The profession of an oil worker is different facets of one business. Profession oil worker

Oil became one of the most important strategic products of mankind at the end of the 19th century and has not lost its relevance to this day, despite the abundance alternative sources energy. Without exception, all industries and, as a consequence, the entire population of the planet depend on oil and its products.

Humanity has used oil since time immemorial, for example, as binding materials during construction, for embalming the bodies of the dead, as a combustible material, etc. However, it has truly become indispensable since the discovery of distillation, cracking and other options for its processing. Gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, fuel oil, as well as many essential substances for the chemical, food and pharmaceutical industries are produced directly from oil.

Description of the profession

Consequently, all professions related to oil production and refining are in great demand and highly paid. The demand for petroleum specialists is very high and is growing steadily with the expansion and development of this high-tech industry.

Oil worker is a very broad concept, it includes a range of professions, from a worker in an oil field or refinery to a top manager of a global corporation. Each specialty has its own requirements for candidates.

However, usually, when the term “oil worker” is used in everyday life, they mean a geologist who explores and develops oil and gas fields (these minerals often accompany each other).

Field exploration is a complex process that includes the actual discovery of an oil field, its analysis from the point of view of the complexity and profitability of production, and carrying out survey and research work. The great complexity of exploration is due to the fact that each deposit is individual, and it is often necessary to use unique techniques, which require highly qualified petroleum geologist, ability to work in difficult conditions and make quick and correct decisions.

The first stage of exploration is the search for deposits based on external, indirect signs. Such signs may be films of oil on water, direct release of oil to the surface of the earth, traces of asphalt (oil oxidation product) on cracks in the rock, the smell of its light fractions, etc.

IN Lately High-tech methods of geological exploration and geophysical research methods are actively used, for example, seismographs in combination with directed explosions make it possible to study the shape, volume and location of oil reservoirs underground. After the initial determination of the location, support drilling is carried out. A search well can reach several kilometers; the extracted core is being examined various methods, which show the composition and quality of oil from a given field, and the prospects for its further commercial use.

Next comes the direct extraction of oil, which is done by drilling wells. Drilling can be rotary and impact. In wells, oil is under high pressure, therefore, it gushes out of the wells. Over time, the pressure drops; For further oil production, water or gas (or both) is pumped into the reservoir to push it to the surface.

Hundreds of wells can operate in one field different functionality- drilling, research, injection. All this requires large quantity highly qualified workers and specialists for maintenance. The extracted oil is cleared of gas and solid impurities and enters a gas pipeline that connects the wells to oil refineries.

A specific method of oil production is offshore production. For this purpose, drilling platforms are built in coastal waters, which can be either stationary or floating, depending on the natural conditions. Drilling vessels can operate at great depths, up to 3 km.

Oil refining is a complex of physical and chemical processes for processing petroleum feedstock into fuel, lubricants and raw materials for chemical industry. It includes atmospheric and vacuum distillation, thermal and catalytic cracking, coking, reforming, isomerization, etc. Oil is used as efficiently as possible, production is practically waste-free.

Professional quality

As can be seen from the above brief description process of oil production and refining, specialists at any level must have high level qualifications, good education and at least basic knowledge of professional software. The higher the offered wage, the more serious the requirements for the applicant.

So, among the requirements we can highlight:

Professional education. For workers - specialized secondary education, for engineering and scientific personnel - higher education.

At least minimum work experience in the specialty, experience in geological exploration and survey work.

High level of computer use, knowledge of geological modeling programs, AutoCAD, etc.

Technical knowledge in English at a level sufficient to understand documentation and literature in the specialty.

Willingness to travel, live and work in field conditions.

To applicants for leadership positions increased requirements are imposed, for example, experience in organizing geological parties, experience working in non-standard conditions, in-depth knowledge of specialized software, the ability to quickly and clearly make decisions, strategic planning skills and much more. Naturally, the responsibility of a manager is much higher than that of an ordinary oil worker, which is reflected in his salary.


The profession of a petroleum geologist is somewhat alluring and romantic. However, for some people, advantages can turn into disadvantages; however, the choice of areas of activity in the oil industry is very wide, and everyone can find a job to their liking. However, the lists of disadvantages and advantages will be almost identical.

Its main advantages:

Lack of routine during field work. The development of each new deposit involves traveling to new places, using new research methods, and making non-standard decisions.

Constant business trips and relocations, visits to new picturesque places, many kilometers away from well-worn tourist routes.

Frequent stays fresh air in environmentally friendly places.

A feeling of involvement in a cause that is socially useful and important to many.


There are no perfect professions; The oil worker is no exception. Any romance can turn into difficult working conditions, constant fatigue and dissatisfaction with life.

The main disadvantages of the profession of a petroleum geologist:

The need to work in difficult field conditions. For many people, it is very difficult to work long time in uncomfortable conditions - living in a tent, eating in a field kitchen, etc.

Frequent business trips can lead to conflicts in the family.

Possible long periods of routine processing of data obtained in the “field”.

Limited choice of places to work, because the number of oil producing and oil refining companies is small. As a result, competition in the labor market is very high.

Dangers associated with oil production. By by and large, they are no worse than the dangers at any industrial enterprise.

Where to study

Professions related to oil production and refining are very popular, therefore, the educational market has many offers for those wishing to obtain relevant professions.

The leading Russian educational institution in the oil and gas production industry is the Russian State University. Branches of the university operate in Orenburg, Ashgabat and Tashkent. The university is at the forefront of science, its graduates have no problems finding prestigious jobs in their specialty.

- (training of managers)

It is worth noting the joint master's program of Tomsk Polytechnic University and Scottish Heriot-Watt University. It includes training in two specialties - petroleum engineering and oil and gas geology. Most subjects are taught by Scottish teachers, graduation projects defend themselves before a commission from Edinburgh. Graduates receive an international diploma and have the opportunity to find employment in the world's leading oil companies.

Oil and gas today are the basis of the prosperity of many countries. This is an instrument of geopolitics and influence, people fight for them, they revive the economy of any state. Oil is called black gold and people extract this resource different professions, who are united under the general name - oil workers. This is the name given to all oil field workers - from managers to drillers.

On the eve of the Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers, NV conducted a survey among those who connected their lives with oil, because the Nenets Autonomous Okrug is rich in precisely this resource.

Igor Sharapov, director of the LUKOIL-Severneftegaz Chamber of Commerce and Industry:

– For me, an oil worker is both a profession and a calling. Back in high school, I decided that I would be an oil worker. Although, it seems, there is no special romance for a boy in this profession. It’s just that every day my father, also an oil worker by profession and vocation, talked at home about his work. Several times he took me with him to distant drilling sites (my father worked as a drilling foreman), so I have been familiar with helicopter flights and the harsh conditions in which geologists and oil workers work since childhood. I learned from my father that a man should do serious business, that it is a shame to be afraid of difficulties. Therefore, without hesitation, I went to study first at the College of Engineering and Economics, then entered Technical University at the Faculty of Mining and Petroleum. Having received a diploma, he went through all the stages - from oil production operator to manager. I never doubted my own choice and strength. For me there was and is one principle in my work: you have to go and do it.

Fedor Zaichko, First Deputy General Director, Chief Engineer JSC "Nenets oil company»:

– Oil workers, generally speaking, are different - some drill wells, others develop and repair them, others extract oil, others transport it... I spent half my life, 37 years old, first in northern geological exploration, and then directly in the oil industry, that is, I am practically considered a pioneer. An oil worker is a vocation that requires a special mindset, a lot of effort, will and patience. And in professional holiday I would like to wish my, especially young, colleagues to sincerely love their work, so that only big oil gushers flow, and the energy in their hearts does not dry out.

Anna Gerasimova, student of the Rosneft class at school No. 6:

– I understand that being an oil worker has many disadvantages. Harsh northern weather, permafrost, remoteness from civilization. But I’m not thinking about this, but about the fact that extracting and processing oil is very profitable for the Nenets Okrug. There is a whole dynasty of oil workers in my family. Grandmother is a geophysicist, father is an oil production operator. I plan to continue it and follow in my grandmother’s footsteps. And although many believe that the oil industry is not a woman’s business, I disagree. Today, representatives of the fair sex can benefit the country and society on an equal basis with men. So why not try yourself as an oil worker?

Vladimir Nesterenko, CEO LLC Bashneft-Polyus:

– Not without pleasure, I note that the oil industry profession has restored its former prestige. Further evidence of this is that our company has a substantial reserve personnel reserve from among the youth. Combining the experience of professionals and the energy of young people, bearers of fresh thoughts and daring ideas, is our corporate policy. By the way, Bashneft-Polyus LLC is one of the youngest enterprises in the Bashneft group of companies. And not only in terms of length of existence, but also in terms of the average age of the team, it is 36 years. I think that a young man – an oil worker – especially stands out against the background of other, perhaps more popular, professions among young men today, such as manager, economist, lawyer. Our profession is for real men, no matter how pathetic it may sound, for competent, professional, mentally and physically resilient. Without these qualities you will not stay in the oil industry for long. And if it’s too long, the length of service has gone, then it’s a rare case when a person changes his activity. Simply put, a driller is unlikely to agree to work as an administrator in a restaurant, even for a higher salary. And a production engineer probably won’t be tempted by a lucrative position in a trading company. This work is for a long time, if not forever. Therefore, I believe that an oil worker is a way of life. And young people standing on the threshold of a professional choice should remember this.

Ksenia Mayakova, student of the Rosneft class at school No. 6:

– Oil workers are moving their country forward. Many countries depend on others precisely because of oil. My mother worked for 24 years as a reservoir technician at a drilling rig. This is probably why I am attracted to the oil industry. The profession of an oil worker has recently been in demand and popular. I also like it because it is related to chemistry and physics, my favorite subjects. Sometimes they scare me that this profession is not for women, there are many difficulties and bad conditions, but I am not afraid of this and I want to become an oil worker.

Dina Streltsova, director of school No. 6 in the village of Iskateley:

– Of course, being an oil worker is a way of life. Many graduates of the Exploration School have devoted their lives to the oil and gas industries. Three years ago, an amazing project was launched at the school - a specialized “Rosneft class”. The guys who come there to study are aimed in advance at entering oil educational institutions and learn about the intricacies future profession. This year, for the first time, one of the graduates of the specialized class, Dmitry Kulak, received a targeted place from RN-Severnaya Neft to study at a Ukhta university. This means that the future specialist will return to the district and work here for the benefit of the region. Many industry enterprises help not only Rosneft-class students, but also the entire school, among them Pechorneftegazprom, Nenets Oil Company, Severgeologodobycha. Many of those who work in these companies today were once our students. And today they are training the future generation of oil workers.

This is interesting

Traces of oil fields discovered in Iraq date back more than 4,000 years. This means that there were oil workers even then. In Moscow, oil was first seen in the 16th century and was called “burning water.” Drilling wells appeared only closer to the middle of the 19th century, and at the same time they began to use them as the main method of oil production. Until 1823, no one knew that oil could be refined and kerosene extracted from it.

Anecdote on topic

A Russian oil worker went on a trip to France. Comes with a group to Paris, walks under Eiffel Tower. The tour guide crucifies: “This is such a height, such a width, it was built then, so much metal was used. Our oil worker can’t stand it and scolds the guide: “Don’t fool people here. Did they find oil or not?”

Municipal educational institution

"Average comprehensive school 2 r. village Dergachi"

Project on:


I've done the work

student 4 "A" class

Lysenko Roman

Project Manager

primary school teacher

Kozel Vera Vladimirovna

2015-2016 academic year


Driver - good
Doctor - good
Pilot - good
And an oil worker is better.
I would go to the oil workers
Let them teach me!

Every person dreams of finding a favorite thing in life that brings joy to himself and benefits people. Therefore, it is so important from early childhood to get acquainted with various professions, to learn about the character qualities that this or that profession requires. This is how the idea of ​​creating this project arose. I want to know more about the oil industry profession, because right choice profession determines the path of life.

What is attractive about a career in the oil industry? High salary, high bonuses, significant benefits package. But it’s not just material rewards that are attractive.

The oil industry is one of the most complex. What does it mean? This means that almost any talented person can find use in it. One word oil worker lies a whole arsenal of professions. The oil industry includes both engineering and economic specialties. These are chemists, mathematicians, drillers, financiers, lawyers, accountants, mechanics, technologists, geologists, power engineers, economists and other various professions.

Target research:

  1. Studying the peculiarities of the oil industry profession;
  2. Formation of the correct concept of the profession “oil worker”.

As part of the main goal, it was necessary to solve the following tasks:

  1. Get to know the oil industry profession and its significance for people;
  2. Collect information about this profession using different sources:

a) what is oil, how is it extracted,

b) features of the profession.

3. Correlate the requirements of the profession with your own characteristics;

4. Learn to collect and process information, analyze literature, summarize facts and draw conclusions;

5. Introduce other guys to the profession of oilman.

Hypothesis: Petroleum engineer is one of the most promising professions.

Stages and organizational work according to research:

  • Preparatory.
  • Defining a list of recommended literature.
  • Setting goals and objectives.
  • Proposing a hypothesis.
  • Studying recommended literature.
  • Writing a paper.
  • Project protection.

Necessary equipment: Internet resources, encyclopedias, dictionaries.

Oil as a mineral.

“Russia has a lot of wealth:

Mines, lakes and mountains,
Steppes, forests.
There are also sea spaces,
Let this be a little modest,

No matter where you wander around the world
Huge reserves of oil -
Only Russia is warm!”

Our country has almost all types of minerals. Minerals are natural mineral formations in earth's crust.

OIL is a flammable oily liquid , Possessing a specific odor, sometimes almost black, very rarely colorless, widespread in the sedimentary shell of the Earth, it is the most important mineral resource.

How did she appear? Scientists believe that it was formed from plants and animals that lived many years ago in the warm waters of the oceans that covered the earth's surface.

Oil is a rock. We are accustomed to the fact that rock is a solid substance that makes up the earth’s crust and the deeper bowels of the earth. It turns out that there are liquid rocks, and even gaseous ones. One of important properties oil - the ability to burn. Industrial alcohol, paraffin, fuel, lubricating oils, technical fat, resins, asphalt and other products are obtained from oil.

Oil has been used by humans for many thousands of years. In ancient times, the Chinese and Egyptians used it as a medicine. Long before our era, oil was used in ancient India for lighting and as fuel.

In ancient times, oil was used for torches, added when making bricks, and it was used to coat baskets and ship bottoms so that they would not let water through.

What is made from oil?

Crude oil is practically not used. It is cleaned and processed.

There is primary and secondary oil refining.

Primary oil refining is distillation, as a result of which petroleum products are separated into their component parts (they are called fractions):

liquefied gas;

gasolines (automotive and aviation),

jet fuel,


diesel fuel (diesel fuel),

fuel oil

The first five types of petroleum products are fuel. And fuel oil is processed to produce:



liquid boiler fuel,


When mixing bitumen with minerals the resulting asphalt (asphalt concrete) is used as a road surface.

Liquid boiler fuel is used to heat houses.

A wide range of lubricants are produced from oil:

lubricating oil;

electrical insulating oil;

hydraulic oil;


cutting fluid;


Oils obtained from petroleum are used to prepare ointments and creams.

The concentrate remaining after oil distillation is called tar. It is used for road and construction surfaces.

Recycling of oil involves changing the structure of its components - hydrocarbons. It provides the raw materials from which:

synthetic rubbers and rubbers;

synthetic fabrics;


polymer films (polyethylene, polypropylene);


solvents, paints and varnishes;





and much more.

Petroleum engineer is one of the most promising professions

According to Society of Petroleum Engineers to ensure peace required quantity Energy requires 38% more petroleum engineers today and in the future.

For engineers, the oil industry has always been a favorable field of activity. Here you will find many different opportunities to realize and develop your technical and personal qualities.

Petroleum engineers are engaged in the search for oil and gas fields, their development and operation, and they are also responsible for the restoration of the area after the completion of drilling operations. They are innovators who use cutting-edge technology to develop new methods for discovering oil and drilling wells. The profession of a petroleum engineer involves many different specializations, but they all serve the same purpose - to provide energy to the world and preserve the environment for future generations.

Some areas of specialization for petroleum engineers are: drilling engineer; process engineer; oil and gas development engineer gas fields; environmental engineer; teacher/professor; consultant; government relations representative; entrepreneur; supervisor.

The work of petroleum engineers is carried out both from the office, with the help of special computer programs, and in the fields. In addition, they often travel to various parts of their country and the world, where they implement a wide variety of projects, one way or another related to their specialization.

The demand for new methods, technologies and sources of energy is constantly growing, and with it the demand for petroleum engineers is also increasing. Many representatives of this profession will soon reach retirement age, which means that young professionals will have a chance for rapid career growth.

In the oil industry, a higher education graduate educational institution offers one of the highest starting salaries. Even aspiring petroleum engineers often receive lucrative positions and significant bonuses.

How much do oil workers earn?

The oil industry in Russia firmly holds second place in terms of wages after banking. The oil industry is not only interesting, it also pays well. Working in the oil industry, you will earn above average. The chart below can give you some idea of ​​the salary structure. But these figures are the average for the hospital. The spread, in fact, from region to region and from company to company is very large.

Well, how were you impressed?

In fact, salaries in the oil industry are much lower. Ask any oil worker you know about this. The fact is that the data in the diagram does not reflect salaries in the subsidiaries of large oil producing companies. Ordinary employees receive an order of magnitude less, but on a national scale, even their “relatively modest” income looks quite decent.

Earn like an oil worker

Psychologists have discovered one very interesting rule. It works like iron. Whatever one may say, there is no getting away from him. A person earns as much as average his inner circle earns. If you want to earn money like an oil worker, become an oil worker! If you want to earn more, become an advanced oil worker!

How to make a career in oil industry?

Make the most of your capabilities!!!

How do people generally make a career in any organization? Success in modern business culture is based on some principles that differ from the generally accepted conventional ideas about fairness. Life, in general, is not a very fair thing.

A common opinion, not without foundation, is: Connections are everything! The All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM) and the HeadHunter company conducted a joint study of the role of connections in building a career. Let's look at the results and, as they say, we shake our heads.

According to the study results, connections helped only 24% of respondents in their careers. How did connections help them? Most of them had connections that helped them get jobs. Good work. Only 11% noted that connections helped them get a promotion.

The main factors in building a successful career were named: quality professional training(37%) and hard work and a lot of patience .

Now a little about the qualities that you should have oil worker by profession. This specialist must have a penchant for technical sciences. But one of the most important qualities is physical endurance and attentiveness. There are also many other skills, for example, mastery of various kinds of tools and so on, but all this depends on the specialization of the oil worker. A good specialist I can even invite you to work abroad.

When working at a well, people in this profession are constantly at risk to their lives. An oil fire can always occur. Working at height for an oil worker is fraught with injury. And the distance from the place of residence is the main disadvantage of this work. The development of this mineral is often carried out at sea, which is even more dangerous to life.


It must be said that I am aware that this topic we have not fully explored. I am sure that in the future, while studying at university, I will continue to study the oil industry.

The world will always need energy. Oil and gas are the most important sources of energy, the demand for which is only growing. Meeting the growing demand for energy is the task of petroleum engineers.

It is the representatives of this profession who determine the future of humanity and actually change the world. Therefore, those who choose a career as a petroleum engineer today have a unique and exciting future ahead of them. I hope I don't miss my chance!

Oil provides heat and light -

There is simply no replacement for her.

They make a lot out of oil:

And asphalt roads

And suits and shirts,

Amazing cups!

Remember how a diesel locomotive

I once took you to the sea...

Oil was burning in its furnaces,

Without oil, what's the matter?

And it’s not for nothing that in our region,

Every oil worker knows this,

They are looking forward to it

They call it black gold.

Gasoline is made from oil
For motorcycles and cars,
Roads are made from oil
Where do our feet go?

Many tons of black gold
They help us work and live
May its supply be bottomless!
You deserved our love!

They won't just give up the oil,
You walk boldly across the planet,
So that there is plenty of kerosene, gasoline, fuel oil
Warm for the elderly and children!

This section contains information about the variety of professions and areas of work in the oil and gas industry that are in demand at Shtokman Development AG.

We hope this information will help those of you who have not yet decided on your future professional path.

We know that you may ask a question related to the needs of the Shtokman Development AG Company for workers and specialists.

What jobs will appear in the future? What kind of education should children choose?

The list of positions will depend on the object-by-object structure, but already now, based on the experience of similar projects, we can talk about some in-demand specialties:

  • gas production operators
  • geologists
  • geophysics
  • process engineers
  • drilling engineers
  • occupational safety specialists
  • repair workers
  • electricians
  • service technicians
  • technical workers

There remains a shortage of blue-collar skills to work at industrial facilities in the Russian labor market!

Career in Oil and Gas

Due to the growing need for mid-level specialists, mastering blue-collar specialties is an excellent starting point for career growth young and enterprising people.


Before you can extract oil or gas, you need to find it. This is exactly what geologists do - exploration of the Earth's interior. This specialty has always been considered very romantic. Just imagine: life in a tent, songs with a guitar, delicious stew for breakfast, lunch and dinner... But not everything is so simple and easy. Geologists work on a rotational basis: for several weeks or months they walk with heavy backpacks across the steppe or taiga - they collect rock samples, draw up maps and diagrams, and upon returning to the base they process the data obtained. This profession is not for the weak. Specialists have to work in all weather conditions, climb mountains, and raft down stormy rivers.


A geophysicist is engaged in seismic exploration. This method is based on the study of the propagation of elastic waves in the earth's crust caused by an explosion or impact. Taking into account the propagation time of these waves and the nature of their oscillations, geophysicists gain an idea of ​​the composition of rocks and the presence of minerals in a particular area. But their work doesn't end there. After the discovery of a deposit, it is necessary to evaluate its reserves and conduct rational development without causing damage to the environment. Geophysicists also deal with all these issues.

For a professional in this field, such qualities as physical endurance, attentiveness, meticulousness, and analytical skills are important.

Drilling Engineer

As you can easily guess from the name, this specialist is responsible for drilling wells. An oil well is a hole in the ground approximately 20 cm in diameter and 2–4 km deep; a pipe is lowered into it, through which oil, gas or other fluids flow upward. Today, the latest achievements of science and technology are used in drilling. But despite this, the Kola record ultra-deep well(12,262 m) has still not been beaten. Engineers of the future have yet to conquer the bowels of the planet. To do this, you need to know mathematics, physics, mechanics, chemistry and other technical sciences well. The responsibilities of a drilling engineer include drawing up a drilling schedule, predicting the results of this process, coordinating work and necessary equipment‚ analysis of data on nearby wells, carrying out calculations for well casing, calculating the risk of well collision, etc.

Occupational Safety Specialist

Oil and gas workers deal with flammable and explosive substances, their work is considered dangerous, so occupational safety specialists in this field are in great demand.

Such employees monitor the implementation officials and by employees of the enterprise, regulations on industrial and environmental safety; plan and carry out measures to prevent injuries and accidents at work, improve working conditions for employees, and preserve their health. They have to conduct accident investigations, conduct established by law reporting, develop local regulations.

It is obvious that a labor protection specialist must not only understand engineering specifics, know the technological process of oil and gas production and refining, but also have developed communication skills and excellent organizational abilities.


Project management in the oil and gas sector is a very complex and responsible job. The manager must organize manufacturing process in such a way that both people and equipment work as efficiently as possible. Due to the fact that oil and gas production is a rather specific industry, project managers here are usually former engineers with a geophysical education.

The manager must know all the stages technological process‚ have experience in participating in tenders, an understanding of document flow and engineering approvals, be able to evaluate the effectiveness of investments, solve problems of production optimization, conduct marketing research.

Process engineer

A process engineer is a specialist who monitors the quality of materials produced and maintains technological documentation. His responsibilities also include the development and implementation of new quality control systems, reporting, and risk analysis.

Depending on the position, a quality process engineer can control both all stages of production and individual aspects. Sometimes you have to go on business trips to check the quality of materials from suppliers.

The personal qualities that this specialist must have are: responsibility, accuracy, diligence, attentiveness.

A leading process engineer for oil and gas production is a specialist who develops requirements and documents for hydrocarbon production systems and methods for lifting them to the surface, creates models of production wells and regulatory technological documentation to optimize production and increase the operating efficiency of all systems of the production complex, improves the development system through complex system geological and technical activities, is responsible for conceptual standards and technological requirements for the completion, development and operation of wells, prepares a program of work aimed at increasing oil production, such as: major repairs wells, well intervention, hydraulic fracturing, acid treatments.

Electrical Engineer

This specialist analyzes and approves the complex electrical work, their optimization, evaluates and develops measures to improve reliability during the design and operation of power equipment, carries out installation, adjustment, maintenance and troubleshooting electrical equipment and ensures the stability of electrical equipment, complies with standards for the operation and safety of electrical equipment.

Required knowledge for an electrical engineer is: technical knowledge in the field of electrical equipment/systems and databases, knowledge and skills in the field of engineering support of electrical projects.

Instrumentation and automation specialist

Such a specialist is responsible for instrumentation and automation when performing multidisciplinary work, installation, configuration, diagnostics (fault detection), repair and maintenance of instrumentation and instruments for measuring process parameters. He also carries out maintenance of instrumentation and automation of the process control system, fire and gas alarm systems and other instrumentation, as well as storing, updating and maintaining statistical data on equipment. He is responsible for ensuring the correct functioning and Maintenance all security systems in accordance with requirements.

Equipment repair mechanic

Mechanics are engaged in servicing mechanical equipment and identifying its malfunctions. They set up new equipment, actively monitor the technical condition of mechanical equipment and systems, and order spare parts if necessary. Conduct functional tests upon commissioning of new building structures, commissioning and transfer of equipment.

And, of course, they ensure the reliability and technical integrity of equipment and systems by applying approved standards, procedures and schedules, and comply with safety precautions when working with equipment.

Oil and gas production operator

Performs operations related to oil and gas production, gas and water injection processes, oil and gas equipment, operation of instruments and vessels high pressure so that it is safe, taking into account security requirements environment, efficient, economical and did not complicate the production process. Operates, maintains and monitors all process and equipment equipment auxiliary works on offshore platform. Manages the operation of wells, monitors the safe condition of wells. Upon conclusion of a safety threat, he independently makes a decision to shut down the well(s). Manages production equipment and devices, process support systems, and corrects process violations. Continuously monitors the status of the security system.


This specialist ensures the safe, efficient and timely completion of the entire range of mechanical equipment maintenance tasks, performs scheduled and unscheduled repairs of rotating equipment, generators, technological equipment and auxiliary systems, carries out scheduled tests and inspections of mechanical equipment, scheduled adjustment of mechanical equipment, monitors the technical condition of mechanical, general plant equipment and systems, carries out troubleshooting, identification of defects and repair of all mechanical equipment.

Industrial Safety Engineer

Of course, at any industrial facility there is always an engineer responsible for industrial safety (IP) and environmental protection (EP). This specialist monitors compliance with the rules industrial safety at production facilities. He's in control correct operation equipment from the point of view of industrial safety. Develops and implements methodologies in the field of industrial safety and environmental protection. Monitors and evaluates the results of environmental work performed. And of course, develops and implements training programs, visual aids, related to the field of safety support at industrial facilities.

The need for clean, safe, affordable energy increases every year. Following the growth in demand, oil production is also growing. You can help achieve the goals of the oil industry. If you want to change this world for the better, love solving complex problems, look for interesting work and strive for financial security - you should seriously think about career in the oil industry.

What is attractive about a career in the oil industry? High salary, high bonuses, significant benefits package. But it’s not just material rewards that are attractive.

The oil industry is one of the most complex. What does it mean? This means that almost any talented person can find use in it. One word oil worker lies a whole arsenal of professions. The oil industry includes both engineering and economic specialties. These are chemists, mathematicians, drillers, financiers, lawyers, accountants, mechanics, technologists, geologists, power engineers, economists and other various professions.

Petroleum engineer is one of the most promising professions

How was this data obtained? The Society of Petroleum Engineers is sending out an invitation to participate in the study to its members. After receiving the questionnaire data, statistical analysis is carried out and a report is compiled. It is understood that the data reflects the salaries of members of the Society of Petroleum Engineers only. And these, as a rule, are already accomplished specialists who occupy important positions in large oil producing companies. After all, membership in the Society of Petroleum Engineers is paid. Therefore, as a rule, they consist of experienced specialists, for whom annual membership fee paid by the employing company.

Earn like an oil worker

Psychologists have identified one very interesting rule. It works like iron. Whatever one may say, there is no getting away from him. A person earns as much as average his inner circle earns. If you want to earn money like an oil worker, become an oil worker! If you want to earn more, become an advanced oil worker!


Make the most of your capabilities

How do people generally make a career in any organization? Success in modern business culture is based on some principles that differ from the generally accepted conventional ideas about fairness. Life, in general, is not a very fair thing.

A common opinion, not without foundation, is: Connections are everything! The All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM) and the HeadHunter company conducted a joint study of the role of connections in building a career. and, as they say, shake your head.

According to the study results, connections helped only 24% of respondents in their careers. How did connections help them? For most of them, their connections helped them get good jobs. Only 11% noted that connections helped them get a promotion.

The main factors in building a successful career were named: quality professional training(37%) and hard work and a lot of patience (32%).

One of the key skills for successful work in a large company is skill to work in team. This requires the ability to interact with the most different people. Here are some tips for working successfully with people from Garrison Wynn in his book The Real Truth about Success:

  • People are more likely to associate with people who listen more than they talk.
  • People are more likely to agree with people who don't make them feel uncomfortable.
  • People value decisions in which they had a role more.
  • People are more likely to avoid complex processes, even if they give the desired result.
  • People are more inclined to choose what is more familiar and convenient to them, regardless of whether it is the best or not.
  • People are more likely to follow a leader who makes them feel important. Such leaders achieve better performance.

But besides all this, the most important thing:

What qualities should a person have to become a successful oil worker?

He must love his profession. A person who enjoys doing what he does can achieve good results in any field of activity.