Why does heat leave the house and how to properly insulate brick walls? Layered masonry Brick masonry with insulation and brick cladding.

Today, classic brick is one of the most expensive wall materials. However, it and its enlarged variant - ceramic blocks– are in demand not only in the upper, but also in the middle segment of private construction. Brick houses are considered the most durable and comfortable from an environmental point of view. In addition, there are ways to reduce the cost of building a house from this material. However, many private developers working in the “middle segment” prefer to build not brick houses in the economy version, but use cheaper gas blocks. Moreover, the thesis about its less durability and environmental friendliness is not accepted by everyone.

In addition to classic brick (solid or hollow), today in the construction of private houses they are increasingly using ceramic stones big size. To reduce weight and improve thermal insulation properties, they are permeated with a large number of air channels. This building material is called large-format porous blocks.

You can build a cottage from regular or large-format bricks in one of six ways:

1. One and a half bricks plus insulation

Classic brick quality wall material is used more often than its larger variety - porous ceramic blocks. The reason for the popularity of the “old” material is its relatively low price (see), as well as the fact that ordinary brick can be used to build walls of any thickness with any insulation option. Private developers are actively using this.

Oksana Kosinova

In the conditions of the Urals, in order to meet thermal characteristics, a wall made of solid brick must have a thickness of 1.9 meters. Of course, no one builds like that. One of the common options is a wall of one and a half bricks (38 cm) with insulation on the outside of 10-15 cm of expanded polystyrene, or better yet, with a high-stiffness slab (PPZh), so that the house “breathes”. Plaster on top of the insulation. You can use both solid and hollow bricks.

You can apply plaster on top of the insulation or install a cladding - a layer of facing brick or curtain façade(porcelain tiles, a natural stone etc.).

2. One brick wall with reinforcement

Table 1 Cost per square meter of wall made of different materials (rub.)

Price square meter the walls are calculated taking into account the cost of the foundation and reinforcing belt. But without taking into account the roof.

Efficient brick 38 cm + insulation 15 cm + plaster Efficient brick 38 cm + insulation 10 cm + facing brick Large format porous block 51 cm + plaster Large format porous block 44 cm + warm plaster Autoclaved gas block 30 cm + insulation 10 cm + plaster
Cost of bricks/blocks 1810 1810 3890 3360 1050
Masonry (work and consumables) 990 990 880 900–950 390
Insulation 240–360 160–240 - - 160–240
Installation of insulation 180-350 180-350 180–350
Plaster (with materials) 600–800 - 600–800 750–1050 600–800
Brick cladding (work and materials) - 1800–2800
The cost of the armored belt (in terms of sq. m. of wall) - - - - 500
The cost of the foundation (in terms of sq. m. walls) 800 1210 1000 860 630
Total 4600–5100* 6200–7400 6400–6600 5900–6200 3500–4000
For reference, the total cost of the foundation under the external walls 160 000 243 000 200 000 173 000 127 000

Explanations for the table

The calculation is given for an “average” cottage of 10×10 m with a second attic floor. The total area of ​​the external walls is about 200 square meters. m. When building such a house from aerated blocks, a reinforcing belt between floors will be required. Its cost is approximately 100 thousand rubles. Brick houses can be done without an armored belt. For all house options, a single foundation model has been adopted - a strip foundation with a depth of 50 cm and a base height of 50 cm. The width of the foundation strip corresponds to the width of the brickwork. In the case of brick cladding, the width of the tape increases by the thickness of the insulation, the ventilation gap (3–5 cm) and the width of the facing brick (12 cm). The foundation under internal load-bearing walls is not taken into account in the table.

The cost of a brick is assumed to be 16 rubles. per piece or 6.1 thousand rubles. per cubic meter. The cost of porous blocks (Braer or Porotherm) is 8.2 thousand rubles. per cubic meter, gas blocks - 3.5 thousand. All prices are given including delivery (Ekaterinburg and the immediate surroundings). A cubic meter of finished brickwork consists of 23% mortar. In masonry made from large-format blocks, there is three times less mortar (7%). The cost of masonry mortar is 3.5 thousand rubles. per cubic meter

The thickness of the masonry of one and a half bricks is 38 cm. This option is discussed in the first two columns. When calculating the cost of bricklaying work, the average prices for bricklaying in force in Yekaterinburg in March-April 2015 were adopted, namely 1800 rubles. per cubic meter of brick. In general, the range of prices for such work during the specified period is 700–3000 rubles. per cubic meter The cost of laying large-format blocks is accepted - 1500 rubles, aerated blocks - 1200 rubles. per cubic meter.

To calculate the cost of a square of brick cladding, the cost of facing brick is 16–20 rubles. per piece (plus a small difference in the cost of work).

* If you do the masonry in one brick (with reinforcement in the corners, as Oksana Kosinova advises), then the cost of a square wall of a house in the plastered version can be reduced to 4100–4600 rubles.

In some new built buildings, the insulation is placed centrally (in the middle) in the building envelope. With this option, the insulation is very well protected from mechanical damage and there are more possibilities for designing facades. However, the risk of damage due to moisture is much higher than with external insulation, so the layer structure should be carefully planned and executed without defects.

This design consists of three layers: load-bearing wall, walls made of facing material and insulation, which is located between them. Carrier and facing wall rest on one foundation. The outer layer is most often made of either facing bricks or building bricks, followed by plastering, coating artificial stone, clinker tiles, etc.


  • handsome and respectable appearance when using expensive facing materials;
  • high durability, subject to proper design and qualified installation of the structure.


  • high labor intensity of construction;
  • low breathability;
  • the possibility of moisture condensation between dissimilar layers of such a wall.

It is very important that all layers of the structure are compatible with each other in terms of vapor permeability. Compatibility is determined only by calculation of the system as a whole.

Underestimating this circumstance can lead to moisture accumulation in the interior of the walls. This will create a favorable environment for the development of mold and mildew. The insulation will get wet due to possible condensation, which will shorten the service life of the material and significantly reduce its heat-shielding properties. The enclosing structure will begin to freeze, which will lead to ineffective insulation and may cause its premature destruction.

Types of structures

Standard solutions Layered masonry devices can be divided into two types: with and without air gap device.

The air gap allows for more efficient removal of moisture from the structure, since excess moisture from the load-bearing wall and insulation will immediately escape into the atmosphere. At the same time, the air gap increases the overall thickness of the walls, and, consequently, the foundation.

Insulation inside masonry walls

To one degree or another, the problem of vapor transfer is relevant for layered masonry with any type of insulation.

Insulating the structure with mineral wool is the most preferable. In this case, it becomes possible to create an air gap between the insulation and the outer wall for better conclusion moisture from the load-bearing wall and insulation.

For layered masonry should be used semi-rigid mineral wool slab insulation. This will allow, on the one hand, to well fill all the defects in the masonry, to create a continuous layer of thermal insulation (the slabs can be “pressed in” a little, avoiding cracks). On the other hand, such slabs will maintain geometric integrity (not shrink) throughout their entire service life.

Certain difficulties in using expanded polystyrene in layered masonry are caused by the low vapor permeability of this material.

Three-layer brickwork with insulation

  1. Interior of a brick wall
  2. Mineral wool
  3. External part of a brick wall
  4. Connections

The traditional material for the interior of the walls is solid red ceramic brick. Masonry is usually done on cement-sand mortar 1.5-2 bricks (380-510 mm). The outer wall is usually made of face brick with a thickness of 120 mm (half a brick).


In the case of a system with air gap 2-5 cm wide for its ventilation, vents (holes) are installed in the lower and upper parts walls through which vaporous moisture is removed to the outside. The size of such holes is taken at the rate of 75 cm 2 per 20 m 2 of wall surface.

The upper ventilation ducts are located at the eaves, the lower ones at the plinths. In this case, the lower holes are intended not only for ventilation, but also for water drainage.

  1. Air gap 2 cm
  2. Bottom of the building
  3. Top of the building

To carry out ventilation of the layer, a slotted brick is installed in the lower part of the walls, laid on its edge, or in the lower part of the walls, bricks are laid not close to each other, but not at some distance from each other, and the resulting gap is not filled with masonry mortar.

Making connections

The inner and outer parts of a three-layer brick wall are connected to each other with special embedded parts - ties. They are made of fiberglass, basalt plastic or steel reinforcement with a diameter of 4.5–6 mm. It is preferable to use connections made of fiberglass or basalt plastic due to the greater thermal conductivity of steel connections.

These connections also perform the function of fastening the insulation boards (the insulation is simply
prick them). They are installed during laying in the load-bearing wall to a depth
6-9 cm in increments of 60 cm horizontally and 50 cm vertically based on an average of 4 pins per
1 m2.

To ensure a uniform ventilated gap over the entire area of ​​the insulation, locking washers are attached to the rods.

Often, instead of special connections, bent reinforcing bars are used. In addition to ties, the outer and inner walls of the masonry can be tied with steel reinforcement mesh, laid every 60 cm vertically. In this case, an additional mechanical fastening slabs

The insulation boards are installed with the seams bandaged close to each other so that there are no cracks or gaps between the individual boards. At the corners of the building, gearing of the slabs is created to avoid the formation of cold bridges.

Masonry technology with insulation

  • Laying the facing layer up to the tie level
  • Installation of the heat-insulating layer so that its top is 5-10 cm higher than the facing layer
  • Laying the load-bearing layer to the next level of connections
  • Installing connections by piercing them through the insulation
  • if the horizontal seams of the load-bearing and facing layers of the wall in which the ties are placed do not coincide by more than 2 cm in the load-bearing layer of the brickwork, the ties are placed in a vertical seam

  • Laying one row of bricks in the load-bearing part of the wall and the facing layer

Installation sequence
(Alternative option)

Warm brick walls

One of the most reliable and, perhaps, one of the most expensive technologies the construction of load-bearing walls - brickwork - has many advantages and is not free from a number of disadvantages. And among these disadvantages, in addition to the high cost of work and material, most often also include the low thermal inertia of brick walls.

Moreover, most reference books indicate that for successful resistance low temperatures The brickwork of the walls should be almost a meter deep.

That is why, in almost all modern projects special brickwork with insulation is used. And this technological technique allows not only to increase the thermal inertia of the masonry, but also contributes to a significant reduction in construction costs. Indeed, depending on the number of storeys of the building, to achieve load-bearing strength it is enough to equip the masonry with a thickness of 1.5 bricks, and the heat resistance of the building will be ensured by a layer of insulation.

As a result, using a combination of brick and insulation can significantly reduce the load on the foundation. In addition, such a wall can be folded with little effort. And, in the end, masonry with insulation makes it possible to save building materials.

And the main construction document that regulates brickwork - SNiP “Load-bearing and enclosing structures” - states that solid masonry with a thickness of more than 38 centimeters (1.5 bricks) is simply impractical from an economic point of view.

Modern construction technologies allow you to implement insulation of brickwork in several ways at once. But on by and large, such diversity is very easy to divide into two directions - external and internal insulation.

Brickwork walls with internal insulation implemented using air gaps and wells. This is the name given to the voids created in the wall during masonry.

Air gaps can be created both in continuous load-bearing masonry and in the process of finishing with facing bricks. Voids 5-7 centimeters thick are formed by bandaging with pokes connecting parallel walls. Moreover, the layers have a closed structure. Therefore, to ensure at least minimal tightness, a wall with air gaps must be plastered.

This technology allows you to save 15-20 percent of building material. The thermal inertia of a hollow wall exceeds the natural inertia of solid masonry by at least 30 percent. In addition, there is also hollow brickwork with insulation placed directly in the internal cavities. And mineral wool and polystyrene foam can act as such insulation. Moreover, in the latter case, the thermal inertia of the masonry increases by 100 percent!

However, the main construction document that regulates brickwork - SNiP 3.03.01-87 - states that in addition to the technology for constructing a wall with air gaps, there is also “well masonry” - such masonry is PROHIBITED to be used!!!

According to this technology, a load-bearing wall is formed from an outer and an inner wall connected by solid bridges (diaphragms). Moreover, unlike closed layers, wells have an open structure, which allows the use of various backfills or lightweight concrete as insulation.

Of course, such “omnivorousness” contributes to an even greater economy of the construction process, which is characteristic of well brickwork - SNiP allows the use of sawdust, tuff, expanded clay, foam concrete, and a whole range of other inexpensive materials as insulation.

However, with all the advantages of the option with internal insulation, this technology has one significant drawback– the implementation of such a scheme can only be carried out during the construction of the building. Consequently, if an error has crept into the architect’s calculations, then the owner of an already constructed structure will have to turn to other solutions. AND good example A similar solution is brickwork walls with external insulation.

This scheme involves the installation of an additional external or internal heat-insulating coating. A complex system can also act as such a coating “ warm facade", and a fairly affordable scheme that involves the use of heat-resistant plaster. The final decision depends on the specific climatic conditions.

In addition, from a technological point of view, brickwork with insulation located outside or inside the building does not differ from ordinary solid masonry - there are no complex dressings, no diaphragms, or bridges. This means that even an unskilled mason can handle such masonry.

As a result, we can claim that a scheme with external insulation is not only the most economical, but also the least labor-intensive solution to the problem of thermal resistance of brickwork.

Brick houses have been built for several hundred years, and many do it with their own hands. Brick is the most common building material and currently. Both solid and hollow types of bricks are available.

Photo – brickwork

Previously, almost all houses had walls about 1 m thick, which was due to the lack of insulation in those days. It was with brickwork and insulation that the mass construction of warm buildings and structures began.

Insulation between walls

The difficulty of thermal insulation both from the inside and outside is the appearance of condensation. Water negatively affects not only thermal protection, but also the entire structure of the building.

The thickness of the insulation layer used depends on a number of factors, such as:

  • location of the building;
  • wall material;
  • wall thickness;
  • type of insulation used.

Modern construction is regulated by the provisions of SNiP 23-02-2003, which precisely states required amount insulation.

Types of brickwork

There are 2 types of brickwork based on the location of the insulation:

  • masonry with an inner layer;
  • masonry with outer layer.

Internal insulation

The technology for working on well masonry is as follows:

  1. 2 rows of bricks are laid closely on the foundation, covered with a layer of waterproofing;
  2. form 2 brick walls at a distance of 13-14 cm from each other;
  3. transverse diaphragms are made horizontally every 3 bricks;
  4. to combine two walls into one system, wire ties are used;
  5. the distance between the diaphragm bricks is set to about 2.5 cm;
  6. window and door openings are laid out closely;
  7. the wells are also covered closely with masonry;
  8. the last row of bricks serves as a support; the bases of the rafters and floor beams are laid on it;
  9. waterproofing is carried out using rolled material.

The resulting wells are usually filled with insulation or lightweight concrete, expanded clay, slag, etc. Backfill material is compacted every half meter of backfill. Some materials require the installation of an anti-shrink diaphragm.

Well masonry with insulation is essentially a three-layer structure, that is, it is layered masonry using effective insulation, in case of filling wells with insulation.

The advantages are:

  • small thickness and weight;
  • fire resistance;
  • good appearance;
  • Possibility of installation at any time of the year.


  • high labor intensity of work;
  • high volume of hidden work;
  • the need for constant monitoring of the condition of the insulation;
  • low thermal homogeneity due to concrete inclusions;
  • presence of cold bridges;
  • poor maintainability.

Instructions for internal insulation using mineral wool:

  1. mineral wool slabs are laid along the entire perimeter of the wall;
  2. special anchors are installed in the brick wall;
  3. fix the slabs on these anchors;
  4. a second wall is erected, leaving a gap between the insulation and the wall;
  5. rub and smooth the seams.

Quite often, instead of the same mineral wool or polystyrene foam, air gaps are used in the well masonry. Insulation of the walls between the brickwork in this case is not carried out. It should be borne in mind that the width of the air gap should not exceed 5-7 cm. The effectiveness of this method is much worse than using effective insulation.

Insulation from inside the room

When the heat-insulating layer is placed on the inside of the wall.

Internal insulation

The use of internal insulation is permissible only in rare cases:

  • when it is not possible to change the appearance of the building facade;
  • when behind the wall is unheated room or an elevator shaft where insulation is impossible;
  • when this type of insulation was initially included in the building design and calculated correctly.

Attention! The main problem with internal insulation is that the walls themselves do not become warmer, but begin to freeze even more. This is due to the fact that the dew point shifts by inner part walls.

What happens during internal insulation:

  • in the cold season wall structures fall into the "zone" negative temperatures»;
  • constant temperature changes lead to the destruction of the materials from which the walls are made;
  • the inside of the walls accumulates moisture due to cooling;
  • turn out favorable conditions for mold formation.

Important! Fiber insulation cannot be used for internal thermal insulation, since they are capable of absorbing a significant amount of moisture and, as a result, lose their properties.

If there is a need to perform internal insulation, then do it like this:

  • the working surface is carefully prepared, any coating is removed, even the bricks;
  • treat the walls antiseptics and prime;
  • the surface is leveled;
  • strengthen and apply insulation;
  • install the frame under drywall or other finishing;
  • perform final finishing, leaving a gap between the insulation and the finishing layer.

Also in this case, a number of requirements must be observed:

  • a vapor barrier layer is required;
  • the thickness of the insulation may exceed calculated values. But by no means be less;
  • vapor barrier of internal insulation requires forced ventilation;

External insulation

Has become widespread in Lately. None regulations, including SNiP 23-02-2003 and TSN 23-349-2003 do not prohibit the thermal insulation of structures both outside and inside, in well masonry.

We insulate from the outside

The advantages of external insulation are:

  • good thermal insulation;
  • dew point output to the outside of the building;
  • maintaining the volume of the insulated room;
  • the ability to carry out work without disturbing the usual rhythm of life inside.

There are also disadvantages:

  • higher price of materials and work;
  • changing the appearance of the facade;
  • the possibility of carrying out work exclusively in the warm season.

When placing the heat-insulating layer externally, the procedure for working with mineral wool is as follows:

  1. erect a brick wall;
  2. apply an adhesive composition to it;
  3. insulation boards are secured with anchors;
  4. apply a reinforcing composition;
  5. fix the reinforcing mesh;
  6. apply a layer of plaster;
  7. The insulation is completed with painting and cladding.

Work with polystyrene foam, stages:

  1. glue polystyrene foam with a special composition;
  2. additionally secure it with anchors;
  3. all corners are covered with a metal corner;
  4. all joints are rubbed down and sealed with mounting tape;
  5. The façade is covered with a layer of plaster.

This type of external insulation is used both on already constructed buildings and on newly constructed ones. Installation of a ventilated façade can also be carried out in winter.

The order of work is as follows:

  1. a vapor barrier layer is installed on the façade;
  2. a sheathing made of wooden blocks or metal profiles is mounted on top;
  3. a layer of heat insulation is installed in the sheathing;
  4. a layer of wind protection is laid on top of the insulation;
  5. fix the cladding, in the form of lining, siding, facade panels.

Important! You should not skimp on the quality of insulation and materials, otherwise you will then spend significantly more on heating!


The best option is external insulation, but when it is not possible to carry out external work, internal insulation should not be neglected. All requirements indicated on the materials must be observed to obtain a good effect. In the video presented in this article you will find Additional information on this topic.

If the walls are insufficiently insulated, about 60% of the heat used to heat the home is lost through them. However, heat conservation standards in force since 2000 required builders to use modern highly efficient insulating materials, significantly increasing the heat-insulating properties of walls

When asked what to build a house from - wood, brick, concrete or their many and varied combinations, everyone answers in their own way. The choice depends on many factors, among which personal preferences often play a much more significant role than practical considerations. We will try to dwell on practical aspects and will proceed from the fact that the decision was made to build a house of brick. The main advantage of a brick building is its undoubted strength and unlimited service life, of course, provided proper construction and proper operation.

Thicker does not mean warmer

The thickness of solid brick walls is always (well, or almost always) a multiple of the size of half a brick, but it is never less than 25 cm, that is, one of its lengths. It is well known from the richest construction practice that even a wall of one brick is capable of bearing any uniformly distributed load that occurs in one, two-story houses from the structures above. Thermal calculations show that at a temperature “overboard” of -30°C, and this temperature is not uncommon in winter in most regions of the central part of Russia, in order to retain heat in the house, the thickness of its external walls (with solid masonry without voids and on cement-sand mortar) must be at least 160 cm. Walls made of sand-lime brick will be even thicker.

Ordinary red brick can be solid or hollow. For external walls, it is better to use a hollow one, the air spaces of which significantly improve the heat-shielding characteristics of the structure. In addition, the masonry itself must be carried out with the formation of voids, wells, widened seams, filled heat-insulating material, apply effective modern insulation materials and so-called warm masonry mortars. An equal or even more serious effect can be achieved using various kinds insulation, masonry with the formation of voids, porous brick.

The trick to laying brick walls is to use warm masonry mortars containing slag, expanded clay, tuff, perlite, etc. as filler. Ordinary cement-sand masonry mortar has thermal conductivity close to that of solid brick, and a mixture with such fillers has it about 10-15% lower. This also quite significantly increases the heat-insulating properties of the walls, because the total area of ​​the joints in the masonry is almost 10%.

Where does the heat go?

An important question that interests many potential customers sounds something like this: “Where should the insulation be located on the walls - inside the room, outside or in the body of the masonry?”

Even 20 years ago, the greatest heat loss in houses, including individual ones, was through windows. With double glazing, which was so widespread until recently, the specific heat flow through windows is 4-6 times higher than the heat flow through the walls. And this despite the fact that the window area is rarely more than a fifth of the total area enclosing structures. Let’s say right away that the use of multi-chamber PVC profiles with three- or four-chamber double-glazed windows significantly reduces heat losses. 9-10% of heat leaves the house through the roof and the same amount goes into the ground through basements. And 60% of losses come from uninsulated walls.

The location of the dew point depending on the type of wall insulation

Let's consider three options for wall construction: solid without insulation; with insulation on the room side; with external insulation. The temperature in the house, according to current standards that determine the level of comfortable living, should be +20°C. Measurements carried out by specialists show that at an outside temperature of -15°C, the temperature of the inner surface of a non-insulated wall is approximately 12-14°C, and the external surface is about -12°C. The dew point (the point at which the temperature corresponds to the beginning of moisture condensation) is located inside the wall. Considering that part of the enclosing structure has a negative temperature, the wall freezes.

If there is thermal insulation located on the walls inside the room, the picture changes significantly. The temperature of the inner surface of the wall (more precisely, inside insulation) in this design is approximately +17°C. In this case, the temperature of the masonry from the inside of the building is about zero, and from the outside - slightly lower than the street air temperature - about -14°C. A house with this internal thermal insulation You can warm it up quite quickly, however brick walls do not accumulate heat, and when turned off heating devices The room is rapidly cooling. But something else is worse: the dew point is located between the wall and the thermal insulation layer, as a result, moisture accumulates here, mold and mildew may appear, and the wall still freezes. However, heat losses are slightly reduced compared to a non-insulated structure.

Finally, the third option is external thermal insulation. The surface temperature of the wall inside the house becomes slightly higher: 17-17.5°C, and outside it increases sharply - to a level of 2-3°C. As a result, the dew point moves inside the insulation layer, while the wall itself acquires the ability to accumulate heat, and heat losses from the room through the enclosing structures are significantly reduced.

External thermal insulation of walls helps solve several problems at once. First of all, when correct execution such insulation allows to achieve high level energy saving - building heating costs are reduced by 50-60%

Layered masonry

The easiest way to increase thermal insulation properties brick walls - leave cavities in them, because air is an ideal natural heat insulator. Therefore, for a long time, closed air layers 5-7 cm wide have been made in the body of solid brick walls. This, on the one hand, reduces brick consumption by almost 20%, and on the other hand, reduces the thermal conductivity of the wall by 10-15%. This type of masonry is called well masonry. Air, of course, is an excellent insulator, but in strong winds such walls can be blown through the vertical joints of the masonry. To prevent this from happening, the facades are plastered on the outside and placed in the air voids. various insulation materials. Nowadays, a type of well masonry called layered is widely used: a load-bearing brick wall, then insulation and an outer layer of facing brick.

Options for wall insulation with a bond of two layers of brick with masonry (a) and metal embedded elements (b)

Thermal insulation in layered masonry is usually slabs made of mineral wool (based on stone fiber or staple fiberglass) or expanded polystyrene, less often - from extruded polystyrene foam (due to its high price). All materials have similar thermal conductivity coefficients, so the thickness of the insulating layer in the wall will be the same, regardless of the type of insulation chosen (the thickness of the layer is determined not only by the characteristics of the thermal insulation, but also climatic zone where construction is taking place). However fibrous materials- non-flammable, which is fundamentally different from expanded polystyrene, which is flammable. In addition, unlike polystyrene foam boards, fiber boards are elastic, so during installation it is easier to press them tightly against the wall. Certain difficulties in using expanded polystyrene in layered masonry are also caused by the low vapor permeability of this material. At the same time, expanded polystyrene is approximately four times cheaper than mineral wool, and this advantage for many customers compensates for its disadvantages. Let us add that, according to SP 23-101-2004 “Design of Thermal Protection of Buildings”, when using combustible insulation in the building envelope, it is necessary to frame window and other openings around the perimeter with strips of non-combustible mineral wool.

A tight fit of the insulation is the key to its effectiveness, since if air pockets are allowed in the structure, heat can leak out of the building through them

The installation of any type of insulation system requires a thoughtful calculation of its vapor permeability: Each subsequent layer (from the inside to the outside) should allow water vapor to pass through better than the previous one. After all, if there is an obstacle in the way of the steam, then its condensation in the thickness of the enclosing structure is inevitable. Meanwhile, in the case of a popular solution - a wall made of foam blocks, fiber insulation, facing bricks - the vapor permeability of foam blocks is quite high, for insulation it is even higher, and the vapor permeability facing bricks less than insulation and foam blocks. As a result, steam condensation occurs - most often on the inner surface of the wall made of facing bricks (since in winter it is in the zone of negative temperatures), which entails Negative consequences. Moisture accumulates in the lower part of the masonry, causing destruction of the bricks of the lower rows over time. The insulation will become wet throughout its entire thickness, and, as a result, the service life of the material will be reduced and its heat-shielding properties will significantly decrease. The enclosing structure will begin to freeze, which will lead, in particular, to a decrease in the effect of using the insulation system, to deformation of the finishing of the room, to a gradual shift of the condensation zone into the thickness of the load-bearing wall, which can cause its premature destruction.

To one degree or another, the problem of vapor transfer is relevant for layered masonry with any type of insulation. To avoid dampening of the thermal insulation, it is recommended to provide for two points. First, you need to create air gap at least 2 cm between the insulation and outer wall, and also leave a number of holes about 1 cm in size in the lower and upper parts of the masonry (a seam not filled with mortar) to achieve air inflow and exhaust to remove steam from the insulation. However, this is not complete ventilation of the structure (in comparison, for example, with a ventilated facade system), therefore, secondly, it makes sense to make special holes for draining condensate from the layered masonry in its lower part.

An important feature of layered masonry is the use of heat-insulating materials with sufficient rigidity and their reliable fixation so that they do not settle over time. For additional fastening of the insulation and pairing of the outer and inner brick layers with each other, flexible connections are used. They are usually made of steel reinforcement.

Replacing steel flexible ties with fiberglass ones allows (due to the thermal homogeneity of the wall structure) to reduce the design thickness of mineral wool by 5-10%

IN last years V individual construction For the construction of walls, porous large-format ceramic stones are increasingly being used. During their production, organic and mineral materials, promoting the formation of closed pores during the firing of bricks. As a result, such stones become 35-47% lighter than solid bricks of the same size, and due to the porous structure, their thermal conductivity coefficient reaches 0.16-0.22 W/(m °C), which is 3-4 times higher, than that of solid clay brick. Accordingly, walls made of porous stone can be significantly less thick - only 51 cm.

Brickwork in connection with high heat capacity The material has significant thermal inertia - the walls warm up for quite a long time and cool down just as slowly. For houses permanent residence this quality is certainly positive, since the temperature in the rooms usually does not fluctuate greatly. But for cottages where the owners visit periodically, with long breaks, the thermal inertia of brick walls already plays a negative role, because warming them up requires considerable expenditure of fuel and time. The construction of walls of a multilayer structure, consisting of layers, will help alleviate the problem. different thermal conductivities and thermal inertia.

External insulation

Today, external insulation systems are most widespread. These include ventilated facades with an air gap and “wet” facades with a thin plaster layer (the option with a thick plaster layer is slightly less popular). In facades with “thin” plaster, the number of heat-conducting inclusions is reduced to a minimum. This is how they differ from ventilated facades, where there are more heat-conducting inclusions and, accordingly, the insulation must be thicker, which affects the cost of the structure - for ventilated facades it is on average twice as high

External insulation scheme

The name “wet” facade is associated with its use in insulation systems plaster solutions. This is precisely what explains the main and, perhaps, the only limitation on their design - the seasonality of work. Since the technology involves “wet” processes, the system can be installed only at positive temperatures.

Such “wet” systems include many different components (insulation, mesh, mineral glue, plaster mixtures, dowels, profiles and a number of other components), but there are only three main layers: insulation, reinforcing and protective-decorative layers. Rigid boards are used as insulation. thermal insulation material with a low thermal conductivity coefficient. These can be mineral or glass wool slabs with medium density(not less than 145 kg/m³) or sheets of extruded non-shrinking self-extinguishing polystyrene foam with a density of at least 25 kg/m³. In this case, the thermal insulation properties of a 6 cm thick polystyrene foam layer correspond to approximately 120 cm of brickwork. The insulation is fixed to the wall using special glue and fasteners. A reinforcing layer of alkali-resistant mesh and a special adhesive solution is applied to the thermal insulation, which attaches it to the insulation board. And only then they form outer layer, consisting of a primer and decorative finishing.

The main advantage of a “wet” facade is the possibility of obtaining a wall with any required degree of insulation; moreover, such an insulation system is less expensive than layered masonry, while the appearance of the facade where quality plasters, will be attractive for a long time. The costs of building the foundation will also be reduced, since the load on it from the insulation layer will be insignificant. The use of such systems makes it possible to reduce heat loss through building envelopes by three times and save up to 40% of funds spent on heating.