Prophecies about Russia. Will they come true? Forecasts, predictions, latest news, photos, videos

You can have different attitudes towards prophecies, but still, why is Russia destined for a special role among the clairvoyants and prophets of the whole world? Is it useful to think about these prophecies against the background of the ongoing events of the past 2016 and the coming 2017?

American clairvoyant Danton Brinkie:

“Watch Russia - whatever path Russia goes, the rest of the world will follow it in the same way.”

American clairvoyant Jane Dixon:

“The natural disasters of the early 21st century and all the global disasters caused by them will least affect Russia, and they will affect Russian Siberia even less. Russia will have the opportunity for rapid and powerful development. The hopes of the World and its revival will come precisely from Russia.”

Predictions of the Italian clairvoyant Mavis:

“Russia has a very interesting future, which absolutely no one in the world expects from Russia. It is the Russians who will begin the rebirth of the entire World. And no one can imagine how profound these changes will be throughout the vast world, caused specifically by Russia. In Russia, even the deepest province will come to life, many new cities will appear and grow on the very periphery... Russia will achieve this uniquely high level development, which does not exist now and even by that time not even the most developed state in the world will have... Then all other countries will follow Russia... The previous current Western path of development of earthly civilization will very soon be replaced by a new and specifically Russian path. »

The next two quotes talk about ancient teaching, what the world stood on before the advent of the Abrahamic religions. It is obvious that the essence of this teaching should not be religion, but Knowledge. Knowledge about the evolution and incarnations of the Soul, knowledge about the real laws of the Universe and other levels of reality.

Vanga (1996):

“A new man under the sign of the New Teaching will appear in Russia, and he will rule Russia all his life... The new teaching will come from Russia - this is the oldest and truest teaching - will spread throughout the world and the day will come when all religions in the world will disappear, and their will replace this new philosophical teaching of the Fire Bible.

Socialism will return to Russia new form, in Russia there will be large collective and cooperative agriculture, and the former will be restored again Soviet Union, but the union is already new. Russia will strengthen and grow, no one can stop Russia, there is no force that could break Russia. Russia will sweep away everything in its path, and will not only survive, but will also become the sole and undivided “mistress of the world,” and even America in the 2030s will recognize Russia’s complete superiority. Russia will again become a strong and powerful real empire, and will again be called by its old name ancient name Rus."

“Everything will melt like ice, and only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia. Too much has been sacrificed. No one can stop Russia. She will sweep away everything from her path and will not only survive, but will also become the ruler of the world.”

Prophecy of 1930 by St. Theophan of Poltava:

“Russia will rise from the dead and the whole world will be surprised... The Orthodoxy that was in Russia before will no longer exist, But true faith will not only be reborn, but will also triumph.”

Clairvoyant Edgar Cayce predicted:

“Before the 20th century has time to end, the collapse of communism will occur in the USSR, but Russia, freed from communism, will face not progress, but a very difficult crisis. However, after 2010 the former USSR will be revived, but it will be revived in a new form. It is Russia that will lead the revived civilization of the Earth, and Siberia will become the center of this revival of the whole world. Through Russia, the hope of a lasting and just peace will come to the rest of the world.”

We are all now observing how, step by step, Russia is gaining unquestioned authority in the world. Russia has again become one of the determining forces in world politics. Much has been sacrificed, but more and more more people the world understands that Russia will not deviate from its path.

Russia's biggest secret is its History. And in last years, despite the abundance of contradictory data, an alternative to the official historical dogma is developing. It is already becoming clear to many that Russia is the oldest civilizational core on the planet, that for thousands of years it has been carrying knowledge and culture to all other peoples. It’s not for nothing that the Ural Mountains on ancient maps had the name Hyperborean (by the way, the official rank of chief Orthodox priest It also sounds like this - the patriarch of the Hyperborean countries).

Paracelsus in his writings also connected Russia with Hyperborea.

Paracelsus' prediction:

“A new huge state will appear on the big continent. It will occupy almost half of the Earth. This state will exist for a whole century and this will happen in 400 years..”

Presumably, he wrote this in 1522. If you add 400 to 1522, you get 1922 - the year the USSR was created.

“There is one people that Herodotus calls the Hyperboreans. The current name of this people is Muscovy. Their terrible decline, which will last for many centuries, cannot be trusted. The Hyperboreans experienced both strong decline and enormous prosperity...

Muscovy will rise above all states. Not with her hand, but with her soul she will save the world...

In that very country of the Hyperboreans, which no one ever thought of as a country in which something great could happen, the Great Cross, the Divine Light from the mountain of the country of the Hyperboreans, will shine over the humiliated and rejected, and all the inhabitants of the earth will see it...”

The Golden Age, which will bring happiness to all living things, according to the ancient predictor, will last from 2041 to 2091. Many of us have the chance to participate in its construction.

However, Paracelsus accurately described not only the prosperity of Muscovy, but also the world nuclear war:

The East will rise up against the West, and hundreds of fiery arrows will be released in the East. They will fall and a column of fire will rise. He will burn everything in his path.

People will be covered with deep sores and scabs. Their souls will rise up. The third part will die.

Paracelsus seemed to know the consequences atomic explosions: he wrote colorfully and scaryly about how food and water on Earth would be poisoned. But Russia will save itself and help the whole world to be reborn.

However, some people will be able to escape. And will help them with this ancient people, who lives in Muscovy. In Muscovy, which no one had ever thought of as a country in which something great could happen, great prosperity would shine upon the humiliated and outcast. They will conquer the Sun.

We, living in these difficult times, can only hope that the future will take its toll and the world nuclear war that Paracelsus saw will remain unrealized in our reality.

Addition from readers:

To Rus'

The word “Rus” has another meaning, which I did not read in books, but heard first-hand from a living person. In the north, behind the forests, behind the swamps, there are villages where old people speak the old way. Almost the same as a thousand years ago. I lived quietly in such a village and caught ancient words.

My mistress Anna Ivanovna once brought a pot with a red flower into the hut. He says, and his voice trembles with joy:
- The flower was dying. I brought it to Rus' - and it blossomed!
- To Rus'? - I gasped.
“To Rus',” the hostess confirmed.
- To Rus'?!
- To Rus'.

I’m silent, I’m afraid that the word will be forgotten, will fly away, and it’s gone, the hostess will refuse it. Or did I hear it? You need to write down the word. He took out a pencil and paper. For the third time I ask:

To Rus'?..

The hostess did not answer, she pursed her lips and was offended. How many times can you ask? There are no two masses for the deaf. But I saw the sadness on my face and realized that I was not mocking, but that I needed this word for business. And the hostess answered as she sang:

To Rus', Sokolik, to Rus'. To the very best, Rus'.

I ask more cautiously:
- Anna Ivanovna, won’t you be offended at me for being importunate? I want to ask.
“I won’t,” she promises.
- What is Rus'?

Before she even had time to open her mouth, the owner Nikolai Vasilyevich, who was silently warming himself on the stove, suddenly barked:
- Bright place!

The hostess grabbed her heart from his barking.
- Oh, how you scared me, Nikolai Vasilyevich! You're sick, and you don't have a voice... It turns out that you have a voice.

And she explained honor to me:
- We call Russia a bright place. Where is the sun? Yes, everything is bright, read it, that’s what we call it. Brown guy. Brown girl. Brown rye is ripe. It's time to clean up. Haven't you ever heard of it?

Stanislav Timofeevich Romanovsky (1931-1996)


Predictions and prophecies: New predictions of Nostradamus: ISIS, the collapse of the USA and the End of the World. The name of Nostradamus is on everyone's lips again. The events he wrote about in the distant past are beginning to come true today.

Back in the 1550s, he spoke about the creation in a few centuries in the Middle East of a certain Islamic state, which, starting with the murder of millions of people, the destruction of the achievements of civilization and ruin, would go to war with neighboring countries, becoming an evil empire.


Scientists, historians and interpreters of prophecies are sure: Nostradamus had in mind ISIS (Islamic State), which is banned in Russia. This unrecognized state, founded by terrorists, operates primarily in Syria and Iraq.

ISIS militants conduct terrorist activities in some other countries, publicly execute captured hostages almost every month, and destroy museums and architectural monuments.

Undoubtedly, this, like many other interpretations of Nostradamus’s prophecies, can be called inaccurate, because in his quatrains he did not indicate dates, geographical names and names. All the predictions of the medieval alchemist and soothsayer were brought to us in the versions of the interpreters, and here much depends on their knowledge and imagination.

The percentage of inaccuracies is quite large, but even so the statistics are amazing: Nostradamus today is the only seer in history whose predictions came true at least 80%.

Not a single prophet could achieve such a result; the famous Bulgarian Vanga, according to researchers, had only 62% of his predictions come true, Wolf Messing - 48%, the famous Edward Casey - 35%, and the rest even less.

Time will tell whether the remaining 20% ​​of Nostradamus's predictions will come true, but for now let's remember the most famous of them.


Michel de Nostredame, also known as Nostradamus, is a French physician, BA, PhD. He was fond of astrology and at first calculated possible events depending on the location of the planets, and later he began to receive visions of pictures from the future, which he wrote down.

Over time, he so deeply believed that he had this gift from God and that he was the chosen one who was destined to open the veil that hides the future before humanity, that he began to publish an astrological almanac - a yearbook with predictions by month.

The project turned out to be incredibly successful, Nostradamus gained admirers and, as they would say these days, sponsors who offered to publish his works in book form. This is how his famous “Prophecies” appeared - a series of books consisting of quatrains - quatrains with predictions.

The first book in the series, called Centuries, contained 353 prophetic quatrains. The second included 288 quatrains and several unnumbered addresses to descendants. The third book (942 quatrains and 7 unfinished ones), the only one completely preserved to this day, is dated 1568, that is, it was published 2 years after the death of Nostradamus.

Even during Nostradamus’s lifetime, there were many skeptics who did not trust him. He became a national hero after he risked publishing in his almanac a prediction of the death of the French king Henry II.

When the monarch died unexpectedly at a tournament in 1559, no one doubted the prophetic gift of Nostradamus.

Moreover, the wife of the deceased, Catherine de Medici, showed interest in the astrologer. According to historians, he became her personal predictor, and soon received the status of a court healer and astrologer. True, not for long - two years later he died of gout.

Not only the third remained unfinished, but also many of its drafts, which are still passed from hand to hand by collectors. The most interesting thing is that in all the works of the predictor that have survived to this day, only one date is clearly mentioned - 2035, which he designated as the “end of times.”

By the way, this gave Nostradamus admirers confidence that in 2012, when everyone was expecting the end of the world according to the Mayan calendar, there would be no apocalypse.

Anyone who encounters the works of Nostradamus has a question: why was it necessary to give such confusing prophecies and write figuratively? Firstly, Nostradamus feared the Inquisition, which mercilessly dealt with various kinds sorcerers. Secondly, he was sincerely concerned about mental state those who will read his works.

Here is what he himself wrote about it: “I chose the path of predicting the future, capable of perplexing everyone, in encrypted form. I also did this because I noticed the effect that predictions have on people if they come true”...

The fulfilled predictions of Nostradamus have repeatedly surprised people and panic fear- because of incredible coincidences. Thus, he predicted the discovery of America, the Indian Wars, the Parisian Revolution, the beginning of the First and Second World Wars, the discovery of the planet Neptune and many other important events.

For example, the birth of Napoleon and the bloody wars that broke out under him looks like this in Nostradamus:

An emperor will be born not far from Italy,
Which will cost the kingdom dearly.
They will say, seeing what kind of people he enters into an alliance with,
That he is more of a butcher than a prince.

And here is another quatrain:

Somewhere in Western Europe the child will be born into a family of poor people.
He will captivate many with his speeches, and his fame will reach the eastern lands.
Fierce hungry beasts will cross the rivers,
And most of the world will fight against Heaster.

Interpreters believe that this quatrain also predicts the appearance of Hitler. Later, he would write a lot about him and about fascism, as a result of which his books were persecuted in Nazi Germany - for reading the books of a medieval predictor, Hitler was sent to prison on personal orders.

The heavenly arrow will extend the wing of death: a great conquest.
A proud people will be struck down by a stone thrown from a tree.
Rumors of something monstrous created by man,
Will lead to extermination.

It is believed that the astrologer here is talking about an event that happened in August 1945 - the United States dropped two atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Historians claim that this tragedy marked the end of World War II. "A stone thrown from a tree" could be a description of the atomic mushrooms in the sky above the city.

And the Great Fire of London was described in quatrains as follows:

The blood of the innocent will be demanded by London.
The old lady will fall from the heights of her throne,
And many palaces will be destroyed.

The tragedy that occurred on September 2, 1666, when a huge fire, which could not be extinguished for three days, almost completely destroyed the city.

Misfortune will fall on the great one from the rooftop.
An innocent person will be accused of this and killed.

Historians are sure that we are talking about the assassination of John F. Kennedy, which was committed “from a great height.” The bullet that pierced Kennedy's head was fired from the roof. The man who was accused of murder, Lee Harvey Oswald, did not live to see his trial. He was killed while in police custody.

When the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 occurred in New York, interpretations were immediately found for two quatrains from the first book of Nostradamus:

The earth, shaking off fire from its center,
Will tremble around the New City.
Two big rocks will collapse,
Then Arethusa will stain the new river.

At 45 degrees the sky will light up, the flames will reach the great new city,
Immediately a huge flame rises.
A cold and cruel heart will bring blood.
There will be no mercy for anyone.

Planes hijacked by terrorists crashed into the twin towers of the World War II shopping center in NYC. But the most interesting thing is the seemingly small detail about “45 degrees” - it is at this latitude that New York is located...


The most authoritative interpreter, whose books have been published in 18 languages, is considered to be the American astrologer Hoag John. He recently made some surprising predictions. He calculated that the events that, according to Nostradamus, will lead to the end of the world in 2035, have already begun to develop over two decades, and 2015 can be considered fatal.

“At the end of 2015, Nostradamus predicted a major eruption of Mount Vesuvius, which would seriously shake Italy and a number of other countries,” says Hoag John. “But much more terrible events will occur in the period before the summer of 2016 in America (it is not yet clear which one) - as a result of a strong earthquake and displacement of the soil, half of the country will go under water, and a serious humanitarian crisis will begin on the continent.”

In general, Nostradamus clearly indicates that the United States is headed for collapse. “The East will be mired in war, America will be like a desert,” he writes.

But “Western society” will experience short-lived prosperity. “Taxes will be abolished, great discoveries will be made in science, including the discovery of the elixir of longevity, but humanity will no longer have to use it.”

The most famous Russian interpreter, doctor historical sciences Eduard Berzin also mentions the elixir of longevity in his book: “Nostradamus seems to say with a grin: an elixir will be created that will extend life to 100-200 years, but no one will need it - people will die young because of the heavenly body.” The sun will come so close to the Earth that it will destroy most of humanity.

In Berzin’s interpretations there is also incredible facts: for example, Nostradamus called the first harbinger of the approaching apocalypse the discovery of cures for seemingly incurable diseases (and recently, as we know, a cure for AIDS and a vaccine for Ebola fever were successfully tested) and unusual discoveries - for example, people will learn to understand the language of animals.

Around 2017 (according to researchers) will be fatal for the inhabitants of Africa - they will die in thousands from hunger, and over time the continent will be almost completely empty. Also in 2017, the war of East against West will begin, in which chemical weapons will be used for the first time, which will lead to previously unknown forms of skin diseases.

In 2020, a new world leader, China, will emerge and become the strongest power. New sources of energy associated with sound will be discovered. In 2024, active exploration of underwater spaces will begin. Fuel obtained from water will be more valuable than fuel extracted from the bowels of the Earth.

From 2035, the Earth will begin to become covered with ice, and the end of times will come.

However, the end of the world may not be. Salvation is in the Messiah - the messenger of God. At the time of the supposed apocalypse, according to Nostradamus, he will be 20 years old, and it will be in his power to preserve life on Earth. Therefore, he has already been born or will be born before the end of 2015, reports

The latest predictions about Ukraine are becoming especially popular in Lately. Few people remain indifferent to the bloody events civil war, which is being conducted in the southeast of the country by forces Ukrainian army on the one hand and the Donbass militia on the other. Political analysts and prominent figures make their forecasts about the course of this war, but due to the bias of the media on both sides, they are becoming increasingly difficult to trust. The latest predictions about Ukraine will help lift the veil of secrecy about the future, refute or confirm our doubts.

Latest predictions about Ukraine: the death of the junta

New predictions about Ukraine were made for us by the popular clairvoyant Vera Lyon. For the accuracy of her predictions, she was nicknamed the Kazakh Vanga. Previously, Vera Lyon predicted the speedy death of the Ukrainian opposition elite, in particular, Yulia Tymoshenko and Vitali Klitschko.

  • For Tymoshenko, she foretells death in the chains of a killer when her atrocities become known - the soothsayer saw her with corpses in her arms and covered in blood, and next to her was the Angel of Death, chaining her in heavy long chains.
  • Vitali Klitschko, according to Vera Lyon, should crash in the near future in a car accident, having previously experienced public disgrace. It is not entirely clear whether his illogical and meaningless statements as mayor of Kyiv, which make the whole world suspect him of deviations in the field of speech abilities, can be considered such a shame - the prediction does not say anything concrete about this.
  • Vera Lyon predicted the death of Alexander Muzychko, and this prediction came true down to the smallest detail. She said she saw him dead, bleeding, surrounded by his own people on the snow or a surface resembling snow.

Sashko Bily was indeed shot dead in the spring; according to one version, it was a contract killing on the orders of Avakov, that is, he could have been shot by his own comrades.

The latest predictions of the famous Vera Lyon about Ukraine

The latest predictions about Ukraine by Vera Lyon say:

  1. The new president of Novorossiya will be the Lion Tsar. This will be a young politician, a man. What exactly “lion” means, the prophetess cannot clarify. Perhaps this is his zodiac sign, or maybe some sign on his clothes or another symbol.
  2. Kolomoisky is actually alive. Vera Lyon flatly refuses to believe the media, which regularly publish recordings of his telephone conversations with other participants in the events. She claims that very little time will pass. And the world will know that this is all a deception, and will understand why all this was invented.
  3. Vera Lyon saw that referendums on federalization would be held in several more parts of the country, most likely in Kharkov and Odessa.
  4. Vera Lyon is concerned about the issue that the Ukrainian media are promoting “their” fortuneteller, and according to her, this is a hoax and none of the predictions of the Ukrainian Vanga will come true.

Believe it or not latest predictions about Ukraine, the issue is controversial. Some of them may seem absurd, but before the armed coup took place in Ukraine and power passed into the hands of the opposition, no one could have imagined that events could unfold so tragically. No one except clairvoyants, and this is a reason for thought.

Abel's predictions and prophecies tell about the future of humanity and Russia and have excited the minds of people for three centuries. Let's look at what the famous monk told the world about.

Abel was born into an ordinary peasant family, even before the abolition of serfdom - at the beginning of 1757. He remained unknown until the age of 39, and then he met General Samoilov, which influenced the development of the monk as a predictor.

Also in early years Abel had already begun to write his prophecies. He set out predictions in his written works, for which he was repeatedly prosecuted. Most During his youth and maturity, the monk was not in a quiet cell, but in prisons because of his attempts to convey his truth to people.

At the age of 39, I met General Samoilov, and he asked what the seer was prophesying. Abel said that “on the night of November 6, the empress will die.” Shocked by the prediction, the general ordered the monk to be sent to the Peter and Paul Prison.

However, the prediction came true; he took the place of the empress and ordered the release of all prisoners from prison. So Abel received freedom, and the fame of his predictions spread throughout Russia. The new emperor himself wanted to see the fortuneteller and kissed him for the fulfilled prophecy.

Paul asked the monk to give a forecast about his fate in the near future, but Abel did not answer. He continued his service in the Nevsky Monastery under the leadership of a fair and intelligent abbot. A year later, the soothsayer was sent to serve God in another monastery because he predicted the time of death for other monks and “invented fables.”

So that Abel stops, according to the ruler Russian state, “doing nonsense,” he was transferred to the Valaam monastery with very strict conditions of service. But this did not stop the soothsayer from writing the first handwritten version“The Terrible Scary Book” with new frightening prophecies. This book was read by the Metropolitan and the secret chamber, after which the seer was again sent to Peter and Paul Fortress in prison.

Prophecies for the head of state

The emperor himself paid a visit to the seer in the company of his favorite. Witnesses of the event claim that before the conversation with Abel, the emperor and his companion were cheerful, but afterward they came out scared and frowning, the girl was crying.

The night after his conversation with the seer, Pavel could not sleep for a long time. He wrote a message with the message “Reveal to the heir to the throne no earlier than on the hundredth day from the minute of my death.” From that moment on, some oddities began to be noticed in the emperor's behavior. He was either in a state of thoughtfulness, or moping, or afraid of something.

This was due to the fact that Abel predicted Paul’s premature tragic death, which later came true - the emperor was killed as a result of a conspiracy by his heir in 1801.

New prophecies of Abel

Here are the well-known prophecies of the seer that have come true and have not yet come true:

  • He predicted the execution of Nicholas in 1918 and the death of the Romanov dynasty
  • The prophecy about the reign of Boris Yeltsin, the resignation of the president and the rise to power of Vladimir Putin came true
  • Abel predicted that “a second, giant titan” would come to power. During the reign of this man, the country will be at a loss, and many troubles will befall Russia. But after that, a new “man of short” stature will ascend to the throne, who will ascend to the throne three times and set the state on the path of economic development
  • In the 21st century, Russia faces many difficulties - this is a period huge trials for the Russian people. A man will come to power who will hold on to his chair with all his might.
  • Abel believed that 2024 would be a special time for Russia. At this time, the “blessed king” will ascend to the throne, and from this moment the country will develop by leaps and bounds, and the lives of citizens will improve
  • But immediately after, the “Great Potter” will come to the top of power, who will deal with the country’s enemies and lead the state out of the crisis period, turning Russia into a great power

The prophecies about Gorbachev and Zyuganov came true. Of course, the prophet did not name names, but in his descriptions one can easily discern the image of these rulers. Most of Abel's predictions came true, which makes it possible to trust his opinion and listen to him.

Watch the video with Abel's prophecies:

Apocalypse predictions

The most recent prophecies of the famous seer date back to 2892. He argued that during this period the real end of the world would come. Researchers are inclined to believe that the predictions are about the reign of the Antichrist.

In the texts of the prophecies, Abel spoke of darkness into which the earth would plunge for a whole millennium. The monk argued that humanity would lose its mind and become an easily controlled herd.

After a millennium, the dead will rise, and the living will change radically. Believers will be given immortal life, and sinners will go to purgatory. Thus, everyone will receive according to their actions and merits.

It is noteworthy that some of the prophecies are kept by the country's security service, including the predictions of Abel.

Many of the monk’s prophecies have already come true, and the rest are quite similar to the truth. Therefore, there is every reason to believe in them.

You know, we live in amazing times! Nowadays there is so much information around that it is sometimes difficult to understand it if you do not have some guidelines. The matter is aggravated by yet another escalation in international rhetoric. To the common man I don't want to watch the news. There, no matter what they say, almost everything is scary. However, there are other sources that many recognize as their own reference points. This refers to the predictions of seers about the future. Agree, they may well become bridges along which consciousness can calmly cross over the raging information hurricane. Let's look at what prophecy about Russia can become a support for us, help us get through difficult times, strengthen our faith in happiness, if not for us, then for children - for sure.

Multiplicity of predictions

It should be noted that Russia was discussed more than once. Books have been written and research is being conducted on predictions. Films are made, people themselves try to convey prophecies to others, analyze, study, compare. All this is then released to the public. The most interesting is the prophecy about Russia, part of which has already come true. Agree, after all, clairvoyants lived hundreds of years before our time. And their visions did not only belong to the twenty-first century. So, many of their prophecies can be considered fulfilled.

Let's take Vanga. She loved Russia and spoke about it with pleasure and with some special trepidation. Among the published visions there is one that concerned the Kursk. If you watched a film about this witch, you probably remember: everyone thought that she was talking about the city, and the disaster happened with a submarine. Vanga's prophecy about Russia is considered one of the most popular. People love to listen and read positive information. Let's take a closer look at the predictions of the Bulgarian sorceress.

Vanga: prophecy about Russia

We should start with recent affairs (in relation to eternity). Around the eighties of the last century, Vanga had to answer the question about the likelihood of the Third World War. Her words came unexpectedly and were not understood. She literally said the following: “Syria has not fallen yet.” In those days, nothing foreshadowed trouble for this prosperous country, just like the USSR. However, now we see the importance of Syria for global security. Many are waiting for news about the vicissitudes of the war in this country and are worried about Assad. Let us remember that about thirty years have passed since the seer predicted this situation. However, let's return to Russia. The Bulgarian clairvoyant considered her a future stronghold of peace. Vanga's prophecy about Russia is filled with unprecedented warmth and pride. She said that it was this country that would give the world hope in the most terrible times. Here an idea will be born that will eventually be accepted by all peoples.

How Vanga saw Russia

The seer predicted many troubles for our world. She believed that people would wallow in sin. Russia will be the first to cleanse itself. A new philosophical doctrine will arise on its territory. It will spread throughout the planet, leading people to light and peace. Other religions will gradually disappear. It is important that, according to Vanga, this is already happening! This was said in 1979. The seer named the exact date, in twenty years! That is, we are already in new reality. And of course, the most famous is the mysterious phrase about the glory of Russia and Vladimir. It will never fade, nothing will stop the greatness of this country. Russia will be the spiritual leader of the whole world. And the current hegemon - America - will bow to her. In addition, already in those days the seer knew about the collapse of the USSR, which occurred much later. She repeated that the Slavs would unite again in a new capacity. She also wanted her beloved Bulgaria to join this great union and become part of a prosperous world.

However, the seer warned that the “golden age” would have to be paid dearly. Many sacrifices will be made, she repeated. But nothing can break Russia and stop it. There are also strange words in the film that many did not understand at the time. Vanga said that in Russia “the dead will stand next to the living.” Experts gave them a certain abstract meaning and could not explain what the clairvoyant meant. The event that Vanga spoke about happened before our eyes! There is no doubt that the seer had in mind the “Immortal Regiment” action, when, in response to Western aggression, the people demonstrated the much-needed social cohesion and devotion to their great ancestors. The strength of spirit of all generations of Russians was awakened by this action. Vanga could not describe it in more detail, or maybe she did not see the details. But the essence of the event was conveyed completely.

Messing's prophecies about Russia

To our deep regret, this clairvoyant did not like to reveal the secrets of the future. He, as his contemporaries testify, tried to limit himself to answering specific questions. What brought him fame was what he called exact dates the beginning and end of the Second World War. However, it cannot be said that he was not at all interested in future events. He kept diaries in which he recorded visions. After Messing's death they were confiscated. And now the contents of the manuscripts are kept classified as “secret”.

Messing's well-known prophecies about Russia are that the country will become stronger and freer only after the collapse of the USSR. We have all already experienced this together. Therefore, we can expect the situation to improve. Messing devoted a lot of time to ordinary people. He talked with them with pleasure and tried to help reveal very specific personal questions and secrets. That is, he devoted himself to serving the people. By the way, the clairvoyant considered his abilities to be the most ordinary. He claimed that everyone has one of these. People just don't develop them.

Elders about Russia

You know, there are special people among believers. Through prayer and fasting they achieve an extraordinary state. Information about the future comes to them. Sometimes they share it with their contemporaries. They write down the prophecies of the elders.

A lot has been said about the future of Russia. The main thing is that the people of this country need to remember their faith in God. It is in spirituality that the revival of the Russian state lies. Let us note that the prophecies of the elders about the future of Russia are ambiguous. Matthew of Vresfensky said that the country would be reborn and begin to grow stronger. However, almost the whole world will take up arms against her. The elder foresaw big war. It will begin in Yugoslavia (it has already happened) and will claim billions of lives. Russia will endure everything and create a “just kingdom.” It will unite other countries around itself, but will not conquer them.

Other prophecies of the elders about Russia are not so optimistic from the point of view of modern man. The fact is that they believed in the end of the world. That's what they were talking about. But before the end of times, Russia is destined to be reborn. It will become the main state on the planet. Elder Vladislav (Shumov) predicts war with China and Germany. And this will happen at the same time. Everything will be on fire, but Russia will survive. It is interesting that the Chinese who come to the country will become Orthodox.

Troubles predicted for Russia

Not everything in clairvoyant visions is as magnificent as we would like. The prophecies of the elders about the future of Russia contain information about troubles and troubles. In addition to wars, they predict climate and ecological disasters. Thus, Lavrenty Chernigovsky back in the forties of the last century said that people would have to endure a long period of schisms and heresy. But faith will live in a few. They will lead Russia to the light. She will be reborn through the cares of the Queen of Heaven.

Many prophecies of the elders about Russia speak of the revival of the monarchy. They believed that the country should be led by a person appointed by the Lord himself, that is, God’s anointed. This will be a very strong and honest person. He will revive Orthodoxy, because sincere faith burns in his soul. The people will love and trust him. This is how the elders saw the future of Russia.


The French astrologer left many manuscripts in which he talked about his visions. Some quatrains tell about the fate of Russia. He called it the new Babylon.

By the way, Nostradamus’s prophecies about Russia have been time-tested. Some of them have already come true. For example, execution royal family and the rise to leadership of Stalin. Nostradamus also spoke about the greatness of Russia. He believed that the people would become one Messiah. Under the leadership of Russia, the whole world “will go to beat the robbers.” This is how his quatrains are translated.

Researchers believe that such events are already beginning. Nostradamus based his predictions on chronological order. If you believe his quatrains, then Russia’s heyday began in 2014. Further, no tests will be able to break or destroy her. The prophecy about Russia by Nostradamus is considered one of the most popular. Interestingly, an astrologer in the sixteenth century predicted the development of humanity for thousands of years to come. He saw the fall of empires and the pain of nations. His quatrains contain information about the cessation and emergence of dynasties. He considered Russia to be the country that would bring prosperity to the world. He said that here they could overcome aggressiveness and build a fair order. And the whole world will follow Russia.

It must be said that many of the seer’s quatrains have already been deciphered. It was recognized that his predictions reflected events that had occurred. Therefore, attention to the works of Nostradamus does not wane. It is studied constantly. He is rightfully considered one of the most popular predictors and mysterious personalities.

Paisiy Svyatogorets

The elder who lived in Greece was practically our contemporary. His words are listened to mainly among sincere believers. Paisiy Svyatogorets gave a lot of soul strength for the revival of Orthodoxy. He collected prophecies about Russia in a book. It says that the country will have to fight. The arena of action will be the Middle East. The forces of China, Russia and Europe will clash here. According to the Elder, Türkiye will disappear from the map. The people here will convert to Orthodoxy. He also spoke a lot about the role of the Jews, who will suffer the deserved punishment.

We will not say that the Elder’s predictions are the most popular. However, they agree with the visions of other clairvoyants that Russia needs to strengthen its spirit and faith in the Lord. Only the strong will win and drive away evil from the earth. And there will be no one except Russia to do this. This is what Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets thought. Prophecies about Russia sounded from different corners planets and times. It should be noted that their popularity depends on the audience. But there are also predictions that have become known to everyone.

Seraphim Vyritsky

This Elder, who lived at the beginning of the last century, saw a lot of suffering in the future of Russia. He grieved that godlessness would descend on the earth and warned others about this. “You need to pray, renouncing sin,” said Seraphim Vyritsky.

The prophecies about Russia made by him were of a spiritual nature. The elder believed that only patience would save the people. The Lord himself will have mercy on him, then the country will experience an unprecedented dawn. But before that you will have to endure a lot of things. By the way, Seraphim Vyritsky made prophecies about Russia during conversations with ordinary people who came to him for a blessing. So, in 1939, he did not order one visitor to get married. He predicted great war, which is what actually happened. He gave many more pieces of advice to parishioners. And he invariably repeated that the glory of the country lies in the patience of its people. Suffering will strengthen the spirit and allow it to overcome all devilish temptations and persecutions. Many prophecies of saints about Russia were devoted to this topic. They all saw the difficult times ahead. This refers to wars, revolutions, and perestroika. However, their confidence that the people would be able not to lose faith and their common soul was unchanged and firm.

About hard times

You know, many prophecies about the future of Russia are associated with the decline of spirituality. The clairvoyants saw this as a great sin of the people. As we now see for ourselves, the country has had a hard time in the last century. The perspicacious Elders saw this.

Orthodox prophecies about Russia are connected precisely with the fact that people will turn away from the church and become atheists. Seraphim of Sarov said that few believers would remain, then great troubles would fall on these lands. He predicted: “The angels will not have time to receive the souls of the dead.” This has already been fulfilled and concerned the revolution and the Great Patriotic War.

The Elder was also confident that Russia would face a revival. She will become the greatest power on the planet, uniting all the Slavs. Matrona of Moscow saw the future in approximately the same way. She spoke of those times when one would have to choose between the material and the spiritual. But the Lord will not leave this land, she repeated.

If we analyze all the prophecies about the future of Russia, we will come to the conclusion that through suffering the people will earn that “golden age” that some clairvoyants talk about. They selected words and images according to the period in which they lived. Consequently, they have to be deciphered for the modern reader. But the meaning is clear. First, Russia will come to greatness through suffering. Secondly, and more importantly, the approach of this happy time depends on people. Literally from everyone. You need to work with your soul, rejecting temptations, cultivating faith and perseverance in yourself. They will not contradict such an idea and Athonite prophecies About Russia.

So, relatively recently, Schema-Archimandrite Stefan said that a difficult fate awaits the United States. This country is destined to completely collapse. Russia and Serbia will embrace its residents. No one else will find the strength to show compassion for these people. For this, the Lord will reward Russia.


It should be noted that the described prophecies for the most part relate not to the distant and foggy future, but to our present time. Right now is the moment when Russia is at a fork in the road. Remember, like in a fairy tale: a young man stood in front of a stone and thought about where to go next. So are the people of Russia. It is no longer time to look for prophecies. They now need to be fulfilled. And in this matter, the strength of every citizen who considers himself a resident of this country is needed. Souls will unite into a monolith, and that great people about which the seer and the Holy Elders spoke will be born. Just not on his own. The reader also needs to take part in this, and everyone around him. We are the ones who will fulfill the prophecies or perish along with the country.