Can pregnant women drink cocoa? Is it worth drinking natural cocoa during pregnancy at different stages or not: why is it dangerous and how to choose a quality product

Debates about the benefits and harms of cocoa during pregnancy are ongoing.

Soluble pregnancy coffee substitute
Cocoa changes

This controversial product has both many beneficial properties and contraindications. Is it possible to consume cocoa during pregnancy, how much, in what form, for what period - only your attending physician can accurately answer.

Chocolate drink for stretch marks

Most safe way consuming cocoa during pregnancy is using bean oil to remove stretch marks. Stretch marks are scar changes in the skin. As a rule, they appear due to microtraumas of skin fibers on the chest, thighs, and abdomen during sudden, significant increases in volume.

Instant cocoa is a drink known to us since kindergarten.

Among in various ways To prevent and remove unsightly marks from the body, it is often recommended to use cocoa butter - it can save you from stretch marks during pregnancy. There are many cosmetic and massage creams based on this component, developed specifically for pregnant women.

However, it can also be consumed in its pure unrefined form - this is evidenced by the following properties of the oil:

  • cocoa butter is safe during pregnancy;
  • it is guaranteed to penetrate all layers of the skin;
  • the oil contains natural antioxidants that prevent the appearance of stretch marks;
  • it has regenerating properties, so it effectively fights stretch marks that have already appeared;
  • the product not only moisturizes the skin, but also tones and makes it elastic;
  • it can be used either separately or as part of various mixtures combining different properties.

To prevent stretch marks, it is enough to rub your skin after a shower with a piece of pure chocolate bean butter warmed in your palms.

Chocolate drink in the early stages

Experts do not see any contraindications for using bean oil for cosmetic purposes. Unfortunately, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to drink a drink made from beans during pregnancy is not so clear-cut.

This substance is extremely necessary for early stages gestation

Like any controversial and allergenic products, doctors advise consuming it in strictly limited quantities, keeping an eye on the body’s reaction. Most often, expectant mothers worry whether cocoa is harmful if they drink it while carrying a baby in the early stages.

These doubts are caused by the fact that this drink has a tonic effect, and therefore can cause uterine contractions, which will lead to miscarriage. However, this is only possible if you consume the chocolate drink in large quantities and without consulting a doctor.

At the same time, a cocoa drink in the first trimester can be quite beneficial:

  • the drink contains a lot of folic acid, necessary for the intrauterine development of the fetus in the early stages;
  • the high protein content also makes this product healthy;
  • chocolate is a great mood booster - and this can be very important because hormonal changes and toxicosis can cause depression in expectant mother.

Be sure to check with your doctor whether such a product is harmful to you, since only a specialist knows everything about the course of your situation and possible contraindications. If the doctor thinks that you should forget about the chocolate treat for a while, trust his opinion and do not risk your health.

How can you drink a drink while pregnant?

If there are no contraindications to eating chocolate beans, then you should find out how and in what quantities pregnant women can drink it.

There are few rules, and they will not be difficult to remember.

  1. You should not drink more than 3-4 cups of drink per week.
  2. It is better to prefer cocoa with milk - this will help replenish calcium deficiency.
  3. You need to drink a drink prepared at home from natural chocolate powder. It is not recommended to drink Nesquik cocoa during pregnancy.
  4. If uterine tone was often observed in the early stages, you should not consume cocoa during pregnancy before the 2nd trimester.

Another important rule: when choosing a powder for preparing a chocolate drink, be sure to read the composition of the product - it should not contain any additional additives.

Contraindications for use and risks

Powerful allergen

To confidently answer the question whether a woman can drink cocoa during pregnancy, you need to find out what contraindications this product has and what consequences its use can lead to.

  1. The main danger is an allergic reaction. Cocoa powder during pregnancy can not only cause a reaction in the expectant mother, but also cause allergies in the child, especially if you drink it in very large quantities.
  2. In addition, any chocolate products are strictly contraindicated for women with hypertension, as they tend to increase blood pressure.
  3. A pregnant woman's body needs a lot of calcium, and a chocolate drink interferes with its absorption. All this can lead to tooth decay, bone problems, and deterioration of hair and nails. Such consequences can also become a reason to refuse your favorite treat.

Good coffee substitute

The question often arises: is it possible to drink instant Nesquik during pregnancy? You should completely avoid it, since this powder contains unnatural components that increase the possibility of allergies and negative reactions of the body.

Traditional healing recipes

Popular wisdom tells us that it can be used in other ways. The products of processing aromatic beans have many beneficial properties, and some of them may be of interest to pregnant women.

  1. The oil of the product can be used to treat hemorrhoids - you need to lubricate the nodes with it for speedy tissue restoration.
  2. If you add butter to milk, this drink will help cope with cough.
  3. Masks with chocolate powder will help improve the condition of your skin and hair.
  4. If you do cold wraps with chocolate bean oil, you can reduce varicose veins.

In addition, during a cold, you can drink milk with cocoa butter during pregnancy. For a sore throat, the following recipe will be useful:

  • take a glass of fresh milk;
  • ½ teaspoon of aromatic oil;
  • 1 tbsp natural honey;
  • heat the milk, but do not bring to a boil;
  • add chocolate powder to hot milk;
  • add honey there;
  • stir until the ingredients are completely dissolved.


  1. Take hot.
  2. It is recommended to drink 1 glass 2-3 times a day.

During pregnancy, you can drink cocoa from the 1st to the 3rd trimester, but you must first make sure there are no allergies or other contraindications to its use. There is no need to abuse or completely abandon this tasty and healthy drink, the main thing is to stick to the golden mean and then no dangerous consequences you are not threatened.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

Cocoa - aromatic drink, loved by many since childhood. And, if before pregnancy a woman could treat herself to this drink at any time, now she has doubts about the safety of cocoa for the baby growing in her tummy.

Can an expectant mother drink cocoa, should it be added to baked goods, and will it harm the baby? The answers are in this material.

Everyone knows that cocoa is given to children in kindergarten and school. And for good reason. This drink is able to charge our body with energy, improves performance and is considered a stimulant of brain activity.

Cocoa contains many useful substances:

  • Zinc– promotes cell regeneration and renewal, supports in good condition hair and nails. In addition, it is a natural antioxidant that cleanses the body of toxins.
  • Iron– maintains the normal level of hemoglobin in the blood, performs the function of hematopoiesis.
  • Folic acidimportant element for fetal development. Participates in the creation of the nervous and circulatory system.
  • Epicatechtin– has a positive effect on brain function and slows down the aging process. Helps reduce the risk of diabetes, stroke, and heart attack by almost 10 percent.

Cocoa promotes the production of happiness hormones - endorphins, therefore it is considered one of the best antidepressants, which is recommended to drink when you feel low, despondent, or simply in a bad mood.

Use in an “interesting position”

Is it possible to drink cocoa during early and early pregnancy? later? You shouldn’t completely give up the aromatic drink in the first, second, or third trimester, but it should be used with caution.

Benefits of the drink

During pregnancy, many women become irritable and their mood often changes. Hormones are to blame for everything, and sometimes without a “dose of endorphins” it is very difficult to cope with the blues.

Here the aromatic drink comes to the aid of the expectant mother - because it contains phenylephylamine, which promotes the production of “happiness hormones”.

Just one cup of cocoa with milk will help you cheer up, lift your spirits and fill you with energy. Certainly, You shouldn’t drink cocoa every day, but 2-3 times a week is quite acceptable.

Cocoa, like coffee and tea, contains caffeine, but not a large number of. Moderate consumption of this drink helps increase blood pressure, which greatly helps expectant mothers who often suffer from low blood pressure.

Even in its raw form, cocoa powder is beneficial for pregnant women. When applied to the skin, it helps get rid of stretch marks, which, sooner or later, appear in all pregnant women.


Despite its usefulness, cocoa can also harm the body of mother and baby.

Ground cocoa beans are a strong allergen. Therefore, if a pregnant woman is prone to allergies, she should avoid this drink.

Also Cocoa has a bad effect on the absorption of calcium and provokes its leaching from the body. Calcium is an important element responsible for the development of bone tissue in the baby and the strength of the bones in the mother. With a lack of this element, the mother begins to have problems with teeth, nails and bones, and the baby may develop skeletal pathologies.

You should not consume cocoa if the mother has uterine tone, or if she has kidney disease or high blood pressure.

How to use?

The best option for pregnant women is to prepare a warm drink with milk.

In order not to harm your health, you should not drink too concentrated cocoa.– it is better to drink a small cup of drink diluted with milk.

You can use cocoa powder in making desserts and baked goods, but you should not overuse them, since flour and sweet foods are not very healthy for expectant mothers.

Cocoa is an approved product during pregnancy, which must be consumed very carefully. and only after consultation with a specialist, no more than 2-3 cups per week.

If during pregnancy you have increased sensitivity to foods or odors, you are prone to allergies or suffer from kidney disease or hypertension, it is better to eliminate cocoa from your diet completely.

Many women are accustomed to drinking coffee in the morning, but during pregnancy they have to give up this habit. The question often arises: is it possible to replace coffee with cocoa? Will this harm the health and development of the child? In this article we will talk about the benefits and harms of cocoa during pregnancy.

Is it possible to drink cocoa in early and late pregnancy?

For the first time, a drink made from the fruits of cocoa trees began to be consumed in America, but it could not be called particularly tasty. The cocoa beans were not processed in any way, they were brewed with boiling water, and the resulting mixture was cooled and drunk cold. It was only in the 19th century that cocoa powder was invented that could completely dissolve in hot milk or water.

Everyone knows beneficial features cocoa beans Cocoa stimulates brain activity, promotes concentration, strengthens the nervous system and immunity. After drinking a cup of cocoa, you can feel a surge of vigor and strength, an improvement in your mood, because cocoa beans contain a large amount of caffeine and theobromine.

At the beginning of pregnancy (1st trimester), you can drink a tasty drink, but under certain conditions. So, if a woman suffers from low blood pressure, experiences constant apathy, irritability, mood swings, then cocoa will become an excellent remedy to normalize both general and emotional state. However, you should not abuse the drink and drink it in unlimited quantities. It is enough to drink one cup of cocoa with milk a day, but only in the first half of the day. Particular caution should be exercised if the uterus has increased tone, because the drink causes it to contract, which can lead to miscarriage and subsequent complications. In this case, you will have to give up cocoa.

In the middle of the term (2nd trimester), a woman has an increased risk of vascular blockage due to an increase in blood viscosity. The child does not receive sufficient quantity oxygen, which is dangerous not only for its growth and development, but also threatens sudden termination of pregnancy. Cocoa, which thins the blood, will be an excellent prophylactic to prevent blood thickening.

In addition, the drink increases hemoglobin and saturates the woman’s body with iron, which is especially important for iron deficiency anemia. The substances contained in cocoa beans can give the skin elasticity and eliminate the appearance of stretch marks. Despite this, you should not drink more than 3 cups of cocoa per week during mid-pregnancy. It tends to leach calcium from bone tissue, which is unacceptable during the formation of the child’s skeleton.

The drink will bring the most benefit at the very end of pregnancy, when a woman experiences a constant feeling of hunger. Cocoa with milk not only dampens it, but also saturates the body with all useful substances. In addition, cocoa during pregnancy helps relieve swelling by getting rid of excess fluid.

The benefits of cocoa for pregnant women

Cocoa beans have a lot of useful qualities, they contain great amount vital substances and elements. Cocoa is of great benefit to pregnant women.

Bean composition:

  • calcium;
  • vitamins PP, E, A and B;
  • arginine;
  • serotonin;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • phenylethylamine;
  • iron;
  • tryptophan;
  • phosphorus;
  • folic acid;
  • potassium;
  • manganese;
  • polyphenols;
  • copper;
  • epicatechin.

For a pregnant woman, the intake of these substances into the body is extremely necessary. For example, zinc is involved in protein production and increases the immune system's defenses. Serotonin improves mood, stabilizes emotional mood, relieves depression, and iron is involved in the process of hematopoiesis. The effect of epicatechin is its antioxidant effect, strengthening and restoration of the meninges. Potassium ensures the functioning of the heart muscle, and folic acid – nervous system.

It is important to remember that cocoa is a very high-calorie drink, so you should not add a lot of sugar to it. Some women are interested: can regular cocoa be replaced with instant Nesquik? Most doctors are categorically against children's drink, because it contains a huge amount of sugar, as well as preservatives and flavorings. The latter significantly increase the risk of developing allergic reactions. You can drink Nesquik, but if you are not prone to allergies and not more than once a week.

Harm from cocoa

In addition to the obvious benefits, cocoa can cause serious harm to a pregnant woman. First of all, the drink is considered an allergen and can cause the development of diathesis not only in the woman herself, but also in the unborn child. One more good reason giving up cocoa results in high blood pressure.

Drinking the drink at the beginning and middle of pregnancy is dangerous due to the leaching of most of the calcium from the bone tissue. This is fraught not only with the development of osteoporosis, hair loss and brittle nails, but also interferes with the normal development and growth of the child. In addition, cocoa abuse increases uric acid levels, leading to joint inflammation. With gastritis, it accelerates the synthesis of gastric juice, causing not only discomfort, but also the risk of developing an ulcer.

Contraindications to drinking the drink

There are a number of contraindications to drinking the drink. In this case, you should not drink cocoa even occasionally, because the consequences can be completely unpredictable.

Absolute contraindications:

  • hypertension;
  • toxicosis in the last trimester;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • obesity;
  • pyelonephritis (chronic or acute);
  • food allergies;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • diabetes;
  • gout;
  • tachycardia.

Some experts believe that cocoa in the early stages is strictly contraindicated. However, others recommend including it in the diet, but in strictly limited quantities.

Pregnant women face many food restrictions. Many expectant mothers doubt whether they can drink cocoa or not, because this drink contains tonic components. It brings considerable benefits female body, saturates it with bioactive substances, improves emotional condition. The main thing is to drink cocoa during pregnancy carefully, without exceeding the recommended dosage.

Cocoa for pregnant women - is it possible or not?

Cocoa is a favorite delicacy of many women, which they do not want to give up even when carrying a child. Medical specialists are neutral about the use of the drink by pregnant patients and only point out the need to comply with the measure. You should also take into account the tolerability of the product by the body of a pregnant woman.

In the early stages

Cocoa during pregnancy brings considerable benefits due to the presence of bioactive compounds necessary for the body of both the mother and the developing embryo. It is especially useful to drink the drink in the first trimester in the following cases:

  1. Hypotension is a common occurrence in expectant mothers in the early stages of pregnancy. Cocoa contains substances that help normalize blood pressure.
  2. The first trimester in most women is accompanied by toxicosis. Because of this pathological condition loss of appetite. A chocolate drink with the addition of milk does not cause rejection when swallowed, while saturating the body with a large amount of nutrients.
  3. Emotional instability is another problem that often arises in the early period of pregnancy. Due to hormonal fluctuations, the state of the nervous system worsens, the young mother worries for no reason, panics, her mood changes by leaps and bounds. It is enough to drink a mug of sweet drink to ease the listed problems.

In the second trimester

In the 2nd trimester, you can drink a chocolate drink without fear, subject to moderation. The main thing is that the expectant mother must be sure that she is not allergic to the product. You can’t give up your favorite delicacy, it will have a negative impact on your emotional state, but abuse will not benefit the body.

If pregnancy is accompanied by increased uterine tone, then the inclusion of cocoa in the diet is permissible only in the second trimester.

What benefits does the drink bring during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy:

  1. The fetus in the womb becomes quite large and draws a lot from the mother’s body. nutrients. The mother needs high-quality and balanced nutrition, and cocoa is a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and bioactive compounds.
  2. The hot treat contains antioxidants that destroy and remove waste products from the body, reducing the impact of poor nutrition and unfavorable environmental conditions on the child developing in the womb.
  3. Cocoa is a rich supplier of unsaturated fatty acids. These compounds not only have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, slow down the manifestation of signs of skin aging, but also increase intellectual performance, strengthen joint tissues, prevent premature wear of the skeleton, and support the immune system.
  4. The zinc contained in the drink has a beneficial effect on metabolism, making the young mother less actively gaining fat mass. And the lower the weight, the easier it is to bear a growing fetus. Zinc is also necessary for the full development of the fetal reproductive organs.

As the baby grows in size, it consumes more and more calcium from the mother's body. And cocoa beans contain substances that inhibit the absorption of the mineral. Therefore, can pregnant women have cocoa - preferably with milk and in moderation.

In the third trimester

At the 3rd stage of gestation, the fetus gains resistance to possible irritants from food, so you can safely include a chocolate drink in your menu during pregnancy. How does the product affect the pregnant body:

  1. The substances it contains prevent the development of thrombosis, a common pathology in women with large bellies.
  2. The flavonoids present in the composition normalize metabolism, prevent cell abnormalities, improve blood circulation in the capillaries, which has a positive effect on intrauterine development child.
  3. Due to the content of folic acid, the product promotes active hemoglobin synthesis and improves blood composition in the mother's body.
  4. Cocoa during last stage pregnancy supports proper functioning of the heart muscle and vascular system, as it contains high concentrations of potassium. The mineral strengthens vascular walls, normalizes the water-salt balance, and as a result, swelling decreases, which is often observed in the later stages.
  5. Caffeine in cocoa is present in low concentrations, insufficient to cause harm to the fetus. But the alkaloid is useful for the mother’s body; during pregnancy, it maintains normal blood pressure, eliminates signs of hypotension, and keeps the body in good shape.

Is it possible for pregnant women to consume cocoa just before giving birth? Is it undesirable? Cocoa beans are an allergenic product. You should stop using it 3 weeks before giving birth. Otherwise, the likelihood of developing diathesis in a newborn baby will increase.


Whether pregnant women can drink a chocolate drink depends on many factors. Contraindications to including cocoa in the diet:

  1. Increased uterine tone. The product enhances the tone of the organ and constricts blood vessels.
  2. Pathologies of the kidneys and urinary system.
  3. Hypertension. Cocoa increases blood pressure.
  4. Tendency to food allergies.
  5. Overweight. The drink has a high calorie content, even if it does not contain milk and sugar.
  6. Joint pathologies.
  7. Diabetes.

The expectant mother should buy only high-quality real cocoa powder that does not contain flavorings, preservatives, sweeteners and other additional components.

You should not buy the advertised Nesquik drink. It contains no less vitamins and mineral elements than regular cocoa powder, but it contains components that are undesirable for the mother’s body and the developing child in the womb: high concentration sugar, salt, lecithin, flavoring additives, as well as maltodextrin, a thickener that has high glycemic index.

Nesquik is also high in calories; if consumed regularly, it can cause rapid weight gain and disruption of the digestive tract in a pregnant woman.

How cocoa affects women's bodies

Consumed cocoa supplies the body of the expectant mother with useful substances:

  • mineral elements - calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, selenium, zinc;
  • B vitamins – riboflavin, nicotinic and folic acid;
  • phylloquinone (vitamin K), which supports normal blood clotting;
  • phenylethylamine, which normalizes the emotional state;
  • epicatechin and other antioxidants.

This rich content of bioactive substances is responsible for the benefits of cocoa during pregnancy. Drink:

  1. Prevents the development of anemia, which many pregnant women experience.
  2. Accelerates cell regeneration. Improves the condition of the skin, hair, and nail plates.
  3. Promotes the full development of the nervous system of the embryo.
  4. Stimulates lipid metabolism, which normalizes the concentration of cholesterol in blood vessels.
  5. Tones the body. Increases intellectual performance, strengthens memory, eliminates the feeling of lethargy and drowsiness.
  6. Cleanses the body of free radicals and accumulated toxins that provoke the spread of malignant cells.
  7. Normalizes emotional and mental condition. Acts as an antidepressant.

Of particular benefit to a pregnant woman is phenylethylamine, a hormone that has a positive effect on the emotional state, causing a feeling of joy and love in the body. Therefore, cocoa during pregnancy for many women becomes a reliable way to get rid of anxiety, irritability, and depression.

What complications can cocoa cause?

Cocoa for pregnant women can be beneficial or harmful depending on the existing pathologies. Possible problems and complications associated with drinking the drink:

  1. Miscarriage with regular consumption of cocoa with high uterine tone.
  2. Exacerbation of renal pathologies.
  3. Deterioration of the condition of hair, nail plates, and tooth enamel due to calcium leaching.
  4. Allergic reaction.
  5. Increased blood pressure.
  6. Oxygen starvation of the fetus due to narrowing of the walls of blood vessels.

Acceptable consumption rate

Is frequent consumption of the drink acceptable during pregnancy? No. A pregnant woman should not drink more than 3-4 cups per week.

Cocoa is the favorite drink of many expectant mothers. If you are not allergic, you can safely drink it in all trimesters of pregnancy. The main thing is to take precautions so that a miscarriage does not occur or other unpleasant consequences arise.

Expectant mothers sometimes (or often) want to treat themselves to some tasty treat. But the question immediately arises: “Can I do this now?” So it is with the delicious drink of childhood - cocoa. If a woman loved this drink before interesting situation, then now doubts arise against our will. So, let's try to understand the benefits and harms of cocoa in general and during pregnancy.

How is cocoa beneficial during pregnancy?

Cocoa is a tree from the tropical zones of America. Nowadays, it is cultivated all over the world to obtain seeds that are used in cooking and medicine. Cocoa is included in medicines, cosmetics, dietary supplements.

Science has proven: this product contains more useful substances than green tea. The ancient Indians were the first to notice the beneficial properties of cocoa. They used it to fight diseases. Cocoa beans contain many antioxidants, which makes cocoa a preventative against many diseases, including human aging. The beans of this tree are useful for the brain, as a stimulant of creative activity, which is often used by people of creative professions. A piece of chocolate in the morning - and your brain is charged with creativity, and your body is filled with joy, since the product contains the joy hormone endorphin. Cocoa also reduces the amount of cholesterol. It contains many vitamins and minerals (zinc, iron), and has antibacterial properties. Doctors advise drinking cocoa prophylactic development of malignant neoplasms.

Cocoa also contains the antidepressant phenylephylamine. That is why after drinking a portion of the drink your soul becomes warmer.

As for pregnancy, cocoa contains both folic acid, which is needed by expectant mothers, and protein, which is necessary for the formation of the child’s body.

A cup of this drink invigorates. It can slightly increase blood pressure, which is usually low in pregnant women. The drink helps maintain skin elasticity, which is especially important before childbirth to prevent perineal ruptures.

Is it possible to drink cocoa during pregnancy?

Many expectant mothers consumed cocoa before pregnancy and continue to do so with the birth of a new life in their womb. Doctors cannot give a definite answer to the question of whether it is possible to drink cocoa during pregnancy. Of course you can, if in moderation. After all, restrictions on normal nutrition or a categorical ban on foods that a woman loved before will not bring any benefit. Measure and only measure! And a lot depends on individual tolerance.

Contraindications for use and risks

The main reason why doctors are wary of pregnant women consuming cocoa is allergies. Cocoa is a strong allergen. Considering that pregnancy increases the body's sensitivity to certain products and substances, there may be an allergic reaction to cocoa. This drink is also capable of flushing out the body. The use of caffeine in coffee, chocolate, and cocoa by expectant mothers can narrow the blood vessels of the uterus and thus lead to a decrease in fetal nutrition and a lack of oxygen. Caffeine also increases uterine tone. And these are the risks of miscarriage.

This drink is also contraindicated for high blood pressure in pregnant women. Cocoa interferes with the absorption of calcium in the body of the expectant mother in the required volume. In such cases, the fetus draws calcium from the mother’s body, which for her is fraught with deterioration in the condition of her teeth and bones. That's why to this useful product during pregnancy you need to be careful.

So, to drink or not to drink cocoa? This is not the way to ask a question to a pregnant woman. If you really want to, then a cup of the drink or half a cup a day will not lead to all the mentioned risks at once. Don't drink too much cocoa and listen to your body. And then everything will be great!

Especially for Elena TOLOCHIK