Office software titles for resumes. Professional skills in a resume: examples of skills and knowledge

During my work as a recruiter in a recruitment agency, and then as a personnel manager, I often had to deal with unique copies of resumes. Some candidates could not present themselves competently. Others were amazed by the intricacy of compiling an autobiography. What is a resume, and what should it be like in order to achieve its goal?

SUMMARY(or curriculum vitae = CV) is a short autobiographical document containing information about the education, work experience, professional knowledge, skills and abilities of an applicant for a position. It’s not called a resume for nothing business card candidate, effective tool self-presentation. Its main goal is to attract the employer’s attention and create a positive impression within the framework of correspondence acquaintance.

Let's figure it out in order, how you should and should never write a resume.

1. Personal information

  1. Full Name). In some Russian companies The tradition of calling by name and patronymic is preserved, while foreign organizations advocate calling by name (it makes sense to take this feature into account when compiling an autobiography).
  2. Date of birth (full age should be noted in brackets).
  3. Marital status (married/married, single/unmarried, presence of children).
  4. Residence address (as a rule, you can limit yourself to indicating the area in which you live).
  5. Contact information: home/work/mobile phone number, email address, other means of communication (at this point you must note the time suitable for a telephone interview).
  • You should not write the word “Resume” at the beginning of your autobiography; it should begin with your full name in the nominative case.
  • You should not attach a photo unless this requirement is specified in the text of the vacancy (you are looking for a job, not a potential life partner).
  • Include your contact information at the beginning of your resume so that the recruiter can easily find information on how to contact you.
  • Create a special email account (seeing addresses such as sexybaby@ or konfetka@, you begin to doubt the seriousness of the candidate’s intentions).

Which is better to omit?

  • Anthropometric data (height, weight, etc.), only if we are not talking about a vacancy for which these parameters are critical.
  • Health status only if the work does not involve heavy physical activity.
  • Sexual orientation, because it bears no relation to professional qualities applicant and is a personal matter for everyone.
  • Religion, because this issue is not usually discussed in the workplace, and in foreign companies considered taboo.
  • Political views, because it is in no way related to work, unless you plan to work for one of the political parties.
  • Other personal data not related to professionally significant issues (zodiac sign, favorite dish, etc.).

Example« + »

Petrova Svetlana (Ivanovna)

08/17/1977 (32 years old)

Married, two children

Place of residence: Oktyabrsky district

Example "-"

A girl for a vacancy as a career consultant sent a resume in which she indicated that she is “a night owl, so I wouldn’t really like to get up early in the morning to go to work,” and she is also “Scorpio by zodiac sign” and likes to read “Paolo Coelho in his spare time.” time with friends." She attached a photograph to her resume. full height in a very revealing outfit.

2. Purpose of the resume

The most vulnerable point of all autobiographies. Many, trying to “embrace the immensity” and capture as many employers as possible with one resume, indicate that they would like to work as a teacher, a sales manager, a director of a vegetable warehouse, etc. That’s why, just like with resumes that don’t specify a purpose at all, it’s very difficult to understand what a person is really looking for. Someone uses data that does not correspond to the stated position. As a rule, in this case we are talking about an outdated resume, which the applicant “did not have time to update.”

This section should contain a specific position (sales consultant, merchandise manager, logistics manager). A department or functional area (sales, logistics) and the field of activity of the enterprise (consumer goods, industry) may also be indicated.

Example« + »

I am applying for the position of industrial equipment sales manager.

Example "-"

A young man applying for the position of account manager wrote: “I want to work with people because... I’m best at it.”

3. Education

No need to indicate everything educational institutions, in which you had the opportunity to study. Some applicants are ready to include both preschool and secondary education when compiling a resume general education. In your autobiography, you need to note the education (secondary/higher vocational) that resonates with the declared vacancy. If your qualifications do not correspond to the desired position, then the emphasis should be on work experience and additional education in a similar position (if any). If you want to start mastering this position from scratch, then it makes sense to rely on personal qualities (commitment, learning ability, etc.).

Example " + »

From the resume of an applicant for the position of industrial equipment sales manager:


Ural State Technical University– UPI (Ural federal university them. the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin)

Faculty: Electrical Engineering

Department: Electric drive and automation industrial installations and technological complexes

Additional education

Training company "...", Moscow

Course "Effective Negotiations"

Consulting company "...", Ekaterinburg

Training “Sales Technologies”

Example "-"

A woman applying for a recruiter position indicated in her resume: “I am a teacher primary classes, but I want to work in personnel selection.” Another girl in the “Additional education” section noted that she attended culinary courses, while she was applying not for the position of a cook, but for the position of an administrator.

4. Work experience

Work places are located in reverse chronological order indicating the positions held and functional responsibilities. It is also necessary to note the name of the organization and the profile of its activities. At this point, it would be a good idea to list your professional achievements and positive results of your work at your previous place of work.

  • You should not indicate insignificant work experience. If during your student years you worked part-time as a courier or waiter, it is better to omit this, unless, of course, this experience has something in common with the position for which you are applying.
  • You should not indicate all your professional experience (in your resume you should only note those places of work that are relevant to this vacancy).
  • If you do not have work experience, then it is better to put the “Education” section first. If you have at least some work experience in this area, indicate it (even if we are talking about practice or internship, temporary work, etc.).
  • You should not indicate all the duties that you performed in each company: you should limit yourself to the main functionality (no more than 7 points), otherwise the recruiter’s attention may be distracted by minor points.
  • In the “Achievements” paragraph, it is necessary to refer to specific numbers; when describing your outstanding results, it is better to use verbs (attracted, increased, developed, participated, etc.).

Example " + »


LLC "Company"

Business profile: production and sale of industrial equipment

Position: sales manager


Maintaining current client base

Searching and attracting new clients

Preparation of technical and commercial proposals

Conducting negotiations at different levels

Conclusion of contracts

Support of document flow related to sales.

Achievements: during her work she attracted 100 new clients, increased the company's turnover by 15%.

Example "-"

The girl sent her resume for the vacancy of an office manager: “I worked for 3 months as a secretary in the company “...”.

5. Additional information

  1. Possession foreign language(including the level of language proficiency according to the international classification).
  2. Knowledge of PC, Internet and specialized programs.
  3. Proficient in office equipment (fax, printer, scanner, copier).
  4. Availability of a driver's license (you must indicate the category and driving experience).
  5. Personal qualities (it is necessary to indicate those qualities that will be considered an advantage in this position: for example, accuracy, hard work, diligence - for an accountant, focus on the final result, ambition, activity - for a sales manager).
  6. Hobbies (it is worth indicating only those hobbies that reflect professionally significant qualities personality: for example, reading specialized literature).

Example« + »

English language – Advanced level

Degree of PC proficiency – confident user(MS Office, Internet)

Proficient in office equipment (copier, scanner, printer, fax)

Purposeful, active life position, communication skills

Hobbies: reading professional literature

Example "-"

From the resume of a girl applying for the position of administrator: “Confident, ambitious E cool girl. I am fluent Excel, Vord and the Internet. IN free time I love going to the cinema, meeting friends and traveling.”

  1. Don't make grammatical mistakes. If you doubt the correctness of your resume, run a spell check or contact your friends who can help correct possible errors.
  2. Eliminate all unnecessary, insignificant information - a resume should contain basic information about you and your professional experience. Ideally, a resume should occupy one A4 page.
  3. Follow established rules resume design: it would be optimal to use Arial and Times New Roman fonts, size 12-14 point. Do not use an “exotic” font or a size that is too large or small.
  4. Adhere to a uniform professional business style without using colloquial words, jargon, or technical terms.
  5. Don't get carried away with the design: the resume should be clear, clear, and concise. If you are a representative of the creative profession, reflect your creativity and innovative thinking in your portfolio.

IN next material Especially for users of the yu-mama portal, we will tell you how to properly create a portfolio and what a video resume is.

Almost always, in the process of writing a resume, you need to indicate knowledge of PCs and programs. Briefly or in detail is not the point. The important thing is that you need to indicate this.

Job openings often require computer knowledge. I think this is some kind of stereotype. Most likely, many HR people “automatically” specify knowledge of a personal computer in their requirements. Nowadays, go look for a person who doesn’t know him. But a fact is a fact. Almost every vacancy mentions this.

Why include PC knowledge on your resume? If the vacancy requires it, it is better to write about it in your resume. This will create a feeling of conformity: you fit the employer's requirements.

What computer programs should I include on my resume?

Different programs need to be specified for different positions.

  • For an accountant- mention 1C and preferably list its versions.
  • For the director The neutral phrase “PC knowledge” or “confident PC user” without specifications will do. At the same time, you can write about knowledge of CRM and ERP systems - this is an advantage for directors.
  • For the designer it is necessary to list graphics packages (Photoshop, CorelDraw, 3Ds Max...), as well as other programs necessary for drawing and design. Landscape designers It is advisable to specify highly specialized software.
  • For the programmer You can include a large list in your resume computer programs without going beyond the bounds of reason.

I once saw a programmer’s resume in which the person indicated all the software he knew. The list of skills and knowledge took up about half an A4 sheet. This is outright overkill.

At the same time, try to be expedient and not indicate unnecessary things. If an accountant or director knows Photoshop, it is better to keep silent about this in the resume.

Should you list office software on your resume?

I sometimes see phrases in resumes like: “knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Access, etc.” Is it worth writing like this? Is such a thorough explanation necessary?

Well PC user
(computer beginners)

Purpose of the curriculum:

The purpose of the course is to gain skills and knowledge to basic work user on the computer. The PC course is a course for beginners. As a result of completing the course you will be able to:

  • work with files and folders
  • organize sharing of files and folders on the network
  • configure Windows
  • create and format text documents
  • create and design tables, work with tabular data
  • archive and retrieve data
  • search and work with documents on the Internet
  • work with email
  • perform anti-virus protection on your computer

The course does not require prior preparation or any technical knowledge.

Training program:


  • Concept, purpose and use of computers.
  • Computer device. System unit device.
  • Properly turn on, shut down and restart your computer.
  • Information input and output devices (peripheral devices)
  • Keyboard. The principle of hot keys.
  • Operations on objects using the mouse.

Windows operating system

  • Windows. Basic Concepts
  • Desktop. Start. Working with icons. Working with Windows
  • Editing a file
  • Basic tools and features: desktop, taskbar, context menus, control buttons, title bar, main menu bar, status bar.
  • Folders, files and shortcuts. Basic operations on objects: creation, copying, moving, deleting.
  • Saving data on external storage media
  • File, file system, file extension.

Graphic editor Paint

  • Paint. Features and purpose
  • Creating a computer drawing
  • Setting up tools
  • Graphic primitives
  • Editing a drawing
  • Fragment of the drawing
  • Graphic file operations

Work in text editor Notebook

  • Opening the Notepad program. Create a new text document.
  • Work with text. Data entry and editing. OLE technology

Text editor Microsoft Word

  • Word processor interface. Customizing the User Interface
  • Font, style, size
  • Typing and editing text
  • Paragraph indentations and spacing
  • Drawing in a document
  • Inserting a finished drawing
  • WordArt Object
  • Tables in Word
  • Working with Lists
  • Combined document
  • Diagrams
  • Formula editor
  • Layout finished document
  • Creating a Cover Page

Table processor Microsoft Excel

  • General characteristics of the MS Excel spreadsheet processor
  • Creating and editing a spreadsheet document
  • Formula and rules for writing it in a spreadsheet
  • Calculations using formulas
  • Using built-in functions in formulas
  • Relative, absolute and mixed reference
  • Logic functions
  • Use of logical functions in calculations
  • Perform calculations in a spreadsheet environment
  • Date and time functions
  • Formatting a spreadsheet document
  • Creating and customizing charts
  • Graphing functions

Protecting your computer from viruses. Data archiving

  • Principles of antivirus operation. Rules for working with antiviruses.
  • Paid and free antiviruses.
  • Archiving/unarchiving data.

Image catalogers

  • Editing images in ACDSee, Picture Office Manager.

Well Computer graphics.
(Basic training)

Duration of training: 72 academic hours.

Purpose of the curriculum:

The course is intended for PC users seeking to master the capabilities of modern computer graphics, as well as for advertising and design specialists who have basic computer skills.

Up to date "Computer graphics" includes mastering three graphics processing programs: « Adobe Photoshop", "Adobe Image Ready" And "Corel Draw"

The course requires preliminary preparation at the level "PC user".

Training program:

Methods for presenting graphic information

  • Raster graphics and vector graphics. Advantages and disadvantages.
  • Graphic file formats, color schemes.

Raster image processing (Adobe Photoshop)

  • Setting up the program's graphical interface, palettes and program tools
  • Technique for selecting image areas
  • Masks and channels
  • Coloring
  • Collaging the basics of working with layers
  • Retouching and photo correction
  • Applying filters and effects to images
  • Installation
  • Application of the program in the field of Web design (template)
  • Animation of buttons, banners, avatars

Creation and processing of vector illustrations (CorelDraw program)

  • Setting up the graphical interface program, panels, tools
  • Program tools
  • Drawing simple and complex figures
  • Creating and editing contours, filling
  • Basics of working with text
  • Editing Images
  • Creating shadows, outlining, volume effect
  • Methods for arranging and combining objects
  • Export/import of objects.

Well Web design.
(HTML layout)

Duration of training: 72 academic hours.

Creating your own website is, first of all, creativity. In this area you can fully show yourself, without being limited in content or volume. Why don't you create your own website and promote it on the World Wide Web? computer network? Then use modern technologies The Internet and the knowledge that our courses provide.

This course is intended for those PC users who want to create professional websites on the Internet, and it can also
be used as practical guide website developers, designers and everyone related to web projects.

Preliminary level of training: Computer knowledge at the level of an experienced user, experience working on the Internet, minimal knowledge in English for working with software, with an English interface.

Training program:

Basics of Web technologies.

  1. Basic concepts of HTML layout
  2. Comparison of working with HTML code in the editor: Notepad and Adobe Macromedia DreamWeaver.
  3. Adobe Macromedia DreamWeaver Settings.

Styling web page elements using CSS styles.

  1. The concept of CSS styles. Their capabilities.
  2. Practical use. Examples from the most popular sites.

Architecture development

  1. Table design.
  2. Block design.
  3. Automate page creation using Macromedia DreamWeaver templates.
  4. Manage element settings in DreamWeaver.

Website design and layout

  1. Content preparation.
  2. Selecting a website design. Site color scheme.
  3. Site sketch. Structural diagram of the site. Design a simple page layout and linear system navigation.
  4. Creating a template website page based on table design.
  5. Secrets of correct layout.

Website graphics

  1. Requirements and conditions for placing graphic objects on web pages. Overview of illustration formats JPEG, GIF, PNG, SWF, SVG.
  2. Principles of graphics adaptation. Examples of adapting images in various formats using Adobe Photoshop.
  3. Concept and use of image slicing. Examples of cutting images in Adobe Photoshop.
  4. Creating simple banners in the Adobe Image Ready vector graphics editor.
  5. Posting on a Web page.


  1. The concept of usability. Usability characteristics.
  2. Usability testing and analysis of famous sites.

Content requirements.

  1. Texts.
  2. Headings.
  3. Graphic arts.

Relationship between site style and ergonomics

  1. Website styles.
  2. Website ergonomics.

Placing a website on the Internet

  1. Basic concepts. Methods of posting information on the Internet.
  2. Selecting and registering a website domain. Free and paid Web servers. Choosing a host.

Take a blank sheet of paper or create a blank electronic document on your computer and start writing down the names of different software, which you used. Focus only on what you know how to use, at least with some confidence

  • Write down which operating systems you are comfortable using.
  • Write down which office tool package(s) you own.
  • View the list of programs that are installed on your computer. Write down the ones you are familiar with.
  • Write down any specialized software you use at work (for accounting, analysis; enterprise database software).

Go back to the beginning and write down the names of the developers of this software and the versions you are familiar with. That is, if you wrote "Excel", then you can write Microsoft Excel 2007. Check multiple versions if you used them.

List any specific skills in working with a program, especially a large and complex one that you use professionally. If your potential employer requires detailed description skills, then try to list them along with the software.

List your specific accomplishments or knowledge. Remember that they can be mentioned elsewhere in the document. If your computer skills have helped you save time or money, try writing a proposal about that too. Also, try this approach to avoid the bullet point effect if you prefer paragraphs rather than bullet points. Compare:

  • Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word 98-2007.
  • Automatically processed 3000 records in the mailing database in Excel, and then generated standard letters in Word. Custom labels (stickers) are sorted by zip code for further printing. It was possible to avoid retyping and manual sorting.
  • Write down the programming languages ​​you have mastered and your level of proficiency in them. Which (or which) of them can you use professionally?

    Think about what's important for your resume. Who will read it? Do they need an expert or someone with basic job skills? Sometimes you can mention how well you know a particular program. In other cases, simply providing a list of programs will be sufficient.

    Decide what you would like to put at the beginning of the list so that it immediately catches the eye of the person who reads it; this is especially important if you have a fairly long list. Imagine that the person reading the list is very busy and can only take a moment to look at this information. List your skills in order of importance.

    Do you still think that the computer is not for you and it is difficult to master the skills of working with it? Typing text quickly without looking at the keyboard, setting up, optimizing the system, repairing a computer seems only within the power of a master. But that's not true. This article will help you stop being a novice user and join the ranks of experienced PC users.

    The tips in this article will help you become a more experienced computer user. And over time, you will understand that in 99% of cases of computer breakdown, you can not call a technician, but can handle it yourself. I hope you have already read the article, otherwise it will no longer be useful to you, because you intend to become a professional.

    Learn to type quickly

    Blind ten-finger method allows you to type texts on your computer at high speed without taking your eyes off the monitor. Having learned such a big task, you will become more productive, any work and correspondence will be completed many times faster. And from the outside they will not look at you as a “teapot”.

    Today there are many simulators, both on Internet sites and individual programs for Windows. With the help of such simulators, it is easier to learn to touch type using the ten-finger method. By practicing a little every day you can learn in a few weeks. At first it will seem difficult, but with persistent training, after two or three weeks you will notice that you practically do not look at the keyboard when typing. We have a special article dedicated to tips that will help you get started. Increase your productivity!

    Learn PC repair and setup

    Learn to fix errors and malfunctions on your computer yourself, articles from this site will help you with this. Also, in addition to OKompach, there are many useful sites through which you will learn how to optimize your system, set up your computer and the Internet, repair your laptop, and much more.

    Here are just some of the sites that will be useful to you:

    Become an experienced Internet user

    Nowadays, we can’t live without the World Wide Web. And, of course, most of the time we spend at the computer is spent on the Internet. Be sure to read the articles in the “Security” section on this site, for example, about how to properly protect yourself, your loved ones and your computer from threats and leaks of personal information.

    Study interesting material from the IT industry

    Read Hi-Tech news. Interesting articles from Wikipedia dedicated to computers and high technology. Explore the insides of the computer. Watch films about hackers and computer geniuses. Read about OS, programs, computer components, learn from each other, etc. and so on. All this will help you be superior to any inexperienced user's kettle.

    Make friends with your keyboard and mouse

    Much has already been said, here again I would like to say that hot keys allow you to perform work in a particular program many times faster. Once you remember the basic ones, you can use them in other programs. This allows you not only to reduce work time, but also emphasize your punctuality, knowledge and confidence in your PC. Also, hotkeys are very convenient when working with, and even. Be sure to learn the basic combinations, it greatly increases productivity.

    After reading the article, you will understand that you have not fully used a computer manipulator before. But in vain. Some functions are very, very useful in operation.

    Master complex programs

    Learn to use complex programs, such as Photoshop, 3Dmax, CorelDraw. You can find a bunch on the Internet useful information on this topic, entire lessons and manuals on Photoshop, video editing, etc. Start with the simplest things and gradually learn from there. After a while you will notice how much you have “grown”.

    Learn programming languages

    And what? Why not try it. Programming, to be honest, is a very exciting activity. What if, after trying it once, you like it and seriously decide to take up coding? First, try such online training services as Codeacademy and Code Combat; if you have a tablet or smartphone on Android, download the Lightbot game; by the way, it is also available for iOS. Well, very soon it will appear on detailed guide how to learn to program, where to start and how to learn it better. So subscribe to site updates by e-mail, join in in social networks and wait for the next articles.