Organization of management in a private enterprise. Organization and management

Each company, starting its activities, must clearly understand the future need for financial, material, labor and intellectual resources, the sources of their receipt, and also be able to accurately calculate the efficiency of using available funds in the process of the company’s work. In a market economy, entrepreneurs cannot succeed if they do not clearly and effectively plan their activities, constantly collect and accumulate information both about the state of target markets, the position of competitors in them, and about their own prospects and opportunities.

From the very beginning, a plan for the development of the company's organizational structure must be clearly defined. In most cases, they are presented in the form of an organizational chart, showing the relationships and division of responsibilities within the organization. This creates the basis for defining the company's organizational structure. In any case, the structure must be formed in such a way as to ensure the most effective implementation of the assigned tasks. The question of how responsibility and, more importantly, power will be divided must be determined at a very early stage in the development of the company.

The organizational chart reflects the strategy and business practices that are emphasized in other sections.

By the term “organization,” managers usually mean administrative chain of command, job descriptions, and other structural factors of the organization. However, the theoretical study of organization covers a wider range of phenomena, although structure occupies a central place. Thus, modern researcher D. Pugh writes: “More specifically, organization theory can be defined as the study of the structure, functioning and effectiveness of organizations, as well as the behavior of groups and individuals within them.”

A more complete definition of the subject of research under consideration includes the following aspects:

Grouping tasks to determine types of work.

Grouping types of work into sectors, departments and larger units, for example, into branches.

Delegation of powers, distribution of responsibilities and determination of the number of levels in the management hierarchy.

Creating an organizational climate that encourages employees to make their maximum contribution to achieving the organization's goals.

Design of communication systems that ensure the efficiency of decision-making, control and coordination processes.

Building an organization that is sensitive to changes in the external environment and is able to adapt to them, in particular through innovation.

The first three aspects relate to traditional concepts of structure, and the last three relate to more modern areas: the study of structure, functioning and organizational performance. In any case, the listed aspects become the object of a search for a solution for those who are looking for ways to build effective organization. And if the decisions turn out to be incorrect, then shortcomings arise in the construction and functioning of the organization, which can manifest themselves in the following:

Decisions are made untimely and unreasonably if:

a) decision makers are overloaded;

b) there is no information necessary for decision-making;

c) decisions are made by the wrong manager or at the wrong level;

d) the organizational climate does not stimulate high performance.

2. There is no single basis for performing functions, which leads to deviations and disagreements. For example, there may be no uniform hiring and compensation policies.

3. The work of departments is unsatisfactorily coordinated if:

a) goals are not sufficiently agreed upon. At the same time, employees of different services have different systems of priorities and, guided by conflicting goals, take uncoordinated actions;

b) there is no synchronicity in the work. Inconsistency of individual works in time causes delays and stagnations;

c) responsibilities are not clearly defined. Necessary work may not be completed because each worker believes that someone else is responsible for doing it;

d) the coordination system is not economical enough. Coordination occurs through dedicated personnel, personal supervision, meetings, instructions, goal setting, operational plans and formal procedures.

4. Destructive conflict. If members of an organization frequently come into conflict with each other, unity of action becomes less and less possible. A good organizational climate develops where problems are discussed actively and clearly, but without extremes and bitterness.

5. Insufficient sensitivity to technological progress and changes in the external environment. To be effective, an organization must not only have clearly defined goals, the necessary resources and a mechanism for balancing them in accordance with the goals, but also be able to adapt to change if it is to survive.

Tourist activities in Russian Federation carried out on the basis of the legislative and regulatory framework.

The Federal Law of November 24, 1996 “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation” is a kind of framework on which relations in tourism are built. It should be noted, however, that the law on tourism was adopted in the form of fundamental legislation and, therefore, in a significant part of the articles and provisions is declarative in nature and does not have direct action. A new draft law on tourism is currently being developed.

A number of federal laws contain rules regulating specific issues of tourism activities. The regulatory legal framework has been significantly expanded by various provisions and rules, acts regulating the organization of services, accounting, tourism insurance, etc. For the purposes of international tourism, federal laws and regulations have been adopted defining tourist formalities when crossing the border, as well as customs and sanitary standards and rules. Considerable attention is paid to the formation of principles and rules in contract law.

Tourism is not only an important sector of the economy, but also a complex structure that determines the place of workers and the organization of their work in the tourism industry, in regions and tourist centers, organizations and enterprises.

In a broader sense, the structure of tourism management is understood as an ordered set of interconnected elements that are in stable relationships with each other, ensuring their functioning as a single whole. Essentially, we are talking about the logical relationships between management levels and functional services, which, with the help of management, are built in such a way as to achieve the strategic goals of the tourism industry.

Managing a tourism structure means optimally distributing goals, objectives and resources between structural units and employees of the organization. The components of the organizational management structure are the composition, correlation, location and interconnection of individual subsystems of the organization. The creation of such a structure is aimed, first of all, at the distribution of rights, responsibilities and resources between individual divisions of the organization.

The structure of tourism management is divided into links (organizations), levels (stages), management and communications - horizontal and vertical.

The elements of tourism management include departments, organizations and enterprises, as well as their managers performing the relevant management functions or part of them. The formation of the management level in the tourism industry is based on the performance of certain functions by the management organization. The connections established between these organizations can be horizontal or vertical.

The level of tourism management is understood as a set of management units that occupy a certain level in the management system of the tourism industry. The degrees of management are vertically dependent and subordinate to each other in a hierarchy: decisions made at a higher level are specified and implemented by a lower level.

Management of the tourism industry is implemented within an organizational structure that includes three levels: macroeconomic, mesoeconomic and microeconomic.

The macroeconomic level includes the highest level of legislative executive power dealing with the tourism industry in the Russian Federation.

The mesoeconomic level is represented by the industry department of the Government of the Russian Federation - the Federal Agency for Tourism, tourism departments and departments in the administrations of the constituent entities of the Federation, as well as professional public associations.

The microeconomic level of the organization of the tourism complex is represented by organizations - producers of services, organizations - intermediaries in the provision of services and organizations supporting the tourism industry.

Following macroeconomic ideas about the management system, which consists of rows with horizontal (between equivalent elements) and vertical connections (between vertically dependent rows of elements), we can imagine the microeconomic level of the management hierarchy in the management body of an enterprise in the hospitality and tourism industry.

The management hierarchy is a tool for realizing the goals of the enterprise and a guarantee of maintaining the management system. The higher the hierarchical level, the greater the volume and complexity of the functions performed, the responsibility, the share of strategic decisions and access to information. At the same time, qualification requirements and personal freedom in management are increasing. The lower the level, the greater the simplicity of decisions and the share of operational activities.

This vertical deployment of the division of labor forms management levels. The shape of the pyramid indicates that each successive level of management has fewer people than the previous one.


The times we live in are an era of change. Our society is undergoing an extremely difficult, largely contradictory, but historically inevitable and necessary restructuring. In socio-political life this is a transition from totalitarianism to democracy, in economics - from an administrative-command system to a market, in the life of an individual - his transformation from a “cog” into an independent subject of economic activity. Such changes in society, the economy, and our entire way of life are difficult in that they require changes in ourselves. Americans, accustomed to sharp turns of fate and competition, define such a situation with the word “challenge.” According to their concept, every challenge is fraught with both opportunities and threats for the individual, organization, and country. To cope with this challenge, unprecedented in the lives of current generations, we, among other things, need to acquire new knowledge and learn to use it in practice. An important part of this knowledge, as world experience shows, is comprehension of the science and art of management. Thanks to the light hand of the Americans, this English word has become known today to almost every educated person.

In a simplified understanding, management is the ability to achieve goals, use labor, intelligence, and the motives of other people’s behavior.
Management, translated from Latin as “management”, is a function, a type of activity for managing people in a wide variety of organizations.
Finally, management as a collective term for managers is a certain category of people, a social stratum of those who carry out management work. The importance of management was especially clearly recognized in the thirties. Even then it became obvious that this activity had turned into a profession, an area of ​​knowledge into an independent discipline, and the social stratum
- into a very influential social force. The growing role of this social force led to talk of a “revolution of managers,” when it turned out that there were giant corporations with enormous economic, production, scientific and technical potential, comparable in power to entire states. The largest corporations and banks form the core of the economic and political strength of great nations. Governments depend on them, many of them are transnational in nature, extending their production, service, distribution, and information networks throughout the world. This means that the decisions of managers, like the decisions of statesmen, can determine the fate of millions of people, states and entire regions. But in a market economy, small business is no less important. In terms of significance, this is the closest proximity to the everyday needs of consumers and at the same time a testing ground for technical progress and other innovations. For the majority of the population, this is also work. Managing a small business skillfully means surviving, standing, and growing. How to do this is also a question of effective management.

In the culture of developed capitalist countries, the concept of management very often coexists with the concept of business. Business is an activity aimed at making a profit by creating and selling certain products or services. “Business management” is the management of commercial and economic organizations.

The success and failure of firms and companies have one common feature. They are all organizations. Organization is the basis of the world, it is the reason that determines the existence of management.

2.Description of the enterprise

An organization is not just people, it is a group that must meet several mandatory requirements:

1. Having at least two people who consider themselves part of this group
2. The presence of at least one goal (i.e., a desired end state or result) that is accepted as common by all members of a given group.
3. Having group members who intentionally work together to achieve a goal that is meaningful to everyone.

Combining these essential characteristics into one, we get an important definition:

An organization is a group of people whose activities are consciously coordinated to achieve a common goal or goals.1

For us, today, the management style in a private enterprise is of interest. In order to clearly imagine the management style, a specific example is needed, so let’s focus on the private enterprise that I manage.

History of the creation and development of the Namas-M Enterprise

An organization called “Namas” was created in 1993, which set as its goal the introduction of new technologies for our country in construction.

In 1996, the need arose to reorganize the enterprise. As a result of restructuring, two new organizations are created - these are PKP
"Namas-N" and Enterprise "Namas-M". The activities of the first included repair and construction work, the second was focused on conducting foreign trade activities.

Today's day of the Namas-M enterprise

The Namas-M enterprise on the Belarusian market is one of the suppliers of ferrous rolled metal products produced at factories in Russia and Ukraine. Since 1996, the company received the exclusive right to supply products to the Republic of Belarus
"Gorky Metallurgical Plant". In parallel with imports, the company’s activities also include the export of goods from Belarusian manufacturers, mainly agricultural machinery and components for it.

Today the company employs eight people.

3. Functioning goals

The primary goal pursued by the founder when creating an enterprise
– this is making a profit and participating in the management of a legal structure. But there are other goals that are generated and pursued in the process of visioning economic activity.

GENERAL GOALS. They reflect the concept of enterprise development and are developed for the long term and determine the main directions of the enterprise development program. Here the ranking takes place according to the principle of priority according to the following scheme: a) Ensuring maximum profitability for the existing set of activities, determined by the following indicators: sales volume, level and rate of profit, annual growth rate of sales and profit, income per unit of invested capital, market share , capital structure, dividend level, amount of wages paid, level of product quality; b) ensuring the sustainability of the enterprise’s position as a global policy goal in the following areas: expenses for research and development of new types of activities; competitive potential; investment policy; personnel policy; solving social issues; c) Development of new directions of development, new types of activity of the enterprise, which involves the development of a structural policy, including product diversification, vertical integration, acquisitions and mergers; development of information systems; identification and control of specific firms with similar types of activities.

SPECIFIC GOALS. They are developed within the framework of general goals for the main activities in each production department of the enterprise and can be expressed in quantitative and qualitative indicators: a)
Determination of profitability for each individual area
(division) serving as a profit center. The profit level can be set in absolute terms (usually in the currency of the home country) and in the form of planned targets for each year or at the end of the planning period. Paramount importance is given to the rate of profit. When calculating this indicator for invested capital, the latter is determined in different ways: 1) equity less liabilities; 2) own funds plus long-term debt; 3) fixed assets minus depreciation. In comparison with data from previous years, this indicator is the most important not only in planning, but also in control, and plays a decisive role both in determining goals and in assessing the results and efficiency of the enterprise. Profitability can be established both at the top level and at the lower management level; b) Other specific purposes. They are in the nature of subgoals and are usually established not only in absolute planned indicators, but also by determining development directions in functional areas (marketing, research and development, trade, finance.

At the present stage of development, the improvement of economic management methods is becoming increasingly important. In this regard, increasing importance is being attached to the development of a global company strategy based on a long-term and stable orientation of the production of specific types of products to specific markets, i.e. strategic planning.

4. Enterprise management structure, executive levels.

The production and economic activities of each enterprise, its rights and obligations are regulated by the law on entrepreneurial activity.

The enterprise is managed in accordance with its Charter.
The enterprise is legal entity, enjoys the rights and performs the duties associated with its activities.

Enterprise management is carried out on the basis of a specific organizational structure. The structure of the enterprise and its divisions is determined by the enterprise independently. When developing an organizational management structure, it is necessary to ensure the effective distribution of management functions among departments. It is important to fulfill the following conditions:

resolving the same issues should not be the responsibility of different departments

all management functions should be the responsibility of management units

This unit should not be entrusted with solving issues that can be more effectively resolved in another.

The management structure can change in accordance with the dynamics of the scale and content of management functions.

There are vertical and horizontal connections between individual employees of an enterprise.

VERTICAL RELATIONS - these are connections between management and subordinates, mainly the connection between the director of the enterprise and the performers.

HORIZONTAL RELATIONS are connections between cooperation of equal elements, for example, connections between performers of the same level.

The management structure is based on a certain system. There are three main control systems:




LINEAR - is a scheme of direct subordination on all issues of lower divisions to higher ones. This system is quite simple and effective if the number of issues being considered is not large and decisions can be made on them by the director or authorized persons.

FUNCTIONAL - the system is a scheme of subordination of a lower division to a number functional units solving individual management issues - technical, planning, financial, etc. In this case, instructions are received by more qualified people and their number is large, so subordinate units do not always know how to coordinate the received instructions, in what order to carry them out... In its pure form, this the system is used very rarely.

The most common is the MIXED system, which combines linear and functional systems. In this case, decisions prepared by certain executors are reviewed and approved by the director, who transfers their execution to these or other executors.

Enterprise management in modern conditions should be carried out on the basis of a combination of the principles of self-government of the workforce and the rights of the owner to use his property. In the case under consideration, the owner and director of the enterprise are represented by one person.

The enterprise management apparatus must be built in such a way as to ensure, in technical, economic and organizational terms, the interconnected unity of all parts of the enterprise, the best way use labor and material resources.

The structure of the management apparatus of the enterprise in question is shown in Fig. below.

Director (Founder)

Ch. Accountant Sales Manager Technical


Accountant Forwarder

Secretary Storekeeper


The enterprise is headed by a director who organizes all the work of the enterprise and bears full responsibility for its conditions and activities to the state and the workforce. The director represents the enterprise in all institutions and organizations, manages the property of the enterprise, concludes contracts, issues orders for the enterprise, in accordance with labor legislation hires and dismisses employees, applies incentive measures and imposes penalties on employees of the enterprise, opens bank accounts for the enterprise.

The technical dispatcher provides control and adjustment of technological equipment, carries out all types of repairs and services, as well as installation of new and dismantling of obsolete equipment.

Accounting carries out accounting of the enterprise's funds and business transactions with material and monetary resources, establishes the results of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise, makes financial settlements with customers and suppliers related to the sale of products, the acquisition of necessary raw materials, fuel, materials, etc. The tasks of this department also include obtaining bank loans, timely repayment of loans, and relations with the state budget.

The clerk secretary manages the organization of labor and wages and the personnel department.

Forms staffing table, develops measures to increase labor productivity, develops regulations on the formation and expenditure of the fund material incentives, develops technically sound production standards and analyzes their implementation, organizes and participates in the development of issues of scientific organization of labor.

The use of collective responsibility leads to a significant reduction in lost working time and staff turnover.

5. Functional control subsystems.

5.1. Establishing strategic goals for each functional subsystem.

Due to the small size of the facility, only four functional subsystems can be distinguished at the enterprise in question:

Sales management;

Procurement Department;

Financial and accounting subsystem;

Technical department;

Personnel management.

For each functional subsystem, one can identify strategic goals that they are designed to solve. Let's try to formulate these goals by department:

Familiarization with the activities of enterprises among a wide range of prospective partners and entrepreneurs through participation in exhibitions and advertising campaigns.

Creating an image of the enterprise and maintaining the reputation of the enterprise as a reliable and honest partner.

Implementation of an information policy to support the image of the main supplier in the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

Participation in exhibitions and seminars.

Procurement Department

Study of the goods market both on the territory of the Republic of Belarus and beyond its borders.

Search for potential partners. Analysis of data received through mailing lists, processing of advertising information, the Internet, visiting exhibitions.

Expanding the list of goods supplied to the market of the Republic of Belarus.

Conducting commercial activities.

Customs issues.

Financial and accounting subsystem.

Monitoring the results of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise.

Monitoring changes (including planned ones) in legislation.

Development of pricing methods to obtain stable and maximum profits.

Monitoring the movement of funds, planning expenses, if necessary, obtaining loans.

Technical department

Technical support for the enterprise’s activities (repair of premises, monitoring the condition of equipment and its modernization. Development of cost plans for reconstruction and modernization.

Security maximum comfort for company employees.

HR management

Monitoring new visions in the field of personnel policy.

5.2. Justification of changes in the management structure.

In order for an organization to achieve its goals, tasks must be coordinated through a “vertical” division of labor. Therefore, management is an essential activity for an organization. Even in large organizations, private businesses, most managers often perform work that is not related to coordinating the work of others.

This is also observed in the enterprise under consideration. The manager himself calls clients or goes to the sales department in order to maintain contact with clients and sense their needs. Virtually all supply management is currently represented by one enterprise manager.
The manager often has to carry out tasks assigned to the sales department. However, in all organizations, even the smallest ones, management takes so much time that it becomes increasingly difficult to do it casually.

As an organization grows, it becomes more difficult for employees to know who they should take direct direction from. At this level, in order for an organization to operate successfully, management work must be clearly separated from non-managerial work, i.e. the director must appoint managers and determine the range of their duties and responsibilities, while he himself exercises a control function and intervenes only if necessary. In fact, the super-large organizations of modern society became possible only when the need to separate management from commercial or technical activities began to be clearly felt.

It was precisely when planning the enlargement of the enterprise that required changes in the management structure. It is planned to build the work of the enterprise on the principle of separation of managerial and non-managerial work, as well as the principle of delegation of powers. The management scheme should include additional levels of employees who would coordinate the work of the enterprise. This will allow us to narrow the scope of activities in the sales and supply management, thereby increasing efficiency. The head of the representative office was relieved of decisions on issues that do not affect the strategy of the enterprise, which made it possible to concentrate and intensify efforts to develop new strategic plans.

Director (Founder)

Ch. Accountant Manager Manager

sale of supplies

Accountant Forwarder Forwarder

Secretary Storekeeper Driver Lawyer

Cargo clerk. auto

6. Distribution of powers to make individual decisions.

Why did tiny Apple and giant IBM make hundreds of millions in the computer business while others like RCA lost their fortunes? How is McDonald's able to cook billions of hamburgers a year, sell them cheaply, and make huge profits while most restaurants can't serve hundreds of customers a day? Why, after so many years of existence of “Sir-sir” and
Mitsukoshi is still the leading company in retail trade in their own countries, while others, such as U.T. Grant went bankrupt? Why would a religious institution such as Catholic Church, can thrive in
2000, if it operates on principles and practices that would ruin any businessman in just a few hours?

The success and failure of these firms and companies have one thing in common. They are all organizations.

Properly distributing powers is nothing more than organizing an enterprise well - that means providing it with everything that is necessary for its functioning: raw materials, equipment, money, personnel.

For an organization to operate effectively, it is important to clearly and clearly define functional responsibilities and authorities, as well as their relationships.

Each employee of the enterprise must understand what is expected of him, what powers he has, and what his relationships with other employees should be.

It is recommended to build a diagram of the organization's structure with a system of internal relationships. When constructing such diagrams, the following must be taken into account: the diagram gives only the general contours of the organization's structure; it must be understandable and contain minimal amount details.
The scheme should reflect the real structure of the enterprise and not be a kind of theoretical standard. If the structure diagram is difficult to draw up, then the reason may be that the organization itself is defective, that is, over time, its structure has become ineffective, cumbersome, and relationships have become distorted.

Such research in itself will be of great benefit, since it reveals “weak points”, overlaps in authority, insufficiently controlled parts of the production process, etc. The diagram allows you to highlight the lines of interdependence and relationships within the organization.

The disadvantages of using schematic structures are that they reflect the organization at a certain moment - which, naturally, requires making certain replacements and additions.

Distribution of responsibilities means determining the scope of authority and measure of responsibility for each position indicated on the diagram. It also contains a description of the functions performed. The “Distribution of Responsibilities” document must contain the following provisions: position title; the department in which this position exists; position level; description of the functions performed; duties and rights; relationships with management, colleagues and subordinates; number of subordinates, their characteristics; position of immediate supervisor; special powers (responsibilities); restrictions on powers (for example, the ability to act at one’s discretion, determining the amount of funds).

Let's try to draw up a participation scheme for the enterprise in question:
|No. |Names |Links | | | |
|p/|functions |control| | | |
|n |control | | | | |
| | |Director |Chief Accountant |Manager |Secretary |
| | | | | |casework|
| | | | | |ditel |
|1 |Management |R I |S |U V | - - - |
| | supplies | | | | |
|2 |Management |S R |S |U P V |I |
| |sales | | | | |
|3 |Management |R |I S V |U P | - - - |
| |finance | | | | |
|4 |Management |R |U |S |P I V |
| | labor and | | | | |
| |salary | | | | |


R – decision making

P – preparation of a draft decision

U – participation in decision making

C – approval (vising)

I – preparation of information

О – organization of implementation of the decision

B – execution of the decision

Let's try to briefly explain the method of distribution of functions.

SUPPLY MANAGEMENT - the director is mainly involved in processing information, searching for suppliers, and concluding agreements. The manager takes part in decision making, and also organizes the plan for its execution, and basically carries it out himself. Financial aspects are only agreed upon with the chief accountant.

SALES MANAGEMENT - the organization of all processes for selling goods to consumers is entrusted to the manager, the director only exercises control and intervenes if necessary. The accountant maintains financial control over sales. The secretary is charged with the responsibility of collecting and disseminating information.

FINANCE MANAGEMENT – all finances are managed by the director, coordinating his actions with the chief accountant and manager.

LABOR AND SALARY MANAGEMENT – all personnel decisions are made by the director, basing his actions on information prepared by the secretary.
The manager and chief accountant act as consultants. All decisions are executed through the secretary.

As already stated above, this scheme of distribution of powers is not perfect (defective). There is a need to see additional levels of management, with the aim of redistributing powers and unloading the responsibilities of the manager and director.

5.3. Preparation of proposals for working with management personnel in the aspect of ensuring the interest of all employees in the implementation of the organization’s development strategy.

The Japanese principle of organizing an organization can be formulated as follows:
“the price of any enterprise is equal to the price of its human factor: Without properly mobilized human factors, an organization falls apart.”

The Moscow representative office of the Camey Corporation is based on the Japanese management style. This also applies to ensuring the interest of all employees in the implementation of the development strategy. What management principles characterize the Japanese style? They were best formulated
K. Matsushita (head of the Japanese company Matsushita Denki):

Firstly, this is activity in familiarizing yourself with the state of affairs in all divisions of the company, with the functioning of all its services. A detailed review of the documentation, meetings and telephone conversations constantly allow you to “keep your finger on the pulse of events.” The bosses' need for information reliably protected managers from becoming desk workers and encouraged them to be personally present at the “hot spots” of the work process. Here is the manager’s line of behavior formulated by him: “When you have 100 people subordinate, you should always be among them, when there are 1000, you can take a place in the center, but if you manage 10,000, be at some distance, but where everyone can be seen.” .

The second feature of the style is the persistent desire for the company's employees to improve their professional skills. As one of Matsushita’s employees testifies, he subordinated all communications with managers to the goal of “developing outstanding abilities in ordinary people.”
Pursuing this goal, he was guided by the principles of Japanese folk pedagogy, which proclaims that “perseverance and intensive work on oneself always lead to success.”

The third feature of the Japanese style is the energetic encouragement of initiative. Without initiative, he believed, it is impossible to manage production in modern conditions. They try to get rid of those who have always been waiting for hints or instructions.

Finally, the fourth feature is the full encouragement of discussions among managers to find the best possible solution. At the same time, it is necessary that discussions do not violate the norms of Japanese ethics: “A husband and wife argue not in order to separate, but in order to find as many points of convergence as possible.”

Note on decision-making process modeling:

Ф1, Ф2, Ф3 – mean phases 1,2,3.

F2.1 – stage 1 of phase 2.

“Stop” means the moment of control at the end of a phase and the moment of making a decision about the beginning of the next phase.

6.Efficiency of the control system concept.

6.1. Measures to implement the strategy and the effectiveness of their implementation.

The main activities of the Moscow representative office are aimed at attracting and familiarizing a wide range of businessmen and entrepreneurs with the activities of the Corporation, through participation in exhibitions and conducting an advertising campaign, expanding the list of partners and the list of Japanese goods supplied to the market of the Russian Federation and CIS countries, increasing annual turnover
Moscow representative office, and securing a certain market share in the trade of high-quality electrical household goods, which directly corresponds to the mission of the Camey Corporation in the Russian Federation.

So, the developed concept of the management system has a direct impact on the implementation of the company’s development strategy, providing all employees with the opportunity to participate in the decision-making process, despite the division of managerial and non-managerial work. The loyalty of its employees, management competence and corporate spirit play an important role in the implementation of the company’s development directions.

7. Conclusion.

Managers decide what the organizations' performance goals should be. Managers decide which production methods will be used in the organization. Managers decide what forms of incentives will be used in the organization in order to motivate workers to improve productivity. Through the developed policy of the organization, through personal example, managers set the tone in the organization, determine whether in its work the organization will be focused on quality and consumers or will remain indifferent and sluggish towards them.

So, concluding all of the above, I would like to name the distinctive features of Japanese management: Japanese managers pay main attention to creating the right attitude among employees.
The Japanese company strives to create a specific atmosphere for employees in which they would feel protected and cared for, and also able to realize their life intentions. Japanese managers understand management as an activity closely related to the regulation of people's behavior. For a manager, this is a continuous process of work among his subordinates, which, in essence, has no time frame, because, according to Japanese standards, there is no limit for improvement.

I think that I will use the Japanese management techniques noted in my work, and by adjusting for our mentality, we will be able to achieve greater success in our organizations in achieving our goals and objectives.


1. Pronnikov V.A.b Ladanov I.D. "Human Resource Management in Japan"
2. M.Kh. Meskon, M. Albert, F. Khedouri “Fundamentals of Management” M., 1992
3. U.G. Ouchi “production organization methods: Japanese and American approaches”
4. Ackoff “Planning the future of the corporation”, M., 1985
5. Maksimtsova M.M. "Management", M,:UNITY, 1998
6. Magazine "Company" 1998 No. 40(41)

1 This is a retelling of the definition of Chester Barnard, one of the classics of management of the 30-40s. years.
Pronnikov V.A.b Ladanov I.D. "Human Resource Management in Japan"


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Completed by: student gr. 4/40

Rybakova N.A.

Head: Beltsova T.A.

Ivanovo 2002


This course work analyzes the organization of management restaurant LLC Buono Chibo.”

This course work consists of two main parts:

1. General characteristics of the enterprise.

2. Organization of the enterprise management process.

Each section consists of separate paragraphs in which a specific problem is examined in detail.

This course work includes 50 pages.

The work presents 3 schemes.

Applications – 1.


1. General characteristics of the enterprise________________________________________________5

2. Organization of the enterprise management process

2.1. Production structure of the enterprise ______________________________7

2.1.1. Production structure of the enterprise under study _______9

2.2. Organizational structure of enterprise management

2.2.1. General characteristics of the management structure________________ 10

2.2.2. Control functions______________________________________________ 26

2.2.3. Management methods______________________________________________ 29

2.2.4. Information support for the management process______________ 33

2.3. Control and accounting system at the enterprise__________________________37

2.4 System operational management enterprise____________________43

2.5 Enterprise strategy based on its mission________________________________45




The highly developed state of the world today is due to successful governance. Management is carried out at every stage of the activities of modern organizations. Management how modern system management of an enterprise operating in a market economy involves creating the conditions necessary for its effective functioning and development. We are talking about such an organization of management that is generated by objective necessity and the laws of market economic relations. The peculiarity of modern management is its focus on ensuring the rational organization of enterprise management.

Analysis of the organization of enterprise management allows us to evaluate the flexibility, efficiency, reliability of management, and the ability to withstand constant environmental influences.

In modern conditions, information support becomes essential for the successful functioning of the management apparatus.

This paper will examine the production and organizational structure of the virtual LLC restaurant “Buono Chibo”, which operates in the service sector.

The purpose of the course work: to identify the main problems that are associated with the organization of management at an enterprise and make recommendations.

1. General characteristics of the enterprise

The object of research in the course work is restaurant " Buono Chibo ”, which has the organizational and legal form of a limited liability company.

A limited liability company (LLC) is an organization created by agreement between legal entities and citizens by combining their contributions for the purpose of carrying out business activities. The company is a legal entity.

The supreme body of the Limited Liability Company is general meeting of participants. The executive body that carries out the current management of its activities and is accountable to the meeting of its participants.

The executive body may be sole.

Authority general meeting of participants :

1. changing the charter of the company, changing its authorized capital;

2. formation of executive bodies of companies, early termination of their powers;

3. approval of annual reports and balance sheets of the company and distribution of its profits and losses;

4. decision on reorganization or liquidation of the company;

5. election of the audit commission of the company.

Enterprise size: restaurant " Buono Chibo is a small enterprise, because The number of working personnel does not exceed 50 people.

Restaurant - a publicly accessible enterprise or trading unit that differs from other types of enterprises in a wider range of complexly prepared dishes, better interior, lighting, serving and a high level of waiter service. Each restaurant has a name. Restaurant halls are decorated, comfortable furniture, soft and semi-soft chairs are installed in them, and performances by pop artists are organized. Restaurants widely use special services for conference participants, foreign tourists, tourists, banquets and family celebrations.

The restaurant belongs to the catering industry, performing citywide functions.

Restaurant « Buono Cibo » is a luxury restaurant.

The restaurant is located in the city center.

Menu cold snacks;

Hot appetizers;

Intermediate dishes;

Hot dishes;



Chocolate and confectionery products;

Hot and cold drinks;

Non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks;


The restaurant is open from 9.00 to 4.00 am, 312 days a year.

Organization of the enterprise management process.

2.1. Production structure of the enterprise.

The production divisions of the enterprise - workshops, areas serving farms and services (directly or indirectly involved in the production process), taken together, constitute its production structure.

The construction of a rational production structure of an enterprise is carried out in the following order:

1. The number of workshops, sections of the enterprise, their capacity in sizes that ensure a given output of products are established;

1. The areas for each workshop and warehouse are calculated, their spatial locations in master plan enterprises;

2. all transport connections within the enterprise and necessary external communications are planned;

3. The shortest routes for the movement of objects of labor during the production process are outlined.

Production divisions include workshops, areas, laboratories in which the main products manufactured by the enterprise, components purchased from outside, materials and semi-finished products, spare parts for servicing products and repairs during operation are manufactured, undergo control checks and tests; various types of energy are converted, consumed for technological and other purposes, etc. .

The main structural production unit of an enterprise (except for enterprises with a shopless management structure) is a workshop, an administratively separate unit that performs a certain part of the overall production process (production stage) [4, 212].

In a large (medium) enterprise, workshops are usually divided into four groups: main, auxiliary, secondary and auxiliary.

IN main workshops operations are carried out to manufacture products intended for sale. The main workshops are usually divided into procurement, processing and assembly.

Auxiliary or service workshops: instrumental, non-standard equipment, repair, energy, transport.

Side shops: recycling and recycling of used waste, consumer goods shops.

Auxiliary workshops They make containers for packaging products and print instructions for their use.

Design and technological divisions play a special role in the production structure of the enterprise. They develop new products, technological processes for obtaining these products, and carry out experimental and development work.

The workshops include main and auxiliary production areas.

The main production areas are created according to a technological or subject principle. At sites organized according to the principle of technological specialization, technological operations of a certain type are performed.

In areas organized according to the principle of subject specialization, not individual types of operations are carried out, but technological processes as a whole. As a result, finished products for this site are obtained.

TO auxiliary include areas for routine repair and maintenance of equipment; transport service, workshop for repair and maintenance of tools, etc. With a centralized system for organizing maintenance and current repairs No auxiliary areas are created at the enterprise.

Auxiliary areas are created according to the same characteristics as the main production areas.


1. Accounting department: accounting and control at the enterprise over the expenditure of funds, materials, control over the shipment of products, organization of financial activities at the enterprise, etc.

2. Economic planning department: production planning, economic analysis of the results of the enterprise.

3.Service hall: sales of products.

4.Engineering and operational service: organization of production, monitoring the progress and timing of production, checking the quality of manufactured products.

5. Logistics department: provision of semi-finished products and products according to the production program.

6. Shops of the enterprise: carry out the manufacture of products according to the production program, carry out current and major renovation equipment.

Annex 1.

2.2. Organizational structure of enterprise management.

2.2.1. General characteristics of the management structure.

Linear connections

Vertical connections

Horizontal connections

Functional connections

Diagram 1. Organizational structure of LLC restaurant “Buono Chibo”.

Organizations in which senior management retains most of the authority needed to make critical decisions are called centralized .

Decentralized organizations- those organizations in which powers are distributed among lower levels of management.

In practice, there are no completely centralized or decentralized organizations. In organizations with highly decentralized structures, the most important decisions are made only by employees occupying fairly senior positions (not lower than the head of a department). This form of decentralization in large firms is called federal decentralization.

In order to determine how centralized a given organization is compared to others, identify the following characteristics:

1 Number of decisions made at lower levels of management. The greater the number of decisions made by lower-level managers, the less the degree of centralization;

2 The importance of decisions made at lower levels; consequences of decisions made at lower levels;

3 Monitoring the work of subordinates. In a weakly centralized organization, top management rarely reviews the day-to-day decisions of subordinates. Actions are assessed on the basis of the total results achieved.

Advantages centralized structures are as follows:

1. centralization improves control and coordination of specialized functions, reduces the number and scale of erroneous decisions made by less experienced managers;

2. Strong centralized management allows you to avoid situations in which some departments of the company grow and develop at the expense of others or the organization as a whole;

3. Centralized management makes it possible to more economically and easily use the experience and knowledge of the personnel of the central administrative body.

There is ore benefits decentralized structures:

1. It is impossible to manage large organizations centrally due to the huge amount of information required and, consequently, the complexity of the decision-making process;

2. Decentralization gives the opportunity to make decisions to the manager who is closest to the problem that has arisen and knows it best;

3. Decentralization stimulates initiative and allows the individual to identify himself with the organization;

4. Decentralization helps prepare young managers for higher positions by giving them the opportunity to make important decisions early in their careers. This ensures an influx of talented managers into the organization.

Degree of centralization restaurant LLC Buono Chibo” – average, because

functions are distributed among management personnel.

Authority is the limited right to use the resources of an organization and direct the efforts of some of its employees to perform certain tasks.

Powers are delegated to the position, and not to the individual who currently occupies it. When an individual changes jobs, he loses the authority of the old position and gains the authority of the new one.

Authority is the limited right to use resources and command people. Within an organization, these limits are usually defined by rules.

Distinguish the following types powers: line and staff.

Linear authority is transferred directly from the boss to the subordinate and then to other subordinates.

It is linear authority that provides the manager with legitimized power to direct his direct subordinates to achieve the goal.

A manager with line authority also has the right to make certain decisions and act in certain matters without coordination with other managers in those cases established by the organization, law or custom.

Delegation of linear authority creates a hierarchy of management levels in an organization. The process of creating a hierarchy is called a scalar process.

The concept of headquarters was first used in the army of Alexander the Great.

The following types of staff (staff) powers are distinguished.

Recommendation powers lie in the fact that their owners, if necessary, can give advice to managers or performers who need them on how to solve a particular issue, but this advice is not mandatory.

Functional authority are carried out in conditions of indirect connections. They boil down to the adoption by the relevant managers of binding decisions that regulate the activities of employees directly reporting to other (line) managers. These decisions usually prescribe methods of work, in other words, how to act to achieve goals.

Mandatory approval powers. Line management should discuss relevant situations with headquarters before taking action or submitting proposals to senior management.

Concurrent powers. Top management can expand the scope of authority of the apparatus, giving it the right to override decisions of line management.

Linear powers within the management apparatus - the staff apparatus itself has a linear organization within itself.

For an organization to operate effectively, it is important to clearly and clearly define functional responsibilities and authorities, as well as their relationships. Every employee of the company must understand What what is expected of him, what powers he has and what his relationships with other employees should be.

This is achieved using an organization diagram, supplemented by appropriate reference books (instructions), and the distribution of responsibilities.

The diagram allows you to highlight the lines of interdependence and relationships within the organization.

As a source of information, the diagram can be used as part of familiarization with the activities and management structure of an enterprise (in particular, newly hired employees), as well as as additional visual material when studying job descriptions. It can be used as a basis for possible reorganization or modification of the organization's structure.

Finally, the diagram is used as a reference material, allowing employees of the enterprise to quickly become familiar with the changes that have occurred within the organization. For this purpose, the organization's structure chart can be posted on a notice board.

Disadvantages of using schematic diagrams. Firstly, it is static. The structure of an organization quickly becomes outdated. It reflects the organization at a certain point in time, in this sense it is static. But since business is dynamic, despite the fact that the basic structure of the organization remains unchanged for a long time, many changes occur within this structure (for example, personnel changes), which naturally requires certain replacements and additions.

Secondly, the diagram does not reflect informal relationships, which reduces its practical significance.

Schemes can lead to bureaucracy. They are essentially inflexible and reflect stable channels of relationships, but do not indicate the most rational, short connections that very often arise in the process of the organization's activities.

Finally, difficulties often arise in understanding significance levels. A misconception can arise from reading a chart that shows multiple managers on the same horizontal line, implying that they are of equal status. Therefore, sometimes it is quite difficult to designate with the required accuracy real relationships, the different significance of positions and positions.

Guide (reference book) on organizational development of an enterprise. These types of documents are often called separate reference books or instructions. They contain a list of positions with their detailed description(often in the form of a description production duties, relationships, powers, relevant principles and practices).

Distribution of duties means determining the scope of authority and responsibility for each position indicated on the diagram. It also contains a description of the functions performed. The “Distribution of Responsibilities” document must contain the following provisions: position title; the department in which this position exists; position level; description of the functions performed; duties and rights; relationships with management, colleagues and subordinates; number of subordinates, their characteristics; position of immediate supervisor; special powers (responsibilities); restrictions on powers (for example, the ability to act at one’s discretion, determining the amount of funds).

Responsibility– the employee’s obligation to perform existing tasks that are inherent in the position he occupies and to be responsible for the results of this activity. The responsibility of the performer is the obligation of the employee to complete the tasks delegated to him and to be responsible for the results of his work. The responsibility of a manager is the obligation to be responsible for the implementation of tasks and the results of the work of employees subordinate to him. Taking responsibility and being held accountable are necessary consequences of tasks being performed by different individuals with a division of labor between them.

Responsibility is:

· willingness to take into account the interests of those affected by the decision in one’s own decisions or actions,

· willingness to take responsibility for one’s actions (which is closely related to the right to independent action),

· willingness to be held accountable for the actions of task performers if control and analysis do not establish their personal guilt.

There are:

· self-responsibility (the obligation to be responsible for one’s own actions),

· another's responsibility (the obligation to be responsible for the decisions or actions of others),

· responsibility to oneself (the case when the established norm and the executor are one person),

· external responsibility (in relation to external areas of the enterprise’s activities),

· internal responsibility (in relation to internal areas of activity),

· responsibility to the enterprise (taking into account the interests of the enterprise and its owners).

In the case of responsibility in the sense of the obligation to answer for consequences, the acceptance of responsibility appears in the following forms:

1. Determination of negative results as a result of control.

2. Determination of personal responsibility as a result of deviation analysis.

3. Personal incentives and penalties:

· incentives (bonuses, promotions, strengthening of authority),

· reduction of assistance (remuneration, impact on career),

· sanctions (salary reduction, damages, loss of competence, resignation, dismissal, criminal prosecution).

Let's look at what employees do restaurant LLC Buono Chibo ”.

Heads the restaurant's operations Buono Chibo” - director, which is appointed by the supreme governing body - the general meeting of participants.

Director bears full responsibility for the reorganization of the business activities of the restaurant, execution of contracts and agreements; considers complaints.

To the director granted the right to: hire, fire and relocate restaurant workers; independently approve states; manage funds; issue orders, instructions, encourage employees, impose penalties on them if necessary. To the director The production manager reports directly.

Production director is guided by the job description; begins to perform his duties after signing the act of liability.

Responsibilities production manager:

· ensuring the rejection of prepared food;

· ensuring compliance with food recipes and production technologies, increasing worker productivity;

· Drawing up work schedules;

· Conducting safety training in the workplace;

· timely preparation and submission of reports on the use of inventory items to the accounting department;

· placement of workers at workplaces in accordance with their qualifications;

· establishment of discipline.

The functions of accounting, planning and various financial operations are performed by accounting employees. It is headed by Chief Accountant .

Functions chief accountant :

· brings together the annual balance sheet;

· keeps records of the movement of goods;

· transfers taxes;

· calculates wages;

· Inspects the work of the accounting department.

The restaurant's engineering and operational service is headed by process engineer .

Main tasks process engineer at this enterprise - in a restaurant - are:

· improving the technology for preparing culinary products by introducing new technological techniques, new types of raw materials, and manufacturing new products;

· progress control technological process from the primary processing of raw materials to the preparation of dishes and their release for distribution;

· systematic instruction of production workers on regulatory documents, standards, technical specifications, implementation advanced technology;

· Participation in the work of the rejection commission.

Heads the Purchasing and Warehouse Department purchasing manager. Its functions:

· responsible for managing the procurement of all goods (food, non-food products) taking into account the environmental principle;

· consults with all departments when choosing the necessary goods;

· checks all warehouse stocks and ensures their timely replenishment;

· takes into account in his work the main directions of development and management of the enterprise;

· organizes and controls the use of personnel in the areas of warehousing and purchasing;

These were functional managers, now let's look at line managers.

The production manager at an enterprise is the production manager, and the service manager is head waiter .

Head waiter controls, regulates and coordinates the work of waiters, cooks, bartenders, cashiers, bread cutters, tableware assemblers and washers, doormen, cloakroom attendants and orchestra performers.

Functions head waiter :

· drawing up work schedules for employees subordinate to him and monitoring its implementation;

· control over the timely preparation of the hall for opening and compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements during service ;

· control over table setting, compliance with trade rules, personal hygiene rules, and the condition of uniforms;

· direct participation in maintenance; meeting visitors, consulting in choosing a seat in the hall, presenting a Book of Reviews and Suggestions upon the first request of visitors, resolving conflicts that arise between employees of the enterprise and visitors;

· placing orders;

· carrying out work to improve the professional knowledge of waiters and disseminate best practices;

· control over the cleaning of the hall after closing and the accuracy of the waiters' reports.

Another line manager is Chef, who reports to the production manager.

Functions chef :

· Responsible for the management of the entire kitchen area, as well as for the production of dishes according to the established hotel standard, taking into account the achievement of maximum success in the economy and organization of production;

· supports the purchasing manager on all issues of purchasing raw materials, goods and quality;

· manages his area, taking into account the main production directions of the company’s development;

· organize, manage, and control the work of all employees working in the kitchen;

· planning, pricing, and creating menus for every day and for special events, taking into account the specialties of the season;

· quality control;

To the chef obey foremen . Foreman the most qualified employees are appointed. Brigadier performs work in his specialty and at the same time performs a number of duties related to organizing the work of the team.

Functions foreman :

· distributes responsibilities among team members, provides them with raw materials and tools; bears responsibility for the implementation of production tasks;

· compliance with food preparation technology;

· timely preparation of semi-finished and ready-made meals;

· keeps records of the team's output.

The assessment of the rationality of the operating system can be carried out based on the following principles:

1. Orientation of structural divisions to goods, market or consumer, and not to performing functions;

2. The basis of the organizational structure is groups of specialists or teams, and not functions and departments;

3. Focus on a minimum number of management levels and a wide scope of control;

4. Each employee is responsible for the final results and the opportunity to take initiative.

Below are the principles that were formulated by A. Fayol.

-Unity of management. Regardless of the structure of the organization, the degree of decentralization and delegation of authority, one person must bear full and absolute responsibility for the activities of the entire enterprise.

-Scalar method of delegation of authority. Full and absolute responsibility means the right not only to manage, but also to transfer and delegate part of the powers to other persons along the line of management.

-Unity of Subordination. Any employee (employee) can have only one supervisor.

-The principle of correspondence. Delegated authority must correspond to the level of responsibility. If a person is assigned certain responsibilities, then he must be given the appropriate powers necessary to fulfill these responsibilities.

-Scale of management. The number of persons under effective management is limited. This depends on a number of circumstances, on the nature of the work performed.

-Communications, communication system. Both formal and informal lines of communication must be established and maintained at all times.

-Principle of orientation. Organizations should be built in accordance with the nature of the tasks assigned to them and not depend on subjective factors.

-The principle of selectivity. Management should receive only information that goes beyond the plan and is exceptional, that is, either favorable or unfavorable for doing business. In this way, it will be possible to cut off unnecessary, unusable information.

-Differentiation of work. Different types of work have different characteristics, which must be taken into account when creating an organization. For example, highly skilled individual labor requires different conditions than semi-skilled repetitive tasks.

-Breakdown complex element into simple components, specialization and standardization. These methods should find their way into the organization as they reduce costs.

-Control over the implementation of operations. This function must be assigned to a device clearly designated for this purpose. A certain part of the administration must monitor the daily progress of operations. A creative approach to business should be encouraged.

-Planning must always precede the execution of work.

-Flexibility. The structure of the organization must allow adjustments to be made in connection with changes in methods, tasks, goals, scale of commercial activities, and the emergence of new technologies and resources. Of course, making significant changes requires extensive research.

-Accessibility at all levels of the organization. Any employee (employee) of the organization must have the right and opportunity to file a complaint, make comments or make complaints to the appropriate manager.

The bureaucratic type of management structures has many varieties, but the most common is linear-functional an organization still widely used by companies around the world.

The basis of the linear-functional structure is the “mine” principle of construction and the specialization of management personnel according to the functional subsystems of the organization.

For each subsystem, a “hierarchy” of services (“mine”) is formed, permeating the entire organization from top to bottom. The results of the work of any service of the management apparatus are assessed by indicators characterizing the implementation of their goals and objectives. For example, the work of services that manage production - indicators of compliance with the production schedule, resource costs, labor productivity, quality, and use of production capacity. To evaluate services that manage personnel, parameters such as staff turnover, labor discipline and others are used. Accordingly, a system of material incentives is being built, focused primarily on achieving high performance by each service. At the same time, the final result of the organization’s work as a whole becomes, as it were, secondary, because it is believed that all services, to one degree or another, work to achieve it.

Many years of experience in using linear-functional management structures have shown that they are most effective where the management apparatus has to perform many routine, frequently repeated procedures and operations with comparative stability of management tasks and functions: through a rigid system of connections, the smooth operation of each subsystem and the organization as a whole is ensured . At the same time, significant shortcomings have also emerged, among which the following are primarily noted: insensitivity to changes, especially under the influence of scientific, technical and technological progress; ossification of the system of relations between the links and employees of the management apparatus, who are obliged to strictly follow the rules and procedures; slow transfer and processing of information due to many coordinations (both vertical and horizontal); slowdown in the progress of management decisions.

Assessing the rationality (effectiveness) of the environmental management system is an important element in the development of design and planning decisions, which allows us to determine the level of progressiveness of the current structure, projects under development or planned activities and is carried out in order to select the most rational option structure or a way to improve it.

OSU of the restaurant « Buono Cibo" linear-functional. It is effective because it meets the necessary indicators. First of all, those that characterize the effectiveness of the management system: there is an increase in production volume, an increase in profits, and an improvement in product quality.

Secondly, it characterizes the content and organization of the management process, including the immediate results and costs of managerial labor: costs of maintaining the management apparatus, maintaining buildings and premises, retraining and training.

This OCS is characterized by the performance of the management apparatus, the adaptability of the control system, and the efficiency of decision-making, which in turn indicates the effectiveness of this OCS.

To assess the effectiveness of management, it is important to determine the compliance of the management system and its organizational structure with the management object. In this case, it corresponds. There is a balance in the composition of management functions and goals, compliance of the number and composition of workers with the volume and complexity of work, power and speed.

Completeness of reflection of the achieved effect.

2.2.2.Control functions

Function is a widely used word with many meanings. Function (lat. functio) is a duty, range of activity, purpose, role. This concept used in all areas of knowledge and in all areas of activity.

(The subject of management is a specialist manager, the object is the economic activity of the enterprise).

Despite the lack of a unified approach to the classification of functions, most authors distinguish general, special and specific functions management.

When considering the management process, its main stages were identified, which to one degree or another are present in the activities of each manager, regardless of his place in the management hierarchy and the properties of the management object. These stages are forecasting, planning, organization, coordination, stimulation, accounting and control, analysis.

All these stages come together general control functions.

Since any organization uses various resources in its activities, it makes sense to talk about managing these resources. Based on the type of activity of management employees related to the use of enterprise resources, they can be distinguished specific management functions. The most common specific functions are: financial management; property management; material resources management; personnel management, etc.

Since the work of an enterprise can be divided into various spheres or areas of activity (for example, such as main and auxiliary production, environmental protection, product sales, etc.), it makes sense to talk about the management of each area of ​​activity.

Management functions identified according to this criterion are called special control functions.

A functional management task is a certain stage (planning, organization, etc.) of managing a certain resource (finance, personnel, etc.) in a certain field of activity.

Specific management functions are closely related to the specifics of the enterprise and the main areas of its activity (general management, financial management, production, R&D, marketing).

General management of an enterprise consists of its structuring, organization of activities, planning, personnel management, control, accounting and analysis of performance results.

When managing production, the problems of production economics (costs, prices) and production planning are solved. Production planning tasks include:

· choice of technological process;

· production program planning;

· production sequence planning (operational planning);

· formation of production systems (equipment systems);

· organization of logistics.

When managing R&D (innovations), the following specific management functions are implemented:

· organization of the innovation process;

· selection and implementation of R&D strategy;

· optimal allocation of resources for R&D;

· implementation of R&D results;

· protection of R&D results.

Implementation of functions in the field of marketing includes:

· organizing the collection and processing of marketing information;

· selection of target markets and their segmentation;

· application of marketing solutions for the product;

· selection and interaction with distribution channels;

· product promotion;

· selection and implementation of pricing policy;

· planning and analysis of the effectiveness of marketing activities.

Financial management of an enterprise includes:

· acquisition of financial resources;

· use of financial resources;

· liquidity management;

· structuring of capital and property;

· management of payment instruments and payment transactions;

· financial planning and financial control.

Thus, specific management functions of a company can be considered as system components of its management.

IN LLC restaurant “ Buono Chibo” General management functions are carried out by the following divisions: economic department.

Specific management functions: engineering and operational department, supply department.

Special functions: service hall, workshops.

2.2.3. Management methods

The main methods of influence include: economic, economic-mathematical, socio-psychological and others.

Economic management methods - These are methods of influence that are based on economic relations and the economic interests of people.

Economic interests are divided into four large groups: interests of the state, interests of the industry, interests of the team (organization), interests of the individual.

There are contradictions between these interests. The art of a leader is to resolve these contradictions and find acceptable compromises.

Possible economic levers of management: cost (expenses), labor productivity, capital productivity, price, wages.

One of the most important economic levers of management is employee wages.

Economic and mathematical methods - These are methods based on searching for extrema of similar optimization curves not only for wages, but also for others.

Social-psychological methods- these are methods that use individual and social (group) consciousness and psychology, based on socially significant moral and ethical categories, values ​​and education. Social processes occur at four levels:

The entire society (state), team, work group, individual (person).

The main factors determining the course of social processes: demographic factors, age, ethnicity, level of education and qualifications, size of the work group, psychological climate.

Organizational and administrative methods. They are focused on such motives of behavior as a person’s conscious need to work in a certain organization and a sense of duty. The system of these methods includes:

1. Legal norms and acts.

2. Methods of organizational influence operating within the organization.

3. Administrative methods used in the process of operational management.

Can be applied following methods production management improvements:

1.Organizational and administrative methods: disaggregation of production to optimize the production structure.

2. Socio-psychological: to optimize the action of social policy, you can use the so-called. a “cafeteria” system, in which an employee has the opportunity to choose from the general list of those offered by the enterprise those that are most preferable to him. Possibility of participatory management.

Impact through leadership . Leadership issues are key to achieving organizational effectiveness. The management method based on team leadership allows you to quickly solve the most urgent problems and respond quickly in unexpected situations. Leadership is a process of predominantly non-forceful influence towards the achievement of a group or organization’s goals. Leadership is mainly built on relationships of the “leader-follower” type, rather than “boss-subordinate”. Not every manager can be a leader; An informal leader may also appear in the team.

Automated control methods– these are methods that use electronic computing, telecommunications tools and networks in the management system of an organization, its relations with the external environment and the implementation of basic management functions: analysis, forecasting, planning, optimization and decision-making, accounting, control, monitoring. The construction of an automated organization management system (ACMS) includes the following eight components: development of an organization model, information support for the automated control system, mathematical support for the automated control system, linguistic support for the automated control system, software for the automated control system, network support for the automated control system, technical support for the automated control system, organizational support for the automated control system, methodological support for the automated control system. .

Objectives of the functioning of the automated control system:

· minimizing time for communication processes in the organization, increasing management efficiency;

· accounting and control of production processes, which reduces total costs;

· ensuring optimal planning, optimal resource allocation and inventory management;

· drawing up schedules of resource movements in the organization, etc.

Telecommunications equipment and networks are also used in financial settlements, working with suppliers, clients (online business, electronic stores), and partners.

IN program-targeted methods control, a special matrix of program-targeted control is used.


· it is necessary to coordinate the execution of programs according to deadlines, executors and goals;

· proper distribution of rights, responsibilities and resources is necessary.

Problem-oriented management methods are used in complex emergency situations (economic crises, loss of sales markets, natural disasters, accidents, emergencies). Wherein:

· complex critical situations are highlighted - problems that may arise in the future and that need to be quickly resolved;

· for each situation, possible scenarios (schemes, algorithms) for the development of events are developed, optimistic and pessimistic forecasts are made;

· scenarios of response to possible emergency situations are developed; The main goal is to minimize losses and quickly save the most valuable.

In such situations, the main critical resource is time. The ability to quickly manage time in critical situations comes to the fore. Often for this purpose, special training sessions, gatherings, and trainings are held, which allow coordinating the actions of units and management in emergency situations, identifying and analyzing errors in response actions.

LLC restaurant “ Buono Chibo” focuses on two management methods: economic and socio-psychological. The choice in favor of these methods was made due to the small size of the organization and the characteristics of the working team. It is as a result of the faithful and joint work of all personnel that the enterprise is profitable.

2.2.4. Information support of the management process.

The transfer of information about the position and activities of the company to the highest level of management and the mutual exchange of information between the divisions of the company is carried out on the basis of modern electronic computer technology using various information solutions.

In management, certain requirements are imposed on information: brevity, clarity of wording, timeliness of receipts, accuracy and reliability, correct selection of primary information, continuity of information collection.

Modern enterprises are characterized by the use of highly efficient information systems based on the use of the latest technical means of automated information processing, integrated into a single network. Management information system consists of information processing components, internal and external channels for its transmission, and information itself.

Information systems consistently implement the principles of unity of the production process, information and organization through the use of technical means of collecting, accumulating, processing and transmitting information in combination with the use of analytical methods of mathematical statistics and models of predictive and analytical calculations. The entire information process is aimed at obtaining scientific, technical, planning, control, accounting and analytical information.

The intra-company information system performs the following functions: determining the needs of each specific manager in the volume and content of the information he needs for the purposes of operational management of the company’s activities, determining the technical needs of the company as a whole and each manager individually to provide the necessary information, centralized planning of all acquisition costs , rent, use of technical means to ensure uninterrupted functioning of the system, ensuring the proper level of collection, storage and provision of information, development of software and application programs.

In the production and economic division of the company, information is generalized “from the bottom up”, as well as the information is specified “from top to bottom”.

An important role in the use of information is played by the methods of its registration, processing, accumulation and transmission, systematic storage and presentation of information in the required form.

Timely and quick access to information today is a necessary condition for the successful solution of any kind of problem. The efficiency and quality of document generation, the coherence of the reference and information service, the clear organization of storage, search and use of documents directly affect the quality of management and, consequently, the economic efficiency of the enterprise as a whole.

Reducing the time spent searching for the necessary information and performing certain actions as part of the business document processing process is one of the main ways to increase employee productivity. The need for centralized receipt of information and control over the passage of documents throughout the organization leads to the need to create an automated document management system.

The life cycle of any document, from its creation to its transfer to the archive, consists of a large number of interrelated procedures. Business processes incorporated into the automation system should include the creation of documents, including those based on standard templates, registration of incoming, outgoing and internal correspondence, document routing, control of the passage and execution of documents, and the creation of a unified information repository.

An objective requirement for the technologies embedded in automated system, is the ability to process and register various types of information, such as text files, scanned images of paper documents, graphic images, spreadsheets.

A large number of employees are often involved in the document processing process. One prepares a draft, another endorses it, the third submits it for execution, etc. At the same time, it is important that any participant in the business process can access the document and any required information at any time. It is important to maintain strict access control and data protection.

Availability of funds scheduling will help ensure reliability and efficiency of interaction between departments when organizing the activities of working groups and preparing joint events. Maintaining communication with business partners, customers and suppliers is just as important as organizing communication within the enterprise. For example, the process of concluding an agreement may require joint work by the legal department, accounting department, office, as well as the exchange of documents with a business partner. This is achieved by distributed access to shared databases and built-in email. You can also use means of replication (replication) of shared system databases.

LLC restaurant “ Buono Chibo” uses computers extensively in his work. With the help of computers, administrators and managers can exchange information with each other and use the local database and network to search for information. The manager can find out information about competitors, advertise, and communicate with them to improve the quality and range of services provided by the restaurant.

2.3. Control and accounting system at the enterprise.

Control is the process of determining, assessing and providing information about deviations of actual values ​​from specified ones or their coincidence and the results of analysis. You can control goals, progress of plan implementation, forecasts, and process development.

The subject of control can be not only executive activities, but also the work of the manager. Control information is used in the regulatory process. Thus, they talk about the advisability of combining planning and control into a single management system (Controlling): planning, control, reporting, management. Control is carried out by persons directly or indirectly dependent on the process. Verification (audit) - control by persons independent of the process.

Control can be classified:

· by affiliation with the enterprise of the subject of control (internal, external),

basis for the obligation (voluntary, according to the charter, contractual, by law),

· scope of control (over the object, over decisions, over results),

Regularity (regular, irregular, special).

In general, the control process must go through the following stages:

1. Definition of the control concept (comprehensive control system "Controlling" or private checks);

2. Determining the purpose of control (decision on the feasibility, correctness, regularity, effectiveness of the management process),

3. Planning the inspection:

a) objects of control (potentials, methods, results, indicators, etc.);

b) verifiable standards (ethical, legal, production);

c) subjects of control (internal or external control bodies);

d) control methods;

e) scope and means of control (full, continuous, selective, manual, automatic, computerized);

f) timing and duration of inspections;

g) sequence, methods and tolerances of inspections.

4. Determination of actual and prescribed values.

5. Establishing the identity of discrepancies (detection, quantification).

6. Developing a solution, determining its weight.

7. Documenting the solution.

8. Meta-check (validation check).

9. Communication of the decision (oral, written report).

10. Evaluation of the solution (analysis of deviations, localization of causes, establishment of responsibility, investigation of correction possibilities, measures to eliminate deficiencies).

To make a decision on control and organization of control processes, a number of criteria may be important: its effectiveness, the effect of influence on people, control tasks and its boundaries.

Control systems can analyze a fairly wide class of phenomena: from measuring the output of an organization to measuring organizational behavior, which, of course, is more complicated. Control must be exercised at all levels of management: corporate, divisional, functional and individual.

Market control is the most objective, since it is carried out on the basis of a price system and allows you to evaluate the behavior of the company; the indicators used are also quite objective. The market price of shares is determined by competition, and all its fluctuations provide managers with feedback on their performance. The rate of return on investment measures the return on investment capital and is another form of market control. At the corporate level, such an assessment can show the company's performance relative to other firms; at the divisional level, it gives a relative assessment of the performance of the company's branches, which is important for diversification.

Transfer prices show the economic relationship between branches. They can be set in two ways: based on market prices and based on cost. Therefore, there are certain problems in using them as an indicator.

At the divisional level, the success of market control depends on the ability of corporate and divisional level managers to achieve equivalent decisions on pricing resources. This is very important for the head office of a company with many branches.

Output control is the next objective form of control, which is used in the absence of other objective methods. In doing so, the company must evaluate or forecast the achievement of relevant goals for various departments, functions or divisions.

At the divisional level, sales volumes, productivity, growth and controlled market share are assessed. These indicators change during the operation of branches and reflect the behavior of branch managers.

At the functional level, the degree of achievement of relevant goals is also assessed. Functional results can be used to develop a company's distinctive advantages, and they are also powerful methods for monitoring employee behavior.

Control based on individual results is common at all levels - top managers, sales people, production workers, etc. However, when there are difficulties in assessing performance (for example, in R&D or teamwork), it is very difficult to assess individual output.

Inappropriate use of output controls can lead to negative consequences at all levels of the organization.

Bureaucratic control is a directive form of controlling the behavior of departments, functional bodies and workers, while they are prescribed the best ways to achieve results. Rules and procedures are guidelines for action. They indicate what should be done, and thus standard behavior produces a predictable result and a predictable response. They are usually useful in routine situations, but it is difficult to use them in the opposite case. The manager must monitor the use of bureaucratic controls to ensure compliance. It should be borne in mind that this type of control is quite expensive, at least more expensive than market control.

Standardization is a very important way of controlling behavior. Inputs, processes and outputs can be standardized. Entrances are controlled to ensure that they contain high quality human or physical resources. The process is standardized to program activities and ensure minimum costs and high quality. Organizational outputs are standardized according to specific criteria for final products, quality and service. By standardizing its activities, the company creates an effective monitoring system for its functioning.

When neither outputs nor behavior can be monitored or measured, the organization must find other forms of control. Control from the team is most useful. It is based on the creation of an internal system of results for the company. This is a form of control when employees themselves set the norms and results of their behavior. Such control is useful in conjunction with standardization of inputs.

In a large organization, different departments or product lines may have various cultures, and this situation undermines the ties between them. Team control is inconvenient when the company is growing or changing rapidly, since there is no time to account for these organizational changes.

In practice, various types of control are used by a company simultaneously and their correct combination is very important.

Accounting is a necessary information base for a manager. Its main goal is to provide reliable information about the progress and results of the company's activities, which is the basis for making management decisions. The most important accounting tasks:

· collection, processing and display of primary data on economic activities,

· systematization of data in order to obtain and summarize final information on economic activities,

· creation of an initial information base for planning and monitoring the implementation of plans.

There are three types of business accounting:

· operational,

· statistical,

· accounting.

Operational - collection of current information (accounting for attendance, downtime of equipment, spare parts, inventories, etc.). Its data is used for the current management of the company.

Statistical - study and control of the most typical economic processes using statistical methods. It provides the company with status and movement data production assets and other information materials.

Accounting is a permanent, continuous, complete, reliable accounting of business transactions, covering all activities of the company and all its divisions. Accounting data must be documented in a strictly defined form.

IN LLC restaurant “ Buono Chibo” An accountant is in charge of accounting; he maintains financial control over the activities of employees.

2.4. Enterprise operational management system.

Operational production management is characterized by decision-making by management personnel in a real or existing production situation. In these conditions, the developed planned tasks or decisions of the heads of production departments must ensure a strict and time-bound procedure for the implementation of planned work. This corresponds to the development of operational calendar plans (schedules for the launch and production of parts) and shift-daily assignments at the level of workshops, sections and workplaces.

At the intershop level, operational management is carried out to resolve fundamental issues of removal, measurements of new products released into the production program, ensuring external supplies of components, and the use of internal resources.

In modern conditions, the functions of operational accounting, control and analysis of production progress performed by management personnel on a daily basis are the basis for developing options for regulatory influences on the progress of production. Hence, operational production management is carried out on the basis of continuous monitoring of the progress of production, exerting a targeted influence on the teams of workshops, sections, and workers to ensure the implementation of approved production programs. This is achieved:

1. Strict distribution of work for short periods of time in workshops and production areas;

2. Clear organization of collecting and processing information about the progress of production;

3. Integrated use of computer technology to prepare options for management decisions;

4. Daily analysis and control on the part of management personnel of the production situation in each link of the enterprise;

5. Timely decision-making and organization of work to prevent violations during production or to quickly restore it in case of deviation from the planned development trajectory.

IN LLC restaurant “ Buono Chibo” Operational management responsibilities are divided between the head waiter and the production manager. These people constantly coordinate their actions with each other. The head waiter supervises the work of the hall.

LLC restaurant “ Buono Chibo” is a small enterprise, therefore the functions of operational production management are carried out by the production manager. He carries out coordination and contacts between production and the hall and serves as a source of information entering the departments or, conversely, sent to customers through the sales department.

2.5. Enterprise strategy based on its mission.

The mission of an enterprise expresses the meaning of the enterprise's existence. It usually details the status of the enterprise, declares the principles of its work, statements and intentions of management, and defines the most important characteristics of the organization. In general, the mission expresses a focus on the future, showing where efforts will be directed and what values ​​will be a priority. Therefore, it is not customary for the mission to indicate profit as the main goal, although profit is the determining factor in the functioning of the enterprise. Profit as a mission significantly limits the range of development paths and directions considered by the organization. If the mission sets general guidelines, directions for the functioning of the organization, expressing the meaning of its existence, then the specific final state to which the organization strives at each moment in time is fixed in the form of its goals.

Goals- this is a specific state of individual characteristics of an organization, the achievement of which is desirable for it and towards which its activities are aimed.

The company's system of goals includes principles, spiritual values, long term goals. All this declares the organization’s mission in society. The principles are as follows: 1) Growth of the company through mutual benefit for the company and consumers. 2) Making a profit due to the mutual benefit of the company and consumers.

In essence strategy is a set of rules for making decisions that guide an organization in its activities .

Strategies have several distinctive features:

1. The strategy process does not end with any immediate action. Usually it ends with the establishment of general directions, progress along which will ensure the growth and strengthening of the company's position.

2. The formulated strategy should be used to develop strategic projects using the search method. The role of strategy in search is, first, to help focus attention on specific areas and opportunities; second, discard all other possibilities as Incompatible with the strategy.

3. The need for strategy disappears as soon as the real course of development leads the organization to the desired events.

4. When formulating a strategy, it is impossible to foresee all the opportunities that will open up when drafting specific activities. Therefore, one has to use highly generalized, incomplete and inaccurate information about various alternatives.

5. As soon as specific alternatives are discovered during the search process, more accurate information appears. However, it may question the validity of the initial strategic choice. Therefore, successful use of the strategy is impossible without feedback.

6. Since both strategies and benchmarks are used to select projects, they may appear to be the same thing. But these are different things. The benchmark represents the goal that the firm seeks to achieve, and the strategy is the means to achieve the goal. Guidelines are a higher level of decision making. A strategy that is justified under one set of guidelines will not be so if the organization's guidelines change.

7. Finally, strategy and guidelines are interchangeable both at individual moments and at different levels of the organization. Some performance parameters (for example, market share) will serve as a firm's guidelines at one moment and become its strategy at another. Further, since guidelines and strategies are developed within the organization, a typical hierarchy arises: what is upper levels management is an element of strategy; at the lower level it turns into guidelines.

Strategy - the concept is elusive and somewhat abstract. Its development usually does not bring any direct benefit to the company. In addition, it is expensive both in terms of money and management time.

Currently restaurant is at the stage of maturity.

Target groups: families, tourists, visitors to cultural institutions, company representatives, businessmen.

Mission LLC restaurant “ Buono Chibo”: to provide cultural recreation, to free people from everyday worries.

Our motto : “Delicious healthy food is the key to health, good rest is the key to longevity!”

Target : making a profit, satisfying needs.

All goals of the enterprise are achieved only through joint efforts and equal participation of all restaurant personnel.

The necessary conditions are: politeness, friendliness, smile and speed of service personnel, accuracy and correctness of calculations, a wide range of dishes.

In order to ensure stable operation enterprises, the manager must have employees who are able to approach work creatively and achieve the desired result. For LLC restaurant “ Buono Chibo” It is useful to improve personnel management by creating a system of personnel motivation. In order to effectively move towards a set goal, it is necessary to coordinate the work and encourage people to carry it out (motivate).


In this work, the restaurant “Buono Chibo” LLC, which provides food services, was analyzed. The areas of production and provision of services are technologically unified.

The work examines the production structure of the company, describes its main elements, and examines the features of this production and service sector. The organizational structure of management is considered LLC restaurant “ Buono Chibo , features of the organization’s personnel, accounting and control systems, information support and management.

The conclusion describes the mission and strategy LLC restaurant “ Buono Chibo ”.


- restaurant " Buono Chibo in its organizational and legal form it is a Limited Liability Company.

- Mission: provide cultural recreation, free people from everyday worries.

Part LLC restaurant “ Buono Chibo includes units that perform a specific set of tasks.

The organizational structure of LLC is linear-functional and belongs to the bureaucratic type of management structure.


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Fundamentals of Management: Textbook for universities / scientific. Editor A.A. Radugin. - M: Center, 1998- 432 pp.

9. Drucker P. F. Market: how to become a leader. Practice and principles - M., 1992.

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Carrying out a radical economic reform, providing for changes in forms of ownership, the right of enterprises to economic independence and disposal of the results of labor, in particular, in the definition


Management as a modern system for managing a company, an enterprise operating in a market economy, involves creating the conditions necessary for their effective functioning and development of production activities. We are talking about such a control system
(principles, methods, organized structure), which is generated by the objective necessity and laws of market economic relations associated with the company’s orientation to the demand and needs of the market, to the demands of individual results, the widespread use of the latest scientific and technical achievements, and the regulation of intercompany relations. The peculiarity of modern management is its focus on ensuring rational management at the company level in conditions of resource scarcity, the need to achieve high final results with minimal costs, optimal adaptation of the company to new market conditions for production or consumer goods, the provision of modern electronic computing technology, the degree of involvement in foreign economic activity. However, the determining factors are the formation and development of market relations, the convertibility of the ruble, the stabilization of market prices, and the efficiency of using the instruments of the financial and credit mechanism.

Carrying out a radical economic reform, providing for changes in forms of ownership, the right of enterprises to economic independence and disposal of the results of labor, in particular, in determining material, labor and financial resources, distribution of profits (income) of enterprises, access to foreign markets, creates objective economic conditions and necessitates the use of management at Russian enterprises.

The key to success is a good knowledge of world practice. This increases the prestige of not only specialist managers, but also the country as a whole. And the faster the shortcomings in the field of enterprise management are overcome, the more fully the potential opportunities of the Russian economy will be revealed, the stimulating influence on improving product quality and competitiveness will increase.

1. Theoretical aspects of the organization of work of the head of an enterprise.

1. The current state of the issue in the literature and in practice.

Labor productivity at enterprises largely depends on the efficiency of the organization of the structure, on the balance of various areas of activity within the enterprise. This requires top management to constantly monitor profitability, efficiency and, in general, the need for coordinated work of all departments of the enterprise.

When analyzing the problems of profitability of an enterprise and the functions of its management, one must proceed from the fact that profit is not the reason for the existence of the enterprise, but the result of its activities and the implementation of the main functions of the enterprise (marketing, innovation, productivity).

What makes a profit? What is this category? Profit is the result of the successful activity of an enterprise. At the same time, it creates certain guarantees for the further existence of the enterprise, since only its accumulation in the enterprise makes it possible to limit and overcome the risks associated with the sale of goods on the market. The term “risk” comes from an Arabic word meaning property, accommodation, wages when translated into Russian. But even planning carried out at a high professional level is not able to significantly limit the risks that the enterprise faces.

One of the most important functions of management is to create the conditions necessary for the further successful functioning of the enterprise. That is why, even at enterprises in Western countries, the main principle and guideline of management is not profit maximization, but the successful elimination of the influence of risk situations. This or that operation of the enterprise must bring such a profit that would allow accumulating enough funds to create a real opportunity to overcome possible future risks.

The activities of top management are based on a deep analysis of the enterprise's activities, and one of its most important elements is marketing and innovation. Because of this, any manager simultaneously represents one of the forms of entrepreneurial activity.
Guidance cannot be a purely bureaucratic, administrative act or based on political speculation. This is a truly creative activity that excludes all forms of opportunism. It must constantly, actively, on a large scale create, create new conditions and not just passively respond to changes occurring in the environment.
This is what makes management a truly modern form of management.

Senior management sets its own goals. First they take the form of what they want. Then, in the process of developing specific, detailed plans and setting specific goals for individual areas of the enterprise, these global goals are correlated with existing capabilities. It follows from this that management must skillfully organize analytical work at the enterprise.

The management of the company solves important problems. It is extremely important for him to know what the market will look like tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, what clients will expect from the company not only today, but also tomorrow.

The main areas of activity for which top management must set goals are market conditions, innovation, labor productivity, financial and labor supply, profitability in a purely technical and financial sense, as well as employee performance and relationships, as well as relationships with by the public.

There are close relationships and interdependencies between all these areas. For example, poor relations that have developed between management and employees will sooner or later begin to negatively affect the company’s position in the market. The same applies to low labor efficiency and low employee job satisfaction. The latter especially affects their relationships with clients.
An enterprise is the totality of its employees, and, therefore, when clients think about it, they do not mean the building, machinery and equipment, but their specific interlocutors at a particular enterprise.

When analyzing the position of an enterprise in the market, one should be guided by the fact that all markets are constantly changing. Therefore, you should compare your position on it not with its past and present market share, but with the entire market and its value. For example, the management of the enterprise believes that as long as the sales volume grows, everything goes fine. But it can easily lose sight of the fact that the entire market is expanding much faster than sales are growing. Such an analysis is necessary especially when the company accounts for a small market share. It is these enterprises that depend not only on fluctuations in market conditions, but also on the behavior of competitors, who quite easily and unexpectedly for the enterprise are able to force it out of the market.

In the West, situations that are dangerous for an enterprise can also arise in cases where it accounts for too large a market share.

At a minimum, management should consider:
> the desired position of the enterprise in the market with goods currently produced;
> desired position of current products in new potential markets;
> product output depending on the extent to which it is necessary to remove certain products from the production program;
> production of new types of goods intended for introduction to new markets;
> possible changes in sales and other organizations if there is a need to achieve the above goals.

The need for innovation arises when the market already demands it. But the management of the enterprise must determine their necessity and feasibility in advance. It is in this area that he should:
> identify new types of goods or services with which the enterprise will have an appropriate market share;
> identify new types of goods and services that should replace existing but outdated goods and services;
> introduce innovations and carry out modernization in all areas of the enterprise’s activities (office work, public relations, etc.);

A modern enterprise is characterized by the fact that it employs fewer ordinary workers than 50 or even 10 years ago. And in 5, 10 or 20 years there will be even fewer of them. There are already enterprises that have virtually no workers, and only highly qualified employees and managers.
Managers become the main and at the same time the rarest factor of production. Without them, production enterprises operate ineffectively, since in the absence of appropriate experienced managers, capital itself cannot find profitable use. Consequently, the presence of experienced managers becomes a decisive element in deciding the issue of the further existence of the enterprise. At the same time, the enterprise and senior management must take all measures to ensure that the number of qualified managers necessary for the successful operation of the enterprise in the long term is available.

It takes at least two to three years to create a creative team of managers. Going over the deadline is quite easy and quick. For this reason, modern enterprises place special emphasis on “human relations,” that is, the relationship between managers and employees.

A negative example in this regard can be the fate of the Ford company during the reign of Henry Ford, who led the company like an absolute monarch. He had something like a special service, constantly making sure that his managers did not make independent decisions.
If Henry Ford felt that his managers were capable or willing to make their own decisions and take responsibility, he tended to fire them. Having decided for himself to be and remain the only owner, G. Ford wanted to be at the same time the only authorized manager of his company. The negative impact of this soon became evident: Ford had to go through a serious crisis.

Henry Ford Jr., who was 25 years old when he inherited the company, quickly realized the main reasons for its crisis.
Since Ford managers at that time were simply executors of someone else's will, he decided to replace them by inviting energetic and active specialists from other enterprises and giving them the necessary powers.
Quite quickly his efforts yielded positive results.

In a modern enterprise, a single person is never, or almost never, able to be the most competent manager. In fact, in all large Western enterprises, senior management is formed in the form of a working group.

In a modern enterprise, unless it is a very small company, managers can perform their duties only on the condition that they delegate some of their powers to other managers. Thus, some managers constantly work closely with others.

Creating an appropriate climate, primarily among managers, plays a decisive role in ensuring the successful operation of the enterprise. Managers and employees must see and understand that the work they do, which is a small, sometimes even tiny part of the work of the enterprise as a whole, has a direct impact on the productivity of the entire enterprise. They must be able to control their own activities. This ability to self-control stimulates employee work to a greater extent than the fear of being fired or deprived of a bonus.

So, one of the most important tasks of management is setting specific tasks for the company’s employees, giving them the opportunity to control their own work, and also see what contribution their work has made to the overall results of the enterprise. An employee, regardless of whether he is a simple worker or a plant director, must understand that the fate of the enterprise depends on his work.

Many leading Western companies have moved from the conveyor system of production organization to a more efficient one. group work. In such conditions, each work group is occupied in one area of ​​the enterprise
(for example, at the Swedish Volvo automobile plant, where a very certain number of groups of workers produce almost the entire car). This system helps to increase workers' understanding of the need to care about the fate of their enterprise and their direct participation in achieving positive results of the enterprise. Worker engagement increases immediately, spurring dramatic increases in productivity and reduced turnover. In this regard, it should be emphasized that a high salary is only one of the important and, perhaps, even the decisive element in creating a favorable climate in the enterprise.

The top management of a business should never forget that it exists only because of its customers and also because its employees are willing to work closely with it.

It is the top management of the enterprise that is easily tempted to think that the fate of the enterprise, workers and their families depends on the decisions of management. In reality, everything is completely different: the existence of management depends on the work of employees and on the market. Skillful organization of working time and a good choice of nearby employees are often one of the decisive elements in the successful or unsuccessful activities of top management.

A manager, and above all a top manager, must be not only an exceptionally educated person, but also a person of strong character.
He must be an active fighter and not be afraid of any clashes with shareholders, with his employees, and, if necessary, even with his colleagues.

Even from a purely technical and commercial point of view, running a business today is so complex that the function can almost never be performed by just one person.

In many Western enterprises there is no longer a CEO or chairman of senior management, but a group of equal senior management executives. The tasks and responsibilities of each member of such a working group should be clearly defined. No one is given the right to interfere in the activities of their colleagues, and at the same time, all of them together should not refute the opinions of their colleagues. Finally, much in the activities of a group of managers depends on the purely human relationships that have developed within it.

In modern enterprises, much attention is paid to the creation of an optimal organizational structure. When creating it, you must keep in mind that it should:
> ensure that the enterprise achieves optimal profitability. Therefore, the organizational structure should be created as simple, clear and easily visible as possible;
> cover the minimum possible number of intermediate links.

In other words, command and information systems need to be created not so cumbersome;
> provide conditions for training managers for the future.

It is precisely this last circumstance that is often overlooked even in large, well-organized Western enterprises, since, based on personal experience, managers rarely allow the presence of strong potential competitors. But the presence of strong, well-trained potential managers plays a big role in ensuring the successful functioning of the enterprise in the future.

Only well-interested workers and employees are able to make a significant contribution to the achievement of high results by the enterprise, and only employees who are satisfied with everything can treat the work of their enterprise with high responsibility. Positive or negative relationships between management, workers and employees quite quickly affect the position of the enterprise in the market, in a positive or negative sense.

2. Features of the manager’s work and the functions he performs.

Management functions are a special type of management activity through which the subject of management influences the managed object.
Management functions reflect the content of the management process, the type of management activity, and the set of responsibilities of the management subsystem.

All control functions are divided into:
> basic - mandatory for any management system, they are fundamental to the entire management process;
> specific - reflect the characteristics of a specific managerial activity of an employee, have an industry focus (for example, trade).

The main functions of management include planning, organization, motivation and control. All management functions are in a certain relationship and interdependence with each other and, as a rule, are carried out in a certain sequence; the end of the process of one function is the basis for the implementation of another. This process approach formed the basis of the theoretical provisions of the concept of organizing managerial work.

Let's consider the content of the main functions of management.

I. Planning function.

This function resolves the issues of what the organization’s goals should be and what needs to be done to achieve its goals. Planning as a function includes:
> forecasting;
> defining goals;
> strategy development;
> program development.

II. Function of the organization.

Provides the creation of an organizational structure, because In any organization there are many elements that require structuring. Performing this function requires the development and regulation of regulations, the impact on production processes and on the organization of workers' labor. This feature includes:
> development of organizational structures;
> delegation of powers;
> defining relationships at work.

III. Function of motivation.

The function organizes the execution of work in accordance with requirements, plan, responsibilities and delegated authority. It is necessary for a person to receive remuneration for his work, which would contribute to the satisfaction of his personal interests and needs. It includes:
> selection and placement of personnel;
> staff training;
> coordination.

IV. Control function.

This is the process of checking the implementation of activities, as well as comparison with the intended goals and directions of development. The constituent elements of this control function are:
> adjustment of results;
> measuring results;
> development of standards.

In the process of management activities, the content of management functions changes depending on the work performed, and the scope of functions also changes.
The only thing that remains unchanged is the purpose.

Compared to other types of work, the work of a manager has a number of features, expressed in the nature of the work itself, its subject, results and means used. The specificity of the tasks being solved predetermines the predominantly mental, creative nature of managerial work, in which setting goals, developing methods and techniques for achieving them, as well as organizing joint activities constitute the main meaning and content of the work of people classified as managerial personnel. They have a special subject of work - information, transforming which the manager makes the decision necessary to change the state of the managed object. Therefore, the tools of labor of management workers - managers - are, first of all, means of working with information, and the result of the work of managers is assessed by achieving their goals.

Management, as a special type of labor activity, requires appropriate organization of work for workers performing management functions at various levels.

3. Elements of effective organization of work for a manager.

The organization of managerial work is usually understood as the order, rules of official behavior in the management apparatus, aimed at the implementation of current and future planned tasks by officials, specialists and technical personnel in accordance with current job descriptions and regulations on structural divisions.

This definition follows from the meaning of the word “organization” (translated from Latin - ordering something in the field of practical activity).

The content of a manager's work is based on the management of the production and economic activities of the enterprise and the team. In the process of carrying out managerial activities, the manager has to systematically participate in solving problems that his subordinates perform, constantly communicate with people, receive from them and transmit management information to them, solve problems arising from his personal, official responsibilities as the head of the enterprise.

When determining the forms of participation in solving problems of production and economic activity, the manager must distribute his working time to solve current and future problems, rationally divide functions between employees of the apparatus, delegate to them responsibilities and powers, and determine the forms of his participation in performing the functions of the management apparatus. The degree of real influence of the manager on the production process and the efficiency of his work depends on the correct distribution of time for solving current and future problems.

Elements of effective work organization for a manager include:

3. Rational use of technical means.

4. Application of scientific, technical, economic, operational and production information and communication.

1. Planning and distribution of working time.

Planning is designed to ensure the rational use of time.
“The better we manage our time, the better we can use it to our personal and professional advantage.”

To make a plan for spending time, it is important to always have an idea of ​​​​the upcoming tasks. Divide them into long-term, medium- and short-term tasks. Set their priority and act in accordance with it.

Establishing the time periods required to achieve your goals gives you a sense of confidence and an idea of ​​​​the most appropriate order of things.

In business life, the following planning periods justified themselves:
> long-term goals 3-5 years;
> medium-term goals 1-3 years;
> current goals 1 week-3 months.

The time planning scheme (Fig. No. 1) is presented as a closed system in which the relationships between individual types of plans are clearly visible: long-term plans are specified in the corresponding medium and short-term plans, as well as in plans for the current period. The latter are eventually translated into plans for the day.

When planning work for the day, the manager needs to determine:

1. To whom and what instructions to give (indicating the deadline for execution).

2. List of persons with whom you need to talk.

3. Where to go, what to discuss or monitor (for example, the implementation of urgent and important tasks).

4. Time for conversations with members of your team, for participation in meetings and sessions.

|Adaptation |Life Plan |
|Adaptation |Plans for several years ahead |
|Annual Summary |Annual Plan |
|Divided into |
|Quarterly results|Monthly results |Weekly results |Daily results |
|Quarterly plans|Monthly plans |Weekly plans |Daily plans |

Rice. 1 Time planning system.

Operational flexible plans can be used to both track time expenditures and record their implementation. It is advisable to set aside time to prepare for the next day (recording and analyzing the events of the day, summing up the results, scope of control, planning for the next day). In the morning, clarify issues planned in the evening and bring them to the team members.
It is recommended to use a plan form that records planned tasks and their actual implementation, as well as changes during implementation.

As a tool for planning and managing your time in everyday practice, you should use the most effective remedy- time diary. A time diary is a personal working card file in which individual sheets are sewn together and which, thanks to rational division, should be convenient for its clarity.
The Time Diary is at once a desk calendar, a personal diary, a notebook, a planning tool, an address list, an idea file and a control tool.

By planning personal work, the manager ensures the normal rhythm of work of the management apparatus, allows time for creative activity, study and generalization of best practices, and advanced training.

The benefits of planning are found in such areas as achieving goals, gaining time, visibility of established priorities, deadlines, time reserves, and increasing efficiency.
Delegating tasks and reducing stress.

It is necessary to double-check your plans and change them if it turns out that they are not feasible or the goals set cannot be achieved by the specified deadline.

2. Placement and equipment of the workplace. Creation of comfortable working and rest conditions.

The conditions in which a person works are very important for his physiological and psychological state and determine the level of his ability to work. Therefore, special attention is paid to the planning and placement of equipment in the workplace.

Shepel in his book “Management and Psychology” draws attention to:

“The workplace is not just a chair and a table, its location.
This is status, his authority, his significance for the team, this is the character of a person, this is the zone of his activity and the zone of his not touching.” The workplace is the primary unit of work organization. This is the manager’s area of ​​operation, equipped with the necessary technical means. The rational organization of the workplace and the creation of the best working conditions for the manager include the following set of main problems:

1. Plan workroom necessary on the basis of studying and analyzing the technology for performing the main, most widespread work and information flows in government bodies.

2. Placement of furniture and equipment at workplaces based on the content of work. The goal is to reduce labor costs when performing work and effectively use the working area and equipment.

3. Efficient use of working space, taking into account the requirements of the work process. Performance characteristics equipment and optimal working conditions.

4. Creation of necessary working conditions that would increase the efficiency of the manager’s activities, as well as reduce tension and fatigue.

5. It is necessary to take into account that the room should not contain equipment that is not constantly required during work and, conversely, equipment that is constantly needed should be located at the workplace during work.

The first stage of planning a work space is its location; as a rule, the general manager's office should be located on the second or third floor of the administrative building. When planning a manager's workspace, the office layout is most often used. First of all, the office should be large, spacious and bright. There should be a reception area in front of the manager's office. The presence of a secretary is necessary in order to protect the manager from unscheduled visitors and calls, as well as to relieve him of the constantly incoming information and documentation.
The manager's office should have an adjacent rest room, where you can relieve psychological fatigue and have casual conversations with visitors. A meeting room should be located next to the manager’s office, because Due to the nature of his activities, he often has to conduct various official meetings, meetings and staff meetings.

A feature of a manager’s work is the large proportion of mental operations. This largely determines the requirements for the organization and equipment of the workplace. The choice of the size of the area allocated to management employees is greatly influenced by the nature of the work they perform, equipment and specific working conditions (receiving visitors, holding meetings, etc.).

The desk and chair must be adapted to perform a specific type of work. The appearance of the furniture should be pleasant and contribute to a favorable mood of the employee. The internal order of his desk is of great importance in organizing a manager’s workplace. First of all, the rule applies: “Every thing must have its place.” The design of the table should include drawers that match in size and the nature of the material located in them.

Thus, the scientific organization of labor assumes that the workplace should be equipped with office equipment that ensures that certain types of work are performed with minimal physical effort on the part of the worker. The workplace should ensure that all the physical and mental efforts of the employee are spent on work.

Silence, normal air temperature and humidity, good natural lighting, and modern office equipment have a beneficial effect on increasing manager productivity. Computer technology. In the absence of these conditions, the employee spends most of his time adapting to unfavorable working conditions. Much attention should be paid to the coloring of the room; it should be predominantly light and warm colors.

An aesthetic element of the interior is the landscaping of the premises and the creation of recreation areas. In addition to its decorative function, the plant improves the composition of the air and reduces nervous and visual fatigue. The well-being of workers is determined by the influence of environmental factors on it: light conditions, background noise, air exchange. The room requires a continuous flow of fresh air, i.e. It is necessary to have air conditioners and heaters.

The importance of the organization of the workplace and the working conditions of the manager as factors that have a direct impact on labor efficiency cannot be overestimated. Research by domestic and foreign experts has shown that due to these factors, implemented taking into account the requirements of ergonomics, psychology, hygiene and technical aesthetics, worker productivity increases by more than 50%.

3. Interaction between the manager and subordinates.

The organizational work of a manager is unthinkable without contacts with subordinates and employees of other departments of the management apparatus who address certain issues. Reception and conversation - direct contact with people - the richest. And often an uncompensated source of information for a manager. Therefore, you should not languish people while waiting for an appointment, but show due respect to the visitor and listen to him with interest.

The manager constantly communicates with subordinates and visitors. This allows him to obtain information about the operation of the enterprise and subordinate management objects. Forms of communication are business (office) meetings, individual and collective meetings with employees in the workplace, reception of subordinates in the office on official and personal issues.

Service meetings are one of the forms of workers’ participation in enterprise management. They are also an effective form of exchanging information and work experience. When preparing the meeting, the manager decides the following issues:

1. Defines and forms the agenda.

2. Identifies issues for discussion.

3. Determines meeting participants.

4. Notifies meeting participants about the time and location of the meeting.

An important form of communication between a manager and his subordinates is the reception of visitors and conversations on a wide variety of issues - from production to purely personal.

4. Information and communications in the activities of a manager.

Information in management is a form of communication between the subject and the object of management, objectively reflecting their state. For an enterprise manager, information is the subject, means and result of work.
The subject of the work is normative and reference information. Tools of labor - the sequence of processing information (carrying out calculations, analysis, etc.). The result of the work is management decisions about the need to influence the controlled object to achieve the goal. Therefore, to manage an enterprise it is necessary to have prompt and reliable information.

The use of information coming from performers, colleagues at work, obtained at meetings, conferences and conversations, in the control process, during business trips, excursions, when visiting exhibitions, etc. Involves the following stages:

I. Receiving and collecting preliminary, current and final information.

II. Processing, systematization, analysis and synthesis of information.

III. Transfer of information to performers.

When starting to collect the information necessary to make a decision, the manager is faced with two difficulties - its excess or deficiency. The manager must develop a clear approach to the overall assessment of the material, determine the need for facts and their content, the timing of their collection and processing, the effectiveness of the expected results; establish methods and techniques for classifying material, etc.

The simplest and most frequently used forms of information transfer are:
> carrying, forwarding, transportation of documents;
> receiving by telephone, telefax, teletype, telegraph and radio;
> use of telecommunication systems.

When collecting information, it is necessary to use methods that can ensure the fulfillment of the following conditions:

1. Correctness and clarity of information.

2. Timely receipt.

3. Mobility.

4. Ease of collection and transfer.

5. Economical during collection and transmission.

6. Availability and use of technical means.

Collection of preliminary information is necessary for the formation of professional qualifications. Current information - for performing a specific task, familiarizing yourself with instructions, orders, regulations, plans, schedules, reports, for conducting experiments, time-keeping observations. Obtaining final information serves as the basis for analyzing the activities of the enterprise, comparing the work of the previous and current periods, identifying strengths and weaknesses in the activities of the enterprise. The work performed also involves obtaining management information from books, monographs, and periodicals. As a result of personal observations, when visiting workplaces, etc.

In addition to collecting information, the manager processes, systematizes and analyzes it. Processing and recording of information in a modern enterprise is carried out using high-speed PCs and peripheral equipment. The information processing process consists of the following operations: receiving primary information, monitoring the correctness of input documents, preparing information for input into a computer, sorting, encoding incoming information, entering information into a computer, processing information, outputting information, issuing information on accessory for management, storage information for future reference.

The process of processing information on a computer is carried out using special application programs, which in turn are developed by mathematicians and programmers. A computer allows you to quickly, clearly and reliably test various assumptions, make correct conclusions, and make optimal decisions based on processed information. In addition, keep records, classify, periodically check the progress of decisions, issue the necessary information in the form of summaries and groupings indicating deadlines for each of them, monitor, etc.

Output information is transmitted to performers for decision making.
Internal information of an enterprise characterizes various aspects of industrial and economic activity. It is operational in nature and reflects the economic results of the enterprise. The transfer of information to performers is carried out in the form of orders, instructions, instructions, programs, methods, etc. Important role when transmitting information, it is assigned to a special apparatus under the head (secretary, secretary-assistant, etc.), which is called upon to collect, register, and sort. Analysis and preparation of information for decision making.

The manager's work with information involves the introduction of the latest technical means of information processing, including well-known means of mechanization, registration, copying, optical and micro-reproduction equipment.

The optimal quantity and quality of received and processed information is determined. Working with information is characterized by the number of authorities that a document goes through in the process of operational work with it. And also the time required to complete the document.
The order of movement of received information at the enterprise is presented in Figure No. 2.

|Mail |Secretary |Manager |
|Deputy Manager | Head of Department | Typist |
| | Performer | |

Rice. 2 The order of information flow in the enterprise.

Using, transmitting information and receiving feedback, the leader organizes, leads and motivates subordinates. The transfer of information from the subject of control to the object occurs through the communication process, which is an element of working with information. Subjects can be individuals, groups and even entire organizations. In the first case, communication is interpersonal in nature and is carried out by conveying ideas, facts, opinions, hints, sensations or perceptions, feelings and attitudes from one person to another, verbally or otherwise.
(writing, gestures, postures, tone and timbre of voice, etc.) in order to obtain the desired reaction in response.

Communication includes both what is communicated and how it is communicated. In order for the communication process to take place, there must be at least two people. Each participant must have the ability to see, hear, feel, smell and taste. Effective communication requires certain skills and abilities from each party, as well as a certain degree of mutual understanding.

The manager constantly communicates with people, which allows him to receive information about the work of the enterprise and subordinate management objects.
Information characterizes the state of the enterprise’s economic activity at a given moment and its transformation in accordance with the decision, both in the form of documents (plans, orders, etc.) and orally to change the state of this object to achieve its goals and objectives.

5. Activities of the manager in developing and making management decisions.

All activities of a manager are based on making management decisions. Mintzberg believes that:

“When making a decision, a manager plays four roles:

1. Entrepreneur.

2. Specialist in correcting irregularities in work.

3. Resource allocator.

4. Specialist in reaching agreements.”

The management decision-making process can be divided into three main stages:

1. Stage of preparation for making a decision.

2. Stage of making a management decision.

3. Stage of implementation of the management decision.

The need to make a management decision arises when a discrepancy appears between the real and the desired, which requires mandatory correction of the situation in order to achieve the production goal. Management decisions must follow strict logic.
At each stage, the manager must perform a certain amount of work.
When defining the goal, he must clarify the problematic and planned tasks. At the stage of collecting and studying information, the manager must attract the maximum of necessary information and must study policy, legal, and regulatory documentation.

Each decision, in order to be put into practice, must go through the stage of interaction between the people who are involved in its implementation.
The effectiveness of managerial decision-making is influenced by educational level, age level and length of service in a managerial position.

Every business, big or small, is preceded by a decision.
A decision is always a choice between possible goals or methods of achieving a certain goal. When making decisions, a manager usually thinks about various options for his actions, weighing many pros and cons.
Decision making is the most important part of the work of a business manager.
Where management decisions are deep and comprehensively thought out, where the manager is fully aware of his responsibility, the enterprise operates more successfully. Mistakes sometimes result in millions of losses and moral damage.

Speaking about the importance of decisions made by managers at high management levels, the role of those managers who are at the lower levels of management is not underestimated. If a manager, when making a decision, demonstratively ignores the opinions of his subordinates, then this leads to a complete disruption of managerial influence and results in a conflict situation.

Thus, the manager’s choice in decision-making should, on the one hand, be determined by the interests of the business, and on the other, take into account the opinions of subordinates. In order for the choice of a leader to be free from errors, it must be based on the scientifically based opinion of specialists and on collective opinion.

Thus, we have examined how the work of a manager should be organized in theory, based on scientific experience.
2. Organizational and economic characteristics of the activities of Tashtagolsky

1. History of education, nature and scale of activity.

Tashtagol Road Repair and Construction Enterprise (TDRSU) is a state enterprise within the Directorate of the Regional Road Fund. Builds its production activities with the management on the basis of contractual relations and bears responsibility established by law for the implementation of the tasks and functions provided for by the Charter of the enterprise.

In its activities, the company is guided by legislation
Russian Federation, orders of the regional administration, as well as
Charter of the enterprise.

Tashtagol DRSU is a legal entity, has an independent balance sheet and a bank account.

Registered 05/08/92 By order No. 431-r of the city administration
Tashtagola. Located in Tashtagol, st. Sovetskaya, 1-a, phone-fax: 7-

The main tasks of the DRSU are to maintain the network of highways under the jurisdiction of the DRSU, meeting the requirements of road safety, the needs of the national economy and the population of the region.

The improvement and further development of subordinate roads, rational development and efficient use of working capital and fixed assets in the interests of road users are important.

In order to improve the socio-economic status of the workforce, the enterprise is engaged in commercial activities and provides intermediary services in accordance with current legislation.

The main functions are:
> taking into account the intensity and composition of vehicle traffic on roads;
> ensuring the transport and operational condition of highways common use and structures on them ensuring the safe movement of road transport;
> development and implementation of measures to increase the capacity of improvement of highways and structures on them, protect the environment from the harmful effects of highways, ensure mobilization readiness of public roads;
> control jointly by the traffic police over compliance with the rules of use and protection of highways and structures;
> consideration of claims from the population, enterprises, organizations regarding the unsatisfactory condition of roads, etc.

Tashtagol DRSU independently carries out economic activities on the principles of full economic accounting, is responsible for the results of its economic activities and the fulfillment of its obligations under concluded agreements, to the state budget and banks.

Creates production units necessary for its economic activities, organizes logistics for its own production by purchasing resources directly from manufacturers and logistics organizations.

2. Structure of the TDRSU management apparatus

Analysis of the management structure shows that it meets modern requirements, i.e. clearly distributes the duties and responsibilities of management specialists, outlines the grouping scheme for individual departments and the principles of their management.

An important element is that duplication in the management process is eliminated. The chief engineer determines the technical policy, prospects for the development of the enterprise and ways of implementation comprehensive programs, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing production. Manages the chief technician department, the dispatch service and directly the road sections and the mechanization section that carry out the main production program.

The deputy head for general issues, through the supply department, provides the enterprise with the necessary raw materials, components, and technical equipment.

The Deputy Head for Commercial Activities manages economic and financial activities and ensures the effective use of material and financial resources. Engaged in concluding agreements with suppliers and consumers, drawing up and implementing protocols for mutual settlements with debtor enterprises.

Ensures the implementation of product supply plans in terms of quantity, quality, range, timing and other delivery conditions. It fully supplies consumer goods, departmental stores and canteens.

The head of the department independently resolves all issues of the department’s activities in accordance with this Charter and the law of the RSFSR “On Enterprise and Entrepreneurial Activities”.

The head of the department, without a power of attorney, acts on behalf of the DRSU, represents its interests in all institutions and organizations, disposes of property and management funds, concludes contracts, issues powers of attorney, opens bank accounts, and carries out banking transactions.

The head of the department approves the staff and determines the number of employees, establishes the forms, amounts and systems of remuneration, decides on the hiring, transfer and dismissal of department employees, takes incentive measures and imposes disciplinary sanctions.

Within the limits of his authority, the boss issues orders and gives instructions that are binding on all employees of the department.

My economic activity Tashtagol DRSU builds on contractual relations.

The main agreement, as already noted, is the agreement with the Directorate of the Regional Road Fund, a higher organization. Along with this, agreements have been concluded with contractors performing work on bridge construction, engaged in earthworks, as well as with enterprises that provide special equipment for the construction and maintenance of roads. Such enterprises include the following: JSC Spetsstroymekhanizatsiya, JSC
"Shakhtomontazhnik", JSC "Metlokonstruktsiya", JSC "Tashtagol Automobile Depot", JSC
"Osinnikovskaya motor depot" and a number of others.

Along with the main production activities, the Tashtagol DRSU is engaged in commercial activities, having two mixed goods stores, a canteen, and a mini-bakery. Relations with supplier enterprises are carried out on the basis of contracts for the supply of consumer goods, using mutual settlement protocols, barter transactions, etc.

In the field of labor and social relations, the enterprise is guided by a collective agreement, which is adopted annually at conferences of the workforce.

The presence of a collective agreement allows employees, taking into account the economic capabilities of the organization, to obtain guarantees of job stability from the administration, to reduce the number of employees as much as possible, to ensure the required level of wages and timely payment, and also to exercise their right, granted by current legislation, to self-government.

All decisions regarding working conditions and wages, including the remuneration system, forms of material incentives, and the size of tariff rates
(salaries), labor standards, etc. are accepted in agreement with the trade union committee. Specific payment systems are established there by categories of workers, workshops and divisions in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Social benefits, guarantees and compensation to employees are established in a specific amount, indexed according to the growth of the tariff rate and work category.

The administration of the enterprise, on the basis of an industry-wide program for improving working conditions, ensures strict adherence to healthy and safe working conditions at each workplace, provides proper sanitary, household, medical and preventive services.
> Occupational Safety and Health Fund;
> Providing financial assistance;
> Social Protection Fund for Low-Income Workers;
> Payments of additional pensions, benefits and more.

In the conditions of a difficult socio-economic situation, Tashtagolsky
DRSU manages to successfully solve many problems thanks to a modern approach and long-term forecasting.

Taking into account the difficult financial situation, the chronic lack of funds, the necessary financing for performing work, problems associated with payments between enterprises, the Tashtagol DRSU is opening departmental stores, a canteen, and a mini-bakery. This allows you to maintain stability in the operation of the enterprise. If wages are paid on time, workers receive preferential meals in the canteen, are provided with bakery products of their own production, and are served in their own stores with consumer goods as part of their wages. In addition, the Tashtagol DRSU conducts settlements in consumer goods with creditor enterprises, which allows maintaining a positive balance in the field of mutual settlements.

Working conditions are a set of elements of the working environment that influence human health and performance, job satisfaction, and therefore its effectiveness.

Measures are being taken to improve the working conditions of workers in the production and technical department, accounting department, which are aimed at increasing their performance and maintaining health by creating normal lighting (local and general), the necessary cleanliness, humidity and air temperature, favorable coloring of the working area, and eliminating noise.

The premises are maintained at an air humidity of 40-60% and a temperature between
18 to 20%.

This is largely achieved through air conditioning, which exceeds labor productivity by up to 15%.

The work schedule of DRSU employees provides for a certain alternation of periods of work and rest.

The right to rest is ensured by the establishment of a working week for workers and employees not exceeding 41 hours, a shortened working day for a number of professions and industries, a reduced duration of night work, the provision of annual leave, days of weekly rest.

With a five-day working week, the staff's working day is 8 hours, with a total working week of 41 hours. In accordance with current legislation, employees are given a break, during which they are relieved from performing official duties, and employees can use it at their discretion.

The production and technical department and accounting department are equipped with computer equipment and provided with the necessary programs to perform their functions.

The departments contain universal computers. Computers can help speed up the processing of invoices and invoices, improve inventory control, generate income and expense items, maintain payroll, accounting, schedule work, and perform typing work.

Computers based on Intel processors are mainly used.
IBM-386, IBM-486, Pentium.

System programs MSDOS, Windows 95, 97. In accounting, the program “1: Accounting” is used.

To calculate wages, use the “Salary” program.
Ordinary accountants use EXEL spreadsheets to record business transactions.

In the 1:C Accounting program, the chart of accounts is presented in the form of a table.
Account names use letters or numbers. This program includes only accounts and sub-accounts of the first order. This is due to the fact that in this program analytical accounting is carried out without the help of ordinary subaccounts. In order to be able to work with a large number of levels of subaccounts, it is necessary to reconfigure the program.

The “Salary” program allows you to take into account the time worked by filling out individual cards, which reflect the summary data of time sheets. If the employee’s salary is calculated based on his official salary, then the program allows you to keep records in summary sheets automatically. Employee salaries are specified in their personal cards. The Salary program can generate reports to the Russian Pension Fund and the State Tax Service of Russia.

3. Analysis of the activities of DRSU (main economic and financial indicators)

DRSU uses bank loans on a commercial contractual basis, is a member of the economic association, and participates in the work on the comprehensive economic and social development of the territory
Tashtagol district.

For the 1st quarter of 1998 the volume of work performed amounted to 4,601,492 rubles, including 3,555,286 rubles for road maintenance and 1,046,206 rubles for provision of services.
The plan was completed 101%. A profit of 570 thousand rubles was received.

Taking into account the specifics of the enterprise, it should be noted that in the first quarter, work was carried out on road construction, landscaping, surface treatment, as well as repair of roads and bridges.

The above work was carried out by the company’s employees, the average number of whom for the 1st quarter was 220 people.

In total, 75 man-days worked, 100,241 man-hours. The wage fund amounted to 1,071,725.07 rubles.

The financial condition in the 1st quarter is characterized as unstable, as evidenced by the analysis of the structure of sources of financial resources given below.

The company has its own working capital.

Availability of own working capital.
|Name |To the beginning |To the end |
| |reporting |reporting |
| |period |period |
|Current assets |9414577 |24946744 |
|Fixed assets |14103836 |14710420 |

Costs for the 1st quarter of 1998 amounted to 3,938,585 rubles.

The distribution of profits amounted to 356,765 rubles. including:

1. Food stamps and bonuses RUB 22,846.

2. from FMT, deductions 38.5%

3. Other losses from trading RUB 37,916.

4. Penalties and fines RUB 10,307.

5. Documentary verification report -----------

7. Children's vouchers -----------

8. Depreciation of basic materials 47,476 rubles.

9. Others 238015 rub.

Analysis of the structure of sources of financial resources.
| Types of financial sources | To the beginning | To the end | Deviation, |
|resources |reporting |reporting |thousands rub. |
| |period, |period, | |
| |thousand rub. |thousand rub. | |
|Own funds |
| Authorized capital | 84000 | 84000 | |
|Additional capital |6062419 |6062419 | |
|Special Purpose Fund |4344884 |4344884 | |
|Total: |10491303 |10491303 | |
|Borrowed funds |
|Long-term loans | | | |
|Long-term loans and credits | | | |
|banks | | | |
|Short-term loans and credits | | | |
|banks | | | |
|Total: | | | |
|Raised funds |
|Settlements with creditors |14420056 |30348445 | |
|Total: |14420056 |30348445 | |
|Total: |24911359 |30348445 |15928389 |

According to the table, it can be seen that the sum of all sources of financial resources for the quarter increased by 15,928,389 rubles, due to raised funds.

The increase in borrowed funds, namely settlements with creditors, is associated with the insolvency of the enterprise and the lack of funds in the current account.

The financial stability ratio is the ratio of equity and borrowed funds.

The obtained financial stability coefficients mean that the DRSU has a low margin of financial stability, moreover, the financial stability coefficient is decreasing: so as of 01/01/98. – 0.73; and at the end of the year 04/01/98. – 0.34. This suggests that the ratio corresponds to a situation where an enterprise, in order to cover part of its reserves, is forced to attract additional sources that are not normal

Share of industrial reserves.
| Indicators | Remaining | Remaining | Deviations |
| |1.01.98 |1.04.98 |e |
| |sum ud. |sum ud. | |
| |Weight. |Weight. | |
|Not tangible assets |– |– | |
|Fixed assets |14103836 |14710420 |0.36 |
|Unfinished construction |567567 |567567 | |
|Inventories |3057398 |4498720 |0.11 |
| Accounts receivable | 5775529 | 20095788 | 0.50 |
|VAT |580647 |348344 |0.01 |
|Cash |1003 |3892 |– |
|Other assets |– |– |– |
|Total: |24085980 |40228495 |1.00 |

The share of inventory remained at the same level, accounts receivable decreased by 0.02 due to an increase in the share of fixed assets.

Accounting in the DRSU is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on Accounting and Reporting in the Russian Federation, the Chart of Accounts on the accounting of financial and economic activities and the Instructions for its application.

The DRSU management staff consists of 30 people.

Management is exercised by the head of the department and the board of directors created by his order in the following composition:
> head of department
> chief engineer
> Deputy Head of Supply
> deputy head for commercial activities
> head of technical department
> chief accountant
> head of section No. 1
> head of section No. 3

It should be especially noted that the Tashtagol DRSU is currently the only department in the regional road fund system that has its own network of trade and public catering.

Tashtagol DRSU, being a state enterprise, pays taxes to all levels of the state budget.

Debt to the federal budget for income tax is 50,000 rubles,
VAT – 126,000 rub.

Large amount of debt Pension Fund– 2.5 million rubles.

Tashtagol DRSU is financed by the Directorate of the Regional Road Fund.
Lately he has not used loans or credits.

3. Organization of work of the head of the DRSU. Research the problem

1. Organization of the manager’s work. Practical aspects.

The content of the work of the head of the TDRSU is closely related to the management of the trade and economic process of the enterprise and the management of the team. When carrying out managerial activities, the president has to systematically participate in solving the tasks performed by subordinates of the management apparatus. Regularly communicate with people, receive from them and transmit management information to them, solve problems arising from his personal duties as the head of an enterprise.

To implement the above, the president needs to ensure the correct organization of work, namely:
> creating working and rest conditions for the manager
> planning and distribution of the workplace
> workplace equipment
> working conditions with the team
> work with information.

1. Working and rest conditions for the manager.

Their management functions The president performs in a spacious office, where the following conditions for organizing work are provided for the implementation of his activities. The office contains office furniture that allows you to create a working atmosphere: a working desk with a set of office supplies, cabinets and racks for storing materials, a safe for storing important documentation. Stamps, money. In addition, the office contains a small set of upholstered furniture, flowers, paintings, which allow you to relieve tension and fatigue, as well as create a relaxed atmosphere during private conversations with visitors. The neutral color scheme of the office does not irritate and does not distract attention from work. The office lighting is provided by table lamps of artificial light, chandeliers and daylight through a large spacious window. To maintain the required temperature and humidity, there is a warm and cold air conditioner. External and internal noises practically do not distract attention because... The office is located in the back of the building.

The above conditions create a favorable atmosphere for the president to perform managerial functions.

2. Planning and distribution of working time.

Lack of time is the most acute problem of the head of TDRSU. The President's business time schedule includes the following points:
> time to organize and conduct business meetings
> time to study and analyze the collected information
> time to develop current activities based on the nature of the company’s activities
> time for coordination and control of main departments
> time to work with personnel, including personal communication

The activities listed above require a certain amount of time. The main absorbers of the president’s time are:
> unscheduled visitors;
> phone calls.

The President tries to plan his working time by dividing it into time for main activities and time for receiving visitors (recording is done in advance). But in the process of activity, as a rule, situations arise when receiving unplanned visitors. Telephone calls are the most uncontrollable sink of working time. It is almost impossible to schedule them (calls on personal issues, unforeseen situations, etc.).
All this reduces concentration and work efficiency and affects the nervous system. In such situations, the manager has to constantly be distracted, and the logical train of thought on the issue at hand is disrupted.

In addition, the manager needs time to improve the level of his education and intelligence; to get acquainted with the achievements of domestic and foreign technologies and innovations, as well as for creativity and personal self-development.

3. Interaction between the manager and the team.

The forms of such interaction are business meetings, individual and collective meetings with staff, and reception of subordinates in the office on official and personal matters.

At meetings, information about the current situation in the company is collected in the form of reports from deputies. Information analyzed at meetings may be of the following nature:
> Information about the state of inventories, their movement;
> Information about the state of the product range, its breadth and completeness;
> Information about the situation on the product market. Demand for goods;
> Information about suppliers;
> Information about the financial condition of the company, etc.

Based on the collected information, an analysis of the company’s work is carried out, and promising positions for the current moment and the near future are outlined.

During the meeting, positive and negative aspects of the activity are noted. Employees who ensure the successful operation of the company are publicly encouraged, and those responsible are reprimanded.

At the end of the meeting, the manager sums up the results, a problem is formulated, for the solution of which the manager puts forward certain aspects of its direction, and the executors and deadlines for the solution are determined.

In addition, the president communicates with people while hosting a reception in his office.
These can be conversations on a wide variety of issues - from productive to purely personal. There are also collective conversations in formal and informal settings.

4. Information in the activities of the manager.

The president constantly deals with information in the management process.
Systematizing and processing it, he makes management decisions and transmits them in the form of orders to his subordinates.

Primary information is created at specific workplaces on documented forms and transmitted through communication lines or directly to the manager. The information requirements are as follows:
> timeliness
> credibility
> completeness of content
> ease of transfer.

Therefore, streamlining methods for collecting and transmitting information is an important condition rational use manager's working time.
Streamlining the flow of information begins with determining the composition of the necessary information for each official and his responsibilities in performing information processes. The composition of the necessary information is established in accordance with the job descriptions of management staff.
At the same time, deadlines and forms of documents are established from whom the manager receives information. The information collected and processed by specialists is transferred to the president for decision-making.

Modern working conditions have been created for management staff.

Management staff constantly improve their skills.
The manager cares about improving the competence of those he manages. Almost every person has significant potential for personal and professional growth, and as human resources become more expensive, it becomes increasingly important to tap into this potential.

All kinds of courses are conducted through the ministry.

Management staff employees conduct independent systematic training (self-education) according to an individual plan approved by the manager and carried out under his control.

They participate in seminars on production and economic issues both at their place of work and in other organizations (for example, in the Tashtagol mine of KMK OJSC).

Internship at leading enterprises, leading scientific organizations, higher educational institutions, including abroad.

Leading specialists go on business trips abroad at the direction of the Directorate of the Regional Road Fund in order to study and apply advanced technologies at their enterprises, and conclude contracts for the supply of imported equipment for the maintenance and construction of roads.

Over the past year, such trips took place to Sweden and Finland, countries where weather and climatic conditions are close to our region.

This year, the experience gained abroad is being put into practice.
The method of surface treatment of the road surface using Finnish technology is especially justified.

5. Planning the working day.

1. We start by determining a sufficiently long period of time (week, quarter, six months) and writing down all the things that need to be done during this period. There is no need to think about qualifications and grouping of tasks just yet, you just need to indicate everything that is in your head. This list constantly needs to be reviewed, supplemented with new things, crossing out what has already been done.

2. Now you need to study the list of cases and exclude from it everything that is not currently necessary. From the remaining items on the list, break complex tasks into smaller and simpler ones, set start and end dates for work on each task. All that is possible is to delegate the execution of these tasks to your subordinates, but be sure to write down the delegation in order to monitor execution.

3. Then select the most urgent and important tasks and add them to your work plans for the next day. If there are too many things on the list, you need to evaluate them in terms of urgency and importance, not forgetting that the first hour of work usually determines the rest of the day.

Things with a fixed deadline (for example, preparing for a meeting) will be placed first on the manager’s calendar. However, one should not lose sight of the highest priority tasks, for example, developing a new strategy, reconstructing an enterprise, purchasing securities, etc.
Experts recommend including “unpleasant” tasks in this group, for example, an unpleasant conversation with subordinates.

Cases of the second degree of importance include various types of average daily routine work associated with the performance of ordinary functions.

In third place you can put secondary work, the failure of which will not have negative consequences (insignificant phone calls, monitoring the completion of an ordinary task).

When drawing up a plan for the day, you need to take into account your

individual characteristics, such as the ability to concentrate.
If you prefer to go from simple to complex in your work, plan small tasks for the morning; if on the contrary, start with large and important tasks. Assign important and difficult tasks, as well as unpleasant ones, to the time of day that suits you best, and easy and pleasant ones to the end of the working day.

Planning your working day is an elementary way to save time. But this is not enough. You need to accustom yourself to planning your working time for the week, which will include appointments, meetings, conferences, and necessary calls. Set aside a couple of days to prepare or process documents. On these days you can hold a meeting, and the morning hours of the remaining days for analytical work.

In the morning before work, you need to check your weekly plan and

periodically review the order of cases. Making a good plan is only half the battle. We still need to effectively use every minute of the working day. How to ensure this? Here are some useful rules:

1. Telephone work can be organized as follows: in the morning (before eleven), let the secretary answer everyone who calls you. He may even report that you are not there, and after eleven you will call the subscriber back and find out what the call is about so that you can prepare for the conversation. For a number of issues, the secretary can redirect calls to other employees. At the same time, provide the names of those persons with whom you should always be connected.

After eleven o'clock, answer calls by speaking briefly and reservedly.

2. Allow a minimum of time to work with correspondence. Make it a rule not to read lengthy materials at work. Send as many letters as possible to employees to prepare a preliminary response. The secretary can prepare a response to some letters based on your notes. Try to complete any document the first time. Get all the information you need before you sit down to write your letter or request.

3. Reduce the number of visitors. If you need to meet someone, arrange a time by phone. Business people, as a rule, meet together to discuss only the most important issues.

4. The movement of documents can be simplified by resolving issues of rational division of labor and establishing clear responsibility of officials for performing certain work and the right to sign certain documents. It is necessary to clearly establish which issues must be resolved by the head of the enterprise and signed by him, which ones must require his participation, and which ones do not require his participation; the manager must only be informed of the decision; and, finally, there are documents that the manager does not even need to get acquainted with, since the information they contain is of an intermediate nature. Issues with regard to specialists are resolved in a similar way: it is necessary to clearly establish who and what documents should be endorsed (endorsement is one of the forms of approval).

5. Organize your workplace(desk, closet, telephone, computer). Deal with your papers more often. Surveys show that on average 80% of the contents of boxes can be lightened upon first inspection.

6. Reduce the number of meetings, but prepare for them seriously and carefully. Call a meeting only after making sure that it is more effective than a conversation on the phone or in a short meeting. You can shorten the duration of the meeting by scheduling it at the end of the working day.

7. Invite your subordinates to first state their conclusions and recommendations in two or three sentences, and then decide whether to listen further. This is a kind of management shorthand: make a decision using as few words and time as possible.

2. Model of an effective leader

One of the bottlenecks in transforming the economy in our country is the problem of managerial personnel. The awareness of management as a profession occupies a strong place in modern civilization. The difficulty is that diagnosing and predicting the optimal personality of a leader (especially in socially important sectors of the economy associated with “person-person” relationships) is a problem that has not yet been solved from the point of view of psychology. There are two main approaches in the world , two models of personnel selection -
"American" and "Japanese".

The American model provides for the “initial determination of the professional qualification model of the position and the “tailoring” of the most suitable workers to it (system: position - employee).

The Japanese model provides for an initial study of the strengths and weaknesses of the employee’s personality and the selection of an appropriate position for him
(system: employee - position).

Both models have both pros and cons. In this regard, it seems a correct approach that combines the positive aspects of both personnel selection models: the initial determination of the professional and qualification requirements of the workplace, then the search for the most suitable employee and the subsequent “adjustment” of the position model to the manager’s model (system: position - employee - position).

It is impossible to effectively perform management functions (planning, organizing, motivating and controlling) if there is no effective leadership.

One of the most important problems solved by management psychology is the problem of evaluating managers. The solution to this problem is the development of methods that allow one to correctly assess the effectiveness of a manager in a particular position. Methods for adequately assessing managers are the basis and guarantee of the effectiveness of practical work on the selection and placement of management personnel. The need to evaluate candidates for leadership positions follows from this. that every job of management requires special qualities, which different people possess to varying degrees. This provision is especially relevant for Employment Centers due to the enormous social significance of the role played by their managers and the teams they manage.

Based on a significant amount of research conducted in our country and abroad, it was found that the qualities that are necessarily inherent in a strong leader cannot be specified (unlike management skills). But nevertheless, it is possible to identify qualities that most often (not necessarily, but with a fairly high probability) are inherent in a strong leader.

By examining the political, social, economic, and psychological forces at work in developed countries, and by studying the impact of these forces on those in managerial positions, useful generalizations can be made about the changing content of leadership work. These generalizations allow us to predict the abilities and skills that are required of a skillful manager now and in the future.

In particular, I have described a model of an effective leader, based on which one can adequately assess the level of correspondence between the personality characteristics of leaders and the content of their activities. The developed model included 9 psychological characteristics - the personality of the leader, which were diagnosed by the manifestation of 7 signs of each characteristic in his activities. Below is the rationale and description of these characteristics.

1. To a greater extent, a person’s attitude towards work is influenced by value orientation based on interest in the work performed. Along with objective factors that ensure an increase in interest in work, there must be personal motivation, i.e. (the manager must like what he does. The manager must always be ready for general management and have a creative approach to his work

So, I highlight the first psychological characteristic:
Interest in one's activities reveals the structure of interests in various aspects of one's activities.

I highlight the second characteristic of the model:

The ability to recognize the goals of one’s activities - awareness of the goals arising from the content of the manager’s work.

3. The leader’s determination as a personal quality gives all work a clear direction. The goals of a leader unite people around him, form and unite the team. Purposefulness means consciously setting immediate and long-term goals for oneself, and working hard to achieve them.

So, I highlight the third characteristic of the model:

Purposefulness is the priority of motives for organizational activities.

4. There are personal traits that cannot somehow negatively affect the authority of a leader, but significantly weaken him as an educator. It is very important for a leader to have a specific organizational property, which can be represented as an organizational flair. This can be understood as the ability to quickly and deeply delve into the psychology of another person and

“reflect” it, skillfully changing the tone and form of address, means and motives of action. A leader with an organizational sense easily determines what a particular employee is capable of, easily perceives changes in relationships in the team, and skillfully groups people depending on their likes and dislikes, which is a manifestation of the leader’s psychological selectivity.

I highlight the fourth characteristic of the model:

The ability to understand the psychological characteristics of a team is the ability to deeply and fully reflect the psychological characteristics of a team.

5. A very important area of ​​a manager’s activity is working with people, the ability to establish good business relationships with them. It is very important, and from the point of view of achieving results it is critical, that the entire team plays well - both the management and the entire staff of the organization.

This quality is purely individual, one person has it and another does not, but it can be developed. Today this is simply necessary.

So, I highlight the fifth characteristic:

The ability to communicate is the ability to maintain a sense of proportion and find the best form of relationships.

6. A manager is a person who is both a leader and effectively manages his subordinates. Its purpose is to influence others so that they do the work assigned to the organization. In organizational activities, the leader influences by deed, example, word, and conviction, revealing the causal relationship of phenomena, proving their logical sequence, explaining and clarifying what and how to do.

I highlight the sixth characteristic:

The ability to influence people is the ability to captivate people, intensify their activities, find the best affinities of emotional-volitional influences and choose the right moment to use them.

7. Managers should take into account that the ability to influence others is expressed in the demands of the organizer. At the same time, by the exactingness of a manager, we do not mean random, episodic, one-time requirements, but constant, stable exactingness. A leader must be exacting and demanding. This instills in subordinates commitment, a sense of responsibility for fulfilling what was promised, and loyalty to their word.

So, the seventh characteristic:

Demandingness is the ability to be demanding in various forms depending on the characteristics of a specific management situation.

8. In assessing other people, their actions, their work, we all often resort to critical remarks. The difficulty of a leader’s work also lies in the fact that he, more often than a person who does not play such a responsible social role, has to use criticism, in particular, censure. But criticism is different. Since this is the strongest means of influence, it must be constructive.

So, let's highlight the eighth characteristic:

The ability to constructively criticize is the ability to detect and constructively express deviations from established norms that are significant for activities.

9. One of the most important personal abilities of a leader, which to a large extent leads to the success of his activities, is the desire and ability to bear responsibility. Before becoming a leader, you need to learn the ability to bear responsibility not only in pleasant but also in difficult situations. Essential signs of responsibility, manifested in behavior, are accuracy, punctuality, and commitment in the performance of one’s duties.

I highlight the ninth characteristic:

Responsibility is the ability to take responsibility for the results of one’s own activities and the activities of the team.

So, in order to carry out practical work to determine the correspondence of the psychological characteristics of the managers of Employment Centers to the nature of their activities, we have created a conditional model of an effective leader.

3. Methodology for expert assessment of the psychological and business characteristics of a manager’s personality.

The central element of a manager’s activity is managing the joint work of people. Today's leader must be able not only to manage, but to collaborate fruitfully. And an indispensable condition for successful cooperation is high degree correspondence between the portrait of a real leader, compiled according to expert estimates, and the ideal model of an effective leader. Those. we can safely say that the higher the assessment of the psychological characteristics of the personality of a particular leader, the higher the level of his compliance with the ideal model.

1. Description of the assessment method used

In a systematic approach to working with people great importance attached to employee evaluation. In this particular case, “an expert assessment method is proposed for use.

Method E.0 is a procedure for obtaining primary empirical data, consisting of interviewing specially selected experts regarding the values ​​of certain variables that provide the necessary information regarding the corresponding object. As a rule, the expert group consists of people selected on the basis of their formal professional status. In addition, the panel must ensure that the information is reliable and complete, verifiable and, finally, statistically robust relative to the assessment procedure or conditions. Depending on the requirements,
(presented to the information received, E.O. can take a variety of forms
- from correspondence individual survey using an anonymous questionnaire to open group discussion.

Ideally, as experts, it is necessary to invite persons at the same level of the official hierarchical ladder, as well as at higher and lower levels. If there are certain organizational difficulties, this rule can be neglected, limiting the interview to persons included in two or even one from the three groups listed.

2. Tools used

The “Form for expert assessment of the psychological characteristics of a leader’s personality” was used as a toolkit in a quantity corresponding to the number of experts. The expert assessment form presents 9 psychological characteristics of a leader’s personality, which we have identified as components of the “model of an effective leader.” Each characteristic, in turn, is diagnosed based on the manifestation of seven signs in the leader’s activities.

3. Operating procedure

The researcher determines a group of experts. The group can be represented by the entire team or by individual representatives. It is important that the experts know well both the manager being assessed and the nature of his activities. Homogeneity of the group of experts must be maintained
(experts are subordinates, experts are managers of equal rank with the person being assessed, experts are managers of a higher rank). Depending on the specific conditions, the research can be carried out either at a meeting of experts in some classroom-type room, or the researcher meets with each expert individually.

All those who are currently present at the workplace can participate in the survey.

It is explained to the experts that the quality indicated in the “Expert Evaluation Form” must be assessed by them in relation to a specific manager on a five-point scale: the lowest score is 1, the highest is 5 points.

Experts speak anonymously and do not sign the expert assessment form.

4. Processing and mathematical analysis of results.

Typically, the results of an expert assessment are in the nature of quantities measured on appropriate scales.

After the experts have given their assessments, the researcher must calculate the sum of points for each of the 9 characteristics in the expert assessment forms. Transfer the results obtained to the matrix of generalized expert assessments and calculate:

1) average score of psychological characteristics of the leader’s personality

(PHLR) based on the results of each expert’s work;

2) the sum of points given by all experts (with separate allocation: experts - subordinates, experts - colleagues and experts

Managers) for each of the 9 indicators;

3) the average score for each of 9 indicators based on the work of all experts (with separate experts of different levels);

4) the total sum of PCLR points based on the results of the work of all experts (with the allocation of experts of different levels);

5) the overall average score of the PCLR assessment based on the results of the work of both all experts and each level.

This procedure applies only if all three groups of experts are involved. In our case, the processing procedure was simpler.

If, when processing the results, it turns out that the maximum and minimum expert assessments differ sharply from the rest, then it is advisable to exclude the results of the work of these experts from the overall calculation. Greater variability in expert assessments may indicate the foreignness of the expert group and different levels of expert competence.

The overall average score of the PHLR assessment allows us to make a conclusion about the level of qualities of a leader, focusing on the following indicators (the maximum possible number of points scored can be 45, which translated into a coefficient is equal to 1.0):

|Evaluation, points |Characteristics |
| |(coefficient 0.42 and below) |performing the functions of a manager |
|21.01 – 27 points |Low level |
|(coefficient 0.43 – 0.6) | |
|27.01 – 36 points |Average level |
|(coefficient 0.61 – 0.8) | |
|36.01 – 45 points |High level |
|(coefficient 0.81 – 1.0) | |

When processing the research results, the following methods of mathematical statistics are used:
> drawing up an initial protocol of the results obtained with sequential recording option;
> regrouping data using ordinal
> ranking the results obtained (ordering in descending order);
> finding arithmetic averages, which serve as a point for comparing individual values.

Based on a theoretical and practical study of the management problem, namely the problem of organizing the work of the head of an enterprise, it is possible to formulate basic recommendations and proposals for improving the organization of work.

Firstly, I would like to note that the selection and placement of personnel at the enterprise, as one of the elements of managerial work, is carried out at the proper level, but managers need to pay attention to the combination of positions. The company has a fairly simple organizational management structure and a small staff, many of whom combine job responsibilities. In this regard, the following recommendations must be observed:
> The combined functions must be the same or similar in complexity, with a more fruitful combination of work that is more complex, since this fact acts as an incentive for advanced training;
> The combination of positions should be close in the profile of professional training and qualifications, which will reduce the cost of preparing for the combination;
> Preference is given to the combination option that is more conducive to increasing the content of work and improving the use of the employee’s creative potential.

Secondly, it is necessary to take into account the results of generalized expert assessments of the psychological characteristics of the personality of managers, namely:

According to the analysis of generalized expert assessments of the psychological characteristics of a leader’s personality, the following assessments were obtained:
> On the part of subordinates – 38.4 (high level);
> From colleagues – 37.2 (high level);
> On the part of managers – 37.4 (high level).

The general assessment of experts, without distinguishing them by level (subordinates, colleagues, managers), allows us to draw a conclusion about the level of qualities of managers. All experts rated this level at 34.6 points, which indicates an average level of leadership qualities.

Speaking about such aspects of work as:
> Stimulating employees;
> Planning of team activities;
> Regulation of relationships in the team;
> Monitoring the activities of the team.

You should pay attention to the dispersion in the assessments of different levels of experts:
> Subordinates – 3.9 points;
> Colleagues – 3.1;
> Managers – 3.4.

The lowest indicator of this technique is an indicator characterizing organizational issues from the point of view of colleagues (3.1 points).
The maximum indicator characterizing the quality of a leader from the point of view of subordinates and higher management (4.6 points). It is significant that the opinions of subordinates and management coincide, which may indicate the objectivity of the assessment.

Speaking about organizational issues, we highlight the following characteristics:
> Stimulating team members (2 points from management);
> Interest in monitoring the activities of the team (2 points from management).

You should pay attention to the listed points in interaction with higher-level managers (deputy director).

Speaking about social interaction, it should be noted the indicator of the desire to bring maximum benefit to the common cause (3 points on the part of managers). This indicator is one of the most significant social indicators and a score of three is clearly not sufficient, and therefore it is recommended to pay attention to this type of interaction.

Speaking about the communication skills of a leader, the following points are indicative:
> The indicator “is able to imagine oneself in a situation experienced by another person” - the same level of assessments from subordinates and management (4.3 points), but from colleagues the assessment of this indicator is one level lower, colleagues have 3.3 points. In this regard, it is recommended to pay attention to interaction with work colleagues:
> another indicator “is able to find mutual language with different people in different circumstances" - the same low level from all experts: from subordinates - 3.3 points, from colleagues - 3.0, from managers - 0 points. It is proposed to pay attention to the leader’s behavior within the framework of this indicator.

Speaking about the demanding nature of the leader. The following estimates seem interesting:
> able to show flexibility in requirements - overall score 2.8 points. The same assessment by expert level: from the outside

subordinates - 3.0 points, colleagues - 3.6, from managers - 2.0 points;
> another indicator attracts attention - the ability to boldly make demands, or rather the spread of assessments across

to this indicator: from subordinates - 3.6 points, from

on the part of colleagues - 4.6, on the part of managers - 4.3 points.

Speaking about the combination of personal and public interests, let us pay attention to the indicator “capable of promoting the interests of the business”

above personal interests": from subordinates - 4.3 points, from

on the part of colleagues - 3.0, on the part of managers - 3.6. It is recommended to pay attention to this indicator, especially in relationships with colleagues.

4. Improving the organization of work of the head of the enterprise

During the period of internship, based on the results of the materials studied and observation of the production process in the Tashtagol DRSU, we can conclude that the enterprise operates stably, copes with the possible responsibilities assigned to it, and fully implements the production program.

Ensures proper level of labor protection. At the same time, there are serious problems regarding wages. As the analysis shows, workers
DRSUs receive wages primarily in the form of consumer goods rather than cash. There are delays in payment of wages of up to three to four months.

This is due to the fact that payments between enterprises are carried out in the form of barter exchange. Payment for work performed is carried out through offsets. Due to his insolvency, use bank loans.

There are problems with late payment of taxes to the Federal Budget; over the past five months there have been no contributions to the pension fund, which entails the accrual of pensions and fines.

Currently, the Tashtagol DRSU is intensively constructing the Tashtagol – Novokuznetsk highway. The flow of vehicles has sharply increased, and there is a need to create campsites, parking lots, car pavilions, gas stations, cafes, etc. in this direction. U
Tashtagol DRSU has the technical capabilities to resolve these issues.
There is a proposal to include in the program a block of questions related to the organization of arrangement and provision of the listed services. The result of such a program will be an additional source of cash flow to the company’s account.


In order to skillfully manage an enterprise and timely make the necessary changes to strengthen the financial position of enterprises, it is necessary to master the basics of management. Knowing them will stimulate work, increase professionalism, intensify creative search, and arouse business interest.

To solve any problem or complete a job, any manager has three types of resources: people, money and time.”

As a rule, the availability of money and time is always limited in its own way for each manager. But people... It is people who are the most valuable resource for managers, and if he wants to succeed, he must be able to motivate them to action, develop this feeling in them and encourage it. And to learn this, you need to know and understand not only what they are, but also what motivates their actions, have sensitivity, a sense of justice, and the ability to educate.

The success of an enterprise largely depends on the image of the manager himself.
The image of a business person refers to his appearance, ability to interact with people in a business environment, office design, this is mainly a business style of work, the degree of organization.