Queue for a beautiful life: a report from the MGIMO admissions committee. MGIMO - Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Took part in organizing and holding the annual popular procession “Immortal Regiment”. Every year, MGIMO volunteers take part in events on Red Square dedicated to the celebration of the Great Victory in World War II. This year, the guys accompanied and helped Veterans of the Great Patriotic War on the central grandstand of Red Square, the stands for guests of the procession and the media. As part of their work with the media, volunteers supported representatives of Channel One in accompanying and implementing live broadcasts at the starting point of the Immortal Regiment. Participation in this event helps preserve the historical heritage of our country, the memory of our ancestors and their great feat!

Today, activists provided linguistic and protocol support in organizing the opening ceremony of the international art exhibition “Ball in Art”, which launched the exhibition’s tour of a number of countries around the world. The final point of the exhibition will be Doha (Qatar) on the eve of the next FIFA World Cup 2022. The guests of honor at the opening ceremony of the art exhibition were: Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia G.B. Karasin, Rector of MGIMO Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia A.V. , Ex-chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation S.V. Stepashin, head of Rossotrudnichestvo E.V. Mitrofanova, coach of the Russian national football team S.S. Cherchesov, best scorer in the history of the Spartak club N.P. Simonyan, assistant to the Ambassador of the State of Qatar - host countries of the next championship, ambassadors of the countries of Europe, Latin America, Asia, the Middle East, Russian state, political and public figures, cultural, scientific and artistic figures. The exhibition presents more than 60 works by famous Russian and foreign artists dedicated to the vibrant world of football, its phenomenon, humanistic values ​​- works by artists from Russia, Japan, Italy, France, the USA, Switzerland, India, the Netherlands, Brazil and other countries. They dedicate their creativity to all football fans, athletes, coaches, this sports game that is loved and revered by billions of people on the planet. You can get acquainted with the exhibition's displays on the second floor of the MGIMO Cultural Center.

Information about the university

History of MGIMO

The Moscow State Institute of International Relations, founded in 1944, is considered the oldest center where international relations specialists were trained. By decision of the Council of People's Commissars (October 14, 1944), it was decided to create this educational institution from the international faculty of Moscow State University. After the opening, there were only three faculties at MGIMO: economics, international and legal. There were only 200 students in the First Enrollment, but since 1946 they began sending applicants from foreign countries to study.

In 1954 there was a connection with the MIV (Moscow Institute of Oriental Studies). As a result, the university had an oriental department and a unique Lazarevsky library, which was famous for its collection of oriental literature. In 1958, the Institute of Foreign Trade (established in 1934) became part of MGIMO. Thanks to this circumstance, the training of specialists in foreign economic activity has significantly increased, and the Faculty of Economics has expanded. In 1969, the Faculty of International Journalism and the Faculty of International Law were inaugurated at the Institute, and in 1991 - the Faculty of International Business and Business Administration.

In 1994, the Moscow State Institute of International Relations was deservedly awarded the status of a university. In 1998, the Faculty of Political Science was opened. In 2000, for better training of specialists in international cooperation, the International Institute of Energy Policy and Diplomacy was formed at the university. In 2011, the Institute of Foreign Economic Relations was transformed into the Faculty of Applied Economics and Commerce.

Studying at MGIMO today

Today, this higher educational institution is considered one of the leading professional humanitarian universities in Russia, where international affairs specialists are trained. The teaching staff of the university includes more than a thousand professors, 20 academicians, 150 doctors of science, more than 300 candidates of science and associate professors. Applicants have the opportunity to choose one of the faculties:

  • Faculty of International Relations;
  • International Institute for Energy Policy and Diplomacy;
  • Faculty of Political Science;
  • International Institute of Management;
  • Institute of European Law;
  • European Training Institute;
  • Faculty of International Journalism;
  • Faculty of Basic Training;
  • Institute of International Relations and Management;
  • Institute of Additional Professional Education;
  • Faculty of International Law;
  • Applied Economics and Commerce;

The institute offers the following forms of education: full-time and part-time (evening), full-time and part-time forms of education. MGIMO has already undergone a transition to a new, multi-level education system, which consists of 4-year training in selected bachelor's specialties. After a bachelor's degree, there is the opportunity to continue one's studies in a master's program to obtain the required master's degree. The university began training masters in 1994; today there are 48 special master’s programs in 13 areas. Also, after receiving a diploma of higher education, a student, if desired, can undergo postgraduate and doctoral studies, and postgraduate studies provide high-quality training of scientific personnel in 28 specialties; applicants are accepted on a competitive basis, if they have a higher education or any achievements in scientific work.

Additional opportunities for MGIMO students

A dormitory is provided for visiting applicants. The university has four dormitories with all the necessary amenities for living. For accommodation, you must submit the appropriate application when submitting documents (at the Admissions Committee); accommodation occurs after payment for accommodation. MGIMO hosts annual competitions for scholarships; in addition, students have the opportunity to receive various personalized scholarships, and teachers are provided with grants.

MGIMO has a military department, where hundreds of officers (military translators) have been trained in their specialty. This department was founded in 1944, the qualified specialists that graduate successfully perform their assigned tasks during the period of military service. For those wishing to become the holder of a second higher education, the university offers special programs to obtain the necessary knowledge. Today, career growth increasingly requires a diploma, so the university provides the opportunity to obtain a second higher education in the most popular areas - economics and law.

There is also the opportunity to obtain vocational education for persons who already have a higher education diploma. Training is conducted at the Institute of Further Professional Education; in addition, the European Training Institute conducts advanced training courses on economics, law and politics of the European Union. Upon completion of training, students are issued a state-issued certificate (or certificate).

The structure of the university includes 5 institutes, 8 faculties, there is also a School of Business and International Competencies, intensive training takes place in 20 language departments in 54 foreign languages. In 2013, this educational institution successfully passed international accreditation of all available educational programs.

The rector of the university is academician, doctor of sciences, professor Anatoly Vasilievich Torkunov, who has been performing these duties since 1992. In the BRICS ranking, MGIMO is among the top five universities in Russia. When conducting the study, the following criteria were taken into account: academic reputation, reviews and reputation among employers, the availability of an academic degree among teaching staff, the number of foreign students, etc.

The Moscow State Institute of International Relations made a significant contribution to the intensive development of the science of regional studies, international law and relations; many textbooks and scientific works were published. At the same time, MGIMO maintains partnerships with many educational institutions in the CIS and abroad. Thanks to this, specialists produced by this university are always in demand and employment does not cause complications.

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