New Year's gift for a family of friends. Another original set as a gift for a young couple

What can you give to a young married couple or an experienced family? In fact, there are many options, but before each holiday it begins to seem that “this has already happened,” “too banal,” or “they are unlikely to understand such originality.” You can avoid painful doubts when choosing a gift by reading this article.


What to give to a married couple? Impressions are an excellent solution if you want to definitely please the recipients of the gift and not spend a lot of time searching for that perfect gift for the family. Gift certificates offer a variety of choices:

  1. A horse ride for two, a billiards master class for two, a ropes course or a parachute jump are suitable for active young families. A couple in love will be able to have a fun weekend and be charged with positive emotions for a long time.
  2. A weekend for two in a country boarding house, a boat trip, a day of spa treatments for two or a hot air balloon flight will allow you to enjoy each other’s company and relax. For busy people, dinner on the roof of a skyscraper is also suitable; such a romantic break after a busy day will revive their relationship.
  3. An invitation to a master class in animation, cooking sushi and rolls or European (Mexican, Asian, Spanish) cuisine, a lesson in rock climbing or pottery - this is for those interested in everything in the world and those who are looking for something to their liking.
  4. Walking tours, visits to local attractions, night and romantic walks through the city at night are gifts that involve a relaxing pastime.
  5. An animation or soap-making lesson, laser combat, paintball or bowling, a rope course or a trampoline master class are suitable as a gift for a family that already has children. You can choose a gift that will appeal to preschoolers, teenagers, and adults.

What to give to friends (married couples) for a holiday that is both interesting and inexpensive? There is plenty to choose from when it comes to impression gifts. In addition, you can collect a so-called gift-box, that is, select several gift certificates (at least 20 different ones) and put them as a gift. In this case, the cost of the gift-box will be equal to the price of the most expensive experience in the set. An evening of jazz music for a couple in love will cost a little more than 5 thousand rubles, and a gift certificate for a hot air balloon flight will cost almost 23 thousand. From the budget segment of romantic experiences, you can choose a tea ceremony (2,750 rubles) or a night at the cinema (2,800 rubles). Among the most expensive: rides on helicopters and airplanes (20-40 thousand rubles, the same cost for a master class in flying the same plane or helicopter) or on a yacht (11 thousand), riding on a Russian troika (20 thousand rubles) .

Cozy home

What to give a married couple for their anniversary? Here you can proceed from the “experience” of family life. For example, a year from the date of marriage is a calico wedding. On this day, it is customary to give items made of chintz and generally made of natural fabric (but light), jewelry made of semi-precious stones, and handmade items made using the macrame technique.

On the first anniversary, you can present a young family whose life has just begun to be established with useful things: a set of bed linen, towels or a light blanket that will make the house more comfortable. A pouffe or decorative pillows, an organizer that will help organize the space, or a lunchbox are suitable. For a chintz wedding, paired T-shirts or two sets of loungewear would be a good gift.

Such gifts are also suitable for the fourth anniversary of family life - a linen wedding. But 5 years is a wooden anniversary, the tree here acts as a symbol of the fact that the relationship between spouses becomes stronger over time. When choosing a gift, you can pay attention to products made from natural wood. Among the inexpensive things, it is worth taking a closer look at the original frames for joint photographs; a wooden horseshoe will also look symbolic. Great gifts: a breakfast table in bed, a book shelf or a handmade coffee grinder made of precious wood. What else to give a married couple for a child’s birthday or fifth anniversary? A rocking horse made of natural wood will do.

Scents of love

It is known that aromas can not only relax after a hard day at work, but also improve the microclimate in the family, relieve irritability or fatigue. If you have an aroma lamp, you can travel to the East, to Provence or to the Cote d'Azur (yes, wherever you want), without leaving the confines of a cozy apartment.

So, what can you give to a married couple? A set of candles with different scents, oils, sachets, an aroma lamp with an open fire or electric, or a home air humidifier are suitable as a small gift. Rose, clary sage, and sandalwood will set the mood for a romantic mood. Natural aphrodisiacs include ylang-ylang, jasmine, bergamot, geranium or cloves. Lavender, tangerine, orange, mint, rosemary and geranium relieve stress and tension, relax.

Air humidifiers are even more useful - such devices will bring the microclimate in the apartment closer to the one most suitable for the human body. A steam humidifier has the highest performance, but also consumes a lot of energy; an ultrasonic humidifier is the most advanced among modern models. There are also traditional humidifiers that simply evaporate water. These models are distinguished by their economical energy consumption, ease of operation and low noise level. A good air humidifier can be purchased for 2-6 thousand rubles.

Among the “fragrant” gifts, we must not forget about indoor plants. What to give a married couple for the New Year? It is from indoor plants that essential oils are obtained; this is the primary source of smell, which, in addition, will decorate the interior. Citrus trees stabilize blood pressure, rosemary improves memory, and rose helps effectively get rid of fatigue.

Sweet gifts

What to give a married couple for the New Year so that the gift does not turn out to be unnecessary? Those with a sweet tooth will appreciate delicious gifts, for example, a photograph of a family in a frame made of elite chocolate, a candy with an individual image, a chocolate figurine or a designer set of chocolates. A more serious present is a chocolate fountain. Such a device is a set of cascades through which molten chocolate circulates. The cost of a chocolate fountain will be from 2500 rubles. A similar gift is a fondue set, that is, a special “kettle” or fondue pot. Using this device you can prepare cheese, vegetable, fish, meat or even chocolate fondue. The cost of a fondue set is from 1500 rubles.

Kitchen helpers

What to give a married couple among practical things? Here you can pay attention to all kinds of “fillings” for the kitchen or bar. It is no longer so original to present toasters, coffee grinders and coffee makers, juicers and mixers as a present, but you can pay attention to a donut making machine or a sandwich maker. Useful and original gifts: cooler bag, barbecue grill, popcorn maker, beautiful salad set, spice containers. Among the budget gifts: an original teapot (for example, in the shape of an umbrella or a ship), molds for cupcakes, cookies or ice, a set of plates with an interesting print.

Pleasant dreams

What to give a married couple for the New Year? In winter, warm and cozy, “warming” gifts will come in handy. You can present high-quality dressing gowns in the same style or in the same color scheme made of natural fabric, a blanket with sleeves. The cost of one high-quality terry robe starts from 2.5 thousand rubles; in the middle price segment there are products for 4.5-5 thousand rubles or more.

Wall diary

What to give to a young married couple? An original wall diary will help preserve romantic relationships in the family - several tablets on which you can write with crayons or a special marker. You can leave each other notes, wishes, requests. A good gift idea is a wall calendar (both for a specific year and “eternal”), where all important dates, birthdays of friends and relatives, and holidays will be marked. You can make such a calendar yourself from felt or other suitable material.

Useful little things

What to give to a married couple? Among the useful little things for the home that make life easier, you can list an original key holder, a wall organizer for storing things, a set of tools or thermal utensils, coasters for glasses, door stoppers, a tray with folding legs and much more.

Cute things

What to give a married couple for NG (New Year)? Young people in love who are just thinking about legalizing their relationship, or a married couple will love cute little things that will show how strong their love is for each other. You can give two mugs that make up a single whole, or personalized glasses, a calendar with photos of the couple and wishes, an original piggy bank as a hint of the future general budget for unmarried couples, identical scarves or mittens for lovers, or paired T-shirts. These are all budget gifts. True, you need to be careful in choosing such gifts, because a young family may not like such gifts.

For a green wedding

What to give a married couple for a green wedding, that is, on their wedding day? A universal, but completely unoriginal gift is money. A young family probably already has many grandiose plans, so additional finances will not be superfluous, and the husband and wife know much better for themselves exactly how to spend the money than many friends and distant acquaintances. Banknotes can be presented not only in an envelope, but also in original packaging - for example, folded into origami.

Certificates for household appliances or the purchase of building materials (if the young couple have already started renovations) are suitable as gifts. Let's list less practical gifts:

  • expensive alcohol (it is appropriate to give only if none of the newlyweds is an ardent opponent of drinking alcohol);
  • photo session (it is advisable to discuss the preferences of the newlyweds in advance; it may be worth paying for a wedding photo session with the artist you like or a certificate that will allow you to take photographs some time after the significant event);
  • small pieces of art (precisely small ones - the gift should be such that you can easily pick it up and carry it to the car).

The best option is to ask if the newlyweds have a “wish list” and choose something according to it.

Experienced family

What to give a married couple for the New Year? Household items are unlikely to be suitable anymore; it is better to choose something with a twist. You can give the family an electric fireplace or a home fountain, a hammock for the cottage, various games for spending leisure time together (only really good quality) or a traveler’s map (for those who often go on vacation abroad), on which you can mark the places where you have already been or mark new routes. There are enough options to choose a gift that a married couple will definitely like.

New Year- one of the most beloved holidays, which is associated with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, tangerines, snow and the fulfillment of wishes. For a long time, the New Year has been one of the family holidays, which is usually celebrated with the closest people. Of course, an integral attribute of the New Year's celebration are various presents and gifts, the choice of which sometimes causes certain difficulties. So, for example, what can you give to a young family on this day in order to be sure to get the gift right? In fact, there can be a huge number of options here.

Undoubtedly, the newly-made husband and wife will be pleased with the so-called paired gifts, which symbolize the image of the spouses as a single whole. Such gifts can be presented as banal bracelets or cups, put together, or bathrobes, slippers, T-shirts, united by one inscription. Many newlyweds will like various decorative elements, family amulets, figurines and other various pleasant little things as a New Year's gift. Fans of board games can be given as a gift chess, checkers, backgammon, lotto, made in good quality (ideally handmade). Wealthy newlyweds who love to travel can be given a beautiful globe, looking at which the spouses will be able to remember vacation spots and outline new routes.

On a note

If we talk about practical and useful New Year's gifts, then this could be, for example, household appliances:

  1. A multicooker is an excellent kitchen assistant that will greatly facilitate the cooking process. In addition, ready-made dishes will not only be tasty, but also very healthy.
  2. A juicer that allows you to enjoy freshly squeezed vitamin juices that help strengthen your immune system at any time, all year round.
  3. An air humidifier is a very useful device, the presence of which is especially important in a family with small household members. With its help, you can always, be it the heating season or the summer heat, maintain optimal air humidity in the room, preventing it from becoming excessively dry.

For a New Year's holiday, you can give a young married couple who has not yet managed to fully equip their home something from the “dishes” or “textiles” category. There will undoubtedly always be a use for such gifts. So, as a gift you can present:

  • beautiful bed linen (lately so-called 3D sets have become especially popular);
  • a set of terry towels;
  • exquisite tea service;
  • stylish set of dishes or cutlery;
  • unusual tablecloth.

Various gift certificates will be an excellent New Year's gift for a young family. So, for example, this could be a visit to a sauna, a spa salon, a family photo shoot, dinner at a restaurant, wine tasting, or a parachute jump (for extreme sports enthusiasts). If you have limited financial resources, you can give tickets to a movie, circus, concert or skating rink. An expensive, but, with confidence, unforgettable New Year's gift for a young family will be a tourist trip for two - be it a vacation at domestic or foreign resorts.

Not only the gift itself is of great importance, but also how it is presented, what wishes and parting words accompany its presentation. Ideally, a New Year's gift should be given at midnight, after the chiming clock and drinking a glass of champagne, during which, by the way, you should definitely make your deepest wish. At the same time, it is necessary to give a gift, as they say, from the heart, while saying only the warmest wishes and words.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the packaging of the gift - originality and imagination will come in handy in this matter. So, for example, if the gift is small in size, then it can be wrapped in several boxes like a nesting doll. It is advisable that the gift wrapping corresponds to the New Year's theme: an image of Santa Claus, a Christmas tree, Christmas tree decorations and garlands, red mittens will be excellent decorations for decorating a New Year's gift for a young family.

Preparations for the New Year are in full swing. Ideas are ripening or gifts have already been purchased for close relatives, friends, etc. But in your environment there will probably be a couple who need to be highlighted with a special sign of attention. These could be very young people just starting their life together, or an experienced family, or simply two people who cannot imagine themselves without each other. It’s understandable that you want to give a couple a common gift for two, to emphasize their unity, or to subtly hint that it’s time to legitimize the relationship. So, unite the masculine and feminine principles, arm yourself with ideas and choose a gift for the New Year 2020 for a happy life, mutual understanding and love.

Practical New Year's gifts for a young married couple

There is a lot of romance in the newlyweds’ relationship, but family life has not yet been established. Help them in this matter, but in a way that takes into account the interests of both spouses. It is quite possible that the young housewife needs kitchen scales, pots, pans, and salad bowls, but her husband is unlikely to be pleased with such a gift. And he definitely won’t be delighted with the set of tools. But you can give universal home appliances:

  • multicooker,
  • coffee maker - for coffee lovers,
  • a good electric kettle or teapot - for tea lovers,
  • juicer,
  • toaster,
  • original fan.

Even a multifunctional ironing board will do. The main thing is to take a closer look at what is missing in the house or casually ask the owners what they primarily lack for a comfortable life. And if you are afraid of not pleasing, purchase a certificate from a household appliance store and let them choose for themselves.

You can give something from textiles:

  • cozy blanket for two,
  • a set of terry towels,
  • pair bathrobes,
  • bedding set,
  • matching T-shirts or slippers.

It is better not to give curtains, tablecloths, napkins, potholders. Things for comfort are necessary, but men take them for granted, and not as a gift. And if you give it as a gift, give special importance to the colors. Banal, even very beautiful, flowers, checks, stripes will not work. Let the drawing be original or cool, so that the novice husband will also appreciate it.

Young people often go out into nature. Gifts for active recreation will be useful:

  • barbecue grill,
  • cooler bag,
  • personalized thermos with mugs,
  • traveling serving set in a suitcase,
  • badminton rackets,
  • volleyball or soccer ball.

Or maybe a good camera will mark the beginning of a family chronicle?

Life is good: gifts for an experienced couple

What to give to a married couple with established habits, lifestyle and without any special financial problems? This question may be perplexing, but don’t give up. A New Year's gift in this case can be either quite expensive, or original, or completely simple. Banal household items will not work, but you can choose something with a twist. For example:

  • home fountain,
  • electric fireplace,
  • family portrait or cartoon (if the couple is humorous),
  • humidifier or air ionizer,
  • video recording on the refrigerator,
  • hammock for the cottage.

You can give various board games for joint evening leisure: checkers, chess, lotto, backgammon, Monopoly, Mafia. Just let these items be of good quality, in the original design, and not the usual cheap stuff. A globe or traveler's map with a special coating will suit the taste of wealthy people. They will be able to mark places they have already visited, plan new routes and dream.

Cute things for an unmarried couple and intangible New Year's surprises

If young (adult) people are just going to legitimize their relationship or are not going to, they just feel good together, you should not give such a couple gifts that are obligatory. Let these be inexpensive things that hint that others imagine them as one whole:

  • two champagne glasses,
  • personalized or put together mugs,
  • T-shirts with a common inscription,
  • mittens for lovers,
  • matching hats and scarves,
  • a calendar with their photos and wishes,
  • original piggy bank (a hint at the future general budget).

Gift certificates can be a real salvation if all other gift options are not exciting. They can be chosen to suit every taste, age and budget. Here are some ideas:

  • SPA for two,
  • visiting a sauna or Russian bath,
  • wine tasting, tea ceremony,
  • figure skating lesson,
  • flying in a wind tunnel,
  • some interesting master class,
  • family photo session,
  • shopping with a stylist,
  • joint parachute jump,
  • dinner in a restaurant.

You can choose a more budget option - buy tickets to a movie, a concert, a circus, a zoo, or a skating rink. Pleasant impressions and a change of scenery are a good gift.

Infuse your gift with positive emotions, present it cheerfully, with bright wishes, and let your family and friends be happy.

Although there is an opinion that the New Year should be celebrated only with family, no one forbids going to visit friends after 12:00. On such a night it is not customary to go without gifts, so you must definitely take a gift with you for the owners of the house. It is very difficult to decide what to give a married couple for the New Year, because you need to choose a gift that corresponds to the holiday and one that both spouses will like.

What should you consider when choosing a gift?

When choosing a gift for spouses, you must take into account their age and length of marriage. A gift for young people who just got married will be significantly different from a gift for a middle-aged couple with extensive experience in family life. You also need to consider whether the couple has small children.

It is imperative to take into account the hobbies and lifestyle of the spouses. What is suitable for a calm home couple may seem too boring for extreme sports lovers. Of course, you know what your friends like, so try to build on their preferences.

TOP 10 gifts for married couples for the New Year

  1. Gift set (sweets, wine, toys)
  2. Composition of sweets
  3. Christmas decorations
  4. New Year's photo shoot
  5. A figurine of the animal symbol of the year or other cute little things
  6. Gift for interior
  7. Board (and not only) games
  8. Dishes (preferably with New Year's symbols)
  9. Tickets for a cultural event
  10. Gifts for everyday life

The best gifts for newlyweds

If your friends recently got married, then most likely they have not yet had time to fully arrange their life. Therefore, you can choose something useful for the household. Surely, when visiting, you noticed what was missing, and you can choose a useful gift:

  • Small household appliances – toaster, blender, juicer, mixer, electric kettle or coffee maker;
  • Tools for household repairs;
  • Dishes, for example, a set of original plates or cocktail glasses, a good frying pan or baking dish, a fondue pan.
  • Bed linen can be chosen with original patterns or inscriptions.

If you want something less practical and more interesting, buy a board game, for example, Monopoly or lotto. You can get together and while away the long winter evenings.

Gifts for experienced families

If your friends have been living together for a long time, then they probably have everything they need. Therefore, choosing a good gift will be a little more difficult. You can choose something to decorate the interior, for example, a painting. Choose a landscape or abstract that will fit perfectly into your friends' living room. You can also choose an original figurine, a set of candlesticks or an aroma lamp.

If your friends are into esotericism, give them Feng Shui figurines or a talisman designed to protect their home from misfortunes next year.

A very interesting piece of furniture is a home waterfall. They can be quite large or quite compact. A babbling brook will help create a special cozy and romantic atmosphere and humidify the air in the house, which is very important in winter when the heating is on.

Sweets are a universal gift

If it is not customary for your company to give expensive gifts for the New Year, bring a bottle of champagne or other alcohol and sweets. This is practically a win-win option, drinks will go to the table, and if the owners of the house have children, they will be delighted with sweets.

To prevent the gift from looking banal, it can be decorated in the form of a gift basket. When going to a family with children, you can complement your gift with toys, for example, in the form of an animal symbol of the year according to the Eastern calendar. A basket with sweets, fruits, wine and plush talismans, decorated with tinsel, looks elegant and will appeal to all family members.

You can make an original Christmas tree out of candies. Roll up a cone from a sheet of thick paper or cardboard and cover the resulting figure with double-sided tape and glue the candies in a spiral so that the entire area of ​​the cone is evenly covered. We decorate the finished Christmas tree with garlands, bows and sparkles. Such a gift will be a worthy decoration for the New Year's table and will definitely not be lost after the holiday.

If you are a good cook, you can make a homemade New Year's dessert, for example, bake a cake and decorate it according to the theme of the holiday. Christmas tree-shaped cookies covered with green icing will also look very good.

Original solutions

Those who like to be surprised and surprised should take a closer look at more original gifts. But you need to choose them carefully, taking into account the characteristics of your friends’ family.

  • New Year's family photo session. It will allow you to capture magical moments with professional photographs and preserve the memory for many years. In addition to your photo session, you may want to bring a digital photo frame or a traditional photo album. This gift is ideal for a young family, especially with small children.
  • Event tickets. Choose something that suits the tastes and temperament of your friends, for example, theater, cinema, circus.
  • Original little things. These could be paired T-shirts with funny designs, a photo puzzle, keychains or funny cups.

You can also give games for the whole family. The young and active will enjoy Twister, darts or mini-hockey. Those who like more relaxing entertainment will enjoy chess, backgammon, checkers or a set for playing “Mafia”.

Cute little things for the new year

New Year is a kind and sentimental holiday, so cute symbolic little things would be a good gift. Give your friends a beautiful Christmas tree toy. This can be a traditional hand-painted ball. Various hand-made decorations made from textiles, natural materials, polymer clay, etc. look very good. Today you can even find knitted Christmas tree toys.

If you are into crafts, you can do something in the New Year theme. An excellent option is a New Year’s composition with Christmas tree branches, toys, candies, etc. You can make a refrigerator magnet in the shape of a Christmas tree from coffee beans, knit cup warmers with themed patterns, or make a cute snowman out of wool. The main thing on this day is to give gifts from the heart, and then they will return well in the new year.

Vika Di

As the New Year holidays approach, a problem often arises: how to choose a gift for the family for the New Year 2020? A lot depends on what kind of family it is:

  • your relatives, friends, colleagues;
  • what is their financial situation and what their needs may be in connection with this;
  • Do they have a good sense of humor?

The last point is especially important when the family does not need anything, and some cool gift would be most suitable. Only people with a good sense of humor can appreciate it, otherwise you risk ruining your relationship.

What can you give to a married couple who has everything? These can be paired T-shirts, mugs or decorative pillows with appropriate designs, inscriptions, etc. Typically, designs and inscriptions are humorous in nature, so you should take into account family relationships so that your gift does not become a source of conflict.

It’s worth looking for ideas for family gifts on the Internet: there are a lot of interesting ideas on how to choose a common gift for the whole family, and there are specific offers from manufacturers

The easiest way is to choose a gift for a young family.

What to give to a young family?

At weddings, newlyweds are now most often given money, and it is not a fact that they use it to furnish their family nest. Many people prefer a romantic honeymoon, and they’re doing the right thing: there will be something to remember!

But when family everyday life begins, it suddenly turns out that a lot is missing that makes life comfortable. So the options for New Year’s gifts for a young family are truly inexhaustible: from a mixer and blender to sets of dishes, bed linen, lamps, blankets, a bath mat, etc.

A set of cutlery would also be a good gift. It is known that, out of superstition, it is not customary to give piercing and cutting objects such as knives and forks at weddings, so as to avoid quarrels. But you can’t do without them in everyday life, so it would be very useful to give cutlery to the young couple. Only, again out of superstition, let them pay at least 1 ruble for it.

Gift for a married couple of friends

Surely among your friends there are married couples, and then a couple gift for two would be an ideal option. Today, such gifts are very popular, especially T-shirts and mugs with funny inscriptions. Such cool gifts for a young married couple can be ordered on the Internet, or even better, choose a photo of friends, come up with original inscriptions for it and print it all on T-shirts. Many companies are doing this today.

You can also give something more practical, as mentioned earlier, especially if you are close friends and know each other’s needs well. Just don’t forget to include a cool congratulation with your practical gift, and instead of a bouquet of flowers, give a potted indoor plant, then you’ll definitely get a lasting memory.

An original gift for a family of friends who have everything is a gift certificate: for a visit to a cosmetic or spa salon, a photo shoot, a quest or some kind of master class. There are a lot of similar offers today, all that remains is to find the most suitable one for your friends.

Gift for a large family

Choosing a gift for a large family is usually difficult, because it needs to be liked by all its members and useful later. Excellent options in this case would be:

  • tablecloth for the festive table (best with New Year's motifs);
  • wall photo calendar for 2020 with photographs of family members;
  • a set of original photo frames;
  • large beautiful photo album;
  • a decorative pillow with a family photo or photos of family members printed on them with their names;
  • housekeeper in the hallway;
  • Cookies with New Year's predictions.

And many more things that will please and be useful to all family members, right down to a cute rug in front of the front door!

Don't forget about the older generation - our grandparents, who need manifestations of love and attention, perhaps even more than gifts. They are especially concerned that children and grandchildren do not spend money on “extra” gifts. Therefore, the latter should in no case be formal in nature.

But there are things that will make their life more comfortable, and they will not cost much. This could be a small ottoman or bench for their sore feet, a heating pad, a blanket, warm slippers, a large warm scarf or shawl for grandmother and a warm vest for grandfather. Such a gift will not only be really useful to them, but will also touch them to the core, because they will feel that they are cared for.

Coming 2020

According to the eastern calendar, the coming 2020 will be the Year of the Pig

Therefore, no matter what gift you choose and whoever you give it to, be sure to include such a pig in the form of a souvenir or magnet that will remind you of you, your gift and attention.

December 26, 2017, 03:49