Paste 2 types of wallpaper. Rules for gluing two types of wallpaper: follow the instructions


Combined wallpaper

We all want our home to be comfortable and pleasant to live in. When renovating an apartment, you want to create your own, special interior.

How can you create your own unique interior for your apartment in an original and inexpensive way? Using methods of combining wallpaper can help us with this.

Combined wallpaper allows you to zone a room, highlighting, for example, dining area. This is useful in children's rooms, living-dining-kitchens and studio apartments.

Secondly, covering walls with combined wallpaper may cost you less, since many stores are selling leftover wallpaper at discounted prices.

But, of course, you need to choose the wallpaper for the combination thoughtfully so that it turns out beautifully. This is what we will talk about today.

It is very important to understand that combined wallpaper is an exact statement of basic colors premises. If the room is covered with one type of wallpaper in a neutral color, then the room can be filled with almost any furniture, textiles and accessories.

But if a combination with wallpaper of a different color appears in such a room, then this color must be duplicated in the interior.

So, the first and main rule is the color of the wallpaper used for the combination must be duplicated in the interior

When the color palette combined wallpaper repeated in the interior, a very harmonious, balanced interior appears.

Combining wallpaper: six ways for modern design

Method one: vertical stripes.

Vertical stripes on the wallpaper visually raise the ceiling.

In a modern interpretation, one wall can have striped wallpaper, while the rest can be plain-colored or with a dim, barely noticeable pattern.

But this is not always the case. You can distribute vertical stripes on different walls. Moreover, they can be regular - repeated at regular intervals. As you can see in the photo, the interval is different walls may be different.

The stripes can be different - in color or pattern. The texture of this combination of wallpaper should be the same, otherwise you will get an incomprehensible jumble. For such a combination, it is easiest to work with one collection. The fact is that most campaigns release several designs that combine with each other. As a rule, they are available in several colors. One collection has two or three plain backgrounds and several options with patterns.

When combining vertically, there is another interesting technique that allows you to make the ceiling higher. One of the stripes “extends” to the ceiling. At the same time, the transition boundary is blurred, which gives a feeling of greater volume.

To make the principle of the stripes a little clearer, we present several options in graphic representation. The drawings are made as if viewed from above.

Waysecond: dividing walls into horizons.

Waythird: wallpaper inserts.

Wayfourth: wallpaper inserts on large areas.

Wayfifth: combining with flaps.

Waysixth: selection various niches and protrusions.

Some general tips for the correct combination of wallpaper.

Having decided to do combined finishing rooms, try to buy all the wallpaper in one place. If, nevertheless, half of the purchase needs to be made in another store, be sure to take samples of the purchased wallpaper with you, so that you can later attach them to other rolls. This will allow you to choose matching colors and textures without relying on chance. After all, even the slightest deviation of the color from the one you need can ruin the overall picture.

Try to use wallpaper of the same width. This will avoid many problems associated with gluing them to the wall or selecting the desired edging. It is most convenient to work with one type of material produced by one manufacturer.

Combining wallpaper will allow you to smooth out many of the shortcomings of the room: correct the height of the walls that are too large or too small, highlight and decorate niches or protrusions, and balance the overall illumination of the space. By achieving various visual effects, you can give the room a completely different look, making your home more comfortable, cozy and modern.

Hello! I continue the series of articles that were inspired by watching advertisements for the sale of real estate on Avito when I was choosing us new apartment. I understand them typical mistakes in decoration, which I encountered in literally every second apartment. I already wrote about, now it’s time for wallpaper, namely about combining different wallpapers in one room. And it looks like today there will be a mega post, because there is not just a lot of information, but a lot.

Lyrical introduction or where the legs of a problem grow

First of all, I want to note that, judging by what I saw, combining wallpaper is actually a very popular technique in Izhevsk. And I think throughout the post-Soviet space things are exactly the same. I saved literally 80% of these photos because that's how many people use this method incorrectly. Something from the series: I saw this in “ Housing issue" Then I looked at pictures on the Internet and did everything exactly the same. In fact, it’s far from exactly the same, and more often than not, quite the opposite.

I tried to figure out where the legs grow from. As usual, I googled the query “how to properly combine wallpaper with each other in one room” (judging by statistics, similar queries in different versions receive more than 10 thousand people monthly (!!!) and looked at the first five sites in the search results. It’s just that usually no one looks further 🙂 And then a lot of things fell into place for me.

All articles were written by copywriters who are not at all interested in modern design and decoration, some websites of construction offices, repair companies. All the information is rotten and of little use, and at times downright harmful.

Who are these designers? Where do they advise this? In fact modern decoration allows for both. But in terms of the number of interiors, painted plain walls or plain wallpaper, rather than combinations, still lead by a large margin.

The biggest difficulty is to understand that the combination must pursue some goal, practically program a person, force him to look at the point you need, and not just so as not to be bored. This is not enough. If this is the goal, then it is almost guaranteed that it will turn out to be nonsense.

And now enough of the lyrics, it’s time to sort through the archive of photographs that I saved and show, using their example, typical types of wallpaper mix and the most common mistakes. Sit back, read, watch carefully and learn from the mistakes of others.

Vertical arrangement of different wallpapers

This is the most common way to given time. To greatly generalize, you can combine:

  • with a pattern and plain,
  • two types with different patterns

The first method is the most common. Programs about renovation and design have firmly instilled the concept of accent wall and zoning. But they never explained which wall to choose as an accent wall and on what grounds, by what criteria. It is on this wall that wallpaper with a pattern is glued, and on the rest - plain wallpaper.

The main criterion by which you can determine whether it is worth focusing on it is its location. There must be a sufficient distance that ensures good review. For example, in Khrushchev's kitchen basically there is no place for this.

Usually they accentuate the wall against which the eye rests when entering the room. Or it can be located behind some functional area, group of furniture, for example dining table, a sofa with an armchair, a workplace that will stand out even more against the backdrop of suitable wallpaper.

Our parents determined it almost unmistakably when hanging the carpet. Just imagine, instead of a roll of wallpaper, you have a chic antique Uzbek kilim. What wall would you hang it on? Will it be clearly visible from different vantage points, will there be something competing with it for attention?

Example No. 1

In this accent living room (with flowers) it was worth making one wall per upholstered furniture, and the rest of the walls are plain (and better in the background color of the flowers). As a result, it is not clear what was singled out: either the wall behind the TV, or the end of the room with a window... What was the idea? There is no idea, everything looks as if they took a couple of rolls left over from the last renovation, since the main ones were not enough.


Example No. 2

Then the same error, what's the idea? The “carpet” in this case should hang over the sofa. It seems that the accent wall was chosen by tossing a coin, just out of curiosity. It is unclear why the person sitting on this sofa is asked to look at the left wall. And the colors themselves are well chosen.


Example No. 3

In the following example, I like the color choice for the main wallpaper and the choice of the accent wall. Enough viewing distance to appreciate the view as a whole. But it is completely unclear why the active wallpaper went further and was located above doorway. Because of this, the whole point of the accent wall was lost. If zoning was meant (corridor and living room), then why were they combined at all? Same mistake - no idea. Now it just seems that the hallway and the ball room have different decorations, the partition was taken down and everything was left as it was.


This leads to another mandatory condition.

It is necessary to correctly determine the boundaries of the accent wall. This is the entire wall, from corner to corner, and not some separate piece behind it and not several walls at the same time.

Example No. 4

The joints of combined wallpaper should be in the corners and not in the middle of the wall. Firstly, such a joint almost always looks unaesthetic or it seems that there is simply not enough wallpaper.

No idea, sloppy joint.


Example No. 5

Why bother and glue it to the wall or is it really not enough?


Example No. 6

On next photo Without a doubt, the wallpaper was deliberately hung only in the center. This is a typical example of meaningless zoning, when renovations are made without understanding the future of the interior as a whole. I am 99% sure that there will be a sofa or TV along this wall.

This arrangement is a claim to symmetry, which strictly limits the arrangement of furniture. Having placed the sofa in the center of this composition, you will no longer be able to move it a little to the left or right without re-sticking the wallpaper. Well, that is. You can move it, but you are guaranteed nonsense. Examples of the consequences of such pasting will be below.


Example No. 7

Corridor in the same apartment. Claims for symmetry, but without the slightest understanding of how terrible this is in combination with asymmetrical switches. What prevented you from choosing other wallpapers, where they would not be so noticeable, and covering this entire wall with them? After all, the wall itself is simply ideal for an accent. Unsuccessful wallpaper, pasting with stubs.


Example No. 8

Another arrangement of wallpaper with a stub above the sofa, which visually separates the sofa and the chair from each other. What's the idea? Focus on the entire wall, not just a piece of it, except if there are any structural protrusions there.


Example No. 9

The natural result of the bits on the wall. The sofa was moved, but the wallpaper remained.


Example No. 10

Something went wrong... Due to the addition to the family, a rearrangement had to be made. It is now impossible to grasp the initial idea.


Example No. 11

It is impossible to predict in advance exactly down to the centimeter how you will arrange your furniture if the interior is formed spontaneously. At a minimum, a strip of wallpaper is also needed, but it would be better to continue to the end of the wall so that the chairs and table look like a single group.

By the way, it’s cool, I’ve never seen a table like this on one leg for sale.


The patchwork technique itself is not so bad, but not in this form, of course.


Example No. 13

The idea “so as not to be boring” has ruined more than one interior. In the nursery in the next photo, the parents bought the entire set of wallpaper collection at once: with a pattern, green and orange. And they used everything in one room at once. The wall for accent wallpaper with a pattern, in my opinion, was chosen well. But! What are the opposite stripes for? Why bright orange behind the curtains, because the window itself is a self-sufficient architectural accent.

As a result, the gaze does not focus on one thing, it wanders chaotically, because everything is competing with each other for attention. Too many areas of active colors, the accent wall got lost. Not complied with. It would be much better to combine, instead of orange and green “companions,” take a neutral beige, which serves as the background for the picture.


Example No. 14

In general, companion wallpapers are evil. This is such an invisible trap, it seems that if some designers at the factory made them compatible, then there can be no mistake. In fact, as it may, almost all examples of using these pairs are extremely unsuccessful.

For example, let's look at the combination of wallpaper in the next room. It is absolutely certain that these are companions. I have no questions about the compatibility of colors and patterns, everything is really good. But! Both types of wallpaper have a very active pattern, i.e. It is completely unclear which of them is the main one and which is the additional one.

What would be good when combining patterns? sofa cushions Doesn't work with wallpaper at all. Looking at this interior, the idea again is completely unclear, which wall is the accent wall? Left, right, end? What are they used for? different wallpapers? Why equal areas surfaces of different wallpapers?

As usual, the result of a senseless, thoughtless combination is a complete mess.

The situation is aggravated by the incorrect scale of the floral pattern; the already low ceilings seem lower than they actually are. An extremely bad choice. If you missed the article on how to choose, be sure to read it.

Everything is bad

Example No. 15

In the bedroom perfect place for emphasis, this is the wall behind the head of the bed. Remember the carpet? That's where it should have been hung. Rarely are any other options possible: the walls are of some irregular geometry, have protrusions, the bed is in a niche, etc.

In this bedroom, the owners again fell into the trap of companions, bought a pair with patterns of the same activity and it was unclear what they wanted to highlight. The wall behind the bed? Then why did they seize the window? A wall with a TV? This wall is not suitable for an accent wall.

And again the terrible scale of the colors, hiding the height of the ceilings. The link to the article about this error was just above.


Example No. 16

In order to clearly define the accent wall and make sense in zoning with wallpaper, the designs should be different in activity (in attracting attention)


Example No. 17

You should not use three types of wallpaper, as in the children's room in example No. 13, there is too much of everything. Zones, zones, zones, fragmentation as it is small space into pieces... It was worth making only one wall as an accent wall (either behind the bed or opposite the entrance at the table). Three types are too much. And if there were 4 types of companions in the collection, would you buy them all according to the number of walls?


Horizontal arrangement of different wallpapers

Example No. 18

Today, this method is simply morally outdated - this is hello from the first European-quality renovations of the nineties. Then the first companions and paper borders appeared on sale. The squeak of fashion. But for today good modern examples Such a combination of wallpaper simply does not exist. I named it so that the list is complete, for information. You'll just know it's there, but keep in mind that it's best not to use it for the next 50 years.

The horizontal line cuts the wall into two parts and hides the height of the ceiling.


Combining photo wallpaper with wallpaper

The combination of wallpaper with photo wallpaper deserves special attention. I noticed that, at first glance, things are a little better with them, at least the choice of wall is almost always successful. But there are still some nuances.

Example No. 19

I love the choice for the accent wall: correct location at the end of the room, near the bed, there is enough distance in the room to appreciate the entire image, and not look at it point-blank. Like big size, from wall to wall, joints in corners. It's all wonderful and well done. But the very combination of photo wallpaper and pattern on the remaining walls looks bad. It would be much better if the second wallpaper was paintable or smooth, plain white or sand color.


Example No. 20

Exactly the same story. The right accent wall right size, but absolutely incompatible with the main wallpaper. Moreover, the main ones are also quite interesting and not bad in themselves. They just shouldn't be together. Here we need plain ones.


Example No. 21

Should I comment anything on this photo? It seems to me that you can see everything yourself: the collision of photo wallpaper on the adjacent wall (what prevented you from trimming???), the combination with striped ones (you need plain ones), and a closet that “allows you to enjoy” the views of the city at night.

Everything is very bad

By by and large, to summarize, we can distinguish 3 main mistakes:

  1. lack of idea and meaning in combining wallpaper, acting like a fool;
  2. wrong choice of accent wall;
  3. the use of wallpaper does not cover the entire area of ​​the wall, the joints are not in the corners.

From here follow 5 simple rules, and if you take them into account, then I think that you can easily combine beautiful wallpaper in your room. Learn from other people's mistakes, not your own!

  1. Accent wallpaper is placed on the view wall; there should be good viewing points for it, minimum distance from the vantage point - 3-4 meters, or better yet more.
  2. Never use any ready-made companions if they both have an active pattern.
  3. The best combination for photo wallpapers and others with an active dynamic pattern is plain wallpaper.
  4. Glue accent wallpaper on the entire wall, from corner to corner or other architectural elements (edges of a niche, ledge, etc.), then you don’t have to think about how to design the joint.
  5. Think about why you want to draw the attention of those present to this wall, think over the idea.

Examples of the ideal use of combining wallpaper in room decoration

The vast majority of examples are a combination of an active pattern with plain walls (plain wallpaper, paintable wallpaper or simply painted walls). If you are not mentally prepared for most of the monochromatic walls in the room, then it is better to think 10 more times about whether you need an accent wall in the interior at all.

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How to combine wallpapers: 7 non-standard solutions for a standard room

Nowadays, designers are showing creativity and elegance in interior design. That's why I'm so interested in them newest ideas combinations of wallpaper in the interior. After all, it is precisely this type of decoration that can originally change the look of the room without significant financial, time and labor costs. Let's see together what combining wallpaper can do?

And the combination options are simply innumerable, which means they guarantee individuality and uniqueness of design. Also captivating is the opportunity to get fantastic decor and balance the geometry of any room.

Wallpaper manufacturers also use the rules of combination and produce such products in collections, more often as “duets”.

Wallpaper combination ideas

To begin with, I found out design possibilities such finishing. They combine colors and shades, ornaments and patterns, or different textures of the same tone.

Solution 1: Spectral Harmony

It is interesting to use different shades of a common color in increasing intensity. I note that in modern styles The use of gray and purple options is popular.

IN modern finishing are used various materials. All we have to do is choose wallpaper that matches wood or stone.

Here's what to combine brick wallpaper with: peach is beautiful with coral, and beige is beautiful with a sand tint.

When wallpaper with a pattern and plain colors are combined, this is a balancing technique.

The main condition for combining patterns is that they should not drown out each other.

In youth rooms, variants of two colors are often used, even with their contrast. But some wallpapers are of a passive shade, while others are of an active bright shade, so as not to overload the teenager’s psyche.

Solution 2. Combination of textures

The combination of wallpaper in a room of the same color with different textures will create a unique imitation of architectural changes:

  • niches, columns;
  • ceiling frame - cornice;
  • window and door arches;
  • effectively indicate angles.

It is important to consider the features of the room:

  • It is reasonable to combine tiles in the kitchen with linens that have fire-resistant properties;
  • in the bathroom I would glue moisture-resistant non-woven fabrics.
  • For children's rooms, only non-toxic wallpaper paint and eco-friendly paper are suitable;

  • textile ones, like paper ones, tear and burn, but are warm and cozy in the bedroom, and in the living room they are successful in the form of unique decorative inserts;
  • vinyl - will protect you from stains and tears, so they will even improve the kitchen, hallway and, of course, the living room;
  • fiberglass wear-resistant textured wallpaper is used in the living room and hallway;
  • liquid wallpaper is environmentally friendly, convenient: suitable for the living room, kitchen, and ideal for combined organic finishing of liquid wallpaper with regular wallpaper;
  • photo wallpaper – interesting option for any room.

Combining these types has several nuances:

  • combination textile wallpaper with liquid it is contradictory due to opposite textures;
  • non-woven fabrics and paper ones will create a cozy design;
  • embossed vinyl materials much more noticeable than others;
  • A glossy texture is justified on only one wall, if the other 3 are matte.

If you have decided on the choice of material, it’s time to familiarize yourself with spectacular options their combinations.

Solution 3. Effects of gluing different wallpapers

  • Let's hide the flaws. Bright wallpaper on the flat side opposite the imperfect side, but in pastel colors, will distract attention from defects. So I “hid” communications in the kitchen - it helped out Brick wall from wallpaper.
  • We zone the room. In a large living room or studio, combining wallpaper will comfortably divide the space without curtains or. IN spacious kitchen fashionable brick-look canvases with other wallpapers will divide it into working part and a dining room.

  • Adjusting the scale. Visually, only with color (or maybe a pattern) can you expand an oblong room. So in the bedroom I would pastel the side walls with pastel canvases, and the end walls with dark ones.

  • We decorate with wallpaper. The designers' secret: a bright pattern on one wall is the highlight and center of the room's interior. I would also bring stylish items here.

And this is not all the possibilities of unique wall decoration with a combination of wallpaper. Go ahead!

Popular methods

The following techniques will simplify the selection of a visual union:

  • the stone is harmonious with textured vinyl samples;
  • let the thickness of the wallpaper be the same so that the joints are invisible;
  • different widths of wallpaper are less important if the joints are invisible;
  • the correct combination of wallpaper in the interior allows for 2 types of patterns or 3 colors of a single spectrum, and 4-5 for monochrome walls;

Classic style: from white to gray and black.

  • It is better to combine bright colors with pastel ones - then different wallpapers in one room look harmonious.

Solution 4. Patchwork technique

In a patchwork combination (patchwork), pieces of wallpaper of any configuration are used to create panels in the nursery and near the home theater. They are framed with decorative tape or wooden (or possibly polyurethane foam) moldings.

Solution 5: Combining stripes

Let's look at how to combine stripes correctly:

  • At low ceilings stick vertical stripes: they will elevate the space, adding a little formality to the interior.

  • For the top, anyone chooses a larger and lighter ornament to “raise” the ceiling.

  • We can decorate the border between the bottom and the top with a border, which is always below the middle of the wall (up to 1 m).

Design innovation is when a wide vertical stripe extends to the ceiling.

Solution 6. Bright accent

Textured or bright inserts attract attention if the entire wall is lighter and monochromatic. And the framing decorative moldings will enhance the effect.

More practical is a horizontal combination of wallpaper with photo wallpaper, which will ensure durability of the decoration and the ability to replace dilapidated places.

Today the priority is to emphasize 1 wall bright colors, and 3 is neutral. It is justified to highlight the color of the wall opposite the door, which is so noticeable to those entering.

Solution 7. Introduction of ornaments

The manufacturer's catalogs contain samples with a single color palette, but with various geometric or floral patterns. Although the combination of plant patterns with geometry advantageously balances the interior.

I think it would be advisable to summarize the rules listed here when combining wallpaper. Then the pasting will be successful, economical and fast:

  • It is rational to use exactly the same type of canvas, but different in design or color.
  • Wallpaper of different textures should be the same color to make it noticeable. This will enrich the architecture of the rooms, their style and functionality.


From the article you understood that there are many combinations of color, ornament or texture, and their possibilities are endless. You can visually change the architecture and size of the room, its lighting, mask defects and communications using the techniques described above.

If you already have interesting ideas, share them in the comments! And in addition to what has been said, watch the visual video in this article.

November 16, 2016

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Particularly popular in last years wallpapering of premises has become different colors and textures Not every specialist can tell you how to hang two types of wallpaper correctly. However, this is not so difficult - the technique for gluing walls is standard. And there are a variety of design options - you can choose the one that best fits into a specific interior.

What are the effects of gluing two types of wallpaper?

Decorating rooms with wallpaper has become widespread. This material is convenient for bringing to life even the most daring design solutions.

Wallpapers have many advantages; they can:

  • Designate zoning;
  • Provide the necessary visual effects;
  • It is interesting and stylish to decorate the room;
  • Make repairs inexpensively and beautifully.

Wallpaper will help highlight the advantages of a room and hide its shortcomings.

In order to achieve the desired effect, it is not enough to simply paste the wallpaper you like. There are examples of unsuccessful gluing. It is important to follow the basic rules to guarantee success.

We are talking about a competent combination of colors and textures, correct technique gluing this material and selecting the appropriate types of wallpaper for a particular room.

Wallpaper of two types in the interior of the kitchen (video)

How to wallpaper a room with different wallpapers and choose the “right” colors

You can come up with different variants wallpaper combinations.

In this case, you should follow the basic rules - they will help you avoid stupid mistakes in design:

  1. Combining wallpaper of different tones and the same color scheme.
  2. A combination of plain wallpapers in contrasting colors.
  3. Pasting paired with plain wallpaper of such stripes, on which a bright ornament or variegated pattern is applied.
  4. Using wallpaper with different designs.

Various combination methods may include the use of coatings in one color scheme, but with different patterns or textures

By decorating a room with wallpaper, you can achieve both simple and complex color combinations. In the first option, the colors will simply complement each other. And in the second, they can be combined into shades and smoothly transition from one tone to another.

A competent combination of textures is an important component of wallpapering two types

Before you hang different wallpapers, you should think carefully about what materials they should be made of. First of all, you need to start from how certain materials will show themselves in practice. For example, some wallpapers should not be used in the kitchen or bathroom, but there are types that will fit only into the most sophisticated and luxurious interior.

Types of textures can be very different, here are the most common ones:

  • Paper;
  • Vinyl;
  • Non-woven;
  • Textile;
  • Liquid.

Successful combination of paintings different types guarantees success in interior design

The main thing is to carefully select textures and focus on their equal thickness. This will prevent the occurrence of sloppy seams and joints.

Wallpapering walls in two colors: popular and successful solutions

There are different options for combining wallpaper. Some allow you to successfully zone rooms, others complement the design, and still others help hide uneven walls. Brave and gifted designers are constantly coming up with new design options. After all, using wallpaper for this is not only convenient, but also incredibly interesting.

Here are the most common techniques for combining them:

  1. Vertical stripes with different patterns are pasted on the walls one by one. Such design options help to visually lengthen the premises, regardless of color scheme. For this sticker option, you should select wallpaper of the same texture so as not to spoil interesting design sloppy seams. Playing with color will already attract the eye, but changing textures will become too much. The width of the stripes is also usually the same with this solution.
  2. Horizontal stripes – good welcome to visually expand the room. This method is good to use for rooms with high ceilings. The wall is conventionally divided into two horizontal parts. Wallpaper of one type is glued to the bottom strip, and another to the top strip. When dividing horizontally, you can take wallpaper with the most different colors. These can be patterns, symmetrical designs, as well as monochrome colors.
  3. Method of small inserts: areas on the wall are marked on which wallpaper of the required color is pasted. Such zones usually have the shape geometric shapes. After the actual sticker is applied, the wallpaper inserts are most often framed with a border or molding. Similar ideas are relevant in rooms where you want to draw attention to some interior object - a painting, a mirror, a TV. This method of decorating rooms is convenient because wallpaper inserts can be made on previously pasted or painted walls.
  4. Many designers make large-scale wallpaper inserts - the size of entire walls. Premises are beautifully decorated in this way using photo wallpaper. Today's selection represents examples of such high quality that sometimes it is even difficult to distinguish them from original works of art. Using the large-scale insertion method, you can achieve an effective highlighting of an entire wall, and when sticking wallpaper on the ceiling, you can achieve original zoning of the room.
  5. Patchwork technique: wallpaper with different patterns is cut into small pieces of the same shape and glued. Wall design options can be very different. This method allows you to glue canvases in an interesting way. various colors and textures, while the wallpaper should combine very well with each other. They can be cut into squares, rectangles and even triangles. To perform the patchwork technique, we glue the wallpaper strips both overlapping and end-to-end.
  6. Highlighting the relief of the walls. You can interestingly cover niches and ledges with just two types of wallpaper. If you correctly highlight such structures with the help of more saturated or deeper tones, you will be able to place an interesting emphasis on the relief changes of the walls.
  7. Pasting walls and ceilings. Wallpapering walls and ceilings in two colors will be successful only if the ceiling height is at least 2.7 meters.
  8. Pasting the corners of the room. Pasting its corners with wallpaper of a darker color when covering the walls with stripes will help to visually enlarge the room light colors. The corner combination technique is acceptable if the design does not require strict patterns in design. It is good to use such gluing options in rooms with corner furniture.

Combine rich and bright wallpaper follows with calmer and muted colors

For those who want to decorate the room in bright colors, you need to take into account that they can cause fatigue and irritation

Wallpaper of two colors in the living room interior (video)

Basic rules for combining two types of wallpaper

Simple and clear rules will help you better understand how to hang two types of wallpaper and thereby achieve the implementation of interesting design ideas.

Furniture and other interior items must be selected so that, together with the wallpaper, all components complement each other, creating an interesting and harmonious design

Here are the main ones:

  • The color schemes of the premises should be used not only on the wallpaper, but also reflected in furniture, textiles or accessories;
  • If the main wallpaper is made in bright colors, then the version that complements it should be a muted color;
  • If the main wallpaper has a floral pattern, then you can choose a textured component to pair it with;
  • Wallpaper with geometric patterns goes well with abstraction;
  • It is best to choose plain colors for wallpaper with patterns;
  • Bright colors should be combined with muted shades;
  • Triple combination is also possible, and successful combinations make the interior especially interesting.

How to properly glue two types of wallpaper

Wallpapering is not a difficult task, but it requires some knowledge. If wallpaper with two types of colors or textures is hung in a room, the rules apply the same as for standard wall coverings.

It is important to consider that different textures require the use of certain types of glue.

Textile, vinyl and paper wallpaper glued with various substances

Masking the joints is necessary if wallpaper of different textures is used.

To do this, you can purchase special tools:

  • Moldings;
  • Reiki;
  • Tapes;
  • Curbs.

It is important to produce preliminary preparation walls even before wallpapering the room. Every wall needs to be cleaned old paint or wallpaper, remove any remaining plaster from it, putty and clean it. Depending on the type of wallpaper strips, the walls are sanded more or less thoroughly. If the room is damp, you need to use anti-mold preparations.

In order to correctly combine wallpaper, there are a few more secrets.

It is better to buy wallpaper with two different colors in one store

The main ones:

  1. It is best to pick up the glue in the same store where you buy the wallpaper.
  2. You can independently select the width of the stripes in the wallpaper.
  3. When determining the boundaries of the joints, you must first measure them and mark them with a pencil.
  4. Wallpapering begins at the top, and then the bottom strips are glued.
  5. It is necessary to allow seam allowances in case the strips shrink when they dry.

How to combine wallpaper (video)

Decorating walls is easy if you have quality and beautiful materials. The market today is rich in a wide variety of products. A competent and skillful combination of textures and shades will help to realize the most daring design that will delight the owners and surprise the guests.

Wallpapering two types (photo)

If you don't know how to combine several types of wallpaper to achieve the right decorative effect. How to hide imperfections in the layout of a particular room using wallpaper. Are you interested in options for wallpapering in the living room, bedroom or kitchen? This article is for you!

There are many options as per the room. You can combine several shades or focus on differences in texture, choose interesting combination ornaments or even opt for patterns from liquid wallpaper.

Don't forget about tile combinations, artificial stone, wood and wallpaper materials. Let's look at all these examples.

How to combine wallpaper

Combining wallpaper is the most popular design technique. Think about what you would like your room to look like after renovation; don’t be afraid to experiment with textures or coating colors. Evaluate the functions and characteristics of the room.

What options for wallpapering can be used in your case, taking into account the height of the walls, the width of the room, and planning elements?

The options proposed below are suitable for almost any standard interior; with problem rooms you will need to experiment, combining several types of alternations at once.


So, the “vertical stripes” option. Use of two types of stripes in the interior different color and the textures are quite original way creating an atmosphere and adding dynamics to the room.

You can combine either shades of the same color or use contrasting combinations. A monochrome combination will create the effect of a play of shadows, and contrasts will emphasize the uniqueness and character of the interior.


Dividing into horizons is a fairly common finishing method. It will fit perfectly into any designer style, allowing you to alternate absolutely any canvas with different shades and surface relief.

What to alternate – contrasting or monochrome stripes, depends only on you. The main thing is to choose the correct width.

For example, in rooms with high ceilings, experts recommend combining stripes in a ratio of 2:1.

A combination of non-woven and textile wallpaper will look very impressive; rough relief is smoothed out soft color and drawing.

Interesting options for wallpapering walls can be obtained through the use of additional decorative elements.

The joint location must be determined before gluing the strips and marked with a line that should be parallel to the floor, this will allow the divider to coincide with the level of the furniture.

Horizontal is done from top to bottom, and an overlap is left at the joints, which is cut off only after the canvases have dried and “pulled together.”

Note! The joint can be hidden with a border or a special tape, this will hide possible imperfections and cracks formed during gluing.

Very often the canvases have different widths. Use of polyurethane moldings or wooden slats(depending on the design) will easily solve this problem and diversify the interior with an additional decorative element.

Methods of pasting rooms

  • Don't know how to cover the walls in your bedroom? We are offering to you original method- wallpaper inserts. Decor general interior inserts must be carried out on prepared walls.

To begin with, monotonous background canvases are glued light shade. Then - pieces of thick massive, for example, non-woven sheets. These inserts can vary in size and shape. Classic style allows the use of rectangular structures, but you can also experiment by pasting the wall with geometric shapes.

  • But in the nursery they can be used as inserts vinyl stickers, depicting your favorite cartoon characters.

Also enough original decoration the interior will have liquid wallpaper imitating fabric covering. They are safe, made from natural materials, which allows their use in a children's room.

Combining in the living room will help divide the room into functional areas, visually separate them from each other, give meaning to each individual part of the territory.

In the hall you can use a method called “accent wall”. Thus, the wall behind the TV stands out with a bright shade that sharply contrasts with the background of the room. To enhance the effect above this area, you can make a transition from the wall to the ceiling.

Original design methods

  • If you need creative wallpapering, use a patchwork combination. This is a derivative of the design with wallpaper inserts, only now the surfaces of the room are covered with solid inserts, without the use of a background.
  • It's reminiscent of an old patchwork quilt or a bird's eye view of fields - either way, the design looks great.
  • The main secret of this method is the harmony of materials. You can glue chaotic multi-colored blocks or ordered combinations, express your own fantasies, but the main thing is that all these inserts have something in common - a pattern, ornament or shade.

If your house has a lot of niches, arches and protrusions, whether they were created according to the builder's idea or are inconveniences in the planning of the apartment, all this should be used to create an original interior.

Often, owners simply try to hide such places from prying eyes, but designers recommend highlighting them in every possible way.

In niches and ledges it is usually done with contrasting colors or bright relief fabrics. Do you have light wallpaper? Make a dark niche! Small pattern on the walls - decorate the ledge with wallpaper with a large pattern!

Finally, a few tips:

  • Buy wallpaper in one place so that it matches in shades and textures.
  • Use canvases of the same width.
  • Use combination not only to create visual effects, but also to correct layout deficiencies.

Summing up

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