer from elevated body temperature, and these phenomena occur precisely because of nervousness.

Based on the causes of this disease, it is logical that elevated body temperature caused by emotional turmoil does not require drug treatment or miracle pills. All you need for a complete recovery is positive emotions, good mood, proper nutrition and walks in the fresh air. If a person is very impressionable and it is not easy for him to cope with the current situation on his own, then we can recommend taking sedatives (Novo-passit), decoctions of medicinal herbs, having a calming effect, a relaxing bath with the addition of essential oils.

In order to avoid a rise in body temperature caused by nervous shock, excitement or worry, first of all, you need to learn to control your emotions and under no circumstances push them deep into yourself. This can be achieved in various ways, and for each person they will be different: for some it is enough to simply speak out, telling about their problem, for others they seek peace in their hobbies (knitting, drawing), and for others they splash out their emotions by breaking dishes. . Any business or activity that will lift your spirits and push stress into the background will be good, thereby allowing you to maintain your health.

In a situation where a person is unable to cope with his emotions on his own, it is recommended to seek help from a professional psychologist by visiting him or attending special psychological trainings dedicated to this problem.

In fact heat, caused by nervousness and deterioration in general well-being are not nearly as harmless as they may seem at first glance. The relationship between psychological problems diagnosed in humans and various disorders (including high body temperature) with the following ailments has been reliably proven:

Neurodermatitis, allergies;


Bronchial asthma;

Arterial hypertension;

Vegetative-vascular dystonia;

Irritable bowel syndrome;



Thus, having understood the question of Can the temperature rise due to nervousness?, and understanding what sad consequences this can have for the body, it is important to learn how to manage your emotional state and protect yourself from negative emotions. After all, it is psychological problems in a huge number of cases they are the reason, the impetus for the development of serious, sometimes even incompatible with life, diseases.