Pros and cons of composite reinforcement. Disadvantages of fiberglass reinforcement (cons) Road stone covered with fiberglass, pros and cons

Composite reinforcement is a fairly young material that became available on the construction market not so long ago. However, thanks a large number advantages, it has gained wide popularity. Many manufacturers claim that such products can completely replace steel reinforcement. However, its use is not always justified. It is worth taking a closer look at both the advantages and disadvantages of the composite. This will allow you to choose a material that will last for many decades.

Composite reinforcement is a rod made of fiberglass. A carbon fiber thread is wound around it. Its use ensures not only the strength of the product, but also reliable adhesion to concrete. Such products have both a number of advantages and certain disadvantages. For this reason, it cannot always be used.

The carbon fiber rods are fastened with special clamps. There is no need to use welding for fastening. This is its significant advantage.

For each situation, it is worth considering the features of using such products. The use of this approach will ensure the reliability and efficiency of fastening various structures.

If the characteristics of the product are not taken into account sufficiently and without comparing them with metal fittings, significant damage can be caused. building structure, if used composite materials. For this reason, even before using composite products, it is worth finding out in what cases their use would be appropriate.

Important! It is also worth paying attention to physical and mechanical properties composite products.

Main advantages

Composite reinforcement differs in a number of ways positive qualities. Among its main advantages are:

The material also has many disadvantages that are worth considering in more detail.

Main disadvantages

Before purchasing fiberglass reinforcement, you should learn about all its characteristics, as well as the main disadvantages. The disadvantages of the material include:

  • It does not tolerate high temperatures. However, it is quite difficult to imagine a case in which it can heat up to 200 degrees inside a concrete structure.
  • High price. However, this disadvantage is offset by the possibility of using carbon fiber products with a smaller diameter than metal products.
  • Composite reinforcement has poor bendability. This property imposes certain restrictions when using it to strengthen a concrete structure. However, bent sections can also be reinforced with steel rods.
  • Such products do not cope well with fracture loads. This is the case for most concrete structures is critical.
  • Compared to metal reinforcement, fiberglass products are less rigid. This drawback does not allow it to withstand large vibration loads that occur when pouring concrete using a truck mixer. When this technique is used, the concrete structure is subjected to heavy loads. Due to this, design defects are possible.

If we consider the disadvantages of carbon fiber reinforcement, we cannot say that one material has an absolute advantage over another. In any case, when choosing composite products, you should be careful, take into account its pros and cons, as well as the conditions of use in a particular situation.

Important! Since the composite material does not have sufficient flexural strength, it is not suitable for knitting when laying steel bars. For this it is better to use plastic clamps.

Areas of application

Reinforcement, which is made from various composites, has found application in both private and industrial capital construction. You can learn the rules for its installation yourself according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Since there is no point in the specifics of using composite products in capital construction, it is worth focusing on the construction of concrete foundations for private houses.

The main areas of use of fiberglass products:

To summarize the above, it is worth noting that fiberglass reinforcement can be used effectively in most cases. However, it is worth taking into account the shortcomings of the material and the associated operating limitations. They are often specified by the manufacturer.

Important! Mating composite reinforcement carried out using plastic clamps.

Can fiberglass reinforcement replace metal?

Fiberglass products appeared on the construction market relatively recently. However, a lot of videos and text materials have been created on the topic of its use. If we take into account the above recommendations, it can be argued that fiberglass products can be used to strengthen walls or to connect load-bearing structures with partitions.

The main advantage of fiberglass reinforcement is that it does not rust. In addition, when using it, no cold bridges appear, which cannot be said about metal rods. The use of such material is justified in cases where the structure being constructed will not be too heavy. It is also necessary to use it only when building a house on stable ground.

The success of using such material has not yet been confirmed by long-term practice. There are not enough reviews about it yet to make a correct conclusion. For this reason, every developer takes a certain risk when using composite reinforcement. If you plan to build a structure that has high requirements for strength and stability, you should choose metal reinforcement.


When choosing composite reinforcement to strengthen concrete structures, it is worth considering its main pros and cons. Thus, the material is lightweight, easy to transport and has fairly good strength indicators. However, it cannot withstand high fracture loads. For this reason, for buildings that have high demands in terms of strength and stability, traditional metal rods should be chosen.

This composite consists of a fiberglass cord wrapped with a carbon fiber thread. Due to the use of the latter, adhesion to concrete increases. If you plan to build a lightweight structure, you can use a composite. Typically, composite reinforcement is used in construction low-rise buildings. Fiberglass reinforcement is used for both strip and slab bases.

When using fiberglass, it is better to consult with experienced builders. It is especially important to enlist their help when drawing up a construction project.

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After the invention of composite reinforcement, the pros and cons of the new material remained the subject of heated debate for some time. But practice has shown that the technical and operational characteristics of the material allow it to successfully compete with classical steel reinforcement. For the production of composite reinforcement, fibers impregnated with a special substance - a hardener - are used.

Like steel, composite construction has ribs to improve adhesion to concrete. In some cases, the ribs are replaced with sand spraying.

Types of composite reinforcement

The production of reinforcing rods of this type is carried out from different fibers. This feature determines the type of composite reinforcement:

Carbon fiber and Kevlar reinforcement differs from other types in its increased elastic modulus characteristics. These materials are very expensive and are mainly used in the construction of military facilities. Civil engineering prefers to use fiberglass reinforcement. She happens to be optimal combination technical characteristics and affordable prices.

Advantages of composite reinforcement

All consumers note the relatively light weight of the material. On average per one linear meter accounts for only 0.07 kg. Fiberglass reinforcement is 5 times lighter than metal. This feature simplifies the transportation of the material and its installation. During installation, it is enough to use binding wire or plastic clamps to obtain a durable structure.

During construction medical centers, laboratories, and testing complexes are increasingly using composite reinforcement due to its dielectric properties. It is inert to:

  • electricity;
  • magnetic field;
  • radio waves.

The chemical stability of the material allows it to be successfully used in areas with high alkalinity and acidity of soils. In this case, the foundation retains its properties even after partial damage to the concrete. Fiberglass reinforcement is resistant to acids and alkalis, which include sea ​​water, solvents, bitumen, concrete laitance. At the same time, high corrosion resistance is observed. Thermosetting resins do not react with water, so composite reinforcement is not subject to oxidation.

The possibility of concrete delamination due to sudden temperature changes when using composite reinforcement is minimized. This is explained by the similar value of the thermal expansion index for glass composite and concrete.

Disadvantages of composite material

Fiberglass reinforcement has a small number of disadvantages, but each of them imposes certain restrictions on working with it. For example, it can only be worked at temperatures above -10°C. This is due to the fact that with more low temperatures the material becomes brittle, unable to withstand even minimal loads.

At mechanically When pouring concrete, the structure made of composite material is characterized by poor stability. At manual way filling this problem is easier to deal with.

Fiberglass reinforcement has significantly lower modulus elasticity characteristics than steel. In the case of fiberglass, the elastic modulus differs by 4 times. With the slightest defect in the placement of reinforcement, this indicator can cause cracking or delamination due to the weak tensile strength of the material. When working, craftsmen and engineers need to carry out additional calculations to ensure structures high strength.

Fiberglass composite cannot cope with increased loads, for example, curved areas, exit points for connection to walls. Such areas require working with metal.

According to the experts, the disadvantages of the material include other features of working with it:

At the same time, manufacturers are often ready to offer ready-made curved parts different sizes. Research to find a way to increase the strength of the composite material is still underway. There are already various options on the market that differ significantly in their properties.

Comparison of metal and composite reinforcement

The pros and cons of fiberglass reinforcement are easier to identify when comparing the main characteristics with metal. The main problem reinforced concrete structures considered corrosion metal elements. During the work process, they often resort to additional costs for primer mixtures, but even they are not able to protect the metal from rust. Rust causes concrete to deteriorate.

The advantage of composite materials is their tensile strength. Metal is 3 times inferior. Light weight allows you to save on delivery and labor force when loading or unloading. If composite rods are cut by specialists directly at the construction site, then the customer gets the opportunity to save on material scraps. In warm weather, composite fibers of any thickness can be easily cut with wire cutters or bolt cutters.

The material is resistant to temperature changes. At the same time, fiberglass, due to its thermal expansion index, does not cause concrete defects. This is another plus in favor composite structures. The low modulus of elasticity of fiberglass reinforcement is successfully compensated by reducing heat loss. Unlike metal, composite fibers do not provoke the appearance of cold bridges in concrete.

Many craftsmen, in their reviews of the properties of composite structures, include an indication of the possibility of completely replacing metal with fiberglass. It is already confidently used for:

According to consumer reviews, fiberglass reinforcement is much more economical than metal. At the same time, the price per linear meter of composite fiber is slightly higher than for steel. The benefit is achieved by the absence of scraps, ease of storage, transportation, and the absence of the need for welding work and additional treatment of the structure with special protective compounds.

There are enough advantages of fiberglass reinforcement, but for me it has one significant drawback. When sawing, it raises dust with small particles of glass. It is not always possible to work in thick glasses and a respirator, so after filing you feel as if there are a million glass splinters in your throat and nose.

Ivan. Concrete worker. 4 years of experience

My husband and I were planning to install a bathhouse. When purchasing fittings, they diligently tried to convince us to choose fiberglass, claiming that, according to experts, it is better in many respects. Before my eyes, the child broke off a piece of the rod with his hands. But the seller insisted that this was normal, because the reinforcement must withstand longitudinal loads. In general, I was categorically against it, and my husband was tempted by the low cost. It turned out that it was more convenient to install than metal. We poured the foundation and it has been successfully standing under the bathhouse for 3 years. Didn't burst, didn't bend over.

For composite reinforcement customers for a long time were treated with suspicion. But over the last 5 years it has started to become popular. Accordingly, many factories began to produce it. To attract the attention of the buyer, various dyes are added and the number of winding ribs is increased. In practice, it turned out that some color pigments impair the strength of the fiber, and the number of ribs affects only the cost. Otherwise, I’m happy with the composite reinforcement: it’s comfortable to work with.

Oleg. Concrete worker. 8 years of experience

Despite the fact that reinforcement made of composite materials is used in Europe, the USA and some other countries to strengthen concrete monolithic structures since the 70s of the last century, for us this is still new and little-used material. However, in last years, thanks to the desire of private construction companies put into production modern technologies, fiberglass reinforcement is becoming increasingly used.

Initially, fiberglass reinforcement, due to its high cost, was used only for monolithic structures subject to difficult conditions operation. But gradual development chemical industry and manufacturing industries building materials led to lower prices and increased availability of fiberglass.

The expansion of production and scope of application of reinforcement with composite reinforcement entailed the development and approval of GOST 31938-2012, which defines the manufacturing conditions, appearance, dimensions and procedure for laboratory testing of products of this type.

What is fiberglass reinforcement

Structurally, in cross section, it is a bundle of threads made of fiberglass, carbon fiber, basalt and some other polymers, coated on top with viscous resins. This structure provides tensile strength more than three times higher than that of steel (a detailed comparison of composite and metal reinforcement is provided).


Depending on the type of raw materials used in the manufacture, PVC reinforcement for foundations is divided into:

  • glass composite - ASC;
  • carbon composite – AUK;
  • basalt - ABK;
  • combined – ACC.

In addition, polymer rods vary in cross-sectional diameter from 4 to 32 mm and appearance surface, which can be smooth, corrugated or powdered.

Deliveries are made in the form of rolled coils or straight cut rods up to 12 meters long.


The structural structure of composite reinforcement for foundations makes it a unique building material that is used for the construction of especially critical monolithic concrete structures. To the main technical indicators include:

  • lower tensile strength for ASC 800 MPa, AUK 1400 MPa, ABK 1200 MPa;
  • ultimate strength during compression testing for all types - not less than 300 MPa;
  • transverse shear resistance for ASK is not less than 150 MPa, AUK 350 MPa, ABK 250 MPa;
  • average specific gravity composite reinforcement - 1900 kg/m 3 ;
  • The maximum operating temperature is 60˚C.

When comparing elasticity indicators, it should be noted that carbon fiber reinforcement is more than 2 times higher than fiberglass and 1.5 times higher than composite basalt reinforcement.

Weight of plastic fittings.

Cost of fiberglass rod

The price of polymer reinforcing materials depends on the structure and components in the composition. The design of the composite rod consists of a longitudinal set of glass fibers bonded together epoxy resin. The surface can remain smooth, have a rough powder, or be wrapped in a spiral with a special glass roving. The latter method allows you to obtain a ribbed surface that will provide more reliable adhesion to concrete.

Unlike rolled metal, which in most cases is sold by weight, the price of fiberglass reinforcement is always determined per linear meter. This often leads to the misconception that composite materials cost much more per ton than steel.

It is necessary to understand that with a diameter of 12 mm, one ton of metal will contain 1100 meters of rod, and plastic - 12500 meters. In addition, the high strength of fiberglass reinforcement allows the use of smaller diameters under the same installation conditions. These conditions show that the cost of polymers will not be higher, but lower, than that of rolled metal. A study of the price lists of manufacturing companies showed that the price of the most popular diameters 4-8 mm is in the range 8.50-27.20 rub/m.

Pros and cons of using fiberglass

Experts consider the main advantages of composite reinforcement to be:

  • resistance to corrosion and many aggressive chemicals;
  • high strength, exceeding similar indicators for metal;
  • durability, increasing the service life of the structure by 2-3 times;
  • low specific weight, facilitating loading and transportation;
  • simple calculation of fiberglass reinforcement for the foundation;
  • possibility of use at negative temperatures down to -60˚C;
  • environmental friendliness of the components used;
  • accessibility and cost-effectiveness of use;
  • no restriction on rod length during installation due to supplies in coils;
  • dielectric and antimagnetic properties.

A serious disadvantage of composite reinforcement is its reduced strength during fracture testing. Where metal rods simply bend, fiberglass can break, weakening the reliability of the structure. Therefore, such polymers are not used in installation and production. load-bearing elements and floors, which limits their use and is a disadvantage.

The maximum heating temperature does not allow the use of plastic reinforcement with the potential for long-term exposure open flame. In the event of a fire, such concrete monoliths will be identified as damaged and must be replaced.

Comparing the pros and cons of fiberglass reinforcement, we can confidently conclude that these materials can and should be used to create reliable and durable monolithic structures.

Scope of application

Fiberglass is an excellent material for installing any type of foundation. Composite reinforcement is used not only in industrial, but also in private construction. Especially if there is a possibility of high lifting groundwater and on marshy soils. This material is indispensable when performing work to strengthen banks, during the construction of hydraulic structures and at sites with possible exposure to aggressive substances.

Good results are obtained if you use plastic reinforcement to strengthen road surfaces in areas with high humidity and in permafrost conditions. A rod with a diameter of 4 mm is used for reinforcing masonry made of foam concrete and aerated concrete blocks, as well as floors in industrial and commercial facilities.

Experts also recognize the advantage of composite reinforcement as the ability to effectively combine traditional steel rods and composite plastic materials. With the help of steel, the corners and junctions of the walls are strengthened, and all spans are reinforced with plastic. This allows you to speed up the assembly of the frame without compromising the quality of the structure and expand the areas of application of materials.

Foundation reinforcement technology

Thanks to the reduced weight of plastic reinforcement and the ability to use rods of any length, assembling a reinforcing frame is much easier than using metal rods. The increased strength of polymer reinforcement for foundation materials allows the use of a smaller cross-section.

For example, steel reinforcement with a diameter of 12 mm, often used for installing foundations in private construction, is replaced with 8 mm plastic, and 10 mm rods with 7 mm polymer.
A calculation table that will help you determine exactly what diameter can be used in each individual case.

Technological production process installation work using plastic reinforcement for the foundation is carried out in several stages, as shown in the video at the end of the article:

  1. installation of formwork;
  2. marking the concrete pouring level;
  3. assembly of the reinforcing frame;
  4. removal of formwork.

Installation of the formwork structure when reinforcing a strip foundation with fiberglass reinforcement must be carried out in accordance with the design to ensure the exact configuration and dimensions of the foundation elements. When out wooden planks, chipboard or plywood, it is recommended to wrap the panels in glassine. This will save the material and reuse it.

After that on inside fencing elements must be marked using a water level top level future monolith. They will allow you to navigate when pouring concrete and ensure its even distribution.

Assembly of the reinforcing frame

The layout of the reinforcement and the dimensions between individual rods are always indicated in the project. If you use fiberglass reinforcement in the foundation, you can change the diameter of the rods to a smaller one, but the layout should be done only according to the drawing.

Scheme of reinforcement of a monolithic slab.

Initially, it is necessary to unwind rods of the required length from the coil and install them on stands parallel to each other. At specified intervals, place transverse bridges on the longitudinal strings. Tie the reinforcement at the intersections with tying wire or tighten with tie rods plastic clamps(more about mating -). As a result, the bottom row of the frame will be ready for reinforcing the foundation with fiberglass reinforcement.

Prepare vertical racks required length. The top row of the frame is knitted similarly to the bottom row. After assembly, both rows are placed on top of each other and, starting from the edge, their vertical posts are connected, gradually raising the top row of reinforcement.

After assembling the structure, it must be moved and installed inside the formwork fence, as shown in the photo.

Before installing the reinforcing frame, sand is poured into the bottom of the trench and spilled with water or compacted. It is recommended to cover the compacted sand surface with waterproofing material or geotextile fabric. This will prevent moisture from entering the foundation and increase its reliability and service life.

In the process of installing a foundation made of fiberglass reinforcement, it must be remembered that the edges of the rods should not reach 5 cm from the formwork and the bottom of the trench. To ensure this condition, you can use special plastic fasteners such as “post” and “star” or dense moisture-resistant stone materials.

Belt reinforcement.

Pouring concrete mixture

Laying concrete inside the formwork is done in exactly the same way as when using metal reinforcement. However, extreme caution should be exercised, since the strength of fiberglass reinforcement may be insufficient under strong lateral impacts. Compacting concrete with a vibrator or tamper must be done in such a way as not to damage the installed frame.

Horizontal reinforcement

This method of using composite reinforcement in construction is used for installation slab foundations. Their main difference from strip-type bases is the absence of corners and adjacent areas. In fact, the entire structure is made in the form of two large grids, located one above the other. All assembly work is carried out at the installation site, since moving the assembled element of such big size quite problematic.

Therefore, the required number of longitudinal rods is initially laid. Transverse ones are placed on them and a mesh is knitted using wire or clamps. The second one is knitted directly on it. After this, the lower mesh must be raised onto stands above the bottom of the pit. Next, the upper mesh can be placed on vertical posts installed at the intersections of the reinforcement.


Fiberglass mesh for reinforcement on construction sites in our country is still considered a new material. Many builders still believe that the use of steel, the properties of which have long been studied, will provide a more reliable monolithic structure.

However, numerous tests and studies have shown that composite materials are superior to traditional metal in strength, durability and other characteristics. Plastic is more convenient to use and reduces installation time. It is also not susceptible to corrosion, stray currents or low temperatures.

Video on the topic

Reinforcement of concrete monolithic structures plastic materials is increasingly used in construction. This is due to such performance qualities as high strength, durability and lack of corrosion. The latter circumstance is especially important during the construction of hydraulic structures, bridges and foundations.

Manufacturers of building materials produce 5 types of composite plastic reinforcement:

  • glass composite or fiberglass - ASC;
  • carbon composite – AUK;
  • basalt composite – ABK;
  • aramidocomposite - AAC;
  • combined – ACC.

From the name you can understand what material it is basic basis for the production of plastic fittings.

General description and manufacturing technology

Due to its low cost and good performance, fiberglass reinforcement is most widely used. Its strength is slightly lower than other composites, but the cost savings justify its use. For its production use:

  • staple fiberglass;
  • epoxy thermosetting resins as a binder;
  • special polymer additives to increase strength and improve other characteristics.

Composite fiberglass reinforcement for foundations can have a smooth or corrugated surface. According to the manufacturing technology, bundles of the required diameter are first formed from fiberglass and impregnated with epoxy resin. After, to obtain a grooved variable section, the surface of a smooth rod is wrapped in a spiral with a cord, which is also woven from fiberglass. Then the resulting blanks are polymerized in an oven at high temperature and, after cooling, cut into straight sections or wound into coils.


Production of periodic profiles and specifications fiberglass reinforcement is regulated by GOST 31938-2012. The standard defines:

  • types of plastic fittings depending on the materials used;
  • nominal diameters ranging from 4 to 32 mm;
  • the length of straight rods is from 0.5 to 12 meters;
  • possibility of supplying materials in coils with a diameter of up to 8 mm inclusive;
  • markings and symbols;
  • quality control methods;
  • storage and transportation rules.

Characteristics of types of composite reinforcement.

The weight of the material depends on the size of the cross section and can range from 0.02 to 0.42 kg/m.

Weight of plastic fittings.

Data on ultimate strength and elasticity given in GOST show that these parameters exceed the characteristics of rolled steel with the same diameters. This allows the use of polymer reinforcement in particularly critical structures or when it is necessary to reduce the cross-sections of reinforcing materials.

Area and method of application

Plastic reinforcement is a modern alternative to rolled metal. The identical shape of the rods allows its use using technology similar to steel. A reinforcement frame made of composite plastic reinforcement is formed in the form of a flat mesh or spatial structure designed to strengthen and increase the strength of reinforced concrete monoliths.

Polymer reinforcing materials are used in the construction of roads, bridges, hydraulic structures, columns, walls, ceilings, foundations and other monolithic structures.

The main load falls on the longitudinal rods of the structure. They have a larger cross-section and are located at a distance of no more than 300 mm from each other. Vertical and transverse elements can be located at a distance of 0.5-0.8 m. The connection of individual rods at intersections is carried out using polymer ties or knitting wire. The joining of individual rods on one horizontal line is carried out with an overlap.

Advantages of plastic fittings

When comparing composite rods with metal rods (we have already carried out a comparison in this article), a number of pros and cons of plastic reinforcement are clearly identified. These include:

  • weight loss reinforcement cage 5-7 times;
  • higher strength, allowing the diameter of the rods to be reduced;
  • resistance to corrosion and chemicals in concrete;
  • simple installation and high speed of assembly of reinforcing frames;
  • simplified technology for creating round and oval structures;
  • excellent dielectric and thermal insulation properties;
  • ease of transportation.

In addition, it should be noted that the length of rods for materials supplied in coils is unlimited, as well as simple cutting of blanks of the required length.

Reinforcement made on the basis of fiberglass is 20-30% inferior in strength to other composites, but is significantly cheaper. Therefore, such material is in higher demand in construction.


Among the main disadvantages of composite reinforcing materials, experts call:

  • low maximum temperature of use, not exceeding 60-70°C;
  • poor mechanical stability under lateral loads;
  • the impossibility of bending with a small angle of curvature and the need to use special elements.

It should be noted that there is no regulatory framework on the use of polymers for concrete reinforcement and, often, unreliable technical data from the material manufacturer. This makes calculations difficult and forces structures to be assembled with a safety margin.

Technology of foundation reinforcement with composite materials

The low weight of plastic reinforcement for the foundation simplifies the process of assembling a reinforcement frame of any design. At the same time, due to the increased strength of the material, the cross-sectional diameter is taken one number less than for metal analogues.

The technological process of installing concrete monolithic structures using polymer rods consists of the following stages:

  1. installation of formwork and marking the pouring level concrete mixture;
  2. assembly and installation of the reinforcing frame;
  3. pouring concrete into formwork;
  4. removal of formwork panels.

Work on the installation of reinforced monolithic structures must be carried out in accordance with the adopted design decisions. The deck configuration must fully correspond to the size and shape of the foundation. As formwork material, you can use standard factory-made panels, boards, moisture-resistant plywood or chipboard. For permanent formwork Expanded polystyrene sheets are most often used.

After assembling and securing the formwork panels, on their inside, using a water level, mark the upper limit of pouring the concrete mixture. This will reduce the time it takes to complete the job and help distribute the concrete more evenly.

Spatial reinforcing frame for strip foundation

The foundation reinforcement scheme, laying and rod diameter are always indicated in the project. The use of composite reinforcement, especially those based on carbon fiber, makes it possible to reduce the diameter of the rods by one size. The laying of the material must exactly correspond to the calculated data. The frame is assembled on a level area.

The work begins with cutting the workpieces. To do this, pieces of the required length are unwound from the coil and placed on stands at a height of 35-50 mm above the support pad or ground. After this, the transverse jumpers are laid according to the drawing, and at the intersections they are tied with wire or ties. In this way, the bottom row of the spatial reinforcement frame will be assembled.

On next stage it is necessary to assemble a grid completely similar to the first one, lay it on top and then cut the vertical posts to the designed length. The first post is tied at the corner of the flat gratings, the second at the adjacent intersection, as a result, a spatial structure is gradually formed. If there are more horizontal rows, then the second grid is fixed at the required height, and then the next one is fixed. The vertical post in this case is one whole segment.

When assembling the frame, it is necessary to remember that the ends of the reinforcing bars should be located at a distance of 35-50 mm from the formwork. This will create protective layer concrete and will increase the service life of the structure. For this purpose, it is very convenient to use special plastic clamps.

Plastic clips.

It is necessary to pour a sand-crushed stone cushion at the bottom of the trench and compact it well. After this, it is recommended to cover the sand layer with geotextile or waterproofing material. This will prevent moisture from entering the concrete and the germination of weeds.

Horizontal reinforcement of slab foundations

When pouring slab-type foundations, horizontal reinforcement technology is used. Her main feature consists in the absence of turning and adjacent sections. Usually these are two grids located one above the other from long straight rods and vertical posts.

All work is carried out on site. First, according to the design drawing, the lower mesh is knitted, and the upper mesh is laid on top of it. After this, vertical posts are installed, as described for strip structures. The lower mesh must be installed on stands.

Pouring concrete onto a plastic reinforcement frame

Technologically, pouring a concrete mixture is no different from work using steel reinforcement. However, given the lower strength of the material under lateral radial impact, compaction with a vibrator should be done carefully so as not to damage the integrity of the plastic rods.

The construction industry is constantly evolving. New materials that meet high requirements are appearing on the market. Residential and industrial building are being built in short time. During their construction, various modern materials And innovative technologies. Recently, fiberglass reinforcement was introduced to developers, which began to compete with time-tested steel rods.

Pros and cons of fiberglass reinforcement

Fiberglass has advantages over steel that are worth considering in detail.


  1. Less specific gravity. The weight of the structure is reduced significantly, and this is important in certain construction conditions.
  2. Corrosion resistance - does not rust or rot.
  3. Its tensile and compressive strength indicators are much better, which is important for the construction of multi-story structures.
  4. Resistant to aggressive chemical environments.
  5. The range of application at different temperatures is from -60 to +100 degrees.
  6. Applicable in any geographical latitudes.
  7. Simplicity and ease of transportation. Fiberglass reinforcement is sold in small coils; they are compact, so that, if necessary, they can be transported on passenger cars.
  8. Fast and practical installation. You can cut the material with a grinder, and connect the elements together with plastic clamps. But it is worth noting that when working with this material you need to use protective equipment, such as respiratory tract, and hands.
  9. Absolute radio transparency of this type of reinforcement.
  10. Profitable from an economic point of view - low cost similar material. At the same time, in places where it is necessary to use metal rods with a cross-section of 12 mm, fiberglass reinforcement 8 mm in diameter can be used.
  11. Does not conduct electricity, which makes it preferable in the construction of buildings and structures in the energy sector.


Despite the positive aspects, there were some disadvantages.

  1. Low bending elasticity. If they are designed bearing structures, then this should definitely be taken into account.
    It will not be possible to arrange weld seams on this reinforcement, but this is often impractical if not provided for by the project.
  2. Low strength at high temperatures. As soon as the material is heated to 600 degrees, all its strength characteristics completely disappear, since heat changes the structure of the material.
  3. Although there are not many disadvantages, they must be taken into account during construction.

Pros and cons of steel reinforcement

Steel products also have their advantages and disadvantages.


  1. Time-tested. Standards for the production of material have long been developed. Eat regulations, which indicate steel reinforcement.
  2. Various number of rod sections. Available in the range from 3 to 80 mm.
  3. Long and predictable service life. Such fittings serve for more than 50 years, provided they do not come into contact with water or chemical environments.
  4. Has good bending properties. This material has elasticity 4 times better than fiberglass reinforcement. Its bending strength indicators are much higher.
  5. Availability. Sold in many construction markets.
  6. Several installation methods. You can tie it with wire, fasten it with clamps or use welding.
  7. Environmental friendliness. Negative Impact on human body equals zero.
  8. Easy to manufacture anchors. If the rod is heated with a simple torch, then simply bend it into a 90-degree corner. Taking this into account, it is easy to produce anchor elements directly on the construction site.
  9. Excellent adhesion with concrete mortar. The coefficient of linear expansion of the mortar and reinforcement is almost the same, which makes it possible to obtain a durable tandem.
  10. Frost resistance. If the fittings are installed in places with large negative temperatures, then its structure remains unchanged.


  1. Limitation on rod length. Maximum length steel reinforcement elements are 11.7 meters long; rods 12 meters long are rare.
  2. High specific gravity. To deliver this material to the site, special cargo equipment will be required.
  3. Tendency to corrosion. When steel is exposed to an aggressive environment or water, the corrosion rate is from 0.1 to 1.5 mm per year.
  4. Special storage requirements. It cannot be stored for a long time in an open area or on the ground; the material becomes covered with rust within a few months.

As we see, the shortcomings are not comparable in number with positive aspects.

Comparison of fiberglass and steel reinforcement

  1. Fiberglass has greater tensile strength, but steel rods have 4 times higher elasticity.
  2. The strength and coefficient of linear expansion of metal reinforcement is greater and similar to concrete, which cannot be said about SPA.
  3. Fiberglass does not conduct current, but metal does.
  4. The range of cross-sections of steel structures is much larger, so their use on complex construction projects cannot be replaced by fiberglass reinforcement.
  5. Fiberglass is sold in coils of 50, 100 and 150 m.
  6. The cost of composite reinforcement is much less than that of metal.

If we consider the strength of these materials, it is worth considering that fiberglass reinforcement has lower bending strength. When constructing a heavy building, rods are taken with a larger cross-section than steel material. In fact, the difference in price and the scale of construction remains questionable.


From comparative analysis It is clear that fiberglass reinforcement is well suited for private construction of houses made of lightweight materials. For the construction of complex and heavy structures, steel should be used. It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to the question: which is better - steel or fiberglass reinforcement.