Presentation-project on glass painting technology. Presentation-project on glass painting technology Presentation on the topic of stained glass painting

“The art of poster” - V. Mayakovsky “ABC”, pl. 1919 V. Denis “Stalin’s Pipe”, pl. 1930 D. Moor agiplakat., pl. 1920 A. Vyaznikov., pl. 1941 Poster artists: D. S. Moor V. N. Denis A. A. Deineka I. M. Toidze Kukryniksy: Kupriyanov M. V. Krylov P. N. Nik. Sokolov. Unknown Author, Square 1918 A. Vyaznikov New Year's poster, 1943

“Children's folklore” - But the most important thing is that during the project the child’s creative potential is revealed. What is the difference between children's folklore and adult folklore? Students are actively involved in collecting works of oral folk art. What areas of children's life does children's folklore serve? What is children's folklore? Students intend to continue their project activities while studying other works.

“Folklore Lessons” - People say: there is no tree without roots, no house without a foundation. Neskladukhi - various poetic works in which the rhyme is deliberately broken. Dictionary. I.M. Yakovleva.” Folk culture is one of the means of moral, cognitive, and aesthetic development of children. A question is a request that requires an answer.

“Romanov Toy” - Compositions of clay toys are repeated in different Russian provinces. Modern fate. I dug again - another piece. Ash from stoves was often poured onto the garden as fertilizer. Craftsmen made jars, pots, bowls, and spoons from clay. Romanov's stories. And then my father says to me: “Why are you racking your brains!

“The Art of Beauty” - About the golden ratio. From the history of the golden ratio. Content. Maurice Kline, American mathematician. F. Bacon. Mathematics is the queen of all sciences, a symbol of wisdom. Mathematics and... ...Painting. Examples of buildings of classicism - an architectural style based entirely on ancient canons: Bertrand Russell. Mathematics, harmony, beauty.

“Glass painting” - 3. The contour of the drawing is applied with outliner paint. Acrylic paints. 4. Then the painting is applied using a synthetic brush or a brush made of natural hair. Sometimes the drying time may be longer. Glass painting. The process of painting on glass. Fired stained glass paints: Fired stained glass paints require baking in an oven.

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