Preparation for the OGE in Russian oral part. Fipi presented a draft of the oral part of the Russian language exam

PRACTICUM on preparation for the oral part of the OGE in the Russian language in the 2017-2018 academic year for 9th grade students Stavropol

ORAL PART Test materials for the main state exam in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Instructions for completing tasks The oral part in the Russian language consists of three tasks. Task 1 – reading aloud a short text of a popular science nature. Preparation time: 1.5 minutes. In task 2, you are asked to take part in a conditional dialogue - an interview: answer five questions. In task 3 it is necessary to construct a coherent monologue on a specific topic based on a plan. Preparation time – 1 minute. The total response time for one examinee (including preparation time) is 15 minutes. Each subsequent task is issued after the completion of the previous task. The entire response time is audio and video recorded. Try to fully complete the assigned tasks, try to speak clearly and clearly, stay on topic and follow the proposed answer plan. This way you can score the most points.

Option 1 Task 1 Reading the text aloud Expressively read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to prepare. Please note that reading the text out loud should not take more than 3 minutes. Retell the text and express your opinion about it. Horses are carried among the snowdrifts. We gallop again up the mountain along a winding path; suddenly there was a sharp turn, and it was as if they had suddenly burst into the closed gate. I look around: I see Pushkin on the porch. There is no need to say what was happening in me then. I jump out of the sleigh and drag him into the room. We look at each other, kiss, remain silent! All this happened in a small space. This small room contained his canopy bed, a desk, a sofa, and a bookcase. Everything is a poetic mess. Pushkin seemed to me somewhat more serious than before, but still retained the same gaiety. He, like a child, was glad to see us. His former liveliness was evident in every memory. Outwardly he had changed little; he had only acquired sideburns. In the middle of the conversation, he suddenly asked me: what are they saying about him in St. Petersburg and Moscow? I answered him that his poems had become popular throughout Russia and, finally, that his relatives and friends loved him, sincerely wishing that his exile would end as soon as possible. (According to I. I. Pushchin. Notes about Pushkin) Task 2 Conditional dialogue Take part in the interview. You need to answer five questions. Please provide complete answers to the questions. 1 minute to review the questions. The answer to each question is 1 minute. 1 Do you have a friend? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 1 Why did you become friends? What do you have in common? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 2 How is your friend different from you? Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________ 3 Do you think you are a good friend? Why do you think so? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 4 Advise your peers on how to find a true friend. Answer: _______________________________________________________________________

Task 3 Monologue statement You are given 1 minute to prepare. Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes. 1 Describe the photograph. 2 Tell us about your hobby (passion). Don’t forget to tell us why you are interested in this particular activity; about an unforgettable moment associated with a hobby; whether your friend shares your hobby; Is there any benefit for you (or others) from this type of hobby?     Please note that your statement must be coherent.

Option 2 Task 1 Reading the text aloud Expressively read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to prepare. Please note that reading the text out loud should not take more than 3 minutes. Retell the text and express your opinion about it. Thin, slender Anna Andreevna did not leave a single step from her husband, the young poet N. S. Gumilyov. Those were the years of her first poems and unexpectedly noisy triumphs. Every year Akhmatova became more majestic. This came naturally to her. There is another remarkable feature in her character. She was completely devoid of any sense of ownership and parted with things surprisingly easily. And most often she parted with things that she herself needed. One day in 1920, during a time of severe famine in Petrograd, she received from a friend a large tin full of super-nutritious “flour” made in England. One small teaspoon of this thick concentrate, diluted in boiled water, seemed like an unattainable meal to our hungry stomachs. I sincerely envied the owner of such a treasure. It was late. The guests began to go home. I went out onto the dark staircase a little later than the others. And suddenly she ran out after me onto the platform and said: “This is for Murochka... And in my hands I found myself holding a precious Nestlé.” The door slammed, and no matter how much I called, it did not open. I remember many such cases. (According to K.I. Chukovsky) Task 2 Conditional dialogue Take part in the interview. You need to answer five questions. Please provide complete answers to the questions. 1 minute to review the questions. The answer to each question is 1 minute. 1 Have you ever found yourself in a difficult situation? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 2 Who helped you cope with a difficult life situation? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 3 What role do friends play in resolving your problems? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 4 Who do you think is easier to endure life’s hardships, the one who is lonely, or the one who has a friend? Why do you think so?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________ 5 Advise your peers on how to avoid trouble. Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ Task 3 Monologue statement You are given 1 minute to prepare. Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes. 1 Describe the photograph. 2 Have you ever witnessed an incident in which someone supported someone in need of help? Perhaps you yourself helped someone in a difficult situation. Tell us about it. Don't forget to tell when and to whom something happened; how a person in trouble behaved; who came to his aid and what actions he took in order to prevent undesirable consequences; how the situation was resolved.     Please note that your statement must be coherent.

Option 3 Task 1 Reading the text aloud Expressively read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to prepare. Please note that reading the text out loud should not take more than 3 minutes. Retell the text and express your opinion about it. An excerpt from the book by Helium Vasilk vaoo “Every day and all my life” Heart! No other human organ has been written about by poets and composers as many poems and songs, or by scientists as many scientific articles and monographs, as about this tireless motor. And this is no coincidence. The heart is the first to respond to the slightest change in mood, to joy or sorrow, signals about illness, even reacts to the position of our body: whether we are lying, sitting or standing up, and of course, to physical activity. Doctors begin listening to the heartbeat of the unborn newborn while still in the womb. Then, from the moment of birth and throughout life, therapists and cardiologists determine the state of a person’s health based on indications of the functioning of the heart muscle. A trained heart makes just over 50 beats per minute; in an untrained person, the heart rate at rest can be up to 74 beats per minute. If we compare the number of impacts over fifty years, the difference turns out to be quite significant. The function of the heart is the most important. It ensures the delivery of blood saturated with oxygen and other necessary waste products through a branched circulatory system to all organs and tissues. Task 2 Conditional dialogue Take part in the interview. You need to answer five questions. Please provide complete answers to the questions. 1 minute to review the questions. The answer to each question is 1 minute.

1. Do you communicate on social networks? Answer: ____________________________ 2. Why are social networks convenient? Answer: ____________________________ 3. Are there any negative aspects of using social networks? Answer: _____________________________ 4. Can social networks replace face-to-face communication? Answer: _____________________________ 5. Advise your peers on how to use social media correctly. Answer: ______________________________

Task 3 Monologue statement You are given 1 minute to prepare. Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes. 1. Describe the photo. 2. Tell us about your favorite books. Don’t forget to tell us how you read books: only according to the school curriculum or more; what books do you choose to read; how do you find out about new books; about the book that I remember most.     Please note that your statement must be coherent.

Option 4 Task 1 Reading the text aloud Expressively read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to prepare. Please note that reading the text out loud should not take more than 3 minutes. Retell the text and express your opinion about it. I sat alone in a dimly lit room and did not hear the bell in the hallway. And suddenly I saw on the threshold a huge figure in an open fur coat and a high beaver hat. It was F.I. Chaliapin. With a majestic, slow step, Chaliapin headed towards the library door. He walked as noble boyars walk on stage. Nothing disturbed the calm of his suddenly petrified face. And then from somewhere around the corner, Buska, a brown bulldog, the favorite of the whole family, jumped out with a deafening bark. She became enraged as she smelled the bear's coat. - Oh, how are you? - Chaliapin boomed again, and his whole face gathered into threatening bulldog folds. In a split second he found himself on all fours and ran towards Buska with small hasty steps. At that moment he acquired a striking resemblance to a bear crawling out of its den. But what happened to the unfortunate dog! Buska, howling in horror and surprise, crawled backwards under the sofa. Chaliapin again straightened up to his full gigantic height. Seriously and slowly, he continued his boyar procession. And Gorky stood in the doorway of the office, wincing, choking with silent laughter. (According to V.A. Rozhdestvensky. Pages of life Task 2 Conditional dialogue Take part in the interview. You need to answer five questions. Please give complete answers to the questions. To familiarize yourself with the questions - 1 minute. Answer each question - 1 minute.

1 Do you have a friend? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 2 Why did you become friends? What do you have in common? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 3 How is your friend different from you? Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________ 4 Do you think you are a good friend? Why do you think so? Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________ 5 Advise your peers on how to find a true friend. Answer: _______________________________________________________________________

Task 3 Monologue statement You are given 1 minute to prepare. Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes. 1. Describe the photo. 2. Tell us about your school holiday, which was most memorable. Don't forget to tell us when the holiday is; what is it dedicated to; who takes part in the holiday; describe those present and their mood.     Please note that your statement must be coherent.

Option 5 Task 1 Reading the text aloud Expressively read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to prepare. Please note that reading the text out loud should not take more than 3 minutes. Retell the text and express your opinion about it. It was Ruda's favorite place. Tchaikovsky woke up early and did not move, listening to the chime of the wood larks. A cuckoo was calling on a nearby pine tree. He got up and went to the window. The house stood on a hill. The forests went down, where the lake lay among the thickets. There, at the composer's, He called out to a servant and hurried him to quickly go to Rudoy Yar. He knew that, having been there, he would return and his favorite theme, which had been living somewhere inside for a long time, would pour out in streams of sounds. And so it happened. What struck Tchaikovsky most of all that day was the light. The familiar land was all caressed by light, illuminated by it down to the last blade of grass. The variety and power of lighting evoked in Tchaikovsky that state when it seemed that something extraordinary would happen, like a miracle. He couldn't be lost. I had to immediately return home and sit down at the piano. Tchaikovsky At home, he ordered the servant not to let anyone in and sat down at the piano. He played. He strived for clarity of melody. He stood for a long time on the cliff of Rudy Yar. Yar walked quickly. home. k (According to K.G. Paustovsky.) Task 2 Conditional dialogue Take part in the interview. You need to answer five questions. Please provide complete answers to the questions. 1 minute to review the questions. The answer to each question is 1 minute.

1. Creativity. What concepts do you associate with this word? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 2. Are you receiving additional education and in what area? Or maybe you attend creative clubs or your hobby is related to creativity? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 3. What influenced your choice? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 4. Have you participated in creative competitions or, perhaps, are you just planning to participate? Does a creative person need to compete with others and why do you think so? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 5. Do you agree that creativity contributes to human development? Give reasons for your point of view. ______________________________

Task 3 Monologue statement You are given 1 minute to prepare. Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes. 1. Describe the photo. 2. Tell us about your most memorable visit to the museum. Don’t forget to tell us which museum you visited; when and with whom; what did you see; what I liked and remembered most.     Please note that your statement must be coherent.

Option 6 Task 1 Reading the text aloud Expressively read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to prepare. Please note that reading the text out loud should not take more than 3 minutes. Retell the text and express your opinion about it. From the moment I learned that Pushkin was in exile, the idea arose in me to definitely visit him. After spending the holiday with my father in St. Petersburg, after baptism I went to Pskov. I stayed with my sister for several days and left Pskov in the evening; By the morning of the next day I was already approaching my desired goal. We finally turned off the road to the side, rushing through the forest along a mountainous dirt road - everything didn’t seem quite fast to me! Horses are carried among the snowdrifts. We gallop again up the mountain along a winding path; suddenly there was a sharp turn, and it was as if they had suddenly burst into the closed gate. I look around: I see Pushkin on the porch. There is no need to say what was happening in me then. I jump out of the sleigh and drag him into the room. We look at each other, kiss, remain silent! All this happened in a small space. This small room contained his canopy bed, a desk, a sofa, and a bookcase. Everything is a poetic mess. Pushkin seemed to me somewhat more serious than before, but still retained the same gaiety. He, like a child, was glad to see us. His former liveliness was evident in every memory. Outwardly he had changed little; he had only acquired sideburns. In the middle of the conversation, he suddenly asked me: what are they saying about him in St. Petersburg and Moscow? I answered him that his poems had become popular throughout Russia and, finally, that his relatives and friends loved him, sincerely wishing that his exile would end as soon as possible. (According to I. I. Pushchin. Notes about Pushkin) Task 2 Take part in the interview. You need to answer five questions. Please provide complete answers to the questions. 1 minute to review the questions. The answer to each question is 1 minute. Conditional dialogue

1. Do you have a uniform at school? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 2. Why is a school uniform convenient? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 3. Why do students often not like to wear a school uniform? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 4. Do you agree that clothing is part of business etiquette? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 5. Describe the clothes you would like the students of your school to wear? Answer:_______________________________________________________________________

Task 3 Monologue statement You are given 1 minute to prepare. Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes. 1. Describe the picture. 2. Tell us about your favorite works by Pushkin. Don’t forget to tell us what moment of Pushkin’s biography is depicted in the picture; how do you understand the words “The sun of Russian poetry has set”; how did you become acquainted with Pushkin’s works; Which piece was most memorable? Please note that your statement must be coherent.

Option 7 Task 1 Reading the text aloud Expressively read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to prepare. Please note that reading the text out loud should not take more than 3 minutes. Retell the text and express your opinion about it. There were 20 young pilots who were being prepared for their first flight into space. Yuri Gagarin was one of them. When preparations began, no one could even imagine which of them would open the road to the stars. Reliable, strong and friendly, Yuri did not envy anyone, did not consider anyone better or worse than himself. He easily took the initiative, worked hard and with pleasure. On April 12, 1961, at 9:07 am Moscow time, the Vostok spacecraft launched from the Baikon R cosmodrome with pilot cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin on board. ỳ Soon the whole world saw newsreels that became history: preparations for the flight, the calm and concentrated face of Yuri Gagarin before stepping into the unknown, his famous “Let's go!” The courage and fearlessness of a simple Russian guy with a wide smile conquered all of humanity. Gagarin's flight duration was 108 minutes. Only 108 minutes. But it is not the number of minutes that determines the contribution to the history of space exploration. He was the first and will remain so forever! Task 2 Conditional dialogue Take part in the interview. You need to answer five questions. Please provide complete answers to the questions. 1 minute to review the questions. The answer to each question is 1 minute. 1.What does it mean to follow fashion? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 2. Is it important for you to follow fashion and why? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 3. Is it possible to follow fashion only in clothes? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 4. How do you understand the expression “good taste”? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 5. Do the words “fashionable” and “modern” mean the same thing? Answer:_______________________________________________________________________

Task 3 Monologue statement You are given 1 minute to prepare. Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes. 1. Describe the photo. 2. Tell us about how you went on a hike (excursion). Don’t forget to tell us where and when you went hiking; with whom did you go camping (classmates, friends, parents); How did you prepare for the hike (excursion); why did you remember this trip (excursion).     Please note that your statement must be coherent.

Option 8 Task 1 Reading the text aloud Expressively read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to prepare. Please note that reading the text out loud should not take more than 3 minutes. Retell the text and express your opinion about it. An excerpt from the book by Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov - Mikit vaoo “Sounds of the Earth” Listen carefully, standing in the forest or among an awakened flowering field, and if you still have sensitive hearing, you will certainly hear the wonderful sounds of the earth, which at all times people so affectionately called Mother Earth . The sounds of the earth are precious. It is perhaps impossible to list them. They replace music for us. I remember with joy the sounds of the earth that once captivated me as a child. And is it not from those times that the best things that are embedded in my soul remain? I remember the mysterious sounds of the forest, the breath of the awakened native land. And now they excite and delight me. In the silence of the night, I hear even more clearly the breathing of the earth, the rustling of a leaf over a fresh mushroom rising from the ground, the fluttering of the night lungs of butterflies, the crow of a rooster in the nearest village. How good and unforgettable every new morning is! Even before sunrise, the birds wake up and begin to sing joyfully. The awakened forest is full of life! There is nothing in nature more musical than the early morning. The streams ring even more silvery, the forest herbs smell more fragrant, and their aroma miraculously merges with the musical symphony of the morning. Task 2 Conditional dialogue Take part in the interview. You need to answer five questions. Please provide complete answers to the questions. 1 minute to review the questions. The answer to each question is 1 minute. 1. What are museums for? Answer:_______________________________________________________________________________ 2. What feelings do you get when visiting museums? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 3. Which museums do you like best: historical, artistic, scientific and technical or natural science? Why? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 4. Do you think schoolchildren should visit museums? Why? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 5. Have you heard of virtual museums? What capabilities do you think they have? Answer:_______________________________________________________________________

Task 3 Monologue statement You are given 1 minute to prepare. Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes. 1. Describe the photo. 2. Tell us about how you feel about homeless animals. Don't forget to tell     Do you help animal shelters? How? What help do you provide to homeless animals? Do you have a pet at home? How do you care for it? What needs to be done to reduce the number of abandoned animals on the streets? Please note that your statement must be coherent.

Option 9 Task 1 Reading the text aloud Expressively read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to prepare. Please note that reading the text out loud should not take more than 3 minutes. Retell the text and express your opinion about it. Theatre!.. Do you love theater as much as I love it, that is, with all the strength of your soul, with all the enthusiasm, with all the frenzy of which ardent youth, greedy and passionate for elegant impressions, is only capable? Or, better said, can you not love the theater more than anything in the world except goodness and truth? And in fact, isn’t all the charm of the fine arts concentrated in it? Isn’t he the ruler of our feelings, ready at any time and under any circumstances to excite and excite them, just as a hurricane stirs up sandy blizzards in the boundless steppes of Arabia?.. Which of all the arts has such powerful means of striking the soul with impressions... What is it? , I ask you, this theater?.. Oh, this is a true temple of art, upon entering which you are instantly freed from everyday relationships! These sounds of instruments being tuned in an orchestra torment your soul with the expectation of something wonderful, compress your heart with a premonition of some inexplicably sweet bliss; this people, filling the huge amphitheater, shares your impatient expectation, you merge with them in one feeling; this luxurious and magnificent curtain, this sea of ​​lights hints to you of the miracles and divas scattered throughout God's beautiful creation and concentrated on the cramped space of the stage! And then the orchestra struck up - and your soul anticipates in its sounds those impressions that are preparing to amaze it; and now the curtain has risen - and before your eyes an endless world of human passions and destinies unfolds! (Fragment of an article by Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky) Task 2 Conditional dialogue Take part in the interview. You need to answer five questions. Please provide complete answers to the questions. 1 minute to review the questions. The answer to each question is 1 minute. 1. Do you think that theater has an impact on the formation of a person’s inner world? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 2. Do you go to the theater for pleasure or benefit? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 3. Can television completely replace theater? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 4. Why do you think people go to the theater? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 5. Recommend to your friends the performance(s) that, in your opinion,

definitely a must see. Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________ Task 3 Monologue statement You are given 1 minute to prepare. Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes. 1 Describe the photograph. 2 Tell us about your visit to a spectacular event (concert, play) that you remember most. Don’t forget to tell us what spectacular event you were at; when and with whom; what did you see; Which one did you like and remember the most? Please note that your statement must be coherent.

Option 10 Task 1 Reading the text aloud Expressively read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to prepare. Please note that reading the text out loud should not take more than 3 minutes. Retell the text and express your opinion about it. The house stood on a hill. The forests went down, where the lake lay among the thickets. The composer had a favorite place there, Rudoy Yar. He called out to the servant and hurried him to quickly go to Rudoy Yar. He knew that, having been there, he would return and his favorite theme, which had been living somewhere inside for a long time, would pour out in streams of sounds. And so it happened. He stood for a long time on the cliff of Rudy Yar. What struck Tchaikovsky most of all that day was the light. The familiar land was all caressed by light, illuminated by it down to the last blade of grass. The variety and power of lighting evoked in Tchaikovsky that state when it seemed that something extraordinary would happen, like a miracle. He couldn't be lost. I had to immediately return home and sit down at the piano. Tchaikovsky quickly walked towards the house. At home, he ordered his servant not to let anyone in and sat down at the piano. He played. He strived for clarity of melody. (According to K.G. Paustovsky.) Task 2 Take part in the interview. You need to answer five questions. Please provide complete answers to the questions. 1 minute to review the questions. The answer to each question is 1 minute. Conditional dialogue 1. What type(s) of art are closest to you? Why? Answer: __________________________________________ 2. Do you attend any clubs, music schools, studios, etc.? Answer:_________________________________________ 3. Tell us about your successes in creativity? Answer:_________________________________________ 4. What is your favorite artist (poet, musician, sculptor, etc.)?

Answer:_______________________________________________ 5. Where do you see yourself in adult life (profession, main occupation)? Answer:_________________________________________

Task 3 Monologue statement You are given 1 minute to prepare. Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes. 1. Describe the photo. 2. Why are physical education and sports necessary in our lives? Don't forget to tell:     What sport (or other active activities) are you interested in? Why did you choose this particular sport (hobby)? What would you like to see in physical education lessons? Why are physical education minutes needed at school? Please note that your statement must be coherent.

Option 11 Task 1 Reading the text aloud Expressively read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to prepare. Please note that reading the text out loud should not take more than 3 minutes. Retell the text and express your opinion about it. Childhood of A.N. Tolstoy Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy, author of the world famous novel "Peter the Great", was born on January 10, 1883 in a family of hereditary counts in the small town of Nikolaevsk, Samara province. Even before Alyosha was born, his parents separated, and his mother Alexandra Leontyevna, a writer and cousin of the Decembrist Nikolai Turgenev, was involved in his upbringing. It was she who had a huge influence on the formation of the literary abilities of the future writer. Alexandra Leontyevna developed for him the themes of early works, such as “Lesha’s Childhood”, “Logutka”. And her letters and her own writings became the source of the creation of images of the first youthful works of Alexei Tolstoy. A teacher was invited to his stepfather's estate to provide the boy with a primary education. Then the family moved to Samara, where Alexey began his studies at a real school. After graduating, the young man went to St. Petersburg to enter the Technological Institute. It was during this period that he began to write poetry, and already in 1906 they were published. Task 2 Conditional dialogue Take part in the interview. You need to answer five questions. Please provide complete answers to the questions. 1 minute to review the questions. The answer to each question is 1 minute. 1. Do your parents, in your opinion, pay enough attention to your studies? Why? Answer:_______________________________________________ 2. Do you need adult help when preparing your homework? Answer:_______________________________________________ 3. Do you often turn to them for help in preparing lessons? Answer:_______________________________________________ 4. Do you like to share new knowledge acquired at school with your parents? Answer: __________________________________________ 5. Would you like to choose the same profession as your mother (father)? Why? Answer:_________________________________________

Task 3 Monologue statement You are given 1 minute to prepare. Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes. 1. Describe the photo. 2. Tell us about your favorite toy. Don't forget to tell:  What the toy looks like;  When and how did you get it;  Is there any story associated with the toy;  Do you keep your favorite children's toy;  Why are children’s favorite toys dear to adults. Please note that your statement must be coherent.

Option 12 Task 1 Reading the text aloud Expressively read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to prepare. Please note that reading the text out loud should not take more than 3 minutes. Retell the text and express your opinion about it. Childhood of M.Yu. Lermontov Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov was born in Moscow in October 1814. The Russian branch of the Lermontov family dates back to George Lermont, a native of Scotland, captured during the siege of the Belaya fortress in 1613. The surname Lermont is also borne by the legendary Scottish poet of the 13th century. The poet's father, Yuri Petrovich, was a retired infantry captain. According to people who knew him closely, he was a wonderfully handsome man, with a kind and sympathetic soul, but extremely frivolous. Mother is the daughter of Elizaveta Alekseevna Arsenyeva, née Stolypina. He spent his childhood in Tarkhany - his grandmother's estate. Lermontov's mother died when he was not yet three years old. In Tarkhany, the poet learned and forever fell in love with the beauty of his native nature, Russian songs, legends, and epics. The grandmother loved her grandson very much and took care of his upbringing. He spoke English, French, and German, painted, played the violin and piano, and read poetry beautifully. When Lermontov was 10 years old, he was taken to the Caucasus, to the waters; here he met a girl of about 9 years old and for the first time recognized the feeling of love, which left a memory for his entire life and inextricably merged with the first impressions of the Caucasus, which he considers his poetic homeland. Task 2 Conditional dialogue Take part in the interview. You need to answer five questions. Please provide complete answers to the questions. 1 minute to review the questions. The answer to each question is 1 minute. 1.How do you feel about reading? Answer:_________________________________________ 2. How do you understand family reading? Answer:_______________________________________________ 3. Is it possible to instill in a child a taste for reading? Answer:_______________________________________________ 4. Is reading your favorite pastime? Answer:_______________________________________________ 5. Do you consider it necessary to read in the age of computerization?


Task 3 Monologue statement You are given 1 minute to prepare. Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes. 1. Describe the photo. 2. Tell us about your favorite book. Don't forget to tell:  Name your favorite (or last read) book.  Who gave or advised you to read it and when?  Which of the characters did you like more than others?  What did the book make you think about? Please note that your statement must be coherent.

Option 13 Task 1 Reading the text aloud Expressively read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to prepare. Please note that reading the text out loud should not take more than 3 minutes. Retell the text and express your opinion about it. The more water you draw from a well, the fresher and more abundant it is. It exudes the aroma of deep earth and the steady cold of melted snow. Every sip of well water sweetly quenches thirst and fills you with vigor. In the morning the sun rises from the bottom, in the evening it sinks to the bottom. This is how the well lives. If, in a dimly lit log house, the bucket does not ring and the scattered links of the chain are not pulled by a bowstring, but rust from inactivity, if the gate does not creak joyfully under your hand and the fallen drops of silver coins do not fall back into the echoing depths, the spring stops flowing, the well is filled with silt, and withers away. The death of the well comes. With the enemy invasion, dead wells appeared. They died along with people. The dead wells looked like unfilled graves. Now the wells have come to life, or rather, they have been revived by people - the living, who replaced the dead. Buckets clink merrily, and chains glisten in the sun, freed from rust by the touch of many hands. Wells water people, cows, land, trees. They pour water onto the hot black stones of the bathhouses, and the soft, breathtaking steam does its pure work, settling in drops on the sluggish, fragrant foliage of birch brooms. The wells came to life. But the one who died in the war died forever. Task 2 Conditional dialogue Take part in the interview. You need to answer five questions. Please provide complete answers to the questions. 1 minute to review the questions. The answer to each question is 1 minute. 1. How do you feel about the computerization of society? Answer:_______________________________________________ 2. What role does a computer play in your life? Answer:_______________________________________________ 3. How often and for what purpose do you use a PC? Answer:_______________________________________________ 4.Can a computer replace a book? Answer:_________________________________________

5. How do you understand the statement: “With the advent of the computer, we carry knowledge with us, and not in ourselves”? Answer:_________________________________________

Task 3 Monologue statement You are given 1 minute to prepare. Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes. 1. Describe the photo. 2. Tell us about your favorite school subject. Don't forget to tell: When and why did you become interested in this discipline? What interesting information did you gain from studying this subject? How will your favorite school subject help you in choosing your future profession? Please note that your statement must be coherent.

Task 3 Monologue statement You are given 1 minute to prepare. Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes. 1. Describe the photo. 2. Tell us about your favorite family holiday. Be sure to share:  How are your family members involved in this family event?  What role do you play (what assignment do you carry out)?  How do you understand the expression “family traditions”? How do you feel about them? Please note that your statement must be coherent.

Option 15 Task 1 Reading the text aloud Expressively read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to prepare. Please note that reading the text out loud should not take more than 3 minutes. Retell the text and express your opinion about it. All of us, the children of the Kizlyar orphanage, lived without relatives for many years and completely forgot, CHEFS, what family comfort is. And suddenly they brought us to the station and announced that the railway workers were our bosses and they were inviting us to visit. They took us apart one by one. Uncle Vasya, a fat and cheerful boss, took me to his home. The wife groaned and asked for a long time about her family, but in the end she brought fragrant borscht and sweet baked pumpkin. And Uncle Vasya winked and poured red wine from a barrel. Both for yourself and for me. It became fun. I walked around the rooms as if floating in some kind of happy smoke, and I didn’t want to leave at all. In the orphanage, conversations about this day did not stop for a whole week. The guys, overwhelmed by the unusual sensations of “home life,” could not talk about anything else. And at school, on the other side of the desk lid, where I had cut out the three most cherished words: electricity - poetry - Lida, I added one more word - chefs. The Belarusian Vilka boasted the most. He ended up visiting the station chief himself, and he ordered him to come again. I also wanted to tell good things about Uncle Vasya, and I said that he is “the most important boss of the coal warehouse” and I can show where he works. I really wanted to show Uncle Vasya, and I took the guys. Task 2 Take part in the interview. You need to answer five questions. Please provide complete answers to the questions. 1 minute to review the questions. The answer to each question is 1 minute. Conditional dialogue 1. Which holidays do you like best: home holidays, holidays with friends, school holidays? Answer:_______________________________________________ 2. Who do you prefer to see as a guest at your party? Answer:_________________________________________ 3. When can you say that the holiday was a success? Answer:_______________________________________________ 4. Do you like to prepare for the holiday? Answer:_______________________________________________ 5. How do you do this?


Task 3 Monologue statement You are given 1 minute to prepare. Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes. 1. Describe the photo. 2. Tell us about your pet (plant). Don't forget to tell:  When and under what circumstances did you get a pet (plant)?  What are your responsibilities for caring for a pet (plant)?  How do you understand the words of A. Saint-Exupery: “We are responsible for those we have tamed”? Please note that your statement must be coherent.

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA List of assessed aspects of oral speech 1 Expressiveness of speech during reading 2 Compliance with norms 3 Distortion / correct reading of words 4 Reading pace Oral speech assessment system (grading scales and maximum points) Task 1. Reading a text aloud, retelling Table 1 Assessment criteria for reading aloud and retelling the text Intonation Intonation corresponds to the punctuation of the text. The intonation does not correspond to the punctuation of the text. Reading pace The pace of reading and retelling the text corresponds to the communicative task. The pace of reading/retelling does not correspond to the communicative task. There are no grammatical or spelling errors or distortions of words. There were grammatical and spelling errors and distortions of words. Correctness of speech Maximum number of points for the entire task Completion of the communicative task is assessed separately for each answer to the question given by the examinee. Speech design is assessed based on a total of five responses. Task 2. Conditional dialogue Criteria for assessing dialogue (D). Table 2 Points The examinee coped with the communicative task: he gave a complete answer to the question. The examinee attempted to cope with a communicative task, but an inaccurate or monosyllabic answer to the question was given, or the examinee did not answer the question. Maximum number of points 1 0 1 Maximum number of points for criterion D – 5. Criteria for assessing the speech format of answers to questions (P2). Speech literacy There are no grammatical, speech, or spelling errors. No more than 3 errors were made. Table 3 Points 2 1

More than 3 errors were made. Speech design Speech as a whole is distinguished by a rich and accurate vocabulary, a variety of syntactic constructions are used Speech is characterized by a poor and/or inaccurate vocabulary, and/or the same type of syntactic constructions are used Maximum number of points 0 1 0 3 Total number of points for task 2 – 8. Task 3. Monologue statement. Table 4 1 0 Criteria for assessing a monologue statement (M). Completing a communicative task description of a photograph The examinee coped with the communicative task. All questions are answered. There are no actual errors. The examinee made an attempt to cope with the communicative task, but not all questions were answered and/or factual errors were made. Completing a communicative task narrative about personal life experience 1 The examinee coped with the communicative task. All questions are answered. There are no actual errors. The examinee made an attempt to cope with the communicative task, but not all questions were answered. Speech design of the statement The statement is characterized by semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation: there are no logical errors, the sequence of presentation is not broken. The statement is illogical, the presentation is inconsistent. There are logical errors (1 or more). Speech literacy Grammatical, absent. No more than 3 errors were made. More than 3 errors were made. Maximum number of points: spelling errors, distortions of speech words, 2 1 0 5 Points 0 1 0 *Note. If the examinee failed to cope with the communicative task, i.e. received 0 points according to the criteria “Description of a photograph” and “Narrative of personal life experience”, then such work is not counted and is scored 0 points, the task is considered unfulfilled. The total number of points for the entire work is 16 points. The examinee receives credit if he scores 9 or more points for completing the work.

Russian language is a compulsory subject of the OGE, which is taken by 9th grade graduates in all regions of the Russian Federation. For all students of schools, gymnasiums and lyceums who are faced with the difficult task of preparing for final tests, we offer answers to pressing questions regarding the upcoming Russian language exam.

There is very little left before the start of exams and the preliminary exam calendar for ninth-graders is already known. The draft schedule, which can be found on the FIPI website, says that the preliminary session of the 2018 OGE starts on April 20, and the following dates are reserved for Russian language exams:

Day of the week

Early period



Main period


Additional period



Innovations in 2018 regarding the OGE in the Russian language

Good knowledge of oral and written speech is a prerequisite for entry into any college or university in the country, and therefore FIPI insists on modifying the format of the final tests.

Introduction of the oral part

Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva said that in 2018 all ninth-graders will take the Russian language not only in test format, but also orally, which will allow them to assess their real level of language proficiency.

So, there will be an oral part of the OGE in Russian! What should 9th grade students focus on when preparing for the final certification? The official website of FIPI has all the necessary information about the 2018 OGE, as well as demo versions of tasks that will help you prepare and pass the Russian language well.

For the “Speaking” section, the oral part of the exam will consist of 4 tasks, for which each examinee will be given 15 minutes to complete (including preparation).

  • Part 1 – expressive reading of the text out loud.
  • Part 2 – retelling the text read using quotes.
  • Part 3 – a monologue on a chosen topic based on a plan.
  • Part 4 – dialogue with the examiner.

An audio recording will be made during the exam.

Written part of the OGE in Russian

The introduction of the oral part will not entail a reduction in written tasks. As in 2017, when taking the OGE, students are expected to complete three types of tasks:

  1. Brief summary of the text read.
  2. Questions with short answer (number, letter, word).
  3. A detailed and reasoned answer to the question posed in the ticket.

Assessing the OGE in Russian and interpreting the results

There will be no mark for speaking as such. Although the examinee can score a maximum of 14 primary points, the oral portion will be assessed on a pass/fail basis. To successfully pass the test, ninth-graders will only need to overcome the minimum threshold of 8 primary points.

The written part can be awarded a maximum of 39 points. In this case, the table for converting the primary score into a grade is as follows:

Russian language

Please note that it is not only the total number of points that is important, but also what they were awarded for. Thus, a score of “4” is given if, out of a total of 25-33 points scored, at least 4 are awarded for literacy, and a score of “5” is given if the commission gives at least 6 of the points scored for literacy.

Retaking the OGE in Russian

Since the Russian language is the main exam, without successfully passing which a 9th grade graduate will not be able to receive a certificate, the possibility of retaking it is provided.

The official FIPI portal says that a second attempt to pass Russian in 2018 will be given to those who “failed” no more than 2 mandatory OGE exams. To do this, you will need to submit an application for re-examination and appear at the specified test location on one of the reserve dates of the main or additional (autumn) stage.

Preparation for the oral and written OGE in the Russian language

Teachers are unanimous in their opinion that students who have fully mastered the school curriculum will be able to cope with the 2018 OGE tickets without any problems. Psychologists warn that one of the most important factors is self-confidence and the right attitude.

In order to get rid of the fear of the exam, it is enough to review the demo version of the tickets and analyze the tasks of 2017, which in their structure and subject matter will hardly differ from the questions that may appear in the tickets of this season of the OGE.

It will be somewhat more difficult for children in those regions where other languages ​​and dialects are widely used in parallel with Russian. If you feel that your existing knowledge may not be enough to obtain a certificate or enter the desired college, it’s time to begin active preparation by self-education or by contacting an experienced tutor.

Erase also video press conference on the issues of the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam, which took place on September 5, 2017:

Oral part of the OGE in Russian language 2019.

Structure of the interview.

Preparation time: 2 minutes. Time to complete – 2 minutes. At the link above you will find information about what expressive reading means and what the pace should be.

Preparation time: 2 minutes. Time to complete – 3 minutes.

Preparation time – 1 minute. Execution time – 3 minutes.

There is no preparation time. Time to complete – 3 minutes.

System for assessing the performance of individual tasks and work as a whole

The work is assessed according to the system pass/fail.
The student receives "test" if he scored 10 or more points for completing the work.
Task 1 (reading text). Maximum points: 2 points.
Task 2 (retelling the text using additional information). Maximum points: 4 points.
Speech design (tasks 1 and 2). Maximum points: 4 points.

Task 3 (monologue). Maximum points: 3 points.
Task 4 (dialogue). Maximum points: 2 points.
Speech design (tasks 3 and 4). Maximum points: 4 points.

TOTAL: 19 points. Total response time (including preparation time) is 15 minutes.Recommended procedure for conducting the exam, time allotted for each task.

Examiner actions
Student Actions
15 minutes.
Greeting the student. Acquaintance. A short story about the content of the exam
1 min.


Invite the student to become familiar with the text to read aloud
In a few seconds, remind you that you are ready to read
Preparing to read aloud. Reading the text to yourself
2 minutes.
Listening to the text Emotional reaction to the student’s reading
Reading text aloud
2 minutes.
Switching a student to another type of work.
Preparing for a retelling using additional information
2 minutes
Listening to the text Emotional reaction to the student’s retelling
Retelling the text with additional information
3 min.
Invite the student to choose an option for the topic of the conversation and give the corresponding card


Invite the student to become familiar with the topic of the monologue.
Warn that 1 minute is allotted for preparation, and the statement should not take more than 3 minutes
Preparing to answer
1 min.
Listen to the oral response. Emotional reaction to the answer
Answer on the topic of the selected option
3 min.


Ask questions for dialogue
Enters into dialogue
3 min.
Provide emotional support to the student

The oral answers of the participants in the final interview are checked by Russian language specialists who have undergone special training.

Evaluation criteria for each assignment.

Task 1. Reading the text aloud

Reading Aloud Assessment Criteria


Intonation corresponds to the punctuation of the text.
The intonation does not correspond to the punctuation of the text.
Reading pace

The reading pace corresponds to the communicative task.
Reading pace does not match the communicative task.
Maximum points for the entire task

Task 2. Retelling the text including the above statement.

Criteria for evaluating a retelling of a text including the given statement


Preservation of micro-themes of text when retelling
All main micro-themes of the source text are preserved.
One or more microthemes are missing or added.
Maintaining factual accuracy when retelling
There are no actual errors related to understanding the text
Factual errors were made (1 or more)
Working with statements
The above statement is included in the text during the retelling, appropriately, logically
The above statement is inappropriately included in the text during retelling and/or is illogical, or the given statement is not included in the text during the retelling
Citation methods
No errors
Errors were made when quoting (1 or more)

Criteria for assessing the correctness of speech for completing tasks 1 and 2 (P1)



No grammatical errors


There are no spelling errors,


no more than one spelling error was made

(excluding the word in the text with emphasis)

There were spelling errors (two or more)


Compliance with speech norms

There are no speech errors



Distortions of words

There are no distortions of words

There were distortions of words (one or more)

Maximum points


The maximum number of points for working with text (tasks 1

and 2) – 10.

Task 3. Monologue statement

Criteria for assessing a monologue statement (M)


Performing a communication task


At least 10 phrases on the topic of the statement are given. There are no factual errors

The subject attempted to cope with a communicative task,


made factual errors,


cited less than 10 phrases on the topic of the statement



Speech formatting of a monologue utterance (MR)

The statement is characterized by semantics? integrity, speech? coherence and consistency of presentation: there are no logical errors, the sequence of presentation is not broken


The statement is illogical, the presentation is inconsistent. There are logical errors (one or more)


Maximum points


Speech design is assessed as a whole for tasks 3 and 4.

Task 4. Dialogue.

Criteria for assessing dialogue (D)



The participant coped with the communication task.

All questions in the dialogue are answered

Questions not answered


monosyllabic answers given

D 2

Taking into account the conditions of the speech situation

The conditions of the speech situation are taken into account

The conditions of the speech situation are not taken into account

Maximum points


Criteria for assessing the correctness of speech for completing tasks 3 and 4 (P2)



Compliance with grammatical norms

No grammatical errors

There were grammatical errors (one or more)


Compliance with spelling standards

There are no spelling errors,


no more than two spelling errors were made

There were spelling errors (three or more)


Compliance with speech norms

There are no speech errors


no more than three speech errors were made

Speech errors were made (four or more)


Speech design

Speech in general is distinguished by the richness and accuracy of its vocabulary; a variety of syntactic words are used.


Speech is characterized by poor and/or inaccurate vocabulary, and/or the same type of syntactic words are used.

10 or more points.

- to prepare for the criterion "CORRECT SPEECH"

In the final part of the article, we will discuss the last task of the oral part of the OGE and think about how to increase the speed of reading in English.

Monologue with support

You are given 1.5 minutes to prepare, and you need to answer no more two minutes, otherwise the fragment of the task that goes beyond the time interval will not be counted.

You can grab the task 7 points and “it is assessed by three criteria: solution of a communicative task (here it is extremely important to talk in detail about all three aspects mentioned in the task and not ignore the questions why?), organization of a statement (the statement must be logically structured and combined into a single whole using connectives (examples of connectives have already been given in this) , there must be an introductory and final phrase and language design (it is required to demonstrate a varied vocabulary and various grammatical structures corresponding to the A2 (pre-intermediate) language level for the OGE" ().

AND, ATTENTION, If you receive a 0 for a communication task (fail to answer two out of three questions or skip to another topic), the entire task is scored 0 points.

How to prepare for it

There is a list in the codifier topics, which a 9th grade graduate should be able to speak, here it is:

  1. Family relationships
  2. Relationships with friends and at school
  3. Human appearance and characteristics
  4. Leisure and hobbies (sports, music, reading, visiting the theater, cinema, discos, cafes). youth fashion
  5. Purchases. Pocket money
  6. Correspondence
  7. School life. Subjects studied and attitudes towards them. Holidays. School exchanges
  8. Problems of choosing a profession and the role of a foreign language
  9. Country/countries of the language being studied and native country. Their geographical location, climate, population, cities and villages, attractions.
  10. Country/countries of the language being studied and native country. Their cultural features (national holidays, significant dates, traditions, customs)
  11. Outstanding people of their native country and countries of the language being studied, their contribution to science and world culture
  12. Traveling through the countries of the language you are learning and throughout Russia
    Technical progress
  13. Global problems of our time
  14. Mass media (press, television, radio, Internet)
  15. Nature and environmental problems. Healthy lifestyle

You need to study them using any English-language textbook (I like Gateway B1+, New Opportunities: Pre-Intermediate or Solutions: Pre-Intermediate, simultaneously driving into the student’s head stable expressions for communicating on a particular topic. There’s no need to be too zealous here, no more than 10 well-practised phrases will be enough. An exam is always stressful, God forbid three expressions from the list will be remembered.

And periodically practice this task (you can use task 1 from last year’s OGE, examples for it are freely available on the Internet in unlimited quantities), placing a stopwatch in front of the student’s eyes with 2 minutes set. After completing the task, it is imperative to force him to reflect on whether he answered all the questions posed, whether the answer included an introduction and conclusion, what thematic expressions and linking words he used.

I repeat once again, your answer should be based on scheme: introduction – answer to four questions in order – conclusion + thematic expressions and linking words.


For clarity, I would like to give an example of how I would answer task 3 of the oral part of the OGE.


Now I'm going to give a talk about reading books

  1. In my opinion, reading books is really popular now. Many of my friends and classmates are fond of them, especially they prefer to read romantic novels and detective stories.
  2. Nowadays many people argue if libraries are necessary or not. As for me,they are important because they can teach us about the culture of reading. A librarian is the person who can give teens lectures on how to read a book properly, to enjoy every page of it.
  3. Personally I have recently read “Hunger Games” by Suzanne Collins. It’s a real page-turner! It tells us a story of a girl whose name is Katniss Everdeen. She lives in the future in North America. She and 11 other teens are selected by lottery to take part in the Hunger Games, a battle to the death.
  4. In the end I would like to say that reading books is my cup of tea. If I start reading a good book, I simply can’t put it down until I’m done reading it. I can even forget about doing my homework! So, I can say I’m an enthusiastic reader.

That's all what I wanted to say.

And now let's look at the answer.

Communication task: all four questions have been answered.

Organization of the utterance: linking words are present, there are introductory and final phrases (highlighted italics).

Language design: vocabulary - thematic words and expressions are used - romantic novels, detective stories, culture of reading, enjoy every page, be a page-turner, put it down, enthusiastic reader.

Grammar - three tenses are used - Present Simple, Present Perfect, Present Simple Passive, modal verb can, 0 clause condition (If I start reading a good book, I simply can't put it down until I'm done reading it), gerund (reading books), infinitive (to take part in the Hunger Games).

Reading aloud

At the end of the article I will share the secrets of preparing for first task oral part of the OGE, namely, how to manage to read a fragment of text in the treasured 120 seconds.

Let's say you've mastered the rules of reading, but you still can't fit it into 2 minutes. What to do? Obviously, reprimand the texts. I select them myself (the text must be scientific and journalistic), here is an example:

Computers have been around for over sixty years and they have changed our lives. It is a well-known fact that the first modern computer began operating in the USA in 1945. This huge machine was the size of a large room. It was also very slow and so complicated to use that only an expert could operate it. That’s very different from modern PCs which are so user-friendly that anyone can use them.

During the 1970s, tiny electronic microchips became more common. By the 1980s and 90s, home computers were becoming smaller, faster and cheaper. As a result, more people bought them, so computers became more wide-spread.

(Taken from Activate B1)

And we practice reading out loud like this:

  1. The student reads to himself, thinking about unfamiliar words and where to pause (I give 1.5 minutes, as in the OGE).
  2. He reads aloud, I correct the correctness, then together we analyze the division of the fragment into semantic pauses. I draw the student’s attention to how long it took him to read the text for the first time.
  3. Then comes the penultimate reading, beautiful and correct, where I do not pay attention to speed.
  4. And for the last time, the student must read correctly and complete it in 2 minutes. If this fails, I try to create a feeling of shame and a desire to do better next time.

By the way, reading aloud and speaking are closely related. The faster the speech rate, the better you read aloud. Therefore, it is extremely useful to retell everything that your heart is drawn to - the biography of your favorite singer, the content of an interesting book or TV series.

So you can’t do this without serious preparation. The OGE in Russian is a mandatory exam that determines a student’s certification mark and allows him to enroll in a specialized humanities class.

However, among the students there are those who consider Russian not a very difficult subject. They believe that the language in which daily communication takes place, correspondence on social networks, watching films and programs can be passed without much difficulty. This opinion has failed many ninth-graders - the OGE in this subject includes many different tasks that reveal the ability to use literary language norms, as well as an understanding of the rules of vocabulary, grammar, syntax and punctuation.

Another innovation in the OGE is speaking, which causes difficulties for children who are not accustomed to correctly expressing their thoughts. Let's figure out what you should pay attention to when preparing for this exam, on what dates it will take place, and what changes can be introduced into the 2018 KIMs.

Demo version of OGE-2018

Dates of the OGE in Russian

According to the preliminary examination schedule, Russian will need to be taken on the following dates:

  • early examination – 04/25/2018. Reserve day – 05/04/2018;
  • The main date of the OGE is 05/29/2018. The reserve will become 06/19/2018;
  • additional exam – 09/04/2018. The date indicated as a reserve is 09/17/2018.

Regulations and features of the exam

The specialized commission responsible for the development of Russian language KIMs reported that in 2018 there will be no changes to the tickets.

The student will be able to work with the CMM for 235 minutes. At this OGE, students will be able to use the spelling dictionary provided to them in the classroom. This concludes the list of subjects allowed in the Russian language exam. Do not take smartphones with you, do not take notes with rules and exceptions, do not try to bring a headset or mini-earphones, hoping to deceive observers and cheat. Any illegal actions will lead to only one result - removal from the class and a bad grade for the OGE.

Structural and content part of the ticket

KIMs in this subject are designed to evaluate the preparation of 9th grade graduates in everything related to the Russian language. Based on the results of this OGE, the commission draws conclusions about whether it is worth enrolling a particular student in a specialized linguistic class and issuing him a high school diploma. Since 2017, the OGE includes written and oral parts, each of which is worth talking about separately.

Start preparing for the OGE in the fall to have time to work through all the material

Written part of the exam

When working with a ticket, schoolchildren will have to demonstrate their skills in using written language, as well as language skills of a linguistic, analytical and classification nature, understanding the rules of grammar, style, punctuation and spelling, and the ability to communicate with others through writing. The ticket consists of three parts, which contain 15 tasks of varying difficulty levels:

  • the first part is one task in the form of presentation based on the listened text. The maximum score you can get for this part is 7. The audio file with the text will be scrolled twice. During the first listening, students can make notes on the rough sheet. Students will then be given 3 minutes to reflect on their notes and understand what aspects they missed while listening to the text. After this, the entry is re-installed. After this, ninth graders will have the opportunity to rewrite their thoughts on a blank form;
  • the second part is tasks numbered 2 to 14, which require a short answer from the student. In this part, schoolchildren will have to formulate an answer independently or select and write it down from the list offered in KIM. The work is carried out on the basis of the text issued with the ticket. The correct answer to each task will earn you 1 point, the maximum number of points for the second part of the CIM is 13 points;
  • the third part is task number 15. Students will be given 3 topics, among which they need to choose one and write an essay. The maximum points for the third part is 9.

Please note that in this OGE, points are given separately for the student’s competent and accurate speech in presentation and composition (maximum 10 points). In total, you can score 39 primary points for CMM.

Oral part of the Russian language exam (speaking)

9th grade students who will take the OGE in 2018 will have to take not only a written, but also an oral exam in the Russian language. According to some information, speaking will take place first, and it will determine the student’s admission to the written part of the OGE. Speaking is aimed at identifying the communication skills of schoolchildren. It will test the ability to conduct a monologue and dialogue, the ability to read texts with intonation and emotional coloring, as well as retell what you read, justifying your statements.

In 2018, ninth-graders will not be able to get away with just a written exam. In addition to essays and tests, they will have to take speaking!

Structurally, the CMM consists of four parts, each of which is a separate task:

  • The first task is reading a scientific journalistic fragment. For this part you can score 2 points;
  • the second task - the student will have to retell what he read, drawing on additional information and commenting on his statements. This task can also earn you 2 points;
  • the third task is a monologue on a chosen topic. It can be assessed with a maximum of 2 points;
  • The fourth task is a dialogue with the examiner, who can award up to 3 points for the answer.

Compliance with literary language norms when completing the first and second tasks is assessed separately - here you can earn up to 2 points. The verbal presentation of the answer when working with tasks number three and four is scored another 3 points. The maximum primary score for speaking is 14.

Most likely, the conversation will offer texts that talk about life. Scores for the oral exam will not be converted into grades - the student receives either a pass or a failure. To successfully pass the speaking test, according to preliminary information, you will have to score at least 50% of the initial points.

Converting points into marks for a certificate

The scale on which scores for the written part of the exam are converted into certification marks is as follows:

  • from 0 to 14 points – a solid “two”;
  • from 15 to 24 points – score “three”;
  • from 25 to 33 points – score “four”. In this case, at least 4 points must be obtained for literacy. If less than 4 points are scored for literacy, the student is given a “satisfactory” grade;
  • from 34 to 39 points – mark “five”. However, getting an A also requires meeting a certain condition: if a student received less than 6 points for literacy, he receives a “B”.

When assigning students to specialized linguistic classes, preference will be given to children who score 31 points or higher for the written part of the work.

How to prepare for the OGE in Russian?

Train yourself to write essays, and then passing the OGE will not cause you problems

The presence of an oral and written part of the exam means that students will have to work hard to master all types of language activities. Specialists of specialized commissions recommend that schoolchildren pay attention to the following points:

  • repeat and practice all the rules and exceptions found in the Russian language school curriculum;
  • hone the use of language norms by regularly writing dictations and presentations. When writing expositions, time yourself to teach yourself to select points in the allotted time and write them down briefly on a draft;
  • write at least 10-15 essays on topics offered in KIMs of previous years. You will have to highlight the main problem, comment on it, show your skills in drawing analogies and knowledge of suitable quotes. Remember - the commission primarily evaluates understanding of the topic and ability to write, without being distracted from the author's thought. If you go sideways or try to use general phrases, you risk getting a 0 for your essay. A good essay can only be written if you spend a year reading classics of world and Russian literature and critical articles on the main works from the school curriculum;
  • The oral part, as a rule, concerns a discussion of prominent Russian figures. Watch interesting programs, read publications about the life and work of Yuri Gagarin, Tsiolkovsky, Pirogov, as well as other famous artists, writers and scientists. Retell what you read to your parents and friends to practice the skill of beautiful and competent oral speech;
  • regularly read literary and journalistic texts out loud, working with intonation and stress.