Beautiful violets on the windowsill. How to insulate a flower pot correctly and with your own hands Methods of protection from direct sunlight

Now many people are replacing wooden windows with plastic ones. However, during operation their tightness may be compromised. People are faced with the question of how to insulate plastic windows so that the violation of integrity is corrected, and air from the street penetrates less into the room. It is important to understand what is the cause of the problem and solve it, and then isolate it.

Why does it blow from plastic windows?

Before you begin to correct the current situation, you should find out why the blowing occurs and whether there is fogging. There are many reasons, but there are several main ones:

  1. Defect in production.
  2. Low-quality plastic was used to make the windows.
  3. Poor fittings were installed.
  4. Errors were made during installation.
  5. Poor quality of seal material.
  6. The slopes were not properly insulated.

How to determine the cause

First, let's make sure that there is definitely a breeze coming from the window. To understand this, you can hold a lit candle or lighter to the junction of the window sash and frame. If the flame fluctuates, it means it is blowing from the window. Then the candle should be drawn around the entire perimeter. The problem often occurs at the junction window frame and slope. This indicates poor installation, so you need to contact the company and demand that the work be corrected (if the warranty period has not expired).

The reason may lie in incorrect adjustment of the fittings or lack of installation on winter mode. To do this, try opening the window and looking at the lock. Not everyone can independently determine the problem and make adjustments, so it is better to call a specialist. Sometimes the reason is a violation of the window geometry. In this case there is bad pressure valves, due to such a junction drafts arise. A complete reinstallation of the glass unit will be required.

Another diagnostic method is to check the condition of the seal. It probably causes moisture to blow in or leak (condensation forms), if it is of poor quality or very dirty (remove all dust). When exposed to low temperatures, it loses its elasticity. You should touch it with your hands, checking for elasticity. If the reason is wear and tear of the insulation, then it needs to be replaced.

The next step is to pay attention to the quality of the plastic. Unfortunately, the average person will not be able to visually distinguish high-quality plastic from bad one; this requires a specialist. However, if all of the above diagnostic methods did not reveal the cause, then most likely you bought windows from bad material. We will have to dismantle and install a new metal-plastic structure.

When is the best time to isolate?

The problem of window blowing occurs during the cold season. IN summer period people either don’t notice it, but with the onset of cold weather the air from the street becomes noticeable. It is best to do thermal insulation in spring or summer in calm weather. The sealing compound requires a special temperature and cannot be used in winter weather. There is an advantage of insulation during the cold season: it is clear which place to insulate and whether the chosen method is effective.

How to insulate plastic windows

It is extremely important to understand how to insulate plastic windows. There are many methods of thermal insulation, so everyone can choose one that is convenient for themselves. Insulation for plastic windows is as follows:

  1. Polyurethane foam - fast and available method. However, foam is short-lived and is negatively affected by temperature changes, ultraviolet radiation, air.
  2. Mineral wool is a safe and fire-resistant modern material.
  3. Window film It is good to use as insulation for the glass itself.
  4. Silicone sealant is reliable and inexpensive.
  5. Polystyrene foam is used to eliminate cracks in window slopes.
  6. Warm mixtures are applied externally.
  7. Gluing construction tape over the sealant will improve the effect.
  8. Facade paint has high weather resistance. It is easy to apply to a surface of any shape.
  9. The primer dries quickly and is easy to apply. It is frost-resistant and is not afraid of moisture.

When you can't do without a master

A professional is needed when there are obvious defects, and work to eliminate them requires compliance with safety regulations. To carry out repairs, it is worth calling a specialist because:

  • insulation of slopes and ebbs from the outside can be dangerous, especially if the window is located above the second floor (you can fall and break);
  • in order to properly insulate, it is important to know all technological process installations;
  • The window is still under warranty.

Do-it-yourself insulation of plastic windows for the winter

A professional will advise you on how to seal plastic windows for the winter. However, there are simple and easy ways you can make repairs yourself. A simple example is the thermal insulation of a window using foam or sealant:

  1. Remove old foam from all openings around the window. To do this, use a stiff brush, sticks and brushes.
  2. Thoroughly rinse and wipe the surface of the window sill and slopes with a cleaner to degrease and remove dust.
  3. Cover the resulting cracks with putty and plaster, then fill polyurethane foam.
  4. If sealant is used instead of polyurethane foam, then after inserting it into the gap, it should be sealed with construction tape on top. To carry out the work, you must have a knife and scissors at hand.
  5. Install heat-saving film. The window frame is cleaned of dust and pasted over double-sided tape. The film is measured to the size of the window, then carefully applied and smoothed. To avoid unevenness and bubbles, you need to blow it with a hairdryer.


Insulation from the street side can be done in different ways, suitable facade paint, primer, silicone sealant. It is best to use foam plastic for thermal insulation of slopes from the outside:

  1. Styrofoam the right size it is necessary to stick it on the slopes, and close all visible cracks with glue.
  2. A special mesh should be placed on top of the foam and then plastered.
  3. Level the plaster with a water-repellent layer and apply a primer.
  4. Paint the resulting slopes, which will create additional energy-saving protective layer from the wind.


The insulation of plastic windows inside should be done as carefully as possible, using different ways. Thermal insulation will contain the following stages:

  1. Insulate the slopes of plastic windows inside. To do this, use polyurethane foam.
  2. Place plastic on top of the foamed slopes.
  3. Adjust the fittings. This is done using an eccentric through rotation.
  4. Replace the seal. This element must be changed every 5 years. During this period, it loses elasticity and begins to let air through.

How to insulate the window sill of a plastic window

Under the windowsill you can often feel the movement of cold air. If a crack is visible, it needs to be foamed. It will be good if you attach a piece of plastic under it and fill the void inside with polyurethane foam or polystyrene foam. Stages for insulating a window sill:

  1. Remove the window sill.
  2. The wall on which it was located should be thoroughly cleaned of dirt and dust, after which all cracks and problem areas will be visible.
  3. Cracks can be closed with polyurethane foam.
  4. When the foam hardens, cut off the excess with a knife.
  5. Prime the entire surface.
  6. Apply sealant to all joints and corners.
  7. Plaster.
  8. Place the window sill in place.


The determining factor for replacing old ones wooden windows on new ones, metal-plastic or PVC, is their ability to retain heat in a house or apartment. Naturally, when installing double-glazed windows, few people were interested in how they would behave in the future. Will the cold be allowed in, is it possible to insulate plastic windows if necessary, and is this necessary? If so, how to prepare windows for winter and the better way to ensure thermal insulation of windows and openings.

A plastic or metal-plastic window, like any composite structure, has weak points. They are the potential “gates” for heat leakage from the room.

Blowing from a plastic window - find and eliminate

Where can it blow from plastic windows?

To understand why it blows from a PVC window, you need to inspect the components, and for this you need to know constructive principle window unit devices.

The most common places for blowing:

  • window glazing bead (glass unit holder);
  • rubber compressor;
  • window fittings(for example, blowing from under the hinges, into the handle);
  • the perimeter of the window frame - the junction of the slopes, window sill, walls.

How to determine where it is blowing from a plastic window?

The presence of a defect in one of the components of the window unit leads to blowing from plastic windows. Determine the exact location of heat loss metal-plastic windows possible in three ways:

  • tactile hand. To identify a gap, just run your palm over the surface of the window block;
  • lighter. The search procedure is similar to the previous one, but the light is more sensitive to drafts and can detect even the weakest blowing.
  • paper. A regular sheet of paper is pressed against the window (put into open window and clamps down complete closure sash), if you pull the corner of the sheet and it pulls out easily, then the seal is not pressed enough (this may indicate that the old seal is not pressed well against the frame in this mode).

Why does it blow from plastic windows - reasons for heat loss

  • installation error. This is the most common reason due to ignorance or non-compliance the right technology installation of a plastic window. 15 years ago, this service was so in demand that everyone who had at least some idea about installing window units became installers. Naturally, PVC installation Few people performed windows according to GOST;
  • window distortion due to shrinkage of the house. A pressing problem for residents of new buildings and wooden houses;
  • an attempt to save money. One of the weighty arguments in competition is always price, especially during an economic crisis. The price reduction often occurred at the expense of quality: saving on foam, on insulation, ignoring the need to protect the heat insulator, using low-quality components when assembling windows - all this over time led to the fact that the consumer is forced to change or additionally insulate PVC windows;
  • physical wear of window components, in particular sealing rubber bands, or weakening of the pressing force of the sashes;
  • violation of the operating rules for plastic windows, which include the need to wash the window seal and treat it with glycerin. This care prevents the seal from losing its elasticity and cracking.

What to do if it's blowing from a plastic window

Of course, eliminate the source of the draft. From a practical point of view there are two simple options– call a specialist to repair and adjust (expensive) windows or do it yourself (cheap).

The desire to seal all the cracks yourself using improvised means is nullified because: firstly, it is not aesthetically pleasing, and secondly, there are no guarantees.

When is it advisable to hire professionals:

  • The plastic window was recently installed. The installer company is responsible to the consumer for the reliable operation of the windows (if the warranty covers this period);
  • the window opening is located at a considerable height (in a multi-story building). It is better to entrust any high-altitude work to professionals (industrial mountaineering services). If the window is located on the second floor or higher, the work will be associated with increased risk;
  • if there is a manufacturing defect. For example, obvious manufacturing or installation defects that appeared during the warranty period;
  • if necessary, replace parts. It is better to install “original” fittings if it is necessary to replace individual elements of the window unit;
  • work is carried out in winter period time. Knowledge of installation technology and how to insulate plastic windows for the winter allows installers to complete the work quickly, without significantly cooling the living space.

However, often, the cost of hiring specialists is equal to the cost of installing a new window, and this fact makes it more profitable to do the insulation work yourself.

What you can do yourself:

  • internal insulation of the window opening;
  • insulation of the frame contour;
  • window sill insulation;
  • replacement of seals.

How to insulate plastic windows with your own hands

When to insulate windows for the winter

Repairs and insulation must be carried out before the onset of cold weather. This is due to the following requirements:

  • material requirements. Some building materials, such as dry mixes and sealants, can only be used in a certain temperature range. Otherwise, they lose their characteristics;
  • optimal humidity;
  • no draft;
  • the ability to simultaneously perform internal and external insulation;
  • reducing the risk of catching a cold among apartment residents.

How to insulate plastic windows at home

The choice of insulation depends on the location of the blower.

1. Insulation of window openings for the winter

To insulate a window opening, you can use different materials and methods:

  • polyurethane foam. As the foam expands, it fills all the voids around the perimeter of the window opening, preventing air movement. Due to the fact that foam is 90% air, it is an ideal insulation material. However, the foam needs protection from ultraviolet radiation, high and low temperatures. This means that it is not advisable to use it by itself;
  • mineral wool. An excellent thermal insulation material for insulating window sills and internal slopes. Cotton wool has a more limited range of uses when insulating windows;
  • polystyrene foam/expanded polystyrene. Used for insulating slopes of plastic windows;

Note. Rigid insulation is used when the thickness of the installation seam is no more than 3 mm; in other cases, it is better to give preference to mineral wool.

  • silicone sealant. Reliable way eliminate blowing between the plastic elements of the window;
  • dry mixtures for finishing slopes, used if necessary to insulate the window from the outside;
  • construction tape. Glues on top of the sealant or instead of it;

Advice. It is not recommended to use ordinary masking or window tape; after sticking it, unattractive marks remain on the plastic of the window frame that are difficult to remove without damaging the front covering.

2. Insulation of the window unit

  • seal;
  • construction tape;
  • sealant;
  • heat-saving film for windows (energy-saving);
  • mechanical methods insulation, for example, tightening (adjusting) fittings.

After the question of how to insulate has been resolved, we will deal with the question of how to insulate a double-glazed window, frame, plastic, aluminum profile etc.

How to insulate plastic windows from the outside

External window insulation is carried out in the following areas:

1. Insulation of slopes of plastic windows

The first step to promotion thermal insulation properties window. No matter what insulation measures are taken in the house, until the slopes from the street are insulated, the cold will still flow inside. At the same time, external insulation allows you to shift the dew point, which will prevent the appearance of dampness and the development of fungus. Covering the cracks is a temporary measure, because... Over time, the layer of plaster will begin to crack and expose the mounting foam, which will collapse under the influence of atmospheric conditions. But as protection for insulation, plaster is an excellent solution.

How to insulate the slopes of plastic windows from the street

Work order:

  • preparation of material (rigid insulation);
  • cleaning slopes from dirt and protruding parts;
  • surface primer;
  • installation of insulation on an adhesive solution or special adhesive foam. It is preferable to use foam because it eliminates wet work, has a minimum setting time, and holds the insulation sheet more securely;
  • sealing all cracks with glue;
  • installation of perforated corners;
  • installation of polymer mesh;
  • finishing with plaster.

Advice. When installing insulation, you need to make sure that it covers part of the window frame and completely covers the installation seam.

2. Insulation of plastic window sills

To insulate the ebbs, it is enough to foam all the cracks or place heat-insulating material in them. To avoid water getting on the heat-insulating material, a metal strip of window sill is installed on top. The plank is installed at an angle (at least 5°), its horizontal edge extends from the facade (by 20-30 mm), and the side edges are turned up. It is recommended to treat the area where the plank joins the surfaces with sealant.

Internal insulation of plastic windows

Insulation of windows from inside the room is carried out in the following areas:

1. Insulation of internal slopes of plastic windows

Internal slopes are less susceptible to the influence of external factors, but put forward more demands on the aesthetic component. Therefore, it is important to know how to insulate the slopes of plastic windows without losing the attractiveness of the window.

Work order:

  • treatment of cracks: removal of dirt, removal of old foam, falling parts, etc.;
  • applying a primer;
  • sealing cracks with foam;
  • removing excess foam after it dries;
  • installation of thermal insulation materials (foam or cotton wool);
  • installation of drywall;
  • finishing drywall with putty and paint.

2. Insulation of the window sill of plastic windows

The gaps between the wall and the window sill are one of the places of significant heat loss. Before deciding how to insulate the window sill of a plastic window, you need to determine it weakness, i.e. where is it blowing from? For example, blowing is possible between the plastic parts of the window and window sill. In this case, it is recommended to use a sealant.

Heat loss between the window sill and the wall is also possible. In this case, insulation is carried out before installing the window sill by laying a layer thermal insulation material. And also after its installation - by foaming the distance between the window sill and concrete wall or brickwork.

3. Insulation by adjusting the plastic window

Elimination of distortion of the PVC window sash

To reduce heat loss, you need to adjust the fittings (components) of the window unit.

How to adjust plastic windows for the winter - video

Replacing the seal in plastic windows

Elimination of blowing of plastic windows is possible by replacing the rubber seal. You can change the seal yourself, everything is simple - just pull out the old seal and insert a new one into the groove (groove).

Which seal is better? Please note that there are window insulation in black and gray colors on the market. The black seal is more plastic, but attractive light color, is due to various additives that reduce the cost of the window seal, and at the same time, worsen its properties (tightness of pressing).

Replacing the seal in plastic windows - video

Additional ways to insulate plastic windows

  1. Washing windows. Paradoxically, cleaning the glass unit helps save heat. After all, dirty glass loses its ability to transmit sunlight, but continues to transmit rays in the infrared spectrum.

  2. Thick curtains. Which also trap heat indoors.

  3. Insulating windows with improvised means. This method is somewhat damaging appearance windows, but in critical cases, can be a very worthy alternative to replacing the window unit. The following materials are used as insulation: foam rubber, soaked paper, window tape, strips of white fabric, etc.

  4. Insulation of windows with heat-saving film. The energy-saving film is glued to the entire surface of the window (on the sashes). The main thing is to do the gluing correctly, without air bubbles or folds. The film reduces heat loss through glass by 75%.

  5. Electric window heating. In this case, a heating cable is placed around the window, which heats the heating coil, or an oil radiator is installed on the window.

  6. Electric heating of double-glazed windows. The most technologically advanced way is to install plastic windows with heated glass. The technology is applied at the window production stage. Provides for the installation of a special conductive film on the inside of the glass ( transparencies with conductive threads), which heats the glass from the inside.

  7. A complex approach. The most appropriate for insulating windows in an apartment or private house, since it allows you to eliminate all possible causes of heat leakage through metal-plastic or PVC windows.

Insulation of window glass with energy-saving film - video


Insulating windows often negatively affects ventilation in the room. Complete tightness is protection from the cold, but it also causes fogging of the glass, which leads to the destruction of slopes and the appearance of fungus. The problem is solved by periodically ventilating the room, micro-ventilation, installing forced ventilation, etc.

In January, in January there is a lot of snow in the yard.

And on our window, a few flowers bloomed.

So October has flown by. Winter is just around the corner. It got colder outside, and daylight hours noticeably decreased. How to properly prepare our beauties for winter, protect them from unpleasant winter “gifts” and create all the conditions for them to safely overcome this time of year?

Since the conditions for keeping plants are different for everyone, the methods will be slightly different.
So, first, let's figure out where our violets are kept.
Let's look at the 3 most common options.

1. On a windowsill in natural light.

If your violets live on windowsills and are not additionally illuminated, then winter is a dormant period for them. I would recommend replanting them. But, if the room temperature is below 18° C, it is better to postpone transplantation until spring. You should not make transplants if the apartment is very cold! As you know, after transplantation the plant needs time to take root well. Flowering usually stops at this time. Because daylight hours are getting shorter and shorter, then all the energy of the violet will go not to laying buds, but to growing good root system. And good measles is the key to future abundant flowering.

Be sure to insulate the window sill. It is very convenient to use for this purpose construction insulation(thin foam rubber on one side, foil on the other). The insulation must be bent at one edge towards window glass, then cold air will not flow to the roots from the window. If there is no insulation, you can use regular polyethylene. It is very good if you place flower pots on wooden slats or foam plates.

So, transplant the violet into a fresh earthen substrate, carefully shaking off the old soil (transplantation with a complete replacement of soil). If you use expanded clay, I advise you to replace it with foam chips, such a foam “cushion” will not allow moisture to linger in the pot and will protect the roots well from the cold window sill. Pour just a little warm water under the root and place the plant under the bag. This will create a special microclimate and protect the violet from drafts. Make sure that condensation does not accumulate under the bag. After a couple of weeks, if the leaves have good turgor, remove the bag.
Give one fertilization with complete fertilizer in November, one in December and one in January. Starting in February, when daylight hours are already long enough, feed the violet once a week, alternating complex fertilizer with potassium monophosphate. All kinds of fertilizers for flowering plants There are a lot on sale now. Pay attention to the composition of the fertilizer and decide whether to include it in your .
In winter, water the violet little by little. It is advisable that the water is no colder than 20-22 degrees. Do not leave water in trays. It should be remembered that wet, cold soil will lead to rotting of the roots.
If you open a window or transom for ventilation, then the violets must be covered, or completely removed from the window for the duration of ventilation. Currents of cold air will leave unsightly spots on the leaves, and the tips of the leaves may turn brown. Also, do not allow the leaves to touch the cold glass.
Hot air from heating radiators is no less dangerous for violets. The soil quickly dries out in the pot, the edges of the leaves may dry out, and the leaf becomes deformed. If you don't have special humidifier air, cover the batteries with a damp towel. By the way, very dry air harms not only violets, but also people.

2. On a window with additional lighting

If your violets have additional lighting, then you can feed them the same way as in the summer. It is necessary, of course, to take into account that if the violet has just bloomed, then it must be replanted and given a period for recovery. The rest of the content is no different from that described above. All my violets are on the windows. In summer we turn on the lights on cloudy days, and in winter the lamps shine from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. evenings all the time. In order to reduce energy consumption and improve lighting, we switched to. In such conditions, flowering does not stop in winter. To prevent the plants from becoming depleted, it is necessary to remove the flower stalks and give the violets a forced rest.

3. On racks or shelves with additional lighting .

And finally, if your violets grow on a rack under lamps, then short daylight hours do not matter to them, and drafts from an open window do not reach. The temperature is more or less constant. If the rack is not located next to a heating radiator, then the humidity is usually sufficient. Therefore, fewer problems arise here than when kept on cold window sills.

In the fall, when the heating is not yet turned on, and it becomes cold outside (and in the apartment), diseases of violets, especially weakened plants, may become more active. At high humidity and low temperatures often appears powdery mildew. Powdery rashes appear on leaves, flowers and peduncles. The disease is not terrible and can be easily treated with Topaz. But if you neglect it too much, the disease will quickly spread to neighboring plants, and the violet may die.

Autumn for me is the period of mass replanting of adult plants. 2 weeks after transplantation, I begin to feed the violets. If I plan to get exhibition blooms for the spring holidays, then I feed them. This method has already been tested on more than one batch of violets and gives very good results. good results. I replant the babies, remove them from the leaves and plant leaf cuttings throughout the year. I feed the children less often than adult plants, once every 10-14 days with complex fertilizer. I water it moderately, always with warm water. If the room is cool, I don’t bathe the violets or feed them leaf by leaf! Violets can only be arranged if the house is warm enough. The temperature on the lower shelves of the racks is always lower, you need to remember this and not place immature young animals there.

Home Tips How to insulate window sills and protect indoor flowers from the cold in winter

How to insulate window sills and protect indoor flowers from the cold in winter

Elena Vybornova, Kaluga: “Last year I lost several plants just because my window sills are cold. I’m trying to lay newspapers or fabric, but it doesn’t help much. Even unpretentious parsley turns out to be frail. Maybe there is some way out other than major repairs window boxes and window sills?

Indeed, in many old panel houses Windows require special preparation for winter. But if you cannot invest significant financial resources in the transformation, you can carry out not too expensive insulation measures. Of course, the window is not a place that the housewife is allowed to cover with sloppy newspapers and rags. In addition, ordinary paper and fabric do not retain heat so well. Therefore, it is better to use modern thermal insulation materials. First of all, you need to carefully measure the parameters of the window sill, add 10 cm on each side so that there is enough material to reach the bottom of the glass and so that there is a small margin for window openings.

Then at the construction market or in the store buy penofol, which has one shiny foil side, and the other is white foam. Penofol happens different thicknesses, It's better to take a 3mm one. It's inexpensive. with a width of 1.1-1.2 m. In addition, you will also need double-sided tape.

At home, cut out the material with a margin of 10 cm. Using tape, glue it with the foil side down. This will perfectly protect the plant roots from hypothermia.

There is one more little trick. Don't throw away foam pallets, which often sell today a wide variety of products, a mixture of nuts and dried fruits, and vegetables. These trays are very suitable as warm stands for plants in a window garden. Square and white ones are especially convenient. Containers and pots look great in them.

On the one hand, polystyrene foam reliably protects the roots from the cold, on the other hand, it does not allow water to pass through.. This means that you can water vegetables and flowers directly into the tray, and not under the root collar of the plant, which is harmful. Snow-white pallets look great on foam foam, successfully contrasting in color and texture with black plastic containers in which vegetables and seedlings grow green.

They are far from the truth. There are much more of them. Tens of thousands.

Even experts disagree on their exact classification:

Just Saintpaulias can most often be found in apartments and houses amateur flower growers:

  • Its unpretentiousness has allowed specialists and flower growers to grow many varieties;
  • Unthinkable, hard to imagine and amazing beautiful combinations colors of shapes. Both flowers and leaves.

Violets on the windowsill - pros and cons

Window sills seem to be specially created for growing flowers. And especially violets:

What windows? Yes any:

  • Western and eastern sides are more suitable. Less worries in summer with the sun;
  • What if everything faces south? That's why there are curtains, curtains, and blinds. To protect them from the sun. And in the evening and in the morning even open it slightly.

How to grow indoor Saintpaulias on a window at home?

Many gardeners Window sills are favorite places for. On them they create the necessary microclimate for their flowers:

  • Adjust lighting;
  • They also maintain humidity;
  • Organize the correct and. Different ways;
  • Carry out preventive measures pest and disease control;
  • They periodically replant and completely replace the spent one;
  • favorite varieties.

And the results are encouraging. And many of my friends admire me! And this despite the fact that in summer and winter the conditions on the windowsill themselves are not the same.

Features of summer and winter care

Depending on the time of year, the microclimate in the apartment also changes. Let's talk about how to care for Saintpaulias on the windowsill in winter and summer:

  • Inspect regularly your plants;
  • Conduct preventive treatments plants against diseases and pests of Saintpaulia. Refrain from processing chemicals. Especially directly on the windowsill itself;
  • Remember to change the soil regularly and violets. In about a year. They are so important!

Protection from drafts and freezing

Oh violets in the cold winter window sills there is no question. Only warm or insulated (in winter time). There is no point in experimenting with the survival rate of violets:

Methods of protection from direct sunlight

Direct sunlight is contraindicated for Saintpaulias. With my love for long-term lighting (which is about 12 hours a day). This does not apply to the gentle and caressing morning and evening sun:

  • Rotate plants. If the lighting is uneven.

Features of watering

Stick to the principle - Only necessary when the soil is dry. And don’t overfill the Saintpaulia:

  • In summer, violets are watered every day. Or every other day. How is the weather outside the window and apartment;
  • And in winter, two waterings a week are enough.:
    • this allows;
    • Just like watering into a pan. Some gardeners remove excess water from the pan after 15-20 minutes. In winter. This way the soil moisture is maintained in the required amount.

  • Monitor the water temperature in winter. On a cold windowsill, the water is the same temperature;
  • Watering warm water very favorable plant. Using a syringe or watering can with a narrow and long neck. You will avoid moisture getting on the leaves and growing point;
  • Do not rush to return the flowers to the windowsill after watering and spraying in the bathroom. Let stand and dry for 15-20 minutes. Use napkins to remove moisture from the leaves. This is in summer and winter;
  • For watering use distilled water. A little warmer than room temperature.

Attention! The most tall leaves the plant indicates the need for watering. With your downward tilt.

Organization of additional lighting in winter

Violets themselves give signals. If they don't have enough light:

  • First of all, the leaves. Alone and hang down the sides. And the lower ones turn yellow and fall off;
  • The growth of the plant itself is slowed down;
  • Much fewer inflorescences are formed;
  • And the flowers are not the same. Their color is not so bright. It's worse when they... For this reason.

What do flower growers with experience do? They provide additional lighting. Especially in winter. Daylight hours for several months are less than 10 hours. But this is not enough for the violet.

Important! Varieties with dark leaves require more light. Than with light tones.

What can be used for lighting:

  • Desk lamp. Better with LED lamps;
  • Racks with shelves. Each shelf is illuminated by a separate lamp. Their length is the entire shelf;
  • Fluorescent lamps;
  • Phytolamps.

Important! The distance between the light source and the flowers should not be less than 25-35 cm.

Feeding principles

Care and feeding of violets on the window are fundamentally no different. It is not recommended to get carried away with fertilizing. But we can’t do without them. The landing charge lasts for two months. And the plant needs help. But there are important points:

    • During the growing season and the formation of flower stalks, such fertilizers should have more nitrogen;
    • During the formation of buds and flowering, fertilizing with potassium and phosphorus is an advantage;
    • For beginning flower growers, complex fertilizers with a complete set are like a life jacket. Including microelements;
    • Combine the frequency of fertilizing with watering. In 8-10 days. In summer. Less often in winter.
  • Experienced flower growers successfully use what is at hand and is not expensive. Garlic. Onion.

Advice! Follow the dosage. No “better more”! On the contrary – “definitely less”! For young plants every 5 fewer recommendations in the instructions.

Use of stands and racks

If there were violets, we would decide how to place them. Even on 2-3 window sills. This is the opinion of most flower growers. This is both convenient for violets and very beautiful.

The main thing is to create comfortable conditions. And not just to set up pots. You can buy them ready-made, or order something individually. And even make it yourself. From available materials:

These devices are made from:

  • Plastic;
  • Glass;
  • Metal;
  • Tree.

Glass shelves.


Hanging flowerpots.

Useful videos

Watch a video on how to grow violets on a windowsill:

This video is about caring for violets on a window in winter:

The following video shows how violets feel on a window in summer:

Video tutorial on how to create a stand for a window sill:


Many flower growers don’t even think about the place of violets at home. They prepare window sills for them in advance. Taking into account their location towards the sun. And they will show you how beautiful the violets are on them, bright and long.

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