Congratulations to the graduates from their parents. Parting words to graduates from parents

Dear friends! Our dear graduates! This holiday is a bright and exciting event for all those present.

It is important for us, teachers, for whom every graduation is a milestone. After all, we have been through so much together. When we part with you, we feel sadness, but at the same time we feel proud for each of you.

This holiday is important for parents who for 11 years rejoiced at the successes of their children, worried about them, supported them in failures, and who did a lot to make this evening truly festive.

And, of course, it is important for the heroes of this holiday. I say heroes, not culprits. After all, you have overcome a very important stage on a long journey called “life”.

A person makes his own path in life, even if he follows someone else. You've been on the road for many years, and prom is like a crossroads. The meeting place from where a new countdown will begin - the countdown of kilometers-days of independent adult life.

We, your teachers and parents, tried to help you pave your own path, helped you in your search for knowledge, supported you in moments of difficult choice, and sometimes even laid straw to soften the blows.

We are confident that the knowledge you gain at school will be in demand. We hope that your thirst for knowledge, determination and desire for self-improvement will help you become successful people.

May the path you choose lead you to success. Of course, you can stop along the way because you’re tired, or cry because it’s difficult. But success will not come any closer. Therefore, just go ahead! Don't go off the route!

And when you achieve success, do not forget to share it with your loved ones. After all, success increases through division.

But all this is in the future, and today here, at the crossroads of our roads, is a wonderful holiday - graduation party. A holiday of friendship and fidelity, beauty and youth. Let this evening remain in the heart of everyone present as a good and bright memory.

Beautiful words, parting words to school graduates in prose from the class teacher

Dear graduates! The day that we both waited for and feared at the same time has arrived. This is a solemn and slightly sad day when it sounds for you last call in our school. On the one hand, this is the moment of separation. On the other hand, the beginning of your road to adulthood.

Remember how quite recently you, so small and curious, came to your first line. Funny white bows, huge bouquets, joyful smiles... And now before us are young men and women with serious views, with their own plans for life.

Over the years, the school has turned into a second home for all of you. School is a small Universe. Here you learned to be friends and love, to be responsible, to understand others.

You grew up and became a little smarter and wiser with each passing day. Now you remember with a smile your first bad grade, how you didn’t want to get up in the morning and study homework in the evening. Years will pass, certain moments of your school time will be forgotten, but your memories of school will always be warm and full of love.

Now you are at the very door leading to adulthood. Nobody knows what's behind them. Of course, there will be joys with victories and disappointments with defeats. There will be life. A life whose beauty lies in solving complex problems. But, no matter how difficult it may be for you, I would like to wish each of you, first of all, to always remain human.

Remaining human with capital letters, you will definitely find your happiness, love, calling. We believe that everything will work out for you in life, and all your cherished dreams will come true. Don't be afraid to live; Let kindness, self-confidence and strength help you constantly move forward.

Dear Guys!

We are very proud that you studied here, at this school. You have become family to us. We hope that you also fell in love with this house and will miss it. And we will be very glad if at least sometimes you come back here for a short time to talk about how your life is going, about your plans and dreams.

The school doors will always be open for you.

Be happy!

Congratulations on the last call in prose


Congratulations on the Last Call in prose

Graduates, like birds, leave school with their wings spread and take off into free flight. We, parents and teachers, watch with delight and sadness as you fly out of the doors of your home school, and with it, partly, from your parents’ house. From today you have become adults. Now you can safely take independent decisions and plan your life, because it is only yours. And what your life will be like depends largely on the decisions you make in the very near future. Try to think through everything clearly and carefully, don’t be led by other people’s desires and fantasies, believe in yourself and your goals, the main thing is to set them and they will definitely be achieved! Believe in a bright future - it awaits you just outside the school door!

That bright hour has come, for which you have put a lot of effort and labor. Now you are on the threshold of a new life and even greater achievements. Primers, backpacks, bows, the first letters written in one’s own hand and the first word read independently - all this is a thing of the past. Now you are already fully grown and mature individuals who have chosen your path in life.

Today you are heartily congratulated by everyone: the teachers who led many years to this significant day; parents who supported in any endeavors and aspirations; schoolchildren who look at you now with great respect! We wish you to achieve everything you set out to do, easily follow the chosen path and successfully pass the first serious exam in your life - the Unified State Exam. Mutual understanding to you, happiness and good luck! We believe that you will succeed in everything in life!

Dear Guys! Today is your last call. Everything will remain in its melodic overtones: the joy of first victories, and hard work on yourself, and the sleepless nights of your parents, and the sincere love of your teachers. Let his every trill remind you of bright days, spent by you in the eternally young temple of sciences, whose name is school. She won’t forget you either, because over the years she has gotten used to you, and today is full of inescapable sadness... Well, nothing in this world is permanent. New achievements and new successes await you, and new students await your favorite school. We wish you good luck and bless you for glorious deeds. Good luck, graduates!

When the Last Bell rings, I usually remember all the best things that were experienced during my school years.

Ahead, like the border separating adult life, is a difficult, but no less magical summer:

June is a month of examinations and testing not only knowledge, but also endurance, intelligence, and responsibility.

July is the month of making your first independent decisions.

August is the month of lucky starfalls.

I wish you, graduates, not only to have time to make your cherished wishes, but also to catch your star and hold it in your hands!

Remember: that exciting moment comes when your whole life is in your hands. Let it be illuminated by the good light of the star of your youth!

Congratulations on your graduation. Today the school bell rang for you in last time. You couldn't wait to become adults and say goodbye to school desks, you tried to quickly escape from school.

And today the school says goodbye to you. Parting for you will be a new stage in life, a line of change and responsible choice. The very first independent choice in your young destinies.

Both your school teachers and your most important allies in learning - your parents want for you the best that you can wish for your children, happiness. Happiness such that there is enough for everyone and still remains for the world around you. May this world be kind to you, may you meet only kind people on your roads. And, if you need advice or help, then you always know who to turn to. Good luck to you, dear graduates!

The last call comes only once in a lifetime. And how quickly it will ring, how quickly you will plunge into the whirlpool of adult life, where so many new and interesting things await you, but also a lot of hassle and obstacles! Our dear children, our yesterday's students! We tried, investing in you everything that school and family can give. You grew up, matured, developed and, of course, also tried, even more than we did, to adequately approach the turn of the last call. We are very pleased with the result, happy with you, and we want you to continue to give us only joy, only pride in you, and you have already been given the full gift of life itself and luck itself. Let it work out with education, with work, with career, with families. Let your adult life be happy, your youth long, and your old age retreat before your fervor and enthusiasm!

The school bell sounded excitingly, loudly and alarmingly. For you, our dear children who have grown up so imperceptibly, it will become a signal, a call to boldly go towards a new, interesting life full of joy and success! Just recently, just like that, with tears of joy in our eyes, we stood, worried, handing you over to the reliable hands of the first teacher. And today you are worried with us, realizing that childhood is left behind - and changes, exciting sports competitions, joint excursions, trips will remain only in memories and school albums. But there are still unconquered peaks and new discoveries ahead of you, and we believe that your life will be rich and interesting! May everything go well!


More on the Last Bell on our website: and congratulations to the subject teachers!

Congratulations on the last call in prose

The day of the last call is inevitable, like a birthday. But unlike the latter, the first is colored with notes of light sadness. Teachers are sad, graduates are shedding unexpected tears... I would like to say a lot, wish each other good days, bright emotions, well-deserved successes and natural successes. The day is very exciting, so my thoughts are confused, and the right words disappear into the depths of memory. To prevent you from getting into such a situation, we are pleased to introduce you to a wonderful collection that contains congratulations on the last call in prose - bright and sincere.

Congratulations are written both on behalf of the graduates and on behalf of the teachers. Parents who have expressed a desire to express their feelings in connection with this holiday can also use them. Our impressive collection pleases with the variety and emotional richness of wishes. Wonderful congratulations on the last call in prose can, of course, be used not only for voicing on a special day. They can be sent by email or used as a supplement to a virtual postcard - one of those that the World Wide Web is replete with. You can also write congratulations on the last bell in prose on a bright paper card and give it to the teacher in addition to the bouquet. Believe me, such a touching gift will be appreciated.

Teachers who passed side by side with their students hard way several years long, they dream that their labors will not be in vain. And therefore - good journey to you, graduates, seven feet under the keel, natural success and well-deserved success! Don't forget those who gave you their hearts and filled your souls with the love of life! Please them with excellent passing of exams to the strictest teacher, whose name is “Life”!

The best parting words from parents in their own words » happy birthday congratulations, funny SMS congratulations to a man and a woman. scenarios and competitions for the holidays. toasts for any celebrations.

Who performed with parting words at the prom his child knows how much responsibility he has. Not only do you need to come up with graduation congratulations from your parents, but you also need to give this speech. Parents of graduates are overwhelmed with excitement. Therefore, they don’t know what to say and how to present it. It is better to go on stage with the text, because many people may forget the words when performing at such a crucial moment. To make it look beautiful, you can put the text in a beautiful envelope. Go out with him and announce.

Our website offers - The best parting words from parents in their own words (in prose)

"Parents' parting words to their grown children."

I had the honorable mission of voicing a letter from parents of graduates to their children who grew up unnoticed. (Then you can calmly open the letter and read it beautifully. After all, letters are always read, which means it looks beautiful, not like a cheat sheet. And this way you will be comfortable when speaking).

Our dear children!

A familiar, slightly worn-out word SUCCESS V Lately takes on more and more meaning and concrete content.

Successful man Now- This healthy man, because he will not waste time on illness and treatment, but will engage in prevention and in a healthy way life.

Successful man- This is a persistent person who knows what he wants and always achieves it, but never according to the principle “at any cost.” This is not our principle.

Successful man– this is a person who is able to help himself, his family and certainly someone else who needs this help.

Successful man, most importantly, he does what he knows how to do and what he loves, and this brings him pleasure and, oddly enough, money)))

Now about school.

School for you today is already history. A nine-year (or 11-year) story of small victories and defeats. And, like any story, it must be remembered, respected and returned to. Return to school in a new status as guests, with smiles and a light heart. You will be convinced and surprised how welcome you will be.

In the meantime, let us thank all the teachers for their work and patience, for their wasted nerves, for putting up with both you and us for so many years - and parents, too, are not gifts - finally, for the fact that you leave, but they stay, and they are also a little sad, only they are brave and don’t show it.

And to make it easy to return always and everywhere, never burn bridges behind you, because those who are dear to you may remain behind them, you don’t understand this yet.

And finally, a phrase that has already become almost legendary

"Good luck!"


"Ocean Elzy" and your parents.

This parting speech by parents for graduation and the last call is well suited not only for school graduation, but also for graduation at college, school, lyceum. Just don’t forget to adjust the text to suit yourself. Replacing the words with the ones you need (for example: school with college, a nine-year or 11-year history of small victories with the number of years spent in a particular educational institution).

We wish you a great performance! And it’s great to celebrate your child’s graduation!

Congratulations to graduates of grade 9, grade 11 in prose

Congratulations to classmates on graduating from school: Our school years are behind us, now life will scatter us all over the country, and maybe even take us a few abroad. But we will never forget our time here have fun days, with not always innocent pranks and their friends. I would like to wish you to decide on your place in life, professional success and more sunny days. Don’t forget about the personal front, let mutual understanding always reign there. Congratulations on entering a new period of life.

Congratulations to school graduates: Dear graduates, I would like to congratulate you on the successful completion of another life milestone. I hope you have received the amount of knowledge you need, which will definitely be useful in life. Let your future be as bright and unforgettable as it was. prom. Try to be more attentive to your choice of profession and do not forget your school friends and teachers. Go your own way, boldly looking forward, and do not be afraid of difficulties!

Congratulations to school graduates on graduation: It’s such a thing in life that time flies unnoticed in pleasant moments. School years have flown by just as quickly, and a frightening unknown awaits many. However, you shouldn’t be afraid of it, everything in life is bound to work out for everyone, you just need to make a little effort and not bravely overcome difficulties. Most of you will become students and experience many more wonderful moments, but the school will remain in your hearts for the rest of your life. After all, here they helped you turn from unintelligent first-graders into stately young men and women. Keep your thirst for life and knowledge and don’t be afraid of difficulties!

Congratulations to school graduates upon graduation: Now you have already become graduates. School time ends today and you have to plunge into completely new life. May all your endeavors end in success! And the future will not disappoint expectations and will be generous with sincere love and true friendship!

Congratulations to school graduates from parents: So you have graduated from school, another time in your life has ended. Now a fun holiday has been organized in your honor with performances by first-graders. The school relay race passes to them, it is their turn to grow up, to receive good grades, play pranks and hide diaries. You remember your own pranks with a condescending smile, but you will still have time to come up with new ones during your student days. A whole 10 years have passed and you have changed a lot. So let your life continue to not stand still and constantly change for the better!

Congratulations on graduation in prose: Dear children, today is your first serious anniversary - graduation from school. During these school years there were some mistakes, but there were many more successes! Let the number of pleasant moments only increase in your future destiny, and let troubles pass you by. We wish you the fulfillment of your cherished desires and a successful choice of profession. May your life be as bright as this graduation!

Congratulations from parents to school graduates: Our beloved children! We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts on completing your secondary education! Most of them coped with their task with dignity and successfully passed the exams, you are just great! Now everyone has a certificate, it only contains assessments of your knowledge - this is a ticket to the ship called life. Even if not everyone got first class cabins, there will still be time to fix everything and achieve more! In the meantime, have fun and enjoy your youth, but don’t forget about your parents. Good luck!

Parents congratulate school graduates: Nothing lasts forever, so school years have come to an end. They flew by unnoticed for both you and your parents. Not only other people's children grow up quickly, but also our own. It seems like just yesterday we took you to first grade with a bouquet of flowers, and suddenly it’s graduation party. Throughout all these years, we have helped you as best we could and experienced failures together and rejoiced in successes. So let each of you always have a reliable shoulder next to you in the future, able to help in difficult times. Take care of your friends and don’t forget your loved ones, then luck will definitely smile on you in life!

Congratulations on graduation from teachers: Dear graduates, we have now reached this significant date - graduation from school! Today the doors open to you in Big world with a lot of possibilities. The last school bell is a symbol of the end of childhood and the beginning of adolescence. Within these walls you have received an invaluable capital of knowledge and experience, which will definitely help you choose the right path in life! Each of you is now able to defend your opinion and withstand any test to achieve success. School time will forever remain in your memory. Let the friendships formed during these years only become stronger, and let the advice of school mentors not be forgotten. Be worthy of respect and make us and your parents happy with your achievements! Good luck!

Congratulations from school graduates: The difficult exams and sleepless nights trying to learn everything that we haven’t managed to do in 10 years are behind us. A magical prom night awaits you ahead, providing an opportunity to forget about the upcoming difficulties for a short time and just have fun from the heart. You will remember it for the rest of your life, but you will also remain forever in the hearts of your teachers. After all, we have been together all these years, helped you cope with difficulties and rejoiced at your successes. From timid first-graders, you have become young, strong, promising boys and girls, capable of making your dreams come true. You are our future, so let your path in life be as bright and joyful as possible!

Teachers congratulate school graduates: Congratulations, dear graduates! We wish you that your adult life will be like a blooming garden, without weeds and hummocks. Let your carriage roll along easily life path to the fairyland of dreams come true and goes around all the dark places. Each of you is the creator of your own happiness, so be wise wizards and create only good miracles!

Congratulations on graduating from school from teachers: Dear guys, you are standing at a crossroads, the school threshold is left behind. But don’t be afraid of the unknown; no matter what path you choose, it will definitely bring life experience. The knowledge, experience and wise advice of your loved ones will help you decide on the direction. Remember that you are always welcome at your home school, do not forget your teachers and classmates. Adult life is quite harsh, and it is very important to have a reliable friend nearby who can provide support. Don’t get lost, boldly move forward and you will definitely achieve success!

Congratulations to school graduates, parting words: Now the time has come to say goodbye to childhood, its cute pranks and fears of first failures. Now all paths are open, and you won’t be short of skill and intelligence! This means that such energetic people will definitely have their dreams come true in their lives! It may require a lot of effort, but the result is worth it! The main thing is that each of you succeed as a person, no matter in what area. Always be determined to win, keep faith in yourself in your heart and love life!

Congratulations on graduation, memories: This evening I would like to say a few parting words. Our dear graduates, it seems like yesterday you came under the shadow of these walls; the years have flown by too quickly. It was very interesting for us to watch how you grow and develop. We enjoyed going on excursions and hikes with you and tried to support all your endeavors. Remember that school will always remain your second home, and teachers will always remain wise mentors. You have already passed the baton of acquiring knowledge to first-graders, and you yourself are striving forward. So don’t be afraid of steep climbs and always walk uphill, and then you will conquer any peak!

Congratulations on graduation in prose

  • Dear graduates! From today, it opens before you new world, completely different, unlike what it was before. Now you are independent individuals who are responsible for your actions. Remember more often your favorite school and the teachers who taught you everything!
  • Congratulations, graduate! Today, farewell to school will be the last day when you can be called an eleventh grader. Tomorrow, years of intense study will be behind you, so I wish you to enjoy this last day of school and remember it forever.
  • I would like to congratulate each graduate on their graduation day and wish you guys to achieve everything in this life - to become what you want, to get an interesting profession, work in an area where you can realize your potential. And, of course, you can’t live without her!
  • Graduate, today I would like to congratulate you on wonderful holiday, which is both sad and joyful. Graduation day... You won't be entering school as a student again, so don't forget your favorite teachers!
  • Let everyone who leaves their home school forever remember it this way - friendly and open. May the voices of your favorite teachers remain in your memory forever, and may you remember your school lessons with pleasure and a pleasant, warm feeling. Congratulations on graduating school year!
  • Dear class teacher! Today we are leaving you forever. There have been a lot of things over the years - both good and bad, but we sincerely hope that you will remember our class as a friendly team that, under your leadership, overcame everything! We love you very much and will not forget you!
  • Congratulations, dear teachers, on a wonderful holiday - our graduation. Yes, many of us were looking forward to when school would finally end, but today for some reason everyone is sad and no one wants to part with their beloved school. Let this day forever remain in the memory of each of us!
  • Favorite teachers! You are the best! Today, on our graduation, I want to sincerely congratulate you on this holiday. I know that we will all miss and remember our favorite school, but today there is no need to be sad - let's celebrate this day so that it will be remembered for a long time and we will all be happy!
  • To the graduates of our school, I would like to wish that you are worthy people, that everything always works out in your life and that any wishes come true! It’s enough to make an effort - and every dream can come true, don’t forget about it, and remember that everything depends only on you!
  • Let everyone who says goodbye to school today remember this day for long years! May each of you achieve everything you want in this life and be able to cope with any difficulties! I wish the graduates a happy long life filled with the most wonderful events!

Congratulations to Graduates in Prose

Dear students, dear graduates!

I cordially congratulate you on the holiday of the last bell, which symbolizes the end of the school year. For many students, this means successfully overcoming the next milestone in school life, moving to the next grade, and for almost 12 thousand graduates, today is a particularly joyful and memorable day. After all, they are saying goodbye to school and heading off to independent adult life.

I sincerely wish you, dear graduates, good health, success, personal victories, implementation of ideas and creative plans!

Let the knowledge gained at school certainly become the key to significant achievements and help you reach maximum heights in your future activities!

God's blessing to you, generous fate, true friends, inspiration, optimism and inexhaustible energy!

Good luck in everything! Good luck!

Congratulations to Graduates in Prose

Graduate, today I would like to congratulate you on a wonderful holiday, which is both sad and joyful - the day of graduation. You will no longer enter a school as a student, so don’t forget your favorite teachers!

Congratulations to Graduates in Prose

Nothing lasts forever, so school years have come to an end. They flew by unnoticed for both you and your parents. Not only other people's children grow up quickly, but also our own. It seems like just yesterday we took you to first grade with a bouquet of flowers, and suddenly - graduation party. Throughout all these years, we have helped you as best we could and experienced failures together and rejoiced in successes. So let each of you continue to have a reliable shoulder next to you, capable of helping in difficult times. Take care of your friends and don’t forget your loved ones, then luck will definitely smile on you in life!

Congratulations to Graduates in Prose

My beloved son! Today is the first graduation in your life! So may the atmosphere of this holiday never leave you! Always walk boldly along your path in life, and luck will always be nearby!

Congratulations to Graduates in Prose

Dear Parents!

Your children have grown up! Only you know how many difficulties and sleepless nights are behind you! Graduates feel wings behind their backs, they want to reach heights where they will be adults, successful, free... And it is unknown what will come true and what is an illusion. And parents know how quickly reality will want to clip those wings, they guess how many battles the children will have to participate in, if not to win, then at least not to allow themselves to be destroyed. And it is parents who are always ready to help and support in extreme situations. This is the parent's share - to be close to the child while we live! I want to wish you all true parental happiness!

Congratulations to Graduates in Prose

Today I would like to congratulate not only teachers, but also our dear people - our parents. You were with us throughout all these school years, giving us your affection and care. Therefore, first of all, we congratulate all of you, dear parents, on this wonderful day.

Congratulations to Graduates in Prose

Today is a significant day for you, a solemn and touching event - a school graduation party. This is a holiday of the best time in a person’s life - a holiday of youth. With all my heart I congratulate you on graduating from school and starting your adult life. Behind is the courtyard of my native school, ahead are the uncharted roads of the future. However, you are the happy owners of a powerful force that will take you to the desired heights. This strength is youthful enthusiasm and self-confidence. You were destined to live during a time of great change, when education, intelligence, creativity and talent became decisive. I believe that love is native land, deep respect for the achievements of previous generations, high ideals, creative work will make your life happy, glorifying hometown and Russia to the whole world.

I sincerely wish each of you to be confident in your abilities and your chosen path. Feel free to make your choice. Study, work, create and dare.

May your destiny be generous with goodness and joy!

Congratulations to Graduates in Prose

Dear graduates! From today, a new world is opening up before you, completely different, unlike the one that was before. Now you are independent individuals who are responsible for their actions. Don’t forget your favorite school and the teachers who taught you everything!

Congratulations to Graduates in Prose

I sincerely congratulate you on completion school course training.

Graduating from school is a special holiday, because this event happens only once in the life of every person.

The school fulfilled its high mission with honor - it attracted you to the sources of culture and spirituality, enriched you with treasures native language and humanistic values, pointed to high horizons of national consciousness and civic conscience.

Graduation is only the first step on the path to adulthood, followed by obtaining a profession. I wish you that the chosen one future profession really became a favorite thing, inspired and brought real pleasure.

I wish that you define the highest life and professional heights for yourself, and that each of you say: I have achieved the highest plans.

When setting out on a distant and unknown road, take with you the blessings of your parents and teachers - eternal, like motherland, parting words that will give you faith in the future, hope for own strength, determination and courage in achieving high ideals and desired goals of your happy future. Not only your future, but also the happiness, well-being of your families, and the prospects of Russia depend on this choice.

Congratulations to Graduates in Prose

Expensive _____________!

Congratulations on graduating from school and we wish that the road to adulthood goes through a blooming garden, that the carriage of life easily and happily carries you along life’s roads, overcoming all obstacles and difficulties, that everyone you need is nearby. Good luck and prosperity to you!

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Congratulations to Graduates in Prose

Congratulations on graduation from the parents of students.

Five years ago, my daughter was graduating from high school, and almost the entire school year was spent in the fever of the upcoming graduation.

Anyone who has been through this knows what it's like))

And almost at the last moment I was puzzled by a tearful request to come up with congratulations for my graduation from my parents.

Not only do you have to come up with it, but also give this speech. I rebelled - I did a lot of things, often even things that no one wanted to do... But a speech on the stage of the House of Officers in front of three classes of students, teachers, and most importantly, in front of double or even triple the number of relatives was too much! How can I speak on behalf of all parents, how do I know what and how they would say on such a day? And I don’t remember the last time I went on stage - I probably went up to get my college diploma, and then not...

In general, she flatly refused. But they convinced me, they persuaded me, these persuasion strained me even more... I was nervous for a day, and then I thought:

Why am I really doing this? Since there is no one else, then I will say what I consider necessary. That's all. And what I wasn’t on stage was also little things: I read poetry, performed at holidays, played Baba Frost (this also happened due to the absence of Father Frost), but here I won’t say my own speech? I’ll tell you how! And, in the end, why spoil your nerves, there aren’t enough other troubles?

She sat down and wrote. It turned out so cool that many in the audience wiped away their tears, then came up to me and said something warm and excited.

The only thing is that I decided to play it safe and go on stage with the text. And to make it look decent, I presented it in the form of a collective letter from parents. But letters are read, not recited from memory, right? So everything came together very organically. I wrote the text, put it in a beautiful envelope and went up on stage with it. She announced what was what, took the sheets out of the envelope and where she read, where she told them in memory. In general, it turned out to be a small one-man show.

I recently discovered this envelope in a pile of my few surviving script sketches. And I thought - since this graduation congratulations survived, maybe it’s worth publishing it? After all, probably one of the other parents of current graduates is overwhelmed with excitement and doesn’t know what to say or how to present it. That’s why I decided to print this letter, as they say, without cuts. Let me remind you – I wrote it 5 years ago, different thoughts, different emotions, different me. But after re-reading, I decided: it’s not all that different, important things always remain the same.

But you, of course, adjust the text to suit you.

Parting words from parents to their grown children.

I had the honorable mission of voicing a letter from parents of graduates to their children who grew up unnoticed.

Our dear children!

You are already adults, and you don’t want to listen to edifications, but there is such a wonderful thing as the subconscious, which at the right moment gives out useful information. But to do this you need to put it there first.

Today we are setting you up for success.

The familiar, slightly worn-out word SUCCESS has recently acquired more and more meaning and specific content.

A successful person now is a healthy person, because he will not waste time and money on illness and treatment, but will engage in prevention and a healthy lifestyle.

A successful person is a persistent person who knows what he wants and always achieves it, but never on the principle of “at any cost.” This is not our principle.

A successful person is a person who is able to help himself, his family and definitely someone else who needs this help.

A successful person, most importantly, does what he knows how to do and what he loves, and this brings him pleasure and, oddly enough, money)))

This is a happy person who charges others with happiness, who does what he does with talent - whether he bakes buns, plays in KVN or runs the country.

Be successful people, create your own personal success story!

Now about school.

School for you today is already history. A ten-year story of small victories and defeats. And, like any story, it must be remembered, respected and returned to. Return to school in a new status as guests, with smiles and a light heart. You will be convinced and surprised how welcome you will be.

In the meantime, let us thank all the teachers for their work and patience, for their wasted nerves, for putting up with both you and us for so many years - and parents, too, are not gifts - finally, for the fact that you leave, but they stay, and They are also a little sad, but they are brave and don’t show it.

And to make it easy to return always and everywhere, never burn bridges behind you, because those who are dear to you may remain behind them, you just don’t understand it now.

Today is a very suitable day to mend the flimsy bridges of your shaky relationships with classmates and teachers.

If you have offended someone or are offended by someone, smile and make peace. And don't find out who was right and who was wrong.

Leave gracefully, don’t hold a grudge against anyone in your heart and, if possible, leave good memories about yourself.

And finally, a phrase that has already become almost legendary:

“Everything will be good for everyone around us!”

"Ocean Elzy" and your parents.

These parting words and congratulations on graduation from my parents were written by me back on June 25, 2007 - even the handwritten date is visible in the photo.

More precisely, this is the date of my daughter’s graduation, and the speech was written a few days earlier.

By the way, my daughter is graduating from university in June of this year. But, fortunately, there already, without my speeches))

And you can use this speech from parents both at graduation and for the last call in any year - it has eternal values.

The phrase from the song of the group “Okean Elzy” is translated into Russian as “Everything will be fine for each of us!” And listen to the song itself right here. And it’s okay if you don’t know Ukrainian – there is such energy there that translation is not really needed.

But, if you can, still listen to the words: they resonate with the essence of the letter, in fact, I wrote the text under the impression of this song. As they say now, it was written to the music of “Elsa’s Ocean”)))

With wishes of heartfelt speeches and a memorable graduation,

Your Evelina Shesternenko.


P.S. Dear parents of graduates! Note:
Below the article, in the comments, reader Marina added parting poems, for which we thank her very much!
Now you have a graduation speech from your parents in both prose and poetry!
Use it! Just please leave comments with feedback!

Dear readers!

Democracy is over, I declare dictatorship. In other words, no good deed goes unpunished. Let me explain.

1. Copying on MY SITE is prohibited - because they copy and post my work anywhere. Post yours. And use mine for its intended purpose - for yourself, your events, activities and holidays.

2. Nothing comes for free - I invest work, creativity, time and health. That’s why my articles are good - without false modesty. Therefore, rewrite and rejoice in the fact that at least THERE IS SOMETHING TO REWRITE - after all, it might not have happened.

3. Being in a moved state, I naively proposed one day to send a piece of speech by mail - as an exception.

Today I finally realized what a yoke I had hung around my neck. People began to directly ask for it to be sent to them too.

The excuse is that there is no time to rewrite (although there is still a week before graduation). My dears, you don’t have time and you don’t want to - two different things. And there is no need to be offended. There is no time - throw away the TV, read the news in Yandex - 5 lines will be enough for you - and watch movies online - without advertising and whatever you want. I do this, and I immediately found time.

And now I’m already near the boiling point: yesterday I fulfilled 3 requests to send by mail, I received only 1 answer, and even with heartfelt poems (thanks again!)

But two other readers are silent - either they didn’t receive it, or it’s not a royal thing to write thanks in response. I have now sent them a request to confirm receipt - I need to know that the letters have arrived.

And now tell me - why do I need this? Spend several hours publishing an article, then send it by mail, and then also find out whether the letters arrived? (Although I know that they got there, others do.)

Nobody needs it, right. Therefore, I say again - I will never send anything to anyone again. I have cool ideas on the site, use it and thank you. If you don’t agree, other sites can help you.

Sharply - I'm sorry. But objectively. I respect you, and you respect me and my rules.

Last call 2013: congratulations and wishes to graduates, teachers, words of gratitude from parents

The last bell rang

And summer invited me to visit.

We learned our last lesson,

Believing that knowledge will shed light

On the thorny path of life,

On the road to the top and glory.

Congratulations on the last call,

Everyone who has the right to rejoice today.

Let it ring like rain for you,

And bathes you in the happiness of childhood.

You will remember him

In life in a fairy tale kingdom.

Last call congratulations to students

The sound of a bell and tears in the eyes,

Everyone is standing and saying goodbye to school now!

And it’s clear that it’s difficult for everyone,

And everyone wants it back

Back, back to the past

Where everyone stands as children.

Well, don't be sad, because you are students,

And say goodbye from the bottom of your heart, remembering these days!

Last call - farewell to childhood.

The last bell rings only once.

You will leave school with a huge inheritance,

What shines with knowledge from smart eyes.

Last call, how sad it is.

The last call is the crown of happiness.

You once came to school not by chance.

And know that life is not over yet.

Last call is just the beginning

For those who are confident that they know their path.

And let your childhood already fade away,

You can look into your future.

Words of gratitude to teachers on the last call from parents and students in prose

Graduates, like birds, leave school with their wings spread and take off into free flight. We, parents and teachers, watch with delight and sadness as you fly out of the doors of your native school, and with it, partly, from your parental home. From today you have become adults. Now you can safely make independent decisions and plan your life, because it is only yours. And what your life will be like depends largely on the decisions you make in the very near future. Try to think through everything clearly and carefully, don’t be led by other people’s desires and fantasies, believe in yourself and your goals, the main thing is to set them and they will definitely be achieved! Believe in a bright future - it awaits you just outside the school door!

Congratulations to you, our dear teachers, who have endured and loved us for so many years, on the Last Bell. We are sincerely grateful to you for the knowledge and work you invested in us. And although we sometimes upset and sometimes offended you, we want to say that we appreciate and remember every word you uttered! Thank you for your love, for your support and important advice that we will remember for the rest of our lives! A new, bright future awaits us, but we will never forget you, our dear teachers! Thank you for telling us everything you knew, putting a special meaning into each word, we really appreciate it! It was you who directed each of us in the right direction and thanks to you we now know which path we will go! Happy Last Bell to you, our beloved teachers!

Congratulations to graduates from the class teacher at the last bell

Dear Guys! There is so much ahead of you! Victory, fulfillment of desires, well-deserved success will come to you, you will learn a lot more new things and one day you will take your children to first grade... Today, at the school holiday of the Last Bell, I want to wish you good luck, Have a good mood and inspiration for your entire life, happy life!

Today, together with the Last Bell, we are seeing off many boys and girls into adulthood, but we will remember each student and continue to respect, love and be proud of them! All of you, dear students, will have different destinies, but let them all be equally happy!

Congratulations from parents on the last bell of grade 11 in prose

The day of the Last Call has come! Today you are still schoolchildren, but very soon, having passed the exams with honor, you will become adults, and along with congratulations, I wish you a happy future, a prosperous life, in which there is a place for seriousness and fun, love and devotion, fulfillment of desires and successful work! Keep the memories of your school days in your heart and live easily!

The last bell closes the student years with strong gates with a silver lock, and ahead is the long road of adult life, and what it will be like is up to you to decide! Please accept my congratulations and wishes to always be people with pure thoughts, noble deeds and a happy destiny!

City of News joins all congratulations on the last call. We sincerely congratulate the graduates and their teachers; the kind and tender wishes expressed on this day and dedicated to them will certainly come true. Happiness, success and may you have only a bright road ahead!

School years fly by unnoticed, and now a series of Last Calls and graduation ceremonies are just around the corner. So, at the end of May, thousands of graduates of grades 9 and 11 will gather at a ceremony dedicated to the end of school - smart girls and boys, for whom the whole world will soon open. Of course, parting with your beloved school and friends and classmates is always difficult, because the most vivid and unforgettable period remains in the past. Therefore, on the threshold of a new life, the support of loved ones and dear people– school teachers and parents. Thus, parting words to graduates from parents are a traditional part of the script for the Last Call and graduation party. In their parting words, mothers and fathers touchingly, to the point of tears, congratulate their grown-up children on their graduation from school, adding wishes of happiness and good luck on their chosen path. How to beautifully congratulate elementary school graduates? There are also many warm words of wishes for future fifth-graders - in funny poems and heartfelt lyrical prose. On our pages, parents will always be able to pick up several beautiful congratulations for the most important holiday of your children.

Cool parting words from parents to elementary school graduates - congratulations in verse

Primary school is the first stage of general education and the beginning the most important stage in the life of every child. Indeed, upon entering school, children not only receive a new status, but also the opportunity to develop their skills and abilities. And now the last fourth year is almost over - primary school students will soon become graduates. Parents are traditionally invited to the Last Call and Graduation Party to share the joy of the holiday with their beloved grown-up children. The first squiggles and sticks, getting up for school in the morning, getting used to the new daily routine - all this was successfully completed with the enormous support of the parents. In their parting words, mothers and fathers of 4th grade graduates are sure to express wishes for further successful studies, new aspirations and victories, and loyal friends. So, instead of “dry” official congratulations, it is better to prepare funny words with humor from parents - graduates will remember such parting words for many years. We offer best options cool congratulations in verses with parting words for 4th grade graduates from loving parents.

A selection of cool funny poems for congratulating 4th grade graduates - with parting words and wishes from parents

You came to first grade
Just like kids.
Small, timid,
You entered the classroom timidly,
Learned numbers and letters
And what a change!
The years have flown by
In learning and striving!
Now you already know
What does "equation" mean?
That the letters turn
In dictations, presentations,
And the words are composed
Easy into poems!
Today you say goodbye
With the teacher first,
And you enter another
Study phase boldly!
You have to study
For many years
But what came first
With you - forever!
You have a lot ahead of you
Find out everything, go through it.
Good luck with your studies!
Bon Voyage!

The years passed unnoticed,

You guys have grown up

Fourth grade behind me,

Congratulations, children!

It was hard, it was hard

You taught everything you can.

I crammed poems in the evening,

They spoke English.

We did tasks with dad,

Presentation with mom.

We rejoiced at all the successes

They were afraid of certification.

Everything happened, everything happened

There was friendship, an argument and a fight.

And grievances and luck,

Mood swings.

Symbol tests were written,

All seats taken

We train willpower

Let's move on to high school.

Let the fifth grade guys

Will give you more knowledge in life,

Try not to be lazy

It all depends on you!

Don't tremble in high school

Hold your head higher

Everyone, be the smartest,

Chin up! And good luck!

First graduation at school -

All the guys are happy

And the grades on the report cards -

You are rewarded for your work!

You have already matured

Dear children.

Let's be honest - you are for us

The best in the world!

You moved to the fifth grade,

It won't be easy for you.

Know each of you

Fourth grade behind

The holidays are ahead.

Congratulations on your graduation!

So that problems do not arise,

Let's have a rest,

You will definitely gain strength.

To join more successfully

In a school year, not the first.

To have fun learning

And they behaved decently.

To dream and create -

Graduates today you,
Fourth grade is already behind us.
We want to give advice now,
How to continue studying without us.
Behave yourself, don't be naughty,
Take care of the nerves of new teachers!
Complete all tasks
And you get A's!
May you graduate from school with flying colors,
And we were proud of you all!

Touching to tears words of parting from parents to graduates of grades 11 and 9 on the Last Bell - poetry and prose

The last bell gathers everyone in the schoolyard or cozy assembly hall - noisy, restless first-graders, “teenage” middle management and, of course, graduates of grades 9 and 11. For the oldest schoolchildren, the ceremony will be the last - only exams and a graduation party lie ahead. On this joyful and sad day, parents came to congratulate their grown-up children on graduating from school, and also to give instructions for the future. Thus, parting words from parents to graduates are pronounced in a solemn atmosphere - reading out a symbolic letter or postcard with text. Of course, if you wish, you can learn the parting words by heart or express your best wishes to students in grades 9 and 11 in your own words. We tried to collect the most beautiful poems and prose texts to include in the Last Bell at School script. We are sure that graduates will appreciate the touchingness of the moment and the wise words of parting from their closest and dearest people.

How touching to congratulate graduates of grades 9 and 11 on the Last Bell - parting words from parents

Today our children will close their school doors,
And they will say goodbye to their teachers,
You were kids, how quickly you grew up,
We wish you success in your adult life.

Sometimes it will be difficult, but don’t be discouraged,
Go slowly through life with a smile,
But just don’t forget about your parents,
And come to school - because you are always welcome there!

Such an exciting and sad day,
Our children have grown up so quickly.
Recently, children were taken to first grade,
Today the door to adulthood has been opened!

Thanks to the school and teachers
For wise, hard work.
You instilled goodness in your students
And they didn’t discourage the desire for knowledge!

So let happiness smile on everyone:
For us, for the children, and for our beloved school.
Let's bless our children now
And we will release you into the open spaces of everyday life!

Our dear children, today you are setting out on an independent journey through adulthood, freely sailing through the expanses of new interests and desires. We, your parents, will always support you and love you deeply, help you with good advice and be proud of your achievements. On your graduation, we wish you, our beloved, impeccable happiness, high aspirations, a bright light of goodness and good luck on your life’s path.

Our dear graduates, children! Every parent, starting from the moment their child first goes to school, is periodically visited by the thought: “When will school finally end?” And now adults, graduates, stand before us. A difficult choice lies ahead: who to become in this life? Let fate tell you correct solution, and we, parents, will help you with this.

Dear, beloved children,
Just yesterday you were taken to first grade,
Time has flown by so quickly,
And today - graduates!

And we want to wish you, dear ones,
Good luck and good luck in everyday life,
To make your dreams come true,
May you be lucky in all your affairs.

We also wish you success in your studies,
To reach any heights you desire,
To see a lot in life,
So that there are fewer bad events!

Parting words from parents, it is best to prepare for graduates of primary school, 9th and 11th grades in advance, using texts from our selection. Here you will find beautiful poems and parting words in prose with words of congratulations and wishes touching to tears for graduating students. In addition, for instructions on Last Call or Graduation Party, parents can choose funny words– undoubtedly, such an original parting word will add a touch of humor and sincerity to the holiday atmosphere.

Our dear children, now you are graduates. And we want to sincerely congratulate you on this victory in life, on this important milestone on your path. We would like to wish you all the best and good luck in your aspirations, as well as success in your endeavors, large, medium and small victories. Guys, believe in yourself, don’t leave your dreams behind, share your experiences and worries with us, look forward with optimism and boldly fly into the bright light of happiness.

Children, when you went to first grade, it seemed like there was an eternity before graduation. And now these years are behind you, and the unknown lies ahead of you. But here at school you got everything you need to start your adult life. So be brave, dream, go towards your goals, live life to the fullest. It begins for you interesting time. Use it wisely and know that we are already proud of you!

Today you are leaving your class, today you are saying goodbye to school, our dear children. We will always support you and help you with advice; your happiness and your aspirations will always be an important point in our lives. Children, we congratulate you on your graduation and would like to wish you not to waste your energy and efforts on unworthy things, we wish you to choose a profession to your liking and an activity to please your heart. Be successful, children, strive for your cherished dreams and always achieve your goal in this life.

Our dear and wonderful children, today you are leaving the walls of school, today you are saying goodbye to teachers, fun lessons and ringing changes, and tomorrow new spaces and horizons will open up for you, you will have new goals, and your hearts will rush to new dreams. We will always support you in everything, we will help and give you at any moment true advice. Be happy, children, and never doubt your abilities.

Today is your graduation, children,
All roads are open to you,
We wish you wisdom, perseverance,
Go forward towards your dreams.

May they always help you
Hope faith Love,
Let the thirst for new achievements
Always stirs your blood.

Let your ideas succeed
And let friends be nearby,
We wish you to remember, dear ones:
We are with you, we are family.

School lessons are behind us,
You are now graduates.
We wish you guys
Find something you like.

The path of life is thorny and complicated,
Never be sad
If it gets too difficult,
There are always parents.

Don't hesitate to contact us,
We will give you our advice.
Try to live according to your conscience,
Without sorrows and without troubles.

Our dear children,
Graduation is yours today.
Will be with you behind my back
School important is your luggage.

In adult life we ​​wish
New ups and victories,
May it always lead to achievements
Knowledge is a bright, powerful light.

Let everything be successful,
It turns out that everything is okay.
Be happy guys
May you be destined.

Our dear children, today is the time for you to enter the path of adulthood. And your parents sincerely want to wish you great strength and great patience to achieve your goals. Be successful, kids, and be happy. We will always help you and provide support. Love to you and prosperity in life.

We are proud of you now -
You've taken an important step!
Congratulations on your graduation
And we want to tell you this:

All roads are open to you,
The sea of ​​life is already waiting,
The whirlwind of ideas, events,
A world of sudden turns.

Be bolder in your execution
What the heart strives for
Don't let difficulties scare you -
Tempered, making it stronger.

Don't forget the way home -
We are ready to support you
Listen and give you strength
To go to new heights.

Good luck, dear guys!
How quickly you have all grown up,
It seems that they were still preschool children,
And now the school years are over!

Graduation will be the most fun
May joy rush to you and to you,
In life, only bright, new success awaits -
We wish you all from the bottom of our hearts!

The last bell has sounded and soon, after the exams, the most long-awaited event of the last school year - the graduation party - awaits the former students.
Not only graduates, but also their parents are preparing for this event with excitement and trepidation. And the main task for parents here is to choose the right words to congratulate their child and his classmates on this most important event in life - graduation from school. We have collected for you the most beautiful and touching graduation congratulations from parents in poetry and prose.

Congratulations from parents to 11th grade graduates in verse

Graduation is one of the most

The main holidays in the world.

Congratulations to you, beautiful ones,

Both parents and children.

So we need to confess

Graduation would not have taken place

If it weren't for you!

We wish you further

Only such students

To make your heart rejoice

From their successful steps!

Let the school years pass so quickly,
But you will forever remain children,
Keep this enthusiasm in your soul,
Let it burn like a fire.

May hope and faith inspire you
In my real adult business,
We wish you good luck in everything and achievements,
Cheerful joyful mood.

Graduation is the beginning of a new life,
School age is already behind us.
But there is no need for tears or sadness,
Beautiful things await you ahead!

You will remember your school days
And the friends who went to your class.
You skillfully divided the crib sheets,
The teachers were rooting for you.

We wish you further success
And aspirations for your cherished dream.
Fulfillment, love, achievements
And pleasant events in fate!

The last exams are over
And the school moments flew by
There is a new task on the horizon:
You are entering adulthood.
So may everything work out well for you!
Drink life to the fullest.
May happiness and luck increase
And let the whole country be proud of you!

On the threshold - a new ebullient world
There are so many important things ahead of you!
May the magic golden key
The doors to life will generously open for you.
We wish everyone to find their way,
On which you want to walk.
A lot of happiness and a little anxiety,
Believe in miracles and always dare!

Children grow up unnoticed
And they leave their home...
We are on this magnificent day,
IN the most important holiday- high school graduation -
We wish you happiness, freedom,
Find your calling, your path.
Move forward, drive away adversity,
It's easy to step into the adult world!
Problems crack like nuts,
At least there will be a lot of things to do.
We believe in you. And we love you dearly.
May you, children, be lucky!

How quickly the children grew up
And, seeing off the serious journey,
We, your mothers and fathers,
We want to tell you through tears:

A difficult choice lies ahead
The roads are just opening.
Where, and how, and with whom to go
Here you decide for years.

We wish you with all our hearts
Go through all the storms and bad weather,
And may all of you all the way
Happiness always accompanies!

Crown of cosmic harmonies
May the future bless you,
And the earthly world will accept you into its bosom,
Where everyone will be famous in their field!
Happy roads lie ahead,
May your wishes and dreams come true,
Don't forget the school threshold
And deal with difficulties on your own!

We are very excited to say now,

Our children have grown up and become taller than us.

And just recently you were taken to first grade,

Little foolish little ones, then there were you.

All the years that your life flowed at school,

We studied with you! Let's put it bluntly: yes,

Difficult sciences, for years on end!

But without this torment there is no way forward.

Now adult life is knocking on your door,

And it will spin you around - just hold on!

But you must understand one thing now,

We are always ready to support you in everything.

Congratulations from parents on 11th grade graduation

Graduates and alumni,
May you have no time for us today.
On the last day of school, take
A simple parental order.

Enter life with an open soul,
Value friendship, honor, love.
Strive for goals and victories,
Don't waste your words.

Let everyone fit in with dignity
In an active and successful rhythm,
Faith and perseverance will help
Understand the luck algorithm.

We wish you everything in life,
Finish college, fall in love!
Find a decent job
Show parents concern.
Never forget school
Come visit us at least once a year during recess.
The doors are always open for relatives,
Beloved students, golden ones.
We, graduates, are proud of you,
Have fun today!

Eleven classes - neither more nor less,
And my school years are already behind me.
Let school be the beginning for everyone
Something good is ahead!
Now, before choosing the main road,
Remember your school, don’t forget!
And let all the obstacles, any worries
Easily bends around your life path!

We have a lot to tell you -
If a lump comes to the throat;
Don't be ashamed to look you in the eye,
And may God help you in everything!
May luck never desert you,
And may you be better than us...
You have completed eleventh grade,
But you will remain our children!

The time for farewell is approaching.
How many years and winters have passed?
The school education process is over,
Childhood today will melt away like smoke.

The girls have become so beautiful:
It is impossible to take your eyes off them.
If only you were always happy,
Great paths are open to you in life.

The boys are all adults, no doubt
You have matured and are unrecognizable.
Lord, give our children luck,
So that they don’t know adversity and grief!

The certificate is very useful,
Great life ahead!
But at this glorious start
Don't stay long!

Know that big is big enough,
And the keys are in your hands.
We wish you soon
And get a diploma!

Our dear children!
No feathers or fluff for you!
Let them meet you in life
Only fair winds!

Let doubts not torment you,
They are still waiting for you to open.
Your parents don't teach you...
They just sing songs!

Concluding the speech,
We give you our blessing!
Everyone can find happiness.
Happy journey everyone!

From the school threshold

There are many roads in the world,

Which step to take – the decision is yours:

Should I continue my studies?

Should I go to work?

You control your own destiny.

Just one wish:

Everything requires effort,

Whatever path you choose in life.

You said goodbye to childhood

Now I would like to find a way

To comprehend the main essence in life.

There is preparation for life,

Skill and dexterity

And God did not offend you with your mind.

Health is strength

And so that there is happiness,

You must achieve it through hard work.

Dear, beloved, our dear,
The children grew up and quickly became older.
You are now beautiful, exactly in a row,
And the tears sparkle from afar!

Today we cry and laugh,
And let’s touch the cherished dream together!
Congratulations on the holiday - may you be lucky
Wishes will come true - with God, let's take flight!

A beautiful parting wish to graduates from parents

May everything in life work out for each of you
There will be less troubles and tears in your life
And of course she will be your life companion,
Your faith and hope and love
May everyone have good luck and luck,
And less grief and anxiety
Many joys of changeable fortune,
And may God himself send you health
Collecting bit by bit, bit by bit
In this life all the good fruits
And you treat your loved ones to your loved ones,
And there is a lot of warmth and love in them
Each of us lives for one moment,
They are divided into good and evil
Don't think, just believe in life,
The rest will be as God intended...
Alina Belina

Congratulations from parents to graduating boy

Graduation is a double celebration,
It contains both joy and sadness.
The little prankster has become an adult,
Mom and Dad are a little sorry.

We wish, our child,
Choose the right path in destiny.
Let a good friend be by your side,
And you are lucky in everything.

May the road be wide
It will be smooth, without stones.
In a whirlwind of life's emotions,
Remember, there is no more important family.

Congratulations on your graduation -
With a new path in life.
And I wish that with him
All worries were forgotten.

Let confidence come
Believing in your own strength, business,
On the way as an adult so that
It was possible to walk with confidence.

And let fortune come to you
He will only stand on his face,
And a fair breeze -
Gently adjust in the back!

School is behind me,
There is a huge path ahead.
Everything you were taught
Remember, darling, don't forget.
You decided who you will become in life,
Always be kind and honest
And you won't lose your dream,
And adversity is nonsense.

The last year has flown by
Graduation is just around the corner.
Our child has grown up
How sad it is for you and me.

We wish not to be lazy -
After all, you will go to university.
And excel at work,
And create your own family.

Know that we will always help -
Mom and dad, the whole family.
Let's go into the big life
And we promise support.

Congratulations to a girl at graduation (grade 11)

You enter a new life timidly, crossing the line.
Only today - you are the queen at a real ball.
The shine of jewelry Evening Dress, the radiance of enthusiastic eyes.
Your graduation opens its arms for the only time in your life.

The heart beats in anxious excitement, feelings are confused.
Joy enters into heated debates with sadness.
School years are spinning, saying goodbye. They fly like a bird into the sky.
You meet the first dawn of adult life...
They send their greetings, scarlet sails swaying slightly on the waves.

Beautiful girl, something to be proud of...
Today - especially. You are a graduate.
And you are entering a new life now,
Just like the day you came to first grade!
Everything is alien, and new, and scary, of course,
But don’t be shy, even though your childhood is over.
There are many good things ahead
I wish you - go boldly!
Let life be beautiful and fabulous,
Don't be afraid of obstacles, smile at them.
May the future distance be blue.
Believe me, Fate will smile on you!

Congratulations from parents on graduation in prose (in your own words)

Dear graduates! Recently, you, such timid little first-graders, crossed the threshold of a school for the first time, which for 11 years took you into a fairy tale called “School”, immersing you in a sea of ​​unforgettable and bright school moments. Any fairy tale must have a happy ending, which each of you will come up with yourself. Let strength, inspiration and perseverance be your main companions in achieving new knowledge, goals and life challenges. Happy holiday!

Dear children!
11 years ago we brought you, holding your little hands in our hands, to our school. And today is a significant day: you are saying goodbye to your school. You have almost passed the 11 year long exam. There’s just a little bit left: to sum it up. All this time we, your parents and teachers, were with you.

Let the stars shine especially brightly today, illuminating the road you are just entering with a mysterious light. Let it be even and smooth, like the graduation ribbons that you are wearing now. May your life be as beautiful as your first school love and as ebullient as the champagne in your glass.

Another stage in your life has ended. You are moving into adulthood with more responsibility. Therefore, we want to say some parting words to you. Always follow your dreams and don’t give up, find happiness in life and don’t miss it. Good luck and success to you on the difficult but very interesting path of life.

Today is graduation party - a wonderful occasion for happy smiles and eyes sparkling with joy. However, in this joy there is an echo of touching sadness and quiet sadness, because the time is coming to say goodbye to school. But what saddens us, graduates, most of all is that we will have to part with our dear teachers. We want to say from the bottom of our hearts that you have become a part of our world forever, have taken a reliable and valuable place in our memories and hearts, which is why it is so hard to say goodbye to you. Thank you very much not only for the invaluable knowledge that you put into our heads, but also for the sincerity and warmth that, like a bright sun, grew in us the sprouts of respect and gratitude for you.

Our dear graduates, children! Every parent, starting from the moment their child first goes to school, is periodically visited by the thought: “When will school finally end?” And now this long-awaited moment has come, and before us are no longer children, but adults, graduates. Ahead you have to make a difficult choice - who to become in this life? Let fate tell you the right decision, and we, parents, will help you with this. I wish you happiness and good luck, dears!

Our dear, beloved children! We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts on graduating from school and on receiving the very first and most important certificate in your life! It contains not only assessments of your knowledge - it is a ticket to the ship called “Life”. Even if not everyone got first class cabins, you still have so much time ahead to get things right and achieve great success! In the meantime, have fun and enjoy your youth, but don’t forget about your parents and your favorite teachers. Good luck!

How quickly my school years flew by. And now your graduation party has arrived. Guys, I wish you to enter adulthood from the front door along the red carpet. Carry yourself with dignity, nobility and honesty. Never make deals with your conscience. I wish you the fulfillment of all your dreams, no matter how incredible they may be.

The certificates have been received and the long-awaited graduation has arrived! So let this day be for you Starting point for a journey through a happy and eventful youth. May youth give you a million chances, most of which will find a response in your heart and be successfully implemented. Let all the chosen roads be correct, and let the temptation to turn onto a narrow path not force you to abandon the right chosen goal. Go boldly! Good luck!

Perhaps one of the most important days in your life has come - graduation. So many paths have been trampled around the school, and so many roads open to a new life. Dear children, I wish you to always remember with warmth your school years, school friends and, of course, teachers who gave you such an important impetus in life, investing the most valuable and necessary things. I wish you to do right choice and take the road that will help you master your favorite and necessary profession, overcome all the failures, obstacles and acquire the benefits that you are striving for now, because your future depends on this. Dare, go only forward and never retreat!

Our dear and dear graduates! Congratulations on your graduation from school! We wish everyone smooth roads and fair winds! May there be a lot of goodness in your life, may there always be love in your heart, and may there be friends nearby who will support and help! May all your cherished dreams come true in the best possible way, and with perseverance, courage and patience you will overcome all troubles and overcome all obstacles!

So you have grown up, matured,
Leaving the school walls
The chicks have flown away from the nest,
To be happy without fail.
We wish you to conquer
All the heights you wanted
And nests so you don't forget
From which you flew away!

Congratulations, my dear,
School is behind
And on a new road
Feel free to come out.
Don't forget your school lessons,
Friendship, first fights.
The glass of the school will not be forgotten
Ardent bullies.

We wish you, our dear children,
So that you are not afraid of anything in the world,
After all, living life is not crossing a field,
And only the one who walks can go through everything.
Thank your teachers,
You sincerely say “thank you” to them,
They have recognized you all for so many years -
They became your second parents.

* * *
So you have become graduates -
Imperceptibly, as it happens;
And it’s no longer okay to scold you -
Your childhood is sailing away forever...
What to do? After all, progress is eternal,
And although we love you from birth,
We want to ask heaven:
Let this movement never end!
Our dear graduates,
Our quiet, modest children!
Today we praise you with our hands:
There is no better person in the world than you!
If you are far away,
Don't be shy about giving yourself to people;
Well, we, even in complete anguish,
We will always be your mom and dad!

Your parents know very well -
There are many obstacles in the world,
And only the one who crosses them
He achieves something in this life.
And there is one particular oddity -
Life is not easy, you take it for granted.
But if you smile more often in life,
Then you will enjoy it.

So you have become more mature
And like chicks from a nest,
Rush into distant distances,
Saying goodbye to childhood forever.
Here is our parting word for you:
Game time is over
Remember you're older
Be wise, children!

Living life is not a field to cross.
Once upon a time our parents taught us.
We wish everyone to find their own path in life.
So that you devote yourself to the necessary work.
May you always be lucky in life, in everything.
May your friendship last forever.
Let the school lessons of kindness
They remain in your souls forever.

A huge world will open before you,
Hurry up to live, you have to do everything in time,
And in this turmoil try
Don’t betray your friends, feel sorry for your relatives.
Walk the road of life with honor,
Which one you chose along the way,
And if it’s difficult, contact us,
Let us help you find a solution to the situation!

Your path is wide and decorated with dreams.
There are many roads ahead.
Let every day help with deeds
Find happiness in work!
Bright moments and space for ideas.
A hundred girlfriends and friends.
On this day we sincerely wish
Find your calling quickly!

* * *
Kids! We have a lot to tell you -
If a lump comes to the throat;
Don't be ashamed to look you in the eye,
And may God help you in everything!
May luck never desert you,
And may you be better than us...
You have completed eleventh grade,
But you will remain our children!

You were born, raised,
Once upon a time they brought me to school,
Believe me, we didn’t know then
That children could grow up
So fast. Our dears,
Don't lose face
Achieve everything, dear ones,
To make mother and father proud.

The last exams are over
And the school moments flew by
There is a new task on the horizon:
You are entering adulthood.
So may everything work out well for you!
Drink life to the fullest.
May happiness and luck increase
And let the whole country be proud of you!

Children, how fast you are growing!
Yesterday we were still first-graders.
Today you are going into adulthood
Saying goodbye to bows and school shirts.
Childhood is left somewhere behind,
Let the memories warm your hearts.
Let the expectation of happiness in adulthood
It will brighten up the bitterness of parting with your childhood!

Crown of cosmic harmonies
May the future bless you,
And the earthly world will accept you into its bosom,
Where everyone will be famous in their field!
Happy roads lie ahead,
May your wishes and dreams come true,
Don't forget the school threshold
And deal with difficulties on your own!

On the threshold - a new ebullient world
There are so many important things ahead of you!
May the magic golden key
The doors to life will generously open for you.
We wish everyone to find their way,
On which you want to walk.
A lot of happiness and a little anxiety,
Believe in miracles and always dare!

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