Mate tea drink. Mate tea - what kind of tea it is, how to brew and drink, benefits and harm

Mate tea can be called the most exotic tea for our country. It belongs to ethnic teas, along with Brazilian catuaba tea, Argentine lapacho, and African rooibos. You can read many conflicting reviews about mate tea, which are dictated by the unusual properties of the drink. So what can you expect from mate tea, harm or benefit?

The indigenous population of Latin America shrouded this tea in numerous legends, believing that tea has magical properties. Mate can cause an unusual surge of strength and vigor, quench hunger and thirst. In the 16th century, missionaries bought the raw materials of unusual tea for next to nothing. By sending him to Europe, they made decent money. Sailors drank mate tea; during long sea voyages it saved them from severe fever and scurvy. He supported and invigorated travelers during their treks through the tropical forests.

For some time, tea was undeservedly forgotten. But in the 19th century, the plant Illex Paraguariensis was discovered. It began to be cultivated in Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay. From crushed shoots and leaves they began to make mate tea, which was produced in industrial quantities. On the South American continent it immediately became extremely popular.

Then a tea ceremony was invented using special utensils for mate: bombilla and calabash. The calabash was a pumpkin container, and the bombilla was a reed tube.

What is mate tea made from?

The raw materials for making mate tea are the shoots and leaves of the Paraguayan holly. The plant is found in the wild and is also cultivated on plantations. Holly can reach a height of 15 meters. It has serrated leaves and small greenish-white flowers.

The pickers take the branches of the plant and tear off the leaves from them. The raw materials are thoroughly dried. After this, the shoots and leaves are crushed to a powder. Tea good quality can be determined by the following parameters: the presence of dust, broken pieces of leaves and small remains of the stem is mandatory.

Chemical composition of mate tea

Holly leaves contain more than 190 different components. This discovery was made by scientists from the Pasteur Institute. Among the elements contained in tea are the following:

  • organic acids (isobutyric, isocaproic, isovaleric, resin);
  • vitamins (nicotinic acid, A, B, C, E);
  • bioflavonoids (quercetin, rutin);
  • tannins (tannin);
  • saponins (beta-amyrin);
  • macro- and microelements (manganese, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron).

Compared to classic green tea mate contains more antioxidants and alkaloids. Experts note that green tea contains caffeine, and mate contains mateine. It is similar in its effect to caffeine, but its effect on the human body is more gentle and gentle. Matein does not cause an increase in heart rate or overexcitation. The invigorating effect of caffeine lasts about three hours, and mateine ​​invigorates several times longer. Important advantage mate is that it does not cause sleep disturbances.

Beneficial properties of mate tea

Since ancient times, the Indians have used a drink made from holly for treatment. infectious diseases. Currently, mate tea is recommended for many diseases, the benefits of which have been proven by scientists.

  • Stimulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Has a diuretic effect.
  • Has antispasmodic properties.
  • Improves vascular permeability.
  • Speeds up metabolism.
  • Reduces appetite.
  • Improves heart function.
  • Helps cope with depression.

Contraindications and harms of mate tea

Carrying out research, scientists were convinced not only of useful properties ah tea, but also found that it can cause harm. People were examined who had been consuming mate in large quantities for many years. A connection has been discovered between the occurrence of certain types of cancer and tea intake. Scientists have concluded that heavy drinking of tea in combination with active smoking of tobacco and drinking alcoholic beverages becomes a catalyst for the growth of tumors.

Statistics have shown that the cause of cancer oral cavity it was that people drank tea too hot. The calabash from which the drink is drunk retains a high temperature for too long. This circumstance led to the occurrence of bladder diseases.

PAGs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonates) were found in tea. Their combination with alcohol, tobacco, fried meat creates favorable conditions for the development of tumors. Not recommended to drink a large number of hot drink, especially while drinking alcohol and during a feast. If you follow these rules and drink Paraguayan tea no more than two or three times a week, the tea will only benefit you.

How to make mate tea

There are some subtleties to brewing this tea. Brew it in the original container. It is called calabash, calabash. Previously, calabash was made from pumpkin, but now it is made from stainless materials, wood, and plastic. They differ in volume. There are calabashes of large volumes for big companies, there are small ones designed for enjoying a drink alone.

Mate connoisseurs, after purchasing calabash, prepare it for further use. Pour the tea mixture into the calabash and fill 2/3 of the volume with water. high temperature. The vessel is left for a day without covering it with a lid. After this, the mixture is poured out and the calabash is cleaned with a damp cloth.

The person who brews the tea is called a sevador. The art of cooking is sevar. Don't rush when brewing a drink. The tea leaves are poured into the calabash and poured cold water, leave for a while so that the tea leaves swell. Then a tube (bombilla) is inserted into the middle. On one side of this tube there is a strainer, on the other there is a mouthpiece. The tube is made of metal; previously it was made of bamboo. Add to container hot water. In two minutes you can enjoy the original taste of the drink. Tea can be re-brewed.

How to drink mate

For residents of South America, the process of drinking tea is a sacrament. It lasts almost two hours, usually takes place in a large friendly company, in a warm atmosphere. Mate tea is drunk in small sips, the liquid is drawn out through a straw from the very thick. The tea should not be allowed to ferment in the vessel. Otherwise, bitterness will form and the drink will become harmful. It is rare in tea, but ice, milk, and sugar are added. It is believed that the tea will fully open only after the fourth addition of hot water.

When drinking the drink daily, it is enough to rinse the calabash after use and keep it moist. If used rarely, the calabash and bombilla should be thoroughly washed and turned over to drain the water.

Paraguayan mate tea appeared in Russia relatively recently, but is already very popular. The taste of the aromatic tonic drink is reminiscent of both tea and coffee. However, it is not addictive. In terms of its antioxidant and tonic qualities, mate surpasses green tea. And all thanks to the fact that it contains more than 200 vitamins, microelements and other substances beneficial to the human body.

Composition and beneficial properties

Mate tea plant origin, therefore it is a dietary product. 100 grams contain only 5 calories, practically no fats and carbohydrates.

Scientists have conducted a number of studies and confirmed that the drink contains substances that benefit the body.

The following table lists the beneficial components of mate tea and their effects on humans:

Components Effect on the body
Caffeine, mateine, theophylline
  • tone;
  • increase muscle tone;
  • improve metabolism;
  • assist in vasodilation
Ursulic acid
  • exhibits a hemostatic effect;
  • restores water-salt balance
Rutin, quercetin
  • act as antioxidants;
  • protect against fungal diseases;
  • have an astringent effect
  • strengthens the nervous system;
  • develops memory and attention
  • relieves symptoms of inflammatory processes;
  • has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract
Beta carotene
  • reduces the manifestations of respiratory tract diseases;
  • protects skin from redness and irritation;
  • improves vision
Vitamin C
  • relieves inflammation;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • promotes rapid healing of wounds;
  • strengthens the immune system
Vitamin E
  • stimulates cell renewal;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • responsible for reproductive function;
  • relieves pain from burns
Vitamin P
  • improves the absorption of ascorbic acid;
  • regulates blood pressure
Vitamin B
  • relieves fatigue;
  • increases endurance;
  • stimulates brain function;
  • promotes bone formation;
  • improves heart function
Pantothenic acid
  • regulates the functioning of the neuromuscular system;
  • increases blood pressure
  • eliminates toxins;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • regulates protein and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • relieves fatigue
  • is necessary for insufficient hemoglobin levels;
  • supports the immune system

Thanks to such a rich and varied composition, mate tea has a beneficial effect on the human body as a whole, namely:

  • supplies a complex of all necessary substances for normal life;
  • keeps you alert for a long time (from 8 to 10 hours);
  • slows down the aging process;
  • helps fight extra pounds;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • stabilizes blood pressure;
  • removes toxic substances from the body;
  • counteracts depression, normalizes the emotional background;
  • improves intestinal function;
  • reduces dependence on smoking and alcohol;
  • maintains cholesterol at the desired level;
  • promotes the accumulation of phosphorus;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • has an antispasmodic effect.

Harm and contraindications

Along with numerous beneficial properties, this tonic drink can also cause harm to the body. It contains a large number of carcinogens that can stimulate the development of malignant tumors. Cancer of the mouth and esophagus is caused by the tradition of drinking mate tea very hot. Because of this, there is a possibility of developing bladder diseases.

A high content of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonates was found in the composition of mate. Therefore, the combination of drinking a large amount of Paraguayan tea with alcoholic beverages, tobacco or fried meat has a negative effect on the human body.

This tonic drink also has a number of contraindications. So, it should not be used:

  1. 1. People who suffer from kidney disease, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis.
  2. 2. Pregnant and lactating women.
  3. 3. People who are allergic to theophylline and theobromine.
  4. 4. Patients suffering from atherosclerosis.

Cooking method

The taste and medicinal qualities of the drink depend on how it is brewed.

You need to pour the tea leaves into a special bowl - calabash (aka calabash) - so as to fill 2/3 of the volume. Then shake the vessel and tilt it. This is done so that all the leaves accumulate against one wall. In the free space you need to install a tube with a filter - bombilla. After this, pour a small amount warm water with a temperature of 35–40 degrees and wait until the liquid is absorbed. Next, add hot water to the calabash (its temperature should be 70 degrees) to the brim. After a few minutes, the tea is ready to drink.

Mate – aromatic drink, non-addictive. Paraguayan tea has many medicinal properties and is recommended for use for various diseases. But before that, it is necessary to study and take into account the contraindications and harm that it can cause to health.

Some have only heard about it, others have already appreciated this magnificent, invigorating and good mood, drink. Mate tea, a heritage of the Indians of South America, has become a real gift for lovers of exotic drinks.

This is a fragrant drink that has a pronounced tonic effect. It is made from the dry collection of leaves and young shoots of the Paraguayan holly. This tall (up to 15 meters) shrub also grows in other countries of South America, but Indian tribes were the first to brew a drink from holly many hundreds of years ago.

Mate is a tonic drink with a high caffeine content.

Even then they noticed its beneficial properties. After drinking the tea, a surge of strength came and stomach ailments went away. The Indians gave the drink the name “Mate” (“Mate”), which means “a jug made of pumpkin” - it was in such vessels that tea was brewed and served in the past.

The habit of drinking Mate was adopted by travelers and conquerors who arrived on the continent. He provided them with invaluable assistance in combating the consequences of scurvy that occurred after long sea voyages.

The Spanish conquerors brought Mate to Europe. But the drink was not an acquired taste and did not immediately take root in European countries. Initially, it was used as a medicine to strengthen the body and combat anemia.

Today Mate tea is popular. Holly grows like natural conditions, and on specially created plantations, where the bush is cared for, and then the leaves and shoots are collected to make tea.

Chemical composition and calorie content of the drink

Mate tea contains alkaloids, tannins, iron, potassium, sodium, manganese, copper and magnesium. Also, those who drink Mate receive beta-carotene and vitamins C, B, P and E.

Tea to combat stress and colds.

100 g contains 151.8 kcal, as well as 13% proteins, 11.3% fats and no more than 2.5% carbohydrates.

Thus, Paraguayan tea can provide a person with many necessary substances. And it is simply amazingly tasty.

Health benefits of Mate tea:

One of the most common drinks on the planet.

This drink is truly invaluable:

  1. The benefits of Mate tea are used in the treatment of a number of diseases. First of all, it should be drunk by those who suffer from ailments of the digestive system - gastritis with increased acidity and heartburn, constipation.
  2. The drink can normalize blood pressure in hypertensive patients. It tones the walls of blood vessels and improves cerebral circulation.
  3. Cholesterol levels are reduced by drinking tea.
  4. A mild diuretic effect is also one of the beneficial properties of this tea.
  5. Mate is also used to strengthen the immune system. It helps a person gain strength after suffering serious illnesses.

It’s also worth considering that matein, which is part of tea, invigorates no worse than coffee.

What is useful for women

Drinking tea helps you lose extra pounds.

Women drink Mate to lose weight faster. It allows you to lose extra pounds, as it accelerates metabolic processes in the body. In addition, with regular consumption of this drink, diets are easier to tolerate, since it dulls the feeling of hunger.

Mate is also useful for heavy, painful menstruation.

Beneficial properties for men

Paraguayan tea is invaluable for men who can’t get rid of bad habits. It removes toxins from the body and reduces dependence on tobacco and alcohol. Thanks to tea, the body is renewed and cleansed.

Instructions for use

Mate tea is brewed in a slightly different way than regular black tea. You will have to acquire a calabash and a bombilla - special utensils that are close in properties to the authentic ones.

How to brew and drink Mate tea correctly

The best option is to brew this type of tea in a calabash. It is a special vessel, which can be purchased in stores selling various types tea. There you can also ask for a bombilla - an interesting tube with a filter.

  1. Mate tea is poured into a calabash. It should fill approximately two-thirds of the container's volume.
  2. The calabash is shaken and slightly tilted.
  3. Then a bombilla is installed in the vacant space, after which the vessel is placed on the table.
  4. Cold water is poured according to the line of the tube. It should also occupy two-thirds of the remaining space. The remaining third is filled with boiling water.
  5. After this, the tea is allowed to brew for 1-2 minutes.

In addition to this basic one, there are various other recipes for making Mate tea. You can serve it with milk or with milk. In the latter option, pour up to 5 tablespoons of tea into a liter of boiling milk, let it brew for a couple of minutes and only then drink it.

Instead of cold water You can use any sweet juices. Pour apple, peach, orange, pear or multifruit nectars into the calabash. It is also allowed to add cinnamon and ginger to the drink.

Having learned how to brew and drink Mate tea correctly, you understand that you have mastered a real art, which all lovers of this drink should definitely master.

You also need to know how to drink Paraguayan tea correctly. It is customary to slowly sip it from the container in which it was brewed, that is, from a calabash. It is categorically not recommended to leave the drink “for later” - it will begin to taste bitter, and the further you go, the more so.

Those who have taken the time to study the rules of brewing Mate tea remain faithful to this magnificent drink for many years.

Mate tea as a means for weight loss

Mate tea is included in many diets. If you simultaneously adhere to moderation in food and give the body physical activity, you can achieve excellent results. If all conditions are met, you can lose up to 4-5 kg ​​per month.

Regular use has a beneficial effect on the body.

To give Mate maximum effect, you need to drink it for at least a month. But no more than 1 liter per day. Otherwise, you can develop severe tachycardia and insomnia, because the drink contains caffeine.

Thanks to this tea, metabolic processes accelerate, which helps burn calories, break down and remove fat. The diuretic effect of the drink helps the body get rid of excess fluid.

Mate also dulls the feeling of hunger. A cup of tea instead of dinner or an afternoon snack - and you will feel great, quietly losing pounds.

To whom is the drink contraindicated, and what harm does it cause?

Before use, please read the contraindications.
  • These are small children and women expecting a child or breastfeeding.
  • Those who suffer from colds with high fever do not drink the drink either.
  • It is not advisable to use Mate for people who have stones in their gallbladder or kidneys, allergy sufferers and those who have an individual intolerance to this drink.
  • Those with a predisposition to cancer of the esophagus or lungs (inflammatory processes, heredity) are also better off avoiding regular consumption of Paraguayan tea.

How to store

Mate tea is a tonic drink made from a collection of herbs.

When choosing tea in a store, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. The country of origin is indicated on the packaging. It is best to buy tea made in Paraguay.
  2. Also look at the expiration date. The collection should not be old - it loses its aroma and properties over time.
  3. The best Mate tea is made from hand-picked leaves. It is not at all clear how this can be verified, but knowing this fact will not harm anyone.
  4. The most fragrant and tasty drink will be made from dry raw materials, which contains minimal amount shoots, and the maximum - leaves.
  5. The packaging must be undamaged.
  6. Tea may contain various additives. Which option to choose is a matter of taste.

To preserve tea for a long time, you should choose suitable containers for it. A tightly closed lid and sealed packaging will preserve the pleasant smell of Mate and prevent it from absorbing foreign impurities. It is recommended to keep tea in a dry place.

You should not buy such a herbal mixture hastily at the first retail outlet you come across. It’s better to go to specialized stores - there you can choose the tea you like best from several options, as well as purchase everything you need to brew it. And let tea drinking become a holiday for you!

Paraguayan holly mate has "the power of coffee, the health benefits of tea and the euphoria of chocolate" all in one drink. One of the six most commonly used stimulants in the world. Among coffee, tea, nuts, cola, cocoa and guarana, it triumphs as the most balanced, energy and nutrition provider.

Mate (Er-bah Mah-Tay) is made from natural caffeine and nutritious leaves of the famous South American tropical tree holly (Ilex Paraguariensis). For many centuries, in South America Ache Guayaki sipped mate made from traditional gourd for its rejuvenating effects.

Botanical name: Ilex Paraguariensis, Yerba Mate, Paraguayan Holly

The word "yerba" refers to leaves and means "plant" in Spanish, although the plant is not herbaceous. The conjugate plant is holly (pronounced "Matay" or "Mate" depending on sources) and it is a shrub when young and in natural rainforest conditions, growing into a tree 15-20 meters. When grown in the garden, it cannot reach this height and can be kept as a small tree or shrub. The graceful branches hold dark green, elongated “holly-like” leaves that have a tough, leathery appearance. The small, green or white flowers have four petals and give way to small, red fruits.

Young tree

Paraguayan holly is native to the subtropical regions of Paraguay, Bolivia, Uruguay, Brazil and Southeastern Argentina. Mate was first classified in 1895, but there are records of its use by the Guarani and Paraguayan Indians in the 16th century. It was then that Spanish researchers first reported that the Guaraní people, and the Tupi people of Brazil, brewed a drink that had the effect of “lifting tone and relieving fatigue.” The Spanish conquistadors were responsible for the discovery of significant trade route for raw materials, which eventually led to huge commercial supplies in modern times.

Growing conditions

Holly can sometimes be difficult to grow outside of its native South American environment. One of the difficulties is the need for seeds to pass through digestive system toucans. The plant has difficulty spreading because the seeds need stratification, or due to cold periods, and can take 2 months to a year to take shape to germinate. Propagation is best done by cuttings.

Tree plantation

In natural conditions, grows best in filtered sunlight under tall trees tropical forest. Rain forests have fertile soil enriched by continuous leaf fall and microbial and insect activity. Ideally, it prefers rich soils and wet conditions, so adding organic matter will be useful. Mate holly grows in subtropical areas where average rainfall is very high and temperatures range from 15-29 Celsius. You can often find them in their natural habitat, where they grow in streams and thrive at an altitude of 500 meters above sea level.

To control the tree's growth, you can trim the branches and maintain the plant as a taller shrub. The plant is best pruned every 1-3 years to keep it at 4-8 meters. It also increases yield and the ability to sprout new leaves.

For tea, yerba mate can also be grown in pots and indoors if weather conditions are not ideal for outdoor growing.

Culinary use

Mate is famous for its use as a stimulating, caffeinated drink in South America, where Mate bars are very popular. The drink based on it has great cultural significance and occupies the same position as coffee in the rest of the world. In Mate bars, the drink can be served flavored, with popular additives - burnt sugar, lemon juice and milk. Some brands combine herbs such as or add citrus fruits, which adds to the natural bitterness. In Brazil, the drink may be called "chimarao".

One of the tonics in local bars

There are many commercial mate tea drinks, some pure and others with additional flavors. There is even a non-carbonated low-alcohol drink. The natural aroma is described as bitter with a smoky, woody or herbal-vegetal tone. However, the plant is still commercially cultivated to produce more High Quality aromas of wild tropical forests. Mature plants grown in tropical forests have darker, emerald-colored leaves and higher nutrient content.

The caffeine content in mate is less than in coffee, but more than in tea, so it is a “Jitterfree” drink - which improves tone and contains antioxidants, and it is without side effects. The caffeine content is approximately 80 mg per cup, or twice that of tea, while coffee has 100-200 mg per cup. By comparison, guarana has significantly more caffeine than coffee.

dried leaves mate calabash silver bombilla

Traditionally, the drink is steamed and served in a large, hollowed out pumpkin. It is sipped through a reed straw, with a filter at the end to stop the leaves. Spanish word"mate" refers to the plant. Available data indicate that in Uruguay, average person consumes 9-10 kilograms per year. Men also chewed the leaves on long hikes to combat fatigue.

Simple home method preparations - traditionally preparations are made from leaves or tea infusion with 2-4 g of leaves per 150 ml. hot water.

Uses of Paraguayan holly for medicinal purposes

Holly leaves are high in many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The active components found in the leaves include caffeine, theobromine and theophylline. Compared to green tea, the mate drink contains significantly more antioxidants. However, every tea has different groups antioxidants, with different benefits, and they are not comparable. Some sources claim that holly contains mateine, not caffeine. Nevertheless, Scientific research confirmed the caffeine content of holly leaves.

Medicinal health benefits of Paraguayan holly (mate) include:

  • increased energy;
  • thermogenic (fat burning);
  • appetite suppressants;
  • blood purification;
  • memory improvement;
  • digestive stimulation;
  • as a pain reliever;
  • increases bile production;
  • as a mild laxative;
  • increases immunity;
  • promotes sweating.

There have been some preliminary studies showing benefits in the areas of fat burning, cardiovascular health, and DNA repair, but further research is needed for conclusive evidence.


Despite the positive effect, there is always a risk that too good drug can work in reverse. Overuse can cause restlessness, insomnia or headaches, and is best avoided by people who have heart disease, high blood pressure, or anxiety problems. Contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

There are indications that excessive consumption of the yerba mate drink may lead to cancer, including of the esophagus, mouth, pharynx, larynx and lungs. However, the risk depends on the dose and in the homeland of mate, drinks are drunk in huge quantities so it's hardly worth worrying about.

- This is a very tasty tonic drink containing a large amount of caffeine, prepared from the dried crushed leaves of the Paraguayan holly, which is also called “grass”. That's why the drink has this name.

The plant itself, the leaves of which are the main ingredient of this tea, is evergreen shrub, reaching a height of 15 meters and having a high distribution area in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. Holly usually grows wild or is grown on special plantations.

Meaning of the word "Mate" has interesting story. It comes from language ancient tribe Quechua means "gourd jug for drinks or food" The Guarani Indians, who inhabited what is now Paraguay and Brazil, used mate to treat heartburn and many other diseases, and also used sweet stevia leaves as a sweetener.

Beneficial properties of mate tea

In general, this drink is used as a means of helping to reduce the effects of depression and neuroses, and in turn, relieving such familiar symptoms as insomnia, fussiness, anxiety, nervousness and emotional imbalance. In fact, mate tea helps suppress the release of the hormone adrenaline. By drinking this drink, a person does not disrupt the sleep cycle.

Most people note that after drinking mate, they spend less time sleeping and get enough sleep faster. And this is due to the fact that the body simply plunges into the stage of deep sleep, relieving fatigue and tension. Tea is also recommended as an excellent tonic that improves digestion and liver function, as well as having a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. vascular system man and making our vessels clean and elastic.

If you use mate during a cold, you can get better faster, as it stimulates the immune system and resists diseases. This tea is a kind of “pantry of beneficial properties”, because it contains a huge variety of beneficial vitamins A and B, but are especially prevalent B1 and B2, as well as microelements, which are magnesium, sulfur, manganese, potassium and iron. Mate, in its composition, can be compared to ordinary tea. Although, when brewed strongly, this drink has a bitter taste.

Contraindications for Mate tea

Speaking about the benefits of this wonderful tea, I would like to note that it also has contraindications. For example, people with high acidity and kidney disease, and especially those prone to salt deposits (stones, sand), are not recommended to drink mate. Including children, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

How should you drink this unusual drink correctly?

Firstly, you need special dishes. Traditional dishes for preparing mate it is called calabaza. It is a small vessel in which mate is brewed and drunk. And another indispensable attribute for drinking tea is BOMBILLA. If translated literally, this is a “straw” through which mate is drunk (length 15-25 cm).

Secondly, the correct brewing of tea, consisting of 6 rather painstaking steps. And finally, thirdly, the tradition of drinking this tea. They drink mate slowly, trying to sip in small sips the very thick of the remaining tea from the bottom of the jug.

The infusion time for tea is from 30 seconds to 2 minutes, and it is during this time that you need to drink it, otherwise the mate begins to become very bitter. Mate is a tasty and unique drink with undoubted healing properties. Everyone should definitely try this wonderful Paraguayan tea and enjoy its extraordinary taste!