They don't give you promotions at work. Career growth: how to get promoted

You are hardworking, diligent and seem to be doing a good job. You've already become a little bored in your current place. It's time to think about expanding your powers, but for some reason your career has stalled. You are saddened to notice that employees younger than you or those who came to the company later have already advanced career ladder, and you remain in the same position. Why aren't you getting promoted?

The most common reasons for “downtime” in career growth:

Disregard for appearance. Whether we like it or not, we still meet people based on their clothes. You are a nonconformist and you think that appearance– empty? Then don't expect a promotion and don't be offended that you are not taken seriously. It is very difficult to take seriously a person who walks around with a sandwich stain on his trousers for a week. Subconsciously, management builds the following chain: if you are unable to even keep track of your own clothes, how can they trust you with an entire department? And what kind of face of the company will you be when you come to negotiations in these trousers with a stain?.. If you dream of a promotion and think that you have deserved it a long time ago, pay attention to your clothes and manners.

Nonverbal signals. By the way, about manners. They should not go against unspoken norms. If it’s common practice in your company or department to joke and joke around, don’t act like a fool. In most large companies, on the contrary, it is customary to wear the mask of a serious and businesslike person. In this case, you will put yourself in a losing position by appearing everywhere with a constant smile on your face. Psychologists say that subconsciously such a gesture can be considered as ingratiation, the behavior of a weak person.

Of course, a smile does not always mean that you are helpless. But to make sure that your style of behavior matches corporate culture– look at your more successful colleagues. If the most serious and focused ones are promoted the fastest, and you still remain in the same position you came to five years ago, perhaps your friendly smile and jokes are really not entirely out of place. If you're dreaming of advancement in your career, why not try on the mask of a slightly more serious and ambitious person? Conversely, if your department is fun, why not get involved? Of course, you can announce this and angrily reject such advice. But remember, do you always show your real feelings? For example, answering negatively to a friend’s question about whether those jeans make her look fat, or when your mother gives you the most complete nonsense for New Year, or when you smile when you meet an acquaintance whom you can’t stand? Life in society periodically requires wearing masks, this is normal.

They don't like complainers. The quickest way to dig yourself a hole in the workplace is to complain. Complain to your superiors that others are to blame for the problems that have occurred, complain to your colleagues in your department that your superiors do not value you, and complain to employees in other departments that you have to work with incompetent idiots. If you do this often enough and emotionally enough, you will not only not be promoted, but most likely will be fired. The fact is that a complaint is most often perceived as shifting responsibility. And there is a grain of common sense in this: if everything is really so bad in your current place, why did you come to it and why are you still staying? If not, why are you complaining?..

Personal life comes first. This mistake is peculiar primarily to women. It is in our nature to want to create a family, take care of our husbands, create a good atmosphere in the house and take care of our children. But times change and that's it more women dream of self-realization in the profession. This does not mean that you need to abandon your family and become a blue stocking. But if you want to combine your personal life and career growth, you will have to learn to be flexible - that is, switch between traditional “female” roles and the role of a company employee. When asking to leave work for personal reasons, do not tell in detail how seriously ill your child is (especially if the manager is a man); You can talk about this with your husband, mother or friend. Don't start telephone conversations in the office with the words: “Yes, kitty” or “Hello, dear.” If you leave your post earlier than usual because you are running, we do not recommend sharing this joy with your colleagues. They may not appreciate it. As does the manager, who will probably receive such news. Be more restrained, do not demonstrate at work that your personal life comes first. On the contrary, mention more often how important you think career growth is for a modern woman and how glad you are that you got into this company. At home you may be a wonderful wife and mother, but at work you are a professional.

A diligent performer. Probably the most common complaint is: “I work so hard, why don’t I get promoted?” Correct answer: that's why. No, no, no one is asking you to work halfheartedly to move up the career ladder. It’s just that they usually promote not those employees who do the job well, but those who, along with this, propose ways to optimize it, improve it, and move the company forward. But be careful: start with “innovation proposals” in the area for which you are responsible. Employees and heads of other departments are unlikely to be happy if you teach them to “work correctly.”

"The Hermit Syndrome." If you behave like a hermit crab, you are unlikely to be promoted, no matter how brilliantly you perform. If you are not capable of successful communications as equals, then how can you lead? Of course, you can argue that a boss does not need to be nice to his subordinates. You may not need to be nice, but you will have to communicate - and much more often than you had to do in the role of a performer. A boss with undeveloped communication skills is a disaster for the entire company. After all, you have to explain to the team what you want, motivate your employees, represent the company at meetings with partners and shareholders, conduct final stages interviews for key positions. It is impossible to do all this without a talent for communication and self-presentation. The solution for you is books about emotional intelligence and communication skills, as well as various psychological trainings, where you will be taught to open up and interact with other people.

Lack of feedback. Experts advise “keeping your finger on the pulse” - regularly talking to your boss. But first, it’s not about promotion, but about the effectiveness of your work. Do not hesitate to ask your direct manager from time to time to give you “feedback”: point out strengths and weak spots your activities and those areas in which it is worth developing. Not all bosses know how to do this on their own. Meanwhile, without knowing your superiors’ opinion about your work, you will not be able to ask for a promotion on time and in the right form. This strategy also has additional advantages: your manager will most likely appreciate your desire for self-improvement - especially if he sees real improvements. And perhaps he himself will offer you a higher position.

Silence or excessive insistence. There is definitely a need to talk about promotion. If you remain silent, most likely you will remain in the same place. But this must be done correctly - on time and with tact. Pay attention to how your predecessors handled this task. If possible, talk to them: maybe they already know the right approach To . It also happens that an employee is initially hired for a position with the prospect of a possible promotion. By following all the above tips, prove that you are worthy of him. But don’t trumpet on every corner how you dream about the speedy promotion that you were promised. IN best case scenario this will be perceived as bragging, at worst - as dissatisfaction with one’s place and pressure on management. Then there is a chance not only of not getting a new position, but also of losing the old one.

Development in the workplace is a natural process in which not only you, but also your superiors are interested. However, even the most diligent worker does not always succeed in achieving a promotion.

The site advises how to properly organize your development in a company and get a promotion, increase your salary or achieve empowerment.

6 ways to get promoted

1. Choose the right position

Choose a target position based on your real capabilities and the capabilities of the company. Do not think that you will learn the whole campaign - you must be ready for the position, and any superiors will follow up on this.

If you already feel cramped in your place, but don’t see any suitable positions, then continue to work towards a promotion as if this position exists. Now that businesses have begun to invest more in human capital, positions are often created for the employee so that the latter can prove even more effective with a new set of powers.

2. Learn new skills

In order to get the desired position now, you must satisfy all the points from the image of the candidate desired by the company. Logics “Once I get a position, then I’ll go Learn Engish » will not lead you to a promotion - you must know English, and only in this case will management consider your candidacy.

It will be useful to master even more skills than the person in this position currently has, or more than the boss wants to see. But don’t overdo it, otherwise your bosses will force you to sit in your place for some time, looking for something “even better” for you.
Of course, you need to tell your boss about all your new abilities, asking for the opportunity to work on new skills in practice.

3. Talk to your boss

It should know your intentions and see your steps towards achieving what you want. It will be useful to find out what you are missing directly from your superiors. Talk about your career plans. Your desire will be taken into account, and if the opportunity arises, you will make it easier for your superiors to decide on the appointment. If you can present yourself as a promising employee with ambitions, then you may be offered to take some courses at the company’s expense. Which will also be a step towards promotion.

4. Don't be indispensable in your position.

Many people, when seeking a promotion, try to give 200% in their current position. Thus, only showing your superiors that there is no one better in... your own place.

How to get a promotion

Do your job 100% and take another employee under your wing and start introducing him to the intricacies of your work. In this way, you will remove the stigma of being irreplaceable and will help your superiors in choosing and preparing a candidate to take your place.

In addition to your main job, try to take on more responsible tasks that are closer to the position for which you are applying. Don’t be afraid of responsibility; already at your workplace you will be able to demonstrate to your superiors your readiness for more serious work in a new position.

5. Take initiative

In order to demonstrate your readiness to perform at a higher level, you need to restructure your thinking. If issues of improving the work of the sales department are discussed at a meeting, then think like a manager, not like a cashier, and put forward proposals appropriate. The bosses need to see that you not only have the necessary skills, but also see the system new job generally.

When your bosses notice that you are already able to even look at your work “from above”, they themselves will think about your relocation up the career ladder .

6. Get your boss to like you

Unfortunately, all your professional achievements can be reduced to zero if your bosses simply don’t like you. Human factor and subjectivity of views sometimes play a decisive role, especially if someone else is applying for the desired position. There is logic in this too.

It is always easier for management to work with people with whom there is contact and teach them everything - to make them look like themselves, than to unsuccessfully try to find mutual language with a professional. Yes, in a large company the promotion and internal rotation process can be standardized and the impact of subjective assessment can be minimized.

However, not always. And not everyone works in such large companies. Therefore, without excessive flattery and ingratiation, try to find a common language with the one who will make the appointment or recommend you. Communicate, help this person, make sure he knows you well. Refrain from active self-promotion: this may show your boss that you are seeking his attention using such methods for personal gain. Nobody feels bad when they are used, even if we are talking about work now.

10 ways to get a salary increase

1. Stipulate an increase in salary in the contract

In some companies, this is normal practice to avoid unpleasant conversations about promotion. The contract fixes salary increases, say, twice a year by a certain amount, taking into account inflation. This is also useful for the company, because it will not have to revise some part of the budget because you unexpectedly asked for a well-deserved increase.

2. Find out who influences the decision on salary increases

The promotion process is often accompanied by the approval of several persons. And all your efforts will go down the drain if a person who doesn’t like you takes part in the process. It is better to establish the necessary relationships in advance.

3. Present to your boss objective reasons

Remember that you should start talking about salary only after kind words colleagues “How long can you work for pennies?”, “Go and ask!”, “Look how much they get paid in the other department, you’re worth more too.”, not worth it. You must have objective reasons to request a raise. They can become average salary specialists of your level in the market, the level of salaries in your company, your performance of the duties of a fired person.

In such a conversation, do not mention your personal reasons - the loan you took out, the birth of your daughter, etc. This is unprofessional and by and large Your boss shouldn't have to solve your personal problems. Also, do not trump the names of competitors: “But they pay more there”. Firstly, you don’t know the working conditions there, and secondly, management doesn’t like comparisons with competitors.

4. Talk about your objective merits

How to get a promotion

“I can do everything and I know everything” or "I've been working here for 10 years"- phrases that don’t say anything. Likewise, do not take credit for the execution of the plan or your other direct responsibilities. For this you get paid what you get paid.

By the time you talk about your salary, you should write down a list of your real merits - you saved the company money, you greatly exceeded the plan, you regularly take on additional workloads, help in staff training, etc. It’s better to illustrate all this with numbers.

5. Find out what will pay more for

You can subtly hint to your boss that want to earn more . If you are not sure of your absolute value for the company, in a conversation find out what needs to be done for the company in order to increase your importance and, accordingly, your salary to such and such a size. Give specific numbers. Here they can tell you what you need special education or increasing performance to a certain level.

In other words, you will know what is needed and then you will be able to appeal with this conversation when you achieve the desired result. Find out how much time you have for this in the future. After all, it may happen that your boss eventually responds to your request for a salary increase: “After all, this has been relevant for so long. Now everything has changed".

6. Determine exactly how much you want

Using vague wording “salary increase” or “salary increase” you can achieve an increase of a couple of hundred rubles. Justify the desired figure with objective indicators, and not with the fact that your expenses have increased or other personal reasons.

7. Give your boss a vision for your promotion.

This is the most effective way, since you practically do not give the boss any space for thinking and making excuses. However, this method is difficult to implement, especially in positions with a fixed amount of work and a fixed salary.

Calculate your incentive plan. For example, you increase labor productivity by 15%, thereby increasing the company's profit by 20% and asking for an increase of, say, 10%. Of course, all these numbers must be thought out. A competent boss will appreciate your logical business approach.

8. Select good time for conversation

How to get a promotion

It's good to talk about a promotion when you have achieved something very significant for the company or when the budget is planned for next year. In the latter case, this will be especially appropriate; you can argue that you value working for the company and want to know what awaits you in the next year. Plus, it is necessary to voice the reasons.

9. Talk about your departure.

This method is rather dubious and must be used very carefully so as not to be left with nothing. However, many studies show that this is the most popular argument when talking about raising wages in Russia. Popular, but is it correct?

If you are going to use this argument, you should already have a place where you can go with clearly defined conditions, or some other realistic option (I’ll go to another city to study and get a different profession, for example). Use this option when nothing else has helped you increase your earnings. The method only works if you are a valuable employee and would be difficult and/or expensive to replace.

10. Start rumors about looking for another job.

This method will also only work for valuable employees. It’s very easy to start rumors; you can either “accidentally” allow yourself to be caught browsing employment sites, or inadvertently ask one of your influential colleagues how much they are currently paying “there” or who the director of competitors is.

You can also ask the HR department about the procedure for dismissal or transfer to another department. It is likely that after this the boss himself will want to discuss the necessary issue with you.

2 ways to empower

Increased authority is always accompanied by an increase and sometimes an increase in salary, so all the above methods may be relevant in this section. If neither one nor the other is relevant for you, then use two simple tips.

1. Justify the need for expanded powers to your boss

Don't be shy to say that something is bothering you at work. For example, you could submit your reports faster, but you have to redo a lot of what they send you. If you had the authority to supervise someone's work, then you would fulfill your direct responsibilities faster and could even take on something else.

Or you ask for an assistant while you concentrate on another project that the company never has enough time for. It will be even cheaper for the company. Any boss is always in favor of improving labor procedures, but he simply may not know with what

You can and should talk about your promotion. Otherwise, you will lose value to your superiors. Value yourself, develop yourself and this will definitely have a positive impact on your career.


Star or workhorse? What is your career potential?

In this article you will read

  • How to understand which employee to promote to manager
  • What qualities of employees are valued at BDO Unicon Outsourcing
  • How to identify potential leaders

The Chinese manufacturer of smartphones and 3G modems Huawei, wanting to maintain flexibility and innovation, took an unconventional approach to the issue of promoting an employee. Since the fall of 2013, three top executives have taken turns leading the company, each for six months. Definitely find everything necessary qualities it is difficult in one person, so using three at once is a breakthrough solution, and it can be adopted Russian companies. But even in this case, the problem of selecting several leaders from large number candidates will not lose relevance.

I often ask my subordinates a conditional question: “Who’s going to the sand pit?”

Alexey Degtyarev, General Director of B2B-Center, Moscow

Several years ago we decided to open a branch in Minsk. The decision was made quickly, and none of the department heads said that it was impossible or too difficult. My employees did not ask unnecessary questions that would only delay the start of the project. We just got to work, and two months later the office was open. I’ll tell you about the qualities that, in my opinion, are necessary for candidates for leadership positions.

1. Willingness to change. A person must be able to defend his point of view, overcome the resistance of colleagues, management, competitors and achieve change for the better. Let me give you an example. Our Bryansk branch began with a telephone sales service. The deputy head of the economic department was assigned to organize it. The determining factors in the choice were people management skills and loyalty to the company’s values. For a month, the employee carefully prepared for the new role: she consulted with the commercial service on sales issues, and studied the operation of the electronic platform. As a result, a branch appeared, which today solves a number of important problems. The employee returned to Moscow and headed a new division. Her temporary absence from headquarters, in turn, allowed her subordinate to shine. At first, the economist who left for Bryansk supervised the work remotely, but then the need for this disappeared. So we raised another specialist who now works as deputy financial director.

2. Ability to accept bold decisions in conditions of uncertainty and bear responsibility for them. When the head of the HR department went on maternity leave, the company was growing and we needed a lot of specialists. The chief accountant became the new HR director. He knew the employees very well, understood the company's economics well, and could calculate any actions in the HR field from the point of view of business development and increasing labor productivity. The chief accountant had shown interest in the HR field before: he proposed new solutions taken from the experience of other companies. And he was ready to radically change his field of activity. At first, he sat on two chairs: he spent 80% of his efforts on HR, the rest on accounting. Soon his deputies in the accounting department could handle the entire volume of work on their own. Training and mentors from friendly companies helped the employee master a new specialty.

Mentoring as an ideal method for adapting newcomers to a team

3. Striving to achieve ambitious goals. The advantages of opening a Belarusian office were obvious: Minsk is a city with a population of one million, one of the centers of IT developments, where high level education, many universities, no language or customs barriers, reasonable salary level. But there were also problems: the jurisdiction of another state and, most importantly, higher tax rates. However, the heads of the accounting and legal departments found a solution that made it possible to tax the representative office in accordance with Russian legislation. This was mentioned in the international agreement between our countries, but there was no corresponding practice. We had to defend our right by corresponding with Russian and Belarusian ministries. The goal was ambitious, but our specialists did not give up. This decision became a legal precedent.

4. Initiative. One of our programmers at some point began preparing other candidates for promotion to pass exams based on the results of business training (its completion is mandatory for everyone who has subordinates). Nobody asked him to do this. He was the first to complete the training and decided to help his colleagues: engineers, accountants, economists. Now he is the head of a department that employs about 30 people. To bring out the right qualities in my subordinates, I give them challenging tasks that force them to step out of their comfort zone. I often half-jokingly ask: “Who’s going to the sand pit?” So, when moving the Bryansk office, it was necessary to make repairs in the new premises and, as a result, build interaction with the architect, find a contractor, and monitor his work. The branch director could not devote much time to this, and a young employee of the contact center volunteered to go “to the sand quarry.” After a successful move, we entrusted her with the implementation of a similar project in Minsk. After another six months, I was invited to the position of project manager in the development department. Today she is leading one of the key areas - the development of a CRM system.

Another example. After work we play football. One day in the fall it became clear that we did not have enough lighting. I went on vacation and only remembered this problem when I returned to my workplace. It turned out that our accountant had already agreed with the stadium administration to repair the lights through joint efforts. For little money the issue was resolved.

It is important that employees get along and understand their role in the business

Ekaterina Boytsova, HR Director, BDO Unicon Outsourcing, Moscow

Our company employs more than 300 specialists in the field of accounting and personnel records. There is a scale of seven grades and the criteria for compliance with each of them are strictly prescribed: 1–5 – specialist performers, 6–7 – managers. When there is a need to promote an employee to a position (grades 6–7), the assessment results obtained for assigning the fifth grade, as well as production indicators specialists fade into the background. The position of manager is given to those who have better developed communication and management competencies.

1. Participation in project work. Project management in our company is the first step towards a management position. When introducing technology or starting to serve a new client, you need to demonstrate the ability to listen and extract information, plan work (your own and that of your colleagues), predict risks, and give feedback. Project management skills are assessed by the manager and other specialists interacting with him.

Let me give you an example. Employees of the business development department search for customers, answer calls and letters, prepare commercial proposals, and after concluding a contract, they transfer the client to other departments that are involved in servicing him. One of the employees did not stop at the stage of concluding the contract and always maintained contact with the client for a long time, helping in solving emerging problems. Clients perceived this employee as their project manager. This was noticed by all participants in the process and heads of departments. Therefore, the employee was transferred to the project management department, and now he is already heading it, coordinating the largest and international projects.

KPI (key performance indicators). How to implement a KPI system in a company

2. Ability to get along with people. If an employee has up to 30 specialists under his command, then you need to be able to find an approach to everyone. If a person cannot establish communications with his closest colleagues, then no matter how highly qualified a specialist he is, he will not become a good leader. To assess this ability, we annually conduct a “360o” survey: we send out a questionnaire to all employees who interact with the person we are interested in, in which they can evaluate his communication skills and note his strengths and weaknesses. If we are talking about employees of the customer service department and the business development department, we ask clients to fill out their questionnaires as well. Reviews are stored along with complaints and thanks in the HR department.

3. The desire to be a mentor. It is customary in the company that a more experienced employee helps and trains a newcomer. Being a mentor is not an obligation, but an opportunity for everyone, and we also pay bonuses for teaching others. Mentor skills help you become a good manager. Let me give you an example. Specialist in personnel records She worked in the human resources department for several years. She used to be a teacher, so she enjoyed serving as a mentor. Even when employees were already working independently, they continued to turn to her for legal advice. As a result, the director of the department decided to create a new methodology department, making the popular mentor its head - there were so many questions for her.

4. Understanding your role in business processes. If an employee is not interested in the activities of other departments, does not ask questions, does not interact with people with whom contact is not implied by his direct responsibilities, then most likely he does not understand how the business as a whole works and is unlikely to become a leader. In our company, 70% of top managers and managers started in ordinary positions. For example, a commercial director - from the position of a secretary. She helped the accountant make entries, thereby demonstrating an interest in accounting work and a desire to help colleagues. Soon she moved to the sales department, and eventually headed it. Another example: the head of the company's largest production department began work as a courier.

How to identify the best employees

Arkady Khokhlov, Executive Director and co-founder of Fast and Shine, Moscow

Ideas for new business directions appear constantly, but there are not enough people who could lead them. Therefore, we begin the development of new projects only after identifying a suitable employee in the company. Future leaders are identified at interviews and meetings.

Interviews. The level of education is important to us. All employees of the management office have received or are receiving higher education, with 80% in the natural sciences or exact sciences. These are mostly graduates or students prestigious universities. Such universities teach how to solve assigned problems.

Traditional question at our interviews: which one is the most difficult task the applicant has completed in the past. For example, one employee who is now responsible for business planning, while still in his second year at Moscow State University, created local network. Through it, for a fee, he provided other students with video recordings of lectures and seminars (upon request, he went to the desired audience at the appointed time, put a video camera on the table and recorded the lecture, or hired students from other courses for this; then transmitted the recording over the created network). Six months ago, we opened our own taxi service, Banana Taxi (according to Yandex, today it is among the top ten among 600 services operating in Moscow in terms of the number of orders processed per day). This non-core business is run by that same student. Now he is a fourth-year student, but is already a full-fledged partner of our company (he has a share in the business).

How to conduct an interview: step-by-step algorithm

Meetings. Monthly meetings of all central office employees are an excellent tool for assessing the potential of subordinates. And that's why.

Each employee at the meeting agrees on certain tasks for the month or quarter. At the next meeting, you can see who completed their task and how.

Employees talk about their ideas, comment on the processes in which they are involved: what can be changed, how to increase efficiency. This way it becomes clear who is the initiator by nature and who is the executor.

Each employee of the management office must understand both his goals for the future and the company's strategy. The degree of this understanding is visible by how actively the manager is involved in the discussion of issues.

Example. The development strategy for mobile car washes initially implied the movement of specialists in branded cars. We assumed that the client would appreciate it if the washer arrived in a small, clean car with our logo. But at one of the meetings, an ordinary manager of the mobile car wash department put forward the idea that some of the specialists should still move to public transport. This significantly optimizes the costs of the field service and will not greatly affect the client’s attitude towards the type of transport the washer arrived in, since for customers something else is more important: the time of arrival of the specialist and the quality of the work performed. As a result, the manager received a promotion to leading specialist and came to our attention.

Complete collection and description: prayer for promotion at work for the spiritual life of a believer.

Many years of work in one company, fulfillment of all requirements and instructions from management, a loyal attitude - these factors are very rarely found, because people are constantly searching for themselves, in search of more income and better conditions labor. But there are still those who stick to one place, having proven themselves to be an excellent worker. Over many years of work, a person is treated with respect, but promotions up the career ladder are constantly disrupted.

There are those who stick to one place, having proven themselves to be excellent workers

Why do we need a conspiracy?

As soon as we are talking about a promotion, something happens: either the position was cut, or a person was hired “off the street” because he has more experience in this field, or a position was offered to a colleague, it is not entirely clear what the selection criteria were, or a relative director was very suitable for this vacancy. At such moments, it becomes clear that justice once again bypasses you and you give up out of hopelessness, demotivation comes into force.

To correct the “looming clouds” in this situation, you can turn to magical rituals. In many cases related to a promotion or salary increase, contacting higher powers.

Before reading a conspiracy for promotion or raise wages, be sure to listen to the recommendations of successful magicians and sorcerers who in their practice have encountered various situations with desired and undesirable results after the ceremony.

  1. Before starting the ceremony, think about whether there is any point in carrying it out, whether this company is the job of your dreams. Are you satisfied with everything except the promotion?
  2. Remember that magic does not like jokes and experiments. It is not worth carrying out ceremonies and rituals just out of interest, because the outcome can be sad.
  3. Read the ritual instructions. Find reviews about the consequences so that you don’t regret what you did later. Your salary will be increased, but job responsibilities will add a few more points - this is not exactly what you want.
  4. Do not read the plot for the position you want to get a short time for fun or to try your hand at this work.

More than one prayer and conspiracy will help you advance at work; to achieve the result you dream of, you need to choose the option that suits you 100%. To understand that a conspiracy is right for you, analyze the situation and rely on your intuition.

Conspiracies for successful work

A conspiracy to work can be carried out frequently; it will help you not only achieve positive results, but also enjoy the work atmosphere. There are many such conspiracies, among them you can choose the one that will help in your work.

  1. In the morning, when going to work, tear off a small amount of birch bark from the birch tree. Try to tear off in such a place that there is more white. When the sun rises, you need to read the following words seven times:

“I took it for good deeds, for promotion and approval. Not for evil and gossip, not for worsening, but for raising the working mood.”

This birch bark will become your amulet at work, place it in a fabric bag and always keep it in work time keep it with you.

  • On a blank sheet of paper in a box, write the words and carry them with you during working hours:

    “Strengthen my position, Lord, protect me from troubles, reward me with rewards and promotions. Be a talisman always with me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    It is advisable to write at midnight on the first five days of the new moon.

  • When going to work, you can read the plot three times:

    “My Guardian Angel, may the working day bring good luck, joy, and good news.”

    When you cross the threshold of an office or production (general front door), the following words should be read:

    “As I, servant of God (name), start my day at work, this is how I will spend it. Without conflicts and troubles, without quarrels and reprimands. With new achievements and praises. Amen".

    Write the words on a blank sheet of paper in a box and carry it with you during working hours.

    Conspiracy against the boss

    The boss is always above you, and the kind of relationship you develop with management greatly influences further promotion. It happens that the boss, as a person, is a very good person, but as a leader, he is picky and constantly goes into conflict, does not accept reports the first time and does not raise wages. There are many variants of conspiracies that need to be read before going to work in the first three days of the waxing moon.

    To make your boss softer and more humane towards you, read the spell before entering his office, before a planning meeting or meeting, or during a casual meeting in the office:

    “The lamb trembles before the wolf. The wolf avoids the lynx. And you, servant of God (name), treat me with respect and be afraid to offend and offend me. Amen".

    Conspiracy for career advancement

    There are always several candidates for a promising position in the company. Competitions for vacant positions are often held, and sometimes everything works out only by appointment of the boss. To win and get the desired position and the corresponding salary, magicians recommend certain rituals.

    • Write the competitor’s last name, first name, and patronymic seven times on a blank sheet of paper with a black marker. Cross out all the words with a straight line and whisper:

    “I conclude your decisions, deeds and thoughts. May all your wishes come true. Amen".

    Roll this sheet into a tube and place it in a glass container. Pour in vinegar and close the lid. Then go to a place where only you will be, face the west, and say the words loudly:

    “Always be behind me, in any matter, in any performance. I get all the awards, promotions and honors. I am taller and stronger in any endeavor. May it always be so."

    Throw glassware behind you over your left shoulder and return home or work. Don't talk to anyone along the way and don't look back under any circumstances.

  • On the appointed day of the interview, so that the whole process goes in your favor, read the spell:

    “The conversation and the case are moving forward in my favor, everything is for me Heavenly powers defend themselves. May there be good luck and reward for me, God’s servant, for my efforts and efforts. Amen".

    Read the spell three times. You can also repeat it just before the event - it won’t hurt.

  • In addition to conspiracies, professionals in magical affairs advise always having a black tourmaline stone with you. It functions as an amulet and provides the owner with protection from negativity and troubles, from an evil boss and restless gossips.

    And, of course, work hard, complete all tasks on time, prove yourself good employee and remember: “Patience and work will grind everything down!”

    • 12/11/2017 Anonymous I want to meet the buyer in person so that he can.
    • 12/10/2017 Maria I wonder if I will get my very first copy.
    • 12/09/2017 and the authors’ obscurantism is impressive. black magic devils.
    • 12/08/2017 Aki I want to kill God.

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    Orthodox Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help in business and work

    In the life of every adult there must be a favorite thing - work that generates income. It’s bad if the position you hold doesn’t give you pleasure and doesn’t satisfy your material needs, but it’s even worse when there’s no work at all.

    To ease their situation and get a job, people often turn to magic and read various conspiracies for work. For those who are categorically against the use of magic and those who are skeptical about witchcraft, I recommend using orthodox prayers. The prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for help in work and affairs showed itself on the good side and helped many.

    The following may be addressed to the saint in prayer:

    • people who are looking for work or want (for one reason or another) to change jobs;
    • people whose position in their current workplace is unstable due to the looming threat of layoffs or layoffs;
    • people wanting to get promoted;
    • students and young professionals who want to find a job and find their life purpose;
    • representatives dangerous professions: firefighters, truck drivers, builders, etc.

    You can pray to St. Nicholas not only for yourself - you can ask for your loved one– husband, son, daughter, brother, sister, parents and just friends, if their fate is not indifferent to you.

    Text of prayers

    In general, there are 2 popular prayers for work addressed to Nicholas:

    • One of them is used when a person is busy looking for a new position, or experiences some difficulties in the job he already holds or in his business.
    • The second goal is to help those who at work have suffered from the machinations of ill-wishers (and every person can have them).

    The first prayer goes like this:

    Text of the second prayer:

    These two sacred text you can use it at any time and any number of times - until St. Nicholas helps you cope with the problem that has arisen. Don't forget to thank the elder. This can be done through a prayer of gratitude.

    Prayer of thanksgiving

    The text of which is given below is usually read at dawn. Regarding the frequency of pronunciation special requirements no, but the Orthodox Church recommends thanking the saint either once a month (this will be enough), or at the moment when your problem with work is resolved.

    You need to express your gratitude to Saint Nicholas for your assistance using the following words:

    How to pray correctly?

    The day before you pray to Nicholas for help in business, be sure to visit church. Women should go to temple women's days(which are Wednesday, Friday and Saturday), for men it is preferable to do this on men's days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday). Place a candle in front of the icon of the saint in the temple and ask him to help you. Also buy one for your home. church candles and the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

    An important feature: on the day of visiting a place of worship, you cannot give alms to the poor or perform large purchases, spend large sums money, lend money. If you still need to visit the store, you need to pay for purchases paper bills, calculating them so as to be sure to get change.

    It is necessary to read prayers with lit church candles, in front of the icon of the elder. The environment should be quiet, calm and secluded. No one and nothing should distract you while reciting the sacred text.

    The fact that you turned to Nikolai Ugodnik for help cannot be spread about - at least until you get what you want. You should also not place all your hopes on prayer, but at this time remain inactive and not take any steps to improve the current situation. It is necessary to consider all possible solutions, draw up a clear action plan - only in this case will you receive the support of St. Nicholas and be able to get out of difficulties.

    1. You must have pectoral cross. In addition to it, you will need an icon of Nicholas, church candles, holy water and prosphora.
    2. You need to start saying your prayer with the morning ritual: cross yourself three times in front of the image of the saint, eat prosphora, wash it down with holy water, and say: “For the healing of soul and body” .
    3. Say a prayer without being distracted in the process. The clergy advise reading it every day at the same time. The duration of the ceremony is 40 days (even a day cannot be skipped). Usually within 40 days the problem with the work is resolved.
    4. Must be read in 40 days prayer of thanksgiving. You can give thanks in your own words, the main thing is that they are spoken sincerely, from the heart.

    Even when there is no trace left of the problem, one must not forget to thank the saint - this point applies not only to St. Nicholas the Pleasant, but, in general, to all saints. Only in this case will they always help you in difficult moments of life.

    For a long time I couldn’t find a job after university; work experience was required everywhere. My grandmother advised St. Nicholas the Wonderworker to pray (she is very devout and has taken me to church with her since my childhood). I followed her advice. Very soon I found a job I liked. I've been working there for 6 years and recently got a promotion. Saint Nicholas really works miracles!

    Thank you for the text of the prayer! 2 months ago I was laid off, I can’t find a permanent job, I’ve already had so many interviews... I’m completely desperate... I’ll pray to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

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    The unknown world of magic and esotericism

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    Strong prayer for success in work

    Most people are familiar with the feeling when it seems that a dark streak has begun in life, luck has turned treacherously, and all circumstances are working against the desired goal. This is especially unpleasant when it comes to the material basis of life. After all, as you know, it’s better to be sad with a full wallet. To correct the situation, you need to pull yourself together, be positive and start taking action. At the same time, you can seek support from above. A sincere prayer spoken with faith for success in work will definitely help. Especially for this purpose, below are some good examples.

    Prayer for success in business and work

    This prayer can be said in any difficult work-related situation. For example, for success in finding a suitable vacancy. Or if you want to advance your career. She is addressed to the holy martyr Tryphon. Therefore, it would be nice if you had his icon. However, this is not necessary. The main thing in prayer is sincerity and faith, and the accompanying attributes play a role in the psychological attunement to the process.

    “Oh, holy martyr of Christ Tryphon! Quick helper of Christians, I appeal to you and pray, looking at your holy image. Hear me, as you always hear the faithful who honor the memory of you and your sacred death. After all, you yourself, when dying, said that the one who, being in sadness and need, calls on you in his prayers, will be freed from all troubles, misfortunes and unfavorable circumstances. You freed the Roman Caesar from a demon and healed him from an illness, so hear me and help me, protecting me always and in everything. Become my assistant. Be my protection from evil demons and to the King of Heaven guiding star. Pray to God for me, may He have mercy on me with your prayers and give me joy and blessing in my work. May he remain by my side and bless what I have planned and increase my well-being, so that I work for the glory of his holy name! Amen!"

    Prayer before going to work

    Before the beginning working day It’s a good idea to ask for blessings and help from above. To do this, below is a prayer for good luck and success in work. Reading it every morning will help you in fulfilling your duties and prevent unpleasant events. Additionally, it can also be pronounced before business meeting and, in general, before particularly important and responsible events.

    “Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten son of the beginningless Father! You yourself said when you were among people on earth that “without me you cannot do anything.” Yes, my Lord, I believe with all my heart and with all my soul what you have said and I ask your blessing on my cause. Grant me to begin it without hindrance and to complete it safely for your glory. Amen!"

    Prayer after work

    When the workday ends, you should definitely thank God. This shows your appreciation and ensures more blessings in the future. remember, that strong prayer success in work becomes stronger not from what words you utter, but from the heart with which you approach the higher powers. If you treat the sky as a consumer, then you will have the same attitude from your colleagues and your clients. If you show sincere gratitude, then you will subsequently be treated the same way. Next words will help you express your gratitude to Heaven:

    “You who have filled my day and my work with blessing, O Jesus Christ, my Lord, I thank you with all my heart and offer you my praise as a sacrifice. My soul glorifies you, O God, my God, forever and ever. Amen!"

    Prayer for a successful career

    This prayer for success in work will bring you much more than you think you will get. The secret is that it implies not just well-being at work, but also a harmonious relationship professional activity and other areas of life. This is also a prayer for success, good luck in work and with your boss. After all, a comfortable atmosphere in the workplace depends not only on good work, but also on relationships with management, both business and purely human.

    "How Star of Bethlehem, may the wonderful spark of your protection, O Lord, enlighten my path and let my soul be filled with your good news! I, your son (daughter), call on you, God, to touch my destiny with your hand and guide my feet along the path of prosperity and good luck. Send down a blessing on me from heaven, God, and fill my life with new meaning and clear light, so that I may gain the strength of true life, success in today’s affairs and future works, and not know any obstacles under your blessing hand. Amen!"

    Prayer for good luck at work

    Sometimes it happens that everything seems to be fine, but just a little bit of luck is missing. The prayer for success in work, which is suggested below, will help correct the situation:

    “Lord God, heavenly father! You know what paths I should follow in order to bring good fruits of my labors. I humbly ask you, in your goodness, in the name of Jesus Christ, to direct my steps in your ways. Give me the opportunity to learn quickly and strive forward. Let me desire what you desire and leave what you dislike. Reward me with wisdom, clarity of mind and understanding of your will so that I can move towards you. Lead me to meet the right people, give me the necessary knowledge, help me always be in the right place at the right time. Do not allow me to deviate from your will in any way, and above all I ask you, through my labors, grow good fruit for the benefit of people and your glory. Amen!"

    Prayer for success in business and work to Saint George the Victorious

    The next prayer, like the first in our review, is dedicated not to the Lord, but to one of the saints. Great Martyr George is to whom the text of this prayer is addressed. You can also pray to St. George the Victorious for success in your work, especially if your profession is related to public service, since this saint of God is considered the patron saint of Russia.

    “Oh, holy martyr George, saint of the Lord, our warm intercessor and intercessor and always a quick helper in sorrows! Help me in my present labors, beg the Lord God to grant me his mercy and blessing, success and prosperity. Do not leave me without your protection and help. Help me resolve all problems and, to the greater glory of the Lord, ensure the success of my work, deliver me from quarrels, strife, deception, envious people, traitors and the anger of those in charge. I gratefully bless your memory forever and ever! Amen!"

    Career growth is considered to be a natural process, during which positions are replaced according to certain rules. In practice, this is far from the case. Belief in widespread myths and misconceptions causes people to be deceived in their expectations.

    You probably think that promotions are awarded for excellent work and these rewards are given absolutely fairly - in accordance with the merits of each employee. Advancement up the career ladder is considered to be a natural process, during which positions are replaced according to certain rules (like heirs to the royal throne). Despite its prevalence, this assumption is not entirely true.

    It is caused by our belief in justice. Good work, we believe, will always be noted and rewarded; a diligent employee cannot remain without encouragement. A boss who has received a promotion will not forget his loyal subordinates. Moreover, it is in the best interests of the organization to give everyone an equal chance to get a new position. Unfortunately, in practice this is far from the case. I make appointments based on other considerations.

    No, I don’t want to say that arbitrariness rules everything or that only flatterers who flatter the vanity of leaders get promoted. It is completely impossible to predict a new appointment, since each case has its own reasons. Only myths and misconceptions associated with job transfers are repeated, which is why people are so often deceived in their expectations.

    The first misconception: You need to fit the place

    In the recent past, this was indeed the case: the most competent employee was sought for the position. Everyone wanted to get a smart head. In the tumultuous third millennium, the laws changed. Now, if the right candidate is not found, the position is simply eliminated. Today, a completely different logic determines new appointments. It is not a person who is selected for a specific place, but a position created for a specific employee.

    My experience as a leader makes me welcome this trend. In our company, it is customary to resolve personnel issues in this way.

    It is difficult for me to imagine that a person with the same qualities as his predecessor will be appointed to the vacant position (the exception is only for lower positions, which require a constant set of skills). As a rule, there is no predecessor, no dismissal, no vacancy. The new appointment is due to the following reasons:

    1) the company is developing;

    2) an employee who is capable of performing more complex tasks appears in the field of view of management;

    3) a new position is created that involves expanding the range of responsibilities.

    Sometimes a new appointment has absolutely nothing to do with old job employee. It can’t even be called a promotion, but rather a new profession. In modern dynamic organizations, worthy people are not transferred to someone else's places, but new ones are created for them. You need to understand this for your own benefit. Hoping for a vacancy at the top is tantamount to waiting for a train that has been cancelled.

    Second misconception: The position goes to the most worthy

    Companies like to emphasize the equality of all applicants for a new position. In reality, behind every personnel decision there is personal sympathy. This is human nature.

    A family business will always be headed by a son, daughter, nephew or cousin. The boss will promote his protégé, the mentor will remember the ward. Even in the absence of close personal relationships, a leader will still have favorites. The boss will favor those with whom he has previously worked or who are patronized by senior management. When personnel moves, someone will always have an advantage. Let's say you're applying for a new position at the same time as other candidates. If you are not confident in your superiority, then you should not count on it.

    The third misconception: Leaders sympathize with those who are similar to them.

    There are some reasons for such a statement. Bosses actually hire and then promote people who are similar to them. The similarity concerns not only education or professional interests. Character traits, manner of dressing and speaking also become reasons for sympathy. However, forward-thinking leaders recognize that to benefit the business, they must diversify personnel composition: professional quality employees must be different. If all departments are filled with clones, the company will have quite predictable problems in the future.

    Expecting to get a higher position solely on the basis of similarities with your boss may fail, and you will be left behind by colleagues marching to a different tune.

    Fourth misconception: good workers always encourage

    Without a doubt, excellent work should be rewarded, but unfortunately, reality suggests otherwise. It is unlikely that the incompetence or bias of management is the reason for this. By not rewarding high-quality employees, companies are harming themselves.

    However, not everything is so simple, and personnel decisions are often influenced by a variety of circumstances. I have had appointments put off because it was too difficult to find an equivalent replacement. Sometimes the appointment was made because someone was available (say, a department merger occurred, a project was completed and valuable personnel were freed up).

    Each case is unique. Subjective factors must always be taken into account. Relying only on professional qualities, you can overestimate your capabilities and make mistakes in your career forecasts.

    Fifth misconception: Any purpose is good

    We cannot agree with this statement. After all, a position that does not correspond to a person’s qualities will have a detrimental effect on one’s career. There is a danger of not getting along well with the new environment. In addition, you may get a site where your predecessors were defeated. Why are you confident that you will be luckier? What measures will you take to avoid failure?

    And working in the quiet of an office is unlikely to be considered a successful career path if you previously actively communicated with clients and competitors. Now you will probably lose your business acumen. The disadvantages can be listed further. I think the point is clear. When receiving your next promotion, remember the saying: when the gods want to punish us, they fulfill our wishes.