Air purification from odor in cooking. Air purifiers for tobacco smoke

We always want to find the best for ourselves. If you are going to invest money, do so so as not to regret it later. This is especially important when choosing health products. How to choose the best? After all, it is not easy to feel the result of his work. For example, it is very easy to evaluate the performance of a vacuum cleaner, but how well an air purifier copes with pollution is only partly clear, because The most dangerous pollution cannot be seen by the human eye.

What qualities should the best air purifier have?

Definitely than more types the device can eliminate contaminants, the better it is, but at the same time important low level noise, low energy consumption, low cost of replacement filters, convenient operation, reliability and safety, pleasant appearance.

1. For many of us, when choosing a cleaner, the main problem that needs to be solved is dust. This means that the best air purifier should remove dust from the air as efficiently as possible. Air purifiers with HEPA filters do the best job of removing dust. In addition, the device must quickly move air through the filter, otherwise it will only clean most premises.

Conclusion 1: The best purifier should have a large area HEPA filter and high air velocity for fast dust removal.

Those. It is better to choose a device that will be designed for a room larger than where you are going to put it. Also pay attention to the air exchange rate of the selected device; it should be 1.5-2 times the volume of your room, so that all the air has time to be cleaned in an hour.

2. Finishing materials and furniture in modern housing and offices emit a lot of harmful chemicals that undermine human health. Various odors often arise from cooking, smoking, neighbors, pets, household chemicals. In an enclosed space, microbes, bacteria, mold, dust mites, which cause allergies and various diseases. Photocatalysis copes best with the problem of odors, microbes, and volatile chemicals.

Conclusion 2: A good air purifier should have a photocatalytic filter to remove odors, germs, and chemicals.

If the problem of dust is not an issue for you, it is important to get rid of only odors; you are not ready to bear the cost of purchasing replacement HEPA filters. In this case, an electrostatic air purifier will be optimal. needs to be decided in advance. If you are concerned about dust, choose a Nera filter; if you are concerned about odors, tobacco smoke, but not so much about dust, choose Electrostatic.

3. In a closed room, the air becomes “dead”, because... walled and the roof cannot be charged electrically by the sun, the earth, or lightning. In such a space, a person becomes lethargic and begins to get sick often. To prevent this from happening, choose .

Conclusion 3: The best purifier must have ionization to refresh and restore the natural qualities of the air necessary for human well-being.

4. The optimal device will be one that has several operating modes: powerful for quick cleaning when you leave the room, and its noise will not bother you; average when you are in the room, but the noise does not bother you; and almost inaudible - when you sleep.

But with convenient controls, not everything is so simple, because some people like to set different parameters manually, while others like to press one button and forget about everything. Therefore, the most preferable device is one that has both a manual and fully automatic mode, so that all members of your family are happy.

Conclusion 4: Optimally, the device should have several operating modes, incl. one very quiet no more than 20 dB, as well as manual and automatic control modes.

Considering all these parameters, the best air purifiers include the following:

AiC AP-1101/1103

AiC AP-1101/1103
  • Room area: up to 70 sq.m
  • HEPA filter top class H14 for fine dust and carbon for persistent odors
  • Air ionization
  • Power consumption 37 W (Max)
  • Fan with 5 speeds (1st speed noise 20 dB)
  • Night mode
  • Maximum air exchange rate 300 sq.m/hour

AiC CF-8500

AiC CF-8500
  • Room area: up to 40 sq. m
  • Pre-filter for coarse dust
  • HEPA filter class H14 for fine dust
  • Carbon filter - against odors
  • Photocatalytic filter and UV lamp against odors and germs
  • Air ionization
  • Power consumption 55 W
  • Fan with 3 speeds (29/38/48 dB)
  • Night mode
  • Filter replacement sensor

AiC XJ-3800A-1

AiC XJ-3800A-1
  • Room area: up to 50 sq.m
  • Pre-filter for coarse dust
  • Photocatalytic filter against odors and germs
  • Air ionization
  • Power consumption 80 W
  • Fan with 3 speeds (1st speed - noise 23 dB)
  • Maximum air exchange rate 360 ​​cubic meters/hour
  • Manual and automatic control
  • Air pollution sensors, remote control, filter replacement sensors, timer

AiC KJF ​​20B06

AiC KJF ​​20B06
  • Room area: up to 40 sq.m
  • Pre-filter for coarse dust
  • HEPA filter for fine dust and carbon filter for persistent odors
  • Photocatalytic filter against odors and germs
  • Air ionization
  • Quiet fan with 3 speeds
  • Power consumption 50 W
  • Remote control, timer

The best choice without replaceable filters:

AiC XJ-3500

AiC XJ-3500
  • Room area: up to 85 sq.m
  • UV lamp for odors and germs
  • Air ionization
  • 3 operating modes
  • Maximum air exchange rate 210 m³/hour
  • Timer for 1-7 hours. Remote control
  • Power consumption 25 W

Super Plus Bio

  • Room area: up to 40 sq.m
  • Electrostatic filter that does not require replacement
  • Two ozonation modes from odors and germs
  • Air ionization
  • Three silent modes
  • Power consumption 9.5 W

Maxion LTK-388

Maxion LTK-388
  • Room area: up to 30 m²
  • Electrostatic filter - does not require replacement
  • UV lamp against odors and germs, switchable independently of other functions
  • Special filter that converts ozone into oxygen
  • Air ionization
  • Two silent operating modes
  • Power consumption - 10 W

If the problem of odors is not very pressing, but humidification of the air is necessary, then the best air purifier may be an air washer. The sinks humidify the air well due to the large surface of the constantly wetted plates and clean it by driving it through " water bath", while dust and other contaminants stick to the plates and are washed off with water while the drum moves. Washers are worse at removing dust and other allergens than air purifiers with HEPA filters; they can only eliminate unstable odors; they cannot cope with chemical compounds, but also have serious advantages.

To effectively combat unpleasant odors, you need a special set of filters in your air purifier. Devices that effectively combat odors include:

  • photocatalytic filter;
  • carbon filter;
  • ozonation function.

Let's take a closer look at the operating principle and effectiveness of each of them.

Photocatalytic filter

This filter involves the operation of two elements: the filter plate and ultraviolet lamp. Titanium dioxide is applied to the photocatalytic filter, which, in combination with a UV lamp shining on it, forms natural oxidizing agents (ozone). The filter operates at the molecular level: by contacting pollutant molecules, it decomposes them into simple, safe compounds. The following molecules are affected by ozone:

  • toxic substances (paint, varnishes, formaldehyde, tobacco smoke);
  • viruses;
  • bacteria;
  • dust mite;
  • fungi.

The release of ozone during operation of a photocatalytic filter occurs within normal limits and allows for round-the-clock use of this filter when people are in the room, which cannot be said about an air ozonizer.

Since the coating of the photocatalytic filter does not deteriorate over time, it does not require replacement. Only the UV lamp burns out and is replaced every 1-2 years. The cost of an ultraviolet lamp, depending on its size, is 350-500 rubles, which makes the photocatalytic filter one of the most economical.

Carbon filter

Detains unpleasant odors and tobacco smoke. Suitable for homes where air purification is only periodically required. strong odors. With frequent contamination, such as smoking, the filter will quickly lose its original filtration ability and will need to be replaced. It almost never comes as a separate filter, but is located in the same block with a HEPA filter and a pre-filter.

Ozonation function

One of the best ways To get rid of any air pollution (except mechanical) is ozonation. The operating principle boils down to the release of large doses of ozone into the room. Ozone binds and breaks down all contaminants that come its way. The principle of such air purification is similar to a photocatalytic filter, but the efficiency is 5-6 times higher, due to the fact that ozone is distributed throughout the room and can eliminate even stagnant and ingrained odors. Simple ventilation will not remove odors and microorganisms from upholstered furniture, wallpaper, and household items as ozonation will do.

During ozonation, a person should not be indoors, as there is a level of ozone dangerous to health in the air. After ozonation, it is necessary to ventilate the room so that the smell of ozone disappears completely.

Some air purifiers contain all the declared purifying filters at once. Examples of air purifiers with a set of functions for removing odor from the air: Atmos Maxi-200, AIC AP1101/AP1103, Daikin MC707VM, Super-Plus-Turbo, etc.

In addition to having the stated filters, the air purifier must be powerful enough to quickly rid the room of odor. For better cleaning, it is worth choosing devices where the volume of the room being cleaned will be slightly larger than the volume of the room in which the purifier is to be installed.

Any adult and educated person knows that the air in the city is not only far from natural purity, but is also sometimes dangerous to health. And in order to protect against it, at least at home, we use special equipment. How not to get lost in the variety of gadgets and choose the best air purifier? Let's look at everything in order.

Clean air in the home can be considered a basic physiological need. And if you don't live in a clean suburb or at least near a park, then most likely you need an air purifier. Modern manufacturers create and modify such devices in huge quantities, adding the necessary (or not?) functions of ultrasound, ionization, humidification, and so on, ad infinitum, changing the shapes, sizes and number of filters, thus completely confusing the buyer. Let's figure out what air purifiers exist now and what they are needed for.

There are no fewer myths in the field of air purification now than in show business :) But for the most part, all air purifiers consist of a fan, which drives this very air through the gadget, and a filter system. And it is in the latter that all the differences begin. To begin with, let’s divide all cleaning systems into two types:

  • aquatic;
  • dry.

They most often try to combine an air purifier for an apartment with a humidifier, which has already created some confusion between these devices. However, a conventional humidifier does not purify the air, but only fills it with moisture, and of such devices, only an air washer can bear the proud title of “air purifier”. This type of home air purifier actually “washes” the air by passing it through water curtain. At the same time, under the influence of water, dust and other small pollutants in the air settle on the washing discs. Air purification using washing occurs along with humidification, which adds to the popularity of these gadgets. All air washers work on the same principle and differ in size, fan power and availability. additional functions. Air disinfection is most often introduced into the sink. In addition to the desire to introduce as many functions as possible that are attractive to the buyer, in this case, manufacturers are also guided by the principle of compensation - the fact is that the humid environment formed in sinks is very favorable for the growth of bacteria, harmful microorganisms and fungi; the sink must be constantly looked after and cleaned it so that unexpected guests do not settle in the device.
Therefore, such an air purification system is often supplemented with a UV lamp for safety. We have already discussed how safe this technology is in another article.
In addition, the sinks themselves work quite sedately and calmly; you should not expect them to quickly clean the room, remove odors and the smallest particles of pollutants and allergens.

Model Description pros Minuses Price
Venta LW25 Designed for a room up to 40 square meters. meters. The sink operates without replaceable filters, the entire cleaning system is washable. For work you can use plain water, the reservoir for which is 7 liters, as well as flavored additives. Protection against bacteria is provided by the Venta-Hygienemittel system. No consumables required.
Doesn't leave limescale on furniture.
Easy to care for.
Auto shut off without water.
Possibility of connecting a humidity level sensor.
High noise level at maximum speed. From 23,000 R
Winia AWI-40 The Korean car wash can also serve up to 40 square meters and has a 7 liter tank. Its features include the function of automatically maintaining the humidity level, five operating modes, 3D discs with antibacterial coating. The sink also has an ionization function, implemented through replaceable ionizing filters. Easy to care for.
Humidity level control.
Antibacterial coating of discs.
High humidification efficiency.
Replaceable ionizing filters.
High noise level.
Inaccurate gyrostat.
Difficult to find in stores.
From 15,000 R
Boneco W2055DR A simple air cleaner designed for a room up to 50 square meters. meters and 7 liters of water. It is possible to monitor the current humidity level and set the desired one. You can use flavorings, there is an ionizing rod, which can also function as protection against bacteria, which, in our opinion, is very doubtful. Two operating speeds.
Electronic hygrometer.
Automatic maintenance of humidity level.
Indication of the level of contamination of the device.
Weak antibacterial protection.
Large dimensions.
Quite labor-intensive cleaning of the sink.
From 25,000 R

If we talk about cleaning the air from dust, allergens and odors without the participation of water, then the choice of gadgets becomes many times larger. The devices differ in size, performance, design, and most importantly, what air purification filters are inside and how many there are. But for the most part, all devices of this type have high power and can quickly purify the air in the room. Dry cleaning systems include a more powerful fan that forcefully draws air from the room and forces it through the filtration system. The main types of filters found in such systems are:

  • Coarse air filter. Typically a mesh or porous material that can trap large contaminants, such as dust bunnies or animal hair.
  • Filters fine cleaning. They usually look like a fabric or paper material folded like an accordion. The filter material has many pores, which, due to an unusual bend, overlap each other, forming a fine-mesh non-linear sieve. Such filters trap dust particles and most allergens.
  • HEPA filters. Today, such filters are the most effective for air purification. They trap even the smallest and most dangerous pollutant particles, such as PM2.5, tiny allergens such as dust mite secretions, and so on. Taking all this into account, a HEPA filter for air in an apartment is necessary; without it, the entire cleaning system will be incomplete. We have already described the technology of their operation in detail in this article.
  • AK filter, also known as adsorption-catalytic filter. If, in addition to dust, allergens and harmful particles, you want to protect yourself from unpleasant odors, then the air purification system in your apartment must include such a filter. Inside the filter is special material, which literally “draws” gas molecules into itself and securely locks them inside. Some manufacturers make variations of the AK filter, for example, standard and enhanced, if the sources of unpleasant odor are very strong or are too close to the room. Carbon and photocatalytic filters perform the same functions.

The best air purifier for an apartment, of course, will contain both filters to clean the air from dust and protection from allergens, harmful particles and unpleasant odors. Most often, the disadvantages of such devices include energy consumption and noise levels. In fact, a high-quality air purifier consumes no more energy than other household appliances (and often several times less), and the noise created by the gadget is of an aerodynamic nature, caused by the passage of air through the filter system. However, with the help of new technologies and materials, some models have gotten rid of this noise and now work so quietly that sometimes questions arise as to whether the device is turned on at all :)

Who cares: additional functions in air purifiers

When choosing which air purifier is best for your home, people usually pay attention not only to the number of filters, but also to additional features. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Function Purpose Principle of operation
Ionization Saturation of the air with useful, according to the manufacturer, negatively and positively charged ions. Ionization is a rather debated process, and there is currently no single authoritative opinion on it. Some say that ions are practically a panacea, others call them dangerous for humans. We examined this process in detail in another, and taking into account all the features and possible side effects, for ionization it is best to use a separate gadget with an adjustable operating time.
Aromatization Air filling pleasant aromas through the use of aromatic liquids. Aromatization works on the principle of an air freshener, spraying a concentrated fragrance in liquid or gaseous form into the room. How rational it is to add aromatization to an air purifier is an open question, since a filter for air purification in an apartment often includes odor removal, which means the air purifier itself will eliminate the work of the aromatizer.
Hydration Saturation of air with water vapor. Humidification is one of the most popular additional features in air purifiers. On the one hand, air humidity is very important for normal operation. human body, and it is necessary to maintain it at normal levels, on the other hand, creating a humid environment near the filters of the purifier is short-sighted, since this is where all the harmful microorganisms gather, which, if a suitable environment is created, can begin to actively multiply and actually turn the purifier into a source of infection.

Air disinfection is most often confused with air purification. It represents the destruction of pathogenic bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms and, perhaps, this function is worth dwelling on separately. Air disinfection is most relevant in the medical field, but it can also be very useful in everyday life. Even the best quality home air filter can capture harmful microorganisms, but does not destroy them. In modern air purifiers, two methods of air disinfection are most often used:

  • Photocatalytic filter with UV lamp. Photocatalysis and UV radiation have been used together for quite a long time, allowing them to solve two problems at once - unpleasant odors and the destruction of microorganisms. Unfortunately, the age of this technology has also become its main problem - now many viruses and bacteria are already resistant to UV radiation, and such irradiation itself is not always safe for humans. We have already examined UV lamps and their scope of application in detail in another; now there is no point in retelling the entire history of this issue. If you are using an air purifier with a UV lamp, strictly follow the instructions for use.
  • Inactivation of microorganisms. Modern technology, which deprives all pathogens of the ability to reproduce, inactivating them with ozone produced inside the device. Thus, the purifier and air disinfectant complement each other: HEPA filters trap pests, and the disinfection system immediately inactivates them, leaving the air purifier itself sterile. At the same time, filters are provided to decompose the ozone created in the device, so that additional ozonation does not occur in the room. Now inactivation is implemented only in a few models, for example in Tion air, but we believe that the future lies with this technology and will soon be used to protect their health in every home.

Also, if we talk about multifunctional gadgets with air purification, we cannot fail to mention. These devices provide constant influx fresh air at closed windows, cleaning it using three levels of filtration - protection from large dust, thorough cleaning from the smallest harmful particles and allergens with a HEPA filter of at least H11 class, retention of molecules of harmful gases and unpleasant odors. In addition, the breather heats the air to the selected temperature and automatically maintains it. The most advanced models are connected to the MagicAir smart microclimate system and automatically regulate the supply of fresh air in the house. In addition, there are models with a recirculation mode, in which the air that is already in the room is quietly purified and heated, that is, one device immediately performs the functions

In any apartment where there is a smoker, there is always a recreation area in which the concentration of cigarette smoke is increased. To change the situation in better side use an air purifier to remove tobacco smoke.

The composition of cigarette smoke includes up to 4 thousand components, the vast majority of which cause irreparable harm not only to smokers themselves, but also to people who are forced to stay in a room saturated with tobacco smoke.

Constantly staying in an apartment where people smoke often can cause lung cancer, heart attack, bronchitis, not to mention an allergy to smoke. If you do not disinfect the air in your apartment in a timely manner, then a visit to the hospital is not far off.

When you don't have enough willpower to quit smoking, you need to use an air purifier. It will help reduce several times Negative consequences from smoking. Such devices effectively neutralize harmful volatile components and fatal toxins that are found in tobacco smoke.

Productive operation of the air purifier protects furniture and room decoration from the smell of tobacco. Unfortunately, there is no such device that could completely eliminate all types of impurities in the atmosphere, but good air purifier obliged to reduce them to a minimum level.

The basic principle of operation of anti-tobacco devices is the repeated passage of room air through special filter systems.

Such a household appliance consists of two main parts:

  • a fan that sucks air from the room;
  • a block of filters, each of which has its own function and degree of purification.

The fan passes air from the room through itself and directs it to a set of filters. Leaving harmful substances on the filters, clean air flows back into the room.

In more modern devices There are ionizers that disinfect the exhaust air.

Filtration itself can be divided into three stages:

  1. Pre-cleaning phase. At this stage, the air flow leaves the largest particles of harmful substances on the inlet pre-filter.
  2. Absorption stage. For the best absorption of tobacco smoke fractions, two filters using potassium and activated carbon. Using a carbon filter kills not only tobacco smoke, but also other unpleasant odors.
  3. Final cleaning. The air is intensively forced through a fine filter that adsorbs the smallest particles of dust and other harmful substances.

The filter unit must contain several units - this is the key to clean air for the home.

Efficiency of cleaning cigarette smoke

The basis for the fight against smoke is the principle of repeatedly passing air with a cigarette smell through complex system filters. Even if there is a lot of frequent smoking in the room, repeated filtration can help effectively clean the air from tobacco smoke.

Important! The main advantage of devices of this type is getting rid of tobacco and its carcinogenic components, and not saturating the air with various flavors.

Based on filter systems, purifiers are divided into several types.

  1. The electrostatic type cleaner is primarily characterized by the lowest price while maintaining acceptable quality. The air inside such devices passes through positively charged electrodes, and the smallest smoke particles collect on the surface of the filter with a negative charge. The ionic purification principle allows you to capture particles with sizes less than 1 micron. It is advisable to purchase a model with a built-in ozonizer. Thanks to ozone, room air will be cleansed of all kinds of bacteria and toxins.

    The electrostatic type device consumes a minimum of electricity with a low noise level. Easy to use: requires wet cleaning of the plates once a week. Such washing is permissible up to 250 times, which significantly increases the service life of the device.

  2. A number of air purification devices are equipped with removable filters, the design similar type found its application in vacuum cleaners. Mechanical filters, on the one hand, they collect a larger number of microparticles of tobacco smoke in one air pass, on the other hand, they become dirty quickly enough and are not subject to further use. Structurally, they are disposable elements and require periodic replacement every 5-6 months. Replacing the filter is extremely easy, but its cost is quite high.
  3. The class of the most modern household appliances includes photocatalytic type purifiers, although their high cost must be taken into account. They use the combined effects of ultraviolet light and a catalyst as cleaning tools. Devices of this class convert tobacco smoke and toxins into neutral carbon dioxide and water. The splitting itself occurs at the molecular level, as a result there are no layers of dirt on the device.

    Such a device does not require preventive cleaning, the filters can last a very long time, only the UV lamp requires replacement once every three years.

    But such cleaners also have disadvantages. They consume quite a lot of electricity and are quite noisy.

  4. The latest achievements include ultrasonic installations. They can regulate humidity both manually and automatically, since, in addition to effective cleaning, they still maintain the necessary level of air humidification. For this purpose, the design includes a hydrostat.
    Purification occurs by driving the incoming air through a water film of small splashes. Harmful substances practically “stick” to the water surface and subsequently dissolve in water. This type of air washing requires constant replenishment of water in a special container of the device. The price of such a device is quite high, and the level of purification is inferior to photocatalytic devices.

Features of cleaners

The level of purification and the quality of the surrounding atmosphere are directly related: the higher the first indicator, the higher the second will be. In various devices, the air flow capacity ranges from 400 to 2600 m 3 /hour.

Electricity consumption can also fluctuate between 50-200 W. A properly selected purifier will consume 10-15 W, this power is enough to keep the air within normal limits over an area of ​​25 m2.

Lack of mobile mechanical parts allows the device to operate almost silently. Power can be supplied either from the AC adapter or from a battery.

Various cleaning modes can be controlled:

  • mechanical switches;
  • from the remote control;
  • automatically, the device automatically turns on/off at a certain saturation of air with smoke.

Installation of purifiers is possible almost anywhere: in the structure suspended ceiling, on the wall, on the floor.

Choosing a tobacco smoke cleaner

Having understood the principle of operation and decided what this device is needed for, you can choose the right model. The following factors must be taken into account:

  1. The area of ​​the room must correspond to the performance of the device. It is especially necessary to coordinate the parameters precisely if the model has an ionizer.
  2. The purification system must correspond to air pollution factors.
  3. Noise level, which is important, especially in night mode. The ionic cleaner operates almost silently, unlike analogues with mechanical cleaning.
  4. Dust level in the room. The air may contain a large number of various components (six animals, carpet particles and much more), in this case mechanical cleaning is preferable.
  5. The choice is narrowed if there are allergy sufferers in the apartment. Photocatalytic devices remove allergens well.
  6. An important quality is the compactness of the device and the ability to move it indoors.
  7. Convenient control buttons and mode switches.
  8. The degree of air disinfection, which is extremely important during the period of exacerbation of viral diseases. In this case, devices with ozonizers are most effective. Ozone is many times more productive than ultraviolet radiation.
  9. Good air - wet air. The presence of a humidification function significantly increases the useful properties of the device.
  10. The air that passes through the filter system loses most of its natural charge, so choosing an ionizer is desirable.

When purchasing a cleaner, you need to consider financial factor. Will it be a budget option or a complex combination device - the air in the room will become much better. Therefore, in the expected set household appliances There must be a place for an air purifier.

As an example, the main characteristics of the most popular devices are given.

Rating of the best cleaners

In that brief overview The leading representatives of air purifiers are presented:

Boneco W 1355A (RUB 10,500)

Device universal type Made in Switzerland. Boneco is able to maintain indoor humidity at 40-60%. The device passes room air through humidification discs that use treated water.

The basis of operation of the device is the evaporation system, depending on temperature conditions The amount of moisture evaporated from the disks also changes in the room. Two dynamic elements - a humidification disk assembly and a low-speed fan - ensure air saturation with moisture and intensive cleaning.

The discs are fixed in a tray with the most ordinary water, with a volume of seven liters. An additional container maintains the required water level. The device is controlled mechanically. Boneco provides optimal air purification from viruses, pollutants, and dust.

Xiaomi Mi AIR Purifier 2 (RUB 10,000)

This purifier skillfully controls and, if necessary, reduces the content of harmful impurities and tiny dust particles in the air. The productivity of the device is up to 400 m 3 per hour. It can maintain the necessary air conditions over an area of ​​up to 50 square meters.

This model is characterized by high productivity, low noise level, ease of operation, modern design. The device will look aesthetically good in any interior.

In just 10 minutes, Xiaomi provides clean air room with an area of ​​21 m2. The dimensions of the new model are significantly smaller than the previous ones, its weight has decreased to 8 kg. Ergonomic light sensors and cleanliness indicators will help you control the device. Control possible from mobile device. The device helps create a living environment in your home.

Tefal PU 4025 (RUB 14,000)

Filtration-type air purification device with forced air ventilation. The device occupies one of the first places in the “air washing” segment.

With an air flow cleaning performance of up to 170 m 3 /hour, the recommended effective area- up to 35 m2. The extremely low power consumption (30 W) allows the device to be classified as an economical device.

The main advantages of this unit include the ability of its filter kit to destroy such harmful substance, like formaldehyde. The filter system with a porous surface has its own replacement indicator.

Several filtration modes plus ionization provide the room with clean air, and a sensor and cleanliness indicator monitor its compliance with standards. The mechanical control system is complemented by an operation and delayed start timer. Multi-mode lighting adds additional charm to the already sophisticated design.

Timberk TAP FL800 MF (RUB 9,500)

The latest technologies are harmoniously implemented in this device. A six-level cleaning system allows you to capture particles up to 0.3 microns in size: these include all kinds of allergens, various bacteria, and the smallest dust. The cleaning system is perfectly complemented by an aromatic air filter, thanks to which a comfortable atmosphere is created in the room.

The modern control panel with touch buttons makes operating the device quite easy. TO additional amenities These include an automatic operating mode, a filter contamination indicator, and a device shutdown timer.

Three different operating modes provide the most economical power consumption of the device. Unique design The black color, coupled with the original streamlined shapes, allows this unit to be harmoniously placed in any interior design.

Ballu AP-155 (RUB 10,000)

Five cleaning thresholds, four fan operating modes - all this allows Ballu to efficiently and effectively clean the air in the room. At the final stage of cleaning, the air flow passes through an ionizer, which produces required volume negative ions. The ions press small dust particles together, thereby increasing the efficiency of the filters.

An automatic service life indicator will tell you when the filters need to be changed. Touch control of the device makes it easy to switch modes. The air purification indicator and shutdown timer provide comfortable night mode. The area of ​​the serviced premises is 20 m2.

Purpose of the deviceair purification/humidificationair cleaningair cleaningair cleaningair cleaning
Controlmechanicalelectronicelectronic, display, timerelectronic, display, timerelectronic, timer
Dimensions (WxHxD)320x425x380 mm520x240x240 mm300x540x285 mm362x830x231 mm320x495x200 mm
Air Treatment Rate (CADR)n.d.310 cubic meters/h170 cubic meters/h410 cubic meters/h170 cubic meters/h
FiltersNopre-cleaner, HEPA filterpre-treatment, photocatalytic, electrostatic, carbonpre-filter, HEPA filter, carbon
Pricefrom 12500 rub.from 7980 rub.from 15,000 rub.from 27730 rub.from 8730 rub.
Where can I buy

Living conditions in modern megacities with high concentrations of street dust and smog in the air require protective measures for the normal functioning and recreation of people. In addition to harmful substances entering apartments from the street, household dust also poses a health hazard. One way to normalize the indoor microclimate is to install a home air purifier from dust.

Air purifier from dust: relevance of use

An air purifier is as basic a device as a microwave or an air conditioner.

Main purpose household appliance– highly effective air purification in the house from street and household dust, as well as suspended impurities, gases, odors. It is carried out by sucking the air flow into the device, where the air is subjected to repeated cleaning. It comes out completely clean. Many users, when planning home improvement and allocating their budget, doubt: is an air purifier needed in the apartment at all? Unfortunately, today the state of the environment is such that the question becomes rhetorical. The purchase and installation of a household climate control device is justified by the following arguments:

  • The air is cleaned of dust mites and microorganisms that cause disease in humans and pets.
  • Odors and carbon monoxide are destroyed.
  • Fungal spores, keratinized skin flakes, etc. are removed.
  • The immunity of residents is maintained.
  • Conditions are being created for healthy image life, the risk of ARVI diseases is reduced.
  • Allergens are removed.
  • People's performance increases.

For houses and apartments inhabited by small children and people with illness respiratory tract, the question of why such a climate control device is needed should not arise at all. Even despite the daily wet cleaning, it will not be possible to get rid of dust suspended in the air. Those. the presence of harmful organisms and ticks in the apartment is ensured.

What are the types of cleaning systems?

When choosing a dust air purifier for your home - which one is better - you need to navigate the available trading network models. According to the type of filtration, all devices are divided into mechanical, ionic (electrostatic), photocatalytic and combined type.

With humidifying filter

Dust from the passing air flow settles on it. The device is effective, but requires constant and frequent maintenance. It is practically not used for domestic purposes.


Air is passed through them and leaves the installation back into the room completely free of dust, but not of harmful viruses and other microorganisms.

Coal devices

Applies to devices with mechanically cleaning. Economical and easy to use and maintain. Coal particles neutralize odors, but are powerless against dust and allergens.

Mechanical cleaning

It is also used in Nera filters. The device quickly cleans the air of microscopic dust particles and other impurities, which reduces the level of allergens in the air to zero.

Devices with ionizing action

Some users wonder when buying an air purifier - what is the ionizer for? It releases air flow with high efficiency fine dust, traces of smoking, burning, capturing particles smaller than 1 micron. The work uses an electrode that charges neutral air particles and attracts them to itself. Elements of dust and soot from the air settle on surfaces in the house, after which wet cleaning should be carried out. But the filter is powerless against toxic gases, although it fills the room with freshness.

Photocatalytic cleaners

The effect on dust particles, microorganisms, allergens, and toxic gases is exerted by UVR and a catalyst. Not only dangerous components in the air are destroyed, but also unpleasant odors. The room is sterilized. But during operation they create noise, consume a lot of energy and are powerless against organic impurities.

Combined multi-stage systems

They work on the principle of complementing some functions with others. This may be cleaning through a filter system from organic compounds, disinfection followed by ionization. Combination type household air purifiers are considered to be the most effective for home use.

UZU (ultrasonic units)

With manual or automatic humidity adjustment. In the second case, the moisture content in the air is monitored by a built-in hydrostat. It starts humidification when its permissible level drops. Widely in demand reliable and trouble-free devices. Can be supplemented with options: backlight, remote control, automatic shutdown, etc. They purify and at the same time humidify the air. This occurs as it passes through a film of microscopic spray formed as a result of the splitting of water particles on a vibrating plate.

High-tech devices with a complex control system and a wide range of options are climate control systems with the functionality of several devices with different purposes, arranged in one housing.

Attention! The best cleaner air from odors for an economy class apartment - a regular carbon filter. But for rooms with tobacco products, it is better to use a photocatalytic installation for these purposes.

How to make the right choice

Having figured out why an air purifier is needed in an apartment, then the right model is selected correctly. This takes into account:

  • The area of ​​the room or apartment depending on the range of the device. It is different for everyone and ranges from 10 square meters. up to 150 sq.m. The distribution zone of the ozone generated by the ionizer especially depends on the size of the room.
  • Factors that pollute the air: based on them, the required filter or the entire cleaning system is selected.
  • The noise made by the purifier. The noisiest devices are those with a mechanical cleaning system with a built-in fan. The minimum level of sound is produced by the ionic purifier.
  • The degree of dust in the room. In case of a high concentration of dust in the air containing organic components (particles of skin, wool), an option mechanical installation or ionic purifier is most preferred.
  • Accommodation in an apartment for allergy sufferers and asthmatics. Household allergens are combated using an ionic and photocatalytic filter.
  • Dimensions of the installation and its mobility. A good option is if the purifier is compact and portable from room to room.
  • Ease of control: manual, remote, automatic. Dust collectors are easy to use. Controlled by on/off buttons. They have a regulator for modes, power and manipulation of the operation of the UV lamp (if available).
  • A set of necessary options.

Attention! According to these requirements, optimal model The purifier can be a combined installation with a multi-stage cleaning system that rids the air of dust, microorganisms, carcinogens, and allergens.

When purchasing a purifier, the financial capabilities of the user are also taken into account. Whatever the choice, be it a budget model or a complex one combined system, the air in the room will definitely become much fresher than without any purification. Therefore, when planning to equip an apartment or house with the necessary household appliances, don't forget about the air purifier.